Reports from the Front-Lines

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Action Ideas & Items:

HIST - Some things that have been done or are in progress, ideas for the future-

- voter pamphlets statements in to the Secretary of State
Congratulations to John and everyone who volunteered time and donated money. Whew. That was a lot of work.
-Thanks to all the volunteers who have helped on M33 in general. BUT - We really need more volunteers to call Voter Power at 503-224-3051 or visit: to pitch in with the campaign.
-an interview on a Medford radio station,
-a 1/2 hour show on KBOO (Portland),
-spoke with the Bend Bulletin editorial board (most questions were about 20% going to indigent patients).

Ongoing Action Items and WORKs-IN-PROGRESS:
-speak to the Oregonian edictorial board.
-speaking with Zack Dundas, the Willamette Week writer.
- setting up TV Ads. filmed patients and Dr. Bayer for TV ads. Everyone was great. Ken Brown was awesome. I hope the edited images distilled down to 30 seconds have some fraction of the power his answers had in his room. Some TV ads were done yesterday. Some will be done today. We are making progress.
-Keep the LTEs going and thanks to everyone for the tips. Remember the LTEs are one of the most read sections of the paper and at the least should result in some "free media advertising". We can't have too much good free media advertising so everyone who gets a letter published is making a big contribution to the campaign. A lot of well-written LTEs could even win this thing for us, if it is close.

What do we need for the campaign

1) More volunteer help around the office. Just come on by. There are always packets to put together, phoning to do, errands to run, and lots of other jobs. Please don't wait for a fancy invitation. Just come by and do some work.

2) We now are set up to take donations by Pay pal on the website so please start linking to this site from your webistes etc.

3) We need more people to hit public events giving out fliers and free bumper stickers. Just having the public see good looking presentable patients out there talking medical marijuana is a big help. We have already distributed a few thousand bumper stickers at the State Fair and at some Portland events. Lets do a lot more.

4) We are struggling to get the next issue of the Marijuana Report out. Any writing, photography, cartoons, graphics, or other help would be greatly appreciated. When we publish in a week or two we will need all hands on deck to distribute 100,000 copies to supporters and swing voters.

5) We need to start competing with Kerry in SE Portland on lawn signs. Lets make Yes on 33 the mainstream winning position.

6) Listen to talk radio and start calling in. Visit local media websites that have forums and start talking about Measure 33.

Sandee Burbank

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