About the Medical Cannabis Resource (MERCY) Center
We are MERCY - the Medical Cannabis Resource Center |
MERCY is an all Volunteer, Member based non-profit organization, registered with the state of Oregon, founded and populated by patients and other cardholders; their friends and family; and other compassionate and concerned citizens in the Salem area and beyond.
Learn more about us.
This is the About page for our Organization. Here you can learn more about MERCY, Post a Note, Send a Message>, and let us know how we are doing.
This page tells about we, the people, here at MERCY. Here you can view our mission statement, more about us, some notes about the issue.
this Page:

this Site:
MERCY was founded in 2003 to help and advocate for those involved with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP). MERCY is a virtual org - we do not currently have an office - based in the Salem area and staffed on a volunteer basis. Learn more more about our history and current status.
MERCY networks with like-minded people from around the world on the issue, sharing news and information on subjects from how to grow and apply medical cannabis to how to change laws to allow it. We do this thru our website with pages set up to help and organize by Region, Condition, Profession, Categories and many more Classes. Learn more about our Networking.
more About Us
Our purpose is to get medicine to patients in the short-term while working with them to establish their own independent sources. To this end we provide, among other things, ongoing education to clinics, individual physicians and other healthcare providers about the OMMP, cannabis as medicine and doctor rights in general.
MERCY is a strong patient advocate, which can manifest itself in a variety of ways. One of these has been maintaining lines of communication with other patient advocates and the OMMP director and workers. At the same time we attempt Doctor education and support programs, and Patient and Caregiver projects like learning to grow and different methods for consumption. These are especially important for the first time medical cannabis user as well as those unable to apply their medication.
Over the years MERCY has assisted hundreds of thousands of people in getting their card (or, Authorization, as the case may be) as well as helping them find access to excess medicine. Our objective is to get medicine to patients in the short-term while working with them to establish their own independent sources. Our philosophy is one of teaching people to fish, rather than being dependent upon others.
One strategy of the organization is to help people to change the laws so that action like this isn't necessary any more. So, we advocate reasonable, fair and effective marijuana laws and policies, and strive to educate, register and empower voters to implement such policies. Lasting change will require that each citizen be active enough to register and effectively vote. You, and only you, the people, can make it happen. We will help in any way we can, but you have to tell us what you need. Work with us to make this your "tool shed", or resource guide, to successful medical cannabis utilization and activism. Click here to contact us. Or go here to find out more about actions you can take.
more About This
Our mission, goals ...
MERCY Programs and Activites strive ...
To help people get with their respective medical cannabis programs, maximize the utility and network and help others to acheive the same.
To investigate, research and document news and information relevent to the issues and to broadcast and receive communications with others doing the same.
To advocate and support actions and activities to empower people to change the laws, rules and regulations to be based on science and medical facts and NOT The Government initiated and funded Set of Lies on The Cannabis (Marijuana) Issue, primary of which are that Cannabis is Evil (kills, makes people crazy, causes un-natural sexual urges, etc.) and has No Medical Value or Use.
It is a mission of MERCY is to bring about change and establish safeguards for the future. The goal is the empowerment of the people through their votes and general activism. To get the people involved in this and all issues.
The basic strategy will be to join and initiate events & actions; to research and broadcast news & info - to be a media outlet for the movement! MERCY works to be in a position to help or even launch initiative and like activities; to make available basic legal help for all cannabis users; to promote hemp for a healthier environment; to be a part of the community.
About the organization
Organization status Status report ... The Center in Salem is closed. We are looking for a place to at least meet, possibly network & office. Donations still cheerfully accepted by mail - cash, checks -or- online. Click Here
Why Do This? What is the Issue?
It is about equal risk of arrest and treatment under the law, about reforming laws specifically written to subvert this basic American ideal.
This is about mean and greedy people using YOUR government to set up a politically and religiously driven boondoggle, including a publicly funded propaganda machine to justify it all.
The issue, for us, is about ending government waste and abuse. We intend to do this by ending cannabis prohibition and, thereby, all the nonsense about medical validity. To release the sick, free the hemp and guarantee equal rights and access to the truth to even the least among us.
We intend to free our brothers and sisters from the prison camps, to make hemp an option for Oregon's farmers and to end persecution of patients not so much due to their choice of medicine but because they are poor and powerless.
Our current focus is on protecting and supporting patients in the OMMP (Oregon Medical Marijuana Program) and in the process educate our neighbors. Our goal is independence for our Patient Members in the short term and freedom for the rest by ending cannabis prohibition.
Check us out, drop a line. Be a part of the change as you help make it happen. Learn more about ...
Our WebSite and Services The website is maintained by volunteers under the direction of Perry, a Librarian, on loan from the Marijuana Library.
This site is hosted by DPC - Drug Policy Central (drugpolicycentral.com) under the guidance of MAPinc technicians (Media Awareness Project, (www.mapinc.org). Many thanks for their support!
Statistics Summary for mercycenters.org | Mercycenters.org is ranked #1,208,004 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. This site has attained a traffic rank of 214,803 among users in India, where about 51% of its audience is located. Visitors to this site spend about two minutes per visit to the site and 55 seconds per pageview, and Mercycenters.org is located in the US. Roughly 56% of visits to this site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). ... Alexa Traffic Rank(s): Global Rank = 1,239,884 ... Rank in US = 386,190; Reputation: 96 Sites Linking In ... Source - http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/mercycenters.org
More info, like Site Maps and Statistic reports (WebStats.htm) < here < "If you don't like the content on the Internet, bring your shining light to make sure others will find something of value. Caring and connectivity go together, and with this Godgiven capability you can no longer claim powerlessness to change the world." - Frank Odasz, Director of Big Sky Telegraph, Western Montana College of the University of Montana
MERCY Profiles ... Who are we?

General questions or speaking opportunities about MERCY or OMMP,
Requests or comments about the Website or technical issues (database),
News items or
Meeting or event facilitations.
Click here for contact info.
Secretary / Treasurer,
Pat C. -
Click here for contact info.
Co-founder, Board Member and spiritual leader
William "Sonny" Watkins
remains grow-meister and co-host of MERCY-TV. Click here for more on his story.
Click here for contact info.
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board Entry
Enter questions, comments and link info in the NotePad. If you leave info about an Archived item, it will be updated as soon as we can (and following approval). To request further maintenance, use the FeedBack form.
Bulletin Board, entries
Norma Thomas from Kingston Jamaica wrote:
" is Canasol eye drops available in Jamaica at this time. Unable to find it. "
Wednesday, November 8 at 08:45 AM:
Brian Osborne from Canton, Georgia wrote:
" I have been through 16
surgeries for my leg and
ended up with MRSA which lead
to Osteomylitus. I cannot get
out of pain and now my hips
are affected with Athritus. I
visited the Mayo clinic
yerterday and they are going
to try a new procedure and
try to rebuild my knee but
its only 50% and if not, then
its an amputation. I wanted
to see if I would qualify
somewhere to get medical
Hemp. Thanks for your time.
If someone can get back in
Touch I would be forever
grateful. 706-633-
9598 "
Friday, June 30 at 09:16 AM:
jasonhuily from california wrote:
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Will go here.