ࡱ>    !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345Root EntryZ O2jͯ6CONTENTS fCompObjVSPELLINGarsicano, G., et al., The endogenous cannabinoid system controls extinction of aversive memories. Nature, Vol. 418/1 August 2002. 530-534. Personal Correspondence OMMP Patient 161570 M. W. 1/31/09 D. W. 2/03/09 D. P. 2/07/09 W. H. 2/08/09 J. C. 2/13/09 B. H. 2/22/09 D. N. 2/22/09 J. 2/25/09 B. B. 2/28/09 S. 2/28/09 C. M. 3/02/09 J. S. 3/09/09 T. D. 3/11/09 K. S. 3/20/09 G. T. ? A.I. 3/11/09 . Severe Anxiety Severe Anxiety Research Studies Agitation Agitation Research Studies Personal Correspondence M. Tina, Bipolar and Medicinal Marijuana. (2006) Insomnia Insomnia Research Studies Russo, E., et al., Cannabis, Pain and Sleep: Lessons from Therapeutic Clinical Trials of Sativex, a Cannabis-Based Medicine. Chemistry and Biodiversity, Vol. 4, 2007. 1729=1743. Act, as follows: This petition is subject to OAR 333-008-0090, and for that reason, =PR$xt v x      > @ p  , 0 Jrt8:zz(2"'( X- 0Z ,2"'( ) @S 34"5% 4"5%*4"5%N:^`(*RT|~TVXZnprHJ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~4"5% 4"5% HLNPCHNKWKS fdTEXTTEXTPFDPPFDPPFDPPFDPPFDPPFDPPFDPCFDPCFDPCFDPC FDPCFDPC"STSHSTSH$xSTSHSTSHx$SYIDSYIDB&0SGP SGP r&INK INK v&BTEPPLC z&(BTECPLC &(FONTFONT&BMKTPLC ^'FEOBJPLC 'TOKNPLC <(4TOKNPLC (` W. H. THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH SERVICES  OREGON MEDICAL MARIJUANA PROGRAM In the Matter of the Petition of Edward Glick, ) to add Clinical Depression, Depressive ) Symptoms, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ) EDWARD GLICK S PETITION (PTSD), Severe Anxiety, Agitation and ) PURSUANT TO ORS 475.334 Insomnia, to Those Diseases and Conditions ) Which Qualify as  Debilitating Medical ) Conditions under the Oregon Medical ) Marijuana Act ) TO: Grant Higginson, MD, MPH, Administrator, Office of Community Health and Health Planning Petitioner Edward Glick, petitions the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program to add Clinical Depression, Depressive Symptoms, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Severe Anxiety, Agitation and Insomnia to Those Diseases and Conditions Which Qualify as  Debilitating Medical Conditions under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, as follows: This petition is subject to OAR 333-008-0090, and for that reason, petitioner submits the following new scientific research in support of adding each of these conditions. This additional research submission is in addition to research submitted in January, 2009. Page # Edward Glick s Petition Pursuant To ORS 475.334 # PROPOSED CONDITION NEW SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Clinical Depression and Depressive Symptoms Depression/Depressive Symptoms Research Studies Fride, E., Russo, E., Neuropsychiatry: Schizophrenia, Depression, and Anxiety, in Endocannabinoids, The Brain and Body s Marijuana and Beyond. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton FL, 2006. 371-382. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Hohmann, A., et al., An endocannabinoid mechanism for stress-induced analgesia. Nature, Vol. 435/23 June 2005. 1108-1112. 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