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Information about Cannabis and Cachexia Cachexia
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  Information about Cannabis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
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Information about Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Information about Cannabis and Seizures Seizures
Information about Cannabis and Spasms Spasms
Information about Cannabis and Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
Information about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
Information about Cannabis and Tar (Resin) Tar (Resin)

Information about Seeds for Medical Cannabis Seeds - for Medical Cannabis and related info
Information about Strains of Medical Cannabis Strains - of Medical Cannabis and related info

Information pages

In the News

The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), which will give voters the chance to end marijuana prohibition in California - Medical Cannabis (marijuana) 2016 and replace it with a more sensible system. Under the proposed initiative, marijuana would be regulated, taxed, and treated similarly to alcohol. Please support this initiative by donating to our campaign finance committee. All donations will go directly to the initiative to help ensure victory. For a quick overview of some of the key provisions of the AUMA, click >> here >>

Status: California has

MERCY in California - a guide to Cannabis (marijuana) in the region

  • a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) LAW; Learn more >>
  • a Legal-for-Adults (Cannabis) LAW Voted In; Learn more >>
  • Learn more << | California has a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) LAW;

    Click here to see >> more News >>

    Children taken from medical marijuana-prescribed parents in California

    California - News: Children taken from medical marijuana-prescribed parents in California A family from southern California is suing the City of Coronado after their children were taken away for nearly a year because the father admitted to legally smoking medical marijuana. According to legal filings obtained this week by the Courthouse News Service, Michael Lewis and Lauren Taylor have filed a lawsuit against Coronado, CA, San Diego County and nine local police officers for what they say is a violation of civil rights that started with a routine visit from law enforcement in August 2011.

    Attorneys for the family say Lewis was recommended medical marijuana by his physician in order to counter the debilitating migraines he started suffering from after being exposed to chemicals during the Gulf War, but investigators who stopped by their Coronado home two summers ago disregarded the prescription. The lawsuit alleges that police officers were called to investigate the Lewis residence after being told that the family was running an illegal day care center on the same site where marijuana was being regularly smoked. Following a visit during August 2011, police wrote that they found pot, but identified no other hazards — or a day care facility, for that matter. Three days later, however, agents with the United States Department of Health and Human Services returned to the residence and seized the couple’s two children, ages four and two.  Visit - - for more on this News Item.

    Click > here < for more News.

      About this page ...

    Welcome to MERCYs web pages dedicated to information on Cannabis in California and related issues.  

    PRINT ME! > Click here for printable (WORD) version of this info, Click here for PDF (Adobe) version of this info.

    These are Orgs, Links and other Resources for California.

    Services and functional information you can use.   Sections for The Law; Contacts - People, Orgs and Biz; Events and other Network opportunities; Info - Medical, Legal and otherwise; Action - Indiviual and Group Plans and Resources, Legislation and Legislators at all levels, News - Current Items by Categories, Sources and History; Library of Links, Images and Documents including How To's and any other Resources (IE- Forums) that may help.

    Medical cannabis resources and more.  We also try to include basic cannabis and related law and policy reform links and orgs for associated areas and functions such as human rights, justice, environment, health and other issues that potentially share resources.  

    What's yours? Got a Link, Resource or an Idea?  Enter in the NotePad or send us FeedBack.

    See even more related Info at this web-ring:

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    Status of Marijuana (Cannabis) in California.

      Info on California and Cannabis 

    California has Legalization (Cannabis) LAW Reform in progress

    SUMMARY: Fifty-six percent of California voters approved Proposition 64, The Adult Use Marijuana Act, which permits adults who are not participating in the state's medical cannabis program to legally grow (up to six plants, including all of the harvest from those plants) and to possess personal use quantities of cannabis (up to one ounce of flower and/or up to eight grams of concentrates) while also licensing commercial cannabis production and retail sales. (Medical cannabis patients are not subject to these limits.) The measure prohibits localities from taking actions to infringe upon adults' ability to possess and cultivate cannabis for non-commercial purposes. The initiative does not "repeal, affect, restrict, or preempt ... laws pertaining to the Compassionate Use Act of 1996." Several other marijuana-related activities not legalized by the measure are reduced from felonies to misdemeanors. The law also provides for resentencing consideration for those found guilty of prior marijuana convictions. INFORMATION: Click here

    Status: The revised marijuana penalties took effect on November 9, 2016. Retail sales of marijuana by state-licensed establishments are scheduled to begin under the law on January 1, 2018. On site consumption is permitted under the law in establishments licensed for such activity. Large-scale corporate players are restricted from becoming involved until 2023.

    Law Voted In: 2016

    POSSESSION LIMITS: Personal use quantities of cannabis (up to one ounce of flower and/or up to eight grams of concentrates.

    California - Contact: Alcoholic Beverage Control Board CONTACT INFORMATION:   TBA

    HOME CULTIVATION:   Up to six plants, including all of the harvest from those plants

    Cannabis Shops & other RESOURCEs;   TBA


    Grower Registry Fee: TBA


    DISTRIBUTOR Registry Fee: TBA

    RESIDENCY:   No Residency requirement; permitted for Adults who are not participating in the state's medical cannabis program.

    > SOURCE >>

    Status of Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) in California.

      Info on California and Medical Cannabis 

    California has a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) LAW

    SUMMARY: Fifty-six percent of voters approved Proposition 215 on November 5, 1996. The law took effect the following day. Removes state-level criminal penalties on the use, possession and cultivation of marijuana by patients who possess a "written or oral recommendation" from their physician that he or she "would benefit from medical marijuana." Patients diagnosed with any debilitating illness where the medical use of marijuana has been "deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician" are afforded legal protection under this act.

    Approved Conditions:   AIDS, anorexia, arthritis, cachexia, cancer, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraine, persistent muscle spasms, including spasms associated with multiple sclerosis, seizures, including seizures associated with epilepsy, severe nausea; Other chronic or persistent medical symptoms.

    Possession/Cultivation: Qualified patients and their primary caregivers may possess no more than eight ounces of dried marijuana and/or six mature (or 12 immature) marijuana plants. However, S.B. 420 allows patients to possess larger amounts of marijuana when recommended by a physician. The legislation also allows counties and municipalities to approve and/or maintain local ordinances permitting patients to possess larger quantities of medicinal pot than allowed under the new state guidelines. S.B. 420 also grants implied legal protection to the state's medicinal marijuana dispensaries, stating, "Qualified patients, persons with valid identification cards, and the designated primary caregivers of qualified patients ... who associate within the state of California in order collectively or cooperatively to cultivate marijuana for medical purposes, shall not solely on the basis of that fact be subject to state criminal sanctions."

    Amendment(s): Senate Bill 420 (PDF 70KB) Effective: Jan. 1, 2004 | Imposes statewide guidelines outlining how much medicinal marijuana patients may grow and possess. See above. 4: [Editor's Note: On Jan. 21, 2010, the California Supreme Court affirmed (S164830 (300 KB)) the May 22, 2008 Second District Court of Appeals ruling (50 KB) in the Kelly Case that the possession limits set by SB 420 violate the California constitution because the voter-approved Prop. 215 can only be amended by the voters. contacted the California Medical Marijuana Program (MMP) on Dec. 6, 2010 to ask 1) how the ruling affected the implementation of the program, and 2) what instructions are given to patients regarding possession limits. A California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Office of Public Affairs representative wrote the following in a Dec. 7, 2010 email to "The role of MMP under Senate Bill 420 is to implement the State Medical Marijuana ID Card Program in all California counties. CDPH does not oversee the amounts that a patient may possess or grow. When asked what a patient can possess, patients are referred to, case S164830 which is the Kelly case, changing the amounts a patient can possess from 8 oz, 6 mature plants or 12 immature plants to 'the amount needed for a patient’s personal use.' MMP can only cite what the law says."

    According to a Jan. 21, 2010 article titled "California Supreme Court Further Clarifies Medical Marijuana Laws," by Aaron Smith, California Policy Director at the Marijuana Policy Project, the impact of the ruling is that people growing more than 6 mature or 12 immature plants are still subject to arrest and prosecution, but they will be allowed to use a medical necessity defense in court.]

    Attorney General's Guidelines: On Aug. 25, 2008, California Attorney General Jerry Brown issued guidelines for law enforcement and medical marijuana patients to clarify the state's laws. Read more about the guidelines >here.

    MEDICAL MARIJUANA STATUTES: California Compassionate Use Act 1996, Cal. Health & Saf. Code, § 11362.5 (1996) (codifying voter initiative Prop. 215). Cal. Health & Saf. Code, §§ 11362.7 - 11362.83 (2003) (codifying SB 420).

    CAREGIVERS: Yes. Primary caregiver is the individual, designated by a qualified patient or by a person with an identification card, who has consistently assumed responsibility for the housing, health, or safety of that patient or person. The caregiver must be 18 years of age or older (unless the primary caregiver is the parent of a minor child who is a qualified patient or a person with an identification card). Cal. Health & Saf. Code, §11362.7 (2003).

    Application information;

    Registration: Voluntary

    Fees: $66.00 non Medi-Cal / $33.00 Medi-Cal, plus additional county fees (varies by location)

    CONTACT INFORMATION; Application for the California Medical Marijuana Program is available by mail, email, and online:

    California Department of Public Health
    Office of County Health Services
    Attention: Medical Marijuana Program Unit
    MS 5203
    P.O. Box 997377
    Sacramento, CA 95899-7377
    Phone: 916-552-8600
    Medical Marijuana Program

    ESTIMATED NUMBER OF REGISTERED PATIENTS: No state-registration is required in California, although patients may elect to voluntarily apply for a county-issued identification card. It is estimated that five percent of California adults report having ever used medical marijuana. A separate estimate from California NORML places the total number of current medical cannabis consumers between 2 and 3 percent. Source: 2015. Drug and Alcohol Review, Prevalence of medical marijuana use in California, 2012; Source: California NORML press release, Cal. NORML Estimates 750,000 - 1,125,000 Current Medical Marijuana Patients in California

    RESOURCEs: Information provided by the state on sources for medical marijuana: "Dispensaries, growing collectives, etc., are licensed through local city or county business ordinances and the regulatory authority lies with the State Attorney General's Office. Their number is 1-800-952-5225." (accessed Jan. 11, 2010) RECIPROCITY: Accepts other states' registry ID cards? No

    See also - Guidelines for the Security and Non-diversion of Marijuana Grown for Medical Use (55 KB) at Source(s):, >>>

      Resources for California and Medical Cannabis 

    California - ASA : Becoming a Patient in California ASA : Becoming a Patient in California | Information of how to become a legal medical cannabis (medical marijuana) patient, and how to get safe access and legal access in California. Visit: California Legal Information

    California, Process - How To Get with The Program Safe Access Now - Reasonable Medical Marijuana Guidelines. (INF) Click here to read online Cannabis Yields and Dosage, Chris Conrad's guide to the science and legalities of calculating medical marijuana. | Click here to read online Cannabis Yields and Dosage, Chris Conrad's guide to the science and legalities of calculating medical marijuana. The 2007 edition is available as a PDF (1.5MB) by clicking here, or you can order a printed copy by clicking here: SAN booklet orders. For help in defending a medical marijuana case, see this URL from Americans for Safe Access. The California Attorney General has issued his own set of guidelines. These are not binding law, but give an idea of how prosecutors will consider the circumstances of a medical marijuana patient or garden. ... Visit:

    Learn more >>>

    Action in California

    ACTION; There are a number of medical cannabis (marijuana) bills in play in states across the US. Here we network on Ways anyone can help with the effort to make each a medical marijuana state. We need to get the word out and people contacting reps and officials and get this legislation into law. Also, lets not forget efforts at the Federal level.

    NETWORK and Spread The Word, both On-Line and Off (!) ON-LINE, You can tell everybody in cyber-space by e-mailing a link to this website to them and/or printing off the info and handing out where possible / necessary. Also phone call and read off and/or visit and hand deliver the info. OFF-LINE, You can take literature with you and approach businesses, organizations and even people on the street while you're out and about. Wear your pot-leaf shirt and register voters, as feasible. Gather signatures for any related petitions that are happening at the time as well.

    California - Resources, Meetings and Meet-Ups Meetings and Meet-Ups > Medical Cannabis Meetup Groups - Medical Cannabis Meetups around the world | Find a Medical Cannabis Meetup Group near you ... grouped by City and Country ... find the ones with the most people interested in Medical Cannabis Meetups in California ... international, national, provincial, municipal levels   ...   Visit -

      local Organizations, CONTACTs and other Resources  

    California Organizations and other Resources - California NORML | California NORML is a non-profit, membership organization dedicated to reforming California's marijuana laws. We publish a newsletter, lobby lawmakers, sponsor events, offer legal, educational, and consumer health advice, and sponsor scientific research. They maintain a separate membership and financial base from national NORML. Features: Policy, Search Engine, History, Mailing List(s), News. Due to the incredible growth of the cannabis industry following Prop-215 and SB420, California NORML is inundated with phone calls from out-of-state interests seeking information on opening and running a medical marijuana dispensary. Most questions can be easily answered by visiting our website at a – please visit the site so we can keep our call volume to a manageable level. – California NORML Officers: Dale Gieringer (Executive Director), Ellen Komp. Contact them at: 2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco CA 94114 * (415) 563-5858 * Fax (510) 849-3974 -or- by Visiting: ... where you'll find these Ca-N - Resources -

    California Organizations and other Resources - Orange County NORML located in Irvine, California, is a chapter of The Being NORML is NOT a Crime NORML Foundation, a sister organization to NORML. We are a nonprofit foundation established in 2003 to educate the public about marijuana and marijuana policy options including medical marijuana and industrial marijuana, and to assist victims of current laws. Orange County Norml has been granted 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Orange County NORML sponsors public advertising campaigns providing information about the costs of marijuana prohibition and the benefits of alternative policies; distributes press releases to the media and citizen activists focusing on recent developments pertaining to marijuana research and policy. We also provide limited legal assistance and support to victims of current marijuana laws. Memberships and donations support our all volunteer efforts. Remember......freedom isn't free. Features: News. Contact info: Orange County Norml, PO Box 11016, Costa Mesa CA 92627 * phone: 714.210.6446 ... or Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Bakersfield NORML | Contact info: P.O. Box 60022, Bakersfield, CA 93386 * Voice (661) 873-1703

    California - Resource, Org; local CSU Channel Islands NORML | Contact info: One University Dr., Camarillo, CA 93012 * Voice (951) 858-9487

    California - Resource, Org; local CSU Monterey Bay NORML | Officers: Michael Fredrickson (Director), Eden Gonzalez (Executive Director), Tyler Rapley (Director), Julia Carrillo (Director), Kimberly Hallowell (Director) Contact info: 440 Dela Vina St, Apt E, Monterey , CA 93940 * Voice (619) 240-5669 * or e-mail -

    California - Resource, Org; local High Sierra NORML | Officers: Clayton Hobbs, Kevin Gorman (Executive Director), Ray Lloyd, Kevin Gorman (Executive Director), Tyler Rainey, Sandra Hobbs, Steve Hiestand, Scotty Hobbs Contact info: 6148 Clark Rd #4, Paradise, CA * Voice 530-877-5116 * or e-mail -

    California - Resource, Org; local Humboldt State University NORML | Contact info: 1 Harpst St, Arcata, CA 95521 * Voice (831) 596-8068

    California - Resource, Org; local Los Angeles NORML | Contact info: 8749 Holloway Dr. West Hollywood, CA 90069 * Voice (310) 652-8654 * Fax (310) 652-1501 * or Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Northern California NORML | Features: Membership. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local NORML at CSU Fresno | Contact info: Fresno, CA 93726 * or Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local San Diego NORML | Officers: Rudy Reyes, Eric Agosto (President) Contact info: 930 Felspar St., Apt #2, San Diego, CA 92104 * Voice (858) 581-2509 * or e-mail:

    California - Resource, Org; local SLO NORML | Contact info: San Luis Obispo, CA * Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local UC Santa Barbara NORML | Contact info: Santa Barbara, CA * Visit:

    Other Locals? | As we learn about them. In the meantime ... visit: for the latest.

    California - Resource, Org; local California Compassionate Use Act of 1996 | Materials relating to the California Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Features: Policy, History, News. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local | Homepage of Chris Conrad, author, museum curator and court-qualified expert covering all aspects of hemp, cannabis, and medical marijuana Features: News, Policy, Search Engine, Speakers. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Coalition For Medical Marijuana | Stop The Federal Assault On Patients, Clinics & Providers! Let Federal Juries Hear All The Facts Before They Decide A Medical Marijuana Case Features: Mailing List(s), News. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Drug Policy Forum of California | The Drug Policy Forum of California has an Email discussion list dedicated to planning and discussing strategy for drug policy reform within California. Features: Membership, Mailing List(s). Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Hemp Evolution | Hemp Evolution is dedicated to the relegalization of one of nature's most beneficial plants. Features: Policy, Search Engine, History, Audio/Video, Research, Speakers, Forum, News. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Los Angeles Cannabis Clubs | Features: Chat, Forum, News. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Marijuana Medicine Evaluation Centers | Marijuana Medicine Evaluation Centers specializes in providing medical marijuana recommendations, detailed treatment plans, patient verifications, ID cards and full medical support for all patients in a safe and supportive environment. We here at MMEC are dedicated to providing you with excellent service. We offer Verification Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our physicians are compassionate and knowledgeable, and are experts in the field of medical marijuana. Features: News, Policy. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Modesto Cannabis Clubs | Information on Doctors, Collectives, Co-ops and Dispensaries. We have a complete list of updated news as well as the local private care services, collectives, co-ops and dispensaries for medical marijuana patients around Stanislaus county. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local RAND Drug Policy Research Center | RAND Drug Policy Research Center provides a firm, empirical foundation on which sound drug policies can be built. Features: Newsletter, News, Policy, Publications, Search Engine, Research. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Sacramento Americans for Safe Access to Medical Marijuana | Sacramento Americans for Safe Access to Medical Marijuana Features: Commentary, Policy, Publications, Press Releases, Merchandise, Membership, Research, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), Chat, Forum, News. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Safe Access Now | We are an organization dedicated to the proper implementation of uniform guidelines in all of California's counties in compliance with H&S code 11362.5 The Compassionate Use Act of 1996. We are an activism organization and in no way supply medicine or recommend physicians. Features: Policy, Search Engine, Research, Chat. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local San Francisco Cannabis Clubs | San Francisco Cannabis Club Directory, Reviews, and more!! Features: Press Releases, News. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana | Dedicated to education, advocacy, research, and networking related to the medicinal uses of marijuana, and the implementation of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (Health and Safety Code, Section 11362.5) Features: Publications, Research. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Tax and | Oakland Cannabis Initiative Features: Policy. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D. | Dr. Mikuriya is one of the world's foremost authorities on the uses of medical cannabis. He has few peers in his clinical knowledge of cannabis' therapeutic uses, efficacy, history, culture, policies, routes of administration and potential for abuse. Features: Commentary, Publications, Search Engine, Research, Speakers. Visit: :

    California - Resource, Org; local Welcome to MedSac916! | Medical Sacrament Ministries Features: News, Policy. Visit:

    California - Resource, Org; local ... Also | DrugSense / MAPinc > Drug Policy Organizations, Links and other Resources. Find a Resource near you -or- Enter yours! ... Visit:

    More Contacts, below, And, here are some national / international Resources - > here, and you can Read more > News < by clicking here.

    also Information on
    Directory of information on cannabis by region Cannabis by ...

    Information about Medical Cannabis in the United States of America MERCY in America; Medical Cannabis in the USA
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in Maryland Maryland
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in Missouri Missouri
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in Nebraska Nebraska
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in New Jersey New Jersey
      Information about Medical Cannabis in New Mexico New Mexico
      Information about Medical Cannabis in New York New York
      Information about Medical Cannabis in North Carolina North Carolina
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in South Carolina South Carolina
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in West Virginia West Virginia
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      Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington DC, District of Columbia Washington DC (District of Columbia)

    Information about Medical Cannabis around the World The World of MERCY; Medical Cannabis around the Globe

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      ASA's (Americans for Safe Access) California Campaigns & Services  

    Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is the largest national member-based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. They work to overcome political and legal barriers by creating policies that improve access to medical cannabis for patients and researchers through legislation, education, litigation, grassroots actions, advocacy and services for patients and their providers. ASA has over 30,000 active members with chapters and affiliates in more than 40 states.

    California Organizations and other Resources - ASAs Protect Dispensing Collectives and Cooperatives project ASA's Protect Dispensing Collectives and Cooperatives project | Download useful info to educate your city council and board of supervisors on the importance of dispensing collectives and cooperatives to safe access to medical marijuana. ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - ASAs California ID Card Campaign ASA's California ID Card Campaign | Senate Bill 420 established a statewide medical marijuana ID card program for the state Department of Health Services and all of the County Departments of Public Health to administer. The legislation mandated that the state implement the program, but it is designed to be voluntary for patients and caregivers. ASA is working to establish an ID card program that both protects patients and is implemented fairly and expeditiously. ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - ASAs CHP Lawsuit Campaign ASA's CHP Lawsuit Campaign | The CHP is by far the worst violator of the Compassionate Use Act and SB 420 with its policy of mandatory confiscation of medicine. With our lawsuit, ASA changed that policy to one that discourages CHP officers from confiscating medicine from patients and caregivers, and provides officers with instructions on how to verify valid medical marijuana documentation. ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - ASAs Return of Property Campaign ASA's Return of Property Campaign | A three-month study by ASA found local and state law enforcement is routinely seizing the marijuana to which California patients are legally entitled - and not giving it back. In reponse, ASA organized a mass court action by patients demanding their medicine back in 36 counties on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 and is currently helping dozens of patients fight to recover their confiscated property. ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - ASAs Peer Counseling and Dispensary Services ASA's Peer Counseling and Dispensary Services | ASA's Peer Counseling Program is an education, outreach and training program specifically for medical cannabis patients and their caregivers. ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - ASAs Legal Support ASA's Legal Support | One of ASA's most important and far-reaching services is our Legal Support program. ... Visit:

      More local Organizations, CONTACTs and other Resources  

    California Organizations and other Resources; The Underground - The Underground - Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide, Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status | Currently covering 1134 cities. New cities and cities updates every day! Hi there, and welcome to, the worldwide Marijuana travel and information guide. Go ahead and check out our latest city updates, reports and other cool info on your favorite cities!! We are currently developing a more in-depth MEDICINAL marijuana section to the site, so if you have any suggestions, ideas, or contributions for this section feel free to email us. * Visit -

    California Organizations and other Resources - THCeval, medical cannabis evaluation centers THCeval, medical cannabis evaluation centers | dedicated to producing the Best Medical Marijuana Evaluations and the most affordable price. THCeval was started in California to provide patients with quality medical marijuana evaluations. THCeval is based in Los Angeles and Orange County, with locations throughout California, Michigan and Colorado. Patients seen at THCeval undergo a medical evaluation to determine if medical marijuana is right for them. If approved, our medical marijuana doctors issue patients a medical marijuana recommendation/card that same day for use at any dispensary within Michigan, Colorado and California. Our doctors at THCeval are compassionate and truly understand that marijuana can provide great therapeutic benefits to our patients. Our doctors at our marijuana evaluation centers are here to help you, and with a successful evaluation, provide you with access to relief. Come see why we are the most affordable and professional medical cannabis physicians in California! Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - Southern California Medical Marijuana Evaluations Southern California Medical Marijuana Evaluations | We Provide Easy Medical Marijuana Prescription Evaluations CALL US TODAY OR USE OUR EASY FORM TO SETUP YOUR EVALUATION! IF YOU DO NOT QUALIFY YOU DO NOT PAY!! is dedicated to providing a professional and friendly environment for our patients and to be knowledgeable in all aspects of Medical Marijuana and other natural medicines. Our experienced team of doctors and clinical managers believe in the benefits of Medical cannabis and the rights that patients have when seeking treatment for their ailments. WE ARE LOCATED THROUGHOUT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CALL 1-888-420-4202 TODAY FOR OUR NEAREST LOCATION. Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - Jah Healing Caregivers | provides access to the website ("the site"). This site and it's contents are intended strictly to provide information for patients in accordance with HSC: 11362.5 in the state of California. Serving Big Bear, Sugarloaf, Fawnskin, and all surrounding areas. Delivery available. Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - Angel Justice: Index. (ORG) Home » Index. Background How the Raich v. Ashcroft federal medical cannabis lawsuit born, and who is involved | In the days immediately following September 11, 2001, as the world was riveted by the issue of terrorism, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration turned its sights on a nonviolent group of seriously ill Americans, as it stepped up the level of time, money, and Federal law enforcement personnel used to attack medical cannabis patients. Multiple raids on the homes and gardens of California’s medical cannabis caregivers and patients soon followed. The DEA raids became ever more outrageous and more harmful to patients. Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc. worked hard to develop a sound legal strategy to help ensure patients’ and caregivers’ safety and to create new public policies on the federal level. Our legal team felt we had to do everything we could to stop the federal government's dangerous actions. ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - Human Rights and the Drug War HRDW is a multi-media project that combines the stories and photos of Drug War POWs with facts and figures about the US Drug War, to confront the conscience of the American people and encourage individuals to take action for social justice. Contact: PO Box 1716 El Cerrito, California 94530 ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - Marijuana Anti-Prohibition Project We are a marijuana anti-prohibition project which includes medical cannabis patients. We are political in the sense that we are attempting to establish "Guidelines" in Riverside County. We have been corresponding with the District Attorney's Office, as well as local city councils and of course the Sheriff and Bopard of Supervisors. We are trying to implement the Sonoma Guidelines, as well as the San Diego City guidelines and i.d. card program. Contact: Lanny Swerdlow 760-799-2055

    California Organizations and other Resources - Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana Our mission has been to protect patients from abuse by law enforcement and a jail system that continues to incarcerate the sick for medical marijuana, despite the successful passage of Proposition 215. Contact: 415-456-4313 ... Visit:

    California Organizations and other Resources - Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM) is an organization seeking to educate the general public regarding the medical usefulness of Marijuana, and to insure that seriously ill patients have access to a safe, natural supply of Marijuana to treat their individual medical conditions as prescribed or recommended by their physician, and to document the medical efficacy of Marijuana through scientific observations. Contact: 309 Cedar ST #39, Santa Cruz, California 95060 ... Visit:

    Also, here are some national / international Resources -

      National and International ORGz Section 

    California - Resource, Org; Americans For Safe Access (ASA) ASA - Americans For Safe Access: California > Medical cannabis (medical marijuana) Advocacy resources in California >> Legal Info | Find resources on your state and federal law, how to become a patient, case law, regulations, and what to do when facing state or federal charges. Does your state need help with legislation? | If your state needs to pass new medical cannabis laws or change old ones, check out our Policy Shop to get started. Start a Chapter, Action Group, or Affiliate | No ASA resources in your area? Learn how to start your own Chapter or Action Group, or how to become an Affiliate. visit -

    Resources, Organizations - NORML Medical Use by State NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws | Medical Use by State. All States and Canada Mexico Europe Other ... See Map >> and more.

    Resources, Organizations - ASA Medical Use ASA - Americans For Safe Access: Medical and Scientific Information about Cannabis (marijuana) >> Resources for Patients | Discover how to talk to your doctor about medical cannabis, how to become a state-authorized patient, basic science and legal rights for patients, how to safely use medical cannabis, and how to get involved with medical cannabis advocacy. Resources for Medical Professionals & Researchers | The medicinal properties of cannabis are varied given the multiplicity of physiological roles of the endocannabinoid system, a ubiquitous molecular signaling system at which compounds in cannabis have robust receptor-based actions. Here is information regarding medical marijuana practice policies and procedures in your locality, as well as scientific and practice ethics information. >>

    Resources, Organizations - Patients Out of Time, a patient advocacy organization Patients Out of Time is a patient advocacy organization with a universal constituency. They support the rights of patients to have a legal and safe access to the therapeutic use of cannabis. The mission of their organization, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, is the education of health care professionals and the public about the therapeutic use of cannabis. Their leadership is composed of medical and nursing professionals with expertise in the clinical applications of cannabis and five of the seven patients (two wish to remain anonymous) who receive their medical cannabis from the US government. Patients Out of Time is the only national non-profit in the United States that focuses only on therapeutic cannabis issues. Visit -

    Resources, Organizations - Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). Join the Marijuana Policy Project! State officials confirm Supreme Court decision does not impact state medical marijuana laws. Medical Marijuana Briefing Paper - 2005. Until 1937, marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the United States ... Hawaii enacted a medical marijuana law via its state legislature in 2000 and ... Visit:

    Resources, Organizations - DrugSense: Drug Law Reform DrugSense: Drug Law Reform ... of Justice Statistics, State Court Organization, 1998 (Washington, DC ... Cannabis in Medical Practice: A Legal, Historical and Pharmacological... Visit:

    Resources, Organizations - Americans For Safe Access (ASA) American Medical Marijuana Association ... Medical Marijuana Farmacy | West Virginia. State registration program, Dept of Health and Social Services 907-465-5423. Colorado. State registration program (303) 692-2184 medical.marijuana ... visit:

    Resources, Organizations - Cannabis Freedom Activist Network Cannabis Freedom Activist Network | Cannabis Freedom Activist Network's Guide To Cannabis Research is a service of Freedom Activist Network. Browse http://FreedomActivist.Net/index.html to view the complete guide to Freedom Activist Network.

    Resources, Organizations - LegalJoint: Medical and Other Marijuana Links LegalJoint: Medical and Other Marijuana Links. A selection links to HIGH quality canabis web sites, related to medical or recreational mmj use. of Columbia FEDERAL Florida West Virginia Guam West Virginia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky West Virginia ... Willie Wortel Workshop. West Virginia Medical Marijuana Institute and Cannabis Club ... visit:

    Resources, Organizations - OCBC Links Page OCBC's Links Page. Organizations Supporting Medical-cannabis Reform. Americans for Safe Access(ASA) coordinates "...a nation-wide day of action to push back DEA attempts to re-criminalize medical cannabis! ... Washington Citizens for Medical Rights, sponsored a successful medical cannabis ballot measure in November 1998. "As a result, this Initiative is now State ... Visit:

    Resources, Organizations - Excellent medical info on cannabis Excellent medical info on cannabis, Washington State's I-692 Medical Marijuana Law ... Greencross. Washington State based buyer's cooperative based in Seattle. Trailblazer in state ... Visit: < for more.

    Resources, Organizations - Marijuana links Marijuana links. Popular Searches: Medical Marijuana Links. Marijuana Research Links. ... about marijuana, The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A RCW This is ... an activist for medical marijuana. Chronic Cannabis Use A report on ... Click > here < for more.

    Resources, Organizations - Open Directory - Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: Pro-Legalization: Marijuana: Medical Purposes Open Directory - Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: Pro-Legalization: Marijuana: Medical Purposes ... to providing medical cannabis to those in need. Initiative 692 - Medical Marijuana - WCMR of Washington State ... use of medical cannabis in the state of Colorado. Medical Marijuana ... click > here < for more.

    Organizations and other Resources Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

      FORUMs Section 

    Colorado - Forums, Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms and other Resources The Daily Bud | the Dailybuds Community. Kush Magazine, Listings, Forums, Groups, Albums, Events, Blog, Polls, Videos, Music Visit:

    California - Forums, Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms and other On-line Resources Local Email Lists, like California Announce List-Serve ( To join the California announcement list-serve (extremely low traffic) send a blank email to: ) and Local Discussion List-Serves ( To join the San Francisco list-serve (for San Francisco and surrounding communities) send a blank email to: ) | can be found at the ASA Resource page - > dedicated to such things. Many Thanx! to them for doing it.

    California - Forums, Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms and other On-line Resources California (CA) - Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana ... | California (CA) - State of California, United States ... Contact Us - Medical Marijuana, California Cannabis, Cannabis Clubs, Co-Op, ... Visit -

    Also, here are some national / international Forums -

    Resources - Forums, Ganja Grocer Ganja Grocer | We are your Medical Marijuana Resource Center. Learn How to Become a Legal Medical Marijuana Patient. If you live in a state with Medical Marijuana Laws, Come visit our forums today! Visit - < for more.

    Resources  - Forums, Chat Rooms, Message Boards CANNABIS.COM - is based in california and focused on providing the best possible resources for future and current medical marijuana patients, activists, and supporters. MessageBoard Forum. Cannabis FAQs. Image & Picture Gallery. Medical Marijuana. Vaporizer FAQ. Advertising Information ... Visit:

    Resources  - Forums, Cannabis Community Coalition Cannabis Community Coalition. Forum for Medical Marijuana & Medicinal Cannabis Patients. ... visit: < for more.

    Resources - Forums, Compassionate Coalition The Compassionate Coalition's mission: To defend the rights of medical marijuana patients and care providers through education and community participation. A nonprofit grassroots organization that helps build and support local chapters nation-wide, linking them with other medical marijuana reform organizations and resources. Contact Information - Mailing Address: The Compassionate Coalition * 1500 Oliver Road, Ste-K * P.M.B. #248 * Fairfield, CA 94533-3473 * (NOTE: When sending mail to this address, please be sure to write "The Compassionate Coalition" in the address line. Thanks!) * Fax: (916)266-7455 * or Visit:

    Resources - Amsterdam THC Ministry
First Universal Church of Kantheism The Amsterdam THC Ministry, First Universal Church of Kantheism, is based on ancient wisdom, modern science and the enlightening and healing properties of the cannabis sacrament. Their mission includes liberating the sacred cannabis hemp plant and the minds and spirits of those who do and of those who do not revere it. May we all enjoy the rich, abundant, joyful and awakened life that is part of our natural inheritance. Visit:

    Resources - Ya-Hooka; Health and Medicinal Buyers Clubs Organizations and Compassion Clubs Ya-Hooka; Forum Jump, FAQ, Today's Posts, Links Register, Community ... and more ~ Click for more.

    Resources - Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads Welcome to the Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads. To buy cannabis for medical purposes is legal in some areas. Here you will find hundreds of medical doctors, professional growers, and prescription patients in need who want to buy cannabis legally but can't find each other. Visit:

      The Law, LEGAL Resources  

    California - Cannabis Law, by NORML California (CA) Cannabis Law, by NORML.  State Laws » California Laws & Penalties: Conditional Release, Legalization, Medical Marijuana   ...   Visit -

    California Legal Info, Organizations and other Resources Green Aid: The Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. (ORG) Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. is a California charitable corporation with 501(c)(3) non-profit ... The mission and vision of GREEN AID are as follows: --To set new precedents in marijuana freedom for all Americans by moving the fight for medical marijuana rights into the legal and judicial realm exclusively. As a nonprofit with unprecedented focus, GREEN AID will work solely on the legal and judicial front of the fight for medical marijuana change. As such, GREEN AID will enlist services by the finest lawyers available. GREEN AID's unmatched presence in the Courts will reassign public marijuana debates as part and parcel of the range of human rights concerns that grip the very core of our nation in the 21st Century. ... Visit:

    California Legal Info, Organizations and other Resources Medical Marijuana / California Prop 215. (INF, Org) Community Action Coordinators for the 1996 California medical marijuana initiative. California Proposition 215. Passed by 56% of California voters in It's still the law. Cannabis (marijuana) was listed in medical texts to treat over 100 different health conditions, prior to its ban in 1937 over the objections of the AMA. Medical use is still allowed under the UN Single Convention Treaty on Narcotic Drugs. The National Academy of Science did a scientific review in 1999 for the federal Office of Narcotics Control Policy and documented legitimate medical uses for cannabis, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) still forbids its use. Meanwhile, the US government gives cannabis to seven patients in the Compassionate IND (Investigational New Drug) program. ... Visit:

    California - Legal Resources, by NORML California (CA) MJ LEGAL Resources, by NORML.  NORML Legal Committee members, and more for California, by NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.   ...   Visit -

    Link, Legal, Newport Beach DUI Lawyers - California Legal Team Newport Beach DUI Lawyers   The California Legal Team is a premier Newport Beach DUI defense law firm that is committed to helping people fight their DUI charges and arrests in Newport Beach and Orange County.   Visit:

    Also, here are some national / international Resources -

    California - The Laws concerning marijuana The Laws concerning marijuana in California.  By NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Visit: for more.

    California - The Laws concerning marijuana ASA : California's Medical Marijuana Laws | Medical cannabis (medical marijuana) laws in California. Visit:

    California - Drug Policy Alliance: Info for Medical Marijuana Litigators: California Drug Policy Alliance: Info for Medical Marijuana Litigators: California ... Home > Marijuana: The Facts > Medical Marijuana > Legal Challenges > Info for Litigators > Legal > State Laws > Info for Medical Marijuana Litigators: California ... Click > here < for more.

    Places that have decriminalized non-medical cannabis in the United States Places that have decriminalized non-medical cannabis in the United States - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Multiple places have decriminalized non-medical cannabis in the United States; however, cannabis is illegal under federal law. Gonzales v. Raich (2005) held in a 6-3 decision that the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution allowed the federal government to ban the use of cannabis, including medical use even if local laws allow it. Most places that have decriminalized cannabis have civil fines, drug education, or drug treatment in place of incarceration and/or criminal charges for possession of small amounts of cannabis, or have made various cannabis offenses the lowest priority for law enforcement. Contents: Map, List of States, References, External links ... Visit -

    The Law - U.S. Marijuana Laws, Medical Marijuana Facts, Cannabis, Hemp U.S. Marijuana Laws, Medical Marijuana Facts, Cannabis, Hemp | Provides U.S. Marijuana Laws, Facts About Marijuana, Marijuana Drug Testing, Drug Detection Times, Medical Marijuana, and Information About Your Rights ... North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon... visit -

      LEGISLATION, Action Items and related Resources  

    Resources, Organizations - NORML Congressional Scorecard NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws | updated and revised Congressional Scorecard. The Scorecard is an all-encompassing database that assigns a letter grade 'A' through 'F' to members of Congress based on their marijuana-related comments and voting records. Be sure to vote and #TakeAction on election day in support of marijuana-friendly candidates and marijuana law reform! >> visit:

    California - Medical Marijuana Patients California Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Resolution, Lawmakers Urge New Federal Policy on Research and Enforcement The California Senate this month approved a resolution that calls for big changes in federal policy on medical marijuana. The resolution, which is sponsored by ASA, urges federal lawmakers to both end federal interference in state medical cannabis laws and establish a comprehensive national plan to provide safe access for all patients.

    The state Senate's 23-15 vote on the non-binding resolution comes in the wake of recent federal enforcement activity in the state, including multiple raids and the arrests of five individuals. Senate Joint Resolution 14 was introduced in June by State Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco). If the state Assembly passes it, the resolution will be sent to the White House and Congress. The Obama Administration has promised to end interference in state medical marijuana programs, and the President has signed a memorandum that says government policies should be based on sound science. But numerous federal raids since January have California lawmakers concerned. "Patients and providers in California remain at risk of arrest and prosecution by federal law enforcement and legally established medical marijuana cooperatives continue to be the subjects of federal raids," said Sen. Leno in a statement on the resolution.

    Federal agents were involved in at least three raids on medical marijuana dispensaries last month, including two in California and one in Colorado, as well as a raid on a rural marijuana garden in California. These follow at least a half-dozen other federal actions that have occurred since President Obama took office. "Federal interference in state medical marijuana laws is unnecessary, unwelcome, and harmful," said Don Duncan, ASA's California Director. "Patients will benefit from a national policy that protects safe access; law enforcement will benefit from clearer federal guidelines; and taxpayers will benefit from better use of federal resources."

    SJR 14 urges President Obama and Congress to "move quickly to end federal raids, intimidation, and interference with state medical marijuana law." It also asks them to establish "an affirmative defense to medical marijuana charges in federal court and establish federal legal protection for individuals authorized by state and local law." Currently, federal medical marijuana defendants are prevented from using any defense that involves medical necessity or their compliance with state law.

    "More than two dozen medical marijuana defendants are currently being prosecuted on federal charges," said Duncan. "A change in federal policy can keep these people from serving many years in prison." The resolution also addresses the need to expand research into the medical benefits of cannabis, a primary recommendation of the 1999 Institute of Medicine report, which was commissioned by the White House. Further information: Senate Joint Resolution on medical marijuana - and ASA fact sheet on SJR 14 -

    California - Medical Marijuana Patients Drug Policy Alliance: Reform in California | Medical Marijuana: California allows patients to use medical marijuana if they have a debilitating medical condition and a state-issued registry condition. This law was enacted in May 2004 after Gov. Jim Douglas allowed a bill to become law without his signature. ... visit:

    Oklahoma - Medical Marijuana Patients NORML / A Page Just For You / Medical Marijuana Patients | This section is to help you locate the information you need to become fully informed regarding medical marijuana -- as well as play an important role in changing America’s misguided marijuana laws. Select One, All States and Canada, Mexico, Europe, Other ... visit:

    USA - Medical Marijuana Patients DrugInfo - Medical Cannabis: USA > In Search of a Viable Distribution System for Oklahoma's Medical Marijuana Program ... Medicinal Cannabis: USA Federal: Legislation, Court Decisions and Commentaries States: Legislation and Programs. Click here for more.

    Businesses and other Commercial Resources Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. You can also check the Events and News sections to see if there are any Items posted there. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

      EVENTs, Calendars and related Resources  

    California Event - Global Marijuana March California Event | Global Marijuana Marches - California Event - Global Marijuana March 51 cities from California have signed up one or more years since 1999. See: Anaheim, Arcata, Bakersfield, Bishop, Chico, Crescent City, Dinuba, Eureka, Fontana, Fort Bragg, Fresno, Garberville, Garden Grove, Grass Valley, Hanford, Hayward, Lake Isabella, Los Angeles, Marysville, Mendocino, Monterey, Morongo Valley, Mount Shasta, Napa, Oakland, Orange County, Palm Springs, Paradise, Pasadena, Patterson, Pomona, Redding, Reedley, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Susanville, Ukiah, Upper Lake, Vacaville, Ventura, Visalia, Yuba City ...   or Visit -

    California - Events Cannabis Events | Cannabis News - Medical Marijuana, Marijuana ... ... WAMMfest Celebrates 7th Year at San Lorenzo Park | Yes, it’s a party, but not that kind of party. The Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, or WAMM, has been around long enough that only the most clueless of locals mention its name in the same ... Thousands Attend Marijuana Rally | Thousands swarmed Boston Common yesterday afternoon, participating — to various degrees — in a rally advocating legalization of marijuana that featured live music and speakers, including Green-Rainbow gubernatorial candidate Jill Stein. The 21st Annual Boston Freedom... ... visit:

    California - Events California Festivals | Current listing of festivals Free! Printed Vendors list start at $5.00 Welcome to California Fairs and Click on one of the drop down menus below to learn more about festivals and fairs in California. This site is dedicated to helping you find, learn about, and enjoy fairs, festivals and other fantastic events in the Golden State of California in 2009 and 2010. Thanks and enjoy! Vendors can purchase a list of 2010 Fairs or a list of 2010 Festivals with links and information for Vendors! The festival lists by the month. New and improved format allows you to click on links directly. To visit our store -or- Looking for a vendor for your event? ... Click here >

    California - Events Nor Cal Medical Marijuana Activism | A list of medical marijuana events for Northern California are listed below ... September 22, 2007 - El Dorado County American Alliance for Medical Cannabis ... Northern California Medical Marijuana Activism Join the movement today! A list of medical marijuana events for Northern California are listed below! ... visit:

    California - Events Upcoming Cannabis Events | Cups, Seminars, Elections, Meetings High Times Medical Cannabis Cup - Local dispensary product judged by a private panel to determine the best medicine in the Bay. Open to the public. Cannabis does not come with ticket. VIP party at Mezzanine with Eagles of Death Metal. Saturday, Sunday, June 19-20, all day. $50 Cup; $50 VIP party. More events after the jump. ... visit:

    California - Events Coming Events | Marijuana in California: A New Day A CalNORML sponsored Conference Saturday, January 29, 2010 David Brower Center, Berkeley ... Latest News from California Dale Gieringer Named Freedom Fighter of the Year Nov. 17 - California NORML director Dale Gieringer will receive the High Times Freedom Fighter of the Year Award next week at the magazine's annual Cannabis Cup celebration in Amsterdam. ... visit:

    California - Events Archive for the ‘EVENTS’ category | Arizona: Yes To Medical Marijuana: 120 Dispensaries Allowed November 14th, 2010 After a tally of late provisional ballots, Arizona voters have approved Proposition 203, a state ballot measure that will allow patients suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other life-threatening illnesses to use medical marijuana with authorization from their doctor. Arizona now joins the list of 14 other states, along with the District of Columbia, that have [...]

    Prop 203 Appears to Have Won November 13th, 2010 Proposition 203, which had trailed until this afternoon, is now leading by about 4,400 votes. About 8,000 early ballots and 2,000 provisional ballots remain to be counted in Maricopa County. But the pro-203 trend seen in the last few tens of thousands of provisional ballots processed bodes extremely well for the measure. If it took a miracle [...]

    CNN: LIVE BALLOT MEASURES (Updating by the minute) November 3rd, 2010 California will not legalize cannabis, Arizona and South Dakota also lost the battle for their own respective Medical Marijuana programs. .maybe if they start calling it CANNABIS people will forget the bullshit stigmas and racism attached to the word Marijuana. We are 0 for 4 so far but the impact of these elections are huge [...] ... visit:

    California - Events Northern, California - | bayareacannabis Medical Marijuana Classifieds for the Cannabis community. Buy, sell, trade, date, events... post anything. Community Classifieds. Post Ad Post Event Post Image Forum Home / California / Northern / ... visit:

    California - Events Central Valley Cannabis | California's Cannabis Culture from amanda van west on Vimeo. In November 2010, Californians ... is among the first to provide the winning results of another cannabis event! ... visit:

    California - Events Events | Mendocino County Cannabis is coming to your area soon. Please join us to get the word out and bring Mendocino's growers together to build a prosperous future for the cannabis economy in Mendocino, and bring the joy of Mendo Weed to the world. What Can We Do? Check back often and look for our public notice fliers. Join us to build Mendocino's sticky green future. ... visit:

    California - Events Cannabis State - Come grow with us | Cannabis State is the first Cannabis College in Orange County, California and is now offering Classes and Consulting Services at the Peace ... Sunset Beach Events Cannabis Festivals: iGrow 420Eve - Oakland, CA 4/19/10, Oaksterdam University Spring Cannabis Cup - Oakland, CA 4/20/10, THC Expose - Los Angeles, CA 4/23/10 - 4/25/10, HempCon 2010 - San Francisco, CA 8/6/10 - 8/8/10, Hempfest - Seattle, WA 8/20/10 - 8/22/10 ... visit:

    Calendars - ASA: Events ASA: Events | 3rd Annual Candlelight Vigil for Medical Cannabis Patients Saturday, April 22nd 2006 8 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania PhillyNORML will host it's 3rd annual ... visit -

    Events - HempFests HempFests | Street Fairs, Festivals and Farmers Markets - Music, Food and Stuff for Sale or Barter - any opportunity for activists to booth, people to gather and businesses to vend ... like any local versions of the Seattle Hempfest ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

    Events - Marches Marches | Demonstrations, Rallies and similar Action Items any situation where activists are trying to educate or draw attention to - yet another - victim and people are congregating ... like the Million Marijuana Marches ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

    Organizations and other Resources Other Types? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Got an Idea? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

      BIZ, and related Commercial Resources  

    California - Resource, Business; local Your United Patients Group team is dedicated to providing the most discrete, professional and safe resource for Medical Cannabis. Whether you have Cancer, Chronic Pain, MS, Arthritis or Anxiety, we are committed to helping you locate what you need. * United Patients Group / 336 Bon Air Center, #361, Greenbrae, CA 94904 * 415.524.8099 * or   Visit -

    California - Resource, Business; local Starting a business in cannabis | If you would like to start a Marijuana Dispensary, Non-Profit Collective, Marijuana Delivery Service, Marijuana Co-op and Marijuana Grow Operation, these classes are for you. Learn from expert lawyers that help people start Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Collectives everyday. ( Main Seminar in Colorado covers Amendment 20 medical marijuana laws ). Objective #1: explain general State of California Requirements to start a business (Colorado classes will cover Amendment 20). Objective #2: deciding what type of business to start, compare different types of Careers. Objective #3: create step-by-step plan to start your business. Marijuana business licenses. Marijuana business permits and other marijuana business paper work needed. Where is the best locations to open your business . What to write and what not to write on business application and where to go. Not for Profit and Non-profit Mutual Benefit Corporation options. We'll answer the question "How will I make money if it's a non-profit?" How to facilitate transactions. Bookkeeping and paying taxes. General Liability Insurance to cover your business and crop. Pros and Cons of retail, delivery and grow operations. How much money is needed to start? You will also get (all forms are necessary to run your business) : California Non-Profit Collective form (you need this to get in business). Marijuana Collective Membership Agreement. Authorization to Transport medical marijuana. Authorization to Cultivate medical marijuana. Click here for more information.

    Marijuana Seeds: Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, and more Marijuana Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | - The finest quality marijuana seeds available direct from Holland. Our Marijuana seeds ( Cannabis Seeds ) are hand checked so you get the best; We stock the most popular varieties of marijuana seeds e.g. White Widow and Northern Lights; We ship seeds worldwide, discreetly packaged in crush proof envelopes; Seeds are batch tested in Holland & have 90% plus germination rate if germinated correctly; We stock the most awarded marijuana strains such as Cannabis Cup & High Times Cup winners. Almost every variety we stock has won awards! We stock an excellent range of feminized marijuana seeds * to Contact: Visit >>

    Sensi Seeds: Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, Sensi Merchandise, Hemp and more Sensi Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | Sensi Seeds, where you can discover the stories behind many different facets of this legendary seed company, from its beginnings as one man’s passion and a small collection of very special seeds to the impact that the Sensi gene bank has had on medicinal marijuana and the culture of cannabis in the Netherlands and beyond. The locations and more information about Sensi Seeds shops can be found in the Shop Locations section. Medicinal users and anyone interested in the medicinal properties of marijuana will find useful and relevant advice and background information in the Medicinal Cannabis section. Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, Sensi Merchandise, Hemp and more * Contact: Sensi Seeds B.V. - P.O. BOX 10952, 1001 EZ Amsterdam, Netherlands * Tel: +31 (0)20 626 29 88 * Fax: +31 (0)20 428 41 10 * or Visit >>

    Weed Seed Shop offers regular, feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds, free shipping and secure payment Weed Seed Shop (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | Weed Seed Shop offers regular, feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds, free shipping and secure payment. The Weed Seed Shop collection contains the most cheap cannabis seeds available online. Only with us you can buy 5 feminized cannabis seeds for less than €15! A selection of the most affordable cannabis seeds on the internet * Contact: WSS BV - P.O. box 10952, 1001 EZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands * or Visit >>

    Gorilla Cannabis Seed Bank Gorilla Cannabis Seed Bank | gives you the chance to benefit from its years of experience; living, working and playing in the cannabis seeds jungle. He knows what you want and will fight to the death in order to bring it to your door in a perfectly discreet, freshly sealed package. You will find that nothing is too much trouble for the Gorilla Seed Bank team; be it sourcing new cannabis seeds, keeping you informed of the progress of your order or offering you regular discounts and promotions to make sure you get the best deal anywhere. Go Gorilla Now! > Gorilla Seed Bank, PO Box 456, Weston Super Mare, Somerset, BS22 9WX, United Kingdom -or- Phone: 0208 8720 7323 -or- visit > Gorilla Cannabis Seed Bank on-line.

    Buy Dutch Marijuana Seeds Buy Dutch Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | Buy Dutch Marijuana Seeds High Quality Dutch Cannabis Seeds (Marijuana Seeds) delivered stealth packaged World-wide > High Dutch Cannabis Marijuana seeds from the worlds best seed supplier. Superior quality cannabis seeds from Amsterdam. High germination success, hundreds of different varieties from only the best breeders. Top smoking marijuana for our customers is the highest priority! They´ll help you personally to succeed . Note, WARNING - check your countrys laws, some will intercept the package and charge you with a crime.

    They offer you the biggest list of seeds directly from top Dutch Cannabis breeders. Over 30 cannabis strains. Lots of Cannabis Cup winners like White Widow, Durban Poison and Northern Lights. We provide marijuana seeds for every need: Indoor, Outdoor, feminized, and medical. Discretion and SAFE shopping is guaranteed, SSL Secured. Discrete delivery worldwide! All seed-packages contain 10 seeds, they ship all seeds by Priority mail in plain packaging crush proof sealed envelops with no indication to the contents. | Contact: Postbus 938 . 5600 AX Eindhoven . The Netherlands * or ... Visit:

    Businesses and other Commercial Resources Cannabis Worm Tea | Mycorrhizae inoculation is finally becoming mainstream with dedicated growers. Use it once, you'll never grow without it again. When you use CannabisWormTea you get so much more satisfaction. Shop and compare ... Stop wasting money. If you want to purchase just the Pure Endo Mychorrhizae for a one time inoculation ... Good Call ... One inoculation is all you need for the plants entire life cycle. Learn more about Cannabis Worm Tea CannabisWormTea kits have continuous Mycorrhizae fungi feeds as a huge dose is included in every kit and refill. Just add the Liquid Force inoculator to the Worm Tea base. You'll love the results! Other Organic compounds included in the kit are derived from Fish bone meal, alfalfa meal, seaweed extract, kelp meal, feather meal soft rock phosphate, dolomite limes ... a pH adjuster Our Grow formula has a NPK of no More than 12.3.1 Our Bloom formula has a NPK of no More than 4.10.7 CannabisWormTea is highly effective and fast acting! Bottom line is CannabisWormTea is the stuff you want to use on your plants! If you work with alot of plants you can put the worm tea concentrate right on the root base. Then water as usual. Alot less work with this method. Watch what happens... Put one cup in a quart spray, and folier feed four times a week for amazing eye-poppin results. Visit:

    Businesses and other Commercial Resources Others? Are on the Biz Page, and/or - Will be listed here, especially if it's in the Region.   As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

      NEWs and related Resources  

    The Medical Cannabis and California - News Feeds > California - News Feed, Powered by MAP.  Click here to build yours!< Click here to build yours!

      Medical Cannabis NEWs Feed  

      Drug War in California in general NEWs Feed  

    See more at The Media Awareness Project > Drugnews Archive ... visit -

    California, News - Session ends with modest improvements to medical marijuana law, no new taxes Session ends with modest improvements to medical marijuana law, no new taxes - Last update: September 13, 2016 | The 2015-2016 session wrapped up, and this year’s slate of marijuana-related bills included both good and bad bills. For the most part, the better bills passed, while the negative ones fell short. Included in the list of positives is AB 2516, which establishes a new category of small, “cottage” class of business license, and AB 2385, which closes a loophole in the current law that could have prevented dispensaries in L.A. from obtaining state licenses. Fortunately, harmful efforts to impose taxes on medical marijuana patients fell short. Attention now focuses more fully on the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), which will give voters the chance to end marijuana prohibition in 2016 and replace it with a more sensible system. Under the proposed initiative, marijuana would be regulated, taxed, and treated similarly to alcohol. Please support this initiative by donating to our campaign finance committee. All donations will go directly to the initiative to help ensure victory. For a quick overview of some of the key provisions of the AUMA, click here. >>   Visit -

    The current legal status of marijuana in California | Under California law, possessing up to an ounce or less of marijuana is a civil infraction similar to a speeding ticket. While this is a more reasonable approach than many states take, California is still punishing tens of thousands of responsible adults for possessing a substance that is objectively safer than both alcohol and tobacco. A study released by the Drug Policy Foundation reports that despite the reduction in penalties, state law enforcement still arrested over half a million people in the past 10 years on marijuana-related charges, a huge number of which are minorities. The report highlights one of the most tragic failures in the war on marijuana — how hard it impacts racial minorities. In 2013, the ACLU released its own report looking specifically at how African Americans are treated in the war on marijuana entitled, “The War on Marijuana in Black and White.” The report showed that where blacks represent 6.7% of the population in California, they account for 16.3% of the arrests (or citations) for marijuana, while rates of usage are virtually the same between black and white populations.

    It is true that California’s marijuana laws are not as draconian as some other states, but the state is still wasting precious resources on citing, arresting, and prosecuting marijuana offenders, while ensuring the profits of marijuana sales go to criminals instead of responsible businesses and supporting the state budget. Stay connected | The landscape of marijuana-related laws is shifting, so be sure you don’t miss out. To stay updated on the status of marijuana policy reform in Alabama, be sure to subscribe to MPP’s free legislative alert service. >>   Visit -

    California - News Mother Jones: Why Northern California is Stoked That Pot’s Still Illegal - November 5th, 2010 | Posted in » Northern California: “There’s a large movement up here of people who realize that their self interest lies in keeping marijuana illegal,” says Hank Sims, the editor of the North Coast Journal, based in the Humboldt town of Eureka. Growers in the Emerald Triangle’s rugged hills and foggy redwood groves are shielded from the snooping eyes of the DEA, but that advantage would become a handicap if pot could be openly cultivated in California’s warm, flat, agribusiness-dominated Central Valley. North Coast ganja growers “have got government-sponsored price control in the form of busts,” Sims explains. “So I think a lot of people kind of cynically voted their pocketbook and voted to keep it illegal.” ... visit:

    California - Marijuana (cannabis) News Feed, by NORML California (CA) MJ News Feed, by NORML.  Latest news and more for California, by NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.   ... and more.   Visit -

    California, News - American Civil Liberties Union : California Reinstates Medical Marijuana Card Program American Civil Liberties Union : California Reinstates Medical Marijuana Card Program (NEWs, Org) | After ACLU and Drug Policy Alliance Threaten Lawsuit (7/19/2005) SACRAMENTO -- The Schwarzenegger administration today complied with demands from the American Civil Liberties Union and the Drug Policy Alliance and reinstated California's medical marijuana card program. "California's reinstatement of the card program squarely confirms that state medical marijuana laws across the country remain completely valid and in force," said Allen Hopper, an attorney with the ACLU's Drug Law Reform Project. "Patients can breathe a sigh of relief today, and we applaud the Attorney General's prompt attention and resolution of this issue." Click > here < for more. ( )

    California, News - Allen's Story Allen's Story | Allen Eugene Bennett is reprieved from the grasp of death from Cancer by the marvelous natural medicine Cannabis (Marijuana). Video Slide Show - Allen's Story - Cancer and Medical Cannabis (Marijuana). (Article) Account of a California man who used marijuana as part of his therapy for cancer. Includes information about Proposition 215. ... Visit:

    California, News - US judge approves distribution of marijuana US judge approves distribution of marijuana - British Medical Journal, July 29, 2000 by Deborah Josefson | A federal judge in Oakland, California, has approved the distribution of marijuana for medicinal purposes from a "medical marijuana" club. The decision marks the first time a federal judge has overturned a federal injunction against marijuana and may lead to more widespread approval of marijuana for medical purposes. US district court judge Charles Breyer ruled that the Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative could provide marijuana to club members who required it for medicinal purposes and would face "imminent harm" without it. By allowing the Oakland club to operate, Judge Breyer overturned an injunction he issued in 1998 that shut down that club and five others. The Oakland club was the only one that appealed against his original ruling. US district court judge Charles Breyer ruled that the Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative could provide marijuana to club members who required it for medicinal purposes and would face "imminent harm" without it.” Click > here < for more. ( )

    California, News - CA Cities Scramble to Regulate or Ban Medical Marijuana CA Cities Scramble to Regulate or Ban Medical Marijuana (Article) Claim cannabis clubs not good neighbors. | Since California enacted a law allowing patients to use marijuana for medical reasons cities across the state have been scrambling to restrict or even ban medical marijuana dispensaries, or ... Dateline: July 13, 2004. “In January 2004, California enacted a state law allowing patients to use marijuana for medical reasons with a doctor's prescription. Since then, cities across the state have been scrambling to restrict or even ban medical marijuana dispensaries, or "cannabis clubs" from locating inside their boundaries. Two cities located within a puff of the California Legislature in Sacramento, Rancho Cordova and Rocklin, typify these efforts.

    "There is no such thing as medical marijuana," Rancho Cordova Councilman David Sander told the Sacramento Bee. "I cannot support marijuana distribution in this community." Visit: Click > here < for more. ( )

    California, News - Online NewsHour: Medical Marijuana Online NewsHour: Medical Marijuana -- May 14, 2001. (Article) The Supreme Court unanimously rules against California's medical marijuana law. | The Oakland, California, Cannabis Club was one of the organizations that ... “MARGARET WARNER: Today's eight to nothing ruling against marijuana's medical use came in a case brought by the federal government after California voters passed a 1996 initiative legalizing such use. This case marked the High Court's first foray into the medical marijuana debate. Here to discuss today's ruling and its impact is Marcia Coyle, Supreme Court correspondent and Washington bureau chief for the National Law Journal. NewsHour regular Jan Crawford Greenberg is on maternity leave.” Click > here < for more. ( )

    California, News - California Medical Cannabis Club Under Fire California Medical Cannabis Club Under Fire. (NEWs) California Medical Cannabis Club Under Fire. Posted August 31, 2002 by Jeffrey Anderson, Los Angeles Daily Journal. “Mere mention of ‘medical cannabis’ | Scott Imler decided to starve himself to death this summer to protest federal drug enforcement action against a cannabis club. After five days, he decided his death wouldn't provide an answer to his problems. Neither, so far, have the courts or law enforcement, which are locked in a death grip over the right of terminally or chronically ill patients to smoke marijuana, as provided by a state law and prohibited by the federal government. Federal agents raided the West Hollywood headquarters of the Los Angeles Cannabis Resource Center on Oct. 25, 2001. They seized the club's computers, medical files, bank accounts and inventory -- 400 plants and 10 pounds of harvested pot to serve the palliative needs of more than 900 medical patients, 90 percent of who suffer from cancer or AIDS. Imler uses medical marijuana to diminish his suffering from post-traumatic epileptic seizures. He had worked closely with city officials to set up the center and had earned a reputation among advocates as a stickler for detail who closely adhered to the mandates of local law enforcers. ... Visit:

    California, News - Supreme Court Bars Distribution of Marijuana for Medical Purposes Supreme Court Bars Distribution of Marijuana for Medical Purposes. (NEWs) The U.S. Supreme Court votes 7-1 to bar the distribution of marijuana for medicinal purposes. | Responding to an emergency request from the Clinton Administration, the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday voted 7-1 to bar the distribution of marijuana for medicinal purposes in California. The court's brief order postponed the effect of a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that “medical necessity” of marijuana is a “legally cognizable defense” to charges of distributing drugs in violation of a federal law. Yesterday's ruling virtually overrides California's controversial 1996-passed ballot initiative -- Proposition 215. The initiative allows medical patients, under doctors' recommendations, to grow and use marijuana for pain relief. Several California "cannabis clubs" also distributed the drug to patients under the initiative and had continued to do so after the 9th Court of Appeals' ruling. ... Visit:

    California, News - Pot Activists Want DEA Out of Building Media Awareness Project - Pot Activists Want DEA Out of Building. (NEWs, Org) Reports that demonstrators protested the Drug Enforcement Administration outside an Oakland, CA, building in 2003 for preventing patients from using medical marijuana. | POT ACTIVISTS WANT DEA OUT OF OAKLAND BUILDING - OAKLAND -- The fight for access to medical marijuana continued Tuesday across the nation and in downtown Oakland, as demonstrators demanded the eviction of the Drug Enforcement Administration from the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building. Members of Americans for Safe Access ( ASA ) and medical marijuana supporters protested government actions preventing patients from using marijuana to treat illnesses. Protesters gathered from noon to 1 p.m. outside the building waiting for the DEA to respond. Fake eviction notices from the protesters were posted on the building's front doors. "The government is overreaching something that is supported by 80 percent of Americans," said Hilary McQuie, ASA campaign coordinator. "I think it's incomprehensible ... what kind of priorities are these?" ... Visit:

    California, News - Marijuana found in clothes being worn by baby Medical Marijuana Full Coverage on Yahoo! News (NEWs) Search: All News & Blogs Yahoo!: Medical Marijuana ... Science of Medical Marijuana - com - Marijuana found in clothes being worn by baby The News-Press - Sat Dec 20, | A Fort Myers man was arrested Thursday after Lee County sheriff's deputies say he was hiding marijuana in a baby's clothes, which were being worn by... ... Visit:

    California, News - - Justices doubtful about medical marijuana - Justices doubtful about medical marijuana (NEWs) WASHINGTON - Liberal and conservative Supreme Court justices expressed doubt Monday that sick patients should be allowed to use doctor-recommended marijuana to relieve pain. (Related video: Court hears marijuana arguments) Justices doubtful about medical marijuana By Richard Willing, USA TODAY WASHINGTON — Liberal and conservative Supreme Court justices expressed doubt Monday that sick patients should be allowed to use doctor-recommended marijuana to relieve pain. (Related video: Court hears marijuana arguments) A proponent of medical marijuana holds a sign outside of the U.S. Supreme Court. ... Click > here < for more. ( )

    Resources, News - Marijuana (cannabis) News Feed, by NORML NORML News Feed.  Visit -

    Resources, News - MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit:

    Resources, News - Marijuana (cannabis) News (Medical) Marijuana Info - Information. Candidates running for the House of Representatives to the question: "Should smoked marijuana be a medical option now?" ... 10/28/02. Oklahoma House Race - District 1 ... Visit:

    Resources, News - The American Alliance For Medical Cannabis (AAMC) The American Alliance For Medical Cannabis (AAMC) | Dedicated to bringing patients, caregivers and volunteers the facts they need to make informed decisions about whether Cannabis is the right medicine for them, the laws surrounding Medicinal Marijuana in your area, political activism and even handy recipes and guides to growing your own nontoxic medicine. visit:

    Resources, News - Cannabis Times,  Alternative News Service for Cannabis and Hemp Cannabis Times. Alternative News Service for Cannabis and Hemp ... Montana Woman on Hunger Strike for Medical Cannabis. Visit Robin's Site * E-Mail the ... The science of medical cannabis continued its climb in estimation of medical professionals and ... visit:

    Resources, News - Common Sense for Drug Policy: Medical Marijuana Facts & News. Common Sense for Drug Policy: Medical Marijuana Facts & News. Tuesday, July 12, 2005. Search using CSDP's own search tool or use. WWW Common Sense. More CSDP News Pages ... card program for medical marijuana patients. The suspension has ... consequences of issuing medical marijuana ID cards that could affect medical marijuana users, their families ...

    Resources, News -, by DrugSense, by DrugSense | a News feed page. Visit:

    Resources, News - Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) is an international organization working for an end to drug prohibition worldwide and for interim policy reform in US drug laws and criminal justice system. visit -

      some HISTORY  

    California, History - Medical Marijuana in California Medical Marijuana in California. (INF) An brief overview and bibliography on the medical marijuana issue in California, with a focus on legislation and leading court cases. “Whether or not to permit the use of marijuana for medical purposes is both a public policy issue and a contentious legal issue, especially in California. Under federal law (the Controlled Substances Act of 1970) marijuana use for any purpose is illegal. The federal law has not stopped a number of states from enacting medical marijuana legislation. California was one of the first. In 1996 California voters passed Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act, legalizing marijuana for medical use. Proposition 215 permits seriously ill Californians to use marijuana, provided they first obtain a doctor's recommendation. Proposition 215 also gives doctors a legal defense against professional or legal sanctions for recommending marijuana use.” ... Visit:

    California, History - Distribution of Medical Cannabis in California Distribution of Medical Cannabis in California. (INF) The Compassionate Use Act: On November 4, 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act (“CUA”), to “ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes” without criminal penalty. Since then, hundreds of medical marijuana patients and those who supply them with the medicine they need have been searched, arrested and prosecuted for marijuana violations, in large part because the CUA has been interpreted in a very obscure manner. The CUA provides basic protections for medical marijuana patients and their primary caregivers from prosecution for cultivation and possession of marijuana for medical use. ... Visit:

    California, History - GAO-03-189, Marijuana: Early Experiences with Four States' Laws That Allow Use for Medical Purposes GAO-03-189, Marijuana: Early Experiences with Four States' Laws That Allow Use for Medical Purposes Every attempt has been made to maintain the structural and data integrity of the original printed product. ... Cooperative: Appendix III: Medical Marijuana Registries in Oregon, California, Hawaii, and Select California ... to be eligible for medical marijuana use. California, Hawaii, and Oregon have ... visit:

    California, History - Research Findings on Medicinal Properties of Marijuana Research Findings on Medicinal Properties of Marijuana... jurisdictions voted on medical marijuana initiatives. Six states California, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada ... voted for medical marijuana. In all seven jurisdictions the initiatives passed by ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis, History - Letter: Medical Marijuana Informational Guide on Medical Cannabis | If you have ever heard of the song, “Lets Go Get Stoned,” as sung by Ray Charles or Joe Cocker, you know the lyrics were referring to getting high or using cannabis aka marijuana. This mind altering drug goes by other names as well; names such as weed, pot, joint, blunt, hash and mary jane are quite common among users. Cannabis is a plant that contains a chemical called cannabinoids or cannabinolidic acids. Another substance that is found in cannabis is THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, which gives the users that “high” sensation. When speaking of marijuana, the actual substance used in creating the high feeling comes from the leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is considered to be a schedule 1 controlled substance today, because of the THC, which can be highly potent, depending upon the concentration factor of the THC. Visit > < for more.

    Medical Cannabis History - REEFER MADNESS BOOKS THE REEFER MADNESS ERA, REEFER MADNESS BOOKS (Info, History) By definition, it would be a contradiction in terms to list or classify a Reefer Madness book as a work of "Non-Fiction." Thus both genres are group together here simply as "Hard Cover" books; if only to distinguish them from the "Pulp Fiction" or "Dime Store novels" discussed elsewhere. However where appropriate the terms [Fiction] and [Non-Fiction] are used. Please take note - This Index consists solely of those books that the museum has been able to locate and is in no way shape or form complete. It should be thought of only as a starting point. Visit:

    Medical Cannabis History - Pharmacutical Museum Cannabis medical manufacturer Pharmacutical Museum Cannabis medical manufacturer | [Made post-1937 medical Cannabis products]. Burrough Brothers Mfg Co. - 123 Market Place, Baltimore, ... Korn Pop Remedy Co. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ... visit -

    Medical Cannabis History - Cannabis Quack Medicines Cannabis Quack Medicines | ... contained it as an ingredient, Medical Cannabis was as common as aspirin is ... the Hazeltine Corp., of Warren Pennsylvania, was founded in 1869, and soon ... visit -

    Medical Cannabis History  - Marijuana (cannabis) News Archive, by NORML NORML News Archive.  Visit -

    Medical Cannabis History  - Dr Tod; California doctor braves political pressure to prescribe marijuana for those in need. Dr Tod | California doctor braves political pressure to prescribe marijuana for those in need. ... German mother in a small Pennsylvania town during the Depression and ... California Cannabis Resear... Click > here < for more.

    Medical Cannabis History  - Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization |... Youth," was, in fact, Cannabis Hemp, the most traded commodity in the world ... visit -

      Cannabis as Medicine  

    California, Medical Cannabis - The debate over the use of marijuana for medical purposes rages on Medical Marijuana (INF) The debate over the use of marijuana for medical purposes rages on. | Filed In: Pain Relief. Medical Marijuana - Medicinal Marijuana - Medical Uses Of Marijuana Information about medical marijuana, medicinal marijuana, and medical uses of marijuana. The debate over the use of marijuana for medical purposes has been ongoing for years. In June 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against medical use of marijuana, but emphasized the decision was not over whether marijuana is effective for pain relief. ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - LESSON PLAN:MEDICAL MARIJUANA - LEGITIMATE USE OR LEGALIZED ABUSE? LESSON PLAN:MEDICAL MARIJUANA - LEGITIMATE USE OR LEGALIZED ABUSE? By Lisa Prososki, a former middle school and high school social studies, English, reading and technology teacher. Estimated Time: Approximately 45 minutes/1 class period Lesson Objectives: (1) Students will use cooperative learning activities to discuss opinions about medical marijuana use and see both sides of the issue, (2) Students will use decision making skills and strategies to render their own decision about the U.S. Supreme Court case related to medical marijuana use. Click > here < for more.

    Medical Cannabis - Pros & cons on medical marijuana Medical Marijuana Pro/Con * Pros & cons on medical marijuana. Science, risks, policies, & laws. Should marijuana be a medical option? This site presents in a simple, nonpartisan pro-con format, responses to the core question "Should marijuana be a medical option?" Divided questions about the topic into the issues and sub-issues listed below. All individuals and organizations quoted on our site are ranked based upon our unique credibility scale. [Note: Although physicians and attorneys are listed on this site, they do not recommend or refer either.] visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana News and Facts Medical Cannabis (marijuana) News, Information, Organizations, Links.  Resources and more. visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Factbook: Medical Marijuana Factbook: Medical Marijuana

    1. Since 1996, twelve states have legalized medical marijuana use: AK, CA, CO, HI, ME, MT, NV, NM, OR, RI, VT, and WA. Eight of the twelve did so through the initiative process. Hawaii's law was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2000, Vermont's was enacted by the legislature and passed into law without the governor's signature in May 2004, Rhode Island's was passed into law over the governor's veto in January 2006, and New Mexico's legislation was signed into law by Governor Bill Richardson on April 2, 2007.

    2. The Institute of Medicine's 1999 report on medical marijuana stated, "The accumulated data indicate a potential therapeutic value for cannabinoid drugs, particularly for symptoms such as pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation." And more. Visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Information, NORML, Medical Use, Introduction NORML / Medical Use / Introduction | Introduction. Select One Send All States Canada Mexico Europe Other Alabama Alaska Am. ... District of Columbia FEDERAL Florida Georgia Guam Oklahoma Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana of individual patients to use medical cannabis under state law, or the ... visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Information, Medical Marijuana Handbook  Medical Marijuana Handbook | This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at the San Francisco Buyers Club. Its patchy, and uncomplete, and acts only as a framework for Dr Todd to store snippets of info on various aspects of medical cannabis. Marijuana as Medicine - A Plea for Reconsideration, is a commentary article written by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar, which appeared in the June 21st 1995 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Medical cannabis web resources. Medical Marijuana Handbook This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at ... visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana Info Medical Marijuana Info Online Resource for Medical Marijuana Information. Partners. Events. Legalization. Doctors. Federal Law(s) Lawyers. Medical/Medicinal. AIDS/HIV. History. Magazines ... Ohio Marijuana Party. Montana. Montana NORML ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana - Master Reference Medical Marijuana - Master Reference | Note: This page was prepared for the November, 1996 election. Some of the external links may be out of date. ... Cannabis Research Library - A collection ... visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Yields and Dosage Cannabis Yields and Dosage | the authoritative study of the science and legalities of calculating medical marijuana. The booklet is available as a PDF by ... visit -

    Info - Medical Marijuana Medical Marijuana ... to Washington's New Medical Marijuana Law" was adopted to ... The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A ... list of professional medical associations. Marijuana as medicine ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Court Decision On Medical Cannabis Expected This Week ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - CCRMG - California Cannabis Research Medical Group CCRMG - California Cannabis Research Medical Group - WWW.CCRMG.ORG | Autumn 2004. O'Shaughnessy's. Journal of the California Cannabis Research Medical Group ... medical effects of cannabis. It is unl... visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A catalog page offering Cannabis sativa extract. Medical cannabis refers to the use of Cannabis as a physician recommended herbal th... visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Medical Professionals Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Medical Professionals by | Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community. visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Proven : Cannabis is Safe Medicine Proven : Cannabis is Safe Medicine by Ian Williams Goddard | In reaction to medical cannabis access referendums on the ballots in Arizona and California, former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George Bush signed a letter stating that they "categorically oppose'' access to cannabis for its many proven therapeutic uses such as the prevention of blindness and epileptic seizures. Their chief concern was that legal medical access would send the message that cannabis is safe. The presidents can, however, lay their safety concerns to rest because the scientific literature overwhelmingly confirms that cannabis is both an effective and safe medicine. The Cannabis Safety Profile. The journal PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS reports that decades of research prove that, "Compared with legal drugs...marijuana does not pose greater risks." Yet based upon mortality statistics, we can safely conclude that cannabis is one of the safest medical drugs known, for, while prescription drugs, defined as safe by the FDA, kill up to 27,000 and aspirin up to 1,000 Americans per year, cannabis kills 0 per year. Click here for more.

    Medical Cannabis - Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis Facts Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis Facts, Cannabis Law, Hemp, Peyote Info, Salvia Divinorum Info   ... therapeutic uses for medical cannabis has been entertained in ... 1990's, medical cannabis ballot initiatives have received a majority of votes in Arizona, Arizona, California, Colorado ... visit:

    Russia - Information Medical Cannabis Strains - Geoffrey Guy, MD (GW Pharmaceuticals, U.K) | Founder and President of G.W. Pharmaceuticals in Russia, Dr. Geoffrey Guy's observations about the mammalian Cannabinoid system (with more receptors throughout the body than any other system) are presented to the Second Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, held in Portland, OR in May, 2002. First discussing CB1 and CB@ receptors; the modulatory effect on dopamine, GABA and glutamate; and cross-talk with other receptors, Dr. Guy then examines Phyto-Cannabinoids (plant based)THC, CBD and others, with GW's success in producing whole extracts from 3 tonnes/year of dried marijuana and years of genetic breeding to feature both high THC and high CBD strains. ... Visit:

    Russia - Resources, Information Cannabis Headquarters - Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) Strains ... articles about specific medical conditoins and how cannabis ... ever heard of PURPLE Nepal ? ...   ...   Visit -

    Russia - Resources, Information Medical Cannabis Menu - Safe 420 Deliver... Purple Russia. Indoor, Indica, very exotic-rare. Purple Nepal.jpg ? SEO by Artio. Medical Cannabis Delivered! 949-334-3065. ...   ...   Visit -

      BOOKs on Medical Cannabis (marijuana) and related 

    Medical Cannabis, Books - Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You? Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You? | A Factual Guide to Medical Uses of Marijuana by Bill Zimmerman, PhD with Rick Bayer, MD and Nancy Crumpacker, MD, ISBN#0-87983-906-6 (Keats 1998). Chapter 3: Why All the Controversy? What Does The Research Actually Show? is online at:

    Medical Cannabis, Books - Cannabis and Cannabinoids; Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential Examine the pros, cons, and controversies of marijuana as medicine! | Cannabis is still sending “signals of misunderstanding.”1-3 The result is an exaggeration of beneficial or deleterious effects as well as occasional intermixture of medical science with other moral categories. This book deals with health aspects of the cannabis plant and the cannabinoids while mainly factoring out societal aspects. Some authors refer to social topics that require discussion even within the bounds of a narrow handling of medicinal aspects. “Cannabis and Cannabinoids; Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential”. Edited by Franjo Grotenhermen, MD; Nova-Institut GmBH, Hürth, Germany and Ethan Russo, MD; Montana Neurobehavioral Specialists, Missoula, Montana. Hard Cover (ISBN-13: 978-0-7890-1507-7, ISBN-10: 0-7890-1507-2) $79.95

    Medical Cannabis, Books - Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot (Book) by Robert Randall & Alice O'Leary * This is a story of government betrayal -- a betrayal that continues today. But it is also a story of human courage and perseverance. Please take the time to read this book. Afterall, none of us are immune from the illnesses that marijuana can treat -- glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis and more. Some day you might need medical access to marijuana. We pray that it will be as simple as a doctor's prescription. Full text articles, news summaries, supporting organizations and states, additional resources, and information on medical marijuana. Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana, research Medical Marijuana Your search on medical marijuana has brought you to Questia, the world's largest online academic library. The Questia online library offers reliable books, journals, and articles that you can trust on medical marijuana.  With Questia you can quickly research, cite, and quote with complete confidence. Save substantial time without sacrificing research quality. Research Medical Marijuana Find quality info at the world's online library. 435,000 books, articles. Search or read full text, highlight, cite and auto-create bibliographies and get a personal bookshelf. Click here for more.

      misc Related LINKs, Web Rings, and such  

    California, Links - California Medical Marijuana Information - by The DEA California Medical Marijuana Information. (INF) | Statistics from the California Branch of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) shows that a survey of Californians reports the top three reported uses of medicinal marijuana: 40% Chronic Pain 22% AIDS-Related 15% Mood Disorders (23% All other categories) ... In California there is no state regulation or standard of the cultivation and/or distribution medical marijuana. California leaves the establishment of any ... Visit:

    California, Links - Civil Liberties Civil Liberties > Issues & Views > Your Rights | Categories >> The Basics (25) An introduction to civil liberties, suitable for beginners and experts alike. Explains the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other relevant documents; Issues and Causes (344) Civil liberties issues and causes that are debated in the United States and abroad; History & Timelines (97) The history of civil liberties and illustrated timelines documenting same; Who's Who (0) List of people, groups, and institutions in civil liberties; Activism & Advocacy (20) Civil liberties activism and advocacy tips, with resources on groups that do civil liberties work. ... Visit:

    Resources, Organizations - Marijuana links Marijuana links. Popular Searches: Medical Marijuana Links. Marijuana Research Links. ... about marijuana, The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A RCW This is ... an activist for medical marijuana. Chronic Cannabis Use A report on ... Click > here < for more.

    Russia - Resources, Information Cannabis - Medical Wonder Drug or Worldwide Anathema? Cannabis - you'll hear it called wacky backy, marijuana, weed, puff, smoke, pot, ... countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India ... Major producer countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India compete in a bouyant market, with around 40% of the weed coming from the "cannabis farms" in Morocco . Significant amounts are also starting to be produced in North America and Europe .   ...   Visit -

    Rhode Island - Medical 101; Links, Web-Ring Medical 101 (Links, “Web-Ring”) * A potential starting point for Medical Cannabis info. Find what you're looking for! Visit:

    Rhode Island - Marijuana Drug Slang Dictionary Marijuana Drug Slang Dictionary | Drug Slang Dictionary - Marijuana. Click here for more.

    Rhode Island - Rights and Freedoms Our Rights and Freedoms | The U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights bestow our rights and freedoms as Americans. Court interpretations and decisions, like the Supreme Court's Miranda rights ruling define the sco... Click > here < for more.

    Rhode Island - Marijuana Statistics and related Resources Whats yours?   Have an item? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

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    Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 08:33 AM:
    somebody wrote:
    "Amsterdam's Garden Amsterdam's Garden based on 37 reviews Location:Bay Area, San Jose 2142 The Alameda San Jose,CA 95126 (408) 717-3035 "

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 06:14 PM:
    Travis from Los Angeles wrote:
    "For those of you in the Los Angeles area, I just came across a great delivery service called Greenly. They discreetly deliver top shelf medicine that's freshly packed with nitrogen to help preserve the buds freshness. It's amazing! Their driver also uses a GPS system so you know when he will arrive. I'm a fan! Check it out: "

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 04:13 PM:
    John Stephens - PDC Legal Group from Sonoma County, California wrote:
    "The PDC Legal Office has developed a working legal model for an Hawaiian based MMJ Collective incorporating the legislative changes of 2014. We represent over 200 collectives in California and have broad experience in this area. We provide the necessary legal documents creating the collective, its membership documents, financial projections, notices & advisories, a template accounting system to assure compliance with Hawaii law among other documents. A thorough review of MMJ prosecutions in Hawaii over 2 years & have adopted a format which takes into consideration evidentiary pitfalls. For further information email - "

    Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 11:12 AM:
    SG from California wrote:
    "Has anyone had a chance to watch Discovery's new show "Weed Country." It was really interesting. It had some good information regarding the use of CBD's for treating epilepsy. Check it out! "

    Saturday, February 2 at 12:52 AM:
    duggyx from marin county wrote:
    " I'm looking. For a spot to grow this years. Crop that I mostly give away. To other. Patients and trade for services I can grow and have great seeds just need a great place of course hot &sunnyall day piease leave message or e-mail me: "

    on 12/7/2011 2:44 PM:
    christopher thru MERCY Fibromyalgia Pg feedBack wrote:
    "I have had fibromyalgia since I was twenty, forty years ago. I started smoking Marijuana then. It is the ONLY thing that allows for some kind of a normal life. I now live in Cal. where for the first time in forty years I have a script and do not worry about the law "

    Friday, June 19 at 08:42 AM:
    Christopher from wrote:
    "I wanted to know if you could be able to put a link to my website on your site. It is I am licensed in the State of California to provide medicinal marijuana gardening consultation. Thank you. "

    Friday, March 19 at 08:29 AM:
    Deliaz from CA wrote:
    "Voters in the city of Los Angeles sided with other voters from around the state of California in 2003, agreeing that there was a present and demanding need for an effective and well managed medical marijuana program. The program is designed to offer patients who are suffering from debilitating medical conditions and chronic symptoms with a way to get Los Angeles medical marijuana cards so they can use natural and alternative medicine as a form of treatment. For more information - "

    Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 01:07 PM:
    Marijuana dispensaries 411 from CA wrote:
    " is a great place to find the Dispensary near you. Find it, support it. "

    Monday, November 15, 2010 at 05:13 AM:
    medical marijuana clinic from Calif wrote:
    "Every one like good health so come and know about better health medical marijuana clinic "

    Saturday, May 29 at 09:01 AM:
    somebody wrote:
    "Looking for Dispensaries? Find legal MJ dispensaries with us! The top dispensary directory online - "

    Monday, October 19, 2009 at 11:46 AM:
    D. Mix from Orange, Ca. wrote:
    " Want to find where to get grow permits for medical cannibus - "

    Sunday, August 15, 2009 at 06:21 PM: wrote:
    > ------------------
    > SUBJECT: MERCY California Pg feedBack
    > ------------------
    > feedback: Thanks to people like us that have heart at what we do. If there is any donations or any thing I can be a part of please call ( 909 ) 528-5839. All the police do are hurass people. I have bean arrested numoras times. Im 60% dissable. That take my medicen 300 dollars but me on brovo search and than to top it off that beat the shit out of me. All my charges are are sales even no I owen a dasspenceary in San Berndeno. This place people say its a free country ya if your an ass sucking kiss ass. Jah Healing Care Givers. > ------------------
    > realname: Jah Healing Care Givers
    > ------------------

    amen, brother. sorry to hear about the harassment. there are Calif Legal resources here -

    - here is your link info:

    Jah Healing Caregivers | provides access to the website ("the site"). This site and it's contents are intended strictly to provide information for patients in accordance with HSC: 11362.5 in the state of California. Serving Big Bear, Sugarloaf, Fawnskin, and all surrounding areas. Delivery available. Visit:

    :PLZ let us know of any changes, like adding the above phone number. You can find it in this section -

    - luck! and don't lose heart.

    yours, in Cannabis Liberium,

    Perry, MERCY

    Sunday, March 8 at 06:21 PM:
    I wrote:
    "California allows the use of therapeutic cannabis, but has yet to make it available, which complicates matters for those in need. We are here to answer that need and to provide service to those communities and individuals unable to access California's established "Pot clubs." Visit - "

    Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 08:12 AM:
    somebody wrote:
    "Subject: Ammiano Bill to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Would Raise Over $1 Billion for State | California NORML, visit - "

    Thursday, March 5 at 08:36 PM:
    me from here wrote:
    "Tuesday, March 3, 2009 (SF Chronicle) DMV gives the high sign for medical-pot use Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer

    (03-03) 18:22 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- Medical marijuana patients in California won't be at risk of losing their driver's licenses unless they get behind the wheel while under the influence.

    That was the word Tuesday from the Department of Motor Vehicles, which sent a revised training manual to its employees last month explaining how to treat drivers who have a doctor's approval to use pot.

    The DMV denied it was changing its policy and said the manual merely spelled out the department's long-standing practice.

    Americans for Safe Access, a medical marijuana advocacy group, disagreed. It said the DMV was responding to a lawsuit the group filed last fall on behalf of a Merced County patient whose license was suspended despite an excellent driving record.

    "The new DMV policy is a significant departure from how the agency approached medical marijuana in the past," said Joe Elford, attorney for the advocacy group. "Drivers will no longer have their licenses suspended or revoked simply because of their status as medical marijuana patients." The original article can be found on here: "

    Tuesday, February 17 at 07:38 PM:
    somebody wrote:
    "Medical Marijuana Dispensaries aka Cannabis Clubs Since the passing of California's Prop 215 & 420 more marijuana dispensaries and cannabis clubs have sprung up to serve the needs of patients who need medical marijuana or THC for their illness.

    Most of these clubs run efficient, compassionate operations - a few do not. Our aim is to provide you with unbiased reviews of any legal Cannabis club wherever it may be located. visit - "

    Monday, February 16, 2009 at 08:13 PM:
    nobody special wrote:
    "ASA calendar for Calif. is at - "

    Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 12:14 PM:
    a from b wrote:
    "$11 to $100 million pours into California in sales tax revenue from medical marijuana, more possible ... click > here < for more ... "


    San Diego County filed papers this week asking the U.S. Supreme Court to erase California's medical marijuana law, arguing that federal prohibitions outlawing the substance supersede California's law allowing sick people to use it.

    The county is asking the nation's highest court to overturn a state appellate court's July decision upholding the voter-approved law legalizing marijuana use for medicinal purposes.

    "You have a conflict here between federal and state law, and we are in the middle," 5th District Supervisor Bill Horn said Friday. "What we have been asking all along is which takes precedence here. We will take it as far as we can take it and get a definitive answer."

    Horn's district encompasses much of North County.

    County officials sued the state in 2006, arguing that federal law that makes marijuana illegal should trump the 1996 passage of state Proposition 215, which legalized it for patients to use with a prescription. Patients who use marijuana say it helps them treat chronic pain.

    In July, California's 4th District Court of Appeal handed medical marijuana users a victory when it rejected the county's contention that the state law flies in the face of federal pot prohibitions. The appellate court found that the purpose of the federal law "is to combat recreational drug use, not to regulate a state's medical practices." visit:

    Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 10:43 AM:
    somebody posted:
    " California Cops To Feds: Please Help Us Break The Law!

    December 19th, 2008 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director Share this Article

    It¹s been twelve years since California voters approved the physician-supervised use, possession, and cultivation of marijuana, and it¹s been nearly five years since the state legislature mandated that, ³qualified patients Š who associate within the state of California in order collectively or cooperatively to cultivate marijuana for medical purposes, shall not Š be subject to state criminal sanctions.²

    Too bad nobody told the cops.

    According to papers recently submitted to Congress by the US Drug Enforcement Administration, representatives from the California Police Chiefs Association believe that they can simply override laws that they philosophically disagree with.

    source = "

    Saturday, December 13 at 11:01 AM:
    "Medimar Medical Cannabis Consultants & Confirmations- Welcome to our legal marijuana site We can help you get your recommendation for legal marijuana with no hassles! Offices in Downtown L.A. , Orange County and San Diego. visit - "

    Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 12:18 PM:
    Nan from Reedley, CA wrote:
    "Good Morning!! Does anyone know the local laws and tolerance of 215 in Del Norte County, CA (Crescent City)? We are thinking of moving to Humboldt but there are NO JOBS...any suggestions for moving to Nor Cal would be appreciated. Cheers."

    Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 08:44 PM:
    "Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Doctors, Physicians, and Health Clinics Los Angeles Cannabis Clubs features a directory of medical marijuana doctors, physicians, and health clinics in the greater Los Angeles, California area. visit - "

    "East Bay Medical Marijuana Physicians Oakland Cannabis Clubs maintains an up to date medical marijuana doctor directory. visit - "

    "San Francisco Medical Marijuana Physicians ... Francisco Cannabis Clubs maintains an up to date list of medical marijuana ... San Francisco Cannabis Clubs. News | Directory | Reviews | Doctors | Lawyers ... visit - "

    "How to find California medical marijuana despensaries ... legalized medical marijuana. Despensaries and medical marijuana doctors are ... Doctors wishing to administer cannabis to their seriously ill patients are ... visit - "

    Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 05:49 PM:
    citizen from America wrote:
    "NOTE: THCf hosts Clinics around the nation -

    California Clinic
    647 N. Main St #1-B
    Riverside, CA 92501
    CA (951)782-9898
    visit: "

    Tuesday, June 24 at 12:54 PM:
    me from here wrote:
    "MEDICANN is a group of doctors all throughout CALIFORNIA that write MEDICAL MARIJUANA RECCOMENDATIONS... 866-632- 6627... they issue a card for free and they are the cheapest... visit - "

    Tuesday, June 3 at 05:34 PM:
    I'm rea from Milpitas wrote:
    " i am sick i need some referals for some club in the bay area. "

    Monday, June 2 at 02:10 PM:
    " I GOT THIS NEW CLINIC IN LONG BEACH ON 851A PINE AVE, LONG BEACH CA 90813, phone 562 495 2000 "

    Friday, May 23 at 04:45 AM:
    robert spadaro from Rosemead, calif. wrote:
    "I am a stoner and cant afford my herbs. what programs are avaliable to help with the high cost, i am on medicare and a vet. "

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 04:31 PM:
    Derrick from California ( wrote:
    " I am a new patient. I've been looking around my area for pleasant dispensory locations. However, in my past 4 experiences, I've been given something looking nothing like the sample shown before purchase. My last visit left me wanting to write this letter to you.

    Are there any others that have had this problem? I'd love to give my testimony, how can I do that?"

    Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 11:59 AM:
    Lisa .... from Modesto, CA. wrote:
    "I had heard there was a cannabis club in Oakdale,CA. if you could send me the directory it would be appreciated thank you so much. "

    Saturday, May 19 at 04:34 PM:
    Angela Bell from Oakland Ca. wrote:
    " I would like to say that I think that you guys are doing a good job by helping us out. The people who need it the most. My dad is a well known person and if it wasn't for bud I think that he would be in a lot of pain.I use it to for my chronic pain and broken ribs. Anyways nevertheless we appreciate everything everyone dose to keep medicinal marijuana legal.

    Thank You,
    Angela BELL "

    Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 05:36 PM:
    theresa from redding ca wrote:
    "where are the clubs in humbolt county "

    Wednesday, January 10 at 01:41 PM:
    cristina from s.c. wrote:
    "where are the stores in santa cruz, ca "

    Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 05:05 PM:
    Usman from Sacramemto wrote:
    " Oh, my goodness,the pain from my stomach ulsures are excruciating I need a prescription extremely badly. Pain is unbarable the herb helps sooth every pain in my body and there is no treatment that works except my lover MARY JANe.............. "

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