How To Get Your Card in Oregon, USA. How To Get Your Card elsewhere in the USA, and around the World, also.

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Pioneering Common Sense Compassion in Oregon, across America and around the World
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MERCY - the Medical Cannabis Resource Center * in Salem, Oregon, USA, call - 503.363-4588 * or email us.

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Oregon Medical Marijuana Doctors | Marijuana Doctors Oregon Medical Marijuana Doctors | Marijuana Doctors > Find and compare Oregon medical marijuana doctors and marijuana clinics, and get a medical marijuana prescription in Oregon.

Oregon | Medical Marijuana Doctors Oregon | Medical Marijuana Doctors > Do you have a qualifying condition to get an Oregon medical marijuana permit? Here are some of the qualifying conditions: Chronic Pain, Glaucoma, Cancer, AIDS/HIV.

Portland Oregon Medical Marijuana Portland Oregon Medical Marijuana > Who We Are. Portland Medical Marijuana Clinic Here at our Portland Medical marijuana doctors office we support all Oregon residents looking to qualify under the OMMA.

OMMP Medical Marijuana Clinic in Albany, Oregon | Apply Online! OMMP Medical Marijuana Clinic in Albany, Oregon | Apply Online! > To get your Oregon Medical Marijuana Card in Albany, begin by pre-qualifying online here. Our medical marijuana physician will reveiw your application and schedule an appt.

Promoting justice, freedom, and peace with political action and education Promoting justice, freedom, and peace with political action and education > Welcome to Medical Marijuana MD Online. The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation's Museum is working to educate the public about the truth concerning hemp and cannabis.

Oregon Medical Marijuana Clinic Directory | OMMC Card Doctors Oregon Medical Marijuana Clinic Directory | OMMC Card Doctors > Directory of every medical marijuana clinic & Doctor in Oregon. Portland, Salem, Bend, Eugene, Medford, Grants Pass & all of Oregon.

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Welcome to the MERCY page for Doctor Clinics in Oregon. 

About this section. This is the section for our list of Organizations that hold Doctor Clinics, etc. in Oregon (cat/s= Oregon, Medical).   For other Resources in Oregon, try our Forums, MMFs, Links, Organizations or Resources sections.   For Clinics elsewhere in the USA, start >> here << For Clinics outside the US, start >> here <<

About Doctor Clinics. Doctor Clinics ( doc ) | If you suffer from a debilitating medical condition and you think marijuana alleviates your condition, but your doctor won't qualify you, these organizations might be able to help.  They can explain the exact requirements of the law and give you information to educate your physician.  Also, if you have records diagnosing a debilitating illness or condition covered by the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, the Doctor Clinics are a possible option for you.  Call ahead for an appointment and any other info you may need.  Be prepared to provide copies of your relevant medical records. Caveat emptor! Each has it's own rules and regulations, please study & research thoroughly before committing resources.   a Brochure We try to maintain a brochure (WORD document) with this info, click here to review. (BroMedO3a)

Sections under construction. We are also working on Resources for existing Clinics and for those contemplating on trying it.   Empowering those who want to set it up so that one of the orgs currently doing clinics can come into town and do one, or do it themselves.  Just borrow their doctor.   This would be advantageous for remote areas where it is really difficult for people with disabilities to get places.  

For example, a "How To" library with issues Clinics encounter and related info and other resources for them.   We also want to link to Doctor Referral / Match-Up and tools for just plain Finding a Doctor.

Also, we're working on building networks by providing an email-list and organizing a guild with web assets like a private forum for secure chats.  Things like that.

Want to Help?  Got an Idea?  To leave a quesiton -or- comment about an Org or this page in general, See the Bulletin Board, below.

the ORG
click here to see their Website
Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA)

Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA) offers clinics in Portland, Bend and The Dalles.

To schedule for Portland & Bend:
5217 SE 28th (nr Steele & 28th)
Portland, OR 97202
office hours: 10 am to 5 pm
phone 503.233-4202

To schedule for The Dalles:
502 Washington Street, Suite 203
The Dalles, OR 97058
office hours: 10 am to 4 pm

or visit:

LOCAL, NATL (OR St., Mos), ORG (non-profit), MED (Patient Avocacy) and DPR

Local Patient advocacy as well as national Drug Policy Reform. MAMA has been involved with the Oregon program since its beginning in 1998. MAMA has 25 years experience providing harm reduction education. At their clinics they help patients with a diagnosed medical condition, which qualifies under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, to register with the Program.

In Oregon, where MAMA is based, the Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) allows registered patients to use marijuana for many conditions including chronic pain. Patients may grow their own medicine, or get a caregiver to grow for them.

click here to see their Website
Southern Oregon Alternative Medicine (SOAM) *
Southern Oregon Alternative Medicine

836 E. Main St., Ste 6 Medford, OR 97504 * (541) 779-5235
152 Main Street Springfield, OR 97504 * (541) 844-1708
or visit:
LOCAL, State (Medford, Springfield; OR), ORG (non-profit), MED (Patient Resources)

An Established and Respected Clinic With 9+ Years of Experience Helping People Through Alternative Medicine TIRED OF EXPENSIVE PILLS? CALL US TODAY - FOR AN APPOINTMENT TOMORROW !!! Do You Suffer From: Severe Pain Muscle Spasms Seizures Glaucoma Cancer AIDS Severe Nausea Cachexia Alzheimer's Other Related Illnesses Affordable Primary Care Services: We have multiple physicians and nurse practitioners to meet your primary care needs. Low cost care where you have control. (Call for current rates) Alternative Medicine & Treatment We Provide: PRIMARY CARE MASSAGE THERAPY ACUPUNCTURE MEDICAL MARIJUANA CERTIFICATION CHINESE MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION & RESOURCES We Are Also Able To Offer: PATIENT INCENTIVES LOW INCOME DISCOUNT 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED

click here to see their Website
The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation (THCf) *
The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation (THCF)
105 SE 18th Ave. PORTLAND (97214), also in Bend, Brookings, Eugene, Medford and Umatilla - call for an appointment: phone (hours 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.) 503.281-5100 * Fax#: 503-235-0120 * Office Hrs: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Mon thru Sat - or visit:

NOTE: THCF also holds Clinics in other states across the nation. Visit - - for more.

LOCAL & ST (PDX, OR), ORG (non-profit), MED & LIB (Patient Avocacy & CLR in genl)

Advocates & Activists for Medical use and Cannabis Law Reform in general. The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation is working to educate the public about the truth concerning hemp and cannabis, and helping medical marijuana patients. They have several clinics where our doctors help patients obtain a permit for medical marijuana.

click here to see their Website
Search or Browse for Doctors, Select a state to browse medical marijuana doctors in that region. Get a Medical Marijuana Card from Certified Marijuana Doctors, ONLY 4 EASY STEPS TO GETTING YOUR MEDICAL MARIJUANA RECOMMENDATION. | About Marijuana Doctors - was founded to act as the trusted gateway for patients searching for medical marijuana treatment in legal medical marijuana states.

To schedule:
Phone: (888) 392-9772

or visit:
Making contact - mailto: MD MCN Co., Inc., 1111 Lincoln Road, Suite 325, Miami Beach, FL 33139 *

Natl, (USA), BIZ, MED (Doctor)

We provide patients visibility and transparency in selecting a doctor and setting an appointment for a medical marijuana evaluation including detailed profile information, scheduling information, and ratings and reviews. We understand the uncertainty associated with the process and that medical marijuana is often the only effective treatment for many ailments that traditional medicine provides little relief or is accompanied by uncomfortable and dangerous side effects. Doctors, Connect with 1000's of Patients One Simple $99/mo Fee & Everything Else is FREE! At, we've created a straightforward pricing model for doctors. You only pay $99/mo per listing to receive all of the following benefits: Practice Listing & Profile - Your Listing in our Doctor Directory, with a Search Engine Optimized Practice Profile, Patient Ratings and Reviews, and more; Prequalified Leads - Unlimited Highly Qualified Patient Referrals, via our Unique State-Specific Pre-Qualification Survey and Booking Engine; Recommendation Letter Generator - Unlimited Auto Generated State-Specific Recommendation Letters (FREE with your membership).*; Automated Verification System - Unlimited 24/7 Automated Patient Verification Services (FREE with your membership)* *

click here to see their Website
Portland Alternative Clinic, Inc. (PAC)
Portland Alternative Clinic, Inc. (PAC) is a Portland, Oregon-based family owned company that provides patients an opportunity to consult with our full time physician, about the legal medicinal use of marijuana.

To schedule:
816 NW Hoyt St.
Portland, OR 97209
Trimet Bus #17 or by the Portland Street Car or by Max
Phone: (503) 477-5643

  • Every patient and employee is deserving of the utmost respect.
  • Respecting the patient requires respect for the law.
  • As written in Oregon law, marijuana is to be treated like other medicine.
  • PAC strives to provide excellent customer service and strict confidentiality to patients in need of medical marijuana cards that meet Oregon law requirements. PAC holds privacy in high regard and our core belief is practicing business with ethics, integrity and respect. Our desire is to improve the quality of life for our patients by providing excellent customer service.

    click here to see their Website
    Patients Choice Clinic Services
    332 W. 6th St., Medford Oregon 97504 * phone# 541-499-5431 * fax # 877-885-9910 * or visit -
    LOCAL, (MEDford), BIZ, MED (Clinic)

    Just Complete our Medical Release and we do the rest. After we receive your records we upload them to Dr. Within 48 hours our Dr. will have a response to the patient. At that time we will schedule you upon qualified status. Patients Choice is the first completely digital medical marijuana clinic. Our office helps Patients find growers also. We have a "consultant" verify and pre-interview potential growers before any referrals are given. We no longer refer to Co-Ops w/over 99 plants. Like Us on Facebook at -

    Resource - The Weed Blog: How Do I Get My Oregon Medical Marijuana Card? How Do I Get My Oregon Medical Marijuana Card? | The Weed Blog > Find Marijuana; Cannabis ... around the Portland area that would like to obtain their Oregon Medical Marijuana card, ... to be a resident of Oregon? ... -What are the qualifying conditions for an OMMP card? -What paperwork do I need to fill out? -How do I obtain my medical records? -How much will it cost? -What am I allowed to possess/grow once I have my card? -Can my employer find out that I am an OMMP patient? -Do I have to be a resident of Oregon? -How do I mail my application? -How long does does the application process take? -Can I travel with my medication?   >>

    Resource - Medical Marijuana Doctors - Oregon - Oregon | Medical Marijuana Doctors | ... you will need to register the paperwork with the Oregon Medical Marijuana ... 503.235.0120 or deliver/mail them to your local THCF clinic. THCF Medical ... Do you have a qualifying condition to get an Oregon medical marijuana permit? We can schedule an appointment when you have: 1. Faxed or brought in your recent chart notes from your own doctor, with documented diagnosis* 2. Valid Oregon driver license or ID card 3. Contacted clinic for current fees (low income available)   >>

    Resource - Marijuana Doctors, Oregon » Marijuana Doctors » Oregon > Subcategories: Klamath Falls (1) Portland (2) The Dalles (1) Found 4 listings | Showing page 1 of 1 pages Order by: Creation date | Title | Rating   >>

    ASHLAND area

    Resource - Ashland Alternative Health: Oregon Medical Marijuana Card, Public Health Ashland Alternative Health - Home | ... Oregon Medical Marijuana Card, Public Health ... The Oregon Medical Marijuana Business ... in the state of Oregon by providing a clinic that sets ... Ashland Alternative Health's team of physicians and professional staff will successfully guide you through the OMMP process of acquiring an Oregon Medical Marijuana Card. Our mission is to be the foremost medical marijuana advocate for patients in the state of Oregon by providing a clinic that sets the gold standard in professional, compassionate and private care while upholding the guidelines of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. Please call us at 541-488-2202 for more information.   >>

    PORTLAND area

    Resource - MMCS Clinic: How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in 3 Steps How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in 3 Steps :: MMCS Clinic | We help qualified patients in Oregon and Washington get a medical marijuana card. Do You Qualify? ... legal access to medical ... MMCS Clinic, 4911 NE Sandy Blvd. • Portland, OR 97213 • 503-384-WEED (9333) * Monday – Saturday 9am – 9pm • Sunday 9am – 6pm * We help qualified patients in Oregon and Washington get a medical marijuana card.   >>

    SALEM area

    Resource - OMMP Medical Marijuana Doctor OMMP Medical Marijuana Doctor in Corvallis, OR | Apply Online! > Our medical marijuana physicians have given out recommendations to patients in Corvallis since medical marijuana was permitted in Oregon back in 1998. It is our mission to provide you with all the resources you need to get your Oregon Medical Marijuana Card. We help simplify the process by breaking it down into multiple steps and guiding you through it. It all starts by filling out the application below to see if you qualify for medical marijuana.   >>

    Resource - Salem Medical Marijuana Doctor Salem Medical Marijuana Card - | Salem Medical Marijuana Doctor > Most affordable medical marijuana cards in Salem, OR. ... qualifying for medical cannabis at our Salem clinics, ... Become a Medical Marijuana Patient in Salem, Oregon. Our licensed Salem doctors, who specialize in cannabinoid medicine, will by no means turn you away from receiving the amazing benefits that medical marijuana has to offer you in the case that you qualify from our trusted evaluations. Right after qualifying for medical cannabis at our Salem clinics, you’ll obtain a Salem medical marijuana card that will help qualify you to purchase medical marijuana at a certified dispensary or collective. Get your medical card today!   >>

    Resource - OMMP Medical Marijuana Clinic in Keizer, Oregon OMMP Medical Marijuana Clinic in Keizer, Oregon | Apply Online! > Oregon Medical Marijuana Evaluations in Keizer “I have to admit that I was a little overwhelmed with the process and thought it would take forever. We have all of the resources necessary to help you get your card and will guide you through the entire process. To begin, you can fill out our online application by clicking the link below. This will allow us to pre-qualify you for receiving a medical marijuana card. Once at our clinic, our Cannabis physician will go over all your medical records with you and write you a recommendation. We look forward to helping you through the OMMP process! To begin, apply for your card here!   >>

    Resource - Salem Marijuana Doctors & Oregon Marijuana Card Salem Marijuana Doctors & Oregon Marijuana Card - | Salem Medical Marijuana Doctors Office and Oregon Medical Marijuana Card Program Salem Oregon Marijuana Doctor Oregon Medical Marijuana Evaluations! Straight-forward pricing, straight-forward results Call Us! (800) 991-0473   >>

    Resource - Resources For Medical Cannabis Users Cannabis Salem - | Resources For Medical Cannabis Users ... FAQs; Reality; Resources. OMMP “Clinics” Salem Dispensaries; ... in Oregon and the Oregon Medical ... The Cannabis Salem web site is being established to help folks interested in finding out about Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Oregon and the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP). There are thousands of resources available that can help those considering or just getting started with a Medical Cannabis program. Sorting through these resources can be confusing and very intimidating. OMMP “Clinics”: Nature Quest LLC – First Step Clinic; Oregon Medical Marijuana Cards; Your Healthy Alternative   >>


    Resource - Non-Resident Oregon Medical Marijuana Cards Non-Resident Oregon Medical Marijuana Cards | Apply Online! > Oregon Medical Marijuana Cards Helping you get your medical marijuana card every step of the way Oregon is one of the only states that allows non-Oregon residents to obtain their medical marijuana cards. You must meet all the necessary requirement and posses any valid state ID to apply. You must also have a certified Oregon doctor write your recommendation. You can use your medical records from any doctor of any state. The medical record request process is the same for every state. Getting your medical marijuana card is easy when you simply follow the steps below. We have helped over 1000 Oregonians obtain their medical marijuana cards and you can be next.

    > Step 1. A quick online survey and review of your records will determine if you are ready to receive your doctor’s recommendation. If you do not meet all the requirements, we will help you with the process to you establish your case and obtain your card.

    > Step 2. When you have been approved you can schedule your appointment online.

    > Step 3. Oregon law requires you to renew your medical marijuana card every year. With a quick application, we can help you renew your card online now!   >>

    Related Links -

    Resource - Oregon State, Government, Information: about Medical Marijuana Program Registry Identification Card Medical Marijuana Program Registry Identification Card | Medical Marijuana Program Registry Identification Card Not the ... cannabis: Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ... Registration for the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program ...   >>

    Resource - What Is The Best Medical Marijuana Clinic In Oregon? - What Is The Best Medical Marijuana Clinic In Oregon? | Not all Oregon medical marijuana clinics are created equal. Are you a patient in the OMMP? Which clinic do you recommend?   >>

    Resource - MMJ card in Washington or Oregon - Non Resident - Medical MMJ card in Washington or Oregon - Non Resident - Medical | MMJ card in Washington or Oregon - Non Resident - posted in Medical ... why can't you get a prescription for medical marijuana ... You can get a card in Oregon ... You can work with a MMJ clinic - they will prequalify based on your medical records. Common ones THCF, MAMAs, Alternative Medical Services. 2. Oregon is best MMJ state by far. 3&4 State of Oregon: Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) All forms and info found here, P.S. - Montana will issue out of state cards also.   >>

    Resource - News, Oregon Issues Medical Marijuana Cards To Out-Of-Staters Oregon Issues Medical Marijuana Cards To Out-Of-Staters | Medical marijuana and cannabis news, views, rumors, ... You don't have to be a resident of Oregon to get an Oregon medical marijuana card. You don't have to be a resident of Oregon to get an Oregon medical marijuana card. Hundreds of out-of-staters make an annual trip to the Beaver State to fill out an application, see a doctor and get a state-issued medicinal cannabis ID. Oregon is the only remaining state in the U.S. to issue medical marijuana cards to non-residents, according to Noelle Crombie of The Oregonian.   >>

    Resource - News, Out-of-staters get Oregon medical marijuana cards Out-of-staters get Oregon medical marijuana cards - | Consumer ... "It lifts my spirits to be in a place where medical cannabis is legal and ... got an Oregon medical marijuana card so he can travel through Oregon without ... PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Twice in the past two years, Gary Storck has boarded Amtrak's Empire Builder outside his hometown of Madison, Wis., and headed west to Oregon. The trip takes about 40 hours and costs more than $1,000 — all for something that makes the illegal legal. He pays a visit to one of the state's 15 or so medical marijuana clinics, fills out an application and sees a doctor. Storck walks out an hour later, the proud holder of an Oregon-issued medical marijuana card. It's a process he'll have to go through each year to keep the card. Storck, 56, is one of hundreds of out-of-staters who each year make an unusual pilgrimage to Oregon — the only state in the country to issue medical marijuana cards to non-residents.   >>

    Resource - News, Health and Fitness, Medical marijuana in Oregon Medical marijuana in Oregon | Health & Fitness News - > Medical marijuana in Oregon Eighteen states and Washington, D.C., ... and the Portland VA Medical Center perform liver transplants in Oregon. News > Medical marijuana in Oregon Eighteen states and Washington, D.C., allow marijuana for medicinal use. In Oregon, patients with a qualifying condition, such as cancer, severe pain or glaucoma, are eligible to use marijuana. The program was designed as a modest one, generating 500 new patients each year. Today, nearly 56,000 people are Oregon medical marijuana patients, creating demand for the drug and drawing increased law enforcement attention. The Oregonian's occasional series examines Oregon's medical marijuana program and the effects of its growth.   >>

    Related Resources -

    Resource - Lebanon Dispensaries Lebanon Dispensaries - | Oregon medical marijuana Find a Lebanon dispensary or collective to buy medical marijuana legally. View their profile, reviews and more! ... Dispensaries in Albany, plus ...   >>

    Resource - Lebanon: Going Green Compassion Center Going Green Compassion Center | Business Hours: Sun thru Sat, 12am - 7pm * 2995 Old Santiam Hwy, Lebanon, OR 97355 * Call - (541) 405-8856   >>

    Resource - Marijuana Dispensaries Facilities In Lebanon Oregon Marijuana Dispensaries Facilities In Lebanon Oregon - | Finding medical marijuana in Lebanon Oregon is not always an easy thing to do and that is why you may need to hire an expert ... Medical Cannabis Lebanon Oregon, ... Marijuana Dispensaries Facilities In Oregon Lebanon | Oregon Medical Marijuana Businessess   >>

    Resource - Oregon Marijuana Dispensaries Oregon Marijuana Dispensaries | Locations and Details > This website is intended to provide information on medical marijuana dispensaries. It is intended for use by medical marijuana patients and caregivers, persons of ...   >>

    Resource - PotSpot411: MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES | PotSpot411 > Marijuana Dispensaries directory by is the best web directory for medical marijuana doctors, ... from OREGON to RHODE ISLAND; ... Medical cannabis delivery ...   >>

    Resource - Co-Op Salem Oregon Medical Marijuana CannaMedicine Co-Op Salem Oregon Medical Marijuana - | CannaMedicine Co-Op Salem Oregon Medical Marijuana. Oregon Medical Marijuana Patients ... , the patient/growers donate excess medical grade cannabis for ... We are a co-op of Oregon Medical Marijuana Program growers and patients offering simple patient to patient transfers of meds and clones to OMMP patients. No Dues, No Fees, No cost to become a member. Our Mission: We are an exclusive co-op of OMMP patients and growers. Our members support the patient/growers and in return, the patient/growers donate excess medical grade cannabis for transfers. Only co-op members can offer or receive transfers. Only co-op members can donate excess. All OMMP card holders may apply for membership.   >>

    Resource - Potlocator:  Medical Marijuana Salem Oregon MERCY - OMMP | Salem OR 97301 - Medical Marijuana > The Medical Cannabis Resource Center is a not a Dispensary ... Salem Oregon Medical Marijuana ... (need to fix addr!)   >>

    Resource - Potlocator:  Medical Marijuana Salem Oregon OMMP - Medical Marijuana Salem Oregon - Potlocator | Medical Marijuana Patients can locate and review Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, ... Medical Marijuana Salem Oregon . 10 ... The Medical Cannabis Resource ...   >>

    Resource - Oregon Medical Marijuana Pharmacy - Salem, Eugene - Oregon Medical Marijuana Pharmacy - Salem / Eugene, Oregon | Will assist in dealing with most symptoms from any medical condition listed. Oregon Medical Marijuana Pharmacy, 4.6 avg by 4 reviewers write a review! 458-201-7642, 3831 Main St #104, Springfield, Oregon 97478   >>

    Resource - Salem Dispensaries Oregon medical marijuana Salem Dispensaries - | Oregon medical marijuana > Find a Salem dispensary or collective to buy medical marijuana legally. View their profile, reviews and more! Salem Dispensaries   >>

    also Information on
    Directory of information on cannabis and conditions Cannabis and ...

      Information about Cannabis and ADHD ADHD Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
      Information about Cannabis and AIDS AIDS
      Information about Cannabis and Alzheimers Alzheimers
      Information about Cannabis and Anxiety Anxiety
      Information about Cannabis and Arthritis Arthritis
      Information about Cannabis and Asthma Asthma
      Information about Cannabis and Autism Autism
      Information about Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder Bipolar
      Information about Cannabis and Cancer Cancer
      Information about Cannabis and Cachexia Cachexia
      Information about Cannabis and Crohns Crohns
      Information about Cannabis and Dementia Dementia
      Information about Cannabis and Depression Depression
      Information about Cannabis and Diabetes Diabetes
      Information about Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma ( DIPG )  DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)
      Information about Cannabis and Epilepsy Epilepsy
    Information about Cannabis and Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia
      Information about Cannabis and Glaucoma Glaucoma
      Information about Cannabis and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
      Information about Cannabis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
      Information about Cannabis and Lupus Lupus
      Information about Cannabis and Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis
      Information about Cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis
      Information about Cannabis and Nausea Nausea
      Information about Cannabis and Pain Pain
      Information about Cannabis and Parkinson's Parkinson's
      Information about Cannabis and Pregnancy Pregnancy
      Information about Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
      Information about Cannabis and Seizures Seizures
      Information about Cannabis and Spasms Spasms
      Information about Cannabis and Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
      Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

    Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
    Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
    Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
    Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
    Information about Canasol (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
    Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
      Information about Cannabis and Tar (Resin) Tar (Resin)

    Information about Seeds for Medical Cannabis Seeds - for Medical Cannabis and related info
    Information about Strains of Medical Cannabis Strains - of Medical Cannabis and related info

    ... plus Information on
    Information about Cannabis Cannabis for ...
      Information about Cannabis for Doctors Doctors
      Information about Cannabis for Nurses Nurses

    ... plus Information on
    Information about Cannabis Cannabis and / for ...
      Information about Cannabis for Children Children
      Information about Cannabis for Pets Pets

    also Information on
    Directory of information on cannabis by region Cannabis by ...

    Information about Medical Cannabis in the United States of America MERCY in America; Medical Cannabis in the USA

      Information about Medical Cannabis in Alabama Alabama
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Alaska Alaska
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Arizona Arizona
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Arkansas Arkansas
      Information about Medical Cannabis in California California
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Colorado Colorado
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Connecticut Connecticut
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Delaware Delaware
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Florida Florida
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Georgia Georgia
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Hawaii Hawaii
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Idaho Idaho
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Illinois Illinois
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Indiana Indiana
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Iowa Iowa
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Kansas Kansas
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Kentucky Kentucky
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Louisiana Louisiana
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Maine Maine
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Maryland Maryland
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Massachusetts Massachusetts
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Michigan Michigan
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Minnesota Minnesota
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Mississippi Mississippi
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Missouri Missouri
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Montana Montana
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Nebraska Nebraska
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Nevada Nevada
      Information about Medical Cannabis in New Hampshire New Hampshire
      Information about Medical Cannabis in New Jersey New Jersey
      Information about Medical Cannabis in New Mexico New Mexico
      Information about Medical Cannabis in New York New York
      Information about Medical Cannabis in North Carolina North Carolina
      Information about Medical Cannabis in North Dakota North Dakota
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Ohio Ohio
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma Oklahoma
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Oregon Oregon
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Rhode Island Rhode Island
      Information about Medical Cannabis in South Carolina South Carolina
      Information about Medical Cannabis in South Dakota South Dakota
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Tennessee Tennessee
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Texas Texas
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Utah Utah
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Vermont Vermont
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Virginia Virginia
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington State Washington State
      Information about Medical Cannabis in West Virginia West Virginia
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Wisconsin Wisconsin
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Wyoming Wyoming
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington DC, District of Columbia Washington DC (District of Columbia)

    Information about Medical Cannabis around the World The World of MERCY; Medical Cannabis around the Globe

    Information about Medical Cannabis in Africa Africa

      Information about Medical Cannabis in Angola Angola
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Cameroon Cameroon
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Cape Verde Cape Verde
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Egypt Egypt
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Morocco Morocco
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Mozambique Mozambique
      Information about Medical Cannabis in South Africa South Africa

    Information about Medical Cannabis in Asia Asia

      Information about Medical Cannabis in Cambodia Cambodia
      Information about Medical Cannabis in China China
      Information about Medical Cannabis in India India
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Indonesia Indonesia
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Israel Israel
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Japan Japan
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Malaysia Malaysia
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Nepal Nepal
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Pakistan Pakistan
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Philippines Philippines
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Russia Russia
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Taiwan Taiwan
      Information about Medical Cannabis in Thailand Thailand
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    Saturday, February 26 at 07:36 AM:
    faith venn from us wrote:
    " The greatest Joy in my life today is that I have been cured from Herpes by Dr. Aboda nature treatment. I was infected with HERPES Disease in 2019, i went to many hospitals for a cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution, so that my body can be okay. Until one fateful day as I was browsing on the internet I saw a testimony on how Dr. Aboda has helped people in curing Herpes and other diseases, quickly I copied his WhatsApp number so i contacted him for solution for my Herpes disease, So Dr. Aboda told me that his going to prepare his herbal medicine for my health which he sent to me through FedEx, luckily after 2week of using the medication my Herpes was completely cured. Dr. Aboda is well recognized as one of the best herbalist doctors in Africa, you don't have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure is available. The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT or Harm that will affect you in the future, there's no special diet when taking the medicine. He also cures ALS, #HIV #AIDS, #CANCER, #HPV, #DIABETES and lots more. For enquiries: E-mail: WhatsApp: +2349012479806 Website: https://dr-aboda- Facebook Page: dasolutionhome/ You can reach me on my Email: "

    Monday, January 24 at 08:25 PM:
    Harper Liam from USA wrote:
    " I'm Harper Liam,here in Texas. I have been suffering from this terrible breath,(HALITOSIS)i have been dealing with bad breath for 7 years nothing seem to work,i brushed and flossed twice every day tried all bad breath products,going to Doctors nothing seem work an is very painful living with such a big diseases, at first i feel it was due to the food and not brushing my teeth twice daily was the case but little did i know it was not the problem sometime speaking in public i discover people around me were never comfortable when i speak, getting close to person was really a big problem,i feel smell from my mouth so i have to brush twice yet things were getting worst so i have to see a doctor who told me i have bad breath so he recommended some drugs for me to apply,first Mouthwashes antibacterial Chlorhexidine, Cetylpyridinium chloride i keep using all this product i was never comfortable with this so i try all means seeking for possible solution from various hospital nothing seen to work doc keep recommending same drugs to apply it was really worst i try all and all nothing good work,i do some search for solution for my bad breath, where i saw some comment and videos on youtube about Dr Ose Odiagbe, how they get cure of bad breath and other related disease with his Herbal drugs so i sent he an email on his email address; m i told he about my halitosis, he reply back asking some questions and what i should do and not to do during intake of his herbal drugs which i comply i got it within 3 working days via Dhl he gave the instruction how i can apply it which i followed within 3 weeks my bad breath get rid off just like mericle my halitosis was gone just want to thanks Dr Ose Odiagbe for his good work you can contract he on his mobile line or WhatsaPp +2349060666954 or email he on his email address @ "

    Saturday, November 13 at 10:14 AM:
    Maria from USA wrote:
    " Very interesting read. I've suffered with herpes ever since I was a child but it's only been the last few years that I discovered that  I have genital herpes. So I started looking for a way to cure this deadly virus. I visited so many hospitals in search of a solution but it never worked I started searching for a cure to my herpes virus. Few month ago I came across a site where a lady was sharing a testimony about Dr OHIKHOBO about how he cured herpes and all kinds of diseases with is natural herbs so I decided to give it a try so I email the Dr he told me how I was going to get the herbs so I did as he instructed few days later I received the  herbs and I started taking the herbs as instructed by the Dr. I was shocked two weeks after when my doctor told me that I was free from herpes so I decided to let the world know how I was cured from herpes by Dr OHIKHOBO. you can reach him through his email: drohikhoboherbalcenter@gmail.c om if you also want a cure for your herpes or any of the diseases listed below because the Dr says he also has a cure for them.CÁNCER HEART FAILURE DIABETES HPV HIV COLD SORES FIBROIDS GENITAL WARTS His Email; drohikhoboherbalcenter@gmail.c om His whatsap number: +1-740- 231-2427 "

    Saturday, March 7 at 04:20 PM:
    ChrisT. from Eugene/Springfield, Oregon wrote:
    "I am in stage 3 emphysema, and was just told by my doctor that I may have cancer! I am disabled, and financially poor, but am desperate to get 60 grams of GENUINE RSO. Can anyone help me with this? Contact "

    Saturday, December 1 at 12:20 AM:
    charlotte from usa wrote:
    " Hello everyone i am charlotte cora by name.I was diagnosed with HERPES for close to a year and 4 years my friend Cindy introduced me to Dr Abaka that i can be cured by him which I never believed because I have spend so much money on different doctors. She advised that i give it a try because he cured her of Cancer with natural herbs. So I mailed him and complain to him about my illness, he said to me I am in the right place. Today i am the most happy person on Earth all thanks to Dr Abaka, he cured me with his herbal medicine. All i did was to order for the herbs which he sent through courier delivery services and he instructed me on how to apply it for a period of 2 weeks, before the completion of the 2nd week i was totally cured .I'm so happy thank you Dr Abaka. I share this because of the pain i passed through when i had it and i care about those passing through the same pain. He also said he has herbs for all kind of illness including HIV/AIDS, ASTHMA, CANCER, DIABETIC 1&2, BARRENNESS, IMPOTENCE, WOMB DAMAGE, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and EPILEPSY, Email him now on or call him on +2349063230051.Thank you doctor i will keep on telling the world about you because i am free of genital herpes forever. "

    Thursday, July 5 at 12:26 AM:
    spell from usa wrote:
    " Am Deguzman Ceejhay by name from USA Portland Oregon I feel so blessed again in my marriage after Doctor Ogun brought back my husband that separated with me for good 6 months. Even though i have mouths all over my body, it won't be enough to thank Doctor Ogun for his help upon my life. My husband separated with me for the 6 months and have been in pains and agony without him. So, i searched for help everywhere but nothing worked out not until i meant Doctor Ogun who i contacted online. I explained my situation to him and he promised that my husband will get back to me within 24 to 48 hours as far that my heart still beats for him. I believed in him and he prepared a spell for me and my husband called me exactly when Doctor Ogun said. He pleaded and said he needs me back and now we are living happily again for the past 9 months. Everyone out there reading my article that needs help should contact him... Email. Doctor Ogun via for more information If you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below he is also perfect (1) Do you want your ex back? (2) Do you always have bad dreams? (3) You want to be promoted in your office? (4) You want women/men to run after you? (5) Do you want a child? (6) You want to be rich? (7) Do you want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever? (8) Do you need financial assistance? (9) Have you been scammed and you want to recover your lost money? (10)Healing of cancer, Hiv/Aids, Herpes and all kinds of sickness (11)You want to stop marriage problems and Divorced (12) Child Bearing (13) Breaking Of Generation Course (14) Getting Of Job (15) Spiritual protection (16) Herbal Care (17) Divorce Spell (18) Marriage spell (19) Breakup spell (20) money spell (21) love spell (22) divorce spell (23) get pregnant (24) Business protection If you need or want any information on love or money spells you can get that problem solved today at Spell Of Solution Temple... "

    Thursday, April 12 at 02:16 PM:
    Linda Mark from United States wrote:
    " My Name is Linda Mark from USA/TEXAS Dr.SUKU Herbal Medicine is a good remedy for Herpes Virus , I was a carrier of Herpes and I saw a testimony on how Dr.SUKU cure Herpes Virus, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finish he sent me the herbs which i took for 2 week before going for a check up and getting there i could not believe that i was confirm Herpes Negative after the test,Today i am so happy because i'm free from herpes disease with the help of Dr.SUKU Thank God now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr.SUKU herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to God for making it possible you can reach him on his email i strongly recommend him to any one out here looking for a cure or Text/Call cell number +1(325) 701-3934 Dr.Suku Web /Site "

    Monday, February 26 at 05:35 PM:
    Mike Tom from United States wrote:
    " Dear Sir/Madam, We offers secured & unsecured loan at a very low interest rate of %3. Are you looking for urgent loan to finance your project and pay off your bills, Here comes your opportunity to apply at O'Magic Loan Firm, we offer all types of loan Interested person must be honest,contact me via email: Best Regards, Mike Tom "

    Tuesday, February 20 at 02:43 PM:
    RICK SIMPSON from CANADA wrote:
    " We have Quality Cannabis oil and medical marijuana for cancer cure, insomnia, back pain, to reduce stress and other illness. We are selling our products at very negotiable and workable prices. Apart from our very magnificent prices, when you buy from us, you are assured of the highest quality and purity available in the market, with a guaranteed discreet courier shipping or a special 24 hours confidential overnight delivery of the product to your address. We respect and value your privacy and will not share your information with anyone. We offer discreet and Reliable packaging and delivery. -Fast and reliable shipment within 24hours within the USA and 48 hours internationally, using courier service , email: "

    Tuesday, February 6 at 03:13 PM:
    Michelle Huxford from USA wrote:
    " ALL THANKS TO UPSTART LOAN AM NOW FINANCIALLY STABLE . I am Michelle Huxford from Casper, Wyoming. I was in a very chronic financial issue and terminal health situation some few weeks back. After all my search for assistance from friends and neighbors proved abortive, I feel there was no one who truly cares. I became so emaciated due to lack of good food and my 2 kids age 5 and 8 were not also good looking due to lack of proper care as a result of finance. One faithful morning I saw an old time friend of my late husband and I told him all I have been going through and he said the only way he could help was to direct me to a good loan agency that also helped him, He explained to me on how he was financially down and how he got boosted by this loan agency UPSTART LOAN INC ( ) who grant him 245,000 USD loan at an affordable rate. He further assured me that they were the only legit loan firm he found in the quest of seeking for loan after been scammed by various fake loan lenders online. He gave me their email: or text/call (574) 301-1639, That was how i applied and was also granted a loan and my life changed for the good. CONTACT THE ONLY GENUINE LENDERS( UPSTART LOAN INC) VIA email: or call +1 (574) 301-1639 to resolve your financial mess. "

    Monday, January 29 at 03:51 PM:
    James stephen from Us wrote:
    " Cannabis Oil Cures cancers . I am so grateful to Dr. Rick Simpson for providing me with Cannabis oil and Rhino Horns here in the United State of America, francis my friend was diagnose with skin cancer 2 years ago, and ever since then He have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help Him , but only damaged His immune system and render Him weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Cannabis Oil here in the State to help Him, i contacted him on: phoenixtears444@gmail. com for theprocurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and and Francis have been on treatment for the past 3 months now and i gave the oil to him to start using it, within one week the oil started working on Francis skin cancer,He called me and told me but I was not convinced on till i went to His house and confirm it myself before i was convinced and Francis was very happy with me because He has spend alot of money on but there was no outcome of it till the day i told Him about phoenixtears444 @ and help Him to buy the oil, am now here to testify that my friend Francis is no longer a cancer patients He have experience a total transformation in His life with Below are the different types of illness he cured (1) Adeniod Cystic Carcinoma (2) Anal Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinima) (3) Aplastic Anemia (4) Basal Cell Carcionoma (5) Bladder Cancer (6) Bone Cancer (7) Brain Cancer (8) Breast Cancer (9) Cervical Cancer (10) Colon Cancer (11) Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE) (12) Endometrial Cancer "

    Monday, January 29 at 06:09 AM:
    Eunice from USA wrote:
    " We promise to love each other for the rest of our lives, we also plan to get married, but suddenly he broke up with me without saying anything.My heart was broken and I have no where to turn to for help until I meet DR.LOVESPELL.Who was so nice in helping me get my lover back in a flash.I just wanted to say a big thanks for helping me, THANKS YOU.I have tried other spell casters and they failed me,please I advise you not to waste time contact DR.LOVESPELL now before it too late.He alone can help you bring you lover back. ( is +37060501930.Eunice "

    Friday, January 26 at 09:29 AM:
    Ramsey Mike from usa wrote:
    " I am very happy to receive a loan from the European part of the world,i am here to recommend you all in need of financial assistance to contact Mr Ronald James for your loan application .I was in need of $40,000 loan to buy a new car and also to pay my bills, I contacted him for my loan application and i receive my loan successfully.kindly contact Mr Ronald Jamesl via email for your loan: europeaninsurancecompany@gma "

    Wednesday, January 24 at 02:44 PM:
    Ramsey Mike from usa wrote:
    " I am very happy to receive a loan from the European part of the world,i am here to recommend you all in need of financial assistance to contact Mr Ronald James for your loan application .I was in need of $40,000 loan to buy a new car and also to pay my bills, I contacted him for my loan application and i receive my loan successfully.kindly contact Mr Ronald Jamesl via email for your loan: europeaninsurancecompany@gma "

    Thursday, January 4 at 02:42 AM:
    Maria Lucas from USA wrote:
    " I'm here to share to the worldwide that Dr.Zuku is a Powerful Herbal Medicine man. that can cure your disease if you can only contact him and let him help you. I was cured from my Herpes Disease. after suffering since 9years ago. but when i contact him on the internet. he gave me a Natural cure that ended my suffering after using it for two weeks. i went to check myself on the hospital and i was tested negative. I can't more happier but to say thank you sir and i use this medium to say to everyone don't waste any time to contact this powerful herbal Dr,Zuku On any Kind of Disease he is Ready to help you. You can reach him through Email:drzukuspelltemple@gmai Dr.Zuku Cell Number:+16177296273 contact Dr Zuku Blogs: Dr.Zuku Website: https://drzukuspelltemplewhe reallkindsofproblemisbesolve "

    Thursday, December 21 at 02:55 PM:
    chronic care inc from Eugene wrote:
    "We are a medical marijuana clinic looking for patients to come to our clinic on Jan 20th 2018. Our phone number is 541- 344-1688. CALL US! "

    Tuesday, December 5 at 02:35 AM:
    Maria Jones from Troy wrote:
    " Very interesting read. I've suffered with herpes ever since I was a child but it's only been the last few years I discovered that I have genital herpes. So I started looking for a way to get cure permanently from this deadly virus I visited so many hospitals in search for a solution but it never worked I started searching for cure to my herpes virus. Few month ago I came across a site where a lady was sharing a testimony about Dr IJAHO about how he cured herpes and all kinds of diseases with is natural herbs so I decided to give it a try so I email the Dr he told me how I was going to get the herbs so I did as he instructed few days later I received the herbs and I started taking the herbs as instructed by the Dr. I was shocked two weeks after when my doctor told me that I was free from herpes so I decided to let the world know how I was cured from herpes by Dr IJAHO. you can reach him through his email: drijahosolutioncenter@gmail. com if you also want cure for your herpes or any of the disease listed below because the Dr says he also as cure for them. CANCER HEART FAILURE DAIBETES HPV EX BACK LOTTERY LUCKY NUMBER GENITAL WARTS His email:drijahosolutioncenter@ His whatsap number: +2348103601042 "

    Thursday, October 19 at 02:48 AM:
    Mira Ambler from USA wrote:
    " My daughter has been diagnosed of cancer right from when she was five years after undergoing some major operation then in her brain. we have done everything possible to cure this deadly disease but to no avail but thanks to the cannabis oil from Rick Simpson who was introduced to my family by a friend and just within some couple of weeks of applying the oil my daughter sudden seizure stop. and we have monitored it for the past 3 months now and i can gladly say my lovely Daughter is completely cured, for your genuine cannabis oil, i recommend Rick Simpson with email address below: Ricksimpsonmedicaloil@outloo Best Regards, Mira Ambler "

    Saturday, September 9 at 10:44 AM:
    Lori from McMinnville Oregon wrote:
    " Are there any low income prescribers for Salem/Portland area?? I was needing one- then my friend of 30 years, was diagnosis last week... Lung cancer. Any advice? "

    Saturday, September 9 at 10:43 AM:
    Lori from McMinnville Oregon wrote:
    " Are there any low income prescribers for Salem/Portland area?? I was needing one- then my friend of 30 years, was diagnosis last week... Lung cancer. Any advice? "

    Saturday, August 19 at 08:08 AM:
    kerrypaul from USA wrote:
    " Greetings to you all, i am here today on this forum giving a life testimony on how Dr.Aluya has cured me from HERPES VIRUS, i have been stocked in bondage with this virus for almost 2 years now, i have tried different means to get this sickness out of my body i also heard there was no cure to the virus, all the possible ways i tried did not work out for me, i do have the faith that i was going to be cured one day, as i was a strong believer in God and also in miracles, One day as i was on the internet i came across some amazing testimonies concerning how Dr Aluya has cured different people from various sickness with his Herbal Herbs Medicine, they all advised we contact Dr Aluya for any problem, with that i had the courage and i contacted Dr.Aluya i told him about my Sickness, He told me not to worry that he was going to prepare some Herbal Medicine for me, after some time in communication with Dr.Aluya, he finally prepared for me some herbs which he sent to me and he also gave me prescriptions on how to take the herbal medicine , My good friends after taking Dr.Aluya Herbs for some weeks i started to experience changes in me and from there, I noticed my HERPES VIRUS was no longer in my body, as i have also gone for test, Today i am fit and healthy to live life again, I am so happy for the good work of Dr.Aluya in my life, Friends if you are having any time of disease problem kindly email Dr.Aluya on { Dr.Aluyasolutiontemple@yahoo .com} or call him on +2347064851317} you can also visit him on his website for help God Bless you Sir. "

    Friday, July 21 at 10:55 PM:
    joy from usa wrote:
    " Hi, what a great forum this is and I want to applaud the help that was rendered to my father by DR. priest Oduma. I send my love and prayers to all who have come here for help. I'd like to request a prayer for DR. priest Oduma who have cured my dad of his lung cancer. He was diagnosed about 5 year ago, beat it once and then a few months later it came back in his brain. He has been doing everything he possibly can, medication wise, and now the cancer seems to be immune to chemotherapy and radiation. He talks about this being his last year of life, so I feel like he has lost hope. after several online search, I found DR. priest oduma Cannabis oil which we secured via:, as soon my dad started his treatment and to God be the glory I didn't lose my daddy to lungs cancer anymore. Please help me share this testimony to the world at large as my dad has been saved by DR. priest oduma Cannabis Oil which we order via: My dad is now the strongest person I know and this cancer has has been cured. Am now seeing my dad thriving and full of life again. I admire his personality so much. Once again, God bless DR ODUMA. and all who have reached out for help on here. With love, share my story to the world and tell every to contact Dr Oduma on: "

    Friday, July 21 at 10:53 PM:
    moriter from canda wrote:
    " I want to thank prophet jeremiah omoto for helping my wife get pregnant, when we get married, my wife could not give birth and my family people were all saying it has been 11years now we are married no child, that i should get another wife for myself. i was tried and frustrated till i came across jeremiah omoto , who i contacted and behold my wife became pregnant. again all my thanks to prophet jeremiah omoto, the great man of God from Africa. If you out there need help to get pregnant, or for your wife to get pregnant, should contact the great man i contacted also his email or watch him television marcylandtv com or +2347055176615 . "

    Wednesday, July 12 at 01:50 AM:
    Patricia Ann from USA wrote:
    " My name is Patricia, I’m 66 years old, and I would like to share my amazing story with you. On January 18, 2000, after a severe headache prompted a CAT scan, a 3cm tumor was discovered in the left frontal lobe of my brain. I was 38 years old. My two daughters were ages 15 and 12. Immediate brain surgery was recommended by my surgeon. However, after further discussion, due to slow growth and no adjacent edema, he felt it would not be negligent to postpone surgery and monitor the tumor every 3 months with an MRI. The tumor remained stable for a little over three years then suddenly grew 25%. On September 4, 2003, on my husband’s birthday, I had surgery at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. I spent the next day, our 19th wedding anniversary in ICU. The pathology report came back an Oligodendroglioma grade 2. The surgery was an apparent success and neither radiation nor chemotherapy were recommended. However, since it’s unlikely every cancer cell can be detected and removed, and the nature of gliomas are to grow back over time, it was necessary to continue MRI monitoring every 3 months. Living from MRI to MRI had become our “normal”. All MRI reports remained stable until November 2013 when my quarterly MRI came back showing regrowth of the tumor. My brain surgeon in Los Angeles recommended 4-6 months of chemotherapy, and if that didn't work, another brain surgery to go in and clean up the regrowth would be considered. He also gave me anti-seizure medication for auras that had started to manifest as strong unexplainable odors. My doctor described this experience as an olfactory seizure. While researching Charlotte’s Web cannabis oil as an alternative to the prescribed seizure medicine I also found out that cannabis oil was also showing promise as a cancer treatment and could be an alternative to chemotherapy. When Jillian came home for Christmas she and my husband, decided it was time for me to make a decision to do something. I wasn't ready to decide anything just yet. I wanted to have Christmas with my family. The day after Christmas I made up my mind to drive out to California to investigate cannabis oil as a treatment. We read articles about successful brain tumor results in Spain and Amsterdam and gathered information wherever we could. We decided to give the cannabis oil a try, especially after we read a paper on a study about the chemotherapy my doctor had recommended. That study suggested patients with tumors like mine appeared to get better at first with the chemo but then the left over tumor cells would mutate and turn aggressive over time. After many conversations with my husband we decided to order 90-day cannabis treatment and MM Card was issue. the card was for cancer treatment amazingly, the cannabis oil has helped me with my fibromyalgia pain, joint pain, and chronic headaches. I had this pain for many years and it was getting worse. I literally have no pain now. My blood pressure had been creeping up over the years and was consistently pre- hypertensive, now it’s consistently on the low side of normal. I have not taken any other medication except the cannabis oil, supplements, and good clean healthy food over the last 8 months. In August, eight months after beginning the cannabis treatment, my MRI was reviewed by a leading Radiologist, my Neuro Oncologist, and my world renowned Brain Surgeon, and it was concluded that all that was remaining of the tumor regrowth was scar tissue. I will have another MRI in December. Because these tumors are chronic and tend to grow back, I will always be living MRI to MRI, but the key word here is that I am living …and in great health with a great immune system. By eating healthy food and walking every day we both lost a needed 35 lbs. I never experienced the dreaded “munchies” that some get on this medicine.Smoking marijuana is reported to have an appetite stimulating effect. When I built up a tolerance to the THC, even though I was ingesting large amounts, I did not get an intense “high” like what would happen if a person were smoking it. For me, it produced a deep sense of well being. Since concentrated cannabis oil with a high THC content is necessary to kill tumor cells it concerns me that the main talk in several states is to legalize CBD oil only. That is great news for seizures patients but denies treatment options for cancer patients, plus THC has so many other health benefits that shouldn’t be ignored. The evidence is rapidly stacking up on the healing properties of the Marijuana plant. I’m excited for the future of Medical Marijuana and I feel a strong responsibility to spread this information. I hear so many misconceptions about this amazing medicinal plant that I feel i need to tell my story to anyone who is interested and my prayer is that it will be received with an open mind and a compassionate heart. you can contact Phoenix Tears via email: Many Blessings to you All... "

    Wednesday, March 29 at 02:35 AM:
    Russa Smith Suire from USA wrote:
    " After My first 3 months of cannabis oil, My tumors decreased up to 60%! my oncologist was shocked. I am so happy with how the oil has changed my life. Not only do I truly believe it has been the reason my tumors are decreasing, but also, the oil off my anxiety and sleeping meds! Something that i had relied on so much before, now replaced with a natural cure. The connection we have made with your organization has truly done so much for our family already.” Thank you so much Rick.Feel free to contact Rick for THC cannabis oil. ksimpsonoilcure/ Email: Russa Smith Suire and Family members. "

    Friday, March 10 at 04:29 PM:
    tara kline from United State wrote:
    " Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email, "

    Wednesday, March 1 at 08:23 PM:
    Pat from Corvallis wrote:
    " 1st step clinic in Salem is the worst place I ever had to deal with. Misguiding rude incompetent and liers not to mention very pricy"

    Friday, February 17 at 01:28 AM:
    Susan Malila from U.s.a wrote:
    " I am Susan Malila from Dallas Texas, United States.i have been living in pains for the past 2 years now not until i meet Dr prince who was able to restore my life back with his herbal medicine, i have been HIV positive for the past two years now everyday of my life i cry to God as I was a mother of 2 cute kids who were looking up to me i was still taking my medication from the hospital which cost me a lot, I also did some prayers to God that he should do some miracle in my life,Few Months ago i was browsing on net when I found some good testimonials about Dr prince Herbs, and someone recommended that he has cured Hiv,diabetes,cancer,ulcer,an d so many other disease I always had faith that God could use someone to heal me, then I contacted Dr prince and I told him my problems, he told me not to worry that with God all things are possible and also that he was going to prepare for me some herbal herbs which i am to take and he is going to send the medicine to me, well after all the guidance and medication from Dr prince he advice that i go for check up again to see my status result and he assured me of good result, i was afraid at this point cause i never wanted someone to tell me again that i am positive, after 2 days I went to the Hospital for check up and they said the result was to come out by Friday, at 11:00 AM on Friday the Doctor called me and told me that the result was out and I am Negative, I was shocked and could not believe it, I immediately called Dr prince and told him about the good news he told me to rejoice and make sure I share my testimony with my friends and that is why I am doing this right now, friends you can contact Dr prince today on(DR.PRINCEARATAABRAHAM@GMA IL.COM ). You can also call or Whatsapp him on +3248163241499. "

    Monday, February 13 at 05:18 PM:
    olivia murphy from chicago city wrote:

    Friday, January 20 at 07:26 PM:
    Dr Erediawa Okoh from AFRICA wrote:
    " why waiting, stop dying in silence,come for both physical an some problems like Spiritual problems.Has your Doctor told you there is no cure to that you Illness or Disease, has it belong you have this problems have you been to Hospital or visit any Herbal home an you fine know cure or solution to that your problems, an you want to give up or you given up already, i said to you today that your problem or Disease has solution, why not try Roots an Herbs today an see the power in Roots an Herbs today, i tell you stop dying in silent that you problem have cure you don,t have to give up, i DR EREDIAWA is telling you there is a cure to that your problems an i am happy to see so many testimony about this my Roots an Herbs an i am happy, why you out there not also try an see the power in this my Roots an Herbs. Are you having Herpes,Diabetes,Fibroid, Hypertension, Stroke,Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Staphylococcus, Weak Erection,Rheumatism or Body Odor Etc, i tell you there is a cure. contract me on my email m or my mobile whatsapp number +2348159412586. Don,t die in silent there is a solution to that your problem this Roots an Herbs was given to me to save lives an also build a broken Home due to inability to bear Child, if many can Testify you too can also Testify. "

    Saturday, January 14 at 12:52 AM:
    GARRY HOOK from USA wrote:
    " do you seek for A CANCER , HIV, HERPES,ALS,LOW SPERM COUNT cure? then kindly contact DR OSEMEN EMAIL: HEALINGHOMEOFALLSICKNESS@OUTLOOK.COM for solution, he proven to me the meaning of herbal mixture and power of their forefather roots, what more can i say than to say thank you lord for using Dr Osemen to cure my HIV/AIDS when my life was almost gone, i will forever share this testimony to the world as long as i live, please readers and viewers be careful of all this online traditional healer because most of them are fake and not genuine, that was how i was scam of my hard earn money until i got the testimony of a young lady and a young man who said that Dr Osemen have also cured them of HERPES AND CANCER before i was now convince to contact him also,now he has prove to me that he is still genuine and real and that is why i am recommending him to everyone who is sick to kindly contact him for any kind of problem and he shall cure you without delay, please trust in God and he will use Dr Osemen to cure your sickness. email him now through his email address: and forget your sorrow. GARRY HOOK "

    Thursday, January 12 at 10:20 PM:
    GARRY HOOK from USA wrote:
    " do you seek for A CANCER , HIV, HERPES,ALS,LOW SPREM COUNT cure? then kindly contact DR OSEMEN EMAIL: HEALINGHOMEOFALLSICKNESS@OUTLOOK.COM for solution, he proven to me the meaning of herbal mixture and power of their forefather roots, what more can i say than to say thank you lord for using Dr Osemen to cure my HIV/AIDS when my life was almost gone, i will forever share this testimony to the world as long as i live, please readers and viewers be careful of all this online traditional healer because most of them are fake and not genuine, that was how i was scam of my hard earn money until i got the testimony of a young lady and a young man who said that Dr Osemen have also cured them of HERPES AND CANCER before i was now convince to contact him also,now he has prove to me that he is still genuine and real and that is why i am recommending him to everyone who is sick to kindly contact him for any kind of problem and he shall cure you without delay, please trust in God and he will use Dr Osemen to cure your sickness. email him now through his email address: and forget your sorrow. GARRY HOOK "

    Wednesday, January 11 at 09:14 AM:
    MARIA CHANEY from cordova TNunited states wrote:
    " hello everyone out there my name is maria chaney i am from cordova usa i never believe there's cure for herpes. i was infected with a herpes virus in 2015,the doctor said it has no cure because it has passed the primary stage and that am not going to stay alive for long. i wept bitterly,went to different hospital for cure but still no cure.i was searching the internet when i saw a post of how someone was cured by dr ohikhobo,at first i doubted it because i didn't believe in all those herbal cure but i later decided to give it a try.i contacted him through his mail on: drohikhoboherbalcenter@gmail .com and told him my problem,he prepared a medicine and sent to me via dhl services after recieving the medication he told me how i was going to use the medication which i did . two weeks later i went back to the hospital for test i was so suprise that my herpes was of shock i decided to share the testimony to the world that there is a doctor who can cure herpes.if you know you are suffering from herpes worry no more because dr ohikhobo as the cure you can contact him via drohikhoboherbalcenter@gmail .com. or wattssap him via +2348103601042 i want to say thank you to dr ohikhobo for helping me get rid of my herpes.he can also cure HIV/AIDS,CANCER,DAIBIETES,AC NE PUMPUS,LUPUS VIRUS,EPHSEMA AND ENLARGEMENT "

    Tuesday, January 10 at 04:41 AM:
    jeromine from USA wrote:
    " MUST READ: HOW I GOT CURED FROM MY HERPES VIRUS) Hello, My name is Jeromine, I was diagnosed of Herpes in 2014 and I have tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from West Africa ( Dr Oluwarinde ) who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Hiv virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me , when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus Herpes within 2 week of usage I am now free from the virus, i was tested negative. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email: dr.oluwarindetradomedicalhou or call +2349029519146. when you contact him, make sure you tell him that I referenced you and Good Luck…. "

    Sunday, January 1 at 06:05 PM:
    anita wilson from wrote:
    " I THOUGHT THE PYSICIANS SAY NO CURE FOR HIV/AIDS?, I AM TELLING YOU TODAY THAT DR GADAGODO CURE HIV/AIDS WITH HIS HERBAL MEDICINE AND ONCE YOU GET CURED YOU ARE FOREVER CURED IT IS NEVER REVERSABLE. MY NAME IS ANITA WILSON FROM THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA,I AM USING THIS GREAT OPORTUNITY TO SAVE LIFE BY SHARING MY TESTIMONY THAT THERE IS A CURE FOR HIV/AIDS BECAUSE I AM A LIVING TESTIMONY,I SUFFERED FOR HIV/AIDS FOR GOOD 1YEAR AND 2MONTHS AFTER LOOSING HOPE THAT I CAN NEVER GET THE CURE BEACAUSE THE DOCTORS SAID THERE IS NO CURE FOR IT,BUT THANKS BEEN TO THIS GREAT MAN CALLED DR GADAGODO WHOM I READ A TESTIMONY ABOUT ON HOW HE CURED HIV/AIDS WITH HIS HERBAL MEDICINE,I NEVER BELIEVE THIS BUT I DECIDED TO CONTACT HIM THROUGH THE STATED EMAIL, and he send to me a herbal medicine and ask me to drink and bath with the herbal medicine for one month but to my greatest surprises, i went for a medical test after two weeks and my status was negetive till today i cant keep sharing this testimony please brothers and sisters there is a cure to hiv/aids, contact this man for what ever you are going through, what ever sickness you are suffering from, hiv/aids,perkinsons disease, ALS,CANCERS,HERPES. contact him with his email via, or phone,+2347034629991 WHATSAPP+2347034629991. "

    Thursday, December 29 at 11:54 AM:
    Medical Weed Online from Atlanta,GA wrote:
    " We only deal with top shelf, high roxys quality cannabis.We am medical marijuana supplier ,we are open to work with serious people in and out of state customers.We ship to all the 50 states,Canada etc .We offer overnight discreet shipping. Indicas: *Granddaddy Purple, *Purple Kush, *Northern Lights, *Blackberry Kush, *Afghan Kush, *Grape Ape, *Cheese, Sativas: *Sour Diesel, *Green Crack, *Jack Herer, *Alaskan Thunder, *Super Silver Haze, *Durban Poison, *Maui Waui, *Lemon Haze, Hybrids: *Blue Dream, *White Widow, *OG Kush, *AK-47, *Trainwreck, *Headband, Visit <a href="" >Medical Weed Online</a> for complete list and prices. Discreet delivery."

    Sunday, December 25 at 03:57 AM:
    Tumelo Kotsi from lesotho wrote:

    Saturday, December 17 at 06:03 PM:
    david clara from united kingdom wrote:
    " WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are David Clara I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is David Sandra I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact m for the cure, he will help you out with the problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me "

    Saturday, December 17 at 09:07 AM:
    Anita Lawrence from Nederland wrote:
    " God bless Dr Osas from Ghana for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2014 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system. When i contacted a herbal Dr in Nigeria, he scammed me of my money and he never sent me any herbal cure. I searched about some possible cure for HERPES and I saw a comment about Dr. Osas from Ghana and how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through courier delivery. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days, later i was cured from HERPES with the help of Dr Osas herbal medicine, DR.OSAS truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why not contact him on doctorosasherbalhome@gmail.c om or whatsapp and call him via +233553866486, his web site http://osasherbalhome.ucoz.o rg DR OSAS ALSO CURES THE FOLLOWING: HIV CANCER HEPATITIS B HEPATITIS C HERPES 1/2 KIDNEY AND LIVER PROBLEM ULCER ZIKA VIRUS DIABETES AND MANY MORE. "

    Tuesday, December 13 at 05:20 PM:
    Angela Austin from Texas USA wrote:
    " I am ANGELA AUSTIN, From Texas USA. I am giving a testimony on how Dr Akin Momoh the great,cure my Diabetes 2 an Herpes Simplex Virus, i must tell you this Great DR AKIN MOMOH, has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my DIABETES 2 AN HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS, though I went through different website I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and Diabetes an H.S.V cure I like: 'Many people have Diabetes an HS virus (cure) why are people still suffering from it?' I thought of it, then I contact Dr Akin, via email on, I didn't believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try because of the pains i was really pass true an i believe who has such disease no a lot of pain this diastase are, he replied my mail and needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared it (CURE) and sent it to me through Airfreight Online Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that 4-7 days I will receive the parcel and after the 7th days i got my parcel, i took the medicine as prescribed by him and I went for check-up One an Half month, after finishing the medicine, I was tested Diabetes 2 ab H.S.V virus negative,please help me thank him and also pray for him that God should give him long life so that he can reach out many lives in the world if you are Diabetes or H.S.V patient do me a favor for you to contact him and I will try my possible best to make sure you get cured, when you contact him, make sure you tell him that I refer you.. contact him via; or call him on +2348154989405. "

    Monday, December 12 at 10:21 AM:
    Ashley clark from denmark wrote:
    " Hello viewers around the globe am here to give my testimony about a spell caster called DR FRED, I have been humiliated many times in relationships due to the fact of not being able to satisfy my girlfriend because I had a very small penis. i had so many relationship called of because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the kind of help i searched for. I was going through some comments on Facebook when I saw a testimony about this specialist called DR FED, and how he helped solve the testifies relationship issues regarding to their sex life, so i decided to seek his help too following the email I saw ((drfredspirituraltemple@yah oo.comdrfredspirituraltemple http://drfredspirituralte8.w ix... so I decided to give his herbal product a try so I emailed him and he got back to me, and I told him my story, DR FED sent me some herbal pills for Penis Enlargement, Within 3 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, " and now it just 4 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer, all thanks to the great DR, I believe their so many people going through the same thing which I went through that why I decided to tell the world how I got help from this great man. (((drfredspirituraltemple@ya or drfredspirituraltemple@gmail .com)) is a place to visit...+2348158839763 "

    Monday, December 12 at 03:19 AM:
    Fred from TEXAS wrote:
    " ,RICK SIMPSON OIL AND MEDICAL MARIJUANA AVAILABLE. Hi. Get your top quality cannabis oil,cbd oil,hemp oil,rick simpson oil and medical marijuana for cancer treatment,chronic pain,depression,anxiety,epilepsy,Herpes, HIV/AIDS Low sperm count Barrenness Hvp Herpes Genital Wart Rare disease and many others at best prices.Apart from our very magnificent prices, when you buy from us, you are assured of the highest quality and purity available in the market. We respect and value your privacy and will not share your information with anyone. We offer discreet and Reliable packaging and delivery. -Fast and reliable shipment within 24hours within the US and 48 hours internationally, using courier service. CALL OR TEXT DR. FRED::::: (+1) 989-941-3969 EMAIL: "

    Tuesday, December 6 at 09:05 PM:
    pedro from usa wrote:
    " SHARE IT TO THE PUBLIC DON'T IGNORE THIS, SOME ONE YOU KNOW MIGHT NEED IT PLEASE. A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2015, doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering her lower lobe and also had spread to her lymph nodes, We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain, Ed hated the morphine which made her vomit and also affected her mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, realy on ourselves. We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain, the cancer had blocked her bile duct, after that we choose a Naturalist doctor and have not had conventional treatments. One day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email ; (Ricksimpsoncannaoilservice) to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram of oil per day, Within a couple of weeks her pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life,we did it without undergoing surgery or and other physical medical pains. We never saw an oncologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. Her tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and she is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks to God. As i am writing this post, my wife is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer is gone. For immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact Dr Rick via email: (Ricksimpsoncannaoilservice) for more information and the delivery process. This cannabis oil have healed over 5000 people with different types and stages of cancer Thanks. "

    Saturday, December 3 at 04:14 AM:
    patricia from wrote:
    "TESTIMONY ON HOW I CURED MY CANCER! Hey! I can,t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all cancer patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for lung cancer or any cancer,i saw people testimony on blog sites of how Dr Rick Simpson cannabis oil brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you can't believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the drugs the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that for months now i have not had any pain, and i have just went for text last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any cancer system. Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine Man Dr Rick Simpson. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for cancer that is Not true, just contact him and get cannabis oil from Dr Rick Simpson to cure your cancer and you will be free and free for ever, Try it and you will not regret it because it truly works. One thing i have come to realize is that you never know how true it is until you try. There is no harm in trying. Remember, delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his email: ( )Contact him and be free from cancer! I wish you a quick recovery. "

    Monday, November 28 at 05:37 PM:
    PEDRO from USA wrote:
    " MY TESTIMONY I MOST SHARE IT TO THE PUBLIC DON'T IGNORE THIS, SOME ONE YOU KNOW MIGHT NEED IT PLEASE. A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2015, doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering her lower lobe and also had spread to her lymph nodes, We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain, Ed hated the morphine which made her vomit and also affected her mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, realy on ourselves. We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain, the cancer had blocked her bile duct, after that we choose a Naturalist doctor and have not had conventional treatments. One day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email ; ( m) to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram of oil per day, Within a couple of weeks her pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life,we did it without undergoing surgery or and other physical medical pains. We never saw an oncologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. Her tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and she is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks to God. As i am writing this post, my wife is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer is gone. For immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact Dr Rick via email: ( m) for more information and the delivery process. This cannabis oil have healed over 5000 people with different types and stages of cancer. Thanks. "

    Monday, November 28 at 11:43 AM:
    Jeff from USA wrote:
    " I am a private lender and Investor, Do you need a legit, honest, reputable and quick loan?? I can help you with 100% guarantee loan, I am offering business and individual loan, More also we financing all kind of projects. For more details contact us at "

    Wednesday, November 23 at 09:18 PM:
    Laura from USA wrote:
    " Appreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some time out to thank some one who cured me of my 2 years Herpes Simplex problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my marital life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across a post of Dr Lusanda and how he has been helping people of the same problem I contacted him and told him all I have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me and that my Herpes problem was gone that is why I have come out today to say thank you to him and for any problem either from man or woman. Contact him on or website on "

    Monday, November 14 at 10:34 AM:
    sophia from usa wrote:
    " Hello all my viewers here in this forum i am so glad that i have this great opportunity to come out here and share my testimony on how Dr clement was able to cure me totally from Hiv disease, i have been suffering from this Disease for approximately 4 Years now,i have tried various ways to get rid of this Virus out of my body,i have also purchase for Medical treatment from my doctor but they all failed,sometime back now while i was browsing the Internet i found some good quote concerning Dr clement Herbal Medicine,and how he has been using it to save souls from Different Disease including Cancer, someone also said she was been cured of Hiv from his medicine, and they gave out his contact details in case anyone needs his help, i decided to contact Dr clement and i told him about my Hiv illness he told me not to worry that he was going to send me his herbal medicine all i was to do is to send him my personal details and also my home address so he can post the Medicine to me, actually i did all that was required by this Man,i took the medicine just as prescribe by him, he told me to go for check up in the hospital which i did and to my great surprise my Doctor told me the Hiv Virus was no longer there, i even went to other hospital for better confirmation its was still the same thing, Today i am so happy that i am Negative again,Dr clement has given me reasons to share tears of Joy, you can reach to Dr clement on his email address at ( d or call him on +2348072222356 "

    Friday, September 23 at 06:14 AM:
    tom kingsley from usa wrote:
    " I'm tom kingsley i am from Texas,USA.It's been a while since I've written to thank you for my life Dr OHIKHOBO who helped me in my life. I was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2016, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can get a solution out so that my body can be okay. One day my Aunt Rosa introduce me to Doctor OHIKHOBO having seen so many testimony online about his herbal medication to cure HERPES and gave me his email:drohikhoboherbalcenter , so i mail him. He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to follow, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after one weeks the HERPES that was in my body got vanished. so if you are you are having herpes or any kind of disease listed below *DIABETES*EX BACK*PENNIS AND BREAST ENLARGEMENT *CANCER * HIV *STROKE *INFERTILITY *HERPES*HEPERTISIS A B C and you also want cure, you can also email him at:drohikhoboherbalcenter@gm and call him via+2349053294137or whatsapp him via +2348103601042 "

    Thursday, September 22 at 01:27 PM:
    Parker Ryan from USA wrote:
    "Our Cannabis Oil is Pure and potent. Never watered down or diluted, just 100% pure cannabis oil extracted from top quality marijuana grown by us and other professional cultivators in California, laboratory tested, then offered for sale here. Our cannabis oil is packaged in 1 gram and 3.5 gram disposable syringes for easy dispensing. If you aren't sure how to get the cannabis oil out of the syringe, For orders and more information, Kindly contact us on our Phone number: +1 714 905- 9772 or Email us at: parkercannabisoilcurecenter@"

    Wednesday, September 7 at 12:42 PM:
    AGUSTINA ALLEN from TEXAS wrote:
    " Hello dear readers, I'm Mrs Agustina Allen from Texas United State. Am a single Mother of a lovely daughter. I am here to tell every one about the good deeds Dr prince did for me, I was diagnosed of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the most common type of heart disease and cause of heart attacks., I was told by my family doctor, that I have only 8 months to live on planet earth, I was so depressed, I thought about my daughter, I don’t want to leave her behind, i first heard of Dr prince curing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) with herbal medication by a friend before seeing Testimonies online and references to his website, I never believe in herbal medicine, I collected his email from the testimony i read online just like mine. when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared the herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was totally cured of this deadly disease within 16 days, I am now free from the deadly disease, my digestive system is now working perfectly, i no longer feel all the horrible can contact this great herbal doctor via his email DR.PRINCEARATAABRAHAM@GMAIL. COM or call +2348163241499. "

    Friday, September 2 at 07:14 PM:
    Ngubane Innocent Bonginkosi from DAVIDSTELLA03@GMAIL.COM wrote:
    " I was 46 years old when I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012. During my annual physical, my doctor noticed that my PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, score, which can be an indicator of prostate cancer, had risen since the previous year. He wanted me to see an urologist for some tests—namely, a biopsy—to see if I had any signs of prostate cancer. The test came back positive.My initial reaction after hearing the diagnosis was one of panic and anger. I was mad that this was happening to me, but then I made the decision that I had to do something about it. I wasn’t sure about continuing treatment with the urologist I’d seen near my home outside of Hartford, Connecticut. My hesitation was not to do with his medical expertise, but with the feeling he was not speaking to me as a whole person. So I ended his service as a physician with me.During my search for a new doctor, my sister, who works as a nurse, told me about cannabis oil, so we decided to give it a try, we order it on line through, ( m), and it was delivered to us, after using the cannabis oil for a month we went for test and found out that the cancer cells was reducing, i just want to let the world know that am free from cancer, and also my advice to dose who are fighting cancerous disease, please be proactive to treatment, do not wait till it get worst before seeking solution, their is absolute cure for cancer. Please feel free to email Phoenix Tears via ( m)or visit his team face book page were i was able to purchase cannabis oil.Thanks. "

    Wednesday, August 31 at 07:49 PM:
    Ngubane Innocent Bonginkosi from USA wrote:
    " I was 46 years old when I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012. During my annual physical, my doctor noticed that my PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, score, which can be an indicator of prostate cancer, had risen since the previous year. He wanted me to see an urologist for some tests—namely, a biopsy—to see if I had any signs of prostate cancer. The test came back positive.My initial reaction after hearing the diagnosis was one of panic and anger. I was mad that this was happening to me, but then I made the decision that I had to do something about it. I wasn’t sure about continuing treatment with the urologist I’d seen near my home outside of Hartford, Connecticut. My hesitation was not to do with his medical expertise, but with the feeling he was not speaking to me as a whole person. So I ended his service as a physician with me.During my search for a new doctor, my sister, who works as a nurse, told me about cannabis oil, so we decided to give it a try, we order it on line through, ( m), and it was delivered to us, after using the cannabis oil for a month we went for test and found out that the cancer cells was reducing, i just want to let the world know that am free from cancer, and also my advice to dose who are fighting cancerous disease, please be proactive to treatment, do not wait till it get worst before seeking solution, their is absolute cure for cancer. Please feel free to email Phoenix Tears via ( m)or visit his team face book page were i was able to purchase cannabis oil.Thanks, John slake. "

    Wednesday, August 31 at 12:33 PM:
    Ngubane Innocent Bonginkosi from USA wrote:
    " I was 46 years old when I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012. During my annual physical, my doctor noticed that my PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, score, which can be an indicator of prostate cancer, had risen since the previous year. He wanted me to see an urologist for some tests—namely, a biopsy—to see if I had any signs of prostate cancer. The test came back positive.My initial reaction after hearing the diagnosis was one of panic and anger. I was mad that this was happening to me, but then I made the decision that I had to do something about it. I wasn’t sure about continuing treatment with the urologist I’d seen near my home outside of Hartford, Connecticut. My hesitation was not to do with his medical expertise, but with the feeling he was not speaking to me as a whole person. So I ended his service as a physician with me.During my search for a new doctor, my sister, who works as a nurse, told me about cannabis oil, so we decided to give it a try, we order it on line through, ( m), and it was delivered to us, after using the cannabis oil for a month we went for test and found out that the cancer cells was reducing, i just want to let the world know that am free from cancer, and also my advice to dose who are fighting cancerous disease, please be proactive to treatment, do not wait till it get worst before seeking solution, their is absolute cure for cancer. Please feel free to email Phoenix Tears via ( m)or visit his team face book page were i was able to purchase cannabis oil.Thanks, John slake. "

    Tuesday, August 30 at 05:41 PM:
    Am a woman from Am from maryland wrote:
    " I am so grateful to Dr. Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with skin cancer 2 years and 3 weeks ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil here is the State, i contacted him on: for the procurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months. Am now here to testify that am no longer a cancer patient. I have experience a total transformation in my life with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. For all cancer patients that lives in American region, Asia and Europe at large, go get your Hemp oil by contacting: "

    Monday, August 8 at 09:29 AM:
    john from uk wrote:
    " My name james my wife breast cancer started in November 2004. I was devastated, scared and numb when I found out I had cancer. At the time, I was 48 and thought that I was healthy. I immediately started researching doctors and treatments. I found a surgeon near my home outside of Savannah, Georgia to remove the tumor. After the surgery, I consulted with a local oncologist and radiologist. The doctors were so impersonal. They didn’t want to listen to a word I was saying. They wanted to put me in one of those cookie-cutter scenarios. There were no other options for me. They just wanted to cut, radiate and do the chemo. I felt with the way they were conducting business, I had to get a second opinion. so we decided to try Rick Simpson hemp oil. we contacted Rick via: ricksimpsonphoenixtearsoil@g i used the oil for a month and there was great changes.thank God for rick simpson "

    Sunday, August 7 at 09:59 AM:
    patricia from wrote:
    "Hello I'm Patricia Ann from USA, My father was diagnosed of Lung cancer in July 2001, the doctor had told us that he had only 1 year to live. I thought there was nothing to be done, I thought his life was about to end until i caught wind of the special cannabis oil. A rare commodity indeed, I searched high and low for the oil to no avail until i met RICK SIMPSON who cure the cancer with cannabis oil.You can Email him Via : ricksipsoncanabisoil@gmail.c om It Real!!! And it Work. Health is Wealth."

    Monday, August 1 at 01:41 PM:
    nancy from wrote:
    " Hello Everybody, My name is Nancy Jean from florida united state of america and i am here to share my testimony on how my son regains his health, I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating cancer’ if not for the government and their so called rules in regulating cannabis my Dad would have still been alive. thanks to the newly policy for legalizing cannabis in my state i would have still lost my son to kidney cancer, i was really touched and surprised when i watch lots of documentary on how cannabis oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ”Chemo” from the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to Mr. Rick Simpson for the timely intervention in the life of my son suffering from Kidney Cancer. as i am writing this testimony on this Blog my Son is so strong and healthy in spite he hasn’t completed the total Dosage’ for your cannabis and medical consultation try and get in touched with him through his email: Ricksimpsoncannaoilservice@g were i bought the oil from, you will testify after three months of using the cannabis oil once again you are welcome and i must continue sharing the good things that God has done for me and my family with the help of Rick simpson healing oil in my family. Contact email; Ricksimpsoncannaoilservice@g Mr Rick Simpson where i bought from. "

    Friday, July 29 at 02:55 AM:
    murray bruce from united state wrote:
    " I Am Murray Bruce from United State of America, I want to testify of how i got cured from HIV/AIDS.I never think I can live long again and am so grateful about this great man called DR.PRINCE who cured my HIV/AIDS last month. I have been leaving in pains for years now not until i saw a post on Facebook of mr gilbert talking about how dr prince cured him of his hiv immediately i contacted him and i told him my problem he told me to worry no more he then told me what to do which i did and he sent down the medication true the courier which i recieved and used for one week and he told me that after one week I should go for a test and Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now an HIV negative, I couldn’t believe myself, I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth again, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him on dr.princearataabraham@gmail. com to get Perfect healing for all kind of sicknesses and diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Herpes, Pyle, Ash- man, Ulcer, syphilis, Diabetes, pneumonia, flu, heart problems, liver problems, blood disease, eye problem, kidney problem,brain problems and Fibroid you can also call this great spell doctor or whatsapp him on +2348163241499 "

    Thursday, July 28 at 08:12 PM:
    Patricia lsird from Battle ground wa wrote:
    " We are moving to Cannon beach in August. I have chronic pain from osteopherosis and Fibromyalgia. I have been using CBD can ibis four 4 months in WA state and have been helped from it. Now that we are moving to Oregon I want to be able to continue with what is helping. "

    Thursday, July 28 at 03:55 PM:
    MARK HELAIN from USA wrote:
    "About 6 months ago I was searching for some kind of relief/cure? for genital herpes for my husband and myself. I have been suffering from herpes outbreaks for 9 years and gave my husband the gift that keeps on giving last year and he has been miserable with almost non stop outbreaks:( It sure has taken its toll on our sex life. I stumbled across surfing the net and immediately bought the herbs the product. We both started with morning and night applications, starting with 1 drop and working our way up to 15 drops, each day adding another drop. after 15 days of applying the drops we are now completely healed for the embarrassing disease and thanks to who made this possible Dr aghe of or call whatsapp him via his cell number +2348138634433... "

    Friday, July 22 at 08:14 PM:
    " I'm very happy for the great help that Doctor prince render to me .My name is Brittany Valladeres i live in Milwaukee Wisconsin.I have had lots of trouble with herpes. I have had cold sores on my mouth area, on my chin, on my thumb, I have seen allots of blogs and articles of some person speaking about how doctor prince has cure them with his herbal treatment and i was excited to contact this doctor prince through the e- mail DR.PRINCEARATAABRAHAM@GMAIL. COM and Doctor prince promise to help me with the cure and make me healthy again, he told me what to do and i went according to the instructions given by doctor prince, after I'm done with it he told me to go and check myself in any of the health center in my country and i did, only for me get there and after checking, i was confirm that the virus which has been my worries and trouble is no longer in my body system, i have had about doctor prince cure for any deadly disease and now I believe all the Testimonies about him on the internet is true. doctor prince can as well cure (1). HIV/AIDS (2). HERPES 1/2 (3). CANCER (4). ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) (5). Hepatitis B (6)Chronic pancreatitis (7).Emphysema (8)Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) (9)Asthma(10) diabeties 1 and 2 You can get or contact doctor prince on (+2348163241499) you can also whatsapp him on (+2348163241499) and his email at dr.princearataabraham@gmail. com "

    Tuesday, July 19 at 02:16 PM:
    MURRAY BRUCE from united state wrote:
    " I Am Murray Bruce from United State of America, I want to testify of how i got cured from HIV/AIDS.I never think I can live long again and am so grateful about this great man called DR.PRINCE who cured my HIV/AIDS last month. I have been leaving in pains for years now not until i saw a post on Facebook of mr gilbert talking about how dr prince cured him of his hiv immediately i contacted him and i told him my problem he told me to worry no more he then told me what to do which i did and he sent down the medication true the courier which i recieved and used for one week and he told me that after one week I should go for a test and Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now an HIV negative, I couldn’t believe myself, I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth again, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him on dr.princearataabraham@gmail. com to get Perfect healing for all kind of sicknesses and diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Herpes, Pyle, Ash- man, Ulcer, syphilis, Diabetes, pneumonia, flu, heart problems, liver problems, blood disease, eye problem, kidney problem,brain problems and Fibroid you can also call this great spell doctor or whatsapp him on +2348163241499 "

    Tuesday, July 19 at 09:46 AM:
    Charlotte david from united state wrote:
    " i am Murray Bruce from the united state of america.i am here to testify of how i got cured of my hiv aids that has been with me for the past 4 years now i have been leaving in pain and tears,i have visited so many doctors,herbalist and spiritualist but all my effort was in vain i even went as far as think of killing my self.on this faithful day when i was on Facebook chating with an old friend i saw a post of one Mr Gilbert uhuru from kenya talking about this dorctor called dr. prince talking about how he cured him of his h i v and he drooped his number and his mail immediately i gave him a call and i also emailed him and i told him my problem he tolled me not to worry any more that my problems were over and then he prepared the medication and he sent it down to me true the courier and i followed the instructions giving to me by him on how to use it which i did and he tolled me that after two weeks i should go to the hospital for a test which i did and to my greatest surprise i was tested negative are you out ther passing true any kind of sickness or disease please contact dr.prince today at dr.princearataabraham@gmail. com or whatsapp him on +2348163241499 he his the only solution to your sickness and disease. "

    Sunday, July 17 at 12:24 PM:
    Tiffany from USA wrote:
    " Just want to share my testimony here on what God did for my uncle through Rick Simpson five year ago he was diagnosed of cancer which was more critical in his case. It was a friend who told me about Rick Simpson cannabis oil when she came visiting, and she persuaded me to look it up. I purchased the oil for my uncle and he have being following the prescription that he was given for the past two months and there has being rapid improvement in his health, do contact him If you are facing the same issue via Email. or text +1 (402) 264-0855 "

    Saturday, July 16 at 05:32 AM:
    harry ferguson from U S A wrote:
    " Am Sancho Pedro base in united state of America, my wife was suffering from Breast Cancer and the doctor told me that there was nothing that he could do to save my beloved wife. Then a friend told me about the Harry Ferguson hemp oil that can cure cancer, i told him that my wife’s breast cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil would cure it and he persuaded me to try it, for the love of my wife, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my wife’s breast cancer and he assured me that after 4 months the cancer would be no more, here is the email to contact: or call + 14083370415 I bought it and she used it, it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed it. Thanks to doctor Harry Ferguson for taking away sorrow in my life. can you all imagine, that my wife have a 6 years old daughter and a 3 years old son, what would i have done. God will bless Dr. Harry Ferguson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care, contact Email: what can i say unto my LORD, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD. "

    Friday, July 8 at 03:18 PM:
    chalespalmer from usa wrote:
    " Life bounced back!!! Hi , My name is charlespalmer. i want to share my testimony to everyone out there, and to help me thank RS. phoenixtears. Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy , my wife was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma . I didn ’ t know what to do . The urologist made appointments for my wife to start radiation , and may be chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer . It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable breast cancer ) , were published with encouraging results . So I decided; rather than my wife die from the medical treatment , I would do the cannabis cure . Now… where to get some . There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter , so my wife took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone , only minor metastatic lesions were left . At that point I found a supplier for phoenixtearslives oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1: 1 THC: CBD with about a 30 % potency . This will certainly keep my wife clear of cancer , anywhere, for ever . My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer , all I had was very weak canna butter , but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor . If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, please don't die in silent please email: "

    Thursday, June 30 at 05:22 PM:
    chalespalmerl from wrote:
    " Life bounced back!!! Hi , My name is charlespalmer. i want to share my testimony to everyone out there, and to help me thank RS. phoenixtears. Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy , my wife was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma . I didn ’ t know what to do . The urologist made appointments for my wife to start radiation , and may be chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer . It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable breast cancer ) , were published with encouraging results . So I decided; rather than my wife die from the medical treatment , I would do the cannabis cure . Now… where to get some . There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter , so my wife took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone , only minor metastatic lesions were left . At that point I found a supplier for phoenixtearslives oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1: 1 THC: CBD with about a 30 % potency . This will certainly keep my wife clear of cancer , anywhere, for ever . My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer , all I had was very weak canna butter , but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor . If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, please don't die in silent please email: "

    Thursday, June 30 at 05:21 PM:
    chalespalmerl from wrote:
    " Life bounced back!!! Hi , My name is charlespalmer. i want to share my testimony to everyone out there, and to help me thank RS. phoenixtears. Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy , my wife was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma . I didn ’ t know what to do . The urologist made appointments for my wife to start radiation , and may be chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer . It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable breast cancer ) , were published with encouraging results . So I decided; rather than my wife die from the medical treatment , I would do the cannabis cure . Now… where to get some . There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter , so my wife took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone , only minor metastatic lesions were left . At that point I found a supplier for phoenixtearslives oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1: 1 THC: CBD with about a 30 % potency . This will certainly keep my wife clear of cancer , anywhere, for ever . My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer , all I had was very weak canna butter , but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor . If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, please don't die in silent please email: "

    Thursday, June 30 at 04:23 PM:
    chalespalmer from wrote:
    " Life bounced back!!! Hi , My name is charlespalmer. i want to share my testimony to everyone out there, and to help me thank RS. phoenixtears. Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy , my wife was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma . I didn ’ t know what to do . The urologist made appointments for my wife to start radiation , and may be chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer . It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable breast cancer ) , were published with encouraging results . So I decided; rather than my wife die from the medical treatment , I would do the cannabis cure . Now… where to get some . There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter , so my wife took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone , only minor metastatic lesions were left . At that point I found a supplier for phoenixtearslives oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1: 1 THC: CBD with about a 30 % potency . This will certainly keep my wife clear of cancer , anywhere, for ever . My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer , all I had was very weak canna butter , but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor . If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, please don't die in silent please email: "

    Thursday, June 30 at 04:22 PM:
    chalespalmer from wrote:
    " Life bounced back!!! Hi , My name is charlespalmer. i want to share my testimony to everyone out there, and to help me thank RS. phoenixtears. Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy , my wife was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma . I didn ’ t know what to do . The urologist made appointments for my wife to start radiation , and may be chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer . It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable breast cancer ) , were published with encouraging results . So I decided; rather than my wife die from the medical treatment , I would do the cannabis cure . Now… where to get some . There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter , so my wife took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone , only minor metastatic lesions were left . At that point I found a supplier for phoenixtearslives oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1: 1 THC: CBD with about a 30 % potency . This will certainly keep my wife clear of cancer , anywhere, for ever . My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer , all I had was very weak canna butter , but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor . If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, please don't die in silent please email: "

    Thursday, June 30 at 04:17 PM:
    chalespalmer from usa wrote:
    " Life bounced back!!! Hi , My name is charjespalmer. i want to share my testimony to everyone out there, and to help me thank RS. phoenixtears. Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy , my wife was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma . I didn ’ t know what to do . The urologist made appointments for my wife to start radiation , and may be chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer . It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable breast cancer ) , were published with encouraging results . So I decided; rather than my wife die from the medical treatment , I would do the cannabis cure . Now… where to get some . There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter , so my wife took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone , only minor metastatic lesions were left . At that point I found a supplier for phoenixtearslives oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1: 1 THC: CBD with about a 30 % potency . This will certainly keep my wife clear of cancer , anywhere, for ever . My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer , all I had was very weak canna butter , but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor . If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, please don't die in silent please email: "

    Tuesday, June 28 at 05:54 PM:
    chalespalmer from usa wrote:
    " A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liverg cancer in March 2013. The doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had spread to her lymph nodes. We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain. Ed hated the morphine which made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves.We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain. The cancer had blocked her bile duct, after that we choose a Naturopath doctor and have not had conventional treatments. one day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram of oil per day. Within a couple of weeks her pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life. We never saw an ocologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. Her tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and She is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks. As i am writing this post, my wife is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer was cured permanently. For immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact via "

    Friday, June 17 at 09:12 AM:
    Kelly Smith from USA wrote:
    " My name is Kelly, I’m 66 years old, and I would like to share my amazing story with you. On January 18, 2000, after a severe headache prompted a CAT scan, a 3cm tumor was discovered in the left frontal lobe of my brain. I was 38 years old. My two daughters were ages 15 and 12. Immediate brain surgery was recommended by my surgeon. However, after further discussion, due to slow growth and no adjacent edema, he felt it would not be negligent to postpone surgery and monitor the tumor every 3 months with an MRI. The tumor remained stable for a little over three years then suddenly grew 25%. On September 4, 2003, on my husband’s birthday, I had surgery at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. I spent the next day, our 19th wedding anniversary in ICU. The pathology report came back an Oligodendroglioma grade 2. The surgery was an apparent success and neither radiation nor chemotherapy were recommended. However, since it’s unlikely every cancer cell can be detected and removed, and the nature of gliomas are to grow back over time, it was necessary to continue MRI monitoring every 3 months. Living from MRI to MRI had become our “normal”. All MRI reports remained stable until November 2013 when my quarterly MRI came back showing regrowth of the tumor. My brain surgeon in Los Angeles recommended 4-6 months of chemotherapy, and if that didn't work, another brain surgery to go in and clean up the regrowth would be considered. He also gave me anti-seizure medication for auras that had started to manifest as strong unexplainable odors. My doctor described this experience as an olfactory seizure. While researching Charlotte’s Web cannabis oil as an alternative to the prescribed seizure medicine I also found out that cannabis oil was also showing promise as a cancer treatment and could be an alternative to chemotherapy. When Jillian came home for Christmas she and my husband, decided it was time for me to make a decision to do something. I wasn't ready to decide anything just yet. I wanted to have Christmas with my family. The day after Christmas I made up my mind to drive out to California to investigate cannabis oil as a treatment. We read articles about successful brain tumor results in Spain and Amsterdam and gathered information wherever we could. We decided to give the cannabis oil a try, especially after we read a paper on a study about the chemotherapy my doctor had recommended. That study suggested patients with tumors like mine appeared to get better at first with the chemo but then the left over tumor cells would mutate and turn aggressive over time. After many conversations with my husband we decided to order 90-day cannabis treatment and MM Card was issue. the card was for cancer treatment amazingly, the cannabis oil has helped me with my fibromyalgia pain, joint pain, and chronic headaches. I had this pain for many years and it was getting worse. I literally have no pain now. My blood pressure had been creeping up over the years and was consistently pre- hypertensive, now it’s consistently on the low side of normal. I have not taken any other medication except the cannabis oil, supplements, and good clean healthy food over the last 8 months. In August, eight months after beginning the cannabis treatment, my MRI was reviewed by a leading Radiologist, my Neuro Oncologist, and my world renowned Brain Surgeon, and it was concluded that all that was remaining of the tumor regrowth was scar tissue. I will have another MRI in December. Because these tumors are chronic and tend to grow back, I will always be living MRI to MRI, but the key word here is that I am living …and in great health with a great immune system. By eating healthy food and walking every day we both lost a needed 35 lbs. I never experienced the dreaded “munchies” that some get on this medicine.Smoking marijuana is reported to have an appetite stimulating effect. When I built up a tolerance to the THC, even though I was ingesting large amounts, I did not get an intense “high” like what would happen if a person were smoking it. For me, it produced a deep sense of well being. Since concentrated cannabis oil with a high THC content is necessary to kill tumor cells it concerns me that the main talk in several states is to legalize CBD oil only. That is great news for seizures patients but denies treatment options for cancer patients, plus THC has so many other health benefits that shouldn’t be ignored. The evidence is rapidly stacking up on the healing properties of the Marijuana plant. I’m excited for the future of Medical Marijuana and I feel a strong responsibility to spread this information. I hear so many misconceptions about this amazing medicinal plant that I feel i need to tell my story to anyone who is interested and my prayer is that it will be received with an open mind and a compassionate heart. you can contact Phoenix Tears via email: or reach the team on Facebook page ksimpsonoilcure/ Many Blessings to All Kelly "

    Monday, June 6 at 02:59 PM:
    Brandi from USA,Tx wrote:
    " I want to use this medium to share my testimony to the public, hopefully to safe life also, Am Brandi Harri, I was diagnosed of Breast Cancer Three years ago, when i had my last baby, my world came crashing down when my Doctor told me that nothing could be done to save me after fighting this deadly disease with Chemo And Radiation for Two Years but i refused to sit back and wait until the day it finally decides to take my life so i went in search of help which i found in the hands of Priest Babaka through his Cannabis oil/Herb Soap Supplement. God use him to bring life back to me and gave my life a meaning again,am alive now all because of him, sir God will continue to Bless you and your family for this good work and word of truth..If you have any issue of CANCER don't hestitate to contact him with this email : "

    Thursday, May 26 at 07:55 AM:
    Kelly Smith from USA wrote:
    " My name is Kelly, I’m 66 years old, and I would like to share my amazing story with you. On January 18, 2000, after a severe headache prompted a CAT scan, a 3cm tumor was discovered in the left frontal lobe of my brain. I was 38 years old. My two daughters were ages 15 and 12. Immediate brain surgery was recommended by my surgeon. However, after further discussion, due to slow growth and no adjacent edema, he felt it would not be negligent to postpone surgery and monitor the tumor every 3 months with an MRI. The tumor remained stable for a little over three years then suddenly grew 25%. On September 4, 2003, on my husband’s birthday, I had surgery at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. I spent the next day, our 19th wedding anniversary in ICU. The pathology report came back an Oligodendroglioma grade 2. The surgery was an apparent success and neither radiation nor chemotherapy were recommended. However, since it’s unlikely every cancer cell can be detected and removed, and the nature of gliomas are to grow back over time, it was necessary to continue MRI monitoring every 3 months. Living from MRI to MRI had become our “normal”. All MRI reports remained stable until November 2013 when my quarterly MRI came back showing regrowth of the tumor. My brain surgeon in Los Angeles recommended 4-6 months of chemotherapy, and if that didn't work, another brain surgery to go in and clean up the regrowth would be considered. He also gave me anti-seizure medication for auras that had started to manifest as strong unexplainable odors. My doctor described this experience as an olfactory seizure. While researching Charlotte’s Web cannabis oil as an alternative to the prescribed seizure medicine I also found out that cannabis oil was also showing promise as a cancer treatment and could be an alternative to chemotherapy. When Jillian came home for Christmas she and my husband, decided it was time for me to make a decision to do something. I wasn't ready to decide anything just yet. I wanted to have Christmas with my family. The day after Christmas I made up my mind to drive out to California to investigate cannabis oil as a treatment. We read articles about successful brain tumor results in Spain and Amsterdam and gathered information wherever we could. We decided to give the cannabis oil a try, especially after we read a paper on a study about the chemotherapy my doctor had recommended. That study suggested patients with tumors like mine appeared to get better at first with the chemo but then the left over tumor cells would mutate and turn aggressive over time. After many conversations with my husband we decided to order 90-day cannabis treatment and MM Card was issue. the card was for cancer treatment amazingly, the cannabis oil has helped me with my fibromyalgia pain, joint pain, and chronic headaches. I had this pain for many years and it was getting worse. I literally have no pain now. My blood pressure had been creeping up over the years and was consistently pre- hypertensive, now it’s consistently on the low side of normal. I have not taken any other medication except the cannabis oil, supplements, and good clean healthy food over the last 8 months. In August, eight months after beginning the cannabis treatment, my MRI was reviewed by a leading Radiologist, my Neuro Oncologist, and my world renowned Brain Surgeon, and it was concluded that all that was remaining of the tumor regrowth was scar tissue. I will have another MRI in December. Because these tumors are chronic and tend to grow back, I will always be living MRI to MRI, but the key word here is that I am living …and in great health with a great immune system. By eating healthy food and walking every day we both lost a needed 35 lbs. I never experienced the dreaded “munchies” that some get on this medicine.Smoking marijuana is reported to have an appetite stimulating effect. When I built up a tolerance to the THC, even though I was ingesting large amounts, I did not get an intense “high” like what would happen if a person were smoking it. For me, it produced a deep sense of well being. Since concentrated cannabis oil with a high THC content is necessary to kill tumor cells it concerns me that the main talk in several states is to legalize CBD oil only. That is great news for seizures patients but denies treatment options for cancer patients, plus THC has so many other health benefits that shouldn’t be ignored. The evidence is rapidly stacking up on the healing properties of the Marijuana plant. I’m excited for the future of Medical Marijuana and I feel a strong responsibility to spread this information. I hear so many misconceptions about this amazing medicinal plant that I feel i need to tell my story to anyone who is interested and my prayer is that it will be received with an open mind and a compassionate heart. you can contact Phoenix Tears via email: Many Blessings to All Kelly "

    Thursday, May 12 at 06:36 PM:
    sharon from bend, oregon wrote:
    " I WISH I was on Medicaid $ 180.00 to view my obvious medical records then $200.00 that's unbelievable for me. "

    Wednesday, May 4 at 10:05 AM:
    ellis johnson from beaverton or wrote:
    "Are there MDs who prescribe cannabis treatment in portland and will they give a protocol for treatment? "

    Sunday, April 10 at 09:34 PM:
    Emily from USA wrote:
    " Hello everyone, My name is Mrs Emily Dany and i am talking as the happiest person in the whole wide world today and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will tell the name to the whole world and i am so happy to say that my family is back for good because i was in need a loan of $ 70,000 USD to start my life all over as i am a single mum with 2 kids and the world seemed like it was hanging on me until i met the GOD sent loan lender that changed my life and that of my family, a GOD fearing loan lender, Mrs Marry Pery, she was the Savior GOD sent to rescue my family and at first i thought it was not going to be possible until i received my loan of $ 70,000 USD i will advise any one who is in genuine need of a loan to contact Mrs.Marry Pery via email at ( because she is the most understanding and kind hearten lender. God bless and keep you all "

    Wednesday, March 30 at 01:21 PM:
    Stadnik Lilya from USA wrote:
    " Four years ago I was diagnosed of diabetes, as if the pains of diabetes wasn’t bad enough Last year I was also diagnosed of cancer which was more critical in my case because of the diabetes which I already had. It was as if my world had come to an end because the doctor told me that it was only by the grace of the almighty that I was alive to receive their diagnosis. As usual I was given few weeks to live but the pains I went through made each day feel like my last and I was so scared cause I wasn’t ready to leave this world yet, I had a lot of things that I wanted to do that I hadn’t done yet and I knew the almighty wouldn’t call on me before I started my mission on earth. My little niece told me about Rick Simpson cannabis oil when she came visiting, she told me she heard her friend’s mom talking about it and she persuaded me to look it up, I watched some of his videos and read some comments online and I was pleased with what I saw so I gave him a call and sent him an email We talked and I was convinced that he was my ticket to my new dawn. I purchased the oil and I have being following the prescription that I was given for the past two months and there has being rapid improvement in my health, I no longer feel pains and I wake up each morning feeling revived, energized and rejuvenated.If you are passing through this pain, do try to get contact with him val Email. phoenixtears_rickcannabis@ou Stadnik Lilya from VI."

    Wednesday, March 30 at 05:05 AM:
    Stadnik Lilya from USA wrote:
    " Four years ago I was diagnosed of diabetes, as if the pains of diabetes wasn’t bad enough Last year I was also diagnosed of cancer which was more critical in my case because of the diabetes which I already had. It was as if my world had come to an end because the doctor told me that it was only by the grace of the almighty that I was alive to receive their diagnosis. As usual I was given few weeks to live but the pains I went through made each day feel like my last and I was so scared cause I wasn’t ready to leave this world yet, I had a lot of things that I wanted to do that I hadn’t done yet and I knew the almighty wouldn’t call on me before I started my mission on earth. My little niece told me about Rick Simpson cannabis oil when she came visiting, she told me she heard her friend’s mom talking about it and she persuaded me to look it up, I watched some of his videos and read some comments online and I was pleased with what I saw so I gave him a call and sent him an email We talked and I was convinced that he was my ticket to my new dawn. I purchased the oil and I have being following the prescription that I was given for the past two months and there has being rapid improvement in my health, I no longer feel pains and I wake up each morning feeling revived, energized and rejuvenated.If you are passing through this pain, do try to get contact with him val Email. phoenixtears_rickcannabis@ou Stadnik Lilya from VI. "

    Monday, March 28 at 09:41 PM:
    zunna from usa wrote:
    " My journey with breast cancer started in November 2004. I was devastated, scared and numb when I found out I had cancer. At the time, I was 48 and thought that I was healthy. I immediately started researching doctors and treatments. I found a surgeon near my home outside of Savannah, Georgia to remove the tumor. After the surgery, I consulted with a local oncologist and radiologist. The doctors were so impersonal. They didn’t want to listen to a word I was saying. They wanted to put me in one of those cookie-cutter scenarios. There were no other options for me. They just wanted to cut, radiate and do the chemo. I felt with the way they were conducting business, I had to get a second opinion. so we decided to try Rick Simpson hemp oil. we contacted Rick via: rickcurecancerfoundation@gma, i used the oil for a month and there was great changes."

    Monday, March 28 at 09:41 PM:
    zunna from usa wrote:
    " My journey with breast cancer started in November 2004. I was devastated, scared and numb when I found out I had cancer. At the time, I was 48 and thought that I was healthy. I immediately started researching doctors and treatments. I found a surgeon near my home outside of Savannah, Georgia to remove the tumor. After the surgery, I consulted with a local oncologist and radiologist. The doctors were so impersonal. They didn’t want to listen to a word I was saying. They wanted to put me in one of those cookie-cutter scenarios. There were no other options for me. They just wanted to cut, radiate and do the chemo. I felt with the way they were conducting business, I had to get a second opinion. so we decided to try Rick Simpson hemp oil. we contacted Rick via: rickcurecancerfoundation@gma, i used the oil for a month and there was great changes."

    Saturday, March 26 at 12:52 PM:
    Christina Rightmer from Albany Oregon wrote:
    " Is there guidance for new person thinking of medical Marijuana and someone to help figure out what may be good for different maladies? I do have an rx for dronabinol that have been taking since 2010 for severe nausea not related to AIDS or Cancer and have tried failed many antiemedics, "

    Saturday, March 5 at 04:43 AM:
    Tim Wesley from USA wrote:
    " In 2012 I accidentally stumbled upon the movie "Run from the Cure" on YouTube. I was very skeptical when I initially heard that cannabis could cure cancer. Like everyone, I assumed that if there was a cure for cancer it wouldn't be kept quiet. After countless hours of watching videos and reading through articles and studies I began to change my opinion. There was so much science behind cannabis and its effects on cancer I couldn't believe it. Last year, my uncle was looking for help. He had stage 4 cancer in his stomach, throat and pancreas. Over the course of about 5-6 weeks from when he was diagnosed, he became so sick he could no longer eat and he lost over 60lbs. He was actually supposed to be dead before Christmas and when I talked with him he was given about 3 weeks to live. He had been given radiation the month before he contacted me and he and his doctor were hopeful that would help. But instead of helping it seemed to make his cancer worse. So instead of trying to continue to help my uncle, his doctor told him he was sorry but the cancer had spread too much and there was nothing left to do for him. His doctor simply told him to go home and die. It has been over a year and my uncle is still ALIVE. Although there is no recorded proof, we can only go off of what we have seen for our own eyes: suppressed cancer, Improved immune function, and his weight is now normal. We learned that when it comes to the people you care about who's life is on the line, you can't always depend on others, especially doctors to go out of their way. One piece of advice I offer from his experience is to follow the dosage instructions. My uncle took about 10 times the recommended dose his first time. The only side effect he experienced was sleep but since he was not used to the effects of the oil it caused him to feel uncomfortable. He slept 8 hours straight. Tommy Chong did the same thing and took a large amount more than is recommended and explained his feeling like a "coma" because it was very hard to come out of the sleepiness to get up and move around. I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what he went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. Get your medication via Email: Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided us throughout this journey. You guys are awesome! "

    Saturday, March 5 at 04:40 AM:
    Tim Wesley from USA wrote:
    " In 2012 I accidentally stumbled upon the movie "Run from the Cure" on YouTube. I was very skeptical when I initially heard that cannabis could cure cancer. Like everyone, I assumed that if there was a cure for cancer it wouldn't be kept quiet. After countless hours of watching videos and reading through articles and studies I began to change my opinion. There was so much science behind cannabis and its effects on cancer I couldn't believe it. Last year, my uncle was looking for help. He had stage 4 cancer in his stomach, throat and pancreas. Over the course of about 5-6 weeks from when he was diagnosed, he became so sick he could no longer eat and he lost over 60lbs. He was actually supposed to be dead before Christmas and when I talked with him he was given about 3 weeks to live. He had been given radiation the month before he contacted me and he and his doctor were hopeful that would help. But instead of helping it seemed to make his cancer worse. So instead of trying to continue to help my uncle, his doctor told him he was sorry but the cancer had spread too much and there was nothing left to do for him. His doctor simply told him to go home and die. It has been over a year and my uncle is still ALIVE. Although there is no recorded proof, we can only go off of what we have seen for our own eyes: suppressed cancer, Improved immune function, and his weight is now normal. We learned that when it comes to the people you care about who's life is on the line, you can't always depend on others, especially doctors to go out of their way. One piece of advice I offer from his experience is to follow the dosage instructions. My uncle took about 10 times the recommended dose his first time. The only side effect he experienced was sleep but since he was not used to the effects of the oil it caused him to feel uncomfortable. He slept 8 hours straight. Tommy Chong did the same thing and took a large amount more than is recommended and explained his feeling like a "coma" because it was very hard to come out of the sleepiness to get up and move around. I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what he went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. Get your medication via Email: Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided us throughout this journey. You guys are awesome! "

    Thursday, March 3 at 06:29 AM:
    smith from wrote:
    " Hello Every one at home ,i am Mr smith Jim I am here to informed you that if you need cannabis oil,or if you have any serious condition like cancer,And you need cure form it, just contacts ( )For more information thanks "

    Thursday, February 18 at 06:15 AM:
    smith from usa wrote:
    " Hello Every one at home ,i am Mr smith Jim I am here to informed you that if you need cannabis oil,or if you have any serious condition like cancer,And you need cure form it, just contacts ( )For more information thanks "

    Thursday, February 11 at 01:48 PM:
    Theresa from waldport wrote:
    " I got my son a medical card but his doctor wont help me try this on chris he is 25 with seizures and sever Autism he takes a about 30 pills a day but I would like to get him off some of them but I am scared to do this on my own with out a doctor can you guys help "

    Tuesday, February 9 at 06:06 AM:
    JOHN from NEW YORK wrote:
    " My Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick simpson cannabis oil that we bought at:, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear. Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy family with my mother back alive, strong and healthy. You can contact for your own medication at: "

    Tuesday, January 5 at 05:51 PM:
    patricia Ann from USA wrote:
    " A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2013. The doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had spread to his lymph nodes. We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain. Ed hated the morphine which made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves.We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain. The cancer had blocked his bile duct, after that we choose a Naturopath doctor and have not had conventional treatments. one day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email :( to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram of oil per day. Within a couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life. We never saw an ocologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. His tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks. As i am writing this post, my husband is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer was cured permanently. For immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact Dr Rick via email: ( for more information and the delivery process. "

    Tuesday, December 29 at 05:12 AM:
    Mr Williams from USA wrote:
    " I'm Mr Williams, Video Productions at Marana High School. My wife had breast cancer which was already in the stage IV and the doctor said we needed a miracle for her to be cured of the cancer. But for grace over my family a miracle happened when we learnt about Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil, she has been on the treatment for the past 3 months and the result was tremendous as the Hemp Oil has cured the Cancer. If you have any cancer problem, chronic diseases, diabetes or any related dangerous diseases, please contact Dr.Harry George via: Regards, Mr Williams "

    Thursday, December 17 at 07:10 AM:
    franklin owen from united state wrote:
    "I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on: for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, contact Rick Simpson at: ( for more information and the delivery process. Thanks and God bless you. "

    Thursday, December 3 at 10:27 PM:
    Michael from USA wrote:
    " My God i never knew Hemp oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating cancer,i was really touched and surprised when i watched lots of documentary on how Hemp oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ”Chemo”,from the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to Rick Simpson for discovering the healing oil and also request a prayer for Dr.David who supplied us with the original oil that cured my daughter breast cancer with you i now believe that the hemp Oil is real and True.I am so grateful that my daughter is back alive and healthy and can do all the things she like without any hindrance in her life, from the bottom of my heart I'm truly grateful,i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your medical support. contact Dr. David if you have problem relating to cancer and other diseases Email: ricksimpsonmedicalcenter@out "

    Thursday, December 3 at 10:27 PM:
    Michael from USA wrote:
    " My God i never knew Hemp oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating cancer,i was really touched and surprised when i watched lots of documentary on how Hemp oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ”Chemo”,from the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to Rick Simpson for discovering the healing oil and also request a prayer for Dr.David who supplied us with the original oil that cured my daughter breast cancer with you i now believe that the hemp Oil is real and True.I am so grateful that my daughter is back alive and healthy and can do all the things she like without any hindrance in her life, from the bottom of my heart I'm truly grateful,i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your medical support. contact Dr. David if you have problem relating to cancer and other diseases Email: ricksimpsonmedicalcenter@out "

    Thursday, December 3 at 10:26 PM:
    Gab Bueno from Carli, USA wrote:
    " I still don’t know the right words to express my Gratitude to Rick Simpson for discovering the cannabis oil and to Dr. David for his wonderful cannabis oil that cured my Mother. she was diagnosed of Melanoma Cancer, it affected her Skin, intestines and eyes.. We took her for treatment but to no avail, my friend found the cannabis oil in an online search, at first i didn’t want to purchase the oil, because i had doubts about it curing my mother's cancer, but after reading about it and doing researches online, so i decide to give it a try, and indeed it was a wonderful one, the cannabis oil successfully cured my mother's cancer!!! after Three months. she is doing very good now and with a good health status. contact Dr David to get the original cannabis oil, Email: ricksimpsonmedicalcenter@out "

    Wednesday, November 11 at 01:33 PM:
    Debra from USA wrote:
    " A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2014, doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had spread to his lymph nodes, We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain, Ed hated the morphine which made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves. We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain, the cancer had blocked his bile duct, after that we choose a Naturalist doctor and have not had conventional treatments. One day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email : ( to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram of oil per day, Within a couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life. We never saw an oncologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. His tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks to God. As i am writing this post, my husband is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer is gone. For immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact Dr Rick via email: ( for more information and the delivery process. Thanks, Debra. "

    Monday, November 9 at 06:09 PM:
    Mary Van Way from Portland, Oregon wrote:
    " I would like to try medical marijuana for COPD and other ailments. I am bedridden. I need to find a doctor who will make a home visit."

    Friday, November 6 at 01:29 AM:
    Dallas from USA wrote:
    " I am unable to post this in the Success Stories for whatever reason,so I posted here. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on October 18,2014. I was advised by my doctor that my only options were to get a prostatectomy or have radiation seeds implanted in my prostate or receive regular external beam radiation. I declined, I knew there had to be other options. I scoured the Internet and discovered a wealth of information about cannabis oil curing cancer, I was able to obtain some medical marijuana oil (Rick Simpson Oil) from it and consumed the recommended dosage by mid January.On January 26th I had a cancer reassessment which consisted of an MRI with a state of the art Tesla 3 MRI machine. Results - NO SIGN OF CANCER! CANCER FREE! One of the things that helped me while going through all this was reading the testimonials and the success stories of those who have used the oil and were cured And with good food diet. Now that this wonderful oil has cured me, I feel I need to let others know as well.Please feel free to contact me ask anything should you like more information or directly contact to Rick Simpson at: were i purchased from. Thank you. Dallas J Tiger. "

    Wednesday, October 14 at 02:34 AM:
    asha durrow from wrote:
    " My Story, As a natural born skeptic, I spent countless time and energy researching all the available treatment options aside from what my oncologist recommended. I was DETERMINED to cure my cancer, and knew there was something out there after witnessing a number of people who not only survived, but thrived and went on to live fulfilling lives cancer-free. In addition to reading about Rick Simpson Oil, and watching the Run From the Cure video, I also spoke with people who had actually used the oil, and it was shocking to hear one after another how effective this medicine really was. I just couldn’t believe there was a cure out there and how wrong it was that this information is not being shared with the public! Treatment Regimine: I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so I started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until I reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 2-3 months, but I had 70 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on my face and neck. 3 months later, my cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, I am cancer-free and officially received a clean bill of health from my doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using the Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil. I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what I went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. more information, contact directly: Email were I bought from In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural . . . Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You guys are awesome! Asha Durrow. "

    Friday, September 18 at 06:13 PM:
    asha from wrote:
    " My Story . As a natural born skeptic, I spent countless time and energy researching all the available treatment options aside from what my oncologist recommended. I was DETERMINED to cure my cancer, and knew there was something out there after witnessing a number of people who not only survived, but thrived and went on to live fulfilling lives cancer-free. In addition to reading about Rick Simpson Oil, and watching the Run From the Cure video, I also spoke with people who had actually used the oil, and it was shocking to hear one after another how effective this medicine really was. I just couldn’t believe there was a cure out there and how wrong it was that this information is not being shared with the public! Treatment Regimine: I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so I started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until I reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 2-3 months, but I had 70 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on my face and neck. 3 months later, my cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, I am cancer-free and officially received a clean bill of health from my doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using the Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil. I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what I went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. more information, please visit the official Rick Simpson Website: or contact directly: Email were I bought from In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural . . . Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You are awesome! Asha Durrow. "

    Friday, September 18 at 05:29 PM:
    asha from wrote:
    " My Story . As a natural born skeptic, I spent countless time and energy researching all the available treatment options aside from what my oncologist recommended. I was DETERMINED to cure my cancer, and knew there was something out there after witnessing a number of people who not only survived, but thrived and went on to live fulfilling lives cancer-free. In addition to reading about Rick Simpson Oil, and watching the Run From the Cure video, I also spoke with people who had actually used the oil, and it was shocking to hear one after another how effective this medicine really was. I just couldn’t believe there was a cure out there and how wrong it was that this information is not being shared with the public! Treatment Regimine: I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so I started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until I reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 2-3 months, but I had 70 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on my face and neck. 3 months later, my cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, I am cancer-free and officially received a clean bill of health from my doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using the Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil. I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what I went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. more information, please visit the official Rick Simpson Website: or contact directly: Email were I bought from In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural . . . Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You guys are awesome! Asha Durrow. "

    Monday, July 27 at 05:26 AM:
    deborah from arizona wrote:
    " am moving to oregon and i m a mmj patient would help to get into a study where they observe me is that pposssible"

    Friday, July 17, 2015 at 06:59 PM:
    Find Marijuana Online from Los Angeles wrote:
    " "

    Tuesday, June 16 at 02:58 PM:
    james ogara grower from grants pass wrote:
    "I am a grower and need patience. Were did they go? "

    Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 11:09 AM: from Springfield ill wrote:
    " I have severe ms and need help finding a doctor who believes in pescription for medical marijuana for pain and other symptoms I have or I will forever be in pain I have tried everything from prescription to over the counter and they don't work please help me "

    Sunday, September 21 at 10:01 PM:
    tina Bigelow from Eagle Point, Oregon wrote:
    " Where can I go to get the paperwork for a ommp card in medford, Oregon "

    Sunday, August 17, 2014 at 02:18 PM:
    Mark from USA wrote:
    " I am a private lender and Investor, Do you need a legit, honest, reputable and quick loan?? I can help you, we offer business and individual loan for more details contact us at - "

    Thursday, April 24 at 04:11 PM:
    brian from coast wrote:
    "We are looking for M M Growers that would like to sell the bulk left overs to our Medical Marijuana Dispensary legally, please leave a post if you are interested "

    Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 09:05 AM:
    linda from Salem, OR wrote:
    "Is there a discount for seniors on SS ? "

    Tuesday, March 4 at 10:47 AM:
    lc from salem wrote:
    "looking for a doctor in the Salem area to issue card. I already had my card, but missed my renewal window. "

    Tuesday, March 4 at 10:30 AM:
    Dyanna from Brookings wrote:
    "I am looking for a Doctor to sign off on my OMMP card. I heard that there is a couple Doctors that come to Brookings and are set up at the Hotel down at Sporthaven beach. Does anyone know how to get ahold of them to make an appointment? my email addy.... ... Thank you!!! "

    Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 11:54 AM:
    i wrote:
    "Steps to Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card in Oregon | there are several medical marijuana clinics in the Portland area that can assist ... regarding how to get your card, oregon medical marijuana program ... 1. Determine whether you have a debilitating condition

    Obtain a recommendation from a qualified MD or DO

    Register with the State

    Obtain medication!

    -Buy on the black market. -Find someone to grow for you. -Grow your own!

    Legal Issues - Once you have your recommendation, approval from the state, and medication in hand, there are some legal gray areas to keep in mind. Police officers may still cite you for smoking in public-- disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace are potential charges. >>

    How to get medical marijuana card, marijuana Portland | medical marijuana clinic Portland, marijuana Portland Oregon, ... Portland Alternative Clinic Inc the medical marijuana clinic in Portland Oregon. Becoming a patient :

    Step 1 - Obtain your medical records (chart notes) from your physician’s office/doctor’s office or clinic. We will need a minimum of 2-3 recent office visits that can be up to three years old. The medical records must pertain to your qualifying condition.

    1b - Mail us your records

    Step 2 - Come in to the Portland Alternative Clinic Inc >>

    STEP 1 - Call the Aurora Clinic for a free pre-qualifying interview.

    STEP 2 - Obtain those medical records that pertain to your qualifying medical condition.

    STEP 3 - Come to the Aurora Clinic for a brief physical exam.

    The Aurora Clinic
    1847 E Burnside St.
    Portland, OR 97214
    T (503) 232-3003
    Fax: (503) 389-1583
    Click here for Directions >>

    How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card - Weed Smoker's Guide |

    1. Your first step is to determine whether you’re in one of the 14 states that have medical marijuana.

    2. Next, you need to decide if you have one of the medical conditions that are treatable for medical marijuana. You may notice that some of these conditions have some thin boundaries, like depression for example. So it may be easier than some other conditions to persuade your doctor that you need medical marijuana.

    3. After you’ve decided whether your medical condition is treatable by medical marijuana you will need to contact your doctor about it.

    4. Get your doctor to write a statement and/or prescription that he recommends medical marijuana to treat your ailment.

    5. You will also need to check with your county/state office to figure out if you need any additional documentation to get your medical marijuana card.

    6. Once you have all that in order go to a medical marijuana dispensary to purchase your medicine. >>

    OMMP - Medical Marijuana Oregon - Potlocator | Oregon Medical Marijuana; Medford, Portland, Roseburg, Salem; Medical Marijuana Social Media. >>

    Becoming a Patient in Oregon - Americans for Safe Access | OMMP (Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Website) * A patient with a valid ID card may use marijuana for medicinal purposes and the patient can designate a primary caregiver to help them with their medicine. >>

    How to get a Medical Marijuana Card in all Legal States | (PTSD) on the list of qualifying conditions in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. ... How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card: ... Click on the state on the map above to find out state laws. If you are interested in applying for a medical marijuana card clik on the state hyperlinks listed at >> "

    Friday, January 10, 2014 at 02:50 PM:
    Shaun Congos from Portland or wrote:
    " I am HIV positive and wanting to become legal without having to pay a fee. I am very poor and have trouble purchasing marijuana for my appetite. Is there any help for somebody in my situation? My email is >> << if you can help at all.

    Thank you so much."

    Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 01:24 PM:
    mick from Beaverton, Oregon wrote:
    " hello,

    I am a ommp patient with chronic pain that is looking for a doctor that is willing to prescribe my medications without discriminating against the medical card. this is a big problem for me locating someone that is ok both of them if you can help me please send me a email - if you help me out I can help you out with some medication ..."

    Monday, September 9, 2013 at 10:40 AM:
    Kyle from Polk County wrote:
    " Hi,

    I am a victim of unlawful incarceration issues. I was on probation for unlawful manufacturing of a controlled sub. (Marijuana) for which I was legal to have for chronic pain. I like in Dallas Oregon- Polk County Where I was on supervision for 2 1/2 years. I have since been off probation since April of this year. I am currently having a child and am looking for work, during this process I have committed no crimes by found out by our county clerk that the charge that was supposed to be reduced to a misdemeanor. When finding this out I wrote a letter the Judge that signed off on my plea deal, to reduce my record in this case. Within that same week of giving my request, I was sent a letter from the Polk county DA, saying that I had to appear at a hearing where in which he is to prove that I shouldn't have been released from supervision and that I should be put back on. I am not a lawyer but this seems very harsh and quite honestly legally and judicially irresponsible and offensive. I just want to do good, get a job, get back on my feet and move on with my life. Wues. the 11th at 2pm I'm having this hearing. Is there anything I can do? Or someone that could point me in a better direction? - Thanx "

    Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 12:15 AM:
    Kadin from Washington State wrote:
    "I am trying to get my medical marijuana card for ADHD/ADD. I have been diagnosed with ADHD when I was 6, and given methamphetamine till i was 13. the side effects of world, i think medicinal marijuana would be a new start for me since it doesn't seem to cause those negative effects of standard pharmaceutical's for treatment of adhd. please, email me with information on howto get my medical card for adhd, thank you my Email Address: "

    Thursday, May 30 at 11:30 PM:
    Julie from Portland OR wrote:
    "I have Chronic pain from multiple issues 3 Spine Surgeries since 99 and 2 have failed. I also have Fibromyalgia on top of this. I am on Pain Meds currently have Marij card. I am not sure seems my doc is against the use of Marijuanna. I need to be able to stay on pain meds but also need a doc who will prescribe Medicinal Marijuanna as I have found it really helps me get to sleep if that is all I use it for. Please contact me at - "

    Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 06:52 PM:
    Shayla from Portland wrote:
    "I am looking for a doctor for my husband. He needs a doctor in Oregon that will prescribe his pain meds even though he uses medical marijuana. This is urgent. Our family will be destroyed if he can't find a doctor that doesn't discriminate! PLEASE HELP US!!! - "

    Saturday, March 23 at 10:16 AM:
    Suzanne from Lincoln City wrote:
    "Need a grower asap please contact me at - "

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at 01:49 AM:
    loftlin from Portland wrote:
    "I have been regularly g taking narcotics from a pain clinic here in Gresham. I have active RA and chronic low back passion. I no longer want to take narcotics and want to find a REGULAR doctor, like a primary care who is marijuana friendly. A doctor who takes insurance for office visits. If u know of one, please email me at - I have medicare and OHP and SNAP. THANX "

    Friday, January 25 at 12:13 PM:
    Kaialoha from Maui and Oregon wrote:
    "I seek a caregiver/grower/room-mate/SMALL ranch hand "

    Monday, November 26, 2012 at 10:54 AM:
    Darlene from Rainier, Oregon wrote:
    " My husband has ommp card and card expires next month but Dr retired need to find new one in Columbia county area. If you know of anyone please email me at "

    Friday, November 9 at 01:55 PM:

    Thursday, November 1 at 10:41 PM:
    s buchholzflores from Salem, Oregon wrote:
    "A family member of mine is in the medical field and just started working for a new doctors office that will be opening their doors next week with an ommp doctor on site. I don't have a phone number yet but their office is on the corner of Durbin Street and Lancaster Drive kitty corner from 7 11 it does look like a house but it is now a medical center."

    Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 03:51 PM:
    ron herb from sparta, wisconsin wrote:
    " i lost my left leg in 2009 and use a lot of pain meds i go to colo now and then but its hard for a one legged 54 to try to get some good meds/ iam wondering how i can come to oragan i have medacil records and everything i think i need please any thing you could do for me would be great "

    Wednesday, October 17 at 02:34 PM:
    Glenn Kristiansen from Oregon Chronic Solutions wrote:
    "We are looking for a doctor to help us get people certified. 503-385-8101 We are a safe access point for OMMP members.Top strains of organic medicines, tinctures,medibles,Rick Simpson Oil,concentrates, and salves * 3300 Market St, Suite 15, Salem, Oregon * open Mon - Sat, Noon - 8pm"

    Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 01:16 PM:
    Hawk Marsden from Portland Oregon wrote:
    " We recently opened an OMMP Private Club in Downtown Portland. 818 SW 1st. Ave. We are open only to OMMP Card Holders. We cater to those who need quality meds. 503-241-2808. "

    Wednesday, July 11 at 08:17 AM:
    Iva Cunningham from Portland wrote:
    " Hello, I would like to know how I may get my clinic listed on your website. you may reach me at or 503- 446-0873. Thank you have a wonderful, blessed day! Iva "

    Sunday, June 24 at 05:54 PM:
    Debbie Bates from Eugene/Springfield area wrote:
    " My 35 year old son with MS and I are both disabled and both have Medical Marijuana cards. We are being evicted because of this ( we moved 3 months ago for my son's health) and are looking hard for a 3-4 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, hopefully in this area. Can anyone help us? My e-mail address is - "

    Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 12:57 AM:

    Thursday, May 31 at 02:20 PM:
    Timothy Mann from Salem wrote:
    "I had a card a couple years ago, but need to find another local doctor who isn't going to charge me $200!

    My medical records totally qualify me, so seeing a doctor just to sign off on the forms for that kind of money seems like they are in it for the $$ -- not to help.

    I can grow (under an affirmative defense, since I *qualify* for a card), but can not grow at my home, which means I need a card to be legit.

    IF or WHEN somebody can set me up with a decent, respectable doctor, I have a lot of experience and even some equipment that I can loan out to help others get started. feel free to email me at tdmann67<at>gmail<dot>com.

    If you are in need of assistance getting set up, I can donate *some* time for indigent patients, but if you've got funds, just not the qualifications (or seeds/clones) to get started, post me and let's see if I can help you. "

    Thursday, May 31 at 12:54 PM:
    Justina Reynolds from Oregon wrote:
    "I was wondering if I would qualify for medical marijuana. I have been going to the doctor for 3 years because I have severe abdominal pain. I would like to know if that would be a qualifying condition. email me at "

    Monday, April 30, 2012 at 09:41 AM:
    Brian Thacker from Washington wrote:
    " I need help help getting qualified in Oregon. I have recently moved here. Please contact me @ "

    Thursday, April 19 at 09:29 AM:
    mike from eugene wrote:
    "Hi, just to let folks know there is a new medical marijuana clinic in eugene - - they will assist you in acquiring your ommp card "

    Friday, April 6 at 11:52 PM:
    karl wayne musser from Molalla, Oregon wrote:
    "i am just trying to find the cheapest way to get involved in this, i have a bad neck with spasms and also lots of low back pain with spasms i am now getting steroid injections and they are very expensive and painfull and dont always help. any help i could get wuold be apprecieated thank you"

    Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 10:18 PM:
    Shawna Bentley (Cloud Nine) from Salem, Oregon wrote:
    "My family and I just opened up a club in Salem and were looking for serious patients that need their medicine, but are having a hard time finding it. We are family owned and we have all organic medicine, our address is Cloud Nine, 651 High St. NE, Salem, suite #8 - come check us out, must have your O.M.M.P Card and your current ID. "

    Saturday, March 10, 2012 at 08:56 PM:
    Thomas wrote:
    "Hi, growing up i always had a little amount of back pain after i was active. I had my father look at my back and my back bone was a little curved. We figured it was scoliosis, but was not sure. As i got older, and taller the curve and pain has gotten much worse. i am thinking medical marijuana would help me deal with the pain and make day by day life easier. Please email me back at if you have any questions because i want to know your opinion and if you could help. thank you"

    Friday, March 9 at 05:17 PM:
    sam from salem oregon wrote:
    "I need a puff"

    Thursday, March 1 at 10:37 AM:
    Ann B. Witte, Attorney at Law from Portland, Oregon wrote:
    " Please vote for Ellen Rosenblum for Attorney General on May 15. Please send her campaign money NOW. The alternative is former acting US attorney Holton, who hates us all. ELLEN for AG. "

    Friday, February 17, 2012 at 11:33 AM:
    Strider555 from Portland wrote:
    " Patients helping Patients learn to grow Medical Marijuana. mentoring, Chat rooms, open 24 hours per day. Oregon Medical Marijuana program, Medication, donations, plants, "

    Tuesday, February 14 at 10:15 AM:
    Joel Wills from Portland wrote:
    "I have had little success finding an OMMP grower here in Portland and need direction in finding one. Please help!"

    Friday, February 3 at 03:26 PM:
    JeremyK from Baker City wrote:
    " I moved from California with my Cali medi 215 card. I need to find out how to obtain and Oregon Card. How do I go about it? will it take for ever or is it like California where you go see a doctor. Pay and leave with a card? "

    Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 05:08 PM:
    heatherB from Ontario or. wrote:
    "My husband is schitzo effective and on lots of psychotropic med that have side effects can u be an OMMP cardholder for psychiatric reasons? if u know my email is "

    Tuesday, January 17 at 05:14 PM:
    Davante from Oregon wrote:
    "I have adhd and I am trying to get medical marijuana. I have been prescribe other medications that make me lose appettite ect. please Email = "

    Friday, January 13 at 04:49 PM:
    Steve from La Grande wrote:
    "Looking for help on getting a card and a provider. Any help would be appreciated. Email = "

    Thursday, January 12 at 04:19 PM:
    Di from Eugene or wrote:
    "Hi I am looking for a grower college student been in acouple car accidents ...... If you have room for one more please e-mail me"

    Wednesday, January 11 at 12:12 AM:
    Jade Francis from Salem, OR wrote:
    "Looking for healthy clones, starts or plants can pay give donation for your costs. Trying to get six healthy ones, please contact with info email:"

    Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 10:19 AM:
    Darla from Salem, Oregon wrote:
    "I am a Medical Marijuana grower. I would really like to find cuttings. In need of a new strain and also wanting to experiment with grafting to make a new potent strain with what i have now. If there's anyone who could help, it sure would be appreciated. thanks "

    Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 05:44 PM:
    Michelle Retton from Eugene, Oregon wrote:
    "I am interested in learning more about pain management for post traumatic brain injury and brain surgery-"

    Tuesday, October 25 at 01:18 PM:
    Mike from Salem, OR wrote:
    "I suffer from lower back pains.. been to the doctors about 5 times in the last 2 years for it.. all they perscribe me is muscle relaxers and ip 800's.. I hate taking pills they make me sick.. can anyone help? email - "

    Monday, October 10 at 11:34 AM:
    dennis from corvallis wrote:
    " I need a grower. Could also use some donations. Iam completely out of meds. contact -

    Thanks "

    Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 03:29 PM:
    kayla from england wrote:
    " e-mail me on - - ASAP "

    Saturday, September 17 at 06:11 PM:
    Adam from Eugene wrote:
    "suffer lower back pain, looking for a Doctor to prescribe. I currently am on OHP and Food Stamps, and am in the middle of an SSI case. Please contact me if you can send a reference my way. email -

    Westside Eugene "

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 12:36 AM:
    Carrie from Forest Grove, Oregon wrote:
    " Looking for a physician to sign my forms my regular doctor is not available anymore and I'm scared to ask another doctor who might be against it email - "

    Tuesday, September 13 at 11:25 PM:
    michael from salem wrote:
    " Hello I'm from the salem area with knee pain, have suffered with it for years now. I would like to try and obtain my medical marijuana card. But I'm afraid to ask my normal doctor. Is there any doctors in the salem/dallas area that may be able to help me? Any advice is greatly appreciated. P.S. I really like the site! "

    Tuesday, August 30 at 04:59 PM:
    me from a place wrote:
    "laws for money suck "

    Friday, August 19, 2011 at 09:02 AM:
    4dub from redmond, or wrote:
    " need some new clones where do i go? "

    Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 01:41 AM:
    neil murphy from portland, oregon wrote:
    "I am very low income and I'm currently on OHP and Foodstamps I am wondering if there is any special programs or discounts to obtaining a medical marijuana card. please help."

    Saturday, May 14 at 05:48 PM:
    Lisa Cotter from salem or wrote:
    " I need info on a local clinic "

    Thursday, April 7 at 03:47 PM:
    Erica from Colorado wrote:
    "Trying to research current clinical studies, to join, on medical marijuana and BiPolar. Anyone one know of any? "

    Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 11:48 AM:
    Shelly Colclasure from Medford OR wrote:
    " Anybody need a RN or know of any job opportunities? "

    Tuesday, March 8 at 12:40 AM:
    shedevil from roseburg, or wrote:
    "My boyfriend is in alot of pain caused by alot of different medical conditions. how can he get his medical marijuana card? i'm on a fixed income"

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 10:45 AM:
    Sandy Thompson from Patients Helping Patients of Southern Oregon wrote:
    "We are a new clinic in Medford, Ore. and we are looking for a doctor one time per week. Please call me at 541-690-1105. M-F 10:00-4:00 "

    Monday, February 7 at 06:36 PM:
    Marge Brown from Brookings wrote:
    " heard there's a clinic coming to Best Western this month. Any information on this?? Thanks"

    Saturday, January 15 at 08:05 PM:
    mohammad javad sohrabi from iran wrote:
    " u have nice site. "

    Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 03:55 PM:
    terry from salem wrote:
    " is there a docter in salem who can sign for me to get a medical marijuana card? my docter will not, even though I qualify. "

    Friday, December 31, 2010 at 08:49 AM:
    Brian Smith from Eugene, OR wrote:
    " i deal with cronic pain daily from various injuries ive suffered over the years (broken both hands, both wrists, broken shoulder)and birth defect (missing a bone in my spine (12th vertibrae) and i dont want to take pills. was wondering how i can go about getting a medical card to deal with the pain?! email "

    Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 01:37 AM:
    medical marijuana clinic from LIPAN wrote:
    " "

    Wednesday, October 27 at 12:56 PM:
    my name is Bob from PA wrote:
    " I live hear in PA and I deal with chronic pain daily. The doctors wanted to fuse c2-c7 over 3years ago and because of the high risk I have been putting it off but in PA if you don't let the doctor cut on you or put needles in you they tell you the pain in your head.I Am not a drug user but Im am so tired of being a gineapig. I have friends who smoke and I belive it would help but I'm afraid the doctors would list me as durg user and make it imposible for me to get any kind of pain med.I'm just trying to live somewhat of a normal life. But in PA its almost imposible with the laws they have here so if ther is anyone out there that has any ideas that might help me please "

    Saturday, October 9 at 06:30 AM:
    derrick haney from portland, oregon wrote:
    "i live in oregon city and need info on where to find a grower. i am a card holder"

    Friday, September 24, 2010 at 04:34 PM:
    Scott from wrote:
    "My hand was amputated after a work accident. I still get phantom pain/cramps. Does this qualify and would you direct me to a doctor. I've taken pain meds and it tears up my stomach and Tylenol/Advil just isn't strong enough. "

    Sunday, September 19 at 08:23 AM:
    Douglas W Stager Sr, ( from Idleyld Park, OR 97447 wrote:
    " I'm looking for a Dr. in the roseburg area to sign my Physicians Statement. ASAP. Thank you "

    Friday, August 13, 2010 at 04:22 PM:
    MARCAR from PDX wrote:
    "I need to find a Doctor so I can get off pain patches and pain pills. I am ver nervous about going to my regular Doc for fear that they will take me off of everything and put me in treatment. I think I can do this if I had some good help from MM but I need a Doc. HELP!!! Someone in PDX must know someone .... Thanks "

    Saturday, August 7 at 10:40 AM:
    Brian from Eugene wrote:
    " I'm really having trouble finding a trustworthy grower. Can anyone help me with info? "

    Tuesday, August 3 at 05:45 PM:
    simmons.c from se. portland wrote:
    "I am interested in getting my card for cronic pain, cus I don't want to use pain pills any more. But all my medical records are in Idaho; can I still use them to get my card here? Please e-mail back. Thank you for ur time.

    C. Simmons "

    Friday, July 30, 2010 at 06:55 PM:
    Tony from NE Portland wrote:
    "I am a very trustworthy grower seeking patients to grow for. Please contact me if you are interested: "

    Thursday, July 29 at 09:21 PM:
    Josh from SE Portland wrote:
    "Just got my card and need a trustworthy grower. Thanks you can contact me by email: "

    Wednesday, July 21 at 12:53 PM:
    Robert [Brotherbob] Walker from Bandon, Ore, 97411 wrote:
    " Great web page keep up the good work!"

    Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 05:30 PM:
    Rob Sexton from Veneta wrote:
    " I would like to rent my home to a provider. I live on 5 acres in the country and I want to move back to Eugene and rent my house out. If this sound o.k. Call me @ 541-510-9727 "

    Sunday, June 13 at 03:56 AM:
    justin from pdx wrote:
    "Hi, I'm a new ommp patient. I am looking for a trustworthy grower or caregiver. Please email me at "

    Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 11:31 AM:
    Theresia from Eagle Point Or. wrote:
    " I need Clones! I can't seem to find any anywhere! Can any one Help. I am an OMMP grower! I am legal! I just need help. E mail is - "

    Sunday, April 11 at 06:55 PM:
    James from Salem, Or./Mesa, Az wrote:
    " I live Part time in Salem and most of the time in Mesa, Az. Im wondering if i would be eligible for and O.M.M.P card i know i would have bheen before moving to Az. but until its legalized there, i dont want to take the chance. Even though im only a part time resident here in Salem, Would i be eligible for a card? You can contact me @ In Kilted Freedom, James "

    Monday, March 15, 2010 at 09:13 PM:
    Mariah writes:
    SUBJECT: MERCY Orgs Pg feedBack
    feedback: I am posting this for my sister in Southern Oregon, she needs a doctor, who is not a rip off, that can prescribe her the medical marijuana that is the *only* thing that alleviates her pain from arthritis and anxiety caused from that pain... if there is anyone *reputable* in the Roseburg or even Medford area that can help, I would be forever grateful... thank you and take good care, all! :)

    Best wishes for all,


    Friday, March 12, 2010 at 03:05 PM:
    D. Berry from Salem, Ore. wrote:
    " I need help finding a physician in the salem area that is taking new paitients currently having to go to Legacy Emanual clinic they will perscribe marinoal but not cannibas' You can contact me @ "

    Thursday, March 11 at 04:30 PM:
    Jacob from Eugene, Oregon wrote:
    "I have brain cancer and tired of chemical releaf is there a dr I can see in eugene "

    Wednesday, March 10 at 06:20 PM:
    J. Xiong from Eugene wrote:
    " Hi, I am looking for some information or a Doctor to help me get my card and information on this subject. I have been taking lots of pills for pain and muscle spasms since september and I am in dire need of something less addictive and harmful to my body. Please email me at > < any info you can pass, I can't find a clinic in eugene so please help. "

    Wednesday, March 10 at 03:43 PM:
    Scott Wayne from Eugene, Or. wrote:

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well as a dislocated shoulder. The drugs I have been given have many side effects. In short how do I get a card. Can you recommend a doctor who will give me a card in the Eugene/Springfield area. My current physican will not grant me such a request yet he has not problem writing a script for pills.

    Please assist

    Scott Wayne "

    Wednesday, March 3 at 12:44 PM:
    Tasha from Tigard wrote:
    " I am a recent graduate for MEdical assisting and would like to assist a doctor who provides medical Marijuana to paitents, if anyone can guid me in the right direction you can email me "

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 06:33 PM:
    dan from salem, oregon wrote:
    "Just got my card today looking to find a caregiver/ provider email me at "

    Friday, February 26 at 06:07 PM:
    Dan & Kel from Oregon wrote:
    " My husband and I have just received our liscense for MMJ. We both have severe med problems and we need a fair, responsible grower. Please contact me if you are or know of one, at - "

    Thursday, February 25 at 01:11 PM:
    dan thompson from salem, oregon wrote:
    "I just got approved for my medical card and I need to find a provider if u could help with info please call 503.302-2884 thank you "

    Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 03:42 PM:
    John from Salem, Oregon wrote:
    " I need your help for search the doctor provide me to getting an approval in Salem, Oregon for my head hurt alike migraine. please send me a message before see the what doctor is? email - - I am frustrated my head hurt the doctor gave difference medicine is not help my head hurt in resolve. I need marijuana pills send me asap Thank you "

    Friday, February 5 at 11:28 AM:
    Mohammad Javad Sohrabi from Iran was here.

    Monday, February 1 at 07:51 PM:
    mikey from winston wrote:
    " i am enterested in useing M.M.J. to treat my health problems i no it works for me because i have used it before. i have angsiety, but the angsiety causes a bunch of other problems. shortness of breath and stomack pain are the worst and most frequent. i no it helps me and i have tried talking to doctors about it but they will not here of it,and just prescribe me more meds that have side efects that i did not like, i would like to try marinol i have read where others have used it for post dramatic stress syndrome. and that is a type of angsiety, but even though i tell the doctors some thing workes for me and there must be some thing to it they wont help me, does anyone out there now how to go about finding a doctor that will listen to me, i dont have to take marinol if the doctor can figure something else out that will help me thats fine to, all i no is there is some thing about M.J.J. that helps me. i would prefer a doctor in oregon,but would be willing to travel out of state if it ment geting a prescription thanks for listening and sorry about the spelling it was never my strong point. my e-mail is - "

    Thursday, January 14 at 11:34 AM:
    Betty Lu Buck from Brookings, Oregon wrote:
    " We have clinics in Brookings on a regular basis. We also have a co-op for cardholders only and meet twice a month to help network and assist the new patients etc. Phone me at 541-469-5615 "

    Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 04:23 PM:
    Joshua from New jersey wrote:
    " I liked to say I am glad new jersey passed the medical marijuana law. I lost my left hand in Iraq I have such severe pain and chronic muscle and nerve damage - and much more - I have too take highly addictive opiates ! All the opiates do is make me go through severe withdrawal's...I would like not to smoke it . I rather get the liquid or the pill form . I have severe chronic sleep problems and the most worst anxiety .... I would like to find a doctor that will give this to me. my e-male address is ... I never ever went out and bought it illegally because I was afraid to "

    Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 05:53 AM:
    Zeppo from Salem wrote:
    "The easiest way to create medical records for yourself is goto to your local clinic and see a doctor about your condition once a month for 3 months. This will probably cost you anywhere from $250 to $500. My advice is call clinics within 50 miles of your home and ask what a typical visit costs. After that, contact THCF and take the necessary steps.

    If anyone needs growing help, advice, or caregivers, shoot me an email at If i dont have the answers i'll get you someone who does "

    Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 11:19 AM:
    ptown from Portland wrote:
    " I'm with Landon as I cant afford to see a doctor but have chronic pain from a broken hip and arm accident and would love to obtain a MMC, any suggestions ? "

    Wednesday, November 11 at 07:26 PM:
    Pamela Ridings from North Bend oregon wrote:
    " If your in the aera .You should seek the paper for folk,s "

    Wednesday, October 21 at 08:32 AM:
    Brian Wickizer from Salem, Oregon wrote:
    "Serching for a clinic in Salem, to renew an old card and a caregiver. "

    Friday, October 9 at 01:51 PM:
    joanna from portland, or wrote:
    "Is there anyone who can help me find a grower/caregiver. "

    Tuesday, September 29 at 08:08 PM:
    Landon from Salem wrote:
    " I recently found out about medical marijuana through a new friend who has suffered from pain for quite a while. He had suggested that i apply for a card after talking about medical conditions that we both have. I was diagnosed with scoliosis when i was 12, not that big of a deal at that age. As time went on sports became more physical and demanding, I also started in the workforce with labor intensive jobs. With all of this, the pain i was experiencing increased dramatically until my sophomore year i experienced a muscle spasm during a tennis match. This spasm dropped me to my knees, i couldn't walk nor move for 15 minutes. Throughout the next 3 days i was in so much pain i felt like i was paralyzed. After 4 years of trying different types of stretches and workouts along with a concoction of muscle relaxants and pain pills nothing has worked. I'm dealing with back pain on a daily bases and muscle spasms multiple times each year. I have researched ways of applying for this medical card and have came across one problem. Due to the fact i am 20, live on my own, go to school part time as well as work part time i have no medical insurance what so ever. I was unable to be on my parents insurance because i was only going to school part time because i must work to pay for schooling because my parents don't make enough money to pay for it so i am ineligible for there program. Its an extreemly frustrating common problem and one that shouldn't exist in the US. This brings me to my question, where can i go or what Doctor or Physician can i see to sign for the card that wont charge me $1500 just for him to say hi and sign a piece of paper.

    Thank you for your time and help, please email me at

    Landon "

    Friday, September 25, 2009 at 09:21 AM:
    babydoll from portland oregon wrote:
    "does anybody know a doctor that isnt a quack that can help me and my boyfriend out to qualify hes in so much pain and has chronic headaches but the doctor he is seeing doesnt want to do xrays on him that he needs we live in portland oregon help please "

    Wednesday, September 23 at 01:51 PM:
    Harold from Eugene oregon wrote:
    " looking to meet other cancer patients knowledgeable of how to prepare pain medicine and grow pain stuff in the garden legally "

    Monday, August 17 at 10:39 AM:
    John Robey from Advice for Eugene Docs wrote:
    " I will be in Eugene the first week in November and I would like to make an appointment with a doctor who might prescribe marijuana there. Does anybody have a recommendation for a person or place in Eugene who might be hemp friendly? Thank you John "

    Monday, August 10 at 02:22 PM:
    Rho from Camas, WA wrote:
    " people who need doctors should and know they have a condition or it has been put on paper recently, just go get a copy of it and take it to the orpc in olympia wa, make an appt, and you'll get a medical card. I need provider?? "

    Wednesday, July 22 at 08:50 AM:
    Jean Freemont from Savannah, Georgia wrote:
    "All- Looking for a doctor that will ok the medical use. Been all over the web, can not find a anyone. your help is appreciated. thanks "

    Friday, July 17 at 08:01 PM:
    jane doe from salem wrote:
    "looking from a doc that will ok ommp card has been exspired for two years now and cant find a doc that will look at the old records and ok it need help please thanks "

    Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 10:38 AM:
    dan from southern oregon wrote:
    "i have room for more patients at my grow site. if anybody needs a together grower please let me know. "

    Saturday, May 2, 2009 at 10:52 PM:
    Josh from Tigard wrote:
    "I have severe migrains that are only prevented and cured by marijuana. I figured out that marijuana helped my migrains 12 years ago so I don't have any recent medical history. How can I get my old medical records and where would I find a doctor that will recommend medical marijuana? "

    Sunday, March 22 at 05:11 PM:
    david from oregon coast wrote:
    " be careful on useing the word chronic pain to your DR.. I did got truned down for my card he wante to heaqr sever pain. losuy way to treat people. I gave up and now either suffer or go illegal. at that and $175.00 late and nothing to show for it SO BE Carefull.. some DR or in for the money. "

    Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 10:59 PM:
    Concerned Daughter! from Eugene wrote:
    " I am looking frantically for a new doctor to sign my fathers renewal paperwork! My father decided he didn't want to follow the drastic treatments for his Chrons disease and go the natural approach, now his new physician doesn't believe in medical marijuana. He would rather prescribe my father morphine and have him nearly bedridden for the last years of his life! I'm so frustrated, he only has 30 days before his license runs out. We are desperate! We live in Douglas County so even doctors in Roseburg would work. THANKS 80)"

    Wednesday, March 18 at 07:55 AM:
    Kelly from Camas, WA. wrote:
    " I currently am seeing a doctor for insomnia, and am also suffering from chronic back pain. My doctor suggests I also have a "mild" depression. Hmm, I assume it's just my character. Anyway, from what I've read medical thc could solve all of this. Do you know of a way I could proceed to access this? "

    Saturday, March 7 at 02:55 PM:
    Melissa from California living in Seattle wrote:
    " Have chronic anxiety/need to find a DR to script and get established in Seattle area- will travel no problem "

    Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 09:47 AM:
    Jerry from Stayton wrote:
    "I have an epileptic seizure disorder from a brain injury when I was 27 I have lived with this for another 27 years and know the medicinal properties of marijuana. Need a doctor to sign off for me. "

    Friday, February 27 at 01:41 PM:
    Norm M. from Eugene, OR wrote:
    " looking for clinic or DR. that will see and sign paperwork. Have Cronic Pain live in Eugene but will travel to other area if I need to. If you know of a DR. that I can see please send name to me. Thank you. e-mail - "

    Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 06:21 AM:
    Jodi Snomme from Eugene, Oregon wrote:
    " I would like to find a doctor and/or clinic to help me get a medical marijuana card and get into a program here in Eugene, Oregon. Help please Thanks "

    Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 05:36 PM:
    Tim C from Michigan wrote:
    "Diagnosis: Bi-Polar, Manic- Depressant, Hep C What information and/or paperwork would I need to have with me when I go to the Southfield Michigan THCF Clinic? Please resond to me @

    Thank You, Tim C "

    Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 12:47 AM:
    troy from lincoin city wrote:
    " need grower also we need a dr/ clinc at coast ,,, "

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 10:28 AM:
    Sherri "MotherGanja" Herrmann from SE Portland, Oregon wrote:
    " I realize you don't have a list of doctors, but I had to email you anyway because I am desparate. If you know of anyone who knows of a MD who can take on my pain management, I have all records, without having a problem with my Medical Marijuana Program. I thank you very much.

    Sherri "MotherGanja" Herrmann "

    Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 10:15 PM:
    Betty Buck from Brookings Oregon wrote:
    " I am co-ordinating clinics here in Brookings. We had our first here in over 5 years with more planned. My email is, I will be happy to help anyone get a DR to sign. "

    Monday, September 8 at 12:42 PM:
    deb from sweet home oregon was here.

    Thursday, August 14 at 09:49 PM:
    citizen from US wrote:
    "Medical Marijuana Buyers Clubs & International Clinics ... ... California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. & A International World Wide Listings Of Marijuana & Cannabis Clinics ... For Washington State & Oregon State Patients ... "

    Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 06:42 AM:
    Linda from Brookings wrote:
    ""I also can not find a doctor in my area that is able to help me renew my Medical Marajuana card, please help! Thank you in advance for your time. "

    Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 01:33 PM:
    Anthony from Brookings wrote:
    " Just like everyone else Iam in need of a Dr. in my area that is able to help. thank you so much"

    Monday, June 9 at 09:50 AM:
    Julia from Florence, Oregon wrote:
    " My diagnosis is "severe degeneratic disk disease, scoliosis and a reversed spine". Am unable to find a doctor here in Florence, Oregon, as it is difficult for me to travel. My nurse practioner refuses to recommend! Please email info to: Thanks a bunch! "

    Monday, May 5, 2008 at 06:09 AM:
    angie from riverside, ca wrote:
    "       locations&#65007;&#65007;                      "

    Friday, April 25 at 11:07 PM:
    kim from st helens, or wrote:
    "I have been diagnoised with arthritis in the cervical portion of my neck and lower back. I have been through Pt, pain pills, and muscle relaxers. I also have used marijuana for the pain and it does help relieve the pain. I would like to find a doctor for this that will let me use the medical card as my doctor will only let me use the pain killers and muscle relaxers for so long then I'm on my own with nothing to help me. The marijuana does help alot but it is not legal so I really would like to find a doctor who can help me if that is possible. thank you "

    Friday, April 18 at 07:18 PM:
    ramona thompson from spokane, washington wrote:
    " I have breast cancer.Found out in april of 2007. Have had 2 surgerys since. I am about to go throgh another biopcy on the same breast. I have severe sweeling in breast and horible pain. I cant take the pain, I feel like telling the doctor to just cut it off. I hate taking pain meds they make me feel terrible. The medical weed I feel would help me. Thanks for listening to me. "

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 12:19 AM:
    Randy from Newport, OR. wrote:
    " My wife has MS and is in a lot of pain, is there a Dr. in the area since we are new to Oregon that can give us the info about the medical marijuana cards and help us get started. "

    Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 01:04 PM:
    Mom from Oregon wrote:
    " Need help finding a Dr in Eugene Oregon for my daughter. Her Med Marijuana Card expires in Dec 2007 "

    Friday, September 28 at 02:59 PM:
    lionel kirk regon from Bend, Ore. wrote:
    " i need your fax no. too comeplete my doc's papper work 4-u p.vs s. thank's "

    Friday, September 21 at 02:45 PM:
    Joshua T. from Eugene, OR wrote:
    " I have chronic back pain from working construction, though I've never had it diagnosed formally by a doctor. Please email me a referral to a doctor who can formally diagnose me and give me a recommendation for medical marijuana. My email is

    Joshua T. "

    Thursday, September 6 at 04:39 PM:
    Tami C. from Oakley, California wrote:
    " Me and my son who is eighteen are moving to Silverton, Oregon. My son has had a cannabis card since 2/13/05. I would like to find a physician that will approve him. He is also on other medications and is on SSI and has a number of medical conditions. We are moving in about a month and we will be living 14 miles north of salem and 40 miles south of portland any advise on making this a easy transition! please e-mail me at


    Sunday, April 8, 2007 at 07:05 AM:
    kaelin from long island wrote:
    " what is THCF? I know what THC is but i keep hearing about THCF. is it another scientific word to tetrahydracannibinol or an organization?

    e mail me @ "

    Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 08:13 AM:
    Gregg Roth from Lake Oswego wrote:
    "I would like to find a referral to a doctor who can diagnose my chronic nausea and give me a recommendation for medical marijuana. Please email me with this information thank you "

    Monday, February 7, 2006 at 04:50 PM:
    Bernie Peoples from Eugene, OR wrote:
    " Could you direct me to physicians in my area, OR., etc., that authorize Marinol for medicinal purposes? Thank You!

    Bernie "

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