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Welcome to the MERCY Index page for M33. 

An index and entry point for M33 stuff.

  About this page ...

We support the use of marijuana for medical purposes.  It is the humane thing to do.  Measure 33 would improve our existing medical marijuana law by providing easier access to the drug.  As the law stands now, patients are forced to grow their own medicine or rely on a "caregiver" to grow it for them.  We don't force people to brew their own Morphine when they are in pain.  If we are going to take seriously the use of marijuana as medicine, then we must allow those in need to purchase the drugs from a convenient dispensary.  We must also allow patients to have enough of the medicine so that it can be maximally effective.   Measure 33 would do all of this.

Do not believe the fear mongers.  This measure will strengthen, not weaken, our medical marijuana law.  This measure will not result in de facto legalization.  This measure will not create rampant drug use.  This measure will not break the bank or cause the feds to lock up all Oregonians.  Measure 33 will simply remove the barriers that currently exist between patients and the medicine they need to ease their pain and suffering.

About this section. People, Organizations and other Resources and Tools.

This section has news, information and tools for action concerning Measure 33. We have basic info about the measure, the people doing this and how you can help. Here we maintain a list of Organizations that have action items, are offering resources or looking to network on M33; a section for LTE (letters to the editor); newsletters, stickers, bulliten boards and Action Reports from the field!

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