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  Information on Pregnancy  

Marijuana Myths, Claim No. 7  



A powerful accusation in anti-drug campaigns is that children are permanently harmed by their mothers' use of drugs during pregnancy. Today, it is commonly claimed that marijuana is a cause of birth defects and development deficits.


A number of studies claimed reported low birth weight and physical abnormalities among babies exposed to marijuana in utero. 43 However, when other factors known to affect pregnancy outcomes were controlled for - for example, maternal age, socioeconomic class, and alcohol and tobacco use - the association between marijuana use and adverse fetal effects disappeared. 44

Numerous other studies have failed to find negative impacts from marijuana exposure. 45 However, when negative outcomes are found, they tend to be widely publicized, regardless of the quality of the study.

It is now often claimed that marijuana use during pregnancy causes childhood leukemia. The basis for this claim is one study, in which . 5% of the mothers of leukemic children admitted to using marijuana prior to or during pregnancy. A "control group" of mothers with normal children was then created and questioned by telephone about previous drug use. Their reported .5 % marijuana use-rate was used to calculate a 10-fold greater risk of leukemia for children born to marijuana users. 46 Given national surveys showing marijuana prevalence rates of at least 10%, these "control group" mothers almost certainly under-reported their drug use to strangers on the telephone.

Also used as evidence of marijuana-induced fetal harm are two longitudinal studies, in which the children of marijuana users were examined repeatedly. However, on closer examination, the effects of marijuana appear to be quite minimal, if existent at all.

After finding a slight deficit in visual responsiveness among marijuana-exposed newborns, no differences were found at six months, 12 months, 18 months, or 24 months. 47 At age 3, the only difference (after controlling for confounding variables) was that children of "moderate" smokers had superior psycho-motor skills. At age 4, children of "heavy" marijuana users (averaging 18.7 joints/week) had lower scores on one subscale of one standardized test of verbal development. 48 At age 6, these same children scored lower on one computerized task - that measuring "vigilance." On dozens of others scales and subscales, no differences were ever found. 49

In another study, standardized IQ tests were administered to marijuana-exposed and unexposed three year-olds. Researchers found no differences in the overall scores. However, by dividing the sample by race, they found - among African-American children only - lower scores on one subscale for those exposed during the first trimester and lower scores on a different subscale for those exposed during the second trimester. 50

Although it is sensible to advise pregnant women to abstain from using most drugs - including marijuana - the weight of scientific evidence indicates that marijuana has few adverse consequences for the developing human fetus.

Pregnancy - Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study Questions about medical marijuana answered by the Institute of Medicine's report “Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base”(1999) by the National Academy of Sciences (ISBN 0-309-07155-0). The full report by the National Academy of Sciences can be viewed on-line at

How bad is it for pregnant women to use marijuana?

"Several studies of women who smoked marijuana regularly during pregnancy show that they tend to give birth to lower weight babies. Mothers who smoke tobacco also give birth to lower weight babies, and the relative contributions of smoking versus THC are not known from these studies. ... Babies born to mothers who smoked marijuana during pregnancy weighed an average of 3.4 ounces less than babies born to a control group of mothers who did not smoke marijuana; there was no statistically significant difference in either gestational age or frequency of congenital abnormalities. ... However, Jamaican women who use marijuana rarely smoke it, but instead prepare it as tea. In a study of neonates born to Jamaican women who did or did not ingest marijuana during pregnancy, there was no difference in neurobehavioral assessments made at three days after birth and at one month." [Pp. 123, 124]

Isn't marijuana too addictive to be used as a medicine?

"Some controlled substances that are approved medications produce dependence after long-term use; this, however, is a normal part of patient management and does not generally present undue risk to the patient." [p. 98]

"Animal research has shown that the potential for cannabinoid dependence exists, and cannabinoid withdrawal symptoms can be observed. However, both appear to be mild compared to dependence and withdrawal seen with other drugs." [p. 35]

"A distinctive marijuana and THC withdrawal syndrome has been identified, but it is mild and subtle compared with the profound physical syndrome of alcohol or heroin withdrawal." [Pp. 89, 90]

Drug Category

Proportion Of Users That Ever Became Dependent (%)



Marijuana (including hashish)


[p. 95]

"Compared to most other drugs ... dependence among marijuana users is relatively rare." [p. 94]

"Few marijuana users become dependent. ... Dependence appears to be less severe among people who use only marijuana than among those who abuse cocaine or those who abuse marijuana with other drugs (including alcohol)." [Pp. 96, 97]

"In summary, although few marijuana users develop dependence, some do. But they appear to be less likely to do so than users of other drugs (including alcohol and nicotine), and marijuana dependence appears to be less severe than dependence on other drugs." [p. 98]


Pregnancy - Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study “Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study” Melanie C. Dreher, PhD; Kevin Nugent, PhD; and Rebekah Hudgins, MA | Measurements and main results. Exposed and nonexposed neonates were compared at 3 days and 1 month old, using the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scale, including supplementary items to capture possible subtle effects. There were no significant differences between exposed and nonexposed neonates on day 3. At 1 month, the exposed neonates showed better physiological stability and required less examiner facilitation to reach organized states. The neonates of heavy-marijuana-using mothers had better scores on autonomic stability, quality of alertness, irritability, and self-regulation and were judged to be more rewarding for caregivers.

Pediatrics, February 1994, Volume 93, Number 2, pp. 254-260. American Academy of Pediatrics From the Schools of Nursing, Education, and Public Health, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Received for publication Sep 21, 1992; accepted Jun 30, 1993. Reprint requests to (M.D.) School of Nursing, the University of Massachusetts, 111 Arnold House, Amherst, MA 01003. Pediatrics (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1994 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Visit:


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  Info on Pregnancy and Medical Cannabis 

  Treatment, CANNABIS Therapeutics  

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Updated NORML Report Highlights Marijuana's Role In Moderating Disease Progression; 'Emerging Clinical Applications' Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On The Therapeutic Use Of Cannabis Clinical and preclinical research on the therapeutic use of cannabis indicates that cannabinoids may curb the progression of various life-threatening diseases – including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and brain cancer, according to an updated report published by the NORML Foundation. NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano, who authored the report, said: "The conditions profiled in this report were chosen because patients frequently ask me about the use of cannabis to treat these disorders. Ideally, with this report in their hands, patients can now begin talking openly with their physicians about whether cannabis therapy is appropriate for them."  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Use of Cannabis (marijuana) | Here to Help > On this page: How does cannabis work as medicine? What conditions or symptoms is cannabis used to treat? How do people use cannabis for medical purposes? What is pharmaceutical cannabis, and how does it compare to herbal cannabis? What are the side effects and risks of using cannabis to treat symptoms or medical conditions? Drug interactions Quality Is using cannabis for medicinal purposes legal? What are compassion clubs? What are some barriers to using cannabis for medicinal purposes? What to do if you or someone you know needs more information about medical cannabis  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG HowStuffWorks "How Medical Marijuana Works" | So how, exactly, does medical marijuana work to treat these conditions? Why, if this medicine is so effective for some people, does it remain controversial and, in many places, illegal? In this article, we'll take a look at the medical, legal, and practical issues surrounding medical marijuana in the United States. We'll examine why some people, like Burton Aldrich, depend on it to live normally. We'll also examine some of the intriguing intersections between pharmaceutical companies, the government and the medical marijuana industry. Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Marijuana Benefits, Helps These Conditions | You might be surprised to find that it wasn’t just ancient peoples who used the drug; marijuana remained in the United States pharmacopoeia until 1941. Up until that time, cannabis was freely available in shops and, in the UK, Queen Victoria, that most conservative of royals, used cannabis to alleviate her menstrual cramps. ... are predominantly using cannabis to treat symptoms of ... We believe Medical Marijuana will help these conditions: Please let us know your experiences in using medical marijuana to treat various conditions.  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical marijuana (cannabis) - common uses | Common Medical Uses for Cannabis (Marijuana) ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana ... Cannabidiol improves symptoms of generalized social anxiety disorder in… ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Project CBD Cannabinoid Profiles of Cannabis Strains Cannabis Laboratories: The Testing Landscape in America See also: An Overview of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Complete List of Conditions Treatable With Marijuana | Check out the articles below to learn about how medical marijuana can be useful in treating specific medical conditions. We'll help you find the best ways to ingest medical marijuana to treat your condition, what strains will be most beneficial and we'll even help you connect with other folks with the same condition.  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG What symptoms do patients treat with ... , Salt Lake City Medical Marijuana ... representative for the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis ... One question the 2011 Medical Marijuana Survey (sponsored by Legalize Utah) queried which received some of the most detailed responses was” “Do you use Medical Marijuana to treat any physical or psychological conditions and if so, which conditions”.  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength | (INF) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain ... Myasthenia Gravis, Narcolepsy, Obsessive Compulsive Diso. ... I use medical marijuana o... Marijuana (also known as Cannabis) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain illnesses such as cancer, AIDS and other diseases. It is used to relieve glaucoma and certain neurological illnesses such as epilepsy, migraine and bipolar disorder. It has also been found to relieve nausea for chemotherapy pa... more at Wikipedia

    Treatment Success Rates ... Top 5 Communities; Condition, Members, Success - Chronic Pain, 684, 86%; Depression, 55 96%; Bipolar Disorder, 44, 95%; Anxiety, 32 94%; Fibromyalgia, 26, 100%; Overall, 90% (1106 Members) - find Marijuana helpful  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Index of Medical Conditions | (INF) Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Index of Medical Conditions Addressed We will soon ... MUSCLE SPASM MYASTHENIA GRAVIS MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME N NARCOLEPSY ... and more.  Visit - - for more.

    Pregnancy resource - Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | (INF) Tetrahydrocannabinol (tet-ra-hy-dro-ka-nab-i-nol; THC), also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta9-THC), Delta1-THC (using an older chemical nomenclature), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. ... Two studies indicate that THC also has an anticholinesterase action which may implicate it as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's and Myasthenia Gravis.  Visit - - for more.

Pregnancy - New book on women and cannabis New book on women and cannabis by Pete Brady (17 Mar, 2003) Research shows how cannabis benefits women and children ... health as it relates to breast feeding. A new book edited by a respected trio of marijuana experts sheds new light on cannabis and women.

Neurologist Ethan Russo, MD (CC#36, Pot pioneer), Dr. Melanie Dreher, PhD (CC#15, Dr. Melanie Dreher, reefer researcher, and CC#16, Ganja mothers, ganja babies), and Registered Nurse Mary Lynn Mathre spent several years creating the book "Women and Cannabis," which first appeared as an entire issue of the Journal for Cannabis Therapeutics.

This groundbreaking volume contains information valuable to anyone who cares about how marijuana affects women. Of particular interest is research by Israeli scientist Ester Fride showing that body-produced substances (called anandamides) that mimic substances found in marijuana are critical to infant health as it relates to breast feeding. Visit:

  Organizations, Contacts and other Resources  

Pregnancy resource - Medicinal Marijuana Uses, INFO from an ORG Medicinal Marijuana Uses | (ORG) While the prohibition of cannabis is absurd, the ban on the plant's non-psychoactive components is even more mind-boggling Đ particularly when it's apparent that these compounds possess amazing therapeutic properties ... Sclerosis - Muscle Spasm - Pregnancy - Myofascial Pain Syndrome ... Who approves of Medical Marijuana -. While the prohibition of cannabis is ... to Contact: visit -

Pregnancy resource - Helping Doctors Helping Marijuana Patients and Caregivers, INFO from an ORG Helping Doctors Helping Marijuana Patients and Caregivers | (ORG) Legal Users Guide to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act; a Resource for Legal and Medical Professionals Qualifying Patients and CareGivers ... HELP FOR PHYSICIANS HELP FOR PATIENTS HELP FOR CAREGIVERS HELP FOR LAWYERS LAW & AGENCY RULES FORMS BANK SCHMID LAW Make a General Inquiry: Ask Here ... Menstrual Bleeding), Migraine, general Muscle Spasm, Pregnancy ... to Contact: visit -

California Cannabis Research Medical Group (CCRMG) California Cannabis Research Medical Group (CCRMG).   * (ORG, inf) Winter/Spring 2005 - O'Shaughnessy's; Journal of the California Cannabis Research Medical Group. Letter from a Soldier - “Is Cannabis Recommended for Pregnancy?” - “Hello Dr. Mikuriya, I have recently returned home from Iraq. This was my second tour. I only had about 4 months between the two tours. I … am at a high state of alertness and I startle at certain noises. My tolerance is also very low, I get angry very easily. Not violent, I still have control but very agitated. I also have trouble sleeping and sometimes I have to take a sleeping pill or Nyquil to go to sleep. I went to my doctors and they sent me to a place on base that helps with Pregnancy.” … Cannabis would indeed be useful in managing symptoms of Pregnancy. This has been known for over a century in the medical profession but forgotten because of its ... visit:

Medical Marijuana, Individual Bio - Al Byrne, Patients Out of Time Medical Marijuana | Individual Bio - Al Byrne, Patients Out of Time   ... “Should marijuana be a medical option?” ... International Academy of Cannabis Medicine (IACM), Veteran Outreach -- Cannabis for Pregnancy affected veterans. Visit:

Pregnancy - Resources: Organizations all other Organizations, Non-Profits, NGO's and other such Resources   will be listed here as we learn about them. Got one? Post It! and let everybody know ...

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Pregnancy - Forums all viable Forums, Bulletin Boards, Chat rooms and other such online resources   will be listed here as we learn about them. Got one? Post It! and let everybody know ...

  NEWs Section 

Pregnancy - Article (NEWS) STUDY FAVOURS POT SMOKING IN PREGNANCY Article (NEWS) “STUDY FAVOURS POT SMOKING IN PREGNANCY” by Mark Browne, (Source:Esquimalt News) Regional News - 07 Oct 2005 - British Columbia. “Some people might be shocked at the idea of pregnant women smoking marijuana to deal with the nausea that comes with pregnancy. But a UK-based medical publication, Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, has taken the idea seriously and published a study conducted by the Vancouver Island Compassion Society on the topic.” Visit: Visit: See also > Vancouver Island Compassion Society ( ) < and > Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada ( ) <

Pregnancy - Article (NEWS) Pregnancy and Pot; Cannabis can be a special friend to pregnant women in times of need Article (NEWS) “Pregnancy and Pot; Cannabis can be a special friend to pregnant women in times of need” by Dr. Kate (01 Sept, 1998). “In the 5 years I have been practising as a midwife, many women have asked my advice on how to have the best possible pregnancy, labour and birth. Most women know they should avoid drugs in general, as well as additives, chemicals, cleaners, etc. But what about pot? Where does the marijuana herb fit in to pregnancy? Pot can be safely used during pregnancy, and can help with several of the discomforts/problems associated therewith - a fact little known by the medical community, and even much of the herbalist community.” Visit:

Pregnancy - Article (NEWS) STUDY: Cannabis and Pregnancy Article (NEWS) “Cannabis and Pregnancy” It is concluded, that the use of cannabis is not a major prognostic factor regarding the outcome of pregnancy, but is an indicator of low socioeconomic status and (possible) use of other substances. Visit:

Pregnancy - Women, Marijuana, And Pregnancy | (STUDY) Women, Marijuana, And Pregnancy | (STUDY) Copenhagen University In two Copenhagen University hospitals 12,885 pregnant women, seen during the period 1/8/1992 to 30/04/1995, answered questionnaires regarding consumption of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other drugs. The prevalence of cannabis use was 0.8%. Women using cannabis but no other illicit drugs were each retrospectively matched with four randomly chosen pregnant women in the same period and the same age group and with same parity. Eighty-four cannabis users were included. These women were socio economically disadvantaged and had a higher prevalence of present and past use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. No significant difference in pregnancy, delivery or puerperal outcome was found. Visit:

  Cannabis as Medicine - Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine | Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine.   (ORG, inf, Book) Featured Medical Marijuana Patient Accounts * to share website visitors' medical marijuana histories to provide insight into uses for this medicine which are not widely known. … If you wish to send us a personal account of your medical marijuana experiences, ... Cannabis and Pregnancy by Michael McKenna ... visit:   (web-ring / link-list) * Your starting point for the best medical info. Free Medical Cannabis info Find what you're looking for! Visit:

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Thursday, July 9 at 02:37 PM:
"Hello, I am Monalisa. After being in relationship with my husband for years, he broke up with me. I did everything within my reach to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so badly because of the love I had for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back , I had no choice than to try it. I messaged the spell caster, and he assured me there was no problem and that everything will be okay before three days. He cast the spell and surprisingly on the second day, my husband called me. I was so surprised, I answered the call all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that had happened He wanted me to return to him. He also said he loved me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. The spell casters email is : []. You can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case. DR. EDES SPELL CASTER could help you with the following: 1) Love Spells 2) Lost Love Spells 3) Divorce Spells 4) Marriage Spells 5) Binding Spell. 6) Breakup Spells 7) Banish a past Lover 8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell 9) want to satisfy your lover He also cure the below listed sickness; (1) HERPES, (2) DIABETES, (3) HIV&AIDS, (4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION, (5) HEPATITIS B, (6) IMPOTENCE, (7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY (8) DIARRHEA (9) ASTHMA... Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution EMAIL Whatsapp him now ; +2348151937428 "

Friday, May 29 at 11:52 PM:
Marijuana TopShelf Store™ from USA wrote:
"Are you Looking for an Alternative & Effective Treatments to beat Cancer, Severe Pains ,Insomnia,ADD/ADHD, Diabetes, Anxiety, Arthritis, PTSD, Glaucoma, Bipolar, Depression, Spasms, Headache, Seizures, Migraines, Nausea, Stress and many more, Contact us for Top Shelf Medical Marijuana Strains, Cannabis oil, Canasol Eyedrops (treatment for glaucoma), Shatter, Wax, Hash & Edibles on TEXT/CALL: +1 (636) 251 6539 OR (Wickr Me: mjtopshelfstore) "

Thursday, May 17 at 02:05 PM:
Matthew Kingery from United State wrote:
" We are medical and recreational marijuana supplying cooperation and got the best of high graded products and outstanding services. We aim at the provision of high graded product to all our clients that are in need and also the establishment of a long term and trust worthy business relationship with all our clients. We are top legit and liable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. .Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting, Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states,anxiety, nausea etc visit our website at Website: m or http://www.denversmokeshop.or g Phone (CALL/TEXT) : +1 (720) 440-2463 "

Thursday, January 18 at 01:03 PM:
Dr kalson +1424 260-6438 from CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELOS wrote:

Wednesday, May 10 at 05:07 PM:
Denver Smoke BUds from Colorado wrote:
" We are top legit and reliable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting,Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states, anxiety, nausea etc. visit our website at http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Website: http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Phone: +1 (720) 440-2463 E-Mail: "

Thursday, January 19 at 04:00 AM:
Cannabis Oil from N/A wrote:
"Many Patients suffering from chronic or neuropathic pain & many other medical conditions gain relief from prescription drugs which have great side effects. One of the most common uses of Cannabis Oil (RSO) is for the treatment of chronic pain and other diseases such as Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Bipolar, PTSD, Leukemia, Epilepsy, Insomnia, Migraines, Parkinson's disease (PD), Depression, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Burns, Chronic pain, High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Spasm, Nausea,just to name a few. Cannabinoids (CBD) & Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the medical compounds found in Cannabis Oil & marijuana have powerful pain relieving (analgesic) properties. Cannabinoids exert their analgesic properties through their interaction with the cannabinoid receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system. ***If you need quality Cannabis Oil, Marijuana & Canasol eyedrop for Glaucoma treatment, Send your Enquiry to: (*** "

Sunday, September 25 at 02:02 PM:
Palmer from UK wrote:
"""My dad has been diagnosed with brain tumour 3 weeks ago , had an operation to remove it 1,5 weeks ago . It all went well,there's no neurological changes , 3 days ago we found out the histopathology results and it turns out to be glioblastoma multiforma WHO grade IV . We know that radio or chemotherapy will only extend his life by a little so we'd like to try as many alternative ways as we can and a Family friend Recommended us to (marijuana.network420@gmail. com) who supplied us with Good Cannabis Oil which is really helping my dad with his current condition" Thanks for the help!!!"

Tuesday, May 17 at 03:44 AM:
420 NETWORK from U.S.A wrote:
"Top Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis, Wax, Canasol,Cannabis Oil ,Variety of Quality Strain like:-*Green Crack:::: Grade: AA *Sour Diesel:::Grade: A+ Top Shelf *Grand Daddy Purple :::Grade: A *Sensi Star x ak47 :Grade: AAA *Afghan Kush ::::Grade: A *Northern Lights #5 Grade: A+ *Lemon drop::::Grade: A+ *Purple Kush::::Grade:A+ Top Shelf *OG Kush ::::Grade:A++ Top Shelf *Lemon drop *Purple-urkle *white widow *Haze *blue dream *headband *blueberry, Hash/Wax Oil and MANY MORE.. These Quality Strains helps people ILLNESSES LIKE: **Insomnia,HIV/AIDS,Anxiety Disorders,PTSD, Major Depression,Back Pain,Back Sprain,Bipolar Disorder(Nightmares),Cancer Chronic Pain,Seizures,Diabetes,Epilepsy,Fibromyalgia,Glaucoma E.T.C **SERIOUS INTERESTED BUYERS SHOULD**E-MAIL: (, CALL/TEXT: (303) 578-7712 OR **SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) "

Wednesday, May 4 at 01:00 PM:
Brend from EU wrote:
"High Quality Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Delivery will be 100% Discrete and Safe. **SKYPE: medical fourtwenty OR **E-MAIL: ( This connection we made has truly done so much for our family already.” You can also get Canasol for those suffering with Glaucoma. "Canasol is the only Medication that Treats Glaucoma Effectively""

Tuesday, April 26 at 08:42 AM:
Cynthler from U.K wrote:
"I Purchased Quality Cannabis Oil from E-mail:( OR SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) which I used to cure my Husband's Prostrate Cancer in less than 6 months, without using chemo AT ALL!! I've seen the side effects of chemo on others and decided completely against it. My husband's cancer markers where 875 and in just less than 6 full months they are below 30. Our oncologist couldn't believe it when he told her how we did it. Yes, I was careful to keep his diet alkaline but he took the cannabis oil 3 x daily and Now he's cancer FREE. "GOOGLE IT" Cannabis Oil is a Real Cure for Cancer. Don't Run from the cure!!"

Wednesday, April 20 at 08:41 PM:
Legit Supplier~!!! from U.S wrote:
"Top Shelf Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Packaging will be 100% Discrete and A Safe & Confidential Delivery is Guaranteed.(SKYPE: medical fourtwenty) OR (E-MAIL:"

Friday, April 15 at 12:03 AM:
CANNABIS OIL Cures Cancer**E-MAIL:( from U.S.A wrote:
"After his first 3 months of Cannabis Oil use, My Father's Tumors decreased up to 60%! his oncologist was shocked.I am so happy with how the Cannabis oil have changed the life of my father.Not only do I truly believe it has been the reason his tumors are decreasing, but also he is off his anxiety and sleeping meds! Something that he had relied on so much before, now replaced with a natural cure (Cannabis Oil). We Bought high quality Cannabis Oil from E-MAIL:( / WICKR: (mmjsupplier15) and Our Delivery was 100% Safe. This connection we made has truly done so much for our family already.” You can also get Canasol for those suffering with Glaucoma. "Canasol is the only Medication (eye drop) that Treats Glaucoma Effectively""

Monday, March 7 at 08:02 AM:

Thursday, March 3 at 10:23 PM:
"For a Reliable Website to securely Order High Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis OR Oil, I will Recommend you to E-mail: *(* OR Skype: *(marijuana network420)* where I got some quality stuff for myself. They offer the best marijuana online services!! "

Wednesday, February 10 at 11:56 PM:
Angela from U.S.A wrote:
"We are New to this Website and after a long search for Quality Stuff Online, We have finally found a Reliable Source: ( OR *Wickr ID:(mmjsupplier15) who supplied us with some High Grade Marijuana, Hash, Shatters & Cannabis Oil. Thanks for the professional service Bro!!"

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 05:55 AM:
Ellen from California NORML wrote:
" CHICAGO -- The American Medical Association is pushing for warning signs about marijuana use during pregnancy and breast- feeding. Pot's potential harms include premature birth, low birth weight and attention problems in children. The AMA says warnings should be posted at dispensaries that sell pot and on packages of marijuana sold for medical and recreational use. The group adopted that stance at a policy-making meeting on Monday in Atlanta. The AMA will seek regulations to put those warnings into effect. Several states have requirements for health warnings on cannabis product labels, but the new policy says only Oregon requires a point of sale warning about use in pregnant or breast- feeding women. Oregon is among four states where recreational use is allowed. Medical use is legal in 23 states and Washington, D.C.

Ellen Komp
Deputy Director
California NORML;-warnings-needed:-ama "

Tuesday, July 29 at 10:40 AM:
i wrote:
"Check on the NORML website: "

Tuesday, July 29 at 10:38 AM:
Dan from NORML wrote:
"In addition to the information on NORML's site, the National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW) is a great organization that focuses on this."

Tuesday, July 29 at 10:35 AM:
Dick from Virginia NORML wrote:
"Below are two links to the Merck Manual of Diagnostics and Therapy with a good discussion of drug use during pregnancy, including a long list of pharmaceuticals that are known to have "adverse effects". The sections on alcohol and tobacco are particularly scary, whereas all they have to say about marijuana is: " Marijuana:

Marijuana does not consistently seem to increase risk of congenital malformations, fetal growth restriction, or postnatal neurobehavioral abnormalities. However, women who use marijuana during pregnancy often also use alcohol, cigarettes, or both, which can cause fetal problems."

Merck claims that their manual is the most widely consulted source of medical information in the world (or something like that), and, of course, it is usually assumed that Big Pharma has a bias against marijuana, so it is a very credible source.



Beyond the pregnancy issue, the manual makes clear that marijuana is much less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco, and says something to the effect that most of the claims about its negative effects have not been verified. "

Tuesday, July 15 at 07:06 AM:
i also wrote:
"First Woman Arrested Under Tennessee Law That Criminalizes Pregnancy Outcomes - Mallory Loyola was arrested and charged with simple assault two days after giving birth to her daughter In April of this year, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam acted against the recommendations of doctors, addiction experts, reproductive health organizations and nearly every national medical association and signed a measure that allows prosecutors to charge a woman with criminal assault if she uses narcotics during her pregnancy. Only a week after going into effect, the law has been used to arrest and charge a new mother with simple assault after she and her newborn tested positive for amphetamine, which is not a narcotic.

Opponents of the new law share a concern that a lack of access to health care — Tennessee is among several states to have rejected the Medicaid expansion — and treatment facilities will result in the disproportionate targeting and jailing of poor mothers and mothers of color, particularly in rural districts throughout the state.

“This law separates mothers from their children and is not patient-centered. Tennessee families who are already being hit the hardest by policies such as the failure to expand Medicaid, poverty and a lack of available drug treatment facilities will be most deeply impacted by this bill. Mothers struggling with drug addiction in Shelby County, rural communities throughout Tennessee and poor mothers and their families will be the ones who suffer the effects of this dangerous legislation the most.” >> "

Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 07:26 AM:
i from i wrote:
"The reality is that, for moms who are patients, when a newborn tests positive for THC, the parents are supposed to be 'offered services' and that's all. I think, but am less confident, that the same is true for non-patient mothers. As a matter of policy, simply using cannabis is not in and of itself a reason to take a child, newborn or otherwise, from a parent.


Perry webster MERCY


> Hello I am currently 32 weeks pregnant, I planned on quitting marijuana 60 > days before my edd. I still get sick EVERY morning and on top of that I > recently fell down stairs injuring my ankle. I have been so sick since I > quit, and id really like too know my rights in Oregon on consent to drug > testing my baby when he is born. I really don't want CPS involved, nor do > I think it is necessary considering it is for medicinal use. They will > prescribe me Vicodin but look down on me for consuming medical marijuana? > I'm not understanding that, but I'd like to know the laws and my rights. > Thank you "

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 07:28 PM:
Sabrina Matthews from Georgia wrote:
" Can smoking marijuana show a positive pregnancy test? just had a baby, month old "

Sunday, March 17, 2013 at 03:55 PM:
i from i wrote:
" Unanimous New Jersey Supreme Court Decision Affirms that Drug War Propaganda and Junk Science Provides No Basis for Child Neglect and Abuse Finding Against Pregnant Women, New Jersey Civil Child Abuse Laws Do Not Authorize State Jurisdiction Over Pregnant Women; Drug Tests Are Not Predictors of Parenting Ability.

Today, in a major victory for New Jersey’s pregnant women and families, the New Jersey Supreme Court announced a unanimous opinion in New Jersey Division of Youth & Family Services v. A.L. recognizing that the state’s child protection laws do not give the Division of Child Protection and Permanency jurisdiction or control over pregnant women and that positive drug tests on pregnant women and newborns do not alone establish neglect. The court also acknowledged the concerns of leading medical and public health organizations that application of child protection laws to the context of pregnancy can undermine maternal, fetal, and child health.

In this case, a mother, identified in court records as “A.L.,” gave birth to a healthy baby in September of 2007. The New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency (formerly the Division of Youth and Family Services) argued that positive drug screens for cocaine on A.L. and her newborn were sufficient evidence of harm or imminent harm to find that A.L. had neglected her child. A lower court and the Appellate Division agreed, not only finding neglect in this case but also declaring that New Jersey’s neglect law could be applied to the context of pregnancy. Today the New Jersey Supreme Court rejected these claims.

On appeal to the New Jersey Supreme Court, National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW), along with Lawrence Lustberg, Esq. of Gibbons, PC, represented a group of fifty national and international medical, public health, and child welfare organizations, experts, and advocates including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Addiction Science Research and Education Center, and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. Amici in this case argued that the lower courts relied on popular misconceptions about drugs, pregnant women, and child welfare that lack any foundation in evidence- based, peer-reviewed research. --- Contact: National Advocates for Pregnant Women, 212-255-9252 -or- visit - "

Monday, February 11, 2013 at 08:38 AM:
sandy from usa wrote:
"Thank you Doctor Deva for your help because since i have been married to my husband i have not be able to get my own kid and my mother in law wants me out of the house because she think i can't give bath to a baby but since you cast a spell for me and it been five months now since you cast a spell for me and i started seeing changes in me i and my husband are now happy now and we are expecting our baby by June i am very grateful for your help doctor Deva Email: - you are more than just a father to me. "

Thursday, September 6, 2012 at 03:02 AM:
Lost mom from Va wrote:
"It's the only thing that helps me and my doctor can't even prescribe it to me here. I hope the world learns to open their eyes and their hearts. "

on 7/22/2011 at 7:03 PM:
midori wrote:
"hi to all pregnant women that smoke weed i just whant 2 give my personal point of view so i have a 2 year old girl i smoked weed before i knew i was pregnant & after a little less but it relly helped whit nausea,vomit,pains& all those sypthoms we usually get so she was a healty newborn so she has been ever since i dont regret smoking weed during 'cuz it was the only thing i did not even medicine or pills so now im about 1 month pregnant and smoking weed & im doing greeat so congrats to all those future moms and remember as long as long as u girls do everything to keep ur babies healty smoking weed is only helpfull for us...peace "

Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 10:03 AM:
Debbie from Crescent City, CA wrote:
" 1987. i was 5.7 weight 110. got pregnant had the worst nausea during my pregnancy and smoked the whole time, no alcohol or cigs they made me sicker so i stopped. i weighed 187 when i gave birth to a happy 10 lb baby boy who is 22 now He was ahead of his class and he skipped a grade 4th to 5th, he dropped out from regular school and went to community collage to get his degree. He is very intelligent! I would say it helped me get healthier while pregnant my morning sickness was the whole 9 months i needed to eat and couldn't hold down the food with out smoking. "

on 10/23/2010 at 10:28 AM:
PDXRosebud from Portland, OR wrote:
"I am a medical cannabis grower and am 8 weeks pregnant. I quit smoking a month ago (the day I found out I was pregnant) but have continued to vaporize my weakest Indica strain (no White Widow for me!) only when the morning sickness and nausea become overwhelming. I have eliminated all drugs with the exception of vaping ganja and drinking an occasional cup of coffee (1- 2x/wk) which strangely seems to also help with the morning sickness, but I feel far guiltier over the coffee than the cannabis.

Caffeine, antihistamines, alcohol, and smoke of any kind (due to oxygen deprivation and combustion of any material causing the release of carcinogens) are all known to be harmful to a developing baby, but there is surprising empirical evidence in studies by Dr. Melanie Dreher that points toward ganja doing more good than harm. However, I am scared that even though I am otherwise legal to use and grow (my very fine and all- organic) cannabis, eating an organic diet and taking the highest quality fish oil and organic, food-derived prenatals that I will be listed as a child abuser if I admit my ganja use to my midwife at my first prenatal appointment in two weeks.

I've been unable to find any solid information pertaining to procedure in the State of Oregon for moms admitting to eating, smoking or vaping cannabis while pregnant. I already love my baby very much and don’t want him/her taken away by Child Protective Services. Any reliable sources on this subject would be most appreciated."

Wednesday, September 8 at 10:41 AM:
Rod from Central OREGON wrote:
"i have 3 girls and their mom used pot wen she was pregnant...they r now 13 14 and 15, very smart beutiful girls ... not missing any fingers or toes ... i would like to say the effects our divorce has had on them has alterd them far more times over than ever smoking weed ... marijuana is a godsend, for us, and as long as we dont over abuse it ... i believe in the right dose can help us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Sunday, June 27, 2010 at 05:31 PM:
Mashaun from Belmont, Ohio wrote:
" I have three children and my first two i did nothing not even smoke cigs. They both had complications, With my third though I smoked to eat i was so nauseated. When I had my son i tested positive and so did he. The day after I had him he had absolutely no problems he was the healthest baby ever. Children services came knocking on my hospital door saying they where gonna make me go through a rehab program that was very intense if i refuse they would take all three cchildren away from me. I have been in the program now drug free for 10 mths and I have 2 years to go. I spend no time with my kids because of all the things they have us doing. I go to a group once a week, counceling once a week, na once a week, court every other week. i get tested 3 to 4 times a week. I lost my job over all this bullshit and am having a hell of a time finding another one to work around all this stuff. "

Monday, May 24, 2010 at 03:08 PM:
Kimmi from Oregon wrote:
"Do hospitals in Oregon test every new born for mariguana????"

on 11/27/2009 at 8:15 AM:
S.H. from North Dakota wrote:
"I recently found out I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first child. I have been smoking pot habitually for the past 2-3 years, and dont intend to quit for this pregnancy. i havent thrown up yet but im sure its comming. the way it is now i cant hardly eat without smoking first. im just sooo nauseous i litterly start gaging if i try to eat first. i also find it dificult to take prenatal vitamins w/o food in my stomach. I dont believe in any adverse effects on my baby will happen. I know many people who have had kids while smoking pot through their pregnancys and they all turn out to be top kids in their classes. all of them. they all turned out to be great kids.

however i am scared of testing pos at childbirth. here in north dakota the law has a zero tolerance policy toward marijuana. if anyone should know how hard they are on it it would be my family. my husband currently has possibly 3 B felonies hanging over his head b/c of an eighth and someadderall (his prescription med, he doesnt no where to get hard drugs so SENDCA(Drug Task Force)badgered him to sell his prescription. obviously the fact they have him in the system means they are looking at me too. in such a small community it doesnt take word long to travell. (getting caught here with seeds or stems will land you jail time, fines, and community service.they even took a friend of mines shotglass with a pot leaf on it and called THAT parifinalia) "

Saturday, October 17, 2009 at 08:32 PM:
rubi from anaheim, california wrote:
"im about 3 mnths preg. and i smoke like 2 to 3 puffs a day and right after i feel really guilty i just hope and pray my baby comes out healthy and reading this has helped me alot thanx so much i feel so much better!!! "

Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 06:37 PM:
Laura from California wrote:
" I feel better about things... I believe marijuana to be natural and safe -- and I use it regularily (prior to pregnancy) to ease anxiety and my ADHD tendencies. Since being pregnant I have had a little puff about once a week... and felt guilty! I don't want to harm my baby in any way... even though natural, could still be harmful. After doing research... including this site -- I feel much better about my occasional habit. Thank God I can continue using it medicinally!!! :-) Unfortunately, this will not be information to share to my MD, will not approve."

Thursday, July 23 at 05:08 AM:
Sara from FL wrote:
" Reading all this info is really comforting. Im currently 10 wks pregnant with my first baby and I smoke weed. I smoked since before the pregnancy and still do just a little less now. Im really confused because I keep reading all these inconclusive "studies" If any of you would share your knowledge with m it would be greatly appreciated. THANX "

on 7/23/2009 at 4:18 PM:
cali girl thru Feedback wrote:
"i am currently 6 weeks 5 days pregnant and am a medical cannabis patient for almost 2 years when i found out i was pregnant i stopped smoking(@ about week 5), however i noticed that my ailments for taking medical cannabis have been magnified since i stopped, i can't sleep and now am in bed (Dr's orders)for possible miscarrige, i hardly eat and am worried about my child. After reading these article i will consider smoking (minimal)to help with my feeling very ill. "

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 06:40 AM:
Mommy of 1 and another on the way from United States wrote:
"I smoked pot with my first pregnancy. Pretty much daily during the first trimester when the nausea was so bad. I tappered off toward the end and quit completely the last month in fear of my baby testing positive. I don't smoke cigarettes, nor do I drink alcohol, or any other drugs. I am a Christian and a good member to society. I have found that marijuana really helped me get through my first trimester nausea. My son was born into this world very healthy. He seems to be so much smarter and better behaved than alot of kids his age and even some that are several months older. People compliment me all the time on how smart my son is. I am now pregnant with baby #2 and will continue to smoke marijuana regularly at least for the first trimester. I feel there is no harm being done to my child. If anything it makes me a better mommy and helps me keep my food down so my baby will get the nutrion it needs. "

Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 09:58 PM:
kasey from missouri wrote:
"i just want to know if they can take your baby if you are positve for weed? i dont smoke all the time just sometimes im 38 wks pregnant im worried they make to big of deal about pot its so damn stupid. "

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 12:15 PM:
Amanda from America wrote:
"I am 5 months pregnant with my 3rd child. I did not smoke marijuana with the 1st 2 pregnancies, but have almost every day with this one. I did stop when I first found out I was expecting, but because my nausea and vomitting was so bad, my husband urged me to have a few pulls off his pipe. I felt so much better, and now depend on it when I am sick. I was concerned there would be dangerous effects to my baby, but after reading all these testimonials, I feel so much better. My baby kicks and does sommersaults, so I know he/she is doing allright. thanks. Amanda K"

Friday, August 22 at 05:11 PM:
expecting mother from Texas wrote:
"Are all newborns screened for THC at birth in Texas? I've heard horror stories of a mom smoking a little and getting her baby taken away at birth."

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 05:39 PM:
Classiccarslover from California wrote:
"I have had 2 children and used marijuana both times. My childen are smart strong and their growth has been exceedingly excellent my six year old was 8 llbs and has only 1foot 3 inches to reach my height and 40 llbs to reach my weight. I was 17 when I had my son, he was 8 llbs as well after giving him up for adoption I was informed of him being the top student in his class and is very healthy.

I lost a niece at 3 weeks and supposedly momma never drank coffee and took every precaution she could but the results were still devastating. I think everyone is different and each person should do their own research to make a decision about continuing to use or not use medicinal marijuana throughout their pregnancy or beginning.

I am a medicinal marijuana patient before I got pregnant. I am lucky to eat once a day even with smoking. As for snatching your child, someone would have to make a report and doctors don't just start testing your baby after they are born unless you are severely drugged up on something harder than pot. With my daughter I was hooked an way worse stuff, caught a drug charge and when I found out I was pregnant at six months and weighed only 95 llbs I quit cold turkey. Right before she was born I weighed a wopping 170 and I am only 5'4

Like I mentioned she is the second smartest in her class and is amazing at everything. When I had her the police nor the doctors tested or did anything or even inquired about anything. i live in the states and that was my experience. Good luck to all and their decision making. I am making the same decision now but its hard to not use it because I would be depriving my unborn child of nutrition as I still have problems eating twice a day even being pregnant. "

Monday, October 29, 2007 at 04:36 AM:
wendy from england wrote:
" i would just like to know whether smoking pot can affect a pregnancy test done at three weeks "

Saturday, September 22 at 01:48 AM:
AlaskaPreggy from Alaska wrote:
"Wont your baby be taken from you at birth if you are screened positive for marijuana? "

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 03:22 PM:
Kailey from MD wrote:
" I'd just like to say that it is YOUR choice whether or not to smoke pot. Just consider it promotes low birth weight. It really does help with morning sickness and appetite though! I know plenty of people who smoke throughout their pregnancies and their babies are great! "

Saturday, August 18, 2007 at 08:49 AM:
richard from florida wrote:
"well ive been reading alot about pot to my conclusion it doesnt cause cancer to kids or babies i dont know where that information came out but that is really stupid "

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at 09:04 AM:
A.A. from UT wrote:
"im currently 7 mos pregnant and smoke weed on a daliy basis to combat nausea and other discomforts. I have smoked weed in my other pregancies and gave birth to babies well over 8lbs and I expect the same with this one...thx!!!! "

Thursday, June 7 at 05:48 AM:
A.P. from somewhere in America wrote:
"I had horrible morning sickness and was throwing up about 12 times a day, I couldn't hold down water and it got so bad I couldn't even hold in saliva. I became dehydrated and became scared of miscarrying. My friend told me to smoke pot when I started feeling sick and it worked. I was able to eat and drink and felt great. And I had an easy delivery I was in labor 8 hours with 15 minutes of pushing and had a 8 pound baby girl. Who is very alert and learning fast, no problems at all. Thank you cannabis!

A.P "

Thursday, April 26 at 12:33 PM:
Anonymous from Boston, MA wrote:
" how bad is it to smoke pot while breastfeeding?"

Enclosed below is input from FeedBack form
9/3/2006 - I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who was 6lb 8oz. I carried exactly to my due date with no complications at all. My labor lasted an easy 18 hours, and only 20 minutes of pushing. My baby's health alertness and responsivness was exceptional according to doctors, who also were surprised at her strenghth, reflexes, and ability to see and follow with her eyes. She is now 6 weeks old and she is sleeping through the night. She doesn't cry when upset she squwaks, only when we aren't promt does she cry. She has control of her hands and can push herself across the bed. She can also stay awake for hours at a time during the day smiling and playing

I smoked pot moderatly (11-20 joints a week) Throughout my whole pregnancy, and still do while breastfeeding.

I give credit to marijuana during my pregnancy. I suffered no morning sickness and was walking 3 km and working the day before I went into labor. Not to metion I was walking and peeing freely after labor (I know you other mothers know what I'm taling about.) I gained 35lb, and she was 6lb 8oz which is average, plus who wants a 10lb baby? Plus i was wearing prepregnancy jeans 4 weeks later. I wish I were part of a study so that the positive affects were recorded so that maybe Others will come forward and admit to doing the same thing. I don't know about you but here we can lose our kids if Child services is notified. So it makes me weary advocating the issue. I almost want to smoke it just to prove a point and show them their wrong, But since i'm smoking it anyway I might as well quiet others fears. DON'T FEEL GUILTY SMOKING WEED, IT'S NO WORSE THAN SMOKES!


Thanx for the feedback! We'll post this testimony and through it educate and encourage others. Best wishes to you and your little one. Keep at it so she and hers doesn't have to go thru the risks and may even enjoy the benefits of cannabis in a free world.


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