Donate to Us ...
Money makes the world go 'round, and ours is no exception.
The power of the people is no small thing, but we need every penny we can get, too.
The purpose of this page is to enable visitors to the web-site to Donate on-line, quickly & safely with PayPal.
PayPal securely processes donations for MERCY - the Medical Cannabis Resource Center. You can complete your payment with just a few clicks and donate without sharing your financial information. To start, just click on the button below ...
Or thru our GoFundMe page -
You can also send Check or Money Order made out to -
MERCY - the Medical Cannabis Resource Center
- and send to -
P. O. Box 1111
Cornelius, OR, 97113-1111
- or stop in and make a cash donation. PLEASE NOTE: We are denied 501c(3) {U.S. federal} non-profit status (see > Report < ) - because we have established for the purpose of Informing, Educating and Activating on and thru the Issue of Medical Cannabis - so your donation is only tax deductible as allowed by state law.
.. or, Donate directly to our WebSite Service ...
The website is maintained by volunteers under the direction of Perry,
Librarian, on loan from the Marijuana Library.
Website Services and Support is provided by Drug Policy Central (DPC)
( under the guidance of
MAPinc technicians (Media Awareness Project,
Many thanks for their support!
Site Maps and
Statistic reports (WebStats.htm) on the way.
“If you don't like the content on the Internet,
bring your shining light to make sure others will find something of value.
Caring and connectivity go together, and with this Godgiven capability
you can no longer claim powerlessness to change the world.”
- Frank Odasz, Director of Big Sky Telegraph, Western Montana College of the University of Montana
Or, Donate directly to our Web Service Provider; and Take It Off Your Taxes!
Donate Now! Please take a moment to support compassion and common sense by making a donation to DrugSense. Whether we realize it or not, public policies affect our everyday lives. When policies fail us, we often take notice only after its too late. Compassion and common sense may be the first casualties.
Public policies toward legal and illegal substances have far reaching consequences. They are costly, they are nonsensical, and they are often cruel. Organizations like DrugSense that bring these injustices to the fore deserve adequate funding. A donation to DrugSense is a "vote" for compassion and common sense.
Donating to this 501c3 organization is quick, easy, and secure. Visit -
You can also make your check or money order payable to DrugSense and mail it to:
14252 Culver Dr #328
Irvine, CA 92604-0326
Or you can donate toll free by calling 1-800-266-5759.
*SPECIAL NOTE!* Due to the generosity of a long time DrugSense funder, they have secured a large matching funds grant! This means that anything you contribute right NOW to DrugSense will be matched 100%, thus doubling the effective amount of your contribution.
Also, you can easily repeat your donation every month, quarter, or half year to provide DrugSense with automatic, recurring support. Please sign up at - - for whatever you can afford. Recurring donations count against the matching funds grant.
STILL NOT CONVINCED? Here are a few good reasons to donate to DrugSense:
* DrugSense is popular. Their collection of websites rank among the most popular drug policy-focused sites in the world as judged by independent web monitoring services. They consistently trump websites for which the government has spent billions.
* DrugSense is comprehensive. Their news bot - - processes more than 1,000 drug policy-focused articles 24/7, while their 210,000+ DrugNews Archive - - holds the most important clippings, correctly attributed and regardless of spin.
* DrugSense is worldwide. They maintain parallel efforts in the Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and France, while our archive contains clippings from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
* DrugSense is technical. They provide first rate Internet services to well more than 130 other drug policy organizations as well as MERCY. This includes Web hosting, e-mail lists, forums, blogs, and newsfeeds. Visit -