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"My dad has been diagnosed with brain tumour 3 weeks ago , had an operation to remove it 1,5 weeks ago . It all went well,there's no neurological changes , 3 days ago we found out the histopathology results and it turns out to be glioblastoma multiforma WHO grade IV . We know that radio or chemotherapy will only extend his life by a little so we'd like to try as many alternative ways as we can . We've done lots of research about medical marijuna in brain tumours . Is there any chance that you could direct me to some clinics in US or Europe that use medical marijuna for cancer treatments?" > Read more postings >> Here <<

Europe - status Medical Marijuana in Europe - Medical Marijuana | Where in Europe is medical marijuana legal or decriminalized? Legality Medical marijuana is currently legal or decriminalized in the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Possession of (small amounts of) marijuana (cannabis, hemp) is generally tolerated or not penalized in Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, and Switzerland. While Germany has theoretically decriminalized medical marijuana, the rules are applied so stringently that it is effectively impossible to get approved as a medical marijuana patient. >> source -

Examples of Medical Cannabis Resources in Europe, see >> here << for more.

Cancer - Symptoms Medical cannabis in the United States - Wikipedia | As of June 2014, 23 states have legalized cannabis for medical use with three states pending legislation. | In the United States, there are important legal differences between medical cannabis at the federal and state levels. At the federal level, cannabis per se has been made criminal by implementation of the Controlled Substances Act, but as of 2009, new federal guidelines have been enacted. According to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, "It will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical marijuana, but we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal." On December 16, 2014, Congress and the Obama Administration "quietly" ended the federal prohibition on medical marijuana. Overall, 32 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical cannabis under different provisions. ... legalizing the use of medical marijuana and ... with debilitating medical conditions (including cancer, ... care in the United States; Marijuana ... >> Read more >>

Examples of Medical Cannabis Resources in the US, see >> USA << for more.

    Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Doctors & Medical Marijuana Cards | While seeing a Medical Marijuana Doctor is the surest way to receive a Medical Marijuana Recommendation, Medical Marijuana Laws were designed for patients to see ... About Marijuana Doctors Standards Get Started Testimonials Doctor Qualifications Why Marijuana Doctors? For Patients For Doctors Medical Marijuana Process Cannabis Industry Overview Getting a Cannabis License The Evaluation Process Press & Media Press Releases Marijuana Doctors News Meet The Team MCN Blog Team FAQs Patient FAQs Doctor FAQs Find a Doctor 23 Legal States 27 Pending States Resources News Facts Need Records? More Info >> Contact Us > Find a Marijuana Doctor on the #1 Medical Marijuana Portal > Complete this form to have a patient support specialist find and book an appointment with a licensed physician nearest you, or simply call (888) 392-9772 or visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Delaware Health and Social Services » Division of Public Health >> Medical Marijuana Program | The Division of Public Health has implemented Title 16, Ch 49A of the Delaware Code, the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act, which became effective July 1, 2012. The Delaware Medical Marijuana Act regulates the medical use of marijuana in Delaware. The State of Delaware is moving forward with implementation of its medical marijuana program joining other states, including New Jersey and Rhode Island, which have issued licenses for marijuana distribution centers, known as compassion centers in Delaware. Physicians may authorize a patient to use marijuana to treat symptoms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV and AIDS, Hepatitis C, Lou Gehrig's disease, Alzheimer's disease or the physical manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder. Conditions that cause severe, debilitating pain, wasting syndrome, intractable nausea and seizures also fall under the state's medical marijuana law. To address Federal Justice Department concerns, the regulations for the compassion center include tight security requirements, including around-the-clock video monitoring, financial accounting controls, random inspections, and requiring that center employees verify that patients are registered with the state before selling them marijuana. The center will only be allowed to cultivate up to 150 marijuana plants, and keep inventory of no more than 1,500 ounces of the drug. ... The Delaware Medical Marijuana Act regulates the medical use of marijuana in Delaware. The ... use marijuana to treat symptoms of cancer, ... marijuana. The center ... Contact: >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana - | The use of medical marijuana is increasingly being recognized as an effective treatment for a variety of illnesses and diseases. Some examples of symptoms and common illnesses treated with medical marijuana can include but are not limited to chronic pain and muscle spasms, nausea, seizure disorders, various types of cancer and diabetes. There are several ways that the dosage is administered such as smoking, vaporizing, via drinking or eating extracts or taking capsules. The capsules are the two synthetic drugs, Nabilone or Marinol, that have been approved by the United States Food & Drug Administration that contain medicinal marijuana.

    The following are common steps for acquiring medical marijuana: 1. Make sure that medical cannabis is legal in your area. 2. Contact us at 1-800 Medical Marijuana to determine if your medical condition is one of the approved conditions for a prescription. 3. Get the right documentation. After determining if you live in a state that has legalized medical cannabis, obtain the correct documentation. Some states may require for you to apply for a government issued card or register with the state or county you live in to legally fill your prescriptions. 4. Get your prescription. Get in touch with us via the form on the right or by contacting us. Let us help you in obtaining the proper information and explain your legal rights to medicinal marijuana to help expedite your prescription. Once scheduling an appointment with one of our physicians, they will either write a prescription for the synthetic drugs or recommend the best method of administering medical cannabis. The method of your dosage must be included in the directions of the prescription.

    The most important aspect of obtaining prescription is to follow all of the guidelines set down for the state you live in to the letter, if it is one that has legalized the usage of medical marijuana. Obtaining marijuana by any other means is breaking the law and it can affect your safety and well being overall. Contact: If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, or give us a call at (303) 623-PAIN [7246]. Locations: Denver, CO Vail, CO Los Angeles, CA. Some examples of symptoms and common illnesses treated with medical marijuana can ... use of medical cannabis. ... us at 1-800 Medical Marijuana to determine ... >> Read more >>

    Cancer - Symptoms THCf | The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation, THCF Medical Clinics > Medical Marijuana Clinics, Medical > We are now scheduling appointments in 40 cities across the United States for ... Cancer ... plus. We have helped over 200,000 patients in nine states obtain a permit to legally possess, use and grow medical marijuana. We would be happy to help you. We are now scheduling appointments in 40 cities across the United States.

    We see patients at our clinics in Oregon at Portland, Eugene, Bend, Grants Pass and Umatilla, in Washington state at Seattle/Bellevue, Olympia, Port Angeles, Spokane, Bellingham, Kennewick and Vancouver/Portland, in Michigan at Detroit/Southfield, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Flint, Saginaw, Marquette, Traverse City and Lansing, in Hawaii at Honolulu, Hilo and Kapaa, in Colorado at Denver, Durango and Glenwood Springs, in Nevada at Las Vegas and Reno, in Montana at Missoula, Helena, Bozeman and Billings, in New Mexico at Albuquerque and in California at Riverside. Contact: We are now scheduling appointments at all of our locations. Contact us at (800)723-0188 for details. or visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Delaware Medical Marijuana Laws | DE Cannabis Legal Patients > HOW TO BECOME A MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENT IN DELAWARE >> Delaware’s application system for medical marijuana patients is expected to go live in July 2011. In the meantime, here are some basic guidelines:

    1. Must be a resident of Delaware for longer than 30 days.

    2. Obtain a copy of your medical records indicating that you are diagnosed with a qualifying condition. Learn how to request your medical records.

    3. Obtain written documentationfrom a physician licensed in the state of Delaware that that you are a qualifying patient. Be sure to bring your medical records with you to your appointment.

    4. Apply for and receive a Medical Marijuana Card from the state of Delaware.

    For Patients > How To Get A Cannabis Card, Finding A Medical Marijuana Doctor, Getting a Medical Marijuana Evaluation, Medical Marijuana Treatments, Get Connected With Other Patients, The Cannabis Recipe Zone, Medical Marijuana Dispensary, Find a Marijuana Lawyer, For Caregivers, Learn About Medical Marijuana Laws, Grow True Medical-Grade Marijuana, What Is Kyle Kushman's Veganics? Get Expert Marijuana Growing Advice; Check Out Our Cannabis Forums, Step-by-Step Bubble Hash Guide, Medical Marijuana Industry News, Marijuana Lawyers - Attorneys; For Advocates: Become A Medical Cannabis Advocate, Federal Medical Marijuana Laws, State Medical Marijuana Laws; Our Lobbyists - Marijuana Policy Project, Find A Local NORML Chapter, Medical Marijuana Social Network, Medical Marijuana Activism, Medical Marijuana Research ... the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research ... medical uses in the United States, ... under the Delaware Medical Marijuana law: • Cancer, ... Contact: > Read more >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana - Home: Department of Health | Medical Marijuana | Modern medical research has discovered beneficial uses for marijuana in treating or alleviating pain, nausea, and other symptoms associated with certain debilitating medical conditions, as found by the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine in March 1999. Several states, including Rhode Island, permit the medical use and cultivation of marijuana under certain circumstances. Rhode Island's Medical Marijuana Act does not alter federal statutes and regulations prohibiting the possession and use of marijuana. The Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Program administers the provisions of the state's Medical Marijuana Act and related Regulations. ... Approved Qualifying Debilitating Medical Conditions. Cancer or the ... Contact: Department of Health 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908 * s Phone: 401-222-5960 - RI Relay 711 * Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM; Vital Records 12:30 PM - 4 PM; Parking restrictions until 3 PM. For Publications Center, Order Materials, more: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Arizona Medical Marijuana, Medical marijuana clinics, Medical | Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification Center helps patients obtain a permit to legally possess, use and grow medical marijuana. At the Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification Center (AZMMCC), qualified patients can obtain the physician’s certification necessary for application to the State of Arizona for the legal use of medical marijuana. We are a professional medical marijuana clinic and all necessary certification for doctors is complete before the doctors conduct patient consultations. Our fully licensed Arizona medical marijuana doctors conduct their legal and ethical duties in full compliance with Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification guidelines. Currently there are more than 40,000 Arizona Medical Marijuana Patients in arizona that have recieved Medical Marijuana Cards in Arizona since April 14, 2011. As of July 30, 2013 there are now more than 70 State Licenced Arizona Dispensaries throughout the State of Arizona.

    Dispensaries are open and located in Phoenix, Glendale, Prescott, Cordes Lakes, Flagstaff, Cottonwood, Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, Sierra Vista, Eloy, Yuma, Ajo, Williams, Bisbee, Springerville, Mesa, Youngtown, Surprise, Prescott Valley, Payson and Superior Arizona. PAYSON – Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification Center in Payson, Arizona Contact: 614 S. Beeline Highway Payson, Az. 85541 928-399-7850 * PRESCOTT – Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification Center in Prescott, Arizona Contact: 843 Miller Valley Rd. Suite 204 Prescott, Az. 86301 928-399-7850 * PRESCOTT VALLEY – Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification Center in Prescott Valley, Arizona Contact: 8056 E. State Highway 69 Prescott Valley, Az. 86314 928-399-7850 Are you looking for a Medical Marijuana Doctor in Glendale Arizona? Do you suffer from severe or chronic pain? Have anxiety or depression from your illness? Looking for an alternative to conventional prescription medications? We can help. GLENDALE – Visit our NEW West Side MEDICAL MARIJUANA DOCTORS OFFICE in GLENDALE AZ. Contact: 5405 W. Glendale Ave. Glendale Az. 85301. Phone: 623-321-5070 or visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Michigan Medical Marijuana, Medical marijuana clinics | Welcome to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Certification Center (MMMCC). The Michigan Medical Marijuana Certification Center is a professional medical marijuana clinic. The Michigan Medical Marijuana Certification Center was created to provide qualified patients with physician certifications for the use of medical marijuana. This certification is required in order to obtain valid a medical marijuana ID card from the State of Michigan.* Our fully licensed doctors conduct their legal and ethical duties in full compliance with Michigan Medical Marijuana Certification guidelines. The Michigan Medical Marijuana Certification Center abides the Michigan’s Medical Marijuana Act, where a physician must state in writing that the patient has a debilitating medical condition that qualifies them for medical marijuana treatment. A state issued card allows patients to use marijuana treatment legally in the State of Michigan. Contact: MMMCC Southfield 29877 Telegraph Road, Building 2 Suite 250 Southfield, MI 48034 Phone: 248-932-6400 Fax: 248-932-6362 * MMMCC Grand Rapids (New) 1444 Michigan NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: 616-452-0899 Fax: 616-608-0551 * MMMCC Gaylord 1349 S Otsego Rd/Old 27 Gaylord, MI 4­9735 Phone: 989-705-9991 Fax: 989-705-9992 or visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms NJ Department of Health- Medicinal Marijuana Program | The New Jersey Department of Health is committed to the effective implementation of the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act. On this website you will find informative guidance for patients, physicians, alternative treatment center operators, and the residents of New Jersey. Please visit regularly for the latest news and program updates. Contact: State of New Jersey, 1996-2015 Department of Health P. O. Box 360 Trenton, NJ 08625-0360 or visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Clinic - Oregon Medical Marijuana Program | To register with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, a patient must apply to the program, and support the application with an "attending physician's statement ... MAMA's Medical Marijuana Clinics & The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. At MAMA clinics, you will find a comfortable and professional atmosphere in which to learn about Cannabis medicine, harm reduction, and the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. MAMA's knowledgeable staff is here to help those with a diagnosed, qualifying medical condition get through the difficult process of registering with the OMMP. At the MAMA clinic - Patients get assistance gathering necessary medical records. - Patients meet with a doctor, who reviews the medical records and performs a physical examination. If all records are in order and the doctor agrees that Cannabis may help, the doctor will sign the patient's Attending Physician Statement and forms to register with the OMMP. - MAMA staff will guide patients through the registration process and will provide help to understand the intricacies of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. - Patients will be provided information from the OMMP regarding the law, and have explained to them harm reduction in the use of cannabis, including alternatives to smoking and how cannabis may interact with other medicines.

    New Patients Download MAMA's release here. MEDICAL RECORDS RELEASE MAMA's Clinic Fees for new patients are $200.00 & returning MAMA patients are $185.00. Contact: MAMAs Records Department at: 541-298-4202, or email: to verify your records and condition and to get you scheduled at one of their 3 offices right away. The steps you need to take to prepare for an appointment at MAMA's clinic are listed here. >> visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Uses & Treatments: Cancer and Chemotherapy | Medical Marijuana and Cancer Treatment, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Chemotherapy. There are few things more frightening in life than receiving a cancer diagnosis. Follow the link below and fill out the form to contact a Medical Marijuana Specialist about obtaining your MMJ Card in the US today. NOTE: Verify Residency requirements before commitiing resources, laws vary by State. > Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana - American Cancer Society | Overview > The medical use of marijuana is limited because different strains of the plant contain different amounts of various compounds, which makes effects hard to predict. Medical researchers have isolated substances from the plant (cannabinoids) that can be used in precise doses alone and in combinations with other medicines to achieve more predictable effects. Certain cannabinoid drugs have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to relieve nausea and vomiting and increase appetite in people with cancer and AIDS. Other marijuana extracts are still being tested. ... More recently, a mouth spray containing a whole plant extract containing THC and cannabidiol (CBD) called nabiximols has become available in Canada and parts of Europe to treat pain linked to cancer as well as muscle spasms and pain from multiple sclerosis. It is not yet approved in the US as of 2014, but it is being tested in clinical trials to see if it will help a number of conditions.

What is the history behind it? | Marijuana plants were made into fiber for rope and textiles, oil was taken from its seeds, and some cultures used it in religious rituals. It was described in Indian and Chinese medical texts more than 3,000 years ago. It was used to treat conditions such as beriberi, constipation, gout, malaria, rheumatism, and absent-mindedness, as well as depression, insomnia, vomiting, tetanus, and coughs. In the middle ages, herbalists used it externally to help muscle and joint pain. In the mid-1800s, the plant was mentioned as a treatment for gonorrhea and angina (chest pains related to heart disease). It was also used to treat intestinal pain, cholera, epilepsy, strychnine poisoning, bronchitis, whooping cough, and asthma. In the US and Europe, marijuana extracts were prepared and sold for medicinal use as sedatives and pain relievers, to help appetite and sexual problems. By the early 20th century, it was noted that the extracts varied in their effects. Their actions in the body varied based on where the marijuana came from, how it was prepared, and how old it was. Other medicines became available that were more predictable and easier to use. What does the American Cancer Society say about the use of marijuana in cancer patients?

The American Cancer Society supports the need for more scientific research on cannabinoids for cancer patients, and on better and more effective therapies that can overcome the often debilitating side effects of cancer and its treatment. The Society also believes that the classification of marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration imposes numerous conditions on researchers and deters scientific study of cannabinoids. Federal officials should examine options consistent with federal law for enabling more scientific study on marijuana. Ultimately, medical decisions about pain and symptom management should be made between the patient and his or her doctor, balancing evidence of benefit and harm to the patient, the patient’s preferences and values, and applicable laws and regulations. To learn more >> Read more >> here >>

Cancer - ORGs: Canadian Cancer Society Medical marijuana use in cancer - Canadian Cancer Society | Marijuana comes from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Itis a mixture of dried and shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowers. The main active ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana and substances that are made from it are called cannabinoids. You may wonder about using marijuana to control the symptoms of cancer or side effects of treatment, mainly nausea and vomiting or pain. Currently, there is no definite scientific evidence to support using marijuana to manage these symptoms. Claims about medical marijuana | Some people support making marijuana available as a medical treatment. They claim that it can help people cope with the following side effects. None of these claims have been scientifically proven. ... seriously ill people access to marijuana for medical use through licensed ... Tell us what you ... We can give information about cancer care and support ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute | What is the history of the medical use of Cannabis? | The use of Cannabis for medicinal purposes dates back at least 3,000 years. It came into use in Western medicine in the 19th century and was said to relieve pain, inflammation, spasms, and convulsions. Have any preclinical (laboratory or animal) studies been conducted using Cannabis or cannabinoids? Preclinical studies of cannabinoids have investigated the following activities: Antitumor activity Stimulating appetite Pain relief

Have any clinical trials (research studies with people) of Cannabis or cannabinoid use by cancer patients been conducted? No clinical trials of Cannabis as a treatment for cancer in humans have been found in the CAM on PubMed database maintained by the National Institutes of Health. Cannabis and cannabinoids have been studied in clinical trials for ways to manage side effects of cancer and cancer therapies, including the following: Nausea and vomiting `Stimulating appetite Pain relief Anxiety and sleep Have any side effects or risks been reported from Cannabis and cannabinoids? Adverse side effects of cannabinoids may include: Rapid beating of the heart. Low blood pressure. Muscle relaxation. Bloodshot eyes. Slowed digestion and movement of food by the stomach and intestines. Dizziness. Depression. Hallucinations. Paranoia. Both Cannabis and cannabinoids may be addictive.

Symptoms of withdrawal from cannabinoids may include: Irritability. Trouble sleeping. Restlessness. Hot flashes. Nausea and cramping (rarely occur). These symptoms are mild compared to withdrawal from opiates and usually lessen after a few days. ... In the United States, Cannabis is a controlled ... What is the history of the medical use of Cannabis? ... how do some cancer patients in the United States use ... >> Read more >> xxx

Cancer - Symptoms Pain Management Health Center - Medical Marijuana Treatment | Pain is the main reason people ask for a prescription, says Barth Wilsey, MD, a pain medicine specialist at the University of California Davis Medical Center. It could be from headaches, a disease like cancer, or a long-term condition, like glaucoma or nerve pain. If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and your doctor thinks it would help, you’ll get a “marijuana card.” You will be put on a list that allows you to buy marijuana from an authorized seller, called a dispensary. Doctors also may prescribe medical marijuana to treat: Muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis Nausea from cancer chemotherapy Poor appetite and weight loss caused by chronic illness, such as HIV, or nerve pain, Seizure disorders, Crohn's disease;

The FDA has also approved THC, a key ingredient in marijuana, to treat nausea and improve appetite. It's available by prescription Marinol (dronabinol) and Cesamet (nabilone). How Does It Work? | Your body already makes marijuana-like chemicals that affect pain, inflammation, and many other processes. Marijuana can sometimes help those natural chemicals work better, >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) Evidence - Drugs and Supplements | Mayo Clinic Health Letter; Medical ... and many parts of Europe. In the United States, ... over the use of marijuana in people who have cancer or other long ... These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. ... Uses based on tradition or theory | The below uses are based on tradition or scientific theories. They often have not been thoroughly tested in humans, and safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider. >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana - A cure for cancer? - | (NaturalNews) If you're over 21, marijuana is legal to smoke and have in possession (under 1 ounce) here in the state of Washington. Many users do so for the effects the THC found in marijuana has on the body. THC is the substance in marijuana that gets you "felling high". But recently, through some breakthrough research, studies have shown that the substance Cannabidiol (CBD), also found in marijuana, has the potential to be a game changer in the fight against cancer. Here in Seattle, medical marijuana is primarily prescribed to help terminally ill patients and those receiving painful medical treatments to help deal with the pain. It is also prescribed for people with high levels of anxiety or severe depression. But, new research being done has shown more than just pain relieving or mood enhancing effects; it could help to treat and - even better - reverse cancer.

The evidence | Studies were recently completed by the California Pacific Medical Center in the San Francisco Bay area. The compound CBD was tested on animals with cancer as an alternative treatment. They found there was a disruption in the growth of tumors cells. CBD is a natural defense mechanism in the cannabis plant. In fact, CBD makes up about 40 percent of the cannabis plant matter. CBD is considered non-psychoactive, whereas THC is psychoactive. Basically, CBD doesn't give you the "high feelings" associated with THC, but it is showing promise in stopping or even reversing the effects of cancer on the body.

By manipulating the breeding of the plants to achieve high contents of CBD and low content of THC, this could give a very low psychoactive response yet provide all the cancer fighting benefits of the CBD. This breakthrough discovery is on the verge of being tested on humans with both brain cancer and breast cancer. If this works, marijuana could be the single biggest breakthrough treatment we've seen for cancer; perhaps ever! > Learn more: >>

Cancer - Symptoms Cannabis For Cancer & Medical Marijuana Treatments | Cannabis oil and medical marijuana treatments for cancer and other conditions. Information regarding the medical use of cannabis and ... the United States ... Referred to as marijuana, ganja, weed or herb, cannabis is one of the safest medicines available today. There has never been a single recorded fatality from cannabis use in thousands of years of human history. No one has ever died as a direct result of ingesting cannabis or indeed concentrated cannabis oil. One estimate of THC's lethal dose for humans indicates that roughly 1500 pounds (680 kilograms) of cannabis would have to be smoked within 15 minutes (approx) and studies indicate that the effective dose of THC is at least 1000 times lower than the estimated lethal dose (therapeutic ratio of 1000:1).

Heroin has a therapeutic ratio of 6:1, alcohol and valium 10:1. Cocaine 15:1. Aspirin has a therapeutic ratio of 20:1; twenty times the recommended dose (40 tablets) can cause death, and almost certainly induce extensive internal bleeding and serious injury. Drugs used to treat patients with cancer, glaucoma and MS are all known to be highly toxic. The ratio of some drugs used in antineoplastic (cancer treatment) therapies have therapeutic ratios below 1.5:1. A small percentage of people have negative or allergic reactions to cannabis, particularly concentrated cannabis oil. A few patients experience especially high heart rates and anxieties with cannabis oil. These persons should not use it. Many bronchial asthma sufferers benefit from both herbal cannabis and cannabis oil extracts; however, for some it can serve as an additional irritant, but for the overwhelming majority of people, cannabis has demonstrated literally hundreds of therapeutic uses. ... Amongst other properties CBD is the cannabinoid that is shown to kill cancer cells, particularly breast cancer. - See more at: >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana and Cancer Relationship – Marijuana Found to Affect Cancer Cells | Thanks to the available findings of a 2006 study showing that cannabis actually reduces the number of cancer cells, medical marijuana users can now feel even better about the widely abolished pain relief ingredient found in the plant. The relationship between marijuana and cancer has always been up for debate, but with the use of a specially crafted oil made from the buds of the Cannabis Sativa plant, scientists confirmed that the plant’s primary psychoactive chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) destroys any and all malignant cancer cell growths in several patients. Details on the marijuana and cancer prevention connection aren’t exactly known, but further, more extensive testing will reveal exactly what may be causing this seemingly miracle cure.

Back in 2006, the study was developed by a team of medical researchers at the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Pharmacology and Toxicology department on leukemia patients. The researchers essentially outlined that if taken daily for an extended period of time, cannabis oil actually reverses the growth of cancer and possibly leads to remission in the patient – with zero added side effects. Typically when a leukemia patient enters a hospital for admission and treatment, they are given a very extensive chemotherapy treatment, usually paired with a radiological treatment. Instead of considering any possible treatment involving marijuana and cancer, doctors use these not only ineffective, but also dangerous treatments. Cannabis, on the other hand, as shown in the study, has virtually no side effects. It is especially safe and effective when administered in a clean, medically sound environment and in the form of oil.

Other studies have been made over the past decades much like this one: Manuel Guzman located in Madrid, Spain discovered that cannabinoids substantially inhibit the growth of tumors in a variety of lab animals. In the study he also found that not one of these tested animals endured any kind of side effects seen in many similar chemotherapy treatments. It is becoming increasingly clear that you can sidestep any of the misery associated with traditional cancer treatments and embrace the potent, effective healing powers of THC – not to forget about the positive attributes surrounding cannabis’ other primary cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD).

If the results don’t appeal to you, then maybe the 2,500 total studied patients throughout these 37 controlled studies will blow the lid on the myth that cannabis is and can only be used as a “dangerous” drug. None of the patients reported any kind of adverse side effects from the use of THC and based medication – further adding to the benefits of medical marijuana and strengthening the positive connection between marijuana and cancer. The real irony in the situation here? The combined governments of the world are the primary authority behind more than 30 studies like these completed throughout the years – and kept them secret from the general public. It wouldn’t be very conducive for our government if word got out that a schedule 1 narcotic could actually help people. >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Prostate Cancer Treatments | Cannabis > Cannabinoids May Inhibit Prostate Cancer Cell Growth Published by Jan > Prostate Cancer Overview | What is prostate cancer? Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate gland grow out of control. There are often no early prostate cancer symptoms, but some men have urinary symptoms and discomfort. Prostate cancer treatment options are surgery, chemotherapy, cryotherapy, hormonal therapy, and/or radiation. In some instances, doctors recommend "watchful waiting”. There are no warning signs or symptoms of early prostate cancer. Once a malignant tumor causes the prostate gland to swell significantly, or once cancer spreads beyond the prostate, the following symptoms may be present: • A frequent need to urinate, especially at night. • Difficulty starting or stopping a stream of urine. • A weak or interrupted urinary stream. • Inability to urinate standing up. • A painful or burning sensation during urination Signs and tests

Prostate biopsy is the only test that can confirm the diagnosis. Tissue from the prostate is viewed underneath a microscope. Biopsy results are reported using something called a Gleason grade and a Gleason score. The Gleason grade is how aggressive the prostate cancer might be. It grades tumors on a scale of (1 – 5), based on how different from normal tissue the cells are. Often, more than one Gleason grade is present within the same tissue sample. The Gleason grade is therefore used to create a Gleason score by adding the two most predominant grades together (a scale of 2 - 10). The higher the Gleason score, the more likely the cancer is to have spread beyond the prostate gland: • Scores 2 - 4: Low-grade cancer • Scores 5 - 7: Intermediate- (or in the middle-) grade cancer. Most prostate cancers fall into this category. • Scores 8 - 10: High-grade cancer (poorly-differentiated cells) Treatment

The best treatment for your prostate cancer may not always be clear. Sometimes, your doctor may recommend one treatment because of what is known about your type of cancer and your risk factors. Other times, your doctor will talk with you about two or more treatments that could be good for your cancer. In the early stages, talk to your doctor about several options, including surgery and radiation therapy. In older patients, simply monitoring the cancer with PSA tests and biopsies may be an option.

Cannabinoids May Inhibit Prostate Cancer Cell Growth | We have previously shown that cannabinoids induce growth inhibition and apoptosis in prostate cancer PC-3 cells, which express high levels of cannabinoid receptor types 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2). In this study, we investigated the role of CB2 receptor in the anti-proliferative action of cannabinoids and the signal transduction triggered by receptor ligation. Cannabinoids — the active components of Cannabis sativa and their derivatives — exert palliative effects in cancer patients by preventing nausea, vomiting and pain and by stimulating appetite. In addition, these compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumor cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signaling pathways. Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies.

Cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer | The majority of the literature demonstrates that various cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell growth in vitro and tumor growth in vivo and that the induction of apoptosis plays a major role in the mechanism for this effect. The potency of this effect varies with each cannabinoid. Therefore, the differences in binding properties at the cannabinoid receptors may result in different downstream effects. For example, partial agonism at the cannabinoid receptors by D9-THC or AEA compared to potent full agonism at the cannabinoid receptors by the synthetic cannabinoids JWH-133 or WIN 55,212-2, could lead to a divergence of downstream signaling that could produce altered responses in cell growth. The full potential of these synthetic cannabinoids has yet to be determined and there is a need for much more extensive research into the dose-response relationships as well as the mechanisms elicited by the speci?c cannabinoids if cannabinoids are going to be further developed into potential cancer treatments. ... Prostate Cancer treatments with medical marijuana and cannabis, ... Discuss your concerns with your health care ... which it plans to market in Europe with Bayer ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Setback in Medical Marijuana Study - National Pain Report | Efforts to get a medical marijuana spray approved as a drug in the U.S. suffered a setback when GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: GWPH) reported the results of a clinical trial showing that Sativex worked no better than a placebo in relieving cancer pain. Sativex is composed primarily of two cannabinoids: CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol), which are administered in an oral spray. Sativex is already being sold in Europe, Canada and Mexico to treat muscle spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis. Canada also allows Sativex to be used for relief of neuropathic pain and advanced cancer pain.

The spray is not currently approved for use in the U.S. for any condition, but is getting a “fast track” review from the FDA as a treatment for cancer pain. It is estimated that 420,000 cancer patients in the U.S. suffer from pain that is not well controlled by opioid pain medications. “Unfortunately in this initial Phase 3 trial, Sativex did not meet the primary end point of demonstrating a statistically significant difference from placebo, as assessed on the patient assessment of pain using a 0 to 10 numeric rating scale,” said Justin Gover, GW’s CEO in a conference call with analysts.

The randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study recruited 399 cancer patients on opioid pain medication in the U.S., Mexico and Europe. They were given Sativex or a placebo at a dose range of 3-to-10 sprays per day over a 5-week treatment period. Patients remained on opioid therapy during the study. Sativex was well tolerated, with the only side effects in some patients being dizziness and somnolence. This was the first of three Phase 3 trials of Sativex carried out by GW in collaboration with Otsuka Pharmaceutical. The companies are still hopeful that positive results from the other two trials will enable them to submit a new drug application (NDA) to the FDA. “Although today’s data is clearly a setback, we believe that if these two additional Phase 3 trials are positive, the data set would allow us to submit an NDA with the FDA and as such we look forward to the data from these studies later in the year,” said Gover. ... Marijuana Effective in Treating MS Marijuana Spray Proves Effective as Cancer Pain ... use Medical Marijuana, ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana : A Note of Caution on Hemp Oil Curing Cancer | There has been a lot of buzz about cannabis as a possible cure for cancer. A video claims to show an instance of a patient whose skin cancer was cured by application of Rick Simpson's widely touted hemp oil. Similar claims were made in a recent press release by the pharmaceutical company Cannabis Science, causing its stock price to soar. Patients should beware: one case does not a cancer cure make. Innumerable promising cancer drugs have been found ineffective despite promising initial results. The history of medical quackery is littered with bogus claims of cancer cures backed by anecdotal testimonials like those in the YouTube video.

Renowned expert Dr. Lester Grinspoon is quoted out of context in the YouTube video praising the medical value of marijuana. In reality, Dr. Grinspoon is critical of the premature claims being made about marijuana as a cancer cure. He worries that they can lead to tragic results if patients take them too seriously and abandon conventional therapy. Cancer patients are strongly advised NOT to use cannabis as a substitute for conventional treatment. To be sure, cannabis is safe enough that it might well be used as a supplementary therapy. Unfortunately, however, we already know of patients who have died after forsaking conventional therapy for cannabis.

Below is an article by Dr. Grinspoon on this subject: Like everyone else who has been working over decades to ensure that marijuana, with all that it has to offer, is allowed to take its proper place in our lives, I have been heartened by the rapidly growing pace at which it is gaining understanding as a safe and versatile medicine. ... Today, advice on the use of marijuana to treat a particular sign or symptom, whether provided or not by a physician, is based almost entirely on anecdotal evidence.

... One of the problems of accepting a medicine, particularly one whose toxicity profile is lower than most over-the-counter medicines, on the basis of anecdotal evidence alone is that it runs the risk of being over- sold. ... In the January issue of High Times Steve Hager published an article, "Rick Simpson's Hemp-Oil Medicine" in which he extols the cancer-curing virtues of a concentrated form of marijuana which a Canadian man developed as "hemp-oil". Unfortunately, the anecdotal evidence on which the cancer-curing capacity is based is unconvincing; and because it is unconvincing, it raises a serious moral issue.

Simpson, who does not have a medical or scientific education (he dropped out of school in ninth grade), apparently does not require that a candidate for his treatment have an established diagnosis of a specific type of cancer, usually achieved through biopsy, gross and histopathological examinations, radiologic and clinical laboratory evidence. ... There are patients who have a medically sound diagnosis of pre-symptomatic cancer (such as early prostate cancer) but who, for one reason or another, eschew allopathic treatment and desperately seek out other approaches.

... This lesson was brought home to me when I was asked by the American Cancer Society during a period early in my medical career when I was doing cancer research to participate in an investigation of a man in Texas who claimed that a particular herb that his grandfather discovered would cure cancer. ... some months after each had taken the "cure" they were certain that they were now cancer free. With much effort, I was able to persuade them to have our surgical unit perform new biopsies, both of which revealed advancement in the pathological process over their initial biopsies. Both were then persuaded to have the surgery they had previously feared, and there is no doubt that this resulted in saving their lives.

There is little doubt that cannabis now may play some non-curative roles in the treatment of this disease (or diseases) because it is often useful to cancer patients who suffer from nausea, anorexia depression, anxiety, pain, and insomnia. However, while there is growing evidence from animal studies that it may shrink tumor cells and cause other promising salutary effects in some cancers, there is no present evidence that it cures any of the many different types of cancer. I think the day will come when it or some cannabinoid derivatives will be demonstrated to have cancer curative powers, but in the meantime, we must be very cautious about what we promise these patients. ... activists and medical professionals who support the compassionate use of cannabis ... United States government) that ... >> Read more >> here >>

Cancer - Symptoms Does Marijuana Cure Cancer? - By Mark Wachtler, Whiteout Press - February 26, 2012 | San Francisco. (ONN) For an entire century, Big Pharma and its big money have been successful in making sure that little is known about the effects of marijuana use. One hundred years ago, marijuana was one of the most prescribed drugs by doctors, safely and successfully treating a host of illnesses. If one were to dust off the medical journals of the era, or examine ancient history for that matter, one would be surprised to discover that since the dawn of man until the birth of pharmaceutical companies in the early 19th century, marijuana was doing a miraculous job stopping cancer. States and marijuana's legal status. Image courtesy of Tobacco News. To reiterate and to make clear from the start – there are no clinical trials documenting marijuana’s cancer-fighting properties or success rate, only laboratory studies. In fact, thanks to the efforts of Big Pharma companies who have made tens of billions of dollars in profits from the criminalization of marijuana, there are few studies of any kind regarding the plant. That’s highly suspect in itself considering it not only is one of the most widely used natural substances for recreational enjoyment but also thought to be mankind’s first and longest-standing medical treatment dating back to our caveman ancestors. ... MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas reported that mice given ... a number of efforts to use marijuana, both in the US and ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms THE MEDICAL DANGERS OF MARIJUANA USE - Berkman Center | Health_Concerns: WHAT ARE THE MEDICAL DANGERS OF MARIJUANA USE? I must preface these statements with the remark that there is still a great deal of research to be done concerning the effects of marijuana on the health of humans due to the fact that widespread marijuana use has only become prevalent in this country within the last three decades, so the effects of long-term use are just beginning to become apparent. I should also add that in making these observations, I have concentrated on the risks of smoking natural marijuana, since it is the most effective method of ingesting its active cannabinoids. Marijuana has often been touted as one of the safest recreational substances available. This is perhaps true; many reputable scientific studies support the conclusion that cocaine, heroine, alcohol, and even cigarettes are more dangerous to the users health than marijuana. In addition, the celebrated pharmacological properties of cannabis have led thirty-six states to permit its use as a therapeutic drug for, among others, those suffering from AIDS; various painful, incurable and debilitating illnesses; the harmful side effects of cancer chemotherapy, and glaucoma. Additional research is being conducted concerning the use of marijuana on the treatment of anxiety and mental disorders.

Nonetheless, it would be fallacious to conclude that because the chemicals in marijuana have been found to present fewer dangers than some very harmful substances, the medical or recreational use of marijuana is perfectly safe. In a recreational context, marijuana has been shown to affect health, brain function, and memory. And in a medical context, marijuana is like any other powerful prescription drug: it has potentially dangerous side effects, and the decision to use it to treat patients must involve the same balancing test as the one required for chemotherapy or AZT: do the therapeutic effects of the drug outweigh its harmful effects? Though there are many more studies to be done on this issue, current data shows that the answer to this question may not always be "yes." ... it seems that the potential dangers presented by the medical use of marijuana may ... Center for Substance Abuse ... cancer, whose connection to marijuana use has ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana: Benefits, Risks & State Laws by Kim Ann Zimmermann | January 14, 2015 - Marijuana's medicinal uses can be traced back as early as 2737 B.C., when the emperor of China, Shen Neng, touted cannabis tea as a treatment for gout, rheumatism, malaria and even poor memory, writes Mitch Earleywine, a professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Albany who researches drugs and addiction, in "Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence" (Oxford University Press, 2005). The drug's popularity as a medicine spread throughout Asia, the Middle East and then to Africa and India, where Hindu sects used it for pain and stress relief. Medical marijuana is legal in 23 states, the District of Columbia and Guam, and recreational use of the drug is legal in Washington State and Colorado.

Health benefits | Medical marijuana is available in several different forms. It can be smoked, vaporized, ingested in a pill form or an edible version can be added to foods such as brownies, cookies and chocolate bars. Because the federal Drug Enforcement Administration has classified marijuana as a schedule 1 drug — meaning it has a high potential for abuse and no legitimate therapeutic uses — it is exceptionally difficult to do high-quality studies on its medicinal effects in the U.S., said Donald Abrams, an integrative medicine specialist for cancer patients at the University of California, San Francisco. But the idea that marijuana may have therapeutic effects is rooted in solid science. Marijuana contains 60 active ingredients known as cannabinoids. The body naturally makes its own form of cannabinoids to modulate pain, Abrams said.

The primary psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana is THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC targets the CB1 receptor, a cannabinoid receptor found primarily in the brain, but also in the nervous system, liver, kidney and lungs. The CB1 receptor is activated to quiet the response to pain or noxious chemicals. ... Two FDA-approved, chemically altered forms of THC, dronabinol and nabilone, have been shown to reduce chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting in cancer patients. The FDA has not approved marijuana in its plant form as a treatment.

Side effects | Marijuana does have side effects. THC binds to cannabinoid receptors, which are concentrated in areas of the brain associated with thinking, memory, pleasure, coordination and time perception. The effects of marijuana can interfere with attention, judgment and balance. Studies have produced conflicting results on whether smoking marijuana carries a significant cancer risk. Medical marijuana "prescriptions" are termed "recommendations" or "referrals" because of federal laws prohibiting the prescribing of cannabis. ... popularized medical use of cannabis in England ... in the United States, ... a significant cancer risk. Medical marijuana "prescriptions" are ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Cannabis Oil and Cancer Treatment - Medical Marijuana Cards > Research Can Make a Difference | During the last ten years, the amount of research conducted on the effects of medical marijuana is staggering. Patients don’t have to smoke marijuana anymore in order to reap the benefits from it. Today, we can consume marijuana in almost every way possible, albeit through a vaporizer or an edible cookie. However, cannabis oil is not to be confused with “ordinary” hemp oil because the two differ greatly, especially in the amount of THC available in the plant from which the oil is derived from. So before you run out and get some of that wicked hemp oil, be sure you know exactly what you’re looking for because most of the hemp oils out there have no nutritional value whatsoever, let alone medicinal value.

So he went into research, produced his own THC-rich cannabis oil and tried it on himself. To his own surprise, he was able win his own battle with cancer, cure his mothers psoriasis and a truly great number of testimonials on youtube prove that this actually just may be the real deal. To be honest, if you have cancer, try cannabis oil – what have you got to loose? If you’re wondering how to make cannabis oil yourself, then just click here and get right to it. To find out more visit our recent blog post and forum thread on cannabis oil and cancer research. ... to us by several people that cannabis oil ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms THC from Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells - Global Healing Center Blog Home » News » Published on April 30, 2012, Last Updated on February 11, 2015 | The findings of a 2006 study carried out by medical researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Richmond are being noticed within the scientific community. The study results strongly suggest that if taken regularly, cannabis oil may be able to induce remission in leukemia patients without the horrendous side effects typically associated with standard radio-chemical treatment options. Although this is only one such study, other similar studies have shown equally impressive results.

A few years ago, a team of experts convened in Germany to assess the total sum of information currently available regarding medical marijuana. According to their records, at least 37 separate controlled studies were carried out, internationally, between 2005-2009. Altogether, more than 2,500 documented test subjects have participated in these various studies with few to no negative side effects reported. Not only are these findings unusual for drug studies for their overall lack of adverse patient reaction, but also the sheer number of individual participants involved. While 2,500 people may not sound like an especially large sample population, it’s actually much larger than the number typically required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to determine whether or not most synthetic pharmacological drug compounds are safe for use in humans.

Many of the active ingredients found in cannabis-derived drugs show exceptional promise in treating some of the greatest hurdles facing modern medical science. In addition to their aforementioned capacity for safely treating certain forms of deadly cancer, they also show great promise in alleviating autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and even inflammatory bowel disease. A growing number of experts also note their possible viability treating a range of neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. ... Perhaps most indicative of the diminishing stigma surrounding medical marijuana research in the United States ... medical use of cannabis ... cannabis cures cancer ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana | Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? > In 1970, the US Congress placed marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act because they considered it to have "no accepted medical use." Since then, 23 of 50 US states and DC have legalized the medical use of marijuana. Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. They cite dozens of peer-reviewed studies, prominent medical organizations, major government reports, and the use of marijuana as medicine throughout world history.

Opponents of medical marijuana argue that it is too dangerous to use, lacks FDA-approval, and that various legal drugs make marijuana use unnecessary. They say marijuana is addictive, leads to harder drug use, interferes with fertility, impairs driving ability, and injures the lungs, immune system, and brain. They say that medical marijuana is a front for drug legalization and recreational use. >> Pros & Cons by Category, CORE QUESTION: Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? Medical Value: Medical Value, American Medical Association (AMA), Marinol v. Medical Marijuana; Diseases / Conditions: AIDS (HIV) & AIDS Wasting, Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Asthma / Breathing Disorders, Crohn's / Gastrointestinal Disorders, Epilepsy / Seizures, Glaucoma, Hepatitis C, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis / Muscle Spasms, Nausea / Chemotherapy, Pain / Analgesia, Psychological Conditions, Tourette Syndrome, Terminally Ill;

Non-Smoked Marijuana: Medical Value & Risk; Public Policy: Public Policy on Medical Marijuana; Risks: Medical Risks, Kids & Teens, Gateway / Stepping Stone, Addictiveness, Human Reproduction; US Government and Medical Marijuana: 1999 Institute of Medicine Report, Legal US Medical Marijuana Patients, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Drug Scheduling, Government Grown Marijuana; Access to Medical Marijuana: Marijuana Dispensaries / Clinics, Dosage / Potency, Patients; Legal Issues: Legal Issues for Physicians, US Government v. Patients / Clinics, General Legal Issues; Chemical Composition of Marijuana: Marijuana and Its Byproducts Defined, Biological Effects of Marijuana Consumption, Cannabidiol (CBD) ... medical use of marijuana. Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer ... US Government v ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Platform for medical marijuana users - Medical Marijuana | Medical Marijuana is a platform for patients, ... Medical Marijuana in Europe; ... Follow us. Livraison 48H. Only the Best Medical Marijuana Seeds ! Top Dutch Medical Marijuana Seed breeders ... Medical are a seed breeding collective from the Netherlands to spread their knowledge and expertise to medical users and growers. They are ever expanding, bringing in new genetics and helping the best breeders achieve excellent quality in their strains. You only find the corporate, big business influence here. Medical whole heartedly agree with this philosophy and happily offer seeds from some of their finest, organic cannabis strains. >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana - An Overview - FindLaw | The term medical marijuana refers to the use, ... and cancer, often request medical marijuana as a form of treatment and/or pain relief. ... health care providers, ... The term "medical marijuana" refers to the use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes. People who are terminally ill, or suffer from painful or long-term symptoms associated with certain diseases, such as epilepsy, AIDS, glaucoma, and cancer, often request medical marijuana as a form of treatment and/or pain relief. As a general principle, medical marijuana, also known as medicinal cannabis, is no different than standard marijuana. Under the federal Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is classified as a "Schedule I drug", meaning it: 1) has the potential for abuse, 2) has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the U.S., and 3) has a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug under medical supervision. As such, there is a growing debate concerning the personal medical use of marijuana and its legality. On one side of the issue, some politicians and law enforcement officials would like to combat illegal drug use of marijuana and control some of its affects, such as "wide open sale of marijuana under the guise of medical purpose". On the other side, some health advocates and other drug legalization groups would like to legalize the medical use of marijuana, believing that the drug is a valuable aid in the treatment of a wide range of medical conditions.

Medical Marijuana Laws Medical marijuana laws are constantly changing and vary among geographical location. Both federal and state laws make it a crime to use, grow, sell, or possess marijuana. The federal Supreme Court, for example, has stated that it is illegal to use, sell or possess marijuana, even for medical use (in the 2005 case of Gonzales v. Raich). A growing number of states, however, have legalized the use and/or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes; thereby removing any criminal penalties from doctors who prescribe the drug or from patients who use it within the bounds set by state law. California was the first to legalize medical marijuana in 1996 when it passed Proposition 215, also called the Compassionate Use Act. The law allows the possession and cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes upon a doctor's recommendation.

State laws typically set the boundaries under which medical marijuana may be recommended, cultivated, possessed and used. For instance, states may require written documentation from a person's doctor affirming that the person suffers from a debilitating condition and might benefit from the medical use of marijuana. Also, states may require people to present this documentation, or "marijuana ID card", prior to an arrest. Other provisions may include limits on the type of conditions, such as HIV and AIDS, and the amount of marijuana that a person may possess, use, or grow. Finally, some states have other specific provisions, such as employee restrictions on the the medical use of marijuana at work and certain ID card requirements and fees. For a breakdown of specific marijuana laws by state, including punishment for possession, sale and trafficking, click here. See "Medical Marijuana Laws by State" for more details about state laws allowing for the medical use of cannabis.

Medical Marijuana Penalties | Penalties for medical marijuana violations may include prison time, fines, or both, depending on the nature of the offense and the state where the occurrence took place. In states that have not legalized medical use of marijuana, the charges are treated as general misdemeanor or felony drug charges. In states which have decriminalized medical marijuana, penalties in the form of prison or fines may still apply, yet offenses are often treated as minor civil infractions. For example, punishable circumstances may include: Possession over a certain amount (in grams); The sale of the drug to others, especially to or from a "minor"; The cultivation of the drug in states where cultivation is not allowed; and Possession of marijuana paraphernalia.

Defenses -- Know Your Legal Rights | Patients who are arrested on drug charges might use their medical status as a defense, before or during trial, to help reduce any penalties. In addition, a patient may show a doctor's recommendation for marijuana to reduce penalties and help avoid jail time or fines altogether. Finally, a patient may want to claim the defense of medical necessity based on the clinical nature of his or her health condition. It is important to check with a lawyer who specializes in medical marijuana cases to learn of your rights and responsibilities concerning the use and/or charges of medical marijuana. Also, because medical marijuana laws vary, it is important to check the specific laws of your particular state, county and city. Consulting with a criminal or health care attorney may also help you understand your rights and responsibilities concerning marijuana use or possession. - See more at: >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical marijuana for a child with leukemia | By Noelle Crombie for | on November 24, 2012 > Mykayla Comstock's family says marijuana helps her fight an especially aggressive form of leukemia, keeps infection at bay and lifts her weary spirit. Twice a day she swallows a potent capsule form of the drug. Some days, when she can't sleep or eat, she snacks on a gingersnap or brownie baked with marijuana-laced butter. Mykayla is one of 2,201 cancer patients authorized by the state of Oregon to use medical marijuana. She is 7.

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program serves 52 children who have a qualifying medical condition, parental consent and a doctor's approval. Like adults, most cite pain as a qualifying condition, though many list multiple health problems, including seizures, nausea and cancer. Allowing adults to consume medical marijuana is gaining acceptance nationwide. But Mykayla's story underscores the complex issues that arise when states empower parents to administer the controversial drug to children. Oregon's law, approved by voters 14 years ago, requires no monitoring of a child's medical marijuana use by a pediatrician. The law instead invests authority in parents to decide the dosage, frequency and manner of a child's marijuana consumption. ... of Oregon to use medical marijuana ... use marijuana to defeat cancer. Purchase and Krenzler took Mykayla to The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation clinic in ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana - Discussion - Us TOO Prostate Cancer | I am facing a radical Prostatectomy and have been reading everything I can about managing side effects and controlling recurrances. I have come across several journal articles where cannibis has shown effectiveness in breast and prostate cancer. Also many many raves from the marijuana websites but not sure you can fully believe all that is claimed. I was wondering if there was any truth to any of it and worth persuing. I live in Oregon which is a Medical Marijuana state and could get a card if would really help. I have never taken marijuana in my life so have absolutely no idea what it would be like but supposedly if you do not go overboard is much better than other forms of meds.

... 7 replies. Join the discussion | the research is very supportive and substantial, on one end, but most of the clinical trials have been on mice or lab animals, it seems overwhelming that certain cannabinoids can fight cell degeneration on many levels throughout the body, including providing certain anti-cancer pathways, it's a judgment call just like most of the data and research on supplements,etc, I had robotic surgery May 21, am currently on Lupron and Casodex adjuvant therapy, and will start rt in Sept., 35 sessions, 7 weeks, my doc thinks he got it all in surgery, "will hang his hat on that" but we are being very pro-active and aggressive in our treatment plan with my oncologist, I also take daily multi-tabs, fish oil, garlic, COQ10, resvesterol, ginkgo, lutein for eyes, wheat grass, and try to stay away from red meat and dairy, lots of avacados, tomatoes, carrots, protein drink with whey protein, almonds, strawberries, blueberries, lots of soy, green tea, a little red wine, etc, I don't see how a little thc would hurt you, it's very much a personal call, like I said, but there is some research to support it,

... Information on the two cannibis medications available is available on < They are: Cesamet and Marinol. Medical use Main article: Medical cannabis ... take care, God Bless, good luck ... Help Us TOO International Prostate Cancer Education & Support Network reach its ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana Patients Organization - News >> Pregnancy and Marijuana Use, Is It Safe? | Little is known about marijuana use while pregnant. The government warns us about the evil dangers of marijuana and the risk to your unborn child, but is there any proof to their claims? If we ignore the last standing prohibitionist, even the lamest person understands the medical benefits that marijuana provides. Half of the United States(…) ... Marijuana Use Attributed to Health of 125 Year Old Woman | Fulla Nayak lived to reach the age of 125, and claimed that smoking cannabis every day was her secret to long life before passing in 2006. According to her 72-year-old grandson, Fulla was 125. But as per a voter photo identity card issued by the government in 1995 she was 120 years. The grand old woman lived(…) ... Baked Chicken Canna Wings Recipe | Are you gearing up for this Sunday’s Super Bowl? Looking for a classic Super Bowl snack infused with your favorite medicine, marijuana? Ingredients About Five pounds of fresh chicken wings or boneless wings 1 bottle of Franks Red Hot sauce 1 stick of canna-butter (4 ounces) DIRECTIONS HERE >> Directions Preheat oven to 350°F Spread wings, without(…) ... Pregnancy and Marijuana Use, ... my Mom tried to use; A US war veterans tale of medical pot I ... Veterans Find Relief With Medical Marijuana; Cannabis Cures Cancer: ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana Patients Organization (MPO) | A world where patients can use marijuana like any other medicine. The MPO challenges the status quo by helping our neighbors to enjoy a greater quality of life. We have many goals in mind, and we are sure that other issues will present themselves as time moves on. But right now, Medical Marijuana is facing some intense opposition. Headlines regarding Medical Marijuana are focused on the minority of individuals in the community seeking to exploit the sick and suffering and profit from an illegal drug trade. Doctors are under investigation for issuing false recommendations, dispensaries illegally targeted by law enforcement, caregivers are arrested and charged as drug dealers, and patients are labeled as drug abusers. Too often our community is plagued by stereotyping, generalizations, and misinformation. In order to change this outlook, however, we need to work together to distance ourselves from the illegitimate and illegal operations that bring a negative light on the community as a whole. > Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana Patients Organization (MPO) | Dispensaries, Doctors, plus ... by MPO Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana: Effects, Medical Uses & Legalization - | How does Marijuana work? > The main active chemical in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). It is a psychoactive ingredient. The highest concentrations of THC are found in the leaves and flowers. When marijuana smoke is inhaled, THC rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream and is carried to the brain and other organs throughout the body. THC from the marijuana acts on specific receptors in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, starting off a chain of cellular reactions that finally lead to the euphoria, or "high" that users experience. Certain areas in the brain, such as the hippocampus, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex, have a higher concentration of cannabinoid receptors. These areas influence memory, concentration, pleasure, coordination, sensory and time perception.1 Therefore these functions are most adversely affected by marijuana use.

Marijuana's strength is correlated to the amount of THC it contains and the effects on the user depend on the strength or potency of the THC. The THC content in marijuana has been increasing since the 1970s. For the year 2007, estimates from confiscated marijuana indicated that it contains almost 10 percent THC on average. There are many other chemicals found in marijuana, many of which may adversely affect health. Marijuana contains over 60 different cannabinoid compounds related to THC, including cannabidiol, cannabinol, and ?-caryophyllene. ... no links between marijuana use and lung cancer, ... use of medical marijuana outside of the ... US government officials, health care providers and ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Recent Research on Medical Marijuana - | Humans have cultivated and consumed the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant, colloquially known as marijuana, since virtually the beginning of recorded history. Cannabis-based textiles dating to 7,000 B.C.E have been recovered in northern China, and the plant's use as a medicinal and mood altering agent date back nearly as far. In 2008, archeologists in Central Asia discovered over two-pounds of cannabis in the 2,700-year-old grave of an ancient shaman. After scientists conducted extensive testing on the material's potency, they affirmed, "[T]he most probable conclusion ... is that [ancient] culture[s] cultivated cannabis for pharmaceutical, psychoactive, and divinatory purposes." THE SAFETY PROFILE OF MEDICAL CANNABIS | Cannabinoids have a remarkable safety record, particularly when compared to other therapeutically active substances. Most significantly, the consumption of marijuana -- regardless of quantity or potency -- cannot induce a fatal overdose. According to a 1995 review prepared for the World Health Organization, "There are no recorded cases of overdose fatalities attributed to cannabis, and the estimated lethal dose for humans extrapolated from animal studies is so high that it cannot be achieved by ... users."

Introduction to the Endocannabinoid System Why I Recommend Medical Cannabis Alzheimer's Disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Chronic Pain Diabetes Mellitus Dystonia Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Gastrointestinal Disorders Gliomas/Cancer Hepatitis C Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Huntington's Disease Hypertension Incontinence Methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA) Multiple Sclerosis Osteoporosis Pruritus Rheumatoid Arthritis Sleep Apnea Tourette’s Syndrome ... virtual worldwide ban on the plant's cultivation and use. In the United States, ... Center for Medicinal Cannabis ... use of medical marijuana, ... Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana and Cannabis Medicines | Drug War Facts > Basic Information > Specific Conditions For Which Cannabis Is Known To Be Beneficial- - Pain - Nausea and Appetite Enhancement - Multiple Sclerosis and Spastic Disorders - HIV/AIDS; Potential Benefits Of Medicinal Cannabinoids- - Anti-Tumor Properties - Diabetes - Substance Abuse and Mental Health; Medical Cannabis and Young People, CBD-Only Laws, Other Laws and Policies; IOM Report: Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base, Synthetic Prescription THC (Marinol and Dronabinol) ... The Therapeutics and Politics of Medical Marijuana," Mayo Clinic ... cancer pain in the United States 14 ... use of cannabis in the United States - See more at: >>

Cancer - Symptoms Men's Health | The Truth About Medical Marijuana > THE POT DOCTOR HAS A BACKACHE. As Mahmoud ElSohly, Ph.D. shakes my hand, he’s wincing. Two days ago, ElSohly—the director of the University of Mississippi’s Marijuana Project—bent down the wrong way and threw out his back. And unfortunately, this morning’s visit to his chiropractor didn’t help him much. Ironically, just outside ElSohly’s office in the Waller Complex—behind bolted doors, coded chambers, and security cameras—lies a government-guarded farm where acres of a pain-relieving drug grow in his care. Only Elsohly isn’t thinking about lighting up: He knows too much. READ A HEADLINE TOUTING A POT STUDY, and it’s likely referencing the University of Mississippi’s carefully cultivated Mexican marijuana. In fact, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has named this lab the country’s one legal source of marijuana for scientific studies. It’s been operating quietly since about 1968—growing, harvesting, processing, standardizing, and analyzing marijuana.

The farm grows strains for testing with varying amounts of pot’s potent ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC—also known as the chemical that makes you “high.” But it does more than that. “There are many indications for which THC would be a good medicine if you have the right formulations and dosing,” says Dr. ElSohly. THC has what doctors and researchers know as biphasic activity. “At low doses it has certain effects, and at high doses it has opposite effects,” Dr. ElSohly explains. “Somebody using to get high at the right dose will be calm, happy, getting the munchies, and all of that,” Dr. ElSohly says. Someone using at the right dose could see medicinal benefits, too. But take in too much THC, and you can become irritable, even psychotic. “There are more emergency room admissions today than ever because of marijuana use,” Dr. ElSohly says. “That’s simply because of the psychoactive side effects of the high THC content that the public uses.”

Look at the Colorado population using marijuana for pain, Dr. ElSohly says. “It’s mostly youth—people who should be pain free.” It takes him about a minute to stand up—he’s wincing again. “I have back pain right now, but I’m not about to smoke marijuana for it. You know what I’m saying?” ... this is where the case for medical marijuana gets ... logically—marijuana smoke should cause lung cancer, ... and clinics made good money ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana for Chronic Pain - Pain Management Center | By Sara Calabro | Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH The debilitating effects of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are understandably front and center. Yet while those conditions can greatly decrease a person’s quality of life, the reality is that chronic pain afflicts more people than all three of these diseases combined. Roughly 76 million Americans are living with chronic pain. There are many traditional options to manage pain, from prescription drugs to occupational therapy. Now, one formerly alternative option for controlling chronic pain is becoming mainstream. As of April 2011, medical marijuana — often referred to as cannabis, the actual herb from which marijuana is made — is legal in Washington, DC, and a growing list of states. And that list is likely to get even longer in light of the federal government’s most recent announcement that it will not prosecute users or producers of medical marijuana in states that allow it for medical use.

“Pain is one of the major functions of the [body's] endocannabinoid and cannabinoid receptor system, so it makes sense that cannabis is useable for pain syndromes,” says Donald Abrams, MD, professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, who led the study on cannabis and HIV-related neuropathy. Dr. Abrams and his team just finished another study, which looked at the interaction between cannabinoids (the compounds present in marijuana) and opioids (a class of drugs used for pain management). “There is evidence from animal models that cannabinoids and opioids [work together] in providing more than additive pain relief,” says Abrams. “That is similar to what we found in this latest study — cannabinoids, not only by themselves, but in addition to opioids, may be effective pain control strategies.”

Medical Marijuana for Pain Management: What’s Next? | Undeterred by the legal and ethical concerns surrounding cannabis, the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research remains hard at work studying its potential uses in pain management. Researchers there are currently looking how medical marijuana may affect neuropathic pain in people with diabetes. The pain management community is anxiously awaiting results from this study because diabetic neuropathy is a very common pain syndrome, affecting approximately 600,000 people in the United States alone. ... research into medical marijuana use in pain management ... in the United States alone. The center also is waiting for ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana: The Illegal Herb that Fights Cancer | In the video above, "Run From the Cure – the Rick Simpson Story," it's suggested that pharmaceutical companies and big business may be withholding a potential cancer cure -- hemp oil -- from the public in the interest of personal profit. Cannabis, or as it’s more commonly known marijuana, has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It’s been heralded as a “cure-all,” revered for its healing properties that not only help relieve pain but also have been highlighted as a potential cancer cure.

What’s interesting, however, is that CBD has been shown to block the effect of THC in the nervous system. So, marijuana plants are typically high in THC and low in CBD, which maximizes their psychoactive effects. Hemp, on the other hand, is typically high in CBD and low in THC, as it is bred to maximize its fiber, seeds and oil, the items for which it is most commonly used. For more information on the difference between hemp and marijuana, here is a comprehensive article on the topicfrom the North American Industrial Hemp Council (NAIHC). >>

Political Agendas and Red Tape Make Medical Marijuana a Nightmare Marijuana was a popular botanical medicine in the 19th and 20th centuries, common in U.S. pharmacies of the time. Yet, in 1970, the herb was declared a Schedule 1 controlled substance, labeling it a drug with a “high potential for abuse” and “no accepted medical use.” Three years later the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was formed to enforce the newly created drug schedules, and the fight against marijuana use began. The battle that has raged since is a long one, and you can read a brief history of marijuana prohibition in the Huffington Post -- but suffice to say that movements to legalize marijuana have persisted ever since. The most successful to date, and the one that is set to produce the first legal marijuana market in decades, is the medical marijuana movement.

Are You Being Kept in the Dark About a Potential Cancer Cure? | If you ask Canadian Rick Simpson, absolutely. Simpson is the man in the video above who was openly growing hemp in his backyard and using it to produce hemp oil, which he gave, for free, to his friends and family. The oil, Simpson and many others claim, has a remarkable healing effect on countless diseases and conditions, including cancer. After numerous raids by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Simpson was forced to seek asylum in another country, but his Web site, Phoenix Tears, still stands.

There you can find instructions on how to produce hemp oil, as well as testimonials from people who say the oil has helped them. The Daily Mail Online >> < !-- --> << also featured a story of 2-year-old Cash Hyde who was diagnosed with a serious brain tumor. His father secretly administered cannabis oil through his son’s feeding tube while he was in the hospital in failing health and the boy experienced a complete turnaround.

National Cancer Institute Changes Web Site about Cannabis’ “Anti-Tumor Effect” | In March 2011, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) updated its Web site to include some of the benefits of medical marijuana, reportedly noting: “The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. In the practice of integrative oncology, the health care provider may recommend medicinal Cannabis not only for symptom management but also for its possible direct antitumor effect.”

Being the first federal agency to publicly claim that marijuana may in fact be beneficial -- and possess anti-tumor properties -- it generated significant buzz on the Web. But soon after, NCI quickly changed its tune, editing the anti-tumor reference entirely out of its statement,

Why are Medical Marijuana and Hemp Oil NOT Being Studied? | Even a quick review of the data suggests that cannabis deserves more than a passing glance as a potential treatment for various diseases. But in the United States, these studies are not being done. It is easy to see why drug companies would want no part in funding research studies on a plant that can’t be patented. If they were to discover that it could cure cancer, patients would be able to grow it themselves right in their own backyard … this is not something the pharmaceutical companies would want you to know about.

How Cannabis Works: Cannabinoids and the Cannabinoid Receptor System | There are more than 60 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids in the marijuana plant. A report by Dr. Manuel Guzman suggests that these active components of cannabis and their derivatives are potential anti-cancer agents. He wrote in the journal Nature Reviews: “ … these compounds [cannabinoids] have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signaling pathways. Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies.” Cannabinoids interact with your body by way of naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors embedded in cell membranes throughout your body. There are cannabinoid receptors in your brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, immune system and more; the therapeutic (and psychoactive) properties of marijuana occur when a cannabinoid (such as the THC produced by the cannabis plant) activates a cannabinoid receptor.

Your body also has naturally occurring endocannabinoids similar to THC that stimulate your cannabinoid receptors and produce a variety of important physiologic processes. So your body is actually hard-wired to respond to cannabinoids through this unique cannabinoid receptor system; research is ongoing on just how far its impact on your health reaches, but to date it’s known that cannabinoid receptors play an important role in many body processes, including metabolic regulation, cravings, pain, anxiety, bone growth, and immune function.

Marijuana is NOT Harmless ... | There are certainly some downsides to marijuana use that need to be addressed, particularly if you are thinking of smoking it for recreational purposes. Marijuana use can be addicting, and no doubt families have been broken up and jobs lost over its use. In the short-term, marijuana use can cause trouble with your ability to think clearly and may impair short-term memory. Marijuana also leads to motor skill impairment and affects alertness, coordination and reaction time, which is why it should never be used prior to driving. There is also some evidence that marijuana use can exacerbate psychotic symptoms in those with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. It’s also been suggested that marijuana use can serve as a “gateway” drug that eventually leads to the use of “harder” drugs like cocaine and heroine, although this has been debated. Marijuana use among children and teens can also have dire consequences, as drug use of any kind may encourage risky choices and irresponsible behaviors. >> Read more >> here >>

Cancer - Symptoms Pain Management Health Center > Medical Marijuana Has Merit, Research Shows | Although Research Shows Medical Mariuana Works, Critics Say California Center's Research Is Flawed - By Kathleen Doheny, WebMD Health News; Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD - Feb. 18, 2010 -- Marijuana can be a promising treatment for some specific, pain-related medical conditions, according to California researchers who presented an update of their findings Wednesday to the California Legislature and also released them to the public. "I think the evidence is getting better and better that marijuana, or the constituents of cannabis, are useful at least in the adjunctive treatment of neuropathy," Igor Grant, MD, executive vice-chairman of the department of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at the University of California, tells WebMD.

"We don't know if it's a front-line treatment. I'm hoping the results of our studies will prompt larger-scale studies that involve a much more varied population." "This [report given to the Legislature] sets the stage of larger-scale studies," he says. Some experts who reviewed the report say some of the studies are flawed and that they worry about the long-term health effects of marijuana smoke.

Perspective: Medical Marijuana Research | Some observers speculated that the researchers presented their report to the Legislature to call attention to marijuana research because an initiative to legalize marijuana for general use is expected to be on the California ballot in November 2010. But Grant says that's not the case. "We sent it to the Legislature because our report was due," he says. The program Grant directs was launched in 1999, when the California Legislature passed (and the governor signed) SB 847. Since then, the center has completed five scientific trials, with more in progress.

Medical Marijuana: The Research Scorecard | Five studies, published in peer-reviewed medical journals, show the value of marijuana for pain-related conditions, the researchers say in the report. A sixth study, as yet unpublished, found marijuana better than placebo cigarettes in reducing the spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis and the pain associated with the spasticity. ... of Medicine and director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at ... Medical Marijuana: The ... With Us Terms of Use Privacy Policy ... >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms The 10,000-year World History of Hemp and Cannabis | Complete world history of marijuana use with embedded ... National Cancer Institute, US NIH, 2011 Cannabis Slows Spread of Breast ... 1764 Medical marijuana appears ...
8,000+ BCE Use of hemp cord in pottery identified at ancient village site dating back over 10,000 years, located in the area of modern day Taiwan. Finding hemp use and cultivation in this date range puts it as one of the first and oldest known human agriculture crops. As explained by Richard Hamilton in the 2009 Scientific American article on sustainable agriculture "Modern humans emerged some 250,000 years ago, yet agriculture is a fairly recent invention, only about 10,000 years old ... Agriculture is not natural; it is a human invention. It is also the basis of modern civilization." This point was also touched on by Carl Sagan in 1977 when he proposed the possibility that marijuana may have actually been world's first agricultural crop, leading to the development of civilization itself (see 1977, below).

6,000 BCE Cannabis seeds and oil used for food in China.

4,000 BCE Textiles made of hemp are used in China and Turkestan.

... 100-0 BCE The psychotropic properties of Cannabis are mentioned in the newly compiled herbal Pen Ts'ao Ching.

0-100 CE Construction of Samaritan gold and glass paste stash box for storing hashish, coriander, or salt, buried in Siberian tomb.

... 1800- Marijuana plantations flourished in Mississippi, Georgia, California, South Carolina, Nebraska, New York, and Kentucky. Also during this period, smoking hashish was popular throughout France and to a lesser degree in the US. Hashish production expands from Russian Turkestan into Yarkand in Chinese Turkestan.

1809 Antoine Sylvestre de Sacy, a leading Arabist, suggests a base etymology between the words "assassin" and "hashishin" -- subsequent linguest study disproves his theory.

1840 In America, medicinal preparations with a Cannabis base are available. Hashish is available in Persian pharmacies.
1842 Irish physician O'Shaughnessy publishes cannabis research in English medical journals.

... 1937 U.S. Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act which criminalized the drug. In response Dr. William C. Woodward, testifying on behalf of the AMA, told Congress that, "The American Medical Association knows of no evidence that marijuana is a dangerous drug" and warned that a prohibition "loses sight of the fact that future investigation may show that there are substantial medical uses for Cannabis." His comments were ignored by Congress. A part of the testimony for Congress to pass the 1937 act derived from articles in newspapers owned by William Randolph Hearst, who had significant financial interests in the timber industry, which manufactured his newsprint paper.

... 1977 Carl Sagan proposes that marijuana may have been the world's first agricultural crop, leading to the development of civilization itself: "It would be wryly interesting if in human history the cultivation of marijuana led generally to the invention of agriculture, and thereby to civilization." Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden, Speculations on the Origin of Human Intelligence p 191 footnote.

... 1995 Introduction of hashish-making equipment and appearance of locally produced hashish in Amsterdam coffee shops.
1996 California (the first U.S. state to ban marijuana use, see 1915) became the first U.S. State to then re-legalize medical marijuana use for people suffering from AIDS, cancer, and other serious illnesses. A similar bill was passed in Arizona the same year. This was followed by the passage of similar initiatives in Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

1997 The American Office of National Drug Control Policy commissioned the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to conduct a comprehensive study of the medical efficacy of cannabis therapeutics. The IOM concluded that cannabis is a safe and effective medicine, patients should have access, and the government should expand avenues for research and drug development. The federal government completely ignored its findings and refused to act on its recommendations.

1997-2001 In direct contradiction to the IOM recomendations, President Clinton, continuing the Regan and Bush "war on drugs" era, began a campaign to arrest and prosecute medical cannabis patients and their providers in California and elsewhere.

2001-2009 Under President G.W. Bush the U.S. federal government intensified its "war on drugs" targeting both patients and doctors across the state of California. >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Breakthrough Discovered in Medical Marijuana Cancer Treatment - Tim King, - Jan-11-2008 > Researchers learned that cannabinoids have been associated with anti-carcinogenic effects, which are responsible in preventing or delaying the development of cancer. | (SALEM, Ore.) - A new study reveals that Medical Marijuana can be an effective treatment for cancer, that is the word announced by doctors in Germany who concluded that this clarification of the mechanism of cannabinoid action may help investigators to further explore their therapeutic benefit. The medical article was originally published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute Advance Access and online on December 25th 2007. Cancer cells that were treated with combinations of cannabinoids, antagonists of cannabinoid receptors, and small interfering ribo nucleic acid or 'siRNA' to tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) were assessed for invasiveness, protein expression, and activation of signal transduction pathways.

The biggest contribution of this breakthrough discovery, is that the expression of TIMP-1 was shown to be stimulated by cannabinoid receptor activation and to mediate the anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. In other words, they learned that treatment with cannabinoids, one of the active ingredients of the medicinal side of marijuana, has been shown to reduce the invasiveness of cancer cells. Prior to now the cellular mechanisms underlying this effect were unclear and the relevance of the findings to the behavior of tumor cells in vivo remains to be determined.

Results | Without modifying migration, MA and THC caused a time and concentration-dependent suppression of HeLa cell invasion through Matrigel that was accompanied by increased expression of TIMP-1. At the lowest concentrations tested, MA and THC led to a decrease in cell invasion. "The stimulation of TIMP-1 expression and suppression of cell invasion were reversed by pretreatment of cells with antagonists to CB1 or CB2 receptors, with inhibitors of MAPKs, or, in the case of MA, with an antagonist to TRPV1. Knockdown of cannabinoid-induced TIMP-1 expression by siRNA led to a reversal of the cannabinoid-elicited decrease in tumor cell invasiveness in HeLa, A549, and C33A cells."

The researchers concluded that increased expression of TIMP-1 mediates an anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. That means that in our future, cannabinoids may offer a therapeutic option in the treatment of highly invasive cancers. > Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana Fights Cancer and Helps Manage Side Effects - Weed Therapy, 09.06.12 | Marijuana Fights Cancer and Helps Manage Side Effects, Researchers Find Mounting evidence shows ‘cannabinoids’ in marijuana slow cancer growth, inhibit formation of new blood cells that feed a tumor, and help manage pain, fatigue, nausea, and other side effects. Cristina Sanchez, a young biologist at Complutense University in Madrid, was studying cell metabolism when she noticed something peculiar. She had been screening brain cancer cells because they grow faster than normal cell lines and thus are useful for research purposes. But the cancer cells died each time they were exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive ingredient of marijuana.

Instead of gaining insight into how cells function, Sanchez had stumbled upon the anti-cancer properties of THC. In 1998, she reported in a European biochemistry journal that THC “induces apoptosis [cell death] in C6 glioma cells,” an aggressive form of brain cancer. Subsequent peer-reviewed studies in several countries would show that THC and other marijuana-derived compounds, known as “cannabinoids,” are effective not only for cancer-symptom management (nausea, pain, loss of appetite, fatigue), they also confer a direct antitumoral effect. A team of Spanish scientists led by Manuel Guzman conducted the first clinical trial assessing the antitumoral action of THC on human beings. Guzman administered pure THC via a catheter into the tumors of nine hospitalized patients with glioblastoma, who had failed to respond to standard brain-cancer therapies. The results were published in 2006 in the British Journal of Pharmacology: THC treatment was associated with significantly reduced tumor cell proliferation in every test subject.

Around the same time, Harvard University scientists reported that THC slows tumor growth in common lung cancer and “significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread.” What’s more, like a heat-seeking missile, THC selectively targets and destroys tumor cells while leaving healthy cells unscathed. Conventional chemotherapy drugs, by contrast, are highly toxic; they indiscriminately damage the brain and body. There is mounting evidence, according to a report in Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, that cannabinoids “represent a new class of anticancer drugs that retard cancer growth, inhibit angiogenesis [the formation of new blood cells that feed a tumor] and the metastatic spreading of cancer cells.”

Dr. Sean McAllister, a scientist at the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, has been studying cannabinoid compounds for 10 years in a quest to develop new therapeutic interventions for various cancers. Backed by grants from the National Institute of Health (and with a license from the DEA), McAllister discovered that cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive component of the marijuana plant, is a potent inhibitor of breast cancer cell proliferation, metastasis, and tumor growth. In 2007, McAllister published a detailed account of how cannabidiol kills breast cancer cells and destroys malignant tumors by switching off expression of the ID-1 gene, a protein that appears to play a major role as a cancer cell conductor.

The ID-1 gene is active during human embryonic development, after which it turns off and stays off. But in breast cancer and several other types of metastatic cancer, the ID-1 gene becomes active again, causing malignant cells to invade and metastasize. “Dozens of aggressive cancers express this gene,” explains McAllister. He postulates that CBD, by virtue of its ability to silence ID-1 expression, could be a breakthrough anti-cancer medication.

“Cannabidiol offers hope of a non-toxic therapy that could treat aggressive forms of cancer without any of the painful side effects of chemotherapy,” says McAllister, who is seeking support to conduct clinical trials with the marijuana compound on breast cancer patients. McAllister’s lab also is analyzing how CBD works in combination with first-line chemotherapy agents. His research shows that cannabidiol, a potent antitumoral compound in its own right, acts synergistically with various anti-cancer pharmaceuticals, enhancing their impact while cutting the toxic dosage necessary for maximum effect.

Investigators at St. George’s University in London observed a similar pattern with THC, which magnified the effectiveness of conventional antileukemia therapies in preclinical studies. THC and cannabidiol both induce apoptosis in leukemic cell lines.

At the annual summer conference of the International Cannabinoid Research Society, held this year in Freiburg, Germany, 300 scientists from around the world discussed their latest findings, which are pointing the way toward novel treatment strategies for cancer and other degenerative diseases. Italian investigators described CBD as “the most efficacious inducer of apoptosis” in prostate cancer. Ditto for cannabidiol and colon cancer, according to British researchers at Lancaster University. Within the medical science community, the discovery that cannabinoids have anti-tumoral properties is increasingly recognized as a seminal advancement in cancer therapeutics. ... Contact us; Jobs; Advertise; >> Read more >> here >>

Cancer - Symptoms Is Medical Marijuana Safe for Children? | >> Experts like Igor Grant of the University of California’s Center for Medical Cannabis ... us keep in mind that "all ... use of medical marijuana in child ... Drugs Is Medical Marijuana Safe for Children? Like some cancer patients in states where it's allowed, Mykayla Comstock uses cannabis as part of her treatment. By Maia Szalavitz @maiaszNov. 28, 2012156 Comments 7% of California Drivers Test Positive for Marijuana, but Are They Impaired? Two U.S. States Become First to Legalize Marijuana Does Marijuana Use by Teens Really Cause a Drop in IQ? Like some cancer patients in states where it’s allowed, Mykayla Comstock uses cannabis as part of her treatment. Comstock is seven-years old. Her mother, a long time advocate for medical use of the illegal drug, has been giving her a gram of oral cannabis oil every day. Despite the fact that medical marijuana is legal in Oregon, where Comstock lives, the idea of giving it to a child still gives pause to many adults who associate the drug with recreational use that breaks the law.

As reported by ABC News, Mykayla was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in July. Against her doctor’s wishes, her mother, Erin Purchase, began giving her lime-flavored capsules filled with cannabis oil after she had a poor response to her initial chemotherapy treatment. Her doctors suggested a bone marrow transplant, but while she was taking the medical marijuana, she went into remission in August. She continues to rely on cannabis to ease pain and nausea and her mother plans to continue giving her the drug during the additional two to three years of chemotherapy she still faces. Purchase, believes that certain components in marijuana, which show anti-cancer activity in many early studies, helped spark the remission. Mykayla’s current doctor knows she takes the capsules, but doesn’t discuss the marijuana as part of her medical therapy.

Experts like Igor Grant of the University of California’s Center for Medical Cannabis Research warn that the effects of the drug on child development are unknown. But the same is true for other medications used to fight pain and nausea that are currently given to children with cancer, as well as for powerful antipsychotic drugs that are used in long term treatment of childhood mental illnesses. Opioid drugs like morphine and Oxycontin, which are sometimes used to treat the severe pain that accompanies life-threatening cancer and other diseases, for example, can cause overdoses.

Although marijuana can be addictive, addiction rates are often lower than those to opioid drugs, and discontinuing opioids is associated with severe physical withdrawal symptoms not seen with marijuana. While opioids can cause nausea and vomiting, marijuana reduces the risk of these symptoms that frequently plague cancer patients as side effects of radiation or chemotherapy. Advocates like Purchase argue that if opioids are acceptable to treat youngsters’ cancer pain, then marijuana should be as well.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, however, disagrees, and opposes the use of marijuana to treat young children, citing its addictive potential and the many unknowns about how it may affect developing bodies. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), a scientific group of experts consulted by Congress, analyzed the available data and since 1999 has acknowledged that certain legitimate medical uses of marijuana are worth additional study. While the panel noted that many effective treatments already exist to relieve nausea and cancer pain, it recognized that for some patients who may not respond to these therapies, the components in marijuana may be helpful. The group’s main objection to the drug was its use in smoked preparations, which is not an issue in this case.

The IOM’s report highlights the need for much more research into understanding medicinal uses of marijuana—including for which symptoms or conditions it might be most effective, and for which patients. Those concerns are magnified when it comes to treating children like Comstock, who often are not included in clinical trials because of their young age, and who may have many more years to contend with any possible side effects of the drug. Some experts point out that not all of marijuana’s components, and their effects on the body, have been studied, not to mention well understood. Without more research, both doctors and parents will continue to face the difficult decision of giving youngsters a compound and hoping it will do more good than harm. >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Illnesses Treatable with Medical Marijuana | Below is a general list of ailments with symptoms or ailments that proponents claim can be treated with medical marijuana. ... Cancer, Adrenal ... About Us ... Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms | Medical Marijuana Debate | - The Premier Online > In the United States, cannabis is ... states and localities may still individually authorize the medical use of cannabis ... Is like removing the cancer ... History and Debate of Medical Marijuana | In the practice of medical cannabis, also known as medical marijuana, doctors recommend that their patients ingest cannabis and the cannabinoids which it contains, such as THC as a form of medicine or herbal treatment. The cannabis plant has been employed in this fashion for centuries, with evidence coming from as early as ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, and in the 19th century, it was a very common pain reliever. However, since marijuana has become illegal in most parts of the world, many now dispute whether its potential medical benefits outweigh its risks. It is currently used in treatment for cancer and AIDS patients during end-of-life care as well as for people with glaucoma; the drug also may be appropriate for persons with PMS, insomnia, Tourettes syndrome and fibromyalgia. Research is in progress about how cannabis might benefit those who suffer from a number of other diseases as well.

The Marijuana Debate - Is It Beneficial? | There are several positive effects claimed for medical marijuana, among them stimulating hunger, easing gastrointestinal distress, relaxing muscles, reducing nausea, mitigating pain and lowering eye pressure. While studies have proven several of these benefits scientifically, some observers feel that the potential dangers of marijuana outweigh its benefits as a treatment plan. Critics of medical cannabis cite its high potential for abuse and the many studies showing its harmful effects on the brain; they also object to the practice of smoking in general as carcinogenic. One response to this criticism has been to develop other methods of administering the drug. The most widespread of these is as inhaling it through a vaporizer, which extracts and heats the active constituents in marijuana without reaching the temperature at which they ignite so that no toxic compounds or irritants are generated. An adequate amount of THC is still delivered into the bloodstream by the vaporization method.

Another administration option is to bake marijuana at a relatively low temperature to kill any dangerous microorganisms and then allow that patient to eat it or drink it. Both of these methods of administration make smoking the drug unnecessary. However, criticism of medical marijuana has also been raised because as a natural plant, it cannot be patented and marketed by pharmaceutical companies and is unlikely to win widespread medical acceptance.

Given the medical marijuana debate, it is not surprising that formal authorization of its use is not currently widespread. The United Nations has banned cannabis for all purposes other than scientific research but allows its members to license medical or scientific uses for marijuana if they believe this to be in the public interest; among the countries that have done so are Canada, Finland and Spain. In the United States, cannabis is criminalized and listed as a Schedule 1 drug on a par with heroin, making it illegal on the federal level. However, organizations such as the American Medical Organization have called for the drug to be reclassified.

In addition, states and localities may still individually authorize the medical use of cannabis In fact, sixteen states have legalized marijuana when employed for medical purposes. California has a large medical cannabis industry, for example. While the medical marijuana debate over the potential negative ramifications is unlikely to cease any time soon, patients still continue to use the drug under the supervision of their doctors and to claim that it benefits them in many ways. > Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Rick Simpson's Hemp Oil Medicine Helps Treat Cancer - Medical Jane | Cannabis Classroom Extraction Methods Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil Medicine: Natural Treatment For Cancer Using Concentrated Cannabis Oil Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil Effective In Treating Cancer . Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been providing ... More Press About Us Contact Advertise ... Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil Effective In Treating Cancer | Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been providing people with information about the healing powers of Hemp Oil medications for nearly a decade now. Rick cured himself of a metastatic skin cancer back in 2003, and has since then devoted his life to spreading the truth of hemp oil. He has met an absurd amount of opposition and lack of support from Canadian authorities, as well as pharmaceutical companies, government agencies for health, and UN offices. >> Read more >> here >>

Cancer - Symptoms Historical Timeline - Medical Marijuana - | ... no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, ... and Smoked Marijuana Tested on Cancer ... for Its Raids on Medical Marijuana Clinics FAQS TESTIMONIALS TEACHERS' CORNER Historical Timeline History of Marijuana as Medicine - 2900 BC to Present

2900 BC-1599 AD 1600-1899 1900-1949 1950-1969 1970-1989 1990-1999

2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-present >

Cancer - Symptoms 10 Facts About Marijuana | Marijuana Policy and Effects > | Does marijuana use have long term cognitive effects? What is the relationship between marijuana and cancer? Is marijuana a gateway drug? Are more people becoming dependent on marijuana? Does marijuana affect mental health? How strong is today's marijuana? Is it true that marijuana has medicinal properties? Does marijuana impair driving the way alcohol does? How many people are getting arrested for marijuana each year? ... of all drug arrests in the United States; that’s one marijuana ... medical conditions including cancer, ... use marijuana unless under the care ... Will legalizing marijuana lead to increased use? >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana | Cancer Survivors Network | I posted an answer yesterday replying to “If drinking was okay on chemo” and it seemed to open up a great discussion. My name is Brooks and on April 14th 2009 I was told that I have cancer (Rectal). My life as I once knew if was changed in an instant. A week later my 68 year old father went out and somehow somewhere got me a bag of pot. NO I’m not a Pot head and haven’t smoked since High School. But this wonderful man risked getting busted because he heard that Marijuana helped people with cancer and do you know what? It sure has helped me. Two weeks later I made my appointment with a Medi Cann Dr and got my card. I take a hit or two every day after Radiation then a hit again about an hour before dinner. In the two weeks of being on a 24hr, 7 day a week pump for my chemo then radiation everyday I have lost NO weight I only barfed once. It has helped me come to terms with my cancer and I’m no longer so stressed out and depressed. It has worked for me!!!

Some of us believe that marijuana can use as prescribed to cancer ... US states considering medical marijuana ... Europe, Canada and the United States. ... There is a prescription called MARINOL...if I am not mistaken it is a derivative of marijuana that is prescibed to cancer patient. You might ask your doctor. ... But now, it's a whole different story, it helps me. I only use it during treatment, and I was afraid it would make me sick again, but it didn't! it made me better! I really never knew anyone to hurt anyone on pot, it's such a mellow drug, I think caffeine is worse for people then pot!

... I've been taking Marinol for about three months now. Mine was prescribed not for nauseau but because I couldn't eat. Marinol and Marijuana is supposed to give you an appetite. You noticed I said supposed to. I quit taking Marinol and Magese and my taste buds came back and I'm EATING AGAIN. It was three long months of just drinking Ensure, Boost and Smoothies. I really didn't think I would ever eat solid food again, but every day I'm trying something different and every day I can eat it. Marinol gives me an appetite right after chemo, which I need. The four days after chemo I wouldn't care if I ate or not, but taking Marinol kind of makes me eat something. I tried marijuana for my appetite too, didn't do a thing but make my lungs burn and give me a cough.

... I did the illegal kind when the anti-nausea pills (3 different kinds over time) stopped working. It also helped me keep an interest in eating food to curb a weight loss. I totally support legalizing it but know that will mean the prices will go up once we have to pay "sin" taxes on it. Bring it on. Personally it is one of many things that I thank for helping me to save my life but since no drug company can make money off of it, I don't see it ever happening. Remember this is the good ole USA that is all about $$$$$$$, not health or well being. I sure wish we could change that but I don't see it anytime soon.

... Never thought this would cross my mind! But I started chemo Tuesday and I still have no appetite. I just forced down 2 of my daughters fishsticks. I am worried because (never thought I would say this) I am too low on the scale. I am 5'1 and I weight 89 - 91 (on a good day) so I do not want to lose anymore weight. But I also don't want to force down foods that are high in calories and not so healthy. But I guess when you are doing chemo, the chemo is doing it's job so we have to do ours and eat. Has anyone baked that stuff in anything? Like brownies? ...

Wow ... I have to tell you my daugter was about the same age as yours when I started fighting my battle. I think I lived on Smoothies and Almonds.. I had a hard time eating as well. I battle with my beliefs in God and the use of Pot. None of the anti-nasua medicine worked for me so... I tried it it worked...... I have to tell you I had stage 3 bowel cancer and my CEA levels remain at 5 and I am going on my six year my children are now 14 and 12. My heart goes out to you many many prayers.....PS bake it in brownies is totaly fine. If you drink OJ when u smoke it u wont cough.

Phil ... I just had to reply I do think it should be legalised I dont smoke it I prefer a few beers myself but I know of more people who get in trouble from drinking than smoking pot to be honest if my amzemet and ginger did not work I would smoke it myself as we all know our goverment is not always right

... Baking | Here's a recipe. You make butter with it, then bake using the butter in place of the oil, it is still kind of bitter, so use lots of sweet frosting, boxed fudge brownie mix and choc. fudge icing works good. Take a pound or 2 of real butter, put in a big pan of water with the weed, simmer several hours. Squeeze and squeeze and squeeze it all through a cheesecloth, cool liquid in fridge, the butter rises to top. VERY potent, one small brownie square can be too much for some. And it doesn't hit you till about an hour after you eat it, back in the old days, that's what we did before a concert, then during the concert, wow it hit, and no risk of getting busted with it on you. This works good with scrap weed, the stuff that's usually tossed out, outer leaves sticks and stems too. It is not too good if you just add the weed to stuff you cook, very chewy and bitter, though used to crisp a bit up in frying pan and put on bread with honey, that worked too (bad teenager's lunch trick) Ahhh the 70's. >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Cannabis - Patients Out of Time | A compassionate, science-based education organization ... Cancer; Gastrointestinal; ... 2015 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm ... Patients Out of Time is now partnering with The Medical Cannabis ... ORG Health Care Professionals Continuing Medical Education Physicians Nurses Medical Ethics Supporting Organizations Patients & Caregivers Clinical Conferences Science Indications for Use * Upcoming Events February 16, 2015 Time4Hemp Radio Show at 1:00 pm; February 22, 2015 Patients Out of Time Radio at 1:00 pm; The Ninth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics is scheduled for May 21-23, 2015 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Use - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws » About Marijuana » Medical Use | Marijuana, or cannabis, as it is more appropriately called, has been part of humanity's medicine chest for almost as long as history has been recorded. Of all the negative consequences of marijuana prohibition, none is as tragic as the denial of medicinal cannabis to the tens of thousands of patients who could benefit from its therapeutic use. Modern research suggests that cannabis is a valuable aid in the treatment of a wide range of clinical applications. These include pain relief -- particularly of neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) -- nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. Marijuana is also a powerful appetite stimulant, specifically for patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia. Emerging research suggests that marijuana's medicinal properties may protect the body against some types of malignant tumors and are neuroprotective. Currently, more than 60 U.S. and international health organizations support granting patients immediate legal access to medicinal marijuana under a physician's supervision. >> Read more >> Contact: NORML, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Cannabis and Cancer | Medical cannabis (medical marijuana) has long had a place in treating the symptoms of cancer and the side effects of cancer therapies (e.g., chemotherapy, radiation therapy, cancer surgery). Examples of common cancer-related symptoms include pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, lack of appetite, and weight loss. Two cannabinoids (dronabinol and nabilone) are FDA approved for the prevention or treatment of chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting. A natural sublingual cannabinoid extract (Sativex; equal parts tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol) has clinic trials pending in the U.S. for approval in the treatment of pain associated with cancer. Cannabis has also been shown to have a direct anti-cancer effect and has been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory.

The U.S. government (National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIDA) funded the first study that documented the anti-tumor effects of cannabis. Results were published in the September, 1975 edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The study found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancer and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their mean survival time by as much as 36 percent. The U.S. government learned more about marijuana’s anti-cancer effects in a 1997 study by the U.S. National Toxicology Program which concluded that rats and mice treated with THC over long periods of time had greater protection against malignant tumors than those left untreated. The possible anti-tumor activity of THC in human beings was first shown in a small 2006 pilot study conducted in Spain where THC was administered directly into aggressive glioblastoma multiforme brain tumors. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms For many patients, medical cannabis works better than any other medicine ... with more benefits and fewer side effects. | The scientific knowledge exists to explain how medical cannabis has been used effectively as a natural medicine for thousands of years. This site is dedicated to provide medical marijuana education and serve as a resource for medical marijuana patients and others interested in learning about this unique and versatile herbal medicine. Use Quick Search, Library Categories, and our Recent Blog Posts to learn more about medical cannabis in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions. > Schedule an Appointment > Contact: Centric Wellness 2308 6th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 546-0420 Fax: (619) 615-2346 E-Mail: or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Levity Wellness | is a Medical Marijuana Dispensary. We are fully stocked with Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, and CBD heavy strains. Our Concentrates are made from our signature strains! We carry a large variety of Edibles, Medicated Drinks, and Topicals. Contact: Levity Wellness 426 W Fillmore St Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 Phone: 719-266-5463 E-mail: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Coping with chronic pain? | Get relief—and cut harmful, addictive painkillers out of your life. It’s a new era for medicinal hemp. According to the respected British medical journal The Lancet, medical marijuana “relieves pain in virtually every test that scientists use to measure pain relief.” (April, 2003) Improvements in cultivation now allow you to obtain these benefits without the physical addiction, dizziness, nausea, disorientation and other side effects common among prescription painkillers. And, thanks to recent technological innovations, you don’t have to smoke it or get “high.” Healthful. Non-addictive. Safe. Legal. No wonder more states are passing laws allowing its medical use. At the Aurora Clinic, our doctors have helped hundreds of chronic pain sufferers in Oregon obtain their medical marijuana card. Learn how we can help you. Contact: You can also reach us by phone at (503)232-3003. Fax Number: (503)389-1583. Or stop by : 1847 East Burnside Ste B Street Portland, OR 97214 visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms marijuana may be a potent agent against prostate cancer | Posted by esirowe | November 8, 2010 For all the pros and cons of marijuana, scientists may now have found an indisputable benefit – marijuana may be a potent agent against prostate cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS) there are more than 192,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in the United States each year and of those more than 27,000 men will die of the disease. But, research published in the British Journal of Cancer (August 2009) says that scientists have found that chemicals in marijuana (or cannabis) can stop prostate cancer cells from growing (as they have found in their labs). Smoking Marijuana is Not the Answer | Although the scientists’ tests were performed on mice, they say their results would be similar in humans – albeit after several more years of testing to more precisely figure out how to use the marijuana to treat human cancer. However, smoking marijuana, they say, is not the way to prevent prostate cancer. The scientists suggest that marijuana works on prostate cancer by blocking a receptor that sits at the surface of most tumor cells. This prevents the tumor cells from dividing. If the scientists can find specific drugs that can be synthesized from marijuana they may be able to use them to treat prostate cancer. They hope the drugs might also be used against brain and breast Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms The Forbidden Cure For Cancer | What if Marijuana was the cure for cancer? What if the Government knew marijuana was the cure for cancer since 1974? Why is the Federal Government shutting down the medical use of Marijuana in States where voters have approved it. Why is the Federal Government forbidding research on the medical use of marijuana? Why does the Federal Government say that marijuana has no medical value yet it obtained all patent rights on medical use of marijuana in 2003? Could it be the Federal Government is doing all these things to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical companies? Are millions of people suffering and dying every year because of the Governments dirty little secret? > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Illinois Marijuana Clinics | At Illinois Marijuana Clinics, qualified patients can obtain the physician’s certification necessary for application to the State of Illinois / Illinois HB 30 – Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, for the legal use of medical marijuana. Illinois Marijuana Clinics Contact: Call Us to See if You Qualify: (312) 300-6868 - or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana | Medical Marijuana isn't a miracle cure. But it does help with many conditions, even more than most people know. Unlike most prescription drugs that are indicated for one or two conditions and can't do much else without causing severe side effects, medical marijuana does more. While this article will cover some of the of the illnesses that medical marijuana can help, the best way to find out if medical marijuana can help your condition is with a medical marijuana doctor. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Clinics | Contact: - visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Dispensaries | Contact: - visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Use of Cannabis (marijuana) – Position Statement | Cancer Council NSW acknowledges that cannabis may be of medical benefit to cancer patients where conventional treatments are unsuccessful, in the following circumstances: in relieving nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy; as an adjunctive analgesic in patients with moderate to severe pain; and/or as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients experiencing weight loss and muscle wasting. Smoking is a particularly harmful route of cannabis (marijuana) administration, largely because carcinogenic substances are inhaled into the lungs. Synthetic cannabis products, particularly Nabiximols delivered via an oral spray, offer advantages in providing symptom relief without unwanted psychological or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) related effects, as well as being a preferable route of administration for anti-emetic therapy. Natural and synthetic forms of cannabis are currently illegal in Australia. Cancer Council NSW supports limited exemptions from criminal prosecution, such as those provided by the Cannabis Cautioning Scheme, for cancer patients who have been certified by an approved medical practitioner as having particular conditions, and who have been counselled by such a practitioner about the risks of smoking cannabis. > Read more at >>

Cancer - Symptoms Strain Name wifi kush | Grade: aaa Type: sativa Looks: great color bright white trichs covered in snow nice hairs overall great looking plant and bud Smell: like lemons limes oranges and acid all in one very pungent combo Taste: see above blow you up on inhale relax you with smooth exhale and aftertaste Effects: stony night time high dont smoke during the day unless its sunday lol Potency: aaa+ Reviewed by: roblackthesacmack Good Strain For: anxiety joint pain osteoperosis depression cancer and much more Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Could cannabis be a natural cancer ´cure´? | (Chris Woollams. CANCERactive) We have reached a crucial moment in the path of cannabis as a cancer treatment or ´cure´. Over the next 12 months there will be a number of companies - some on the stock market - from Canada to Australia, legally producing medicinal cannabis. A growing number of people including cancer experts and scientists who believe that cannabis (marijuana; hemp) could be an effective treatment for cancer; some even believe cannabis has the potential to cure cancer. Experts in Spain like Dr. Christina Sanchez are adamant that cannabis kills cancer cells, not just in a plastic dish, but in human bodies.

Up front, it is worth making one point crystal clear - there is an incredible amount of good quality research on the effects of the active ingredients of cannabis - the cannabinoids. Few people realise that the human body even makes some of these - their purpose? To calm and protect you. Meanwhile, officialdom is quite clear: Possession of cannabis is currently illegal and its medicinal use restricted. Changes and deregulations in various pockets of the Western World are about to happen.

As regular readers will know, we are an evidence-based charity so here we look at some of the research, although (bar one example) we have left aside what some people would claim is the most important research. Namely, the anecdotal stories from a not inconsiderable group of people who believe that cannabis did indeed cure their cancer. > Read more >>,%20cancer%20cure%20or%20illusion

Cancer - Symptoms | Select item 25669486 1. ?9 -tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol as potential curative agents for cancer. A critical examination of the preclinical literature. Fowler C. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Feb 2. doi: 10.1002/cpt.84. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25669486 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Related citations

Select item 25660314 2. A population-based Swedish Twin and Sibling Study of cannabis, stimulant and sedative abuse in men. Kendler KS, Ohlsson H, Maes HH, Sundquist K, Lichtenstein P, Sundquist J. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Jan 28. pii: S0376-8716(15)00036-8. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.01.016. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25660314 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Related citations

Select item 25641847 3. Cannabis conundrum: Evidence of harm?: Opposition to marijuana use is often rooted in arguments about the drug's harm to children and adults, but the scientific evidence is seldom clear-cut. Nelson B. Cancer Cytopathol. 2015 Jan;123(1):1-2. doi: 10.1002/cncy.21516. No abstract available. PMID: 25641847 [PubMed - in process] Related citations

Select item 25630540 4. Crude estimates of cannabis-attributable mortality and morbidity in Canada-implications for public health focused intervention priorities. Fischer B, Imtiaz S, Rudzinski K, Rehm J. J Public Health (Oxf). 2015 Jan 28. pii: fdv005. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25630540 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Related citations

Select item 25623697 5. Association Between Cannabis Use and the Risk of Bladder Cancer: Results From the California Men's Health Study. Thomas AA, Wallner LP, Quinn VP, Slezak J, Van Den Eeden SK, Chien GW, Jacobsen SJ. Urology. 2015 Feb;85(2):388-93. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2014.08.060. Epub 2014 Nov 1. PMID: 25623697 [PubMed - in process] Related citations

Select item 25606819 6. Proapoptotic effect of endocannabinoids in prostate cancer cells. Orellana-Serradell O, Poblete CE, Sanchez C, Castellón EA, Gallegos I, Huidobro C, Llanos MN, Contreras HR. Oncol Rep. 2015 Jan 21. doi: 10.3892/or.2015.3746. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25606819 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Related citations

Select item 25578250 7. Antecedents and consequences of cannabis use among racially diverse cannabis users: An analysis from Ecological Momentary Assessment. Buckner JD, Zvolensky MJ, Crosby RD, Wonderlich SA, Ecker AH, Richter A. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Feb 1;147:20-5. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.12.022. Epub 2014 Dec 31. PMID: 25578250 [PubMed - in process] >> Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marinol | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - Marinol is the brand name for dronabinol, the legally prescribable synthetic THC pill. In 1999, the DEA, FDA and NIDA allowed Marinol to be re-classified from Schedule II to Schedule III. According to the drug manufacturer, “the decision for rescheduling was greatly influenced by the findings done by the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, which concluded Marinol has a low abuse potential and that diversion is virtually non-existent.”[i] Marinol contains synthetic THC and sesame oil in a gelatin capsule. Cannabis contains natural THC and a group of interrelated compounds that are shown to have an assortment of similar therapeutic qualities. The US government approves of the use of Marinol, but rejects the medical use of marijuana. Marinol is currently a Schedule III drug, easily prescribable by physicians, but cannabis is listed in Schedule I: Simple possession is a felony punishable by imprisonment. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Two sides of medical marijuana: Anne’s story - Posted:01/7/10 | Anne Gamet doesn’t know how much longer she has to live, but all that matters to the 45-year-old Greeley woman is she’s living, and she’s going to keep fighting as long as she can. She has a lot to live for — her 28-year marriage to Charlie, her 27-year-old daughter Miranda, and her son 24-year-old Cody, who will not come second to any stares, stigmas or attitudes people may have when they find out how she gets out of bed each morning and how she falls asleep each night. Because for Gamet, if it wasn’t for the legalization of medical marijuana in Colorado, she wouldn’t be living at all. “When I first decided to do this, I told my husband I’m not going to do pictures,” she said of telling her story about what the medicine has done for her. “But then when I thought about it, I thought, ‘If I expect to put a new face on this thing, I sure as the heck can’t hide my face.’ ” > Read more >>

Cancer - Symptoms More Details on Medical Marijuana for Cancer - Joe Graedon; September 2, 2010 - Alternative Health | A few days ago we received a fascinating message about the use of marijuana and a special dietary regimen for pancreatic cancer. At first we had some reservations about publishing this story. Pancreatic cancer is an especially hard-to-treat cancer and we do not want to create the impression that there is a magic bullet for this deadly disease. Nevertheless, there is some tantalizing and preliminary data that suggests marijuana may have some anti-cancer potential. For years, marijuana research was suspected of being a way to rationalize people getting high. But as a recent article in Science News points out, scientists are now starting to take it seriously (June 19, 2010). The article you cite demonstrates that compounds from marijuana make pancreatic tumor cells commit suicide. Other cancer researchers have followed up with studies on its effectiveness against a range of tumors in test tubes, including breast, colon, glioblastoma brain tumors and lymphoma, a blood cancer. None are yet in clinical trials, but this will be an interesting field to watch. We are delighted your wife got such a good response for such a difficult-to-treat cancer. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms 20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure Cancer | Cannabis has been making a lot of noise lately. Multiple states across the United States and countries around the world have successfully legalized medical Marijuana, and the Uruguay parliament recently voted to create the world’s first legal marijuana market. This is good news as the health benefits of Cannabis are vast. With multiple medical and scientific studies to confirm them. But what about the harmful effects? All psychological evaluations from the intake of cannabis are largely based on assumptions, suggestions and observations (1). When we look at the actual science behind Cannabis, it seems negative effects are difficult to confirm.

The Science Behind Cannabis | Let’s take a look at the science behind Cannabis and Cancer. Although Cannabis has been proven to be effective for a large range of ailments, this article will focus mainly on it’s effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. Cannabinoids may very well be one of the best disease and cancer fighting treatments out there. Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate cannabinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. Cannabinoids also play a role in immune system generation and re-generation. The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with Phyto-Cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can also be found in Cannabis. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms 5 Arguments Against Medical Marijuana | As we continue to read polls showing super-majority support for the medical use of cannabis, it is interesting to watch how the prohibitionists and rehabitionists are retooling their anti-medical marijuana arguments. An op-ed by a cop who’s been on the job since LBJ was president was printed in today’s Lexington Herald-Leader and it provides a perfect example of the five latest dumb arguments. > read more > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Published Studies on the Efficacy of Cannabis in treating Cancer | A clinical review in the October 2003 issue of Nature Reviews Cancer listed types of tumors that have been shown to be inhibited by cannabinoids. These include: lung carcinoma, glioma, thyroid epithelioma, lymphoma/leukemia, skin carcinoma, uterus carcinoma, breast carcinoma, prostate carcinoma, and neuroblastoma (a malignant tumor originating in the autonomic nervous system or the adrenal medulla and occurring chiefly in infants and young children. Source Cannabinoids are: •anti-proliferative •anti-metastatic •anti-angiogenic •pro-apoptotic; Published Studies on the Efficacy of Cannabis in treating Cancer. A pilot clinical study of D9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with glioblastoma multiforme Cannabidiol enhances the inhibitory effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival - See more > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms MediCann | MediCann, founded in 2004, offers alternative healthcare therapies, including medical cannabis consultations, at clinics throughout California. Contact: Corporate Headquarters, 1714 Franklin Street - #325, Oakland, CA 94612 - or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Doctors & Medical Marijuana Cards | Get your medical marijuana ... Marijuana Recipes; Medical Cannabis ... We have had nothing but positive experiences since listing our clinic's profile ... Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Clinics of Canada | Medical Marijuana can be been used to treat a number of different symptoms and conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, Seizure Disorders, Inflammatory Bowel Disease ... Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Card Clinic - Affordable Doctor - The Hope ... | The Hope Clinics would be honored to work with you on obtaining your recommendation to use medical cannabis for your ... to different medical marijuana clinics, ... Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms #1 Rated Chicago Medical Marijuana Clinics – Illinois | Illinois Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Application for Registry Identification Card for Qualifying Patients ... INSTRUCTIONS: • Qualifying patients whose last name ... Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms The Healing Clinic: Medical Marijuana Clinic, Chicago Illinois | The Healing Clinic is a full service Medical Marijuana Clinic & Patient Advocacy Center with medicinal cannabis doctors & patient advocates in Chicago IL Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Dispensary & Marijuana Doctors Directory | Weedmaps is the #1 Medical Marijuana Strain Locator and Dispensary finder site in the world. It’s the most active cannabis social network ... Now wht papers to use ... > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms The Clinic Marijuana Center | Medical & Recreational Dispensary | The Clinic is Denver’s premiere medical and recreational marijuana dispensary, serving awarding cannabis, edibles and concentrates at six locations. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Cannabis Club Directory - Pot ... | Medical Marijuana & A Better Tomorrow. Medical marijuana is gaining momentum worldwide as a natural medicine that provides safe alternatives to treatment by toxic ... While medical marijuana doctors and attorneys tend to remain in the same location for years on end, cannabis clubs, collectives, compassion centers, caregivers, dispensaries and delivery services always run the risk of being shut down. Our medical marijuana directory is a work in progress, our commitment is to keep the directory viable and up to date. > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana | ... and expert opinions on medical cannabis. ... the medical use of marijuana. Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it ... Contact: 233 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | Tel: 310-451-9596 | or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Find Marijuana Doctors | Welcome to 420 Doctor. THC Support has many location in different state where patients in need of medical marijuana recommendations can receive and evaluation by a licensed doctors. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado ... To find a 420 doctor near you select the state and then click on the city. Contact: To fix an appointment call us on 1 800 594 2260. or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms California Medical Marijuana Requirements | Find Marijuana Doctors, Marijuana Dispensaries, Welcome to 24×7 Dispensary Service. THC Support provide 24×7 Dispensary Service nearest to you. Save time and search before you shop. Contact: If you would like to place order an edible item, please call us at 1 800 594 2260 24hrs in advance to maintain quality and freshness. or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Find Legal Medical Marijuana Dispensaries & Cannabis Clubs ... | is the place were patients can locate the safest and highest quality legal medical marijuana dispensaries and cannabis clubs ... Clinics: Deliveries: > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Arizona Medical Marijuana, Medical marijuana clinics, Medical | ... we are pleased to announce the opening of our New Medical Marijuana Doctors Clinics now serving Yavapai County ... Doctors offering medical evaluations ... Contact:

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Card in Washington - Get Authorized! | Green Wellness schedules patients for their Washington medical marijuana card. Cannabis green cards for Seattle, ... Our clinics are located throughout the pacific ... Contact:

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Doctor - qualify for medical marijuana | Medical marijuana doctor of Massachusetts, ... you will receive a Medical Use of Marijuana Program ID card. ... using, or obtaining cannabis. > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Patients for Medical Cannabis | “Daily Marijuana Use Is Not Associated with Brain Morphometric Measures in Adolescents or Adults,” is online here. > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Cards | I am committed to the California Medical Marijuana ... seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use Marijuana aka Cannabis for medical ... > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Barcelona, SPAIN | Find a Clinic; Explore Strains; Stay ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Barcelona, Spain Looking for a medical marijuana dispensary or cannabis collective in your ... > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Find a Doctor | If you live in a state with medical marijuana laws, the first step in becoming a valid patient is to get your doctor recommendation or authorization. > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Is The Netherlands’ Marijuana Policy Been A Failure? - Posted by Lawrence Greene, MD - May 18 | There are those who believe that the Netherlands’ marijuana policy, which permits those over the age of 18 to sell, purchase, and use marijuana openly, has effectively increased marijuana usage rates. Those individuals therefore state that the policy is a significant failure. Here is an explanation of why the policy is not a failure. After two national commissions recommended decriminalization, the Dutch Parliament in the Netherlands decriminalized marijuana’s possession and retail sale in 1976. The Parliament did not completely legalize marijuana, but it did permit coffee shops to sell it without prosecutorial fear.

The rules aren’t that complicated. No advertising is allowed, the minimum purchase age is 18, and there is a 5 gram limit on personal transactions. No other illicit drugs may be sold on the premises. The Netherlands has over 1000 coffee shops where individuals may purchase marijuana and hashish. What compelled the Netherlands to permit marijuana’s sale in coffee shops? One reason was to reduce the likelihood of having pot users exposed to harder drugs like cocaine or heroin if it stayed illegal. Another reason was to take away the youth rebellion stigma with marijuana being an illegal drug.

Fewer adolescents in the Netherlands use other illegal drugs than in the US. In the mid 1990’s, teens in the Netherlands had a 5 fold less incidence of having tried cocaine than in the US. The Netherlands appears to have done a good job of separating cannabis from “hard drugs”. The Netherlands policy has widespread support. The people overwhelmingly support the policy which desires to normalize rather than dramatize cannabis use. It has been quite the opposite of a dramatic failure, rather a significant success. ... Marijuana For Sale, Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, About Medical Marijuana, Subscribe to feed ... visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Tips On Finding A Legal Medical Marijuana Job (BLOG) Posted by Ashis Jain, Apr 19 | The legalization of medical marijuana in different states has created countless opportunities for those who have special interest on marijuana to find job opportunities where they can work on various matters. However, the unavailability the relevant information about the specific job openings and how to go about applying for different jobs has made it difficult for some people to find these jobs. If you want to be competitive in your search for legal medical marijuana jobs, it is essential to apply certain tips in order to succeed. You need to offer to volunteer in numerous marijuana advocacy groups to be able to build trust and status with prospective companies. This can show these companies that you are enthusiastic about marijuana hence would really be prepared to represent their interests around the world if offered employment. Being active during these groups will really increase your odds of obtaining a job. It is important to try to join different online forums that discuss different matters relating to medical marijuana. This is where you may gather important information about different issues relating to the subject matter making it easier to know whenever something that may be of interest to you arises. Forums provide a community of likeminded individuals who can give you important information on such issues. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms MEDICAL USE OF CANNABIS IN THE NETHERLANDS - Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD(1,2,3,4), Mario Butorac, PhD(1), Maria Linder, PhD(5), Willem van der Sluis, PhD(6), Marcel de Wit(7) | Abstract - Objectives: The purpose of this survey was to investigate for which indications Cannabis sativa was prescribed by which kind of licensed physicians and delivered through regular pharmacies in the Netherlands, and the possible efficacy and side-effects, documented by both the prescribing physicians and the patients. Design:National survey consisting of two questionnaires: one for patients and one for prescribing physicians. All prescribed Cannabis sativa deliveries were accompanied by the questionnaires. Questionnaires were returned by patients and physicians separately, by regular prepaid mail, between October 1997 and February 1999.

Subjects: Patients receiving Cannabis sativa on prescription for medical indications. Results: In the Netherlands, patients receiving Cannabis sativa on prescription were 45% male and 55% female; median age was 58 yrs; median weight 70. 0kg. Mean duration of Cannabis intake was 5.6 months. Indications treated were neurological disorders (38.8%), pain (26.7%). musculoskeletal/connective tissue disorders (20.7%), and symptoms associated with cancer (13.8%). Inhaled Cannabis was perceived as being more effective for most indications than oral administration (p< 0.01). Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Cannabis in the Netherlands | A change of the Dutch law on controlled substances (Opium Act) took effect on 17 March 2003. It includes regulations for applications regarding the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal purposes and guidelines for cultivating cannabis. Applications for an Opium Act exemption regarding cannabis will be handled by the Office of Medicinal Cannabis (BMC) of the Health Ministry. All cannabis cultivated by applicants has to be sold to the BMC. According to the regulations for opium act licences the task of the BMC is two-fold: "On the one hand, BMC must research or arrange for research regarding whether cannabis or cannabis products may be used as medicines; on the other hand, BMC must provide pharmacies in the course of 2003 with medicinal cannabis, so that patients can obtain this with a doctor's prescription." The guidelines for cannabis cultivation have been derived from the general rules for Good Agricultural Practice of the Working Group on Herbal Medicinal Products of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA). They describe requirements for cultivation, harvesting and primary processing, ensuring that the cannabis is produced under conditions that ensure that the therapeutic properties of the end product are constant and reproducible. An application form for an Opium Act exemption regarding cannabis may be obtained from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Office of Medicinal Cannabis, The Hague. Please find here the laws and regulations as PDF files. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Spanish Cannabis: Dispatches From Spain's Rising Scene BY Miky Perez ON August 19th, 2014 | We've mentioned Spain's emerging marijuana culture in the past, but felt Spanish cannabis clubs deserve a closer, on the ground look. So we had our Spanish contributor, Miky Perez, take a closer look at what's really going on in Europe. Hola from Spain! I'm Miky, and in the coming weeks, I'll be writing about the cannabis scene in Europe, specifically in Spain--not just because I'm living there, but because it's become the cannabis center in this part of the Atlantic. True, the European benchmark for bud has always been the classic Amsterdam (Netherlands), but today, even the Dutch themselves have their eyes fixed on our humble and sunny country whenever they are not moving in. Even prestigious American Companies are taking a stab at the emerging Spanish Cannabis Industry.

I'd like to introduce you to the different groups that make up what we call "the cannabis community" and foremost thank them for their tedious and ongoing fight in Spain. The first level of this community consists of what we call "cannabis society" and contains growers, consumers and activists living first hand experience with the plant. The next level combines industry professionals and grow shops closest to the first level. Grow shop owners have been around Spain for the last 15 years and possess knowledge of our cannabis culture. These are professionals at street level working directly with growers (regardless of the type). Thus, the public buys material culture to grow shops, which in turn buy from distributors, who in turn buy directly from manufacturers and seed banks. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Cannabis (Marijuana) for Medical Use - Author: Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN, CARN > Contact hours: 3.5 / Pharmacotherapy hours: 3.5 / Expiration date: October 1, 2015 / Course price: $29 | Course Summary: Reviews the medicinal use of cannabis, introduces the endocannabinoid system, addresses myths, outlines therapeutic indications, and spells out dosages and routes of administration. This course addresses public policy and legal issues as use of medicinal cannabis becomes legal in a growing number of states throughout the United States.

Criteria for Successful Completion: 80% or higher on the post test, a completed evaluation form, and payment where required. No partial credit will be awarded. Conflict of Interest/Commercial Support, Accreditation Information Objectives: When you finish this course you will be able to:

Summarize the myths and truths about cannabis as a medication.

Identify phytocannabinoids, and contrast Marinol with cannabis occurring in nature.

Explain the endocannabinoid system and its implications for the use of cannabis as medication.

Comment on the generally supposed health risks related to cannabis as medication.

State the therapeutic effects and indications for cannabis.

Discuss the dosage and routes of administration of cannabis.

Describe elements of patient and family education regarding cannabis.

Debate the public policy and legal issues associated with the medicinal use of cannabis. > Learn more visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Marijuana Finder | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Belgium/Spain: Cannabis clubs in Spain legal, first formation of a club in Belgium | Recently several charitable cannabis clubs were founded in Spain, whose lawfulness was now confirmed by courts in Catalonia and the Basque region. People join to grow cannabis together and distribute it to members of the club at cost price. Only members have access to the growing rooms and the cannabis. In Spain trade with cannabis is prohibited, but possession for personal use is legal. A court in Bilbao, the biggest city of the Basque region, cleared four defendants of a cannabis club with 66 members from the prosecution of illegal cultivation of 150 kg of cannabis (fresh whole plants that resulted in 17.4 kg dried cannabis). 39 members use cannabis for medical purposes. ENCOD (European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies), a EURopean organisation for the change of the drug laws regards the Spanish cannabis clubs as a model for other countries. Recently the first association of cannabis growers was created in Belgium. As in Spain the possession of cannabis for personal use is legal. Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Current Legal Situation of Cannabis in Spain | Update for 2014: The proposed 'Citizen Security Law' (Ley de la Seguridad Ciuidana) might re-criminalize the use of cannabis. In the meantime, the advice on this page is still valid. The legal situation of cannabis in Spain is a little more complicated than in other countries. It is illegal in Spain to traffic cannabis or to smoke it in public places. It is legal in Spain to cultivate or smoke cannabis for your own personal use (as long as it is in the privacy of your own home). Note that, as anywhere in the world, the interpretation of 'personal use' is open to debate. If a policeman takes a disliking to a group of noisy foreigners, he might use any drugs found on you as an excuse to cause you problems. I would therefore advise against consuming cannabis in Spain. Having said that, cannabis is often sold openly in the streets, especially in Barcelona and Granada. I have also seen people smoking cannabis outside bars without anyone raising an eyebrow. > visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Cannabis Dispensaries and Machines - | A medical cannabis machine is a machine used for dispensing marijuana to authorized patients. These machines are basically high tech vending machines that automate and standardize the dispensing of marijuana. They are already available in a number of facilities, and offer patients an easy and convenient way of obtaining their medical marijuana. There are many medical cannabis dispensaries that carry the machine. This makes it easy for patients to operate the medical cannabis machine conveniently. By using a touch screen, patients choose from up to 50 different varieties of medical cannabis. The cannabis is dispensed in standard medicine vials that are pre-weighed before the machine is stocked. Patients can choose how much to purchase, as well as the strain, just as when visiting a marijuana dispensary. To pay for the medical cannabis, patients will be issued a pre-paid member card that they may load funds onto as necessary. This can be done within the medical marijuana clinic that owns the machine. When obtaining one of these pre-paid cards, patients will be loaded into the database, using their fingerprint as identification. Their dosage information and physician authorization will also be kept on file. Contact: Ph. 866-592-5890 or, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms The Healing Center Medical Clinic | BENEFITS OF MEDICAL CANNABIS > Since the legalization of medical cannabis, hundreds of thousands of needing patients have found relief from many very serious ailments. In many cases, their quality of life has improved exponentially while reducing or completely avoiding the dangers that arise from taking habit-forming prescriptions. One of the great benefits that medical cannabis has over many prescriptions is the lack of irritating and uncomfortable side-effects. There have been many patients that prefer herbal therapy over the traditional western methods. For others, a blend between western and herbal therapies have proven to be effective as well. Contact: in Alaska, call - 907-717-9966, in Colorado, call - 970-399-7164 - or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms How to Make a Medical Marijuana Oil | Two Methods:Getting Clear on the TerminologyMaking Medical Marijuana Oil; The benefits of medical marijuana oil are being debated by some and embraced by others. Whether you're a curious skeptic or a true believer, you can follow the steps below to make our own medical marijuana oil.

[0.] Preparation -

-[1]- Understand the difference between marijuana and hemp. Hemp and marijuana are both varieties, subspecies, of the Cannabis sativa plant. Marijuana is simply considered to have a higher THC and cannabinoid content. They both contain cannabinoids, a class of chemicals that activate cell membrane receptors. The most well known of these cannabinoids is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. You need the female plant to make effective medical marijuana oil.

-[2]- Know that medical marijuana oil is not the same as hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is a cold-pressed oil made from the seeds of the hemp plant. It's rich with essential fatty oils and used for its nutritional benefits. You can easily buy it in health food stores. It often gets mislabeled as "hemp oil," but it's not. True hemp oil (aka medical marijuana oil), on the other hand, is made from the buds of the female marijuana plant. The THC and Cannabinoids in the plant allows it to impact cells and offer medicinal benefits.

-[3]- Embrace synonyms. Medical marijuana oil is also known as hemp oil, cannabis oil or hash oil.

[1.] Process -

-[1]- Purchase and dry your plants. Buy the best quality plants you can afford. The better the quality, the better the oil. Make sure your plant buds are as dry as possible before beginning. Because this process is rather involved, you may want to start with a large amount--a pound (454 grams)or more--however you can use as little as one ounce. The amount of oil you get will vary from strain to strain; an ounce will usually produce 3 or 4 grams of oil. When you buy your plants, get a strain that has the highest possible THC content. A good Sativa strain is recommended if you want to energize someone suffering from depression. For most other medical conditions, the suggestion is to try an Indica strain, which helps with relaxation and promotes rest and sleep.

-[2]- Decide on a solvent. You'll use the solvent to strip the THC off the plant. You'll need two gallons (7.57 liters) of solvent for one pound of dry hemp. About 17 ounces (500 milliliters) of solvent should be more than enough if you're working with one ounce of starting material. There are a variety of different solvents you might try, but two of the most common are alcohol and naphtha. Pure naphtha is inexpensive and, since it is used as a paint thinner, readily available at most paint supply stores. In Europe, you may find it under the name "benzine."

For a solvent to 100% effective it should be 100% pure, so look for pure alcohol--it can be expensive and more difficult to find. All these solvents including alcohol are poisonous in nature, so it's imperative that you follow instruction for making hemp oil very carefully. Stay away from ether and butane. Although ether works extremely well in this process, it's very volatile and is best used under laboratory conditions. Butane is likewise very volatile and produces a less-effective product. [2] Do some additional research to learn what other solvents people have, used successfully. Consider organic (non-petroleum, chemical) methods.

-[3]- Do your first wash. Put the dry plant buds in a large plastic bucket and add your solvent. Use a stick of clean, untreated wood to crush the buds and leaves. Then add more solvent until the plant material is completely immersed and continue crushing for about three minutes. You're working to dissolve the THC off the plant material and into the solvent. It is very important that this process be done in a well-ventilated area away from cigarettes, flames or sparks because the solvent is extremely flammable.

-[4]- Pour the solvent-oil mix off the plant material into another bucket. Leave the hemp in the starting container. At this stage, you've already stripped the plant material of about 80% of its THC.

-[5]- Do a second wash. Again add solvent to the plant material and work it for another 3 minutes to get whatever beneficial resin remains. When you're done, add this solvent-oil mix to the bucket you used to pour off the first mix and discard the plant material.

-[6]- Filter your oil. Get some empty water bottles or gallon jugs and insert a funnel into the neck of the bottle. Put a coffee filter in the funnel and pour the solvent-oil mix through to remove any unwanted plant material.

-[7]- Boil off the solvent. You need to heat your mixture so that the solvent boils away and just the oil remains. Fill a rice cooker until it's about three-quarters full and put the heat setting on "high." Keep an eye on the mixture as it cooks. As the level of the solvent-oil mix in the rice cooker drops, keep adding more until you have none left. It is very important once again that this process be done in a well-ventilated area away from cigarettes, flames or sparks because the fumes are very flammable. Set up a fan to blow the fumes away. A rice cooker works really well for this step of the process because it has a built-in heat sensor that prevents rice from burning. In this case, it will prevent the temperature of your solvent-oil mixture from becoming too high. If it does, the cannabinoids will vaporize off of the oil. [3] At no time should the temperature of the oil go over 290 degrees Fahrenheit (140 C).

-[8]- Remove the last of the solvent. When there is about 2" of solvent-oil mix left in the rice cooker, you need to add a few drops of water to boil off the last remaining amount of solvent. If you started with a pound of plant material, add 10-12 drops of water. If you started with an ounce, you will need just a couple of drops. When the solvent has been boiled off, the rice cooker should automatically switch to the "low" setting. If you'd like, you can put on a pair of oven mitts, pick up the rice cooker and swirl it to aid in evaporation. The water will cause the oil to bubble and crackle, and you'll see a little bit of smoke or steam coming off the oil, but that's completely normal.

-[9]- Vaporize the water. Put on your oven mitts and remove the inner pot containing the oil from the rice cooker. Gently pour the oil into a small stainless steel container. Place this container in a dehydrator or put it on a gentle heating device such as a coffee warmer. When the oil stops bubbling, remove the container from the heat and allow it to cool a bit. Depending on the strain of plant material you used, the water could boil away quickly, or it may take a few hours for the oil to stop bubbling.

-[10]- Package the oil for use. Immerse the tip of a plastic syringe into the oil and gently pull back on the plunger to draw the warm oil up into the syringe and let it cool. You can simply pour the oil into a clean bottle rather than use syringes, but the syringes do make it easy to dispense the medicine. Store the oil in a cool dark place for maximum shelf life. The oil will become a thick grease, which could make it difficult to force of the syringes when cooled. Just run hot water over the syringe, and the oil will dispense much more easily.

[9.] Utilization - Vaoprizing and other methods >> Read more, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Card | California; Oakland, San Diego, San Jose, Orange County | Michigan; Detroit, East Lansing, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor | Washington; Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Olympia, Lynnwood, Vancouver, Gig Harbor | Arizona; Tempe, Phoenix, Tucson

Medical marijuana card | Obtaining a medical marijuana card is a must for some people. Fourteen states in the United States have already legalized marijuana for medical use. However, obtaining card has proved to be a challenge for many people. When you’re trying to obtain a medical marijuana certification, you will face innumerable challenges. However, it can be done when you have the facts you need and know the laws surrounding getting a recommendation. The idea of legalizing marijuana for medical purposes has been a hot button issue for decades. And now, the passage of legislation has legalized medical marijuana in 14 American states.

Is it Legal for Me to Get a Medical Marijuana Card? | The hurdle for most people trying to obtain a medical marijuana license is figuring out how to get it legally and under the right circumstances. Before you try to obtain a card, it helps to know which states will let you use it. Medical marijuana is now legal in fourteen states as well as the District of Columbia. Some states have very limited laws that simply protect from legal prosecution if you are discovered to have marijuana for medical purposes, such as Maryland, while other states allow large numbers of dispensaries to sell medical marijuana to anyone who obtains a recommendation from a licensed physician. Having a medical marijuana card is the proof that you have a prescription given by a doctor.

Specialists are available in the states where medical marijuana is legal, and a visit to a doctor can help you to answer any questions you have about legal marijuana use for medical conditions. If you live in Alaska, California, Colorado, Washington, D.C., Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, or Washington State and Massachusetts, it may be legal for you to obtain a medical marijuana license. In most of these states you can even see a medical marijuana doctor for your prescription, ensuring that you can talk to someone who understands the effects of medical marijuana on all types of diseases and symptoms.

Medical marijuana doctors are the best qualified to determine whether or not a medical marijuana card will help to relieve your symptoms. Once you have a medical marijuana card, you can legally use medical marijuana as long as you do not break any other laws. In most states, the sale of marijuana for non-medical uses is still illegal, as well as driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana. You may be eligible to use a medical marijuana card, but you still must use the marijuana responsibly.

Medical Marijuana Card | Using medical marijuana legally does depend on having a recommendation from your doctor. In most states that allow marijuana use for medical purposes, it is still possible to obtain marijuana illegally, even if you will use it for medical purposes. Be sure to purchase medical marijuana from a legal dispensary, or find out from your doctor where you can legally obtain marijuana using your certification. And because the laws are state to state, simply having a medical marijuana prescription in one state does not mean you are automatically free from the laws of other states. Do not travel to states where marijuana is illegal with medical marijuana. The state laws may not protect your from prosecution under local law.

Do I Have to go to a Medical Marijuana Doctor to consume cannabis legally? | While in many states the use of medical marijuana is now legal, the procedure for obtaining a legal prescription and obtaining medical marijuana legally can be complicated. Many states require that you get a state issued card for marijuana as part of your prescription, in an effort to ensure that the user of the prescription is actually the one purchasing the medical marijuana. The fact is, you can get a medical marijuana certification from your general practitioner, or any doctor who can write prescriptions. However, cannabis doctors have much more experience with the diseases and symptoms which respond to marijuana.

Medical marijuana physicians are specialists, not in any particular disease, but in the effectiveness of the treatment. A medical marijuana doctor has probably talked to other people who are suffering from the same symptoms as you are, and they can tell you whether or not medical marijuana is likely to relieve your symptoms. Just like other prescription drugs, medical cannabis can have a different effect on different patients, and a cannabinoid doctor is best prepared to deal with your concerns and reaction to medical marijuana.

These M.D.’s will also be able to tell you where and how to use your medical marijuana card. Dispensaries are common in some parts of the country, but in other states it is harder to obtain medical marijuana, even though it is legal. A doctor for medical marijuana can make sure that you know everything you need to know about the effect of marijuana on your symptoms, as well as how to get the type of medication that will be best for you.

For patients with certain diseases, smoking medical marijuana is a very bad idea. Medical marijuana can be very effective for reducing and relieving the side effects of chemotherapy, however if you are having chemotherapy for lung cancer, smoking marijuana is a bad idea. You can also buy medical marijuana in food form, and a licensed professional will know where you can legally purchase medical marijuana foods.

Your regular doctor may be able to answer your questions, too, but if not, see a specialist today . If you have questions about the process of obtaining cannabis legally, or if you are simply curious to know whether medical marijuana will be effective for your disease or symptoms, a medical marijuana doctor is your best option.

Obtaining a medical marijuana card | Some conditions, such as depression, can be hard to obtain medical marijuana for. That is why you should talk candidly with your doctor about your conditions to see what will help your condition. Your doctor will be able to assess the pros and cons of having a card to treat preexisting conditions. A doctor will also help you examine the laws surrounding medical marijuana in states where it is legal. ID cards issued by the state will indicate that you are eligible for medical marijuana as a treatment option.

Medical Marijuana Patient Identification Card

Can I Use My Medical Marijuana Card in Other States? ID cards for cannabis are popular in a number of states where marijuana is legal for medical uses. A card allows law enforcement to ensure that the person buying the medical marijuana does in fact have the prescription. For many people, getting a recommendation for cannabis seems like a risk, but the truth is that because of HIPPA, your doctor cannot legally share your medical information with anyone. This doesn’t mean that you will be protected if you cross into a state where medical marijuana is not legal. However, there are states that border each other where the use of medical marijuana is also legal, and many people have questions about crossing those borders.

Before you go anywhere with marijuana, be sure to be familiar with the laws about medical marijuana use. Even if medical cannabis is legal, driving a car under the influence of marijuana is still illegal. Possession of medical marijuana may be legal in one state, even if your prescription is from another state. As long as you can show that you have a legal right to use marijuana for medical purposes, possession and use may still be protected under the laws of multiple states. However, you may or may not be able to purchase cannabis in a different state from where you have a prescription.

Keep in mind that a medical marijuana card is for use in the state where they are obtained. You may find dispensaries that will accept a doctor’s recommendation from out of state, but be vary wary about your purchase. The best way to know whether or not you can legally purchase medical marijuana in another state is to talk to a licensed attorney. They will be familiar with the laws surrounding medical marijuana use in your state. They will also probably have some familiarity with the laws of neighboring states that allow the use of medical cannabis. Each state has its own laws surrounding the use of medical cannabis. Make sure to check with a doctor, either in your state or a state your travel to, to see what is legal and what is not. By staying informed, you can rest assured knowing where you can legally use marijuana.

The conditions | However, there is a process you must follow to obtain a state issued card. Once you’ve talked to your doctor, you will need to get a letter of recommendation and submit an application to the state. You will also need to pay state fees and get approved. Then, you will receive your card for medical marijuana by mail. You can also apply for a card online.

Conclusion | If you’re one of the many people who needs cannabis for your medical condition, do your research, and talk to your doctor. The process is long and arduous, no doubt. But finding treatment for your condition is entirely possible when you have a card.

Our California Locations Orange County 1651 East Edinger Ave #102 Santa Ana, CA 92705 1-888-694-2063 Vista 639 South Santa Fe Suite A Vista, ca 1-888-933-3732 San Diego – Pacific Beach 2180 Garnet Ave Suite 2 J San Diego 92109 1-888-694-2063 El Cajon 277 E. Lexington Suite A El Cajon CA 92020 1-888-694-2063 Chula Vista 240 Woodlawn ave Suite 12 Chula Vista, CA 91910 Riverside 5556 Mission Blvd #B101 Rubidoux, CA 92509 Lake Forest 23331 El Toro Blvd Suite 205 Lake Forest, CA 92630 1-888-694-2063 Medical Marijuana Card TriStick Vaporizers Dank Tanks

Medical Marijuana FAQ How do I setup an appointment to see a doctor at your clinic? Setting up an appointment is easy! Give us a call at 888-MY-420-MD or email us through the contact us section. Do I need to be referred to your clinic by another physician? Absolutely not! Our physicians can and will evaluate anyone who feels that they can benefit from medical cannabis.

Can you tell me the process of getting a cannabis evaluation? When you arrive at our office, you will be asked to fill-out a medical history form along with some additional documents and disclosures. Patients must have on their person a valid state-issued ID or driver’s license with them to establish proof of residency. If they do not have an ID or driver’s license, a utility bill, lease, or bank statement will be sufficient to establish proof of residency. Then, your blood pressure will be taken by our medical assistants on staff and you will be escorted to a private room for your consultation with our physician.

The interview usually lasts about 10 minutes. After the interview is completed you will be given your recommendation and the packet to mail off to the state to get your official medical marijuana card. That’s all there is to it! What do I need to bring to my visit? Please bring in your Driver’s license or state ID card showing that you are a resident of the state. Patients are strongly encouraged to bring in medical records or old prescription bottles with their name on them. In some cases, exceptions can be made for patients who do not have access to or have lost their documentation.

Do I have to pay the evaluation fee if I do not receive a marijuana recommendation? No. If the physician does not approve you, you do not have to pay any fees. In other words, you only pay the evaluation fee if you are approved. Do I have to be at least 18 to be a patient? No, as long as the legal guardian signs a waiver for the minor, someone who is under 18 may still be eligible to become a patient.

Will there be any privacy issues with respect to having a state–issued medical marijuana card? No. Your doctor’s visit is protected under the privacy laws of HIPPA and thus nobody will know that you are a patient but you (or anyone you show your ID to!) * Contact: Call Us Today! 1-888-694-2063 or visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical cannabis - | medical cannabis, also called medical marijuana, herbal drug derived from plants of the genus Cannabis that is used as part of the treatment for a specific symptom or disease. Although the term cannabis refers specifically to the plant genus, it is also used interchangeably with marijuana, which describes the crude drug isolated from the plants’ leaves and flowers. While cannabis has a long history of medical use as an analgesic (pain reliever) and antispasmodic agent, for much of the modern era there existed a general lack of awareness among scientists and physicians of its medical benefits.

The discovery of the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the 1960s, as well as the discovery of a system of endogenous cannabinoid receptors and ligands in the late 1980s and early 1990s, promoted inquiry into the therapeutic potential of cannabis and its extracts and derivatives. (Endogenous substances are those produced by the body; in biology, ligands are substances that bind to receptors.) This work revealed that cannabis can provide relief from certain types of conditions, such as severe chronic pain, and led to the development of various herbal medical cannabis products.

Herbal cannabis products in medicine | Several pharmaceutical drugs based on cannabis, in purified and standardized form, have been made available for medical use. However, the use of herbal cannabis in medicine remains highly controversial, in part because of the lack of standardization among products to ensure safe and consistent dosing and in part because of disagreement over legalization. In the United States, for example, while the cultivation, possession, and consumption of cannabis is illegal, some states have enacted laws that legalize the use of herbal medical cannabis specifically. Likewise, while the use of herbal medical cannabis is permitted in some European countries, it is illegal in the United Kingdom. The latter does, however, permit the prescription of a cannabis-based drug known as nabiximols (Sativex).

Use of medical cannabis | Outside of Canada and the Netherlands, there is no inherent difference between herbal cannabis used recreationally and that used medically. For that reason, medical cannabis may be best understood as the use of cannabis under ongoing medical supervision, with an established diagnosis of the target symptom-disease complex. Herbal cannabis is used in conjunction with, or in consideration of, other pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches and with the goal of reaching prespecified treatment outcomes. Anecdotal reports and the results of randomized clinical trials have suggested that cannabis may be useful in the management of a variety of conditions, including pain, spasticity, nausea, anorexia, and seizures. (In a randomized clinical trial, participants are assigned by chance to different treatment groups.)

Effectiveness of medical cannabis | Medical cannabis is most frequently administered either by smoking or vaporization or in the form of edible preparations. None of these approaches has been standardized, however, and the effectiveness of edible cannabis preparations has not been evaluated in clinical trials. Smoked cannabis has been evaluated in a small number of randomized controlled trials involving patients suffering from neuropathic pain conditions. In each of the trials, patients experienced a reduction in pain intensity at THC concentrations of 3.9 percent or higher. A zero percent THC dose was used as the placebo condition; this formulation was created with cannabis from which all cannabinoid substances had been removed by alcohol extraction. Adverse events from these studies were mild to moderate and included drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth. No serious or severe adverse events were reported.

Medical precautions | A major safety concern associated with medical cannabis is the possibility of medical use encouraging or transitioning into recreational use, which is associated with side effects that range from acute to chronic. Acute effects include intoxication, impaired cognition and motor function, elevated heart rate, anxiety, and psychosis in predisposed individuals. Chronic effects include bronchitis (from smoked cannabis), psychological cannabis dependency, loss of motivation, and cognitive deficits. By and large these effects seem to disappear on abstinence.

The primary purpose of medical cannabis use is symptom relief and improved function and overall quality of life. Reductions in doses (if not complete cessation) of other medications should be strongly considered. Clinical evidence of such outcomes is lacking, however, and it remains the responsibility of the treating physician and the patient to work toward the achievement of mutually agreed-upon goals. >> Learn more, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Dispensaries | See All Lists | reviews on California dispensaries from a very discerning consumer ;-) | Sonoma Medicinal Herbs Cannabis Clinics 3403 Santa Rosa Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Share review Compliment 11/15/2011 First to Review I agree with the previous reviewer - I can't believe this place hasn't been reviewed more! Although I live in San Francisco, where there are many fantastic dispensaries, I have been a pretty regular customer of SMH since trying their phenomenal OG Kush hash oil at the High Times Cannabis Cup this past June. These folks have some of the best cannabis I have ever had. I believe that all their medicine is lovingly grown by the proprietors and their butane free hash oil is out of this world. If you are a fan of concentrates, I highly recommend it.

... The Apothecarium Cannabis Clinics 2095 Market St San Francisco, CA 94114 Share review Compliment 8/22/2011 HIGH class. That's the best way to describe this place in a nutshell, but if you care to know more, here's my breakdown: Pros: -really nice decor; spacious marble bar where you can comfortably make your selections (I felt like I was in a trendy jewelry store) -patient, courteous staff -really great selection of bud -bound menus -great website -cool packaging (choice of bag or bottle) & a custom labels -decent selection of sale-priced buds -great edible selection Cons: -8.5% sales tax not baked into the price -can be a tad expensive

... Igzactly 420 Cannabis Clinics, Massage Therapy 527 Howard St San Francisco, CA 94105 Share review Compliment 4/15/2012 The lounge is small but has a nice vibe and there are four Volcanos here. The buds are priced okay and pretty good. Dutch Crunch, Platinum Jack, and Grape God are my favorites here. They have a decent supply of concentrates as well, with some very interesting waxes available. My only negative comments would be that I wish they had more varieties of kief and they frequently run out of their best edibles. The staff is nice and very professional. This place took some time to grow on me, but I like it & come here pretty frequently. I definitely recommend it. >> See more, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms How to Become a Valid Medical Marijuana Patient | In California, all you need to become a medical marijuana patient is a State Drivers License (or State ID) and a valid doctors recommendation. Other states are similar, but have their own rules and regulations. How Do I Get Medical Marijuana? | The laws that outline how to become a medical marijuana patient vary by state. In California, Proposition 215 allows medical use of cannabis for qualified patients. Like most states where medical marijuana is legal, to be considered a patient you must obtain a valid doctor’s recommendation.

Furthermore, some states request you apply to a state medical marijuana program and receive a medical marijuana identification card, although a doctors recommendation will suffice. In spite of California’s medical cannabis ID card system, you are not required to possess an ID to be considered a legal patient. A simple doctors recommendation will do the trick. Nonetheless, the Americans for Safe Access claim that MMJ cards, “look more official to the police,” and are likely to work in your favor in court if you are out of state. To clarify, all you need to become a medical marijuana patient (at least in California) is a state drivers license (or state ID) and a valid doctors recommendation.

Determining If You Have an Eligible Medical Condition | In California, as with most medicinally legal states, you are required to provide medical record of treatment for your illness or medical disability before receiving a recommendation for cannabis. If you do not have this documentation, some doctors will tell you that you do not have a legal right to the use of medical cannabis under state law. For that reason, the first step in becoming a patient is determining if you have an eligible medical condition.

The proposition does not contain an exhaustive list of medical conditions that are covered, so it is important to consult your doctor to get a professional opinion. This criterion to qualify for medical marijuana differs from state to state. While it is best to consult your primary care physician, many physicians are hesitant or unwilling to recommend medical marijuana for fear of federal prosecution. This is despite the fact that California’s law protects physicians from federal prosecution for recommending cannabis. But worry not, you aren’t completely out of luck; there are cannabis clinicians that specialize.

Finding A ‘Cannabis-Friendly’ Doctor Near You | When looking for a clinic to get your recommendation, it is important to seek advice from a reputable doctor, because after all, this is your health you are dealing with. The physician that you receive your recommendation from should be a practiced, and licensed with medical and research experience (preferably cannabis related). While these doctors cannot “prescribe” cannabis, they can “certify” or “recommend” patients use medical marijuana that meet the criteria to be a qualifying patient.

Although it is easy to walk into a green, 4/20 themed “clinic” on the Venice boardwalk and pay $40 for a five-minute evaluation, there are some factors you should consider before doing so. If you are a patient looking to get the maximum benefit from cannabis as a medicine, the relationship between yourself and your medical cannabis doctor should be respected as much as in any other medical circumstance. For this reason, we advise staying away from these types of places we’ll call, “bargain clinics.”

Another problem with these ‘bargain clinics’ is that many of their cut-rate deals come with fine print (as with all things that sound too good to be true). Many patients have visited clinics in search of a cheap deal, only to find that the advertised rate was for a month-long recommendation. These are exactly the kind of places that are going to go out of business in the future, and patients need to be weary of them. Not only are they ripping people off, some clinics close business without leaving a contact for follow-up verifications, invalidating their patient’s recommendations. These people do not care about the patient; they are only in it for the money. Identity theft is also a major concern because these illegal clinics have been known to sell off patient’s information on the black market. Ton’s of information from patient records is released into the public including copies of ID’s, addresses, and social security numbers.

Pick a Doctor That Is Reputable — Do Your Research | California’s NORML Guide to Medical Marijuana Physicians warns of these bogus clinics, and add that some are even selling “cultivation licenses” that purportedly allow the patient to grow more than the allowed quantity of plants. Be warned that there is no such thing as this license, and you have a right as a patient (under California law) to grow as many plants as you need for your own personal use. Although physicians cannot sell this mystical license, they can testify for you in court that a specific amount of cannabis (not plants) is consistent with your specific needs.

If ever faced with the unfortunate circumstance of having to defend your rights in court, you will fancy a doctor who is a quality health care provider testifying on your behalf. For this reason, it is extremely important to scrutinize your physician to ensure they are taking your health seriously, and giving you an accurate examination. The doctor should show concern for your general health, and should be asking questions about your diagnosis, prior experience with cannabis, and if you have self-medicated to help your condition in the past. Not only should the physician have a thorough understanding of the effects of cannabis on various medical conditions, but also about the ingesting, cultivating, and topical use of cannabis.

Doctors Recommendations Are Good For 365 Days | In addition to making sure that your physician is knowledgeable, there are a few other things to consider before signing the papers. As I stated before, some bogus clinics will try and sell one-month recommendations with all sorts of hidden fees. Be sure to clarify that the doctor’s letter of recommendation will be valid for a full year. Make sure there are no extra fees associated with obtaining ID cards, or extra copies of the letter of recommendation. Furthermore, make certain that recommendations can be verified 24 hours a day (Online or by phone), and obtain a contact to reach out to for verifications if the clinic goes out of business. Many physicians are being investigated by the state on the account of law enforcement accusing them of operating illegally.

Unfortunately, dispensaries are the ones feeling the brunt force of the feds who are paying little attention to the clinics funneling customers to these dispensaries. Law enforcement needs to realize that these illegal marijuana clinics are the ones giving the California medical marijuana program a bad rap. After all, a dispensary must accept anyone with a recommendation signed by a doctor. They are not to blame for all the orders of Trainwreck to treat patients, “chronic back pains.” You can check Americans For Safe Access for information regarding becoming a patient in your state. >> Learn more, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Los Angeles Medical Cannabis Doctors, Physicians, and Health Clinics | Los Angeles medical marijuana doctors, physicians, and health clinics located near Los Angeles, California. We have listed LA medical marijuana physicians by county including Los Angeles, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties. Los Angeles medical cannabis doctors will require any previous medical records you may have and will need to complete an examination. Call a medical marijuana doctor and schedule your appointment, today! For list, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms | Medical Cannabis and Pregnancy Posted on April 19, 2011 by MediCann | Today, we received an inquiry on Twitter from @DailyNugs – and felt it warranted a dedicated blog post. (Thank you, @DailyNugs!) Here is the question: “@MediCann Is marijuana safer than pharma drugs for morning sickness in pregnant women? What I found:”

The short of it: Medical Cannabis and “pharma drugs” are in the same boat in regards to their safe use during pregnancy. For ethical reasons, neither have been tested in humans for their safety. Most information on this subject is either gathered from animal studies or anecdotally. Regarding medical cannabis and pregnancy, the studies are conflicting. MediCann does not regularly recommend cannabis for pregnancy unless a patient presents with severe nausea as in a condition called Hyperemesis Gravidum. In this case, the life of the woman and child are at risk and both medical cannabis and “pharma drugs” are considered appropriate options.

And, the long of it: It is unclear whether, or to what degree, the use of cannabis may impact pregnancy. MediCann’s recommendations: MediCann’s recommendation is that, in general, drugs (prescription, OTC, herbal, social, illicit) should not be used during pregnancy. This includes cannabis. Sometimes, however, drugs are essential for the health of a pregnant woman and her fetus. Also, some health care practitioners may recommend that a woman take certain vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.

Before taking any drug, herbal medicine, or dietary supplement, a pregnant woman should consult her primary healthcare provider, obstetrician/midwife, and/or medical cannabis specialist, as necessary. The information provided below is intended to foster discussion between doctor and patient as well as serve as an informational resource with respect to cannabis and pregnancy. The final determination with respect to the appropriateness of medical cannabis use during pregnancy must be made on a case-by-case basis.

The endocannabinoid system: Understanding the impact of cannabis on pregnancy may come from understanding a little about how the body’s “endocannabinoid” system works. Endocannabinoids are the body’s own natural cannabinoids – molecules that play roles in regulating many important body functions, including fertility and pregnancy. Endocannabinoid molecules attach, or bind, to specific receptors in the body known as receptor types CB1 and CB2. Among their many functions (for example, pain relief, muscle relaxation, anxiety reduction, etc.), endocannabinoids and their receptors are also involved in maintaining normal reproductive functioning, fertility, and pregnancy.

Cannabinoids that are present in the marijuana plant (for example, THC and CBD) are known as “phytocannabinoids” or plant-cannabinoids. These cannabinoid molecules from the marijuana plant are able to interact with the same CB1 and CB2 receptors as the body’s natural endocannabinoids and thereby produce many therapeutic effects. Evidence indicates, however, that phytocannabinoids in sufficient doses may affect reproductive functioning and pregnancy. Phytocannabinoids can also cross the placenta and may affect the fetus. However, marijuana has never been shown to be “teratogenic,” meaning to have the ability to cause birth defects.

Current evidence: The overall medical literature contains little information regarding prenatal exposure to cannabis, and more scientifically controlled studies are necessary. Research conducted in the UK in 2008 showed a relationship between elevated levels of the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and an increased risk for first trimester miscarriage. It is not clear whether or how these results may apply to the plant-cannabinoids found in marijuana.

There is also limited, and often conflicting, evidence that cannabis use during pregnancy may result in slightly reduced birth size and may be associated with subtle changes in behavior (for example, inattention or impulsivity) and thought processes (for example, learning, memory, or executive functions) later in life. When might medical cannabis treatment be recommended during pregnancy? An example of a condition where cannabis has been shown to be life-saving is “hyperemesis gravidarum.” Hyperemesis gravidarum is a potentially life-threatening condition affecting approximately 1-2% of pregnant women. It is characterized by severe nausea and vomiting, malnutrition, and weight loss during pregnancy.

There are published accounts documenting how small amounts of medical cannabis have proven to be life-saving–for both mother and baby–in treating hyperemesis gravidarum, with no adverse effects. Medical cannabis has been shown to be highly effective as an anti-emetic, muscle relaxant, appetite stimulant, and anxiety reliever, and it may provide a better safety profile than other prescription drugs that are used to treat this condition. What the Pharmaceutical Companies have to say about cannabinoids and fertility/pregnancy: Based on preclinical safety data, GW Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of Sativex® (Cannabis leaf and flower extract, 27 mg TCH/25 mg CBD, approved in Canada and UK) published the following in their Summary of Product Characteristics:

• Reproductive toxicity studies carried out with the THC and CBD extracts showed no adverse effects on either male or female fertility in terms of numbers of animals mating, number of fertile males and females, or on copulation or fertility indices.

• There was no evidence to suggest teratogenic activity (the ability to cause birth defects).

• Data from the literature have shown negative effects of THC and/or CBD on sperm number and motility. In its Prescribing Information for its prescription drug Marinol® (dronabinol, synthetic THC, approved in U.S.), Solvay Pharmaceuticals provides the following information as precautions:

• Animal studies showed decreased sperm production and numbers of sperm-producing cells. However, sperm count, mating success and testosterone levels were not affected. The significance of these animal findings in humans is not known.

• Pregnancy Category C Reproduction studies showed no evidence of teratogenicity.

• At high dosages in mice and rats, synthetic THC decreased maternal weight gain and increased unsuccessful pregnancies and fetal mortality. Such effects were dose dependent.

• There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Marinol® should be used only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

Known dangerous drugs during pregnancy: Alcohol:Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is the leading known cause of birth defects. Fetal alcohol syndrome is the most serious consequence of drinking during pregnancy, and it occurs in about 2 of 1,000 live births. Because the amount of alcohol required to cause fetal alcohol syndrome is unknown, pregnant women are advised to completely abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.

Cigarette Smoking (Tobacco): Included in the many negative effects of tobacco use while pregnant are low birth weight, birth defects (often of the heart, brain and face), as well as a potentially increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Opioids: Opioids (e.g., heroin, methadone, and morphine) readily cross the placenta. As a result, the fetus may become addicted and have withdrawal symptoms 6 hours to 8 days after birth. However, opioid use rarely results in birth defects. The use of opioids during pregnancy increases the risk of complications during pregnancy such as miscarriage, abnormal presentation of the baby, and preterm delivery. - See more at: >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Marijuana Doctors in California - Califronia NORML | On Seeking Physician Approvals for Medical Cannabis | The licensed California physicians searchable on this page are available for consultation as medical cannabis specialists. Patients should have a documented medical record of diagnosis and treatment or a physician referral. Medical marijuana patients should begin by consulting with their own physicians about medical use of cannabis. If you don't have a medical record of treatment for serious illness, you may not be eligible for marijuana under state law. To qualify, patients must obtain a physician's "recommendation" or "approval" (NOT prescription) to use marijuana (SAMPLE recommendation form). No official registration is required. Marijuana can be recommended for ANY serious condition for which it provides relief; over 250 uses have been reported. > Learn more, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Medical and Scientific Information about Cannabis (marijuana) by ASA | Medical Marijuana and Sports > Football | At issue: Medical cannabis ("marijuana") works even when opiates don't. The great utility of medical cannabis is, in part, the remarkable safety of the medicine and lack of serious side effects; the other is the unique breadth of its therapeutic actions. >> Learn more, visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Resources for Patients | Discover how to talk to your doctor about medical cannabis, how to become a state-authorized patient (where legal), basic science and legal rights for patients, how to safely use medical cannabis, and how to get involved with medical cannabis advocacy. Medical Patients | Information about the medical use of cannabis, legal information, and practical tools and guides for those using or considering cannabis therapeutics

    Cancer - Symptoms Becoming a State-Authorized Patient | The laws and regulations pertaining to state medical cannabis programs change rapidly, so it's critically important that patients stay up to date on information pertaining to their state. >> Learn more, visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Talking to your doctor | Be forthright. There is nothing wrong or illegal about discussing medical cannabis with your doctor. Federal courts have ruled that the First Amendment protects doctors in discussing medical cannabis and recommending it to their patients. Doctors are accustomed to patients bringing ideas to them about treatment options and preferences, and cannabis therapeutics should be no different. >> Learn more, visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Cannabis Safety | Cannabis and its psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, have an excellent safety profile. The Drug Awareness Warning Network Annual Report, published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), contains a statistical compilation of all drug deaths which occur in the United States. According to this report, there has never been a death recorded from the use of cannabis. >> Learn more, visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms What the Science Says | The documented use of cannabis as a safe and effective therapeutic botanical dates to 2700 BC. Between 1840 and 1900, European and American journals of medicine published more than 100 articles on the therapeutic use of cannabis. In fact, cannabis was part of the American pharmacopoeia until 1942, and is currently available by prescription in Canada, the Netherlands, Israel, and Germany. Note that the decision to use cannabis therapeutics, like other treatment modes, should be based on careful assessment of the patient's condition with consideration for other possible treatments. They propose a possible treatment decision-tree for physicians, using neuropathic pain as an example, as reproduced below.

    This is similar to the guidelines established by the California Medical Board for doctors. They indicate that physicians recommending medical cannabis should:

    Take a history and conduct a good faith examination of the patient; Develop a treatment plan with objectives;

    Provide informed consent, including discussion of side effects;

    Periodically review the treatment’s efficacy;

    Obtain consultations, as necessary; and

    Keep proper records supporting the decision to recommend the use of medical marijuana.

    Content: The Endocannabinoid System, Emerging Clinical Data, The Clinical Trials, Cannabis-based Medicines, Investigative Roadblocks, Government Studies and Programs, References >> and more, visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Guide to using medical cannabis | Cannabis leaves and flowers are consumed in several forms: dried flower buds or various types of concentrated, loose, or pressed resin extracted from the flowers or leaves through a variety of methods. Once mature, the plant’s leaves and flowers are covered with trichomes, tiny glands of resinous oil containing cannabinoids and terpenes that provide physical and psychoactive effects. 100+ different types of cannabinoids and terpenes. | Concentrations or percent of each type of cannabinoid ranges widely from plant to plant and strain to strain. Effects | Different people have different experiences. One individual may feel stress release, while another feels over-stimulated and stressed, while another feels energized and on-task.

    Hybrids | Strains bred from crossing two or more varieties, with typically one dominant. For example, a sativa-dominant cross may be helpful in stimulating appetite and relaxing muscle spasms. Crosses are reported to work well to combat nausea and increase appetite. Cannabis Extracts and Concentrates | The dried flower or bud from the manicured, mature female plant is the most widely consumed form of cannabis in the U.S. Elsewhere in the world, extracts or concentrates of the cannabis plant are more commonly used. Concentrates are made from cannabinoid-rich glandular trichomes, which are found in varying amounts on cannabis flowers, leaves and stalks. The flowers of a mature female plant contain the most trichomes.

    Cannabis Topicals (applied to the skin) | Cannabinoids combined with a penetrating topical cream can enter the skin and body tissues and allow for direct application to affected areas (e.g. allergic skin reactions, post-herpes neuralgia, muscle strain, inflammation, swelling, etc.). Cannabis Consumption | How Can I Use Cannabis More Safely? > Adjust the way you use cannabis. One of the great aspects of cannabis is that there are many ways to use the medicine effectively.

    Apply via Topicals | This is one of the safest ways to consume your medication and may be the best option for certain pains or ailments. Rubbing cannabis products on the skin will not result in a psychoactive effect. >> Learn more, visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Growing Tips | First-time cannabis growers should start with a soil-based system rather than other more complicated methods such as hydroponics. Your first harvest will help you get the feel for the growth and life cycle of cannabis. This will help you build confidence that things are going well for your next harvest. Growing Medium | Soil is the easiest medium to grow from for a number of reasons. First, micronutrients, which are critical to proper growth and vigor of the plan, exist in gardening or potting soil naturally.

    Light | If growing indoors, use a high-intensity discharge (HID) light, either a high-pressure sodium (HPS) or a Metal Halide (MH) bulb. Both work well, but HPS systems are the best for flowering. Flowering | Cannabis flowers form naturally outdoors in the fall, as the nights grow longer. Indoors, we can force cannabis to flower when we want by creating a growing space where the light cycle can be controlled.

    Nutrients | There are three main nutrients that plants need to flourish: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Plant food labels show their N-P-K content as relative percentages. That means a high-nitrogen food good for vegetative growth would be listed as 20-10-10 or 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, and 10% potassium. When forcing the plants from vegetative to flowering growth (i.e. changing the light cycle from 24 hours of continuous light to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness), the nutrient ratio must change as well. Plants use P and K to make flowers or “buds.” During the flowering stage, feed your plants a plant food high in P and K. Something like 1-10-12 would be appropriate

    Water | Water your plants once the top two inches of soil are dry. Overwatering is a common cause of death for cannabis. Overwatered plants droop and may look like they need water. What the plants are actually lacking is air, because the roots are drowning. pH | pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the planting mix and water. The right pH is critical to the plant's ability to absorb nutrients. In general cannabis likes the root zone to be acidic; around 5.8-6.5 is the ideal range for soil, and no lower than 5.5.

    Air and temperature | Cannabis needs circulating air rich in carbon dioxide or CO2. Fresh air from the outside can be used if you are ventilating an indoor garden with fans. >> Learn more, visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Recipes for non-inhalation delivery methods | The following recipes come from the Vancouver Island Compassion Society ( Please note that not all state medical cannabis laws allow for cannabis concentrates. Where they do not, manufacture or possession of these substances usually carries serious penalties. A tincture is an alcohol-based solution of a non-volatile medicine (in this case cannabis). In a cannabis tincture, alcohol is not only the solvent used to separate cannabinoids from the plant matter, it is what makes this type of application (particularly in fine-mist form) more bio-available and therefore effective. Dosage | Initial Dosage: Spray two times on the inside of the cheek, and wait 30 seconds before swallowing. Wait ten minutes. If desired effect has not been reached, repeat on the opposite cheek. Wait ten minutes.Repeat until desired effect is achieved. Dosage will vary between users, but should remain fairly constant once established. Effect will last for between 1-2 hours. Repeat use as needed. If you feel dizzy or disoriented, immediately discontinue use. Do not operate heavy machinery or drive during use of this product. Oil Recipe, Salve Recipe, Cannabutter Recipe >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Knowing Your Rights | Medical cannabis patients and their providers are vulnerable to federal and state raids, arrest, prosecution, and incarceration. As a result, these individuals may suffer pervasive discrimination in employment, child custody, housing, public accommodation, education and medical care. Laws protecting patients and their providers vary from state to state and, in some cases, may vary from county to county. Many individuals choose to break outdated state laws that do not account for medical use or their access.

    A. Know the Laws | State Laws | Medical cannabis laws vary from state to state. The section on state laws summarizes some of the key information, with links to more details. If you live in a medical cannabis state, consult to find out about your state's medical cannabis program. Finally, consult local laws and regulations to make sure that you are adhering to any guidelines developed by your county or city. Following each law to the letter may not prevent you from having a law enforcement encounter, but it will help you have a successful one.

    Federal Laws | Despite the promises made by the Obama campaign and the memo issued in 2009 by the Department of Justice, medical cannabis remains illegal at the federal level and carries severe penalties. Federal interference with state medical cannabis programs can happen in every state, and there is no "medical" defense within the federal justice system. If you're participating in your state's medical cannabis program, you are in direct violation of federal law. It is important to remember that even though the media has hyped the meager promises made by different parts of the federal government, patients have no federal protection and are still at risk.

    The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), charged with enforcing federal drug laws, has taken a substantial interest in individual medical cannabis patients and caregivers, particularly those involved in large cultivation and distribution operations. Over the past decade, hundreds of people have been the targets of federal enforcement actions. Many of them have been arrested and had property seized. More than a hundred medical cannabis providers are currently in prison or are facing charges.

    Federal cannabis laws are very serious, and punishment for people found guilty is frequently severe. Federal judges have ruled that medical necessity cannot be used as a defense. In fact, medical cannabis cannot even be mentioned during a federal trial. Patients may not use evidence related to their state's medical cannabis program, their doctor's recommendation, their illness, or anything else related to medical cannabis.

    In addition to the sentencing guidelines, there are statutory mandatory minimum sentences, which primarily target offenses involving large quantities of cannabis. There is a five-year mandatory minimum for cultivation of 100 plants or possession of 100kgs, and there is a ten-year mandatory minimum for these offenses if the defendant has a prior felony drug conviction.

    Even though the Obama administration and the Department of Justice have made statements that prosecuting patients is a low priority, patients and providers are still being harassed, raided, arrested, and convicted throughout the U.S. Until federal law changes, participating in your state's medical cannabis program still carries some risk.

    Other Applicable Laws

    School Zones

    Patients and providers should avoid possession and cultivation of cannabis in school zones—a 1,000-foot radius around any school, including any daycare facility—as there are typically additional penalties for the possession, use, and cultivation of cannabis near schools, whether it is for medical or recreational use. NOTE: Oregon exception

    Firearms | Firearms can result in harsher federal sentencing and may draw attention to patients.

    Civil Asset Forfeiture | Federal law provides for the forfeiture of property and profits obtained through or used in the commission of felony drug offenses. B. Best Law Enforcement Encounter is the Encounter that Never Occurs While your state may have extensive laws that protect your right to use medical cannabis, many law enforcement officers still believe that medical cannabis is a "sham" and that all use of cannabis is recreational use. Law enforcement officers often seize medicine, harass patients, issue citations, and even arrest patients for exercising their rights. Carry your doctor's written recommendation and/or state-issued ID Card (following your state's requirement) at all times, but do not present it to law enforcement unless accused of a cannabis-related crime.

    C. Being Prepared in Advance for Successful Law Enforcement Encounters | Fortunately, many patients and caregivers never have law enforcement problems. Even those who do regularly report successful interactions with local and county police; many municipalities offer strong protection to medical cannabis patients. Yet even in friendly jurisdictions, qualified patients are still being harassed and arrested for medical cannabis, despite proof of their patient status.

    1. Safe Gardening

    Have Your Paperwork Together | Post a copy of patient medical cannabis recommendation(s) and/or caregiver paperwork and/or other required paperwork prominently at any place where cannabis is cultivated. Keep a copy of all of your paperwork at an off-site location; if a raid occurs, your paperwork may be destroyed or seized.

    In the Garden | Don't be sloppy. Compost or eliminate trash off site. The larger the garden appears, the more likely you are to attract the attention of thieves or others who wish to cause you harm.

    Be Smart: Be discreet | Be mindful about hauling grow equipment, tools, and plants into your home or grow site in view of neighbors. In the same vein, as tempting as it may be to talk about, tell as few people as possible about the location of the site.

    2. Create Security Culture in Your Community | "Security Culture" refers to the importance of developing unbreakable unity within the medical cannabis community.

    If someone you know is giving out sensitive information, talk to him or her in private about why such talk can be hazardous. Someone who repeatedly engages in gossip, bragging or seeking unnecessary information about inappropriate topics after repeated educational talks is a grave risk at best, and an informant looking to incriminate others at worst.

    Keeping an Eye Out for Surveillance | Take precautions. Assume you are under surveillance if you are in any way involved in cultivating medical cannabis for yourself or other patients. Do not discuss sensitive matters on the telephone, through the mail, by email, or in your home, car, dispensing collective, or office. Be cautious with whom you discuss sensitive information. Keep written materials and lists of other patients in a secure place. If you are arrested, law enforcement officers may investigate all of your contacts.

    D. Successful Law Enforcement Encounters | When dealing with law enforcement officers, keep your hands in view and don't make sudden movements. Avoid passing behind them. Nervous officers are dangerous officers. Also, never touch law enforcement officers or their equipment—you can get injured and/or charged with assault and battery.

    1. Types of Law Enforcement Encounters

    Conversation | When law enforcement officers are trying to get information, but don't have enough evidence to detain or arrest you, they'll try to coerce information from you. They may call this a "casual encounter" or a "friendly conversation."

    Arrest | Law enforcement officerscan arrest you only if they have probable cause (see below) that you are involved in a crime.

    Reasonable Suspicion vs. Probable Cause | Reasonable suspicion must be based on more than a hunch—law enforcement officers must be able to put their suspicion into words.

    Searches | Never consent to a search.

    Questioning | Interrogation isn't always bright lights and rubber hoses—usually it's just a conversation. Whenever law enforcement officers ask you anything besides your name and address, it's legally safest to say these Magic Words:

    "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."

    One of the jobs of law enforcement officersis to get information out of people. Law enforcement officersare legally allowed to lie when they're investigating, and they are trained to be manipulative. The only thing you should say to law enforcement officers, other than identifying yourself, are the Magic Words >> Learn more, visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Resources for Your Doctor and Family | Highly informative booklets on the use of cannabis to treat HIV/AIDS (pdf), Multiple Sclerosis (pdf), Arthritis, Gastro-Intestinal Disorders, Movement Disorders, Cancer, Chronic Pain, and issues associated with Aging. ASA Condition-based Booklets These booklets summarize the history of medical cannabis and the recent research on using it to treat a variety of conditions, including Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Gastro-Intestinal Disorders, Movement Disorders, HIV/AIDS, and conditions related to Aging. In This Section: Arthritis | The importance of cannabinoids in bone health has been established in transgenic mice that are missing either the CB1 or CB2 receptor. These mice develop osteoporosis much more quickly than normal or wild mice. Research has recently shown that mice missing both cannabinoid receptors have extremely weak bones, a condition that underlies osteoporosis and osteoarthritis pathology. >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Cancer | Cannabis has been found to help cancer patients with the symptoms that usually accompany cancer such as pain, nausea, wasting, and loss of appetite.[12] Notably, in a meta-analysis of 30 clinical studies on the therapeutic use of cannabis for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, Delta9-THC (dronabinol AKA marinol) proved superior to modern anti-emetics.[13] Additionally, patients showed a clear preference for cannabinoids as anti-emetic medication over conventional drugs, when receiving chemotherapy. >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Chronic Pain | Cannabis can serve at least two important roles in safe, effective pain management. It can provide relief from the pain itself (either alone or in combination with other analgesics), and it can control the nausea associated with taking opioid drugs, as well as the nausea, vomiting and dizziness that often accompany severe, prolonged pain. >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Gastrointestinal Disorders | The effectiveness of cannabis and its derivatives for treating gastrointestinal disorders has been known for centuries. Recently, its value as an anti-emetic and analgesic has been proven in numerous studies and has been acknowledged by several comprehensive, government-sponsored reviews, including those conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the U.K. House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, the Australian National Task Force on Cannabis, and others. >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms HIV/AIDS | The effectiveness of cannabis for treating symptoms related to HIV/AIDS is widely recognized. Its value as an anti-emetic and analgesic has been proven in numerous studies and has been recognized by several comprehensive, government-sponsored reviews, including those conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the U.K. House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, the Australian National Task Force on Cannabis, and others. >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Movement Disorders | The therapeutic use of cannabis for treating muscle problems and movement disorders has been known to western medicine for nearly two centuries. In reference to the plant's muscle relaxant and anti-convulsant properties, in 1839 Dr. William B. O'Shaughnessy wrote that doctors had "gained an anti-convulsive remedy of the greatest value."[12] In 1890 Dr. J. Russell Reynolds, physician to Queen Victoria, noted in an article in The Lancet that for "organic disease of a gross character in the nervous centers . . . India hemp (cannabis) is the most useful agent with which I am acquainted."[13] >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Multiple Sclerosis & Medical Marijuana | An estimated 350,000 people in the United States are living with multiple sclerosis (MS), a debilitating and sometimes fatal disorder of the central nervous system. MS is the most common debilitating neurological disease of young people, often appearing between the ages of 20 and 40, affecting more women than men. Current treatment of MS is primarily symptomatic, focusing on such problems as spasticity, pain, fatigue, bladder problems and depression. >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Aging & Medical Marijuana | The immuno-modulatory properties of a group of fats found in cannabis, known as sterols and sterolins, have been used as natural alternatives to conventional rheumatoid arthritis treatments that employ highly toxic drugs to either suppress the entire immune response of the body or to palliate pain and the inflammatory process without correcting the underlying immune dysfunction. >> >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Become a Medical Cannabis Advocate | Connect with local ASA Chapters, Action Groups and Affiliates in your area to get started. Also learn how to start your own Chapter or Action Group, or how to become an Affiliate if there are none in your area. Work With ASA | The mission of Americans for Safe Access is to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis (marijuana) for therapeutic uses and research. ASA's stand on federal interference with medical cannabis state laws is one of zero-tolerance. ASA organizers engage in traditional, battle-tested tactics such as legislative organizing, community outreach, phone-in days, petition drives, etc., and supports the use of non-violent direct action as means of escalating tactics to reach campaign goals. ASA helps organize media support for court cases, rapid response to law enforcement raids, and capacity-building for advocates. Our successful lobbying, media and legal campaigns have resulted in important court precedents, new sentencing standards, and more compassionate community guidelines. This is where you come in ... get involved now! In This Section:

      Cancer - Symptoms ASA ? Advocacy ? Work With ASA >> ASA Chapters, Action Groups and Affiliates | ASA chapters formally bring together like-minded activists in your community to work together toward ensuring safe access to medical cannabis. ASA chapters are part of a national network of ASA activists and staff who work together on a regular basis to achieve shared goals. > Contact: visit >>

        Cancer - Symptoms Start an ASA Chapter | A great ASA chapter brings together vibrant activists in an environment of mutual respect, shared responsibility, and constructive political activism and creates a space for new advocates to plug in to the movement. In This Section: ASA Chapter Handbook, New Chapter Paperwork >> Contact: visit >>

        Cancer - Symptoms Start an ASA Action Group | ASA Action Groups are smaller groups of activists who work together to stand up for safe access to medical cannabis. ASA Action Groups can work on medical marijuana issues at the local, state, and national level. What is the difference between an ASA Action Group and an ASA Chapter? ASA Action Groups are self-selecting groups of activists who want to work together on medical marijuana issues. ASA Chapters are community groups that represent ASA in a specific community. ASA Chapters have elections, rules, and officeholders. ASA Action Groups do not. Chapters must have at least 10 current dues-paying ASA members as part of their Affiliation Agreement. Action Groups must have at least 3 current ASA members as part of their Affiliation Agreement. Action Groups cannot use the ASA name or logo without explicit permission of ASA National. This includes outreach, social media, and fundraising. ASA National does not extend its 501c4 nonprofit status to Action Groups like it does with Chapters. In addition, Action Groups are not offered the same fundraising support as Chapters. How to start an ASA Action Group … >> Contact: visit >>

        Cancer - Symptoms Become an ASA Affiliate | ASA Affiliates are like-minded groups and organizations who choose to work on ASA campaigns in their regions. ASA Affiliates work with ASA on regional and national campaigns for safe access. ASA Affiliates work with ASA on regional and national campaigns for safe access. Affiliates must be an incorporated entity and have at least 5 current members of ASA as associates of their organization. Hold at least one joint fundraiser with ASA. Participate in bi-annual reciprocal membership drive. Promote ASA activities. Support the Affiliate Statement of Principles The ASA Affiliate Statement of Principles Support Safe Access. ASA Affiliates agree to support and participate in ASA campaigns to expand safe access to medical marijuana. Community Respect. ASA Affiliates treat organizations and individuals in the medical marijuana movement with respect. ASA Affiliates seek to resolve any disputes with other activists or organizations in a calm and respectful manner. Monthly Involvement. ASA Affiliates participate in ASA conference calls and organizing activities to stay networked with ASA and abreast of key developments in the fight for safe access. >> Contact: visit >>

    >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Facing state or federal charges? | Unfortunately, patients, caregivers, and providers are still vulnerable to federal and state arrests, prosecutions, and incarceration. They also suffer pervasive discrimination in employment, child custody, housing, public accommodation, education and medical care. If you are arrested for a marijuana offense and the prosecutor files charges, you will first face an arraignment, where you will plead guilty or not guilty. If you plead not guilty, you will have various motions hearings and eventually you may go to trial before a jury or judge, and the process may take a significant amount of time. The information below has been created to help navigate you through this process. >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Purchase A Patients' Guide to Medical Cannabis On Kindle | This guide for patients who use medical marijuana (cannabis) covers everything you need to know. Created by Americans for Safe Access (ASA), a non-profit advocacy organization, this publication will help individuals who are using or considering cannabis treatments to better educate themselves, their families and their physicians. ASA has been developing information resources about medical marijuana (cannabis) for patients, their families, doctors, and elected officials for over a decade. All proceeds raised from the sale of this publication go to promote the work of Americans for Safe Access. >> Contact: visit >>

>> Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms ASA | >> Contact: visit >>

Cancer - Symptoms Medical Professionals | Information for medical professionals who use or wish to us medical cannabis therapies in their practice. Resources for Medical Professionals & Researchers | Welcome medical professionals! I am honored to be able to welcome you to the medical professionals section of the American For Safe Access website, where you will find useful information regarding medical marijuana practice policies and procedures in your locality, as well as scientific and practice ethics information. In This Section:

    Cancer - Symptoms Scientific History of Medical Cannabis (in the US) | Cannabis was a part of the American pharmacopoeia until 1942 and is currently available by prescription in the Netherlands, Canada, Spain, and Israel in its whole plant form.... >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms How Safe is Cannabis? | Side Effects of Cannabis > Cannabis and its psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, have an excellent safety profile. The Drug Awareness Warning Network Annual Report, published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), contains a statistical compilation of all drug deaths which occur in the United States. According to this report, there has never been a death recorded from the use of cannabis. >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Medical Cannabis Research | In response to claims that cannabis has "no accepted medical value", we have collected research on cannabinoids and the therapeutic use of cannabis. In This Section:

      Glossary of Important Terms | Definitions and important concepts about medical cannabis (marijuana)

      Database of Clinical Research and Case Reports | A database of clinical research and case reports, from the last 40 years, maintained by the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicine (IACM).

      Medical Cannabis Research | The documented use of cannabis as a safe and effective therapeutic botanical dates to 2700 BC. Between 1840 and 1900, European and American journals of medicine published more than 100 articles on the therapeutic use of cannabis. In fact, cannabis was part of the American pharmacopoeia until 1942, and is currently available by prescription in Canada, the Netherlands, Israel, and Germany.

      "Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base" | In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released their report, on the potential health benefits and risks of marijuana. They stress the need for more scientific research.

      Cannabis in Painful HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy | Based on the effects of cannabinoids in pre-clinical models of neuropathic pain and anecdotal case reports, a controlled trial of smoked cannabis was conducted. Abstract and full text available for download.

      Cannabinoid Receptor as Therapeutic Targets | By Ken Mackie, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology March 14th, 2006

      The Emerging Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Endocrine Regulation and Energy Balance | by Uberto Pagotto, Giovanni Marsicano, Daniela Cota, Beat Lutz, and Renato Pasquali, Endocrine Reviews February 1st, 2006

    And more >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms Specific Conditions | ASA Condition-based Booklets > These booklets summarize the history of medical cannabis and the recent research on using it to treat a variety of conditions, including Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Gastro-Intestinal Disorders, Movement Disorders, HIV/AIDS, and conditions related to Aging. >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms State-by-State: Recommending Cannabis | A brief history on recommending medical cannabis, as well as a list for medical professionals of the laws around recommending cannabis in each state. This is the perfect place for nurses and doctors to learn about the state-specific laws that pertain to medical cannabis and their practice.

    Some history | Within weeks of California voters legalizing medical cannabis in 1996, federal officials had threatened to revoke the prescribing privileges of any physicians who recommended cannabis to their patients for medical use.[1] In response, a group of doctors and patients led by AIDS specialist Dr. Marcus Conant filed suit against the government, contending that such a policy violates the First Amendment.[2] The federal courts agreed at first the district level,[3]then all the way through appeals to the Ninth Circuit and then the Supreme Court. In Conant v. Walters,[4] the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the federal government could neither punish nor threaten a doctor merely for recommending the use of cannabis to a patient.[5] But it remains illegal for a doctor to "aid and abet" a patient in obtaining cannabis.[6] This means a physician may discuss the pros and cons of medical cannabis with any patient, and issue a written or oral recommendation to use cannabis without fear of legal reprisal.[7] This is true regardless of whether the physician anticipates that the patient will, in turn, use this recommendation to obtain cannabis.[8]

    What physicians may not do is actually prescribe or dispense cannabis to a patient[9] or tell patients how to use a written recommendation to procure it from a cannabis club or dispensary.[10] Doctors can tell patients they may be helped by cannabis. They can put that in writing. They just can't help patients obtain the cannabis itself. Patients protected under state, not federal, law. In June 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Raich v. Ashcroft Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision. In reversing the lower court's ruling, Gonzales v. Raich established that it is legal under federal law to prosecute patients who possess, grow, or consume medical cannabis in medical cannabis states. However, this Supreme Court decision does not overturn or supersede the laws in states with medical cannabis programs. >> Contact: visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms See > Ed your Doc! > | State by State >> here

    Cancer - Symptoms Physician’s code of Ethics and Medical Marijuana | Excerpted from: AMA’s current opinions on the physician’s code of ethics- > The Principles of Medical ethics of the AMA article III states “A physician shall respect the law and also recognize a responsibility to seek changes in those requirements which are contrary to the best interests of the patient.” ... Section 9.012 – ‘Physicians’ Political Communications with Patients and Their Families’: “In addition, physicians have a responsibility to work for the reform of, and to press for the proper administration of, laws that are related to health care. Physicians should keep themselves well-informed as to current political questions regarding needed and proposed changes to laws concerning such issues as access to health care, quality of health care services, scope of medical research, and promotion of public health.” >> visit >>

    Cancer - Symptoms The Answer Page | One stop shopping for quality CME credits on medical marijuana. This content is jointly sponsored by the Massachusetts Medical Society and The Answer Page and approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.™ On this page you will find the syllabus topics covered on TheAnswerPage. Clicking on "Study Now" will take you to the first question of that topic. Curious about our future topics? When a topic becomes available for study, it can be delivered to your inbox. Sign up now! View Topics From All Specialties >> Contact: visit >>

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  About this page ...

Welcome to MERCYs web pages dedicated to information on Cancer and Medical Cannabis as well as related issues and items.  

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These are Orgs, Info, Links and other Resources for Medical Cannabis and/or Cancer Condition.

Services and functional information you can use.   Sections for The Law; Contacts - People, Orgs and Biz; Events and other Network opportunities; Info - Medical, Legal and otherwise; Action - Indiviual and Group Plans and Resources, Legislation and Legislators at all levels, News - Current Items by Categories, Sources and History; Library of Links, Images and Documents including How To's and any other Resources (IE- Forums) that may help.

Medical cannabis resources and more.  We also try to include basic cannabis and related law and policy reform links and orgs for associated areas and functions such as human rights, justice, environment, health and other issues that potentially share resources.  

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  Information on Cancer  

Cancer - Definition Definition: Cancer is a broad term that refers to a wide range of cellular diseases typified by the abnormal development of a group of cells. Abnormal cells can eventually disable the host organ leading to severe health problems. Cancerous cells are continually created in the body, but natural regulatory defenses usually counteract the disorganized cellular development in its incipient stages. Some cancers are thought to be hereditary in origin, but specific irritants, called carcinogens, can antagonize the body's natural defenses, leading to the continued development of renegade cells. Unchecked, these outlaw cells frequently spread to surrounding tissue and may enter the lymphatic and circulatory systems, thereby spreading to other parts of the body. Removal of cancerous issue by surgery and destruction of cancerous tissue by powerful chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the most common medical treatments.

Source: (ORG, Info) |   Visit: for more.

Cancer - Symptoms Symptoms:   What are the symptoms? 15 Cancer Warning Signs Learn the Most Common Symptoms. Get Educated Before It's Too Late.

  • 1. Losing weight at a rapid rate (among people not being on a diet), gasses, discomfort, digestive disorders, anorexia, recurring diarrhoea, constipation – are the symptoms occurring most frequently in case of lung, stomach, kidney and large intestine cancer. If accompanied by a feeling of weakness, it can be a sign of blood loss or lack of proper elements building it.

  • 2. Pain of unknown cause – long-lasting stomach-ache can be the symptom of large intestine cancer, lumbalgia can be the sign of kidney cancer, pain in the chest can result from lung cancer. Bone aches can be caused by metastasis.

  • 3. Haemoptysis, long-lasting hoarseness (over 3 weeks), persistent cough or change of its character – can be caused by lung or larynx cancer.

  • 4. Change in colour of moles and warts, ulceration and itching, ulceration of open wounds, burns and scalds can be the signs of skin cancer.

  • 5. Excessive production of urine, backlog of urine, painful urinating, slow, time-consuming flow of urine, lumbago as well as backache can be the signs of prostate cancer.

  • 6. Pain, vertigo, nausea, sight distortions (oversensitized sight, astigmatism), hearing impediment, upset balance and mental disorders can result from brain cancer.

  • 7. Swallowing difficulties – can be a symptom of throat, larynx, oesophagus and stomach cancer.

  • 8. Feeling of fullness in epigastrium, aches and digestive disorders – may be due to stomach cancer and other kinds of alimentary canal cancer, sometimes ovary cancer.

  • 9. Blood in faeces, black faeces, alternating diarrhoea and constipation, mucus in faeces, narrow (pencil-like) faeces – are the symptoms of alimentary canal cancer, especially of large intestine and rectum.

  • 10. Blood in urine (without the symptoms of urinary tracks inflammation), dysuria (compulsive urination, difficulties in urination) – can accompany the urinary tracks cancer.

  • 11. Improper bleeding from the genital tracks, pink or dark-red vaginal discharges, hypogastrium and lower limbs ache can be the signs of vagina, uterine cervix and uterus cancer.

  • 12. Marks on skin and mucosus membrane (lips, oral cavity, genitals): not healing ulceration, change in mark’s appearance, occurrence of new skin marks of some specific features (irregular distribution of pigment, vague line between the mark and healthy skin, quick growth of the marks, bleeding, dripping).

  • 13. Breast tumour (by approximately 15% - 25% can be impalpable), ulceration, the retraction of nipple, asymmetrical nipples, change of size or the shape of a nipple, its swelling and the marks around it, enlargement of lymphatic glands in the armpit, extension of veins in the breast skin, ulceration of breast skin, shoulder swelling, flat efflorescene in case of the so called advanced inflammation nipple cancer – are often the symptoms of breast cancer.

  • 14. Fever, tiredness, bones and joints ache, inclination to temporary anaemia and bleeding, impalpable tumour of abdominal cavity, as a result of spleen enlargement, that can be detected in gastro-bowel test.

  • 15. Pain and pressure in the upper right part of stomach, tiredness, anorexia and at a further stage of rhe disease a palpable tumour in the upper right part of stomach, inclination to jaundice and bleeding can be the signs of liver cancer.

Source: (BIZ, Info) |   Visit:   for more.

Cancer - Treatments Treatments for Cancer:   Radiation and chemotherapy often include violent, gut-wrenching nausea. Delta-9 THC is legally prescribed for counteracting the severe side effects of these cancer therapies, and is prescribed by doctors under its trade name, Marinol. Marinol pills, which are taken orally to control vomiting, were shown to be a superior anti-emetic (anti-nausea drug) in six out of seven well-controlled studies reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association as early as 1981.[1] In earlier scientific studies, Marinol was also proven superior to other anti-emetics.[2], [3] However, Marinol falls short of perfection because of its super high potency, which often leads to intoxication and sedation.[4], [5] Also, oral administration is the least preferable method in this circumstance. ... [6] Ralph Seeley, an attorney who petitioned the State of Washington for access to medical cannabis and later died of bone cancer, ...

Source: (ORG, Info) |   Visit: for more.

  Treatment, CANNABIS Therapeutics  

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Updated NORML Report Highlights Marijuana's Role In Moderating Disease Progression; 'Emerging Clinical Applications' Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On The Therapeutic Use Of Cannabis Clinical and preclinical research on the therapeutic use of cannabis indicates that cannabinoids may curb the progression of various life-threatening diseases – including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and brain cancer, according to an updated report published by the NORML Foundation. NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano, who authored the report, said: "The conditions profiled in this report were chosen because patients frequently ask me about the use of cannabis to treat these disorders. Ideally, with this report in their hands, patients can now begin talking openly with their physicians about whether cannabis therapy is appropriate for them."  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Use of Cannabis (marijuana) | Here to Help > On this page: How does cannabis work as medicine? What conditions or symptoms is cannabis used to treat? How do people use cannabis for medical purposes? What is pharmaceutical cannabis, and how does it compare to herbal cannabis? What are the side effects and risks of using cannabis to treat symptoms or medical conditions? Drug interactions Quality Is using cannabis for medicinal purposes legal? What are compassion clubs? What are some barriers to using cannabis for medicinal purposes? What to do if you or someone you know needs more information about medical cannabis  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG HowStuffWorks "How Medical Marijuana Works" | So how, exactly, does medical marijuana work to treat these conditions? Why, if this medicine is so effective for some people, does it remain controversial and, in many places, illegal? In this article, we'll take a look at the medical, legal, and practical issues surrounding medical marijuana in the United States. We'll examine why some people, like Burton Aldrich, depend on it to live normally. We'll also examine some of the intriguing intersections between pharmaceutical companies, the government and the medical marijuana industry. Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Marijuana Benefits, Helps These Conditions | You might be surprised to find that it wasn’t just ancient peoples who used the drug; marijuana remained in the United States pharmacopoeia until 1941. Up until that time, cannabis was freely available in shops and, in the UK, Queen Victoria, that most conservative of royals, used cannabis to alleviate her menstrual cramps. ... are predominantly using cannabis to treat symptoms of ... We believe Medical Marijuana will help these conditions: Please let us know your experiences in using medical marijuana to treat various conditions.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical marijuana (cannabis) - common uses | Common Medical Uses for Cannabis (Marijuana) ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana ... Cannabidiol improves symptoms of generalized social anxiety disorder in… ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Project CBD Cannabinoid Profiles of Cannabis Strains Cannabis Laboratories: The Testing Landscape in America See also: An Overview of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Complete List of Conditions Treatable With Marijuana | Check out the articles below to learn about how medical marijuana can be useful in treating specific medical conditions. We'll help you find the best ways to ingest medical marijuana to treat your condition, what strains will be most beneficial and we'll even help you connect with other folks with the same condition.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG What symptoms do patients treat with ... , Salt Lake City Medical Marijuana ... representative for the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis ... One question the 2011 Medical Marijuana Survey (sponsored by Legalize Utah) queried which received some of the most detailed responses was” “Do you use Medical Marijuana to treat any physical or psychological conditions and if so, which conditions”.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength | (INF) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain ... Myasthenia Gravis, Narcolepsy, Obsessive Compulsive Diso. ... I use medical marijuana o... Marijuana (also known as Cannabis) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain illnesses such as cancer, AIDS and other diseases. It is used to relieve glaucoma and certain neurological illnesses such as epilepsy, migraine and bipolar disorder. It has also been found to relieve nausea for chemotherapy pa... more at Wikipedia

    Treatment Success Rates ... Top 5 Communities; Condition, Members, Success - Chronic Pain, 684, 86%; Depression, 55 96%; Bipolar Disorder, 44, 95%; Anxiety, 32 94%; Fibromyalgia, 26, 100%; Overall, 90% (1106 Members) - find Marijuana helpful  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Index of Medical Conditions | (INF) Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Index of Medical Conditions Addressed We will soon ... MUSCLE SPASM MYASTHENIA GRAVIS MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME N NARCOLEPSY ... and more.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | (INF) Tetrahydrocannabinol (tet-ra-hy-dro-ka-nab-i-nol; THC), also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta9-THC), Delta1-THC (using an older chemical nomenclature), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. ... Two studies indicate that THC also has an anticholinesterase action which may implicate it as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's and Myasthenia Gravis.  Visit - - for more.

also Information on
Directory of information on cannabis and conditions Cannabis and ...

Information about Cannabis and ADHD ADHD Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
Information about Cannabis and AIDS AIDS
Information about Cannabis and Alzheimers Alzheimers
Information about Cannabis and Anxiety Anxiety
Information about Cannabis and Arthritis Arthritis
Information about Cannabis and Asthma Asthma
Information about Cannabis and Autism Autism
Information about Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder Bipolar
Information about Cannabis and Cancer Cancer
Information about Cannabis and Cachexia Cachexia
Information about Cannabis and Crohns Crohns
Information about Cannabis and Dementia Dementia
Information about Cannabis and Depression Depression
Information about Cannabis and Diabetes Diabetes
Information about Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma ( DIPG )  DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)
Information about Cannabis and Epilepsy Epilepsy
Information about Cannabis and Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia
Information about Cannabis and Glaucoma Glaucoma
Information about Cannabis and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  Information about Cannabis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
Information about Cannabis and Lupus Lupus
Information about Cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis
Information about Cannabis and Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis
Information about Cannabis and Nausea Nausea
Information about Cannabis and Pain Pain
Information about Cannabis and Parkinson's Parkinson's
Information about Cannabis and Pregnancy Pregnancy
Information about Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Information about Cannabis and Seizures Seizures
Information about Cannabis and Spasms Spasms
Information about Cannabis and Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
Information about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
Information about Cannabis and Tar (Resin) Tar (Resin)

Information about Seeds for Medical Cannabis Seeds - for Medical Cannabis and related info
Information about Strains of Medical Cannabis Strains - of Medical Cannabis and related info

... plus Information on
Information about Cannabis Cannabis for ...
Information about Cannabis for Doctors Doctors
Information about Cannabis for Nurses Nurses

also Information on
Directory of information on cannabis by region Cannabis by ...

Information about Medical Cannabis in the United States of America MERCY in America; Medical Cannabis in the USA
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Alabama Alabama
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Alaska Alaska
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Arizona Arizona
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Arkansas Arkansas
  Information about Medical Cannabis in California California
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Colorado Colorado
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Connecticut Connecticut
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Delaware Delaware
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Florida Florida
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Georgia Georgia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Hawaii Hawaii
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Idaho Idaho
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Illinois Illinois
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Indiana Indiana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Iowa Iowa
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Kansas Kansas
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Kentucky Kentucky
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Louisiana Louisiana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Maine Maine
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Maryland Maryland
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Massachusetts Massachusetts
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Michigan Michigan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Minnesota Minnesota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Mississippi Mississippi
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Missouri Missouri
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Montana Montana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nebraska Nebraska
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nevada Nevada
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Hampshire New Hampshire
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Jersey New Jersey
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Mexico New Mexico
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New York New York
  Information about Medical Cannabis in North Carolina North Carolina
  Information about Medical Cannabis in North Dakota North Dakota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Ohio Ohio
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma Oklahoma
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Oregon Oregon
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Rhode Island Rhode Island
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Carolina South Carolina
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Dakota South Dakota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Tennessee Tennessee
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Texas Texas
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Utah Utah
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Vermont Vermont
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Virginia Virginia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington State Washington State
  Information about Medical Cannabis in West Virginia West Virginia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Wisconsin Wisconsin
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Wyoming Wyoming
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington DC, District of Columbia Washington DC (District of Columbia)

Information about Medical Cannabis around the World The World of MERCY; Medical Cannabis around the Globe

Information about Medical Cannabis in Africa Africa
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Angola Angola
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Cameroon Cameroon
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Cape Verde Cape Verde
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Egypt Egypt
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Morocco Morocco
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Mozambique Mozambique
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Senegal Senegal
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Africa South Africa

Information about Medical Cannabis in Asia Asia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Cambodia Cambodia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in China China
  Information about Medical Cannabis in India India
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Indonesia Indonesia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Israel Israel
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Japan Japan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Malaysia Malaysia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nepal Nepal
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Pakistan Pakistan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Philippines Philippines
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Russia Russia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Taiwan Taiwan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Thailand Thailand
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Turkey Turkey
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Vietnam Vietnam

Information about Medical Cannabis in Caribbean Caribbean
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Bermuda Bermuda
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Jamaica Jamaica
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
  Information about Medical Cannabis in US Virgin Islands Virgin Islands (US)

Information about Medical Cannabis in Europe Europe
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Albania Albania
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Austria Austria
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Belgium Belgium
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Croatia Croatia
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  Info on Cancer and Medical Cannabis 

Cancer - Resource, The Marijuana Cancer Cure Cult The Marijuana Cancer Cure Cult; It's not as far-fetched as it sounds, but some enthusiasts may be going too far. - AlterNet / By Bruce Mirken January 26, 2010 | In his 1971 State of the Union speech, President Richard Nixon declared war on cancer, prompting passage of the National Cancer Act, aimed at making the "conquest of cancer a national crusade." Just four years later, scientists from the National Cancer Institute published a study demonstrating that a group of compounds taken from a common, widely cultivated plant shrank lung tumors that had been implanted in mice, extending their survival. In a world that made sense, this plant and the anticancer drugs it produced would have been rushed into further testing, and we'd have known in a few years whether they had potential as treatments for human cancers. Instead, research proceeded at a glacial pace, with almost no further progress till the 1990s. Since then, vast quantities of lab and animal data have confirmed those early findings, but studies of these plant compounds in actual human beings with cancer remain nearly nonexistent.

What got in the way was Nixon's other war, the "war on drugs." The plant in question was cannabis sativa -- marijuana -- public enemy number one in that other war, and discovering that marijuana had beneficial properties was the last thing the U.S. government wanted to do. Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense University in Madrid, lead author of the only human study yet published of a cannabinoid as cancer treatment, puts it slightly more diplomatically. The lack of immediate followup to those early reports "remains a mystery to me," he says. Guzman cites a number of obstacles to human trials, including the fact that cannabinoids are "still seen by many doctors and regulatory agencies as drugs of abuse," as well as "lots of paperwork" and a lack of commercial interest in natural compounds that can't be patented.

Complicating things further, the relative vacuum created by the lack of human studies and the hostility of the U.S. government to the whole question of marijuana's beneficial effects has left the field wide open for zealots who promote cannabis as a "cure" for cancer as if it were already a proven fact rather than a possibility in desperate need of serious study.

A Protective Effect?

Instead of researching cannabinoids as anticancer drugs, federal officials have continued to falsely imply that marijuana causes lung cancer. For example, a 2002 brochure for parents, "Talk to Your Child About Marijuana," still available on the Office of National Drug Control Policy Web site, advises, "Smoking marijuana is as least as bad as smoking cigarettes." In fact, the largest, most well-controlled studies have consistently failed to find an increased risk of lung cancer or other typically tobacco-related cancers among marijuana smokers. These include a 65,000-patient 1997 study conducted at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California and a 2006 case-control study (in which patients with cancer were matched with similar patients without cancer to compare risk factors) from the UCLA lab of Dr. Donald Tashkin, one of the world's leading experts on the pulmonary effects of drugs.

In the UCLA study, there was a consistent trend -- albeit short of statistical significance -- toward lower cancer risk among even the heaviest marijuana smokers. This was a surprise to some, given that marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogenic compounds as tobacco smoke. The researchers wrote: Although purely speculative, it is possible that such inverse associations may reflect a protective effect of marijuana. There is recent evidence from cell culture systems and animal models that 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the principal psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, and other cannabinoids may inhibit the growth of some tumors by modulating key signaling pathways leading to growth arrest and cell death, as well as by inhibiting tumor angiogenesis. These antitumoral associations have been observed for several types of malignancies including brain, prostate, thyroid, lung, and breast.

In an October 2003 review in the journal Nature Reviews: Cancer, Guzman detailed the extensive body of test-tube and animal research showing that cannabinoids inhibit tumors of the lung, uterus, skin, breast, prostate and brain (including gliomas, the type of tumor that killed Sen. Edward Kennedy). He also noted: "Cannabinoids have favorable drug-safety profiles and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies. Cannabinoids are selective antitumor compounds, as they can kill tumor cells without affecting their non-transformed counterparts." Such selectivity is exactly what you want in an anticancer drug. The reason chemotherapy can be so awful is that most chemo drugs aren't selective enough; they kill cancer cells, but are also toxic to healthy cells, leading to vomiting, hair loss and other miseries.

The 'Cure'?

Nearly all of the evidence about cannabinoids as anticancer drugs comes from lab studies using cell cultures or animals with experimentally implanted tumors. The annals of medical research are littered with drugs that looked promising in the lab but didn't work in people. Still, that doesn't stop some enthusiasts from touting cannabis as a cure for cancer, sometimes making even open-minded scientists and medical marijuana advocates nervous. When I worked at the Marijuana Policy Project, we received several impassioned emails imploring us to tell Sen. Kennedy that cannabis could cure his brain tumor. Others touted Canadian Rick Simpson's "Healing Hemp Oil" Web site, Phoenix Tears.

In a series of videos, letters and other materials on the site, Simpson -- who has had repeated run-ins with law enforcement over his cannabis-related activities and was, according to a Dec. 14 posting, staying in Europe indefinitely to avoid arrest -- promotes what he calls "hemp oil" as a "simple herbal cure for cancer. I have used these extracts to cure three areas of skin cancer on my own body, also, I have cured cancers for others." Simpson also touts hemp oil for pain and a variety of other conditions. The site includes video and written instructions for making the preparation. The procedure involves using a solvent such as naphtha or isopropyl alcohol to extract the THC from marijuana, then boiling off the solvent using a rice cooker to leave a thick oil with a high THC concentration.

Simpson warns readers away from conventional cancer treatments: "Hemp oil has a very high success rate in the treatment of cancer, unfortunately many people who come to me have been badly damaged by the medical system with their chemo and radiation etc. The damage such treatments cause have a lasting effect and people who have suffered the effects of such treatments are the hardest to cure." He offers numerous stories and testimonials describing seemingly hopeless cancers cured by hemp oil, but no controlled, scientific experiments.

And critics find plenty to worry about. First, they note, despite warnings and disclaimers on the site, the procedure for making the medicine is risky. Mitch Earleywine, author of Understanding Marijuana and a professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Albany, calls the do-it-yourself procedure "outrageously dangerous. Even if you don't light yourself on fire, you may end up with leftover solvent that would slowly poison the healthiest of us." There's a reason scientists don't base conclusions on anecdotes, Earleywine explains. "Cancer remits spontaneously sometimes, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, it leads to superstitious conditioning so people think that whatever they did last must be the source of the cure. Especially with some cancers, where a great many people die, all the spontaneous recoveries associated with hemp oil get remembered while all those that don't either get forgotten or attributed to the horrors of the disease."

Earleywine stresses that he is not dismissing the possibility that some form of cannabis might be an effective cancer treatment. "THC killing tumors is actually true," he says, "but we're not at the human stage [of research]." Simpson is dismissive of critics who cite the lack of human studies. "How are you going to do controlled studies when it is illegal in Canada to do so?" he said in an emailed response to questions.

In fact, researcher Mark Ware of McGill University in Montreal has done clinical trials of medical cannabis in Canada, including a study comparing several different cannabis preparations in use by chronic pain patients. Simpson calls the idea of spontaneous cancer remissions "nonsense." As for possible risks of his preparation, he argues, "It is irresponsible to give people liver toxic chemicals, chemotherapy and radiation, so if they are talking about irresponsible why do not look at their own medical system? It is not irresponsible to save peoples lives with a harmless natural, non-addictive medicine from nature."

"If you watch our documentary, you will see that I use a simple water purification process to get rid of solvent residue. I have been ingesting oil for over eight years and I have supplied this oil to thousands of people who also have experienced no problems with solvent residue."

While cautious about reports that are "solely anecdotal," Paul Armentano, deputy director and resident science wonk at the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, lays blame for the lack of proper data at the foot of prohibition. "It is a shame that lone individuals must try and engage in the work that the medical establishment should be undertaking, yet have turned a blind eye to," he says. "Unfortunately, what we have is speculation rather than hard science, and we only have the politicization of cannabis to blame."

The Long and Winding Research Road

The one human study of a cannabinoid cancer treatment published thus far was conducted by Dr. Guzman and colleagues and published online in June 2006 by the British Journal of Cancer. The scientists infused a THC solution directly into the tumors of nine patients with glioblastoma multiforme, a deadly form of brain cancer, for whom standard treatments had failed. This small pilot study wasn't aimed at proving that THC worked, simply that it was safe to administer to these otherwise doomed patients . It proved entirely safe, with no negative effects attributed to the THC and no "overt psychoactive effects." And while there were no miracle cures, there were glimmers of possible efficacy. In one patient with an "extremely aggressive" cancer, tumor growth was curbed for nine weeks. In another, symptoms improved, although tumor growth was not stopped. And in some cases, lab tests with cells taken from tumor biopsies showed that THC decreased the number of viable cancer cells.

Guzman and colleagues noted that THC may not be the best cannabinoid to use as a cancer treatment, as others have been shown more potent in lab tests. And while the direct infusion technique delivered a high THC concentration to specific locations, it may not have reached all parts of these large tumors. Still, the results were positive enough that the researchers urged further tests, including studies of cannabinoids in combination with other cancer drugs. Guzman is hoping to do more studies, but notes that with all the bureaucratic, procedural and financial hurdles, "The way ahead is long and winding."

But if more human studies aren't happening yet, lab work continues to produce intriguing results. Just this month, the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics published a new study providing the first evidence that combination cannabinoid therapy is more potent than using THC or other cannabinoids as single agents. Sean McAllister and colleagues from the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute in San Francisco tested THC, cannabidiol (CBD) and both drugs combined on human glioblastoma cell lines. In two of the three cell lines tested, the THC/CBD combination proved the most potent -- more so than would be expected by just adding the anticancer effects of the two drugs together, suggesting a synergistic action.

"Combinations, compared to individual drug treatments with specific cannabinoid-based compounds, may represent an improvement for the treatment of patients with glioblastoma and perhaps additional cancers," McAllister says. "It is also possible that other constituents of Cannabis sativa which are not structurally related to cannabinoids could improve antitumor activity when combined." That leads to an obvious question: Why not use the whole plant -- whether smoked, vaporized, or in some sort of extract like Simpson's? "In regard to brain cancer, it is highly unlikely that effective concentrations of either ?9-THC or CBD could be reached by smoking cannabis," McAllister says. "In regard to additional cancers, I feel defined formulations and dosing will be needed in order to effectively treat patients."

McAllister says his team is moving toward "clinical trials in both breast and brain cancer, but it is a slow process." The next step, he says, will be to try to replicate his test-tube results in animals. "No agency in the U.S. would allow me to move forward to clinical trials without some form of proof of concept data in a relevant preclinical in vivo model." That may be an accurate assessment, but Armentano thinks it's too cautious "given the long established safety of cannabinoids, including THC which is already a legal pharmaceutical, and CBD, which is non-psychoactive, is not a central nervous system depressant and has no risk of overdose."

Not only is there abundant evidence that cannabinoids kill cancer cells, Armentano says, "Investigators now even understand the mechanism of action; in other words, they know how and why cannabinoids kill cancerous cells and halt the spread of malignant tumors."   Visit: ... for Links and Comment section.

Cancer - Resource, Medical Marijuana Users Guide - Concept420 - Marijuana Entertainment and Information Medical Marijuana Users Guide - Concept420 - Marijuana Entertainment and Information | Home > Medical Marijuana > Medical Marijuana Uses Below are just a small sample of the many uses of Medical Marijuana: Cancer Chemotherapy. The drugs used to treat cancer are among the most powerful, and most toxic, chemicals used in medicine. They kill both cancer cells and healthy cells, producing extremely unpleasant and dangerous side effects. The most common is days or weeks of vomiting, retching, and nausea after each treatment. The feeling of loss of control is highly depressing, and patients find it very difficult to eat anything, and lose weight and strength. People find it more and more difficult to sustain the will to live, and many chose to discontinue treatment, preferring death to treatment.

Cannabis can be used as an antiemetic, a drug which relieves nausea and allows patients to eat and live normally. It is safer, cheaper and often more effective than standard synthetic antiemetics. Smoking cannabis is more effective than taking it orally (or its synthetic derivatives such as Marinol) as patients it difficult to keep anything down long enough for it to have an effect. Smoking cannabis produces an immediate effect, and patients find it easier to control the doseage. Additionally the euphoric properties act as an anti-depressant, and the hunger and enjoyment of food properties ('the munchies') make weight gain easy, and these increase the chances of recovery.   Visit:

Cancer - Resource, Common Medical Uses for Cannabis (Marijuana) >> Medical marijuana (cannabis) - Common Medical Uses for Cannabis (Marijuana) | Facts re medical marijuana (Cannabis) as medicine, laws for medicinal marijuana, patient ... Cannabis treats night sweats of patients with advanced cancer ... Physicians, Cannabis Cooperatives and Dispensaries See also: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Anxiety Disorders, Autism, Aversive Memories, Can Cannabis Help Multiple Sclerosis? Can Cannabis Kill You? Cancer cachexia and cannabinoids, Cannabidiol anti-inflammatory activity ... Cannabinoids: Potential Anticancer Agents; Cannabinoids promote hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects; Cannabinoids reduce breast cancer cell growth and invasiveness; Cannabinoids treat Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); Cannabinoids treat breast cancer; Cannabinoids treat cervical cancer; Cannabinoids treat gliomas; Cannabinoids treat lung cancer; Cannabinoids treat skin cancer ... and more.   Visit:

Cancer - Resource, Marijuana Use in Supportive Care for Cancer Patients Marijuana Use in Supportive Care for Cancer Patients (GOV, INF) | Cancer, and cancer therapies and their side effects, may cause a variety of problems for cancer patients. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and anorexia and cachexia are conditions that affect many individuals with cancer. There has been much interest in the use of marijuana to treat a number of medical problems, including chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in cancer ...

Nausea and Vomiting. Some anticancer drugs cause nausea and vomiting because they affect parts of the brain that control vomiting and/or irritate the stomach lining. The severity of these symptoms depends on several factors, including the chemotherapeutic agent(s) used, the dose, the schedule, and the patient's reaction to the drug(s). The management of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy is an important part of care for cancer patients whenever it occurs. Although patients usually receive antiemetics, drugs that help control nausea and vomiting, there is no single best approach to reducing these symptoms in all patients. Doctors must tailor antiemetic therapy to meet each individual's needs, taking into account the type of anticancer drugs being administered; the patient's general condition, age, and related factors; and, of course, the extent to which the antiemetic is helpful. There has been much interest in the use of marijuana to treat a number of medical problems, including chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in cancer patients. Two forms of marijuana have been used: compounds related to the active chemical constituent of marijuana taken by mouth and marijuana cigarettes. Dronabinol (Marinol®), a synthetic form of the active marijuana constituent delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is available by prescription for use as an antiemetic. In 1985, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved its use for the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in patients who had not responded to the standard antiemetic drugs.   Visit:

Cancer - Resource, Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope - NORML Cannabinoids As Cancer Hope - NORML | by Paul Armentano, Senior Policy Analyst, NORML / NORML Foundation | “Cannabinoids possess … anticancer activity [and may] possibly represent a new class of anti-cancer drugs that retard cancer growth, inhibit angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and the metastatic spreading of cancer cells." So concludes a comprehensive review published in the October 2005 issue of the scientific journal Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. Not familiar with the emerging body of research touting cannabis' ability to stave the spread of certain types of cancers? You're not alone.

For over 30 years, US politicians and bureaucrats have systematically turned a blind eye to scientific research indicating that marijuana may play a role in cancer prevention -- a finding that was first documented in 1974. That year, a research team at the Medical College of Virginia (acting at the behest of the federal government) discovered that cannabis inhibited malignant tumor cell growth in culture and in mice. According to the study's results, reported nationally in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, administration of marijuana's primary cannabinoid THC, "slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent." Visit:

Cancer - Resource, News, Article - Medical Marijuana Causes Cancer Medical Marijuana Causes Cancer (Media Monitor) - By Cliff Kincaid, January 21, 2004 - Ironically some of the same people who oppose tobacco smoking have been sympathetic to “medical marijuana.” | The latest evidence about the fraud known as "medical marijuana" comes from a study by a team headed by Dr. Sarah Nuttall at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England. Epidemiological studies made during the past 30 years have found that marijuana causes lung damage and probably cancer. The new study took blood samples, measured lung function and tested non-smokers and smokers for antioxidant markers.

A Reuters news story quoted Dr. Nuttall as saying, "Smoking cannabis on a regular basis actually depletes your lung of protective antioxidant substances...and this may have chronic long-term implications for young individuals." Those antioxidants protect cells against damage that can lead to cancer. The study found that marijuana users showed more signs of damage than those who smoked only cigarettes. ... The "medical marijuana" movement came up with the idea that smoking marijuana was beneficial in the treatment of cancer because some marijuana smokers said ...   Visit:

Marijuana Does Not Cause Cancer Marijuana Does Not Cause Cancer -- Results of Largest Study (Article) | NIDA funded study shows no cancer risk from marijuana smoking   By David F. Duncan, DrPH, FAAHB - 2006/05/28.   Opponents of the relegalization of marijuana frequently argue that marijuana smoke contains a number of carcinogenic chemicals and that therefore the prohibition of marijuana use must continue to protect the public from lung cancer. From the standpoint of an epidemiologist, these arguments have never been credible. Persuasive evidence that marijuana use causes cancer or contributes to any serious health problems simply does not exist. A presentation at the American Thoracic Society conference last week, reported that the largest study ever conducted to specifically test the hypothesis that marijuana use causes lung cancer has again found no support for this idea.

The principal investigator of this new study was Dr. Donald Tashkin, of UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, who has been conducting studies for three decades searching for respiratory damage due to marijuana use. In the past, his studies have been widely quoted by the federal government and other defenders of the war on drugs and have been harshly criticized by epidemiologists and statisticians. Dr. Tashkin acknowledges that the study's findings were contrary to his biases. "We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."   Visit:

Cancer - Resource, Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk Cannabis, Mental Health and Context: The Case For Regulation. Recent Research on Medical Marijuana >> Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk by Paul Armentano, Senior Policy Analyst, NORML / NORML Foundation | Presumptions regarding cannabis use as a risk factor for the development of certain types of cancer, particularly lung cancer, warrant critical examination. Epidemiologic studies over the past several decades have established causation between alcohol consumption and cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon and rectum, among others. Tobacco use, particularly cigarette smoking, has also been determined to cause similar upper aerodigestive tract (UAT) cancers, as well as cancers of the pancreas, kidneys and bladder, and is implicated with cancers of the stomach and liver, among others.

To date, similar epidemiologic and/or clinical studies on the use of cannabis and cancer are few and not definitive. However, the public and policy-makers should interpret the ambiguity of these results with caution – neither construing them at this time as an endorsement of cannabis’ safety nor as an indictment of its potential health hazards. ... • Cannabis Smoke Versus Tobacco Smoke • Head, Neck and Lung Cancers • Childhood Cancers • Other Cancers ... Visit:

Cancer - Resource, Cancer Council New South Wales: Archive - Medical use of Marijuana (Cannabis) - A factsheet on the Cancer Council's position on the medical use of marijuana Cancer Council New South Wales: Archive - Medical use of Marijuana (Cannabis) - A factsheet on the Cancer Council's position on the medical use of marijuana (GOV, INF) | Cannabis is a herbaceous plant belonging to the hemp family and has two subspecies – cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. It is cannabis indica which is the main source of the drug marijuana and various other preparations 1. Cannabis usage usually takes the form of smoking herbal cannabis (marijuana) consisting of dried leaves and female flower heads 2. Cannabis has 21 chemically-related carbon alkaloids which are called cannabinoids of which the most notable are delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (known as THC) and cannabidiol. Cannabinoid receptors are found in distinct areas of the brain and spinal column 3,4. ... A report prepared in 1998 by the South Australian Drug and Alcohol Council for the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy concluded that the greatest potential for therapeutic use of cannabis lies in three areas 7 : As an appetite-stimulant, used in conjunction with drugs with anabolic properties to promote lean body mass, good nutrition and exercise, The management of neuropathic pain, and The quick relief of nausea, such as associated with some cancer chemotherapy treatments. ... A Working Party established by the NSW Government to examine the use of cannabis for medical purposes concluded in its final report (August 2000) that medical conditions for which cannabis may be of medical benefit are8 : HIV-related wasting and cancer related wasting, Pain unrelieved by conventional treatments, Visit:

Cancer - Resource, CannabisMD Reports: ”Cannabis and Lung Cancer”, by  Martin Martinez CannabisMD Reports: ”Cannabis and Lung Cancer”, by Martin Martinez. (ORG, article) | I attended the 1st National Clinical Conference on Medical Marijuana in Iowa in 1998. Arguably the most learned man on the subject of the effects of smoke on the lungs is named Donald Tashkin, Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care, at UCLA. He spoke for almost an hour at the Conference, showing slides of smoke-browned lungs. He showed how marijuana smoke seems to push pollutants towards the outer lining of the lungs.

His presentation did not portray marijuana smoke as harmless, but there was no solid evidence of disease associated with the browning of the lungs' outer lining. Donald Tashkin has conducted the most extensive research involving the largest number of long-term marijuana-only smokers, as well as multi-drug smokers--marijuana, tobacco, cocaine, and other substances, for several decades. His critique of marijuana smoke was completely non-committal. (Considering the government is his largest source of funding, there is little doubt why his lecture at the first medical cannabis conference was short and unsupportive.) When Dr. Tashkin finished his speech, he did not wait to answer questions. He grabbed his materials and bolted for the door. I raced after him and stopped him on the steps outside the conference hall. I showed him the passages I had written about his research in The New Prescription. I stood there and watched him read everything I had written about his work. He agreed that my synopsis was correct.

Then I asked him the $64,000 question. I said, "Do you know of any cases of marijuana-only smokers who had lung cancer?" He said "Yes, there is one." Then he smiled, explaining, "He was sixteen years old." We both smiled, knowing a teenager could not possibly have sufficient exposure to marijuana smoke to cause lung cancer--his cancer was clearly due to some other cause. visit:

Cancer - Resource, YouTube - Medical Marijuana - Brain Cancer YouTube - Medical Marijuana - Brain Cancer (VIDEO) | One of the great ironies in the debate over marijuana's medical applications is that the drug may prove to be vastly more useful than many marijuana activists even realize. CANCER CURE = HEMP OIL ... Rick Simpson's Cancer Cure Hemp Oil is Cannabis extract full of Cannabinoids (including THC). Dr. Robert Melamede ... "Cannabinoids kill Cancer Cells" Dr. Liu ..."THC can kill Cancer Cells" Dr. Di Marzo ... "THC exhibits anti - tumor effects on various Cancer Cell types" Visit:

Cancer - Resource, Book, Cannabis and Cancer: Arthur's Story “Cannabis and Cancer: Arthur's Story” by Pauline Reilly(BOOK; Paperback - April 1, 2002) | Buy new: $14.95 13 Used & new from $7.95 - find it at:

Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- BREAST | The endogenous cannabinoid anandamide inhibits human breast cancer cell proliferation

  • Suppression of Nerve Growth Factor Trk Receptors and Prolactin Receptors by Endocannabinoids Leads to Inhibition of Human Breast and Prostate Cancer Cell Proliferation
  • Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma
  • 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer through Cdc2 Regulation
  • Cannabidiol inhibits tumour growth in leukaemia and breast cancer in animal studies
    http://www.cannabismed. org/english/bulletin/ww_en_db_cannabis_artikel.php?id=220#2
  • THC and prochlorperazine effective in reducing vomiting in women following breast surgery
    http://www.cannabismed. org/english/bulletin/ww_en_db_cannabis_artikel.php?id=219#1
  • Cannabidiol Dramatically Inhibits Breast Cancer Cell Growth
    Click > here < ( or visit - )
  • “Medical Marijuana” Takes On New Meaning for Metastatic Breast Cancer
  • Cannabidiol may be helpful in reducing the aggressiveness of breast cancer cells
    http://www.cannabismed. org/english/bulletin/ww_en_db_cannabis_artikel.php?id=258
  • JunD is involved in the antiproliferative effect of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol on human breast cancer cells
  • Cannabis Compound May Stop Metastatic Breast Cancer content/article/2007/11/19/AR2007111900834.html
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- CERVICAL | Arachidonyl ethanolamide induces apoptosis of uterine cervix cancer cells via aberrantly expressed vanilloid receptor-1, Click > here <

  • Marijuana Ingredients Slow Invasion by Cervical and Lung Cancer Cells
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- COLORECTAL | The endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, induces cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells: a possible role for cyclooxygenase 2

  • Cannabinoids and cancer: potential for colorectal cancer therapy. (may need free registration)
  • Marijuana takes on colon cancer
    Click > here < ( or visit - html?DCMP=ILC-hmts&nsref=news9_head_dn14451
  • Cannabis compound clue to colon cancer
    Click > here < ( or visit - mg19926685.000-cannabis-compound-clue-to-coloncancer. html?feedId=drugs-alcohol_rss20 )
  • Cannabis-Linked Cell Receptor Might Help Prevent Colon Cancer
  • Cannabinoids in intestinal inflammation and cancer.
    Click > here < ( or visit - )
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- GLIOMA/ BRAIN/ HEAD | Anti-tumor effects of cannabidiol

  • Cancer Killer
  • Cannabinoids Inhibit the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pathway in Gliomas
  • Inhibition of Glioma Growth in Vivo
  • Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.
  • Cannabidiol triggers caspase activation and oxidative stress in human glioma cells.
  • Cannabis extract makes brain tumors shrink, halts growth of blood vessels
  • THC tested against brain tumour in pilot clinical study
    http://www.cannabismed. org/english/bulletin/ww_en_db_cannabis_artikel.php?id=222#1
  • THC inhibits cell cycle progression in human glioblastoma multiforme cells by downregulation of E2F1 in human glioblastoma multiforme cells
  • Down-regulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 in gliomas
  • Cannabinoids inhibit glioma cell invasion by down-regulating matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression.
  • Anti-Tumor Effects
  • Cannabinoids Induce Cancer Cell Proliferation via Tumor Necrosis Factor {alpha}-Converting Enzyme (TACE/ADAM17)-Mediated Transactivation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
    Click > here < ( or visit - 10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&titleabstract=Cannabinoids+Induce+Cancer+ Cell+Proliferation&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT )
  • Marijuana ingredient may reduce tumours-study
  • Cannabinoid action induces autophagy-mediated cell death through stimulation of ER stress in human glioma cells
  • Cannabidiol inhibits human glioma cell migration through a cannabinoid receptor-independent mechanism
  • Targeting astrocytomas and invading immune cells with cannabinoids: a promising therapeutic avenue. Click > here < for more.
  • Cannabinoid action induces autophagymediated cell death through stimulation of ER stress in human glioma cells.
  • Cannabis use and cancer of the head and neck: Case-control study
  • Cannabinoids selectively inhibit proliferation and induce death of cultured human glioblastoma multiforme cells.
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- LEUKEMIA | Cannabis-induced cytotoxicity in leukemic cell lines

  • Cannabidiol-Induced Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells
  • Marijuana's Active Ingredient Kills Leukemia Cells
  • Targeting CB2 cannabinoid receptors to treat malignant lymphoblastic disease
  • Cannabinoids induce incomplete maturation of cultured human leukemia cells (1987)
  • {Delta}9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat Leukemia T Cells Is Regulated by Translocation of Bad to Mitochondria
  • Cannabidiol inhibits tumour growth in leukaemia and breast cancer in animal studies
    http://www.cannabismed. org/english/bulletin/ww_en_db_cannabis_artikel.php?id=220#2
  • Enhancing the in vitro cytotoxic activity of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in leukemic cells through a combinatorial approach
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- LUNG | Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids

  • Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial growth factor-induced lung cancer cell migration in vitro as well as its growth and metastasis in vivo
    Click > here < ( or visit - 9__Tetrahydrocannabinol_inhibits_epithelial_growth_factor_induced_lung_cance r_cell_migration_in_vitro_as_well_as_its_growth_and_metastasis_in_vivo )
  • Smoking Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer Of Lung or Upper Airways
  • No association between lung cancer and cannabis smoking in large study
    http://www.cannabismed. org/english/bulletin/ww_en_db_cannabis_artikel.php?id=219#2
  • Marijuana Smoking Found Non-Carcinogenic
  • Marijuana Ingredients Slow Invasion by Cervical and Lung Cancer Cells
  • Marijuana May Fight Lung Tumors
  • Anti-Tumor Effects
  • Cannabinoids Induce Cancer Cell Proliferation via Tumor Necrosis Factor {alpha}-Converting Enzyme (TACE/ADAM17)-Mediated Transactivation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
    Click > here < ( or visit - 10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&titleabstract=Cannabinoids+Induce+Cancer+ Cell+Proliferation&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT )
  • Anticancer activity of cannabinoids
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- LYMPHOMA | Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists May Be Novel Class of Anti-Lymphoma Agents

  • Expression of cannabinoid receptors type 1 and type 2 in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: growth inhibition by receptor activation.
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- MELANOMA | Dronabinol for supportive therapy in patients with malignant melanoma and liver metastases.

  • Intractable nausea and vomiting due to gastrointestinal mucosal metastases
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- ORAL | Smoking of cannabis does not increase risk for oral cancer
    http://www.cannabismed. org/english/bulletin/ww_en_db_cannabis_artikel.php?id=175#1

  • Marijuana use and Risk of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • A Population-Based Case-Control Study of Marijuana Use and Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- PANCREATIC | Cannabinoids Induce Apoptosis of Pancreatic Tumor Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes

    Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- PROSTATE | Suppression of Nerve Growth Factor Trk Receptors and Prolactin Receptors by Endocannabinoids Leads to Inhibition of Human Breast and Prostate Cancer Cell Proliferation

  • Cannabinoid Receptor as a Novel Target for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
  • Cannabis chemicals may help fight prostate cancer
  • Inhibition of human tumour prostate PC-3 cell growth by cannabinoids R(+)- Methanandamide and JWH-015: Involvement of CB2 - Abstract
  • Chemicals found in cannabis may help fight prostate cancer fight-prostate-cancer-1.823429#
  • Anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects of anandamide in human prostatic cancer cell lines: implication of epidermal growth factor receptor down-regulation and ceramide production.
  • 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in human prostate PC-3 cells via a receptor-independent mechanism
    Click > here < ( or visit - 3XFTGPRX&_ coverDate=09%2F24%2F1999&_alid=422767905&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig =search&_qd=1&_cdi=4938&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1 &_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=1c29920efb1acb800723560310e9004e )
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- RISK CANNABIS VS TOBACCO | Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk

  • Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic
  • Smoking Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung Cancer
  • Blunt Smokers Link Dependence Potential To Nicotine
  • Premiere British Medical Journal Pronounces Marijuana Safer Than Alcohol, Tobacco
  • Why Doesn't Smoking Marijuana Cause Cancer?
  • Marijuana Smoking Found Non-Carcinogenic
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- SKIN | Inhibition of skin tumor growth and angiogenesis in vivo by activation of cannabinoid receptors

  • Cannabis Reduces Skin Cancer
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- TESTICULAR | The antiemetic efficacy of nabilone

  • Chemotherapy for Testicular Cancer
  • Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- THYROID | A metabolically stable analogue of anandamide, Met-F-AEA, inhibits human thyroid carcinoma cell lines by activation of apoptosis, Click > here < for more

    Cancer - Resource, Link CANCER- VARIOUS/ UNNAMED | Derivatives of cannabis for anti-cancer treatment

  • Cancer Killer
  • Anandamide Induces Apoptosis in Human Cells via Vanilloid Receptors
  • Nabilone improves pain and symptom management
  • The effects of smoked cannabis in painful peripheral neuropathy
  • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for appetite stimulation
  • Dronabinol and prochlorperazine in combination
  • Dronabinol enhancement of appetite in cancer patients.
  • Efficacy of tetrahydrocannabinol
  • Inhalation marijuana as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy.
  • Nabilone versus domperidone
  • Nabilone vs. placebo in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • The antiemetic activity of tetrahydrocanabinol versus metoclopramide
  • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic for patients receiving cancer chemotherapy
  • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic in cancer patients receiving highdose methotrexate
  • Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as an antiemetic in patients treated with cancer chemotherapy
  • Amelioration of cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting by delta-9- THC
  • Superiority of nabilone over prochlorperazine as an antiemetic
  • Analgesic effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
  • The analgesic properties of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and codeine.
  • Comparison of orally administered cannabis extract and delta-9-THC, Click > here < for more.
  • Cannabis May Help Combat Cancer-causing Herpes Viruses
  • Marijuana Smoking Found Non-Carcinogenic
  • A Cannabinoid Anticancer Quinone, HU-331, Is More Potent and Less Cardiotoxic Than Doxorubicin: A Comparative in Vivo Study
  • Therapeutic Aspects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
  • Anti-Tumor Effects
  • Cannabinoids for Cancer Treatment: Progress and Promise
  • Cannabinoids and cancer: pros and cons of an antitumour strategy
  • Cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer
  • Use of cannabinoid receptor agonists in cancer therapy as palliative and curative agents.
  • A Population-Based Case-Control Study of Marijuana Use and Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
  • Could smoking pot cut risk of head, neck cancer?
  • Cannabinoids and cancer: pros and cons of an antitumour strategy
  • Cannabinoid receptor ligands as potential anticancer agents--high hopes for new therapies?
    Click > here < ( or visit - )
  • Marijuana May Prevent Cancer, Not Cause It
  • Unpublished Federal Study Found THC-Treated Rats Lived Longer, Had Less Cancer
  •   Organizations, Contacts and other Resources  

    Cancer - Resource, Organization, Patients Out of Time Patients Out of Time | Medical marijuana, cannabis, Clinical Conference. ... a medical marijuana activist for over 25 years, motivated by the cancer battle ... About Patients Out of Time. Focusing on medical marijuana / cannabis. The history of Patients out of Time, Board of Directors; and Board of Advisors are located in this section. ... National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics. Faculty and agenda concerning our National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics held every two years. ... Patient Information. This section is a key source of information designed to assist patients in educating themselves and their caregivers about therapeutic cannabis. State cannabis registries and cannabis clubs contact information is listed here.   Visit:

    Cancer - Resource, CANCER Information by CANCER Information by | We are committed to ensuring safe, legal availability of marijuana for medical uses. This brochure is intended to help doctors, patients and policymakers better understand how marijuana—or "cannabis" as it is more properly called—may be used as a treatment for people with serious medical conditions. This booklet contains information about using cannabis as medicine.

    CANNABIS AND CANCER. Cannabis has been found to help cancer patients with pain and nausea, and recent research indicates it has tumor-reducing and anti-carcinogenic properties properties as well. It has proven highly effective at controlling the nausea associated with chemotherapy, and its appetitestimulation properties help combat wasting. Cannabis can also help control the pain associated with some cancers, as well as that resulting from radiation and chemotherapy treatment. ... as opposed to persecuting the sick for whatever relief they may have from medical cannabis. —Anonymous patient. Lyn Nofziger, Father of Cancer Patient ...   Visit:   and

    Cancer - Resource, Kind RX American Medical Marijuana Association (AMMA) | How Cannabis Fights Cancer ... Because California seems to be the testing grounds for medical cannabis patients it is not surprising to see most of the ... How Cannabis Fights Cancer. Here it is, the latest in cannabis research, reported in a top science journal that explains in precise detail how cannabis kills tumors, cuts off their blood supply, and protects healthy cells. Download this file and give it to your physician. Pot Shrinks Tumors; Government Knew in '74 In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice - lung and breast cancer, and leukemia. A quarter century later, scientists in Spain repeated this experiment and got the same incredible results. ... and more.   Visit:

    - Cancer -

    Cancer - Resource, Online Cancer Guide Online Cancer Guide (INF) | A comprehensive resource providing complete information on various types of cancers such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, throat, blood cancer, brain cancer, bone Cancer, etc. Also know about the causes of these cancers, symptoms, various treatment methods. Visit:

    Cancer - Resource, Cancer Report Cancer Report (INF) Learn to "cancer proof" your body, so no type of cancer can survive. | There are many natural cancer treatments that can make a big difference in whether someone with cancer will ultimately live or die. Many things can help. However, no one can take everything, so the trick is to use the best possible supplements that give you the most chance of survival. In this website, I introduce you to some of the best. And explain why they work in a way that's not too hard to understand and makes some sense. The main cancer treatments I cover will work with any type of cancer, because they deal with cancer at the fundamental level. Dealing with the conditions that allow it to grow in the body. So let's get started. The cancer link has all my basic information. visit:

    Cancer - Resource,, YOUR CANCER COMMUNITY ONLINE, YOUR CANCER COMMUNITY ONLINE. | Created for patients and their loved ones, we are your trusted source for the latest news, research, and information on prevention, detection, and treatment. We're here as a complete cancer information and community resource to help at a time when you or your loved ones may be frightened or uncertain. Choose what you want from this online community. Read plain-English articles reviewed by medical experts about the type of cancer that has touched your life or the life of someone you love. Find out what treatments seem to work best, alternative approaches to wellness and recovery, and read the stories of others going through their own journeys with cancer. Keep a journal of your diagnosis, treatment, medication, and feelings. Join our chat rooms to learn from, and share with, others. Visit:

    Cancer - Resource, Pam Stephan - 
Breast Cancer Guide Breast Cancer; From Faith Addiss (article) | Pam Stephan - Breast Cancer Guide; What is Breast Cancer? Symptoms of Breast Cancer Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Treatments for Breast Cancer Preventing Breast Cancer (visit: Pamela is a 7-year breast cancer survivor who has been writing about breast cancer for several years. In addition to working to educate the public through her work, she volunteers with a local breast cancer support organization. a Guide to Breast Cancer, FREE Newsletter. visit:

      FORUMs Section 

    Cancer - Resource, iMedicalCannabis - Medical Cannabis Patient Resource Platform iMedicalCannabis - Medical Cannabis Patient Resource Platform. | is an education and resource platform built to empower medical cannabis patients, physicians, and providers with the information and resources needed for Safe Access to medical cannabis. Medical Marijuana Directory ... Clarifying Law on Medical Cannabis, Sides split over medical marijuana bill, County Pays Medical Marijuana User $2,000 for New Lamps, Marijuana Rivals Mainstream Drugs For Alleviating HIV/AIDS, Northeast States High on Medical Marijuana ... and more. visit:

    Cancer - Resource, Potential anti Cancer effects of medical cannabis - Frontier science Potential anti Cancer effects of medical cannabis - Frontier science | Background: The major active component of the medicinal plant cannabis, Delta9-THC, has been shown in experiments with rats to have therapeutic potential against brain tumors. SETH Group scientists Garret Yount, Ph.D. and Sean McAllister, Ph.D. designed experiments in a time-lapse microscope to test whether Delta9-THC can stop the growth of human glioblastoma multiforma (GBM) brain cancer cells. Using the same tests that are used to judge new chemotherapies, the team discovered that the herbal compound kills human GBM cells at a concentration that is nontoxic to normal brain cells. Click here to see Featured Experiment.

    Implications: No chemotherapy can match this nontoxic anti-cancer action. The implication is that this plant compound could be a safe medicine against brain tumors, without the side effects of chemotherapy. These exciting results may be just the tip of the iceberg, however, because Delta9-THC is only one of many active compounds in medicinal cannabis. Other active constituents of the Cannabis plant (called cannabinoids) are also likely to have a nontoxic anti-cancer action. Visit:

    Cancer - Resource, Medical Marijuana Consultations: Cannabis Doctors Consultation Information Blog Medical Marijuana Consultations: Cannabis Doctors Consultation Information Blog | Cannabis Dispensary Owner May be Locked Up in Jail. National authorities have been continuing their activities on shutting down medical marijuana clinics and dispensaries t hroughout California in spite existing state law. The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 or the Proposition 215 permits patients having recommendations from licensed physicians or marijuana doctors to grow and acquire marijuana only or medical purposes. However, federal law claims it is illegal to acquire, distribute, or cultivate any kind of marijuana or whatever use it may serve.For instance, a previous Morro Bay owner of a medical cannabis dispensary, Charles lynch, will be sentenced in the Los Angeles Federal Court House on March 23 for violating federal drug laws.

    In August 5, 2008, Lynch was found guilty on five federal counts. His charges include criminal conspiracy and ossession with intent to distribute. Lynch said that his case has destroyed his life after being seen for one week on the ront page of the DEA Web site. Lynch was a former medical marijuana patient who opened Central Coast ompassionate Caregivers to patients and other users (caregivers, providers, marijuana doctors) having a licensed hysician’s or marijuana doctor’s recommendations. Lynch may face a minimum of 5 years in federal prison.

    Morro Bay Mayor, Janice Peters and City Attorney Rob Shultz testified at the trial. Peters claimed that medical marijuana clinics and dispensaries in their area are worthwhile as many patients and marijuana doctors use and recommend medical marijuana for glaucoma and even cancer symptoms. On the other hand, Schultz claimed that the council had met all city requirements although the federal law said marijuana is still a controlled substance, which prompts them to arrest anybody with the said substance. ... In the Prop 215, it states that medical cannabis is appropriate to patients with migraine, glaucoma, cancer, AIDS, and other illnesses in which the drug ... Visit:

    Cancer - Forums other Viable Forums, BlogSpots, chat rooms and other such online resources   will be listed here as we learn about them.

      Businesses Section 

    BIZ, MED, Cancer

    - media

    Cancer - Resource, Journal of Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Oncology (BIZ, Media) | The Journal of Clinical Oncology serves its readers as the single most credible, authoritative resource for disseminating significant clinical oncology research. In print and in electronic format, JCO strives to publish the highest quality manuscripts dedicated to clinical research. Original Reports remain the focus of the Journal, but this scientific communication is enhanced by appropriately selected Editorials, Commentaries, Reviews, and other work that relate to the care of patients with cancer. JCO's offices are located at 330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314. For editorial correspondence (manuscript-related inquiries) please contact the Editorial Office at: Telephone: (703) 797-1900; Fax: (703) 684-8720; or visit:

    - clinic

    Cancer - Resource, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (BIZ, MED) | The mission of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center is to eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation, and the world through outstanding programs that integrate patient care, research and prevention, and through education for undergraduate and graduate students, trainees, professionals, employees and the public. Resources for Professionals; We offer a wealth of publicly available resources and tools for clinical physicians, nurses, and research scientists. visit:

    BIZ, SVC, INF, Cancer

    Cancer - Resource, by Dr. Stephen Lemon, a medical oncologist at Oncology Associates in Omaha, Nebraska by Dr. Stephen Lemon, a medical oncologist at Oncology Associates in Omaha, Nebraska (BIZ, INF) | is a medical website created to provide practical information about cancer. Here we present cancer information in an easily understandable format, for patients, family members, and the general public. At we are focusing on our Medical Video Center and our Personal Cancer Care Center. The medical video center contains cancer information and patient stories in a video format. We will be adding more of these videos on a regular basis. Personalized cancer care is the latest cutting edge development in cancer treatment. At we explain what this means, and how it can help you or your loved one. I hope you find our website helpful in your quest to learn more about the newest scientific advances in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Remember, the future of cancer treatment is bright! visit:

    Cancer - Resource, information by MerckSource MerckSource: Learn About Your Condition (BIZ, INF) | Condition Guides on MerckSource provide you with condition-specific health information and resources. MerckSource (Subscription service) offers a wide variety of core health tools and resources, available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We've designed this website with your health and medical needs in mind. Best of all, it's free and it has absolutely no advertising. No distractions. Just credible, unbiased health and medical information at your fingertips. This information is provided by an independent source. Merck & Co., Inc. is not responsible for this content. Please discuss any and all treatment options with your healthcare professional. The manufacturer of a product generally has the most complete information about that product.Powered by Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. visit:

    Cancer - Resource, World-Class Cancer Centers World-Class Cancer Centers. Discuss your options w/ the leading patient empowerment cancer hospital (BIZ, Med) | Why Choose Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA)? We help you fight cancer on all fronts by offering the following: Advanced medical treatments and technologies CTCA offers new and innovative treatments, including options for advanced stage cancers and complex cases, so you can win the fight. A collaborative, multidisciplinary team of experts that works alongside you CTCA cancer experts work together so you receive a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs. Whole-person care to help you fight the disease and enjoy a good quality of life CTCA provides supportive therapies for your body, mind and spirit so you can stay strong, manage side effects, and better tolerate cancer treatment. A positive, compassionate, patient-centered environment that inspires hope CTCA hospitals are warm and welcoming. When you visit, you can relax, connect with other patients and families, and focus on healing. Information, guidance, communication, and empowerment CTCA care team members will listen to you, provide clear information, and answer your questions so you can make informed decisions about your treatment. Click > here < for more.

      NEWs Section 

    Cancer - Resource, Kind RX Breakthrough Discovered in Medical Marijuana Cancer Treatment - Tim King, Jan-11-2008 - Researchers learned that cannabinoids have been associated with anti-carcinogenic effects, which are responsible in preventing or delaying the development of cancer. | (SALEM, Ore.) - A new study reveals that Medical Marijuana can be an effective treatment for cancer, that is the word announced by doctors in Germany who concluded that this clarification of the mechanism of cannabinoid action may help investigators to further explore their therapeutic benefit. The medical article was originally published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute Advance Access and online on December 25th 2007.

    Cancer cells that were treated with combinations of cannabinoids, antagonists of cannabinoid receptors, and small interfering ribo nucleic acid or 'siRNA' to tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) were assessed for invasiveness, protein expression, and activation of signal transduction pathways. The biggest contribution of this breakthrough discovery, is that the expression of TIMP-1 was shown to be stimulated by cannabinoid receptor activation and to mediate the anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. In other words, they learned that treatment with cannabinoids, one of the active ingredients of the medicinal side of marijuana, has been shown to reduce the invasiveness of cancer cells. Prior to now the cellular mechanisms underlying this effect were unclear and the relevance of the findings to the behavior of tumor cells in vivo remains to be determined.   Visit:

    Cancer - Resource, News, Article - Pot Shrinks Tumors; U.S. Government Knew in '74 This site is dedicated to creation of an interactive forum for patients, Pot Shrinks Tumors; U.S. Government Knew in '74 By Raymond Cushing, AlterNet. Posted May 31, 2000 | In 1974 researchers learned that THC, the active chemical in marijuana, shrank or destroyed brain tumors in test mice. But the DEA quickly shut down the study and destroyed its results, which were never replicated -- until now. | The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February, 2000 when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. The Madrid study marks only the second time that THC has been administered to tumor-bearing animals; the first was a Virginia investigation 26 years ago. In both studies, the THC shrank or destroyed tumors in a majority of the test subjects. ... In 1983 the Reagan/Bush Administration tried to persuade American universities and researchers to destroy all 1966-76 cannabis research work, including compendiums in libraries, reports Jack Herer, who states, "We know that large amounts of information have since disappeared." ... visit:

    Cancer - Resource, News, Ireland: Cannabis Eases Cancer Sickness, Study Finds Ireland: Cannabis Eases Cancer Sickness, Study Finds (ORG, article) | “CANNABIS chemicals are better than conventional drugs at controlling sickness caused by cancer treatments, a study showed yesterday.”

    CANNABIS EASES CANCER SICKNESS, STUDY FINDS. CANNABIS chemicals are better than conventional drugs at controlling sickness caused by cancer treatments, a study showed yesterday. But researchers found that cannabinoids, the compounds responsible for the "high" obtained from cannabis, could have serious side-effects. These ranged from feelings of euphoria and drowsiness, to dizziness, depression and hallucinations. A second investigation by the same team of British and Swiss researchers found that cannabinoids were no better than codeine for controlling acute and chronic pain.

    Both reports appeared yesterday in the British Medical Journal. The sickness study, led by Martin Tramer at the Hopitaux Universitaires Geneva, reviewed 30 trials involving more than 1,300 patients undergoing chemotherapy. visit:

      Cannabis as Medicine 

    Cancer - Resource, Medical cannabis - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Medical cannabis - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Cannabis Indica (now referred to as Cannabis sativa subsp. indica),[1] Fluid Extract, American Druggists Syndicate, pre-1937. Medical cannabis, (commonly referred to as "Medical marijuana"), refers to the use of the cannabis plant as a physician-recommended drug or herbal therapy, as well as synthetic THC and other cannabinoids. There are many studies regarding the use of cannabis in a medicinal context.[2][3] Drug usage generally requires a prescription, and distribution is usually done within a framework defined by local laws. There are several methods for administration of dosage including vaporizing or smoking dried cannabis buds, drinking or eating cannabis extracts,and taking synthetic THC pills.[4][5] The comparible efficacy of these methods was the subject of an investigative study by the National Institutes of Health.[3] 1.1 Partial list of clinical applications 1.2 Recent studies 1.2.1 Alzheimer's Disease 1.2.2 Neuron growth 1.2.3 Lung cancer and COPD 1.2.4 Breast cancer 1.2.5 HIV/AIDS 1.2.6 Brain cancer 1.2.7 Head Injuries ... and more.   Visit: - Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine | Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine.   (ORG, inf, Book) Featured Medical Marijuana Patient Accounts * to share website visitors' medical marijuana histories to provide insight into uses for this medicine which are not widely known. … If you wish to send us a personal account of your medical marijuana experiences, ... Cannabis and Cancer by Michael McKenna ... visit:   (web-ring / link-list) * Your starting point for the best medical info. Free Medical Cannabis info Find what you're looking for! Visit:

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    Saturday, October 10 at 06:52 AM:
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    Thursday, July 9 at 02:21 PM:
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    Thursday, May 17 at 01:43 PM:
    Matthew Kingery from United State wrote:
    " We are medical and recreational marijuana supplying cooperation and got the best of high graded products and outstanding services. We aim at the provision of high graded product to all our clients that are in need and also the establishment of a long term and trust worthy business relationship with all our clients. We are top legit and liable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. .Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting, Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states,anxiety, nausea etc visit our website at Website: http://www.denversmokebuds.c om or http://www.denversmokeshop.o rg Phone (CALL/TEXT) : +1 (720) 440-2463 "

    Monday, April 9 at 07:09 AM:
    Dr Jeth from Los Angeles wrote:
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    Tuesday, March 6 at 05:06 PM:
    Andy winson from us wrote:
    " Cannabis Oil Cures cancers . I am so grateful to Dr. Rick Simpson for providing me with Cannabis oil and Rhino Horns here in the United State of America, francis my friend was diagnose with skin cancer 2 years ago, and ever since then He have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help Him , but only damaged His immune system and render Him weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Cannabis Oil here in the State to help Him, i contacted him on: phoenixtears444@gmail. com for theprocurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and and Francis have been on treatment for the past 3 months now and i gave the oil to him to start using it, within one week the oil started working on Francis skin cancer,He called me and told me but I was not convinced on till i went to His house and confirm it myself before i was convinced and Francis was very happy with me because He has spend alot of money on but there was no outcome of it till the day i told Him about and help Him to buy the oil,am now here to testify that my friend Francis is no longer a cancer patients He have experience a total transformation in His life with Below are the different types of illness he cured (1) Adeniod Cystic Carcinoma (2) Anal Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinima) (3) Aplastic Anemia (4) Basal Cell Carcionoma (5) Bladder Cancer (6) Bone Cancer (7) Brain Cancer (8) Breast Cancer (9) Cervical Cancer (10) Colon Cancer (11) Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE) (12) Endometrial Cancer "

    Thursday, March 1 at 05:45 PM:
    Andy winson from us wrote:
    " I am so grateful to Dr. Rick Simpson for providing me with Cannabis oil and Rhino Horns here in the United State of America, francis my friend was diagnose with skin cancer 2 years ago, and ever since then He have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help Him , but only damaged His immune system and render Him weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Cannabis Oil here in the State to help Him, i contacted him on: phoenixtears444@gmail. com for theprocurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and and Francis have been on treatment for the past 3 months now and i gave the oil to him to start using it, within one week the oil started working on Francis skin cancer,He called me and told me but I was not convinced on till i went to His house and confirm it myself before i was convinced and Francis was very happy with me because He has spend alot of money on but there was no outcome of it till the day i told Him about phoenixtears444 @ and help Him to buy the oil, am now here to testify that my friend Francis is no longer a cancer patients He have experience a total transformation in His life with Below are the different types of illness he cured (1) Adeniod Cystic Carcinoma (2) Anal Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinima) (3) Aplastic Anemia (4) Basal Cell Carcionoma (5) Bladder Cancer (6) Bone Cancer (7) Brain Cancer (8) Breast Cancer (9) Cervical Cancer (10) Colon Cancer (11) Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE) (12) Endometrial Cancer "

    Thursday, January 18 at 01:11 PM:
    Remind Mainz from United kingdom wrote:
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EUROS,DOLLARS AND POUNDS &#8232;Contact us for more information: Email ; WhatsApp : +44 7459781282 GLOBAL CURRENCIES &#8232;We are Professional IT technicians and we produce SUPER UNDETECTED COUNTERFEIT MONEY for all currencies. Our notes are industrially and professional produced. The security features included on the bills: -Passes pen test! -Microprint! -Red and Blue fibers! -75 % cotton 25% linen, same as real currency! -High Quality Print! -Correct colors! -Correct Seals! -Correct serial number font! -Holograms and Holographic Strips! -Micro-Lettering!&#8232;-Metallic Ink and Thread! -Watermarks! -IR Detection! -Ultra-violet features! -See through Features! -Different serial numbers! &#8232; These features make our bills to be 100% undetected,100% safe and secure to use in any of these areas: BANKS, CASINO, ATM, MONEY CHANGERS, STORES. They are 100% Undetected. Build trust in yourself when contacting me and don't tell me about your past experience when you were ripped off. 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    Thursday, January 18 at 12:48 PM:
    Dr kalson +1424 260-6438 from CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELOS wrote:

    Friday, November 3 at 05:25 PM:
    Kevin Browning from Long Beach, California wrote:
    """ "Do you need any cannabis product ? like buds, edibles, oil ? visit >> Buy Marijuana Online | Marijuana For Sale | Cannabis Oil For Sale | Weed for Sale | Buy medical marijuana | hash oil for sale | Rick Simpson Oil | THC oil for sale | Marijuana Brownies | Buy weed online | Mail order Marijuana | Weed Brownies >> <a href="" " "

    Friday, November 3 at 05:21 PM:
    Kevin Browning from Long Beach, California wrote:
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    Tuesday, October 24 at 02:04 PM:
    mary hendersn from texas wrote:
    " My name is Mary and i live in Texas USA, i was diagnosed of breast cancer 8 months ago and i have done chemo surgery and i was not cured until i came in contact with rick simpson email and he said he will cure me with Hemp oil, so i place an order and it was delivered to me within few days and i started using the hemp oil for treatment and i began to noticed changes for better. After the 90 days of treatment, i went to see the doctor and i was told that i am no longer a cancer patient. i am so happy today and i want people out there to know that with this hemp oil, cancer can be cured and it cost less than surgery. Regards "

    Wednesday, May 10 at 04:58 PM:
    Denver Smoke BUds from Colorado wrote:
    " We are top legit and reliable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting,Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states, anxiety, nausea etc. visit our website at http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Website: http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Phone: +1 (720) 440-2463 E-Mail: "

    Thursday, March 16 at 02:50 PM:
    Expert in Cancer Treatment from USA wrote:
    "Indica… OG KUSH, PURPLE KUSH, SENSI STAR, GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, MASTER KUSH, GRANDADDY PURPLE AND MOON ROCKS. SATIVA. AK-47, JACK HERER, DURBAN POISON, GREEN CRACK AND SOUR DIESEL. We also have marijuana oil, wax, edibles, concentrates, hash oil and other related cannabis products. Delivery is very Fast, discreet and safe. ORDER NOW !!! Call or Text : 214-612-5344 Email : Instagram : @abeljesuscorreia "

    Wednesday, February 15 at 02:26 PM:
    Meir from Fl wrote:
    " Rick Simpson oil"

    Sunday, February 12 at 11:00 PM:
    Olivia from Canada wrote:
    " Prayer works and God send angels to watch over us, My name is Jane Albert. In May 2015 i was diagnose with liver cancer which the doctor told me if i want to survive I had to do a liver transplant, after treating with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for four months I was schedule to travel to India for a liver transplant by mine doctor, when I had a call from my sister three days before i will travel to India. That her friend's dad was having same issue but was cure with cannabis oil, her friend gave her the cannabis oil that was left from her dad's treatment which she sent to me, after treating my cancer with the little medicine for three week I felt something strange in me which i went to see my doctor. I run some test but be hold my cancer was shrinking, my doctor had to tell me to continue the treatment. I ordered the full treatment plan from the doctor (Dr. George Eastern) Now I don't have cancer again and i no longer need a liver transplant, Thanks to my sister and the doctor who God is using to save sick ones. You are free to seek for medical advise from him as well. You can reach him with his email God is alive and he uses people to reach us, Share love, you can save a dying life. "

    Thursday, January 19 at 03:40 AM:
    Cannabis Oil from N/A wrote:
    "Many Patients suffering from chronic or neuropathic pain & other medical conditions gain relief from prescription drugs which have great side effects. One of the most common uses of Cannabis Oil (RSO) is for the treatment of chronic pain and other diseases such as Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes,Bipolar ,Leukemia, Insomnia, Migraines, Depression, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Burns, Chronic pain, High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Nausea,just to name a few. Cannabinoids (CBD) & Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the medical compounds found in Cannabis Oil & marijuana have powerful pain relieving (analgesic) properties. Cannabinoids exert their analgesic properties through their interaction with the cannabinoid receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system. **If you need quality Cannabis Oil, Marijuana & Canasol send your Enquiry to: (** "

    Sunday, October 9 at 09:46 AM:
    Martinez Sanche from USA wrote:
    " “I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on: for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Rick Simpson at: "

    Saturday, September 24 at 07:46 AM:
    Bob15 from UK wrote:
    "My friend had cancer of the spine and Chemo was not working.I search Online and luckily came across (marijuana.network420@gmail. com) who supplied us with good Cannabis Oil. He ship the Oil to us without any problem. Thanks very much for your help!!"

    Tuesday, August 23 at 07:17 PM:
    young from USA wrote:
    " Thank to Rick simpson , my wife is finally cured of her cancer with rick cannabis oil i bought from , they are God sent to my life "

    Thursday, July 14 at 09:22 PM:
    harry ferguson from U S A wrote:
    "I am so grateful to Dr.Harry Ferguson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on: for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Dr.Harry Ferguson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Harry Ferguson at: Tel:+ 14083370415 "

    Tuesday, June 21 at 03:19 PM:
    susan figo from U S A wrote:
    " I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. my daughter was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues,but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact them on: for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and she have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that she is no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in her health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr.Rick Simpson at: vist him on his facebook page k-Simpson- cancer-cure- 1755019358054877/ and also on his website http://rick- .uk/page/contact-us thanks to you people for the help and support you have given us "

    Tuesday, May 17 at 03:36 AM:
    420 NETWORK from U.S.A wrote:
    "Top Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis, Wax, Canasol,Cannabis Oil ,Variety of Quality Strain like:-*Green Crack:::: Grade: AA *Sour Diesel:::Grade: A+ Top Shelf *Grand Daddy Purple :::Grade: A *Sensi Star x ak47 :Grade: AAA *Afghan Kush ::::Grade: A *Northern Lights #5 Grade: A+ *Lemon drop::::Grade: A+ *Purple Kush::::Grade:A+ Top Shelf *OG Kush ::::Grade:A++ Top Shelf *Lemon drop *Purple-urkle *white widow *Haze *blue dream *headband *blueberry, Hash/Wax Oil and MANY MORE.. These Quality Strains helps people ILLNESSES LIKE: **Insomnia,HIV/AIDS,Anxiety Disorders,PTSD, Major Depression,Back Pain,Back Sprain,Bipolar Disorder(Nightmares),Cancer Chronic Pain,Seizures,Diabetes,Epilepsy,Fibromyalgia,Glaucoma E.T.C **SERIOUS INTERESTED BUYERS SHOULD**E-MAIL: (, CALL/TEXT: (303) 578-7712 OR **SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) "

    Wednesday, May 4 at 12:32 PM:
    Brend from EU wrote:
    "Top Shelf Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Delivery will be 100% Discrete and Safe. **SKYPE: medical fourtwenty OR **E-MAIL: ( This connection we made has truly done so much for our family already.” You can also get Canasol for those suffering with Glaucoma. "Canasol is the only Medication that Treats Glaucoma Effectively""

    Tuesday, April 26 at 08:35 AM:
    Cynthler from U.K wrote:
    "I Purchased Quality Cannabis Oil from E-mail:( OR SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) which I used to cure my Husband's Prostrate Cancer in less than 6 months, without using chemo AT ALL!! I've seen the side effects of chemo on others and decided completely against it. My husband's cancer markers where 875 and in just less than 6 full months they are below 30. Our oncologist couldn't believe it when he told her how we did it. Yes, I was careful to keep his diet alkaline but he took the cannabis oil 3 x daily and Now he's cancer FREE. "GOOGLE IT" Cannabis Oil is a Real Cure for Cancer. Don't Run from the cure!!"

    Wednesday, April 20 at 07:59 PM:
    Legit Supplier~!!! from U.S wrote:
    "Top Shelf Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Packaging will be 100% Discrete and A Safe & Confidential Delivery is Guaranteed.(SKYPE: medical fourtwenty) OR (E-MAIL:"

    Thursday, April 14 at 11:30 PM:
    CANNABIS OIL Cures Cancer**E-MAIL:( from U.S.A wrote:
    "After His first 3 months of Cannabis Oil use, My Father's Tumors decreased up to 60%! His oncologist was shocked.I am so happy with how the Cannabis oil have changed the life of my father.Not only do I truly believe it has been the reason his tumors are decreasing, but also he is off his anxiety and sleeping meds! Something that he had relied on so much before, now replaced with a natural cure (Cannabis Oil). We Bought high quality Cannabis Oil from E-MAIL:( / WICKR: (mmjsupplier15) and Our Delivery was 100% Safe. This connection we made has truly done so much for our family already.” You can also get Canasol for those suffering with Glaucoma. "Canasol is the only Medication that Treats Glaucoma Effectively" "

    Thursday, April 14 at 07:38 AM:
    Angel from usa wrote:
    " “I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on: for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Rick Simpson at: "

    Tuesday, March 15 at 06:27 PM:
    Best Medstore from Denver, CO wrote:
    "We are producers and suppliers of best and highest quality Meds and other related product we have purple kush and all other related meds for sale. You’ll find here some of the best Premium Marijuana Seeds for Sale. We grow them at our farm in Indiana and sell to our customers directly. It means we can offer them at very good, dutch farm prices and we are sure of their quality. Orders come in crush proof plain discrete envelopes. below are the strains we have and your price list so you can make your order and get back to us ; or contact our branch in the USA on (720) 398-5012. *Green Crack::::::::::::: Grade: AA *sour Diesel :::::::::::::::Grade: A+ Top Shelf *Grand Daddy Purple ::::Grade: A *Sensi Star x ak47 :::::::Grade: AAA *Afghan Kush :::::::::::::Grade: A *Northern Lights #5 ::::::Grade: A+ *Lemon drop:::::::::::::::Grade: A+ *Purple Kush:::::::::::::::Grade:A+ Top Shelf *OG Kush ::::::::::::::::::Grade:A++ Top Shelf *purple-urkle::::::::::::::Grade: A- And we sell at : PRICE: 1/2 ounce for $90 1 ounce for $160 1/8 pound for $320 1/4 pound for $640 1/2 pound for $1250 1 pound for $2500 Oxycontin 20mg $300 100 tab Oxycontin 40mg $460 100 tab Oxycontin 80mg $800 100 tab Valium 2mg/90tabs $225 Valium 5mg/90tabs $315 Percocet 5-325mg brand name 100 tab $265 (Blue Tablet) Percocet 7.5-325mg brand name 100 tab $350 Percocet 10-325mg brand name 100tab $490 (Yellow Tablet) Winstrol Depot 50 Amples $300 Winstrol Depot 100 Amples $520 British Dispensary Dianabol 5mg 1000 Tabs $280 Winstrol Stanozolol Oral 5mg 1000 Tabs $240 Anavar/Anadrol $200 50mg 60 Tabs Sinaloa Kush $190 p/oz $600 p/half pound $1050 p/pound Strawberry Kush $190 p/oz $600 p/half pound $1050 p/pound OG Kush $180 p/oz $550 p/half pound $960 p/pound MDMA Crystals $400 p/oz $4680 p/half key $7200 p/key XTC (85% MDMA 15% Caffeine) Hard Pressed Non Crumbly Gray QDance Pills & Red Defcons 100-300 $2.10 per 300-600 $1.85 per 1000+ $1.40 per Ketamine Powder $280 p/oz $2500 p/half key $4500 p/key Ketamine Vials (6 Vials Per Box) 1-4 Boxes $170 per 5-8 Boxes $150 per 9+ $135 per 4-FA 25g $100 50g $250 100g $500 500g $1050 1000g $2000 4-FMC 25g $250 50g $400 100g $700 500g $2000 1000g $2400 Dimethecaine (MDPV) 10g $430 25g $700 50g $1600 100g $3000 500g $4000 Mephedrone (4-MMC) 25g $100 50g $210 100g $500 500g $1300 1000g $1700 Methylone (bk-MDMA) 25g $200 50g $300 100g $750 500g $2000 1000g $3000 Bulytone (bk-MBDB) 25g $200 50g $500 100g $900 500g $2000 1000g $3200 phenethylamines 10g $225 25g $515 50g $1000 100g $2000 500g $4000 JWH-018 10g $125 25g $350 50g $800 100g $1000 500g $3000 TFMPP 25g $60 50g $120 100g $280 500g $750 1000g $1000 benzodiazepines 25g $150 50g $300 100g $450 500g $2250 1000g $4500 opioids 50g $300 100g $450 500g $2250 1000g $4500 methcathinones 25g $200 50g $500 100g $900 500g $2000 1000g $4000 PACKING: In plastic packs MINIMUM ORDER: 1/2 ounce ORIGIN:INDIANA Contact if interested ,for us to know if Our price is perfectly Okay for you sir/madam,for us to know,if you want us to proceed On your Proforma Invoice Asap,before we can prepare your invoice we must have your delivery address detail which is attach Bellow and our terms of payment is 100% before delivery . 1) Your full Name: 2) Your house/street Address: 3) Your Telephone Number : 4) Your city/postal code: 5) Quantity required : 6) Cannabis/med needed :"

    Monday, March 7 at 08:20 AM:
    JOHN from TEXAS wrote:
    " My Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick simpson cannabis oil that we bought at:, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear. Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy family with my mother back alive, strong and healthy. You can contact for your own medication at: "

    Monday, March 7 at 07:57 AM:
    NETWORK FOR MARIJUANA from 420 wrote:

    Thursday, March 3 at 10:14 PM:
    "For a Reliable Website to securely Order High Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis OR Oil, I will Recommend you to E-mail: *(* OR Skype: *(marijuana network420)* where I got some quality stuff for myself. They offer the best marijuana online services!! "

    Wednesday, March 2 at 03:09 PM:
    cannabis oil from wrote:
    " “I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on: for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Rick Simpson at: "

    Thursday, February 18 at 10:51 PM:
    JOHN from TEXAS wrote:
    " My Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick simpson cannabis oil that we bought at:, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear. Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy family with my mother back alive, strong and healthy. You can contact for your own medication at: "

    Wednesday, February 10 at 11:47 PM:
    Angela from U.S.A wrote:
    "We are New to this Website and after a long search for Quality Stuff Online, We have finally found a Reliable Source: ( OR *Wickr ID:(mmjsupplier15) who supplied us with some High Grade Marijuana, Hash, Shatters & Cannabis Oil. Thanks for the professional service Bro!!"

    Wednesday, February 10 at 04:39 PM:
    JOHN from TEXAS wrote:
    " I am so grateful to Rick for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with colon cancer for 3 years, and ever since i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped me, but only damaged my immune system and render it weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Rick Simpson Hemp oil a lot and saw that he could provide me with Hemp Oil here in the State, i contact him for the procurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months. Am now here to testify that am no more a cancer patient I have experience a total transformation in my health sector with Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America ,Canada and around the world, get your Hemp oil from "

    Monday, July 13, 2015 at 10:11 AM:
    FindMyBud from Los Angeles wrote:
    "Wow! Really informative page about marijuana. Thanks! >> "

    Friday, July 3 at 10:42 AM:
    M from Texas wrote:
    "Where to obtain Cannabis oil with THC and CBD for a cancerous tumor in the abdomen."

    Monday, June 29 at 11:30 AM:
    Claire Dechon from DC wrote:
    "I am a medical patient in DC but I am contacting this group now more so for a friend of mine in Virginia. He has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and he needs high CBD oil as he also deals with schizophrenia. Any help for compassion groups out there? "

    Friday, December 12, 2014 at 11:51 AM:
    i wrote:
    "Study Finds Cannabis May Significantly Slow Tumor Growth in Brain Cancer Patients - A new study suggests that cannabis may be able to dramatically slow the growth of brain cancer tumors. Specialists at St. George’s University of London studied the treatment of brain cancer tumors in the laboratory and found that the most effective treatment was to combine active chemical components of the cannabis plant, called cannabinoids. The researchers tested two of these compounds, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Cannabinoids are the active chemicals in cannabis and are also known more specifically as phytocannabinoids. The cannabis plant has 85 known cannabinoids. When tested in mice, brain tumors were drastically slowed when THC/CBD was used alongside irradiation. Read more >> "

    Sunday, October 19 at 03:15 PM:
    I wrote:
    "Cannabis Compound May Prevent Colon Cancer - A new research suggests that a compound found in marijuana, known as cannabigerol (CBG), could help prevent the progression of colon cancer. CBG is a safe non-psychotropic cannabis- derived cannabinoid which interacts with specific targets involved in carcinogenesis. Specifically, CBG blocks transient receptor potential (TRP) M8 (TRPM8), activates TRPA1, TRPV1 and TRPV2 channels, blocks 5-HT1A receptors and inhibits the reuptake of endocannabinoids. CBG properties have been credited with the relief of symptoms associated with glaucoma and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, in a recent study by the National Institute of Health (NIH), the agency found that CBG was effective in slowing the progression of colon cancer. Read more >> "

    Sunday, October 19 at 03:03 PM:
    i from i wrote:
    "Naturally Splendid to Capitalize on US Demand for Cannabinoid-Based Products Through a Licensing Deal with FSL - Today, Naturally Splendid announced that its American subsidiary, Naturally Splendid Enterprises USA Limited has signed a letter of intent with Dublin-based Full Spectrum Laboratories Limited (FSL) to license FSL’s cannabinoid extraction and patented formulation technologies. The license will provide the Vancouver- based superfoods company worldwide rights to a collection of advanced cannabinoid technologies, including the first issued USPTO patent for water-soluble cannabinoids, essential for developing and manufacturing cannabinoid-based nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products and therapies. Read more >> "

    Thursday, September 11 at 07:21 AM:
    i from i wrote:
    "Study Finds Cannabinoids May Increase Lung Cancer's Susceptibility to Specialized Killer Cells - Results from a recent study suggest that cannabinoids indirectly make cancer cells more susceptible to being broken down by cells programmed to kill tumors. Supporters of medical cannabis have often suggested that cannabis offers a significantly milder form of cancer treatment compared to traditional approaches, such as chemotherapy. These claims have been supported by a growing body of evidence that cannabis can inhibit the spread of cancer, as well as cause cancerous cell death through a range of diverse mechanisms. A team of researchers from Germany conducted a study to further investigate the interaction between cannabis and lung cancer. Read more >> "

    Monday, May 12, 2014 at 08:02 AM:
    i also wrote:
    "MIA In The War On Cancer: Where Are The Low-Cost Treatments? - Michael Retsky awoke from surgery to bad news. The tumor in his colon had spread to four of his lymph nodes and penetrated the bowel wall. When Retsky showed the pathology report to William Hrushesky, his treating oncologist, the doctor exclaimed, "Mamma mia." "Michael had a mean looking cancer," Hrushesky remembers. Retsky didn't need anyone to tell him his prognosis. Although trained as a physicist, he had switched careers to cancer research in the early 1980s and spent more than a decade modeling the growth of breast cancer tumors. During his treatment, he joined the staff of one of the most prestigious cancer research labs in the country. Like many cancer patients, Retsky didn't much like the odds. Unlike most cancer patients, however, he had the knowledge to question them. His own research had sown doubts that standard chemotherapy, as used the world over to treat colon and some breast cancers, was always the best approach. In collaboration with Hrushesky, the two devised an inexpensive, low-impact chemo treatment following surgery that dripped smaller doses of the drug into his body over a longer period of time. Seventeen years later and cancer free, Retsky cannot be entirely sure the treatment cured him, but he believes it likely did. - MIA In The War On Cancer: Where Are The Low-Cost Treatments? - Jake Bernstein, ProPublica >> "

    Monday, March 24 at 05:40 PM:
    lisa from salem, oregon wrote:
    " i am looking for some housing assistance for me and my boyfriend. he is in the final stages of brain cancer, and we are homeless. he needs a safe place to sleep and be comfortable. we are having trouble financially coming up with enough money to move into a place. therefore we have been living in my car. any suggestions? "

    Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 02:10 PM:
    i2 from here wrote:
    "Proof that the U.S. government knows and is denying that Cannabis Kills Cancer cells can be found on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health PUBMED website at - "

    Sunday, June 30 at 11:47 AM:
    i wrote:
    "Cannabis Cures Cancer – Marijuana Touted as Miracle Drug – Video >> The World Health Organization reports, each year 13 million new cases are diagnosed and some 7.6 million people die of cancer: a number that could double to more than 13 million by the year 2030. As a diverse array of medical research studies substantiate the health benefits of medical marijuana, more and more countries and cultures are turning to cannabis to treat the escalating number of patients diagnosed with cancer: one of the most dreadful diseases known to man. Visit - "

    Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 01:37 PM:
    i wrote:
    "Published preclinical research shows just the opposite, concluding that the combined administration of cannabinoids along with conventional anti-cancer therapies possessed a synergistic effect in certain types of hard-to- treat cancer cell lines, e.g.: - “Combined administration of THC and TMZ enhanced autophagy, whereas pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of this process prevented TMZ + THC-induced cell death, supporting that activation of autophagy plays a crucial role on the mechanism of action of this drug combination. Administration of submaximal doses of THC and cannabidiol (CBD; another plant-derived cannabinoid that also induces glioma cell death through a mechanism of action different from that of THC) remarkably reduces the growth of glioma xenografts. Moreover, treatment with TMZ and submaximal doses of THC and CBD produced a strong antitumoral action in both TMZ-sensitive and TMZ- resistant tumors.”


    Paul Armentano, Deputy Director, NORML | NORML Foundation - "

    Tuesday, June 4 at 01:35 PM:
    i wrote here:
    "suggest Hill, and all patients who have also used only the oil, submit their stories to NCI: NCI has a mechanism called “Best Case Scenario” that asks people to report on positive outcomes using alternative therapies for cancer. Anyone who has a case than can be documented by radiographs and pathology can submit it to the NCI site. See -

    A group I met with last week is working on developing a database for patients' reports also. Dr. Donald Abrams (an oncologist from UCSF who has studied marijuana in AIDS patients) told me he didn’t think a study using only cannabis oil to treat cancer would be easily approved by any institutional review board. “We are pretty good at treating cancer. Do you think it would be ethical to pick a population that shouldn’t get treatment we know works to try something unproven? If we’re going to study conventional therapy vs. conventional therapy plus hemp oil, it would require a huge population for that study.”

    “I’ve had patients who have used alternative therapies on potentially curable cancers, who have, by avoiding conventional therapy, let the disease go until it’s untreatable,” Abrams warned. “I know of one particular case, where a patient treated a relapse of Hodgkin’s disease with hemp oil, and I think we would have had a better chance for remission if he hadn’t waited to try conventional therapy.” Prostate cancer, Abrams said, is the most common cancer in men. “Most men don’t usually die of prostate cancer, they die with prostate cancer. There’s a big controversy about whether or not it even should be tested for,” he said. Some people have a more aggressive form, but most have a slow-acting cancer. There are two new studies on Prostate cancer at PubMed that say they are in vivo, but I can't figure out why because I don't see animals in those studies, only cells (are cell cultures considered in vivo?). "

    Tuesday, June 4 at 01:32 PM:
    i also wrote:
    "suggest that you check out Dennis Hill. He used only cannabis oil to treat and beat his prostate cancer. His doctors have confirmed that he is in remission. He also is a biochemist by education and a cancer researcher. I believe that conventional treatments have the effect of undermining cannabis oil treatment of cancer. Visit - "

    Tuesday, June 4 at 12:48 PM:
    i wrote here too:
    " See - - One half of the famous “Cheech and Chong” comedy team says he has beaten prostate cancer, thanks to the use of marijuana. Earlier this week Tommy Chong posted on CelebStoner that he had “kicked cancer's a**!”

    “So the magic plant does cure cancer with the right diet and supplements,” wrote Chong. Chong is crediting his recovery with the somewhat unconventional methods of his Canadian doctor, who treated his cancer with “hash oil” and encouraged him to change his diet. He also said a number of sessions with Adam Dreamhealer, a man whom he described as a “world- renowned healer”. Last June, the 74-year-old comedian was diagnosed with cancer after a three-year period in which he said he had been drug free. Chong said he is 99 percent free of the disease.

    “I'm due for another blood test, MRI, etc., but I feel the best I've felt in years,” he wrote in his post. Chong, who revealed in June 2012, he was using cannabis to treat his cancer, said in an interview with CNN, that legalizing marijuana “means a lot more to me than just being able to smoke a joint without being arrested.” The actor is best known as being part of the stoner- comedy duo “Cheech and Chong” with Richard “Cheech” Marin. --- There have been no clinical studies on cannabis oil and cancer, just a lot of anecdotal stuff. All that I am aware of have tried other treatments as well, including Chong. I spoke to his wife Shelby after he made the announcement, and she confirmed he was also taking a pharmaceutical and making dietary changes, etc. See -

    We're getting all kinds of calls from folks who want to dump their conventional treatments for hemp oil, but that could be dangerous. Also we're hearing from entrepreneurs wanting to cash in big time (two this week). "

    Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 06:19 PM:
    i wrote:
    "Marijuana Linked To Lower Bladder Cancer Risk, Study Says - The Huffington Post | By Kathleen Miles Posted: 05/13/2013 > People who smoke marijuana may be less likely to get bladder cancer than those who smoke cigarettes, a new study says. Kaiser Permanente researchers compared the risk of bladder cancer in more than 83,000 men who smoked cigarettes only, marijuana only or both substances, USA Today reports. The men were aged 45 to 69, and they were examined over 11 years. "Cannabis use only was associated with a 45 percent reduction in bladder cancer incidence, and tobacco use only was associated with a 52 percent increase in bladder cancer," study author Dr. Anil A. Thomas, a fellow in urology at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Los Angeles, told USA Today. More frequent marijuana use - - smoking cannabis more than 500 times -- was associated with greater risk reduction than smoking only once or twice. However, the study was critized for not including any non-smokers. visit - bladder-cancer_n_3267486.html "

    Tuesday, April 16 at 06:21 AM:
    i wrote:
    "The PDQ cancer information summaries are reviewed regularly and updated as new information becomes available. This section describes the latest changes made to this summary as of the date above. - Human/Clinical Studies - Added text about an open- label extension study of 43 patients that found that some patients continued to obtain relief of their cancer-related pain with long-term use of the delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol:cannabid iol oromucosal spray without increasing their dose of the spray or the dose of their other analgesics (cited Johnson et al. as reference 38). Added text about a randomized controlled trial of 39 patients with neuropathic pain who were treated with medium-dose, low-dose or placebo vaporized Cannabis that found that vaporized Cannabis produced comparable analgesic effects at both doses compared with placebo; psychoactive effects were minimal and well tolerated (cited Wilsey et al. as reference 42). visit - "

    Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 11:47 AM:
    me from here3 wrote:
    "Cancer Expert > Welcome to the ctSearch - Cancer Expert. Find answers to your Cancer-related questions. A member of the Medical Expert Network. Enter your Question now! Use a complete sentence to enhance your search experience. Visit - "

    Monday, November 19, 2012 at 06:54 AM:
    I from here2 wrote:
    "It turns out, THC when ingested in highly concentrated forms (such as EATING CANNABIS OIL) will attack any mutated cells in your body while strengthening and rejuvenating the healthy cells. The PERFECT Cure for Cancer: it works fast, it works well, it works on many different forms of Cancer in ALL stages and it has ZERO harmful side effects. (Unlike Chemo which deteriorates your entire body and kills 1 in 5 patients). Not only that, but it dissolves ALL forms of tumors and can even combat superbugs like MRSA. Proof that the Government KNOWS: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health's PUBMED ( National Cancer Institute ( ... Visit - "

    Monday, February 6, 2012 at 11:50 AM:
    somebody from here wrote:
    "Dr. Oz had a show on the fastest growing cancer in women, thyroid cancer. It was a very interesting program and he mentioned that the increase could possibly be related to the use of dental x-rays and mammograms. He demonstrated that on the apron the dentist puts on you for your dental x-rays there is a little flap that can be lifted up and wrapped around your neck. Many dentists don't bother to use it. Also, there is something called a "thyroid guard" for use during mammograms. By coincidence, one of our friends had her yearly mammogram yesterday. She said she felt a little silly, but asked about the guard and sure enough, the technician had one in a drawer. She asked why it wasn't routinely used. Answer: "I don't know. You have to ask for it." Well, if I hadn't seen the show, she asked how would I have Known to ask? We need to pass this on to our daughters, nieces, mothers and all our Female friends and husbands tell your wives !! I just did, now you send it on to your list. Someone was nice enough to forward this to me. I hope you pass this on to your friends and family."

    Thursday, April 11, 2010 at 06:41 AM:
    Angela from Seaside, Oregon wrote:
    " I spoke with a family last night who is very "square" for lack of a better term. I was scheduled to be one of their "dinner ladies" by the local church my parents attend. The reason I signed up to take them dinner is because I wanted to expose them to some see, the church ladies are feeding them because they've just been told that the father (40 yrs old with a 10 yr old daughter) has brain cancer, and his dr.s gave him 1-3 years to live! He has just started chemo and radiation. If anyone has some links to good scientific studies about cannabis and its relation to brain cancer I'd appreciate it a great deal. I told them as much as I could and gave them the OMMP gov. website, and the link to the Rick Simpson movie, but I was hoping the people on this list would have more... thanks ahead of time...


    we had a lady come to an open OGF meeting who was a non cannabis person herself but she related the story of her husband who had been in the military his whole life and pretty militantly anti-cannabis as was his whole family. Dying of brain cancer before the OMMP, a doctor at the pain clinic at OHSU convinced him to give cannabis a try and gave her a note to take to a certain local head shop where they provided her husband free mmj until his death. While it didn't seem to do anything for the cancer, he did start eating again, start laughing again and was able to better enjoy those days he did have. I was amazed at the people who took that risk pre-OMMA because they believed so strongly it was helpful - and it was.


    try these links -


    Check out Granny Storm Crow's list:

    It is organized by disease.


    There are several articles about cannabis and cancer at this link:


    Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 06:09 PM:
    Nik from Salem, Oregon wrote:
    " I am an Ovarian Cancer patient I have had my card since 2006, but need a provider. Not doctor, Ommp provider. I need my meds, as I am going through chemotherapy currently. any info would be appreciated. I dont' like joining groups or attending meetings. Thanks"

    Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 07:41 PM:
    adam from 29 palms, ca. wrote:
    " Where or who can I get medical cannibis from, with my leagal papper work and card i have BONE CANCER please help me now I have no money. "

    Wednesday, March 3, 2009 at 03:26 PM:
    Jo from California wrote:
    " My 27 year old brother died in 2006 from an incurable stomach cancer that doctors stated they could not treat until it was too late. He was 110 at 5'8'' and the doctors wouldn't help him becuase he didn't have proper insurance to cover the procedures needed. He used Marajuana to help him eat, walk and have a quality of health that one would care to have before the end of your final days. My brother died in the hospital in pain. This illness took over my brothers life when he was 18 years old. None of the doctors that he has ever seen or any prescriptions he was given was EVER able to help him with the pain he experienced and his loss of appetite.

    Without marajuana, I beleive I would have lost my baby brother a lot sooner. His final days were painful for him to bear and painfrul for our family to watch. We all did all we could to ask for more help from the doctors for the pain but as I have noticed it seems that they beleive more in giving more addictive FDA approved drugs than natural drugs that give you a quality of life that is less harmful for your body than a vast majority of the FDA approved drugs that your family doctor will prescibe for you.

    I do not take drugs but I don't wish a painful death on anyone if your quality of life can be improved by an all natural drugs that may NOT be FDA approved but will help you along to your next journey. What is so hard to understand about that? Please help more people like my brother live a quality life before it's too late! PLEASE LEAGALIZE MARAJUANA EVERYWHERE!!! "

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 06:56 PM:
    Mary E. Adams-Hibar from Boulder, CO wrote:
    "I have a medical mariyuana certificate, where do I acquire it, without breaking the law? "

    Tuesday, July 29 at 08:42 PM:
    a from b wrote:
    "CANCER medical uses. This brochure is intended to help doctors, patients and ... medical cannabis with any patient, and. issue a written or oral recommendation ... "

    Monday, July 21, 2008 at 08:11 PM:

    The Greatest Story Never Told

    Smoking Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer Of Lung or Upper Airways, Tashkin Finds; Data Suggest Possible Protective Effect

    The story summarized by that headline ran in O'Shaughnessy's (Autumn 2005), CounterPunch, and the Anderson Valley Advertiser. Did we win Pulitzers, dude? No, the story was ignored or buried by the corporate media. It didn't even make the "Project Censored" list of under-reported stories for 2005. "We were even censored by Project Censored," said Tod Mikuriya, who liked his shot of wry. visit - "

    Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 12:25 PM:
    rockmartconnie from Georgia wrote:
    "How do I get Medical marijuna for my bone cancer pain/nausea? "

    Tuesday, October 2, 2007 at 12:42 PM:
    john from togo wrote:
    " i love the site "

    Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 06:34 AM:
    Jack from Michigan wrote:
    " Politicians in general throughout government who refuse to listen to the medical community who works proactive with cannabis need not be reelected? These same politicians would defend slavery and black rest rooms to this very day as there thinking has and will not change. We the people need change, we the people need open minded government not closed living in the past. Elections are coming up and we can make a difference if we pass the word and know these backward congressman who shout out “I’ll never vote for a drug to be legalized” "

    Wednesday, March 28 at 02:47 AM:
    Greer Noble from South Africa wrote:
    "My 23yr old son smokes cannabis several times a day. Is this damaging to his health? My sister has been diagnosed with breast, lung, bone and liver cancer. She is suffering dreadfull and cannot eat or breathe. How and in what form would cannabis help?"

    Thursday, December 28, 2006 at 03:48 AM:
    "NORML has released a comprehensive review on the subject of cannabis smoke and cancer risk. The report examines over two dozen studies on the subject, paying particular attention to: the differences between cannabis smoke and tobacco smoke; cannabis smoke and its association with head, neck and lung cancer; cannabis and its association with childhood cancers; as well as cannabis smoke and its association with various other cancers. Full text of the report, as well as links to said studies is available online at:

    Cannabis Smoke and Cancer: Assessing the Risk

    Feel free to contact them (or us!) with any feedback.

    Contact: Paul Armentano, Senior Policy Analyst * NORML | NORML Foundation Washington, DC * 202 | 483-5500 * "

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