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Please Help Effort to Add Tourette's Syndrome (TS) to the List of Debilitating Medical Conditions - in Maine

Tourette's Syndrome (TS) - News: Effort to Add Tourette's Syndrome (TS) to the List of Debilitating Medical Conditions NOTICE: Dr. Justin Sulak of Intertgr8 Health ( is petitioning for the addition of Tourette's Syndrome (TS) to the list of debilitating medical conditions allowed to be treated with the medical use of marijuana in Maine. He feels that coverage under the current laws "is a grey area" with the symptoms displayed by many Tourette's sufferers not falling into the category of condition symptoms that would allow a doctor to prescribe marijuana/cannabis as part of a treatment program. Dr. Sulak will be outlining case studies that shows treatment of the disease with medical marijuana is one of safest and most effective treatments for this condition. Dr Sulak says he wants to ensure patients can have access to the most appropriate treatment legally and wants to protect physicians who recommend cannabis for Tourette's. It is estimated that 200,000 Americans have the most severe form of TS, and as many as one in 100 exhibit milder and less complex symptoms such as chronic motor or vocal tics.

We hope to create awareness of his attempts to broaden the list of conditions which the Maine Department of Health and Human Services' Division of Licensing and Regulatory Services deems as debilitating medical conditions allowed to be treated with marijuana/cannabis. In Dr. Sulak's own words " I'm basically going to summarize the findings of the studies submitted with the original petition , present a couple of case studies, and explain that my reason for submitting the petition for Tourette's is that coverage under the current law is a grey area. Some Tourette's patients might be considered to have "severe and persistent muscle spasms," but that indication doesn't clearly cover all patients with Tourette's, and it's not an accurate description. We know it's the safest and one of the most effective treatments for this condition. I want to help patients use the most appropriate treatment legally and I want to protect physicians who recommend cannabis for Tourette's."

As you know public awareness and education, especially of conditions that are being treated successfully with marijuana/cannabis, is essential in the campaign for acceptance of the type of work Dr. Sulak and many others around the country are doing. Please spread the word of this action through your network of supporters, news media, etc.

Date: October 31, 2013
To: Interested Parties
From: Kenneth Albert, RN, Esq., Director
Subject: Public Hearing: November 14, 2013, 9 am - 1 pm, at 41 Anthony Avenue, Augusta Maine
Petition to add a debilitating medical condition to the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Program
Comment Deadline: November 28, 2013 at 5:00 pm

In accordance with 22 M.R.S.A. §2424 (2), the Department received a petition to add

“Tourette’s Syndrome”

to the list of allowable debilitating medical conditions that may be treated with the medical use of marijuana. A public hearing to consider this petition to add “Tourette’s Syndrome” will be held:

November 14, 2013
9 am until 1 pm
DHHS Office
41 Anthony Avenue
Augusta, Maine 04330

The Department will accept written comments on this petition to add “Tourette’s Syndrome” until the comment deadline on Monday, November 28, 2013 at 5 pm. Written comments may be submitted as follows:

1. Sent to postal mail address: MMMP, SHS 11, 41 Anthony Avenue, Augusta, ME 04333-0011
2. Faxed to 207-287-2671; or
3. Emailed to

If you have any questions, please contact us at 287-5810, or 1-855-355-4325 or TTY 711 (Maine Relay).

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  Information on Tourettes  

Tourettes - Definition Definition.   Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by involuntary tics. The cause of this disorder is unknown. Some patients with TS have small tics and others have debilitating tics. It is estimated that there are 100,000 Americans with TS. There is no known cure for TS but it is reported to improve with age.

Tourettes - Causes, incidence, and risk factors more on Causes, incidence, and risk factors.   Tourette syndrome is named for Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first described this disorder in 1885. There is strong evidence that Tourette syndrome is passed down through families, although the gene has not yet been found. The syndrome may be linked to problems in certain areas of the brain. It may have to do with chemical substances (dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine) that help nerve cells talk to one another.

Tourette syndrome can be either severe or mild. About 10% of Americans have a mild tic disorder. Far fewer people have more severe forms of Tourette syndrome. Many people with very mild tics may not be aware of them and never seek medical help. Tourette syndrome is four times as likely to occur in boys as in girls.

Tourettes - Symptoms Symptoms.   Tourette syndrome (also Tourette's syndrome or TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by the presence of motor and phonic tics. Most people with Tourette syndrome first notice symptoms during childhood, between ages 7 and 10. The most common first symptom is a tic of the face, but other tics may follow. A tic is a sudden, fast, repeated movement or sound.

Symptoms of Tourette syndrome can range from tiny, minor movements (such as grunts, sniffling, or coughing) to constant movements and sounds that can't be controlled. Tics can include:

  • Arm thrusting

  • Eye blinking

  • Jumping

  • Kicking

  • Repeated throat clearing or sniffing

  • Shoulder shrugging

Tics may occur many times a day, but they tend to improve or get worse at different times. The tics may change with time. Symptoms usually get worse before the mid-teen years. Contrary to popular belief, only a small number of patients use curse words or other inappropriate words or phrases (coprolalia).

Tourette syndrome is different from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). People with OCD feel as though they have to do the behaviors. Many people with Tourette syndrome can stop doing the tic for periods of time. However, they find that the tic is stronger for a few minutes after they allow it to start again. Often the tic slows or stops during sleep.

Tourettes - Symptoms Diagnosis | To be diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, a person must:

  • Have had many motor tics and one or more vocal tics, although these tics may not have occurred at the same time

  • Have tics that occur many times a day, nearly every day or on and off, for a period of more than 1 year. During this period, there must not have been a tic-free period of more than 3 months in a row.

  • Have started the tics before age 18

  • Have no other brain problem that could be a likely cause of the symptoms

Tourettes - Signs and tests Signs and Tests.   | There are no lab tests to diagnose Tourette syndrome. However, a health care provider should do an examination to rule out other causes of the symptoms.

Tourettes - Resource Treatment of Tourette syndrome - by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   | Tourette syndrome (also Tourette's syndrome or TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by the presence of motor and phonic tics. Treatment of Tourette syndrome has the goal of managing symptoms to achieve optimum functioning, rather than eliminating symptoms; not all persons with Tourette's require treatment, and there is no cure or universally effective medication.[1][2][3] Explanation and reassurance alone are often sufficient treatment;[2] education is an important part of any treatment plan.[4] Tourette syndrome patients may exhibit symptoms of other comorbid conditions along with their motor and phonic tics. Associated conditions include attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD or ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), learning disabilities and sleep disorders. [3] Patients who have ADHD along with Tourette's may also have problems with disruptive behaviors, overall functioning, and cognitive function. Co-occurring OCD can also be a source of impairment, necessitating treatment. Not all persons with tics will also have other conditions and not all persons with tics require treatment, but when comorbid disorders are present, they often require treatment. Stimulants (like Adderall and Ritalin) are underused in the treatment of ADHD when tics are also present because of unfounded fears that they increase tics.[5][6] Experimental treatments like deep brain stimulation, nicotine, marijuana and complementary and alternative medicine approaches have widespread appeal but unproven safety and efficacy.

Treatment priority | Treatment of Tourette syndrome can be divided into treatment of tics, and treatment of co-occurring conditions, which, when present, are often a larger source of functional impairment than the tics themselves.[6] There is no cure for Tourette's and no medication which works universally for all individuals without significant adverse effects;[3] knowledge and understanding are the best treatments available for tics.[2][4] Management of the symptoms of Tourette's may include pharmacological, behavioral and psychological therapies. While pharmacological treatment is reserved for more severe symptoms, other types of treatments may help avoid or improve symptoms of depression or social isolation, and improve supportive family functioning. Educating the patient, family, and surrounding community (school, church, friends, etc.) is a key part of treatment.[1] The majority of people with TS require no medication, but medication is available to help when symptoms interfere with functioning.[3] Because children with tics often present to physicians when their tics are at their highest severity, and because of the waxing and waning nature of tics, medication is not usually started immediately or changed often. Frequently, the tics subside with understanding of the condition and a supportive environment.[1] When medication is necessary, pharmaceutical intervention should be targeted at the most impairing symptoms, taking into account co-occurring conditions such as ADHD or OCD, which when present, may warrant treatment even when tics are mild.[2] ...

Deep brain stimulation has shown promise for treating both the main symptoms of Tourette syndrome and the obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

Pharmaceutical Treatments for Tourettes | Many patients with Tourette syndrome who have very minor symptoms are not treated, because the side effects of the medications may be worse than the symptoms of Tourette syndrome. Drugs used to treat tics include:

  • Antiseizure medications

  • Blood pressure medicine called clonidine

  • Botulinum toxin injections (can control some motor tics)

  • Dopamine blockers, such as fluphenazine, haloperidol, pimozide and risperidone (can help control or reduce tics, but they have side effects)

Experimental treatments | ... Case reports found that marijuana helped reduce tics, but validation of these results requires longer, controlled studies on larger samples.[26][27] Controlled research on treating Tourette's with a synthetic version of tetrahydrocannabinol (brand name Marinol), the main psychoactive chemical found in cannabis, showed the patients taking Marinol had a beneficial response without serious adverse effects.[20][28] ...  Visit -

For more on Cannabis (Marijuana)-based Treatments, go > here

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  Info on Tourettes and Medical Cannabis 

Tourettes - Expectations (prognosis) Expectations (prognosis) for Tourettes.   | Symptoms usually peak during the teenage years and then improve in early adulthood. Although 1 in 4 patients may be symptom-free for a few years, only 8% of symptoms go away without returning. Patients usually have normal intelligence and live a normal-length life.

Tourettes - Complications Complications of Tourettes.   | Conditions that may occur in people who have Tourette syndrome include:

  • Anger control issues

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Impulsive behavior

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Poor social skills

These conditions need to be diagnosed and treated.

Tourettes resource - Marijuana Toxicity - Mar Vista Animal Medical Center, INFO from a BIZ Complications of Cannabis, Marijuana Toxicity - Mar Vista Animal Medical Center | (BIZ) Jan 26, 2011 ... Tourettes ? Cat Neonatal Isoerythrolysis ... done with humans can be done in dogs to make the diagnosis of marijuana intoxication. ... Marijuana, known by many names, needs very little introduction; we all know it is a popular recreational drug smoked illegally by millions of people worldwide. Its psychoactive ingredient is delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly called “THC.” Regular marijuana is typically 1-8% THC while hashish, made from the flowering tops of the plant and their resins, can contain up to 10% THC. Other properties of THC give it controversial medicinal properties: appetite stimulation and nausea control.  Visit - -- for more.

Tourettes - Calling your health care provider Support Groups for Tourettes | The stress of illness can often be helped by joining support groups where members share common experiences and problems. See Tourettes -> support groups, et al.

Calling your health care provider | Make an appointment with your health care provider if you have tics that are severe or persistent, or if they interfere with your daily life.

Tourettes - Prevention Prevention of Tourettes? |   There are no known ways to prevent Tourettes.

SOURCEs: (1) Treatment of Tourette syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; click -> here <- for more. | (2) U.S. National Library of Medicine - The World's Largest Medical Library > Diseases and Conditions > Gilles de la Tourette syndrome; click -> here <- for more.

Tourettes resource - Tourettes Symptoms, INFO Tourettes Symptoms | (INF) Get More Info On Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & Doctors At Healthline - Symptom Search | Treatment Search | Doctor Search | Drug Search Healthy Living Check Your Symptoms, Drugs & Treatments, Find A Doctor ...  Click -> here <- for more.

Tourettes resource - What is Tourettes, a LINK Ring What is Tourettes | (LNK) Learn Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention on Any Health Issue. Articles & News (463) Blogs & Forums (5)  Click -> here <- for more.

Tourettes resource - Health at, a LINK Ring Health at | (LNK) Learn Health Symptoms, Prevention Tips & More. Get Answers Now!  Click -> here <- for more.

  Treatment, CANNABIS Therapeutics  

Tourettes - Resource Medical Marijuana and Tourette's Syndrome - posted 15 Dec By mmecadmin | A number of studies since 1999 have shown that TS patients have an improvement in tics and in other associated behaviors (such as obsessive-compulsive behaviors) with use of THC, the main natural medicinal compound in cannabis, and no cognitive impairment was noted. In 2003, the previous findings were confirmed with another well-designed study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. In this study, TS patients received either THC or placebo for six weeks and scored the level of daily tics. Patients who were receiving THC had significant reduction of the tics and suffered no detrimental effects on learning, recall, or verbal memory. Researchers concluded that for adult TS patients, “Therapy with delta-9-THC should be tried…”. For those patients who have not found relief from symptoms with conventional therapy, who have adverse side effects from current treatment, or who prefer a natural treatment, medical cannabis is a viable and reasonable alternative.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Marijuana and Tourette's Syndrome - DRCNet Online Library of Drug ... | MARIJUANA AND TOURETTE'S SYNDROME - Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol. 8/No. 6, Dec 1988. Editors: Although a variety of pharmacological agents have been reported to attenuate symptoms of Tourette's syndrome (TS), the pathophysiology of this disorder remains unknown. Apart from the presence of disabling motor and vocal tics, TS patients often experience behavioral disturbances including obsessive compulsive thoughts, anxiety, depression, abnormal sleep disturbances. (1) Drug abuse to obtain relief from the chronic anxiety may be common among these patients. (2) (3) We recently encountered three patients with TS who experienced incomplete responses to conventional anti-TS drugs but noted a significant amelioration of symptoms when smoking marijuana. ...

The first patient was a 15-year-old boy who, in addition to motor tics, had obsessive compulsive and self-mutilatory behavior improved with administration of imipramine (37.5 mg/day) combined with the oral opiate receptor antagonist naltrexone (dose range 50 to 100 mg/day). During recreational use of marijuana (1 to 2 cigarettes/day), he noted general relaxation and marked lessening in his urge to tic. According to the patient's mother, motor tics had decreased by about 50% and there was also some reduction in the frequency of the self-mutilatory behavior. The patients had been smoking marijuana for 4 weeks, and upon discontinuation, noted rebound exacerbation of symptoms within 12 hours. ...  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource David Bearman, M.D. Cannabis, Cannabinoids - ADD, Tourette's | Apr 2, 2010 ... The reason that it probably works is that cannabis is important in terms ... attention deficit disorder, turrets syndrome and bi-polar disorder. ... I'm really looking… Earlier you mentioned that maybe I was opposed to medical marijuana and I said no I was just dubious. And I certainly was dubious about the use of cannabis in treating ADD/ ADHD. But that was because I didnt know anything and when I looked into it, I found out that there were at least 40 papers written before 2000 dealing with the endo-cannabinioid system, cannabis, and ADD/ ADHD. And that as early as 1998 efforts had been made in Oregon to add ADD/ ADHD to the list of conditions for which cannabis was appropriate or legal in the state of Oregon. I began to have people mention that they were able to focus and concentrate more with cannabis.

I had people tell me that their grades went from Ds and Fs to As and Bs when they started using marijuana in Jr High School. I had one patient come in and attributed their graduating from the maritime academy to smoking marijuana. And another person who said that they were able to get their PHD as a result of smoking marijuana. I started looking into this and found that there were hundreds of research studies that had been done which provided some of the information as to why this might work. The reason that it probably works is that cannabis is important in terms of retrograde inhibition and retrograde inhabissson is the way of modulating the speed of neuro transmission. Its normal. If you dont have enough cannabinoids is that your neuro transmission is too rapid. If you have a rapid assault if you will on the cerebral cortex of a substantial number of ideas, concepts, sensory input, then it may be difficult for the cerebral cortex to focus or concentrate. But if you slow these down, the neural impulses down, by a few nanoseconds then youre gonna give the cerebral cortex more of an opportunity to focus and concentrate because your gonna have neural impulses moving more slowly and youll probably have fewer neural impulses.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Medical Cannabis and Tourette's Syndrome | Mar 15, 2011 ... Studies show that medical marijuana may help reduce the tics and OCD associated with Tourette's Syndrome. Tourette's Syndrome, or TS is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by involuntary tics. While often portrayed in the media for comedic effect, it's a serious disease, and patients who suffer from the more debilitating forms can cause serious injury to themselves because of the tics and spasms. Estimates say that there are about 100,000 people with Tourette's Syndrome in the United States alone. At present, there is no known cure, but patients say their symptoms lessen as they age. Beginning with a casual German study in 1997, there have been several research products that have demonstrated that TS patients may see a decrease in their tics and other related behaviors, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, when using THC, the "active ingredient" in cannabis. None of the studies showed any impairment of cognitive function.

A more recent, more comprehensive study took place in 2003. In that study, Tourette's Syndrome patients were given either THC or placebo for six weeks, and asked to track their daily tics. Patients taking THC showed a significant decrease in tics, with no adverse effects, or negative effects on verbal memory, recall, or learning abilities. In a paper published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, the researchers' conclusion was that "Therapy with delta-9 THC should be tried…" at least for adult patients. Today, the use of medical marijuana to treat Tourette's is still not officially sanctioned, even in the states where cannabis is authorized to treat other diseases. In Colorado, it was recently rejected as an authorized disease for medical marijuana certification. Nevertheless, when the traditional treatments for TS fail to work, or the only available medications come with risky side effects (at least one can cause heart problems), both clinical and anecdotal evidence support the use of cannabis as a viable option.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Medical Marijuana and Tourette’s Syndrome Information about medical marijuana and Tourette’s Syndrome. Studies and reports about the effects of medical marijuana on patients suffering from Tourette’s ... Tourette’s syndrome (TS) is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder of unknown etiology that is characterized by involuntary vocal tics. Severity of this condition varies widely among patients. Though there is no cure for Tourette’s syndrome, the condition often improves with age. Experts estimate that 100,000 Americans are afflicted with TS. A review of the scientific literature reveals several clinical trials investigating the use of cannabinoids for the treatment of TS. Writing in the March 1999 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, investigators at Germany’s Medical School of Hanover, Department of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, reported successful treatment of Tourette’s syndrome with a single dose of 10 mg of delta-9-THC in a 25-year-old male patient in an uncontrolled open clinical trial.

Investigators reported that the subject's total tic severity score fell from 41 to 7 within two hours following cannabinoid therapy, and that improvement was observed for a total of seven hours. “For the first time, patients’ subjective experiences when smoking marijuana were confirmed by using a valid and reliable rating scale,” authors concluded.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Edward Neil Schafer's Account - Marihuana and Tourette Syndrome MARIJUANA AND TOURETTE SYNDROME Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by motor tics (rapid, repeated, and purposeless involuntary movements of various muscle groups) and vocal tics (involuntary grunts, barks, obscenities, and other sounds). This debilitating disorder often begins in adolescence and is associated with attention problems, compulsive behavior, and obsessional thoughts. About one in 2,500 people suffer from Tourette syndrome in its most severe form, and about one in 800 have milder or partial symptoms. Sufferers are treated with antipsychotic drugs, clonidine, or pimozide, but many get little relief from these drugs. Neil Schafer, who tells his story here, has suffered from Tourette syndrome since he was a boy. We have had the opportunity to observe him for ten minutes before and after he smoked three puffs of marijuana. Before he smoked, his head was jerking to the side and he was making sniffing or grunting sounds every few seconds. Within minutes of smoking, the tics had completely disappeared. He says the effect lasts for three to four hours.

Tourettes - Resource medical cannabis and chronic tics tourette.wmv - YouTube Aug 12, 2010 ... Tourette - Chronic tics: Is there a medicine that can make tics completely disappear within 5 minutes? Please watch for yourself... ... Tourette - Chronic tics: Is there a medicine that can make tics completely disappear within 5 minutes? Please watch for yourself... Category: Nonprofits & Activism Tags: medical cannabis chronic tics tourette ...  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Complete Marijuana information from Marijuana | Scientific Name(s): Cannabis sativa L. More than a dozen other species names have been used to describe marijuana. Family: Cannabaceae. Common Name(s):A variety of common names have been attributed to the plant. There are, however, specific terms for the various plant parts and extracts. These include: anascha and kif (resinous material and flowering tops mixed with the leaves); banji , hemp , cannabis , shesha , dimba , dagga , suma , vingory , and machona (entire plant); bhang and sawi (dried mature leaves); charas (resinous material); ganga (flowering tops); hashish and esrar (resinous material with flowering tops); and marijuana or marihuana (leaves and flowering tops). Commercial preparations include dronabinol ( Marinol ), an FDA schedule III drug; , THC plus cannabidiol ( Cannador ), not approved in the United States; Sativex ( Cannabis extracts) spray, recently approved (2010) in the United Kingdom; and nabilone ( Cesamet ), an FDA schedule III drug. Uses of Marijuana

The use of medical marijuana for the management of chemotherapy-induced nausea, glaucoma, spasticity in multiple sclerosis, and neuropathic pain has been clinically demonstrated to some extent. The likelihood of undesirable adverse reactions limits its applications, and therapeutic use may be limited to either concomitant therapy or when conventional therapy has failed. Marijuana Dosing Clinical studies use a wide range of preparations and usually allow dosage titration for effect, making standard dosage recommendations difficult. A large, multicenter trial used initial doses of 5 mg of oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) daily, self-titrated up to 25 mg THC daily for up to 52 weeks in multiple sclerosis. Estimates of relative efficacy for THC compared with codeine for pain are 10 mg THC to 60 mg codeine.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Common Medical Uses for Cannabis (Marijuana) - Gack Attack ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries – Directory of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Project CBD Cannabinoid Profiles of Cannabis Strains Cannabis Laboratories: ... ... Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects Tourette-Syndrome Vaporization as a Smokeless Cannabis Delivery System ...  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Kay Lee's Cannabis Research - Tourette's Syndrome | Neuropsychopharmacology. 2003 Feb;28(2):384-8. Related Articles, Links ... Treatment of Tourette syndrome with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-THC): no influence on neuropsychological performance. Muller-Vahl KR, Prevedel H, Theloe K, Kolbe H, Emrich HM, Schneider U. Department of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical School Hannover, Hannover, Germany. Previous studies provide evidence that marijuana (Cannabis sativa) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC), the major psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, respectively, are effective in the treatment of tics and behavioral problems in Tourette syndrome (TS). It, therefore, has been speculated that the central cannabinoid receptor system might be involved in TS pathology. However, in healthy marijuana users there is an ongoing debate as to whether the use of cannabis causes acute and/or long-term cognitive deficits.

In this randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, we investigated the effect of a treatment with up to 10 mg Delta(9)-THC over a 6-week period on neuropsychological performance in 24 patients suffering from TS. During medication and immediately as well as 5-6 weeks after withdrawal of Delta(9)-THC treatment, no detrimental effect was seen on learning curve, interference, recall and recognition of word lists, immediate visual memory span, and divided attention. Measuring immediate verbal memory span, we even found a trend towards a significant improvement during and after treatment. Results from this study corroborate previous data suggesting that in patients suffering from TS, treatment with Delta(9)-THC causes neither acute nor long-term cognitive deficits. Larger and longer-duration controlled studies are recommended to provide more information on the adverse effect profile of THC in patients suffering from TS. Publication Types: Clinical Trial Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't ... CANNABIS and TOURETTE'S SYNDROME ... come from the mouth of someone with Tourettes are uncontrollable but cannabis may make life easier for these sufferers. ... Department of Clinical…  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Cannabis and Its Derivatives: Review of Medical Use: Evidence From Clinical Studies | To review the latest evidence of cannabis use and its derivatives, a literature search was conducted from the MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from their inception dates to 30 November 2010, using the following keywords: "cannabis," "marijuana," "?9-tetrahydrocannabinol," "clinical trial," "benefits," and "side effects." Relevant articles were selected and their quality of evidence was rated according to the Strength of Recommendations Taxonomy (SORT),[56] with recommendations rated as A, B, or C. The results are summarized in Table 1. In brief, the efficacy of smoked cannabis has been studied for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, glaucoma, and pain, with good evidence for clinical benefits in HIV-induced neuropathic pain. Oral extract of cannabis has better evidence of relieving self-reported symptoms of spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis. Finally, the oromucosal form of cannabis extract (Sativex, GW Pharmaceuticals) is efficacious for peripheral and central neuropathic pain, especially that caused by multiple sclerosis. Cannabis and Its Derivatives: Review of Medical Use: Evidence ... Long term marijuana users seeking medical cannabis in California (2001–2007): demographics, .... Sandyk R, Awerbuch G. Marijuana and Tourette's syndrome. ... Authors and Disclosures Abstract and Introduction Case 1 Case 2 The Laws Regarding Cannabis The Harms of Cannabis New Kids on the Block Analgesic Potential and Synergism With Opioids Evidence From Clinical Studies The Challenges of Using Cannabis The Controversy Remains  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Cannabis Indica fluid extract, American Druggists Syndicate, pre-1937. Medical cannabis refers to the use of parts of the herb cannabis (also referred to as medical marijuana) as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy, or to synthetic forms of specific cannabinoids such as THC as a physician-recommended form of medicine. The Cannabis plant from which the cannabis drug is derived has a long history of medicinal use, with evidence dating back to 2,737 BCE.[1] Synthetic cannabinoids, such as Marinol and Cesamet, are available as prescription drugs in some countries. A number of studies, some disputed, claim that medical cannabis relieves symptoms and is helpful in the treatment of many diseases. ...

Clinical applications ... Other studies state that cannabis or cannabinoids may be useful in treating alcohol abuse,[12] amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,[13][14] collagen-induced arthritis,[15] asthma,[16] atherosclerosis,[17] bipolar disorder,[18][19] colorectal cancer,[20] HIV-Associated Sensory Neuropathy[21] depression,[22][23][24][25] dystonia,[26] epilepsy,[27][28][29] digestive diseases,[30] gliomas,[31][32] hepatitis C,[33] Huntington's disease,[34] leukemia,[35] skin tumors,[36] methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),[37] Parkinson's disease,[38] pruritus,[39][40] posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),[41] psoriasis,[42] sickle-cell disease,[43] sleep apnea,[44] and anorexia nervosa.[45] Controlled research on treating Tourette syndrome with a synthetic version of tetrahydrocannabinol, (brand name Marinol) (the main psychoactive chemical found in cannabis), showed the patients taking Marinol had a beneficial response without serious adverse effects;[46][47] other studies have shown that cannabis "has no effects on tics and increases the individuals inner tension".[48] Case reports found that marijuana helped reduce tics, but validation of these results requires longer, controlled studies on larger samples.[49][50]  Visit -

Tourettes resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Marijuana: Treatment Success Rates ... Top 5 Communities; Condition, Members, Success - Chronic Pain, 684, 86%; Depression, 55 96%; Bipolar Disorder, 44, 95%; Anxiety, 32 94%; Fibromyalgia, 26, 100%; Overall, 90% (1106 Members) - find Marijuana helpful  Visit - - for more.

Tourettes resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Index of Medical Conditions | (INF) Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Index of Medical Conditions Addressed We will soon ... MUSCLE SPASM Tourettes MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME N NARCOLEPSY ... and more.  Visit - - for more.

Tourettes resource - Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | (INF) Tetrahydrocannabinol ( /?t?tr??ha?dr?k??næb?n?l/ tet-r?-hy-dr?-k?-nab-i-nol; THC), also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (?9-THC), ?1-THC (using an older chemical nomenclature), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. ... Two studies indicate that THC also has an anticholinesterase action[16][17] which may implicate it as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's and Tourettes.  Visit - - for more.

  Organizations, Contacts and other Resources  

Tourettes resource - Tourettes Foundation of America Tourette Syndrome Association | Tourette Syndrome Association is the only national voluntary non-profit membership organization in this field. Our mission is to identify the cause of, find the cure for and control the effects of Tourette Syndrome. We offer resources and referrals to help people and their families cope with the problems that occur with TS. We raise public awareness and counter media stereotypes about TS. Our membership includes individuals, families, relatives, and medical and allied professionals working in the field. Contact - Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. / 42-40 Bell Boulevard / Bayside NY 11361 / 718-224-2999 * or visit -

  ORGs, CANNABIS centric  

Tourettes - Resource Moms For Marijuana: Medicine should not be illegal! | Families today are managing illnesses like chronic pain, arthritis,bad backs, FM, ME/CFS, MS, severe morning sickness, nausea from chemo, ADHD, anxiety/panic, depression, epilepsy, ODD, Bipolar disorders and many other health issues with marijuana Marijuana is safer then drugs strong deadly drugs like ritalin, ssri's, mood stabilizers and liver destroying narcotic pain killers. Stop Propaganda, Spread Truth Nature's Medicine Works ... Friday, September 19, 2008

Parents are using marijuana for ODD, OCD, Autism, ADHD and Tourettes and Bi-polar in their kids. For the Sake of the Children, The Message of Medical Cannabis - by Jay R. Cavanaugh, Ph.D. September 2002 | There is a belief system in the United States nurtured by decades of simplistic thinking that says to everyone we must ban cannabis for the sake of the children. Recently, speaking of the DEA raid on the Santa Cruz, California Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, DEA agent Richard Meyers stated, "what type of message are we sending to our children"? The Alliance, more commonly known as WAMM, is a nonprofit patient cooperative that literally gives medicine away to the sick and dying who qualify for medical cannabis under California State Law. Some of the patients are, in fact, children and a message is most certainly being sent to all of the children of the community and to the rest of us.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Marijuana Research: Patient Experiences with Medical Use The 2002 Petition to Reschedule Cannabis (Marijuana) .... patients with Tourette syndrome at the Medical School of Hannover/Germany on their use of alcohol, ... The 2002 Petition to Reschedule Cannabis (Marijuana) Accepted Medical Use: Patient Experiences Patients’ Experiences and Their Confirmation Following state laws that allow for the medical use of cannabis, an increasing number of patients have collected experience with cannabis. Many reported benefits from its use. Some of this experience has been confirmed in reports and clinical investigations or stimulated clinical research that confirmed these patients' experience on other patients suffering from the same disease ... Research in recent years added to this pattern. Mueller-Vahl et al. (1997) noted that several patients reported therapeutic benefits from cannabis in Tourette syndrome (Gilles de la Tourette syndrome). This observation resulted in a structured interview which questioned 47 patients with Tourette syndrome at the Medical School of Hannover/Germany on their use of alcohol, nicotine and marijuana and the effects of these substances on their symptoms. Cannabis was reported to have a positive influence on the symptomatology.

"Using a structured interview, we questioned a larger group of patients with Tourette syndrome (n=47) about the use of nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana and their subjective experiences. Of 28 smoking patients only 2 (7%) reported a tic reduction when smoking [cigarettes]. Of 35 patients drinking alcohol 24 (69%) noted an improvement. Thirteen patients reported the use of marijuana, of whom 11 (85%) noted a marked improvement. Our results provided strong evidence that alcohol and, even more than that, marijuana cause much more improvement in TS than nicotine smoking". (...) With respect to the considerable side effects of those therapy forms presently in use that apply neuroleptics, and considering the limited alternatives, cannabinoids could be used for therapy in the future, when further clinical research by way of controlled studies will have been conducted" (Mueller-Vahl et al. 1997).

These results stimulated research on the efficacy of dronabinol in Tourette syndrome, a study with one patient (Mueller-Vahl et al. 1999a), followed by a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial of delta-9-THC in 12 adults (Mueller-Vahl et al. 1999b). Both confirmed the patients' experience described in the interviews.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource - Welcome to the Medical ... All of the most accurate and up-to-date information on Medical Cannabis is posted regularly so that you can .... Medical Marijuana and Tourette's Syndrome ... Check out our Medical Cannabis blog entries written by our Medical Director. All of the most accurate and up-to-date information on Medical Cannabis is posted regularly so that you can educate yourself, your family and your friends. Get your information from a medical professional who specializes in medical cannabis. Read on for the most comprehensive collection of entries concerning the therapeutic use of Medical Cannabis. ... Medical Marijuana and Tourette’s Syndrome Tuesday December 15th, 2009 Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by involuntary tics. The cause of this disorder is unknown. Some patients with TS have small tics and others have debilitating tics...  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Medical Cannabis Institute (MCI) | Information, Education & Training The Medical Cannabis Institute (MCI) was organized to provide pertinent ... Tourette's Syndrome – Dystonia – Cerebral Palsy – Choreas – Parkinson's Disease ... The Medical Cannabis Institute (MCI) was organized to provide pertinent information, education and training to Medical Students, Patients and Caregivers that seek to rapidly grow their future in the Medical Cannabis Industry. Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, has been safely used by mankind as medicine for over 10,000 years to treat illnesses such as: Cancer – Glaucoma – AIDS – HIV – Alzeihmer’s Disease (Senile Dementia) – ... Menstrual Disorders – Tourette’s Syndrome – Dystonia – Cerebral Palsy – Choreas – Parkinson’s Disease – ...  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Medical Marijuana To Treat Tourette’s? « Medical Marijuana ... Pending approval this fall, people with Tourette’s Syndrome may be able under state law to use medical marijuana to help quell symptoms of the disorder.  Visit -

Tourettes resource - Medicinal Marijuana Uses, INFO from an ORG Medicinal Marijuana Uses | (ORG) While the prohibition of cannabis is absurd, the ban on the plant's non-psychoactive components is even more mind-boggling Ð particularly when it's apparent that these compounds possess amazing therapeutic properties ... Sclerosis - Muscle Spasm - Tourettes - Myofascial Pain Syndrome ... Who approves of Medical Marijuana -. While the prohibition of cannabis is ... to Contact: visit -

Tourettes resource - Helping Doctors Helping Marijuana Patients and Caregivers, INFO from an ORG Helping Doctors Helping Marijuana Patients and Caregivers | (ORG) Legal Users Guide to the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act; a Resource for Legal and Medical Professionals Qualifying Patients and CareGivers ... HELP FOR PHYSICIANS HELP FOR PATIENTS HELP FOR CAREGIVERS HELP FOR LAWYERS LAW & AGENCY RULES FORMS BANK SCHMID LAW Make a General Inquiry: Ask Here ... Menstrual Bleeding), Migraine, general Muscle Spasm, Tourettes ... to Contact: visit -

California Cannabis Research Medical Group (CCRTourettes) California Cannabis Research Medical Group (CCRTourettes).   * (ORG, inf) Winter/Spring 2005 - O'Shaughnessy's; Journal of the California Cannabis Research Medical Group. Letter from a Soldier - “Is Cannabis Recommended for Tourettes?” - “Hello Dr. Mikuriya, I have recently returned home from Iraq. This was my second tour. I only had about 4 months between the two tours. I … am at a high state of alertness and I startle at certain noises. My tolerance is also very low, I get angry very easily. Not violent, I still have control but very agitated. I also have trouble sleeping and sometimes I have to take a sleeping pill or Nyquil to go to sleep. I went to my doctors and they sent me to a place on base that helps with Tourettes.” … Cannabis would indeed be useful in managing symptoms of Tourettes. This has been known for over a century in the medical profession but forgotten because of its ... visit:

Medical Marijuana, Individual Bio - Al Byrne, Patients Out of Time Medical Marijuana | Individual Bio - Al Byrne, Patients Out of Time   ... “Should marijuana be a medical option?” ... International Academy of Cannabis Medicine (IACM), Veteran Outreach -- Cannabis for Tourettes affected veterans. Visit:

  BUSINESSes - Caveat Emptor!  

Tourettes resource - Digestaqure Heal Tourettes | (BIZ) In the year 1997, research began on the development  to Contact: visit -

  FORUMs Section 

Tourettes - Resource Does marijuana help tourettes? - Yahoo! Answers But it is hard to get a dr to prescribe medical marijuana. I have tourettes and my dr prescribed Clonodine. It really works! Home > All Categories > Health > Mental Health > Resolved Question Cordelia... Resolved Question Show me another » Does marijuana help tourettes? My sister has very severe tourettes. She is 20 and is unable to work or provide for herself because of it. She still lives at home and has no social life besides her boyfriend which is she has run up her limit with im sure. I just wanted to know because i heard this one if marijuana or alchohol reduces tics? Ive tried to be there and talk to her but i can only take so much of the loud screeching, i feel so bad about it. Her medication makes her sleep all day and lethargic unable to do anything. ... Apparently The Issue Is Undecided. The Links Above Are Just A Few Of Many.

Officially, The General Medical Status Is NO, But There Are Isolated Cases Where It SEEMS To Work. ... Yes it does help. The THC alleviated tourettes symptoms. But it is hard to get a dr to prescribe medical marijuana. I have tourettes and my dr prescribed Clonodine. It really works! Tell her to talk to her dr about it. ... First: I would ask the doctor to switch medications. And yes, in extreme cases, Marijuana (the medical kind), CAN help relieve the symptoms of tourettes. Source(s): A Doctor who spoke to our Tourettes support group recently. ...  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Tourettes Affected by Marijuana - Ziggy Fry New Member Join Date: Jul 2009 Posts: 35 Cannabis having over 200 medical uses seems very acclimated to this sort of ailment. .... Marijuana Successfully Treats Tourette's Syndrome ... > Home > Medicinal Marijuana Tourettes Affected by Marijuana ... Tourettes Affected by Marijuana I get bad tics if I'm stupid high. If I smoke less, the tics seem to to be less frequent; but it's also possible that I just do not notice them as easily. Either way, I'm happy with it. [question]Is there anyone else here that has Tourettes, or knows someone who does? I would like to hear how marijuana affects anyone else with Tourettes.[/question] ...

I know a guy who has torettes and he said that smoking helps him. He said his tics are worse when he is stressed, so he smokes and it calms him down. From what i know personally, it is mainly the nervous system where the tics are coming from, so i guess weed would help with keeping tics somewhat under control. ...

piratemari Join Date: Aug 2009 | I was diagnosed with Tourettes (and several other things) when I was in the second grade. Until I started smoking weed three years ago, I thought it was something that I would always have to live with on a constant basis - I can't take normal medications, for various reasons one of which being my ADHD and Bi-polar - basically whatever they give me for Tourettes makes the other two worse, and vice versa, plus Bi-polar is tricky to medicate. Anyways, I started smoking and slowly started to realize that the severity of my tics lessened noticeably, and by the time I had been smoking regularly for a year, I wasn't even ticcing daily. I have noticed the same thing though, which is why I don't like getting stupid high. It also made me able to focus better, lessened the severity and speed of my mood swings, and helped me to cope with my depression - knowing logically that there is no reason to be depressed often makes Bi-polar depression and clinical depression (which I am prone to some times) that much worse, when I am high I don't think about it, and when I am 'sober' again I just forget to think about it. ...

crazybrad621 Join Date: Jan 2010 | I've got severe tourettes and marijuana seems to be what helps the best by far and I've tried other medicines for example Clonodine and those didn't do shit except make me tired ...

Scott.lee Join Date: Sep 2011 | I have been diagnosed with tourettes along with insomnia. The effects of smoking marijuana not only helps but completely alleviates my insomnia to where I can fall asleep when ever I want to go to sleep or even take a nap if I want to without making me drowsy (unless I'm super high lol) also my tourettes are nearly non noticeable not only to myself but my friends and family aswell.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Forums > SMOKING AND USAGE > Medical Marijuana Marijuana for Tourettes? MX500 Registered User Join Date: Nov 2007 I have been suffering from tourettes since I was about 6. I started smoking marijuana regularly last fall, and my tourettes has never been more subdued. I don't have the urge to "tic" nearly as often as I had before, even when I'm sober, the left over THC must be still in effect because I haven't had much problem with my tourettes since I started smoking. I've been pondering applying for a medical marijuana club card, but don't know if my case would be accepted. Is marijuana known for reducing the effects of tourettes? I would love to be able to have a card so I can make this legal. Anyone else here have tourettes? I'm interested to see if the chronic helps you out too. ...

def.norge Registered User Join Date: Jan 2007 Yes! MMJ definately reduces the effects of tourettes. I recently watched a documentary on mmj and it showed a patient that suffered from tourrettes. her tourettes was HORRIBLE it was so hard to understand, i felt so bad =( but then she went n grabbed a bag(they showed the shit she had to go through to get it, it aint easy for sick ppl to get trees where u cant get medical mj) so after she gets the weed they showed her talking and it was typical tourretes shit, then she smoked a bowl and was normal. ...

Medicine Al Sheen From Shinola & Join Date: May 2007 I don't have the syndrome, but I have several friends who do, and all are medical users who swear by it, no pun intended. At the very worst, it can't hurt to try.  Visit - Michigan Medical Marijuana Association > Member to Member Discussions: > Patient Issues: I Need To Talk To A Doc About Tourettes And Medical Marijuana ... I need to talk to sombody that will give me medical marijuana. I have tourettes and marijuana has definately helped reduce tics and pain in my joint...

Posted 09 June 2010 - 06:31 PM I need to talk to sombody that will give me medical marijuana. I have tourettes and marijuana has definately helped reduce tics and pain in my joints. The pain is horrible, and the tics get bad. All the medicine prescribed to me since i was 10 never helped. At some times the pills made me worse. Somebody help me out. ...

Posted 10 June 2010 - 09:28 PM Welcome Mike. I hope you too find some relief soon. There is clinics and traveling drs all over the state that are willing and capable of helping you get your card. ...

Posted 10 June 2010 - 11:34 PM It also helps if you have a good medical history if you just walk in somewhere with out and records saying i have tourettes i need medical marijuana i would not get my hopes up. ...  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Medical Marijuanna For Tourette Syndrome? - Forums TOURETTE'S SYNDROME MARIJUANA AND TOURETTE'S SYNDROME (letter - 1988) Marijuana and Tourette's Syndrome ... A New Use for Medical Marijuana? (news - 2010)

Medical Marijuana This forum is for the discussion of Marijuana for health and medicine. myclockreads420 Banned Join Date: Mar 2011 Location: North East Ohio Posts: 75 Medical Marijuanna For Tourette Syndrome? i am qualified for it... but in our state its illegal, they said marinol might be good... what do you think? #2 03-06-2011, 06:39 PM

tharedhead Southern Gothic & Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: In a tumbril on Rue Saint-Honoré Posts: 7,623 Re: Medical Marijuanna For Tourette Syndrome? This is from Granny Storm Crow's 2010 list, for more check out 2011 (which will hopefully get properly posted on GC someday) TOURETTE'S SYNDROME MARIJUANA AND TOURETTE'S SYNDROME (letter - 1988) Marijuana and Tourette's Syndrome Effective treatment of Tourette’s syndrome with marijuana. (abst - 1993) Clinical Studies and Case Reports Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, influence of nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana on the clinical symptoms (abst - 1997) Notice -- ISI Web of Knowledge [v4.6] Cannabinoids: possible role in patho-physiology and therapy of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. (abst - 1998) Clinical Studies and Case Reports  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Forum Medical Marijuana Medicinal Cannabis and Health I have Tourette Syndrome and am looking for information on Medical Marijuana Hello! I’m a 24-year-old living in Minnesota who’s interested in obtaining medical marijuana to treat the symptoms of Tourette Syndrome. As a kid all Display Mar-30-2008, 22:09#1 JesseG Registered Array Join Date Mar-30-2008 Posts 2 I have Tourette Syndrome and am looking for information on Medical Marijuana Hello! I’m a 24-year-old living in Minnesota who’s interested in obtaining medical marijuana to treat the symptoms of Tourette Syndrome. As a kid all the way through my early 20s, doctors prescribed me many different pharmaceutical medications to counteract the symptoms of TS yet all the medications became ineffective after a period of time, and many of them proved more harmful than helpful.

Lately, life has been very difficult, partly because of circumstances beyond my control, and when this is the case, the symptoms of TS increase (both in intensity and frequency), which makes interacting with others difficult for me and often for those with whom I’m interacting. The catch-22 is I’m also unemployed and looking for work and marijuana is the only thing that has ever treated my symptoms satisfactorily; if I don’t use it, my symptoms will be apparent during job interviews and I’ll probably be less likely to get hired because people tend not to understand TS and its symptoms and probably won’t want someone working for them who exhibits verbal and physical tics that tend to distract others. ...

Mar-20-2009, 14:45#6 sanoski Registered Array Join Date Mar-20-2009 Posts 1 It worked for me I suffered from Tourette's as a child until I started smoking marijuana. Today I lead a normal life, and my Tourette's never came back. Here is a transcript of my message on my religious forum explaining my stance on medical marijuana. Growing up I suffered from a neurological disorder known as Tourette's syndrome. It really made my life a living hell. The schools had some kind of deals with doctors and pharmaceutical companies, and they put me on every medication you could think of (a lot worse drugs than marijuana) -- medicine to keep me awake, medicine for ADD, medicine for Tourette's, and medicine to counteract side effects of every medicine I was taking, even medicine to counteract side effects of the counter side effect medications. We're talking 14+ various prescriptions. The stuff they gave me for Tourette's made my ADD worse, and the medicine they gave me for ADD made my Tourette's worse, and so on and so on. It was a nightmare!  Visit -

Tourettes - Forums other Viable Forums, Bulletin Boards, Chat rooms and other such online resources   will be listed here as we learn about them. Got one? Post It! and let everybody know ...

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Tourettes - Resource A New Use for Medical Marijuana? - Mar 31, 2010 ... Some people with Tourette's syndrome smoke marijuana to relieve tics. ... are convinced that THC and related compounds in marijuana called ... “There’s one thing that helps my Tourette’s more than anything, and it’s marijuana,” says Louis Centanni, the 24-year-old actor and comedian featured in Patient Voices: Tourette’s Syndrome. Dr. Robert A. King and Dr. James F. Leckman of the Yale School of Medicine, who recently joined the Consults blog to answer readers’ questions about Tourette’s, here respond to readers asking about the use of marijuana for easing the tics, vocalizations and jerking movements of the syndrome.

Is Marijuana Effective for Tourette’s? Q. Clinical studies have shown that marijuana can be effective in relieving the symptoms of this disease:…Paul Kuhn, Nashville Q. I see that the first patient with Tourette’s featured in the Patient Voices series uses marijuana to calm his tics. How do the chemicals in marijuana help Tourette’s patients, and do other depressant-type drugs also help? Rafi, N.Y.  Visit - -and-  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Tourette's Syndrome - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws ... Main » Library » Health Reports » Recent Research on Medical Marijuana » Tourette's Syndrome ... Investigators again confirmed these preliminary results in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover, single dose trial of THC in 12 adult TS patients. Researchers reported a "significant improvement of tics and obsessive-compulsive behavior (OCB) after treatment with delta-9-THC compared to placebo."[2] Investigators reported no cognitive impairment in subjects following THC administration[3] and concluded, "THC is effective and safe in treating tics and OCB in TS."[4]

Investigators confirmed these results in a second randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 24 patients administered daily doses of up to 10 mg of THC over a six-week period. Researchers reported that subjects experienced a significant reduction in tics following long-term cannabinoid treatment,[5] and suffered no detrimental effects on learning, recall or verbal memory.[6] A trend toward significant improvement of verbal memory span during and after therapy was also observed. Summarizing their findings in the October 2003 issue of the journal Expert Opinions in Pharmacotherapy, investigators concluded that in adult TS patients, "Therapy with delta-9-THC should be tried ... if well established drugs either fail to improve tics or cause significant adverse effects."[7]  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Tourette's Sufferers In Colorado May Soon Find Relief The list of ailments that cannabis can treat is long and impressive. One of those ailments is Tourette’s Syndrome, and patients in Colorado may soon be able to use medical marijuana to treat their Tourette’s. A formal request was submitted to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Services Tuesday, asking that Tourette’s Syndrome be added to the list of disorders that medical marijuana can be used legally to treat. “Based upon both the information supplied by the petitioner and a review of the medical literature which shows some scientific evidence of efficacy in humans and no evidence of harm, the department is bringing this rulemaking action to add Tourette’s syndrome as a debilitating medical condition for which an individual could apply to the Medical Marijuana Program for a registry identification card,” read the request.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Medical Marijuana To Treat Tourette’s? | Posted on 02 August 2010 By Debi Brazzale, COLORADO NEWS AGENCY | Pending approval this fall, people with Tourette’s Syndrome may be able under state law to use medical marijuana to help quell symptoms of the disorder. If so, it’ll be thanks to a patient who approached the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in March armed with research that suggests Tourette’s patients may find relief with marijuana. A formal request, as required by law, by the health department to add the disorder to the list of treatable ailments was submitted Tuesday to the Department of Regulatory Services, which has the authority to approve or deny the request. Tourette’s is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary motor or vocal “tics” that are repetitive and rapid such as blinking, twitching, or grunts. Symptoms range from moderate to severe, and treatments vary. The health department found the information submitted to department staff last March to be credible.  Visit -

Tourettes - Resource Ohio Medical Cannabis Act of 2012 | Ballot Language ... The Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment Be it resolved by the people of the State of Ohio: That the Constitution of the State of Ohio be amended by adopting a section to be designated as Section 12 of Article XV thereof, to read as follows: Article XV: Section 12. Medical Cannabis. Section 1. Rights. In accordance with Article 1: Bill of Rights, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Ohio: (A) Residents of the State of Ohio, who have attained the age of majority and who are diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition, shall be eligible residents for the purpose of using medical Cannabis, also known as medical marihuana or medical marijuana, to alleviate their suffering. (B) Eligible residents shall have the right to use medical Cannabis to alleviate their suffering and to possess an amount of medical Cannabis sufficient to meet their medical needs.  Visit -

  Cannabis as Medicine - Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine | Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine.   (ORG, inf, Book) Featured Medical Marijuana Patient Accounts * to share website visitors' medical marijuana histories to provide insight into uses for this medicine which are not widely known. … If you wish to send us a personal account of your medical marijuana experiences, ... Cannabis and Tourettes by Michael McKenna ... visit:   (web-ring / link-list) * Your starting point for the best medical info. Free Medical Cannabis info Find what you're looking for! Visit:

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Thursday, July 9 at 02:37 PM:
"Hello, I am Monalisa. After being in relationship with my husband for years, he broke up with me. I did everything within my reach to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so badly because of the love I had for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back , I had no choice than to try it. I messaged the spell caster, and he assured me there was no problem and that everything will be okay before three days. He cast the spell and surprisingly on the second day, my husband called me. I was so surprised, I answered the call all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that had happened He wanted me to return to him. He also said he loved me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. The spell casters email is : []. You can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case. DR. EDES SPELL CASTER could help you with the following: 1) Love Spells 2) Lost Love Spells 3) Divorce Spells 4) Marriage Spells 5) Binding Spell. 6) Breakup Spells 7) Banish a past Lover 8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell 9) want to satisfy your lover He also cure the below listed sickness; (1) HERPES, (2) DIABETES, (3) HIV&AIDS, (4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION, (5) HEPATITIS B, (6) IMPOTENCE, (7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY (8) DIARRHEA (9) ASTHMA... Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution EMAIL Whatsapp him now ; +2348151937428 "

Friday, May 29 at 11:53 PM:
Marijuana TopShelf Store™ from USA wrote:
"Are you Looking for an Alternative & Effective Treatments to beat Cancer, Severe Pains ,Insomnia,ADD/ADHD, Diabetes, Anxiety, Arthritis, PTSD, Glaucoma, Bipolar, Depression, Spasms, Headache, Seizures, Migraines, Nausea, Stress and many more, Contact us for Top Shelf Medical Marijuana Strains, Cannabis oil, Canasol Eyedrops (treatment for glaucoma), Shatter, Wax, Hash & Edibles on TEXT/CALL: +1 (636) 251 6539 OR (Wickr Me: mjtopshelfstore) "

Thursday, May 17 at 02:06 PM:
Matthew Kingery from United State wrote:
" We are medical and recreational marijuana supplying cooperation and got the best of high graded products and outstanding services. We aim at the provision of high graded product to all our clients that are in need and also the establishment of a long term and trust worthy business relationship with all our clients. We are top legit and liable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. .Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting, Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states,anxiety, nausea etc visit our website at Website: m or http://www.denversmokeshop.or g Phone (CALL/TEXT) : +1 (720) 440-2463 "

Thursday, January 18 at 12:38 PM:
Dr kalson from USA wrote:

Wednesday, May 10 at 05:09 PM:
Denver Smoke BUds from Colorado wrote:
" We are top legit and reliable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting,Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states, anxiety, nausea etc. visit our website at http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Website: http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Phone: +1 (720) 440-2463 E-Mail: "

Thursday, January 19 at 04:03 AM:
Cannabis Oil from N/A wrote:
"Many Patients suffering from chronic or neuropathic pain & many other medical conditions gain relief from prescription drugs which have great side effects. One of the most common uses of Cannabis Oil (RSO) is for the treatment of chronic pain and other diseases such as Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Bipolar, PTSD, Leukemia, Epilepsy, Insomnia, Migraines, Parkinson's disease (PD), Depression, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Burns, Chronic pain, High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Spasm, Nausea,just to name a few. Cannabinoids (CBD) & Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the medical compounds found in Cannabis Oil & marijuana have powerful pain relieving (analgesic) properties. Cannabinoids exert their analgesic properties through their interaction with the cannabinoid receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system. ***If you need quality Cannabis Oil, Marijuana & Canasol eyedrop for Glaucoma treatment, Send your Enquiry to: (*** "

Sunday, September 25 at 02:05 PM:
Palmer from UK wrote:
"""My dad has been diagnosed with brain tumour 3 weeks ago , had an operation to remove it 1,5 weeks ago . It all went well,there's no neurological changes , 3 days ago we found out the histopathology results and it turns out to be glioblastoma multiforma WHO grade IV . We know that radio or chemotherapy will only extend his life by a little so we'd like to try as many alternative ways as we can and a Family friend Recommended us to (marijuana.network420@gmail. com) who supplied us with Good Cannabis Oil which is really helping my dad with his current condition" Thanks for the help!!!"

Tuesday, May 17 at 03:46 AM:
420 NETWORK from U.S.A wrote:
"Top Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis, Wax, Canasol,Cannabis Oil ,Variety of Quality Strain like:-*Green Crack:::: Grade: AA *Sour Diesel:::Grade: A+ Top Shelf *Grand Daddy Purple :::Grade: A *Sensi Star x ak47 :Grade: AAA *Afghan Kush ::::Grade: A *Northern Lights #5 Grade: A+ *Lemon drop::::Grade: A+ *Purple Kush::::Grade:A+ Top Shelf *OG Kush ::::Grade:A++ Top Shelf *Lemon drop *Purple-urkle *white widow *Haze *blue dream *headband *blueberry, Hash/Wax Oil and MANY MORE.. These Quality Strains helps people ILLNESSES LIKE: **Insomnia,HIV/AIDS,Anxiety Disorders,PTSD, Major Depression,Back Pain,Back Sprain,Bipolar Disorder(Nightmares),Cancer Chronic Pain,Seizures,Diabetes,Epilepsy,Fibromyalgia,Glaucoma E.T.C **SERIOUS INTERESTED BUYERS SHOULD**E-MAIL: (, CALL/TEXT: (303) 578-7712 OR **SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) "

Wednesday, May 4 at 01:01 PM:
Brend from EU wrote:
"High Quality Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Delivery will be 100% Discrete and Safe. **SKYPE: medical fourtwenty OR **E-MAIL: ( This connection we made has truly done so much for our family already.” You can also get Canasol for those suffering with Glaucoma. "Canasol is the only Medication that Treats Glaucoma Effectively""

Tuesday, April 26 at 08:43 AM:
Cynthler from U.K wrote:
"I Purchased Quality Cannabis Oil from E-mail:( OR SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) which I used to cure my Husband's Prostrate Cancer in less than 6 months, without using chemo AT ALL!! I've seen the side effects of chemo on others and decided completely against it. My husband's cancer markers where 875 and in just less than 6 full months they are below 30. Our oncologist couldn't believe it when he told her how we did it. Yes, I was careful to keep his diet alkaline but he took the cannabis oil 3 x daily and Now he's cancer FREE. "GOOGLE IT" Cannabis Oil is a Real Cure for Cancer. Don't Run from the cure!!"

Wednesday, April 20 at 08:47 PM:
Legit Supplier~!!! from U.S wrote:
"Top Shelf Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Packaging will be 100% Discrete and A Safe & Confidential Delivery is Guaranteed.(SKYPE: medical fourtwenty) OR (E-MAIL:"

Monday, March 7 at 08:04 AM:

Thursday, March 3 at 10:28 PM:
"For a Reliable Website to securely Order High Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis OR Oil, I will Recommend you to E-mail: *(* OR Skype: *(marijuana network420)* where I got some quality stuff for myself. They offer the best marijuana online services!! "

Wednesday, February 10 at 11:59 PM:
Angela from U.S.A wrote:
"We are New to this Website and after a long search for Quality Stuff Online, We have finally found a Reliable Source: ( OR *Wickr ID:(mmjsupplier15) who supplied us with some High Grade Marijuana, Hash, Shatters & Cannabis Oil. Thanks for the professional service Bro!!"

Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 05:23 AM:
Emma from Maine wrote:
"I am 15 years old and I have Tourette's. If I had my parents consent, could I get my cannacard early?"

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