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Status of Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) in Greece.

  Info on Greece and Medical Cannabis 

Greece has a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) LAW.

Greece - status Greece has a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) LAW | Greece joins six other European Union countries that have legalized medical cannabis, including Finland, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. Germany, the latest EU country to legalize medical cannabis, has finalized its program and is currently establishing its own state-regulated growing operations. Under the policy change, cannabis will be permitted for patients diagnosed with chronic pain, neuropathic pain, nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, some eating disorders, and cancer. It is likely that the country will allow qualified patients, who will need to first obtain the recommendation of a doctor, to use cannabis edibles and extracts but not smokable dried flower.

Under Greece’s regulatory structure, cannabis will be downgraded from Table A, which includes substances like heroin and LSD, to Table B, which features drugs like methadone and opium, signifying that the government recognizes the medical value of cannabis for treating certain conditions. Greece officials have yet to explain how medical marijuana will be grown and cultivated, though Neos Kosmos reports that the government will be a position to award cultivation permits. The downgrade also permits the import of cannabis-derived products from other growers from countries like Canada and the United States. > SOURCE >> Click here

Greece’s Ministry of Health has identified chronic pain, neuropathic pain, nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, some eating disorders, and a number of other conditions as potentially legal to treat with cannabis. Back in April 2017, the ministry said it was preparing measures to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis. Early indications are that the country will allow only cannabis edibles or extracts rather than dried flower, which is often consumed by smoking. The legalization announcement is the latest in Greece’s slow rejection of prohibition, which has been the law of the land for decades. Recent years have seen the legalization and slow reintroduction of hemp—cannabis with less than 0.2% THC, per Greek law—as well as more organized advocacy efforts. > SOURCE >> Click here.

The details on distribution methods and how patients will access the medicine have yet to be divulged. As well, cannabis will be rescheduled in Greece from a Table A drug, meaning one with no medicinal value, to a Table B, which has approved medical use. Greece will also soon be able to import cannabis-based medicines from countries like Canada, the world’s major marijuana heavyweight. Greece has had a strict prohibition on cannabis since 1890. This recent landmark decision is a further indication that pot reform is at the forefront of international awareness. > SOURCE >> Click here.

  The Law, LEGAL Resources  

Greece - status Legal and medical status of cannabis From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Greece (Europe) Illegal | Possession: Illegal - but the amount of 0.5 grams or 1 pure/2 impure cannabis cigarettes decriminalised in court if made sure to be for personal use; Sale/Transport/Cultivation: Illegal. >> Source > Legality of cannabis by country by Wikipedia <

A new law issued in 2013 still criminalizes users and sentences them with 3 months and 1000 euros when caught with small quantities, even if these are considered to be for personal use with no objective criteria to distinguish them from other kinds of use (it is left to the judgement of the prosecutor). Even if someone is caught with 5 grams and declares to be a first time user he could be sentenced this way unless he has a clear criminal record. Cultivation of cannabis for personal use again is considered a minor offence and prosecuted with 3 months and 1000 euros fine. Recently there was a case with a patient who was caught with many cannabis plants but was not jailed since the prosecutor had recognised his therapeutical needs. On the other hand the current government announced plans to introduce a new bill that would shorten the penalties for large scale traffickers who will be spending now only one third of the sentence while the users still face normal prosecution. >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Info; Status Greece | Cannabis is controlled in Greece and illegal to grow or possess. We've received conflicting reports about how severely police treat minor possession offenses (less than 1 gram) with one submitter saying police are likely to overlook possession at that level and a March 2007 submitter saying that they were themselves prosecuted in southern Greece for 0.8 grams of cannabis and that raids on cannabis farms had increased over the last 3 years. (thanks Z, A) (last updated Mar 2007) See also Greek Drug Law and Policy Source >>

Greece - Resource, Law, Policy; local Greek Drug Law & Policy | PRIMARY RESOURCES - EMCDDA: Greek Drug Law Profile (Select "GREECE" from Country Dropdown), Greek Drug Situation Summary, Greek Drug Laws; New Substances Controlled, Feb 2003 >> Source >

Europe - Resource; News, Org ENCOD BULLETIN ON DRUG POLICIES IN EUROPE - Encod Bulletin 114 (AUGUST 2014) Markos the minister is still kicking in Greece | The use of mind altering substances in Greece is as old as the hellenic civilisation ranging from the Eleusinian Mysteries to the recent occasional armed confrontation among security forces and cannabis growers in the mountains of Crete’s Psiloritis. The young people of Zoniana seem to enjoy the fact that a little bunch of Cretans is still capable to defeat most foreign invaders as they did with the Venetians, the Turks and even the Germans. The history of these tough guys has become the argument of the unforgettable video Smoke Your Myth in Greece.

Another good example is found in the Eleusinian Ceremonies in the mainland or the fact that Crete is considered one of the first sites where the use of the opium poppy has become quite widespread after the fall of the Minoan civilization. Greece became a hashish exporting country throughout the 19th century and although its use is still highly criminalized, it remains a common trait of the Mediterranean people. Greece had until recently very harsh penalties for all sorts of drugs and a massive social and sanitary burden due to the criminalization and stigmatization of drug use. On the other hand drug politics seem to be the political cinderella somehow downplayed by the main course of the continuous battle between the left wing coalition Syriza and the present government trying to comply with the economical restraints set by the EU troika. But both in Greece and in Cyprus people of the different parties were elected in the European Parliament and could help to assess some positive change.

Few years ago a wave of decriminalization passed and a major shift towards the acceptance of drug use in the scene of social and health workers brought about some little but important change in Athens, the metropolitan city with the most visible community of heroin consumers in Europe. Until then, Greece was known for the most draconian drug laws of our continent. And as a result of the economic crisis the already grimy situation had become more dramatic and the numbers show a disturbingly sky-rocketing of infections and blood borne diseases. A new law issued in 2013 still criminalizes users and sentences them with 3 months and 1000 euros when caught with small quantities, even if these are considered to be for personal use with no objective criteria to distinguish them from other kinds of use (it is left to the judgement of the prosecutor). Even if someone is caught with 5 grams and declares to be a first time user he could be sentenced this way unless he has a clear criminal record.

Cultivation of cannabis for personal use again is considered a minor offence and prosecuted with 3 months and 1000 euros fine. Recently there was a case with a patient who was caught with many cannabis plants but was not jailed since the prosecutor had recognised his therapeutical needs. On the other hand the current government announced plans to introduce a new bill that would shorten the penalties for large scale traffickers who will be spending now only one third of the sentence while the users still face normal prosecution. As a matter of fact, the culturally rooted cannabis use of Greece and also of the neighbouring hellenic part of Cyprus make for a consistent part of the national spirit of both countries.

The rembetika music, literally soaked in hashish, still represents the most genuine soul of the local popular music and its discording feature is due to its oriental circular tunes. This genre is the byproduct of the ’megali katastrofi’, the big catastrophe, referring to the terrible outcome of the Greek Turkish wars and to the retreat of the Greek speaking population from the western coast of Turkey. As a result the metropolitan population doubled in few months, mostly due to the Anatolian refugees instead of the Westernised people the Greek nationalists had been expecting to see arriving. The Greek author Ilias Petropoulos (picture) spent some years in prison during the last dictatorship because of a huge research on this underground culture. He noticed that for many Greeks there is a profound relationship between music, dance and hashish smoking. Finally Petropoulos wrote a book, the holy hashish, that remembers how this cultural heritage creates some sort of polarisation versus the existing powers.

In the present days the Greek drug policies are represented by the work of Okana, the national organization against drugs, that despite its official denomination is actually implementing some very interesting harm reduction measures with the opening of the first consumption room for heroin users in the centre of Athens. Also as a result of the soaring epidemics. Another important evolution has been the paradigm shift in the drug services that has globally abandoned the slogan of the war on drugs for a more pragmatic and accepting work. But some lip services on the failed war on drugs remain, like the title ’Department against drugs’ and similar denominations, still showing some form of complicity with the failed regime based on propaganda and on lies. It goes without saying that Greece should be the first to wellcome some sort of progress. And similarly, our Cypriot friends and patriots would like to enter in the post prohibitionist world. It all depends on us. >> Source >

Greece - Info, status Greece - | Info on CANNABIS IN Greece Search results « Greece » Articles (52) >> visit >

Europe - status Medical Marijuana in Europe - Medical Marijuana | Where in Europe is medical marijuana legal or decriminalized? Legality - Medical marijuana is currently legal or decriminalized in the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Possession of (small amounts of) marijuana is generally tolerated or not penalized in Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, and Switzerland. While Germany has theoretically decriminalized medical marijuana, the rules are applied so stringently that it is effectively impossible to get approved as a medical marijuana patient. >> source - Europe - Resource:

Europe - status | This is the first Hemp-Charity-Project in Europe. Our aim is the Legalisation of Cannabis. Here you can find more information about the campagne. Please support us. > contact here >> Visit -

International law

Marijuana is in Schedule IV of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, making it subject to special restrictions. Article 2 provides for the following, in reference to Schedule IV drugs:

    A Party shall, if in its opinion the prevailing conditions in its country render it the most appropriate means of protecting the public health and welfare, prohibit the production, manufacture, export and import of, trade in, possession or use of any such drug except for amounts which may be necessary for medical and scientific research only, including clinical trials therewith to be conducted under or subject to the direct supervision and control of the Party.

This provision, while apparently providing for the limitation of marijuana to research purposes only, also seems to allow some latitude for nations to make their own judgments. The official Commentary on the Single Convention indicates that Parties are expected to make that judgment in good faith. Visit - - for more.

  local Organizations, CONTACTs and other Resources  

Greece - Resource, Org; local Contact Who are we? We are a group of people who are inspired by the Cannabis Social Club´s in Spain. Greece - Resource, Org; local - Cannabis Social Club Rhodos We want to create a similar Cannabis Social Club in Greece / Rhodos, but unfortunately it is not possible because of our laws, even though we are part of the EU, and we ought to think,that we are subject to the same rules as Spain, which is also an EU country. This we can not change, even though we are many who would like to. However, we can offer the SOCIAL! And over time, there will also be rooms. We can be found here on Facebook, through which we create the network now to your needs, whether it is help to grow or enything else that have something to do whit cannabis. NO OPEN SALES OR ANY SALE OF HARD DRUGS – RESPECT THIS. We will also try to put our track for the legalization of cannabis for both medical and Recreational use, and try to pass on information to the whole world ... EU and not least the Greek´s * Panteleimonos, Rhodes, Greece * Phone >> +45 30 20 43 01 >> Cannabis Social Club Rhodos is on Facebook. Connect with Cannabis Social Club Rhodos >>

Greece - Resource, Info; local Contacts Athens, Greece - | Social media; Facebook: * Myspace: Iliosporoi Network (iliosporoi) >> * YouTube search: Athens legalize; Greece. Cannabis-related links: - legalise cannabis protestival, Greece; * >> Source >,_Greece

Greece - Resource, Info; local Athens, Greece - Global Marijuana March | Facebook: Athens Cannabis Street Parade 2014 * Athens Cannabis Street Parade organizers - * This city, nation, or subnational area participated or signed up one year (or more) for the Global Marijuana March (GMM), Million Marijuana March (MMM), or 420. 42 nations participated on May 2, 2015, or thereabouts. Cities and nations holding 4/20 events are also included. 211 cities from 41 nations signed up for May 3, 2014 or thereabouts. 225 cities from 42 nations signed up for May 4, 2013 or thereabouts. 865 different cities have signed up from 78 different nations since 1999. See 2014 Global Marijuana March and 420 map, 420 event lists. >> Source >,_Greece

Greece - Resource, Org; local Athens, Greece Marijuana Prices, Laws, Buying & Information ... | Laws and legal news about marijuana in Athens, Greece It is not legal to smoke ganja, cultivate and grow it, traffic marijuana and sell it here in Athens, Greece. 6/10 ( 1 = Highly Prohibited 10 = Legal ) Average Weed Prices In Athens, Greece Quality Average ($/Oz.)* Sample Size High Quality $ 214.87 63 Medium Quality $ 151.48 25 Low Quality $ 143.58 4 >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Org; local Greek Stew Marijuana Recipe | Greek Cannabis Stew >> Edibles › Greek Stew. Greek Stew. ... mix the cannabis flour and cold water until it is a batter. ... Medical Benefits; Medical Marijuana Law; Legal Guidelines ... >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Org; local » About NORML » NORML Chapters » Chapter Meetings » International Chapters - NORML in Greece ... TBA | As we learn about them. In the meantime ... Also visit: for the latest.

Greece - Resource, Org; local The Media Awareness Project | Drug Policy Links ... Visit:

Greece - Resources, Meetings and Meet-Ups Meetings and Meet-Ups > Medical Cannabis Meetup Groups - Medical Cannabis Meetups around the world | Find a Medical Cannabis Meetup Group near you ... grouped by City and Country ... find the ones with the most people interested in Medical Cannabis Meetups in Greece ... international, national, provincial, municipal levels   ...   Visit -

 See also >> Global Marijuana Marches, below.

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Greece - status; | Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide, Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status. | Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide, Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status. Currently covering 1128 cities. New cities and cities updates every day! >> Greece (GR); Athens, Ikaria Islands (any city), Saloniki – Thessaloniki >> visit -

    Greece - Contacts, local - Vilnius  Athens | Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 3 --- Legislation: Use is forbidden, as well as dealing. Law enforcement: Keep in mind that you may be arrested – Greek policemen don’t tend to look for it, but if they’ll talk to you for some other reason, you may be arrested.

    Where to buy marijuana: “very easy to find marijuana hashish and everything else(….) is on geraniou str, menandrou str, evripidou str. and theatrou square(all are just a footstep from omonia square (the most central sity square). ” and also: “part from the ruins opposite Acropolis… most of the weed going around Athens is through local contacts… you have to know someone… no hash/weed street dealing. Generally in down town Athens, it s easier to obtain heroin rather than hash/weed . Generally it s Much easier to score during the summer.. you can smell hash/weed almost in every beach in & around athens A good spot during summertime is Kavouri beach and Limanakia… during summer it s for sure that you find people smoking there… and most of the times willing to share or/and sell you some” another reporter added: “Street dealing is not common in Athens. You can find some law quality weed in Monastiraki area from Albans or gypsies but is not recommended. Full of seeds, not any kind of high. General rules must be followed as everywhere. Never give any money before you see the weed. Changes that you get even average quality from the street is very low. What to do if you are a serious smoker in Athens: Try to meet with a local dealer, ask a Greek friend, contact young people. Find a dealer, then give the order (ask what he’s got & prices) & finally wait (maybe even a few hours) to get the stuff & pay the price. The majority of transations in Athens are arranged indoors. Be aware of the police. You are more safe dealing with Greeks, not Albans or Gypsies (this is not racism). Never carry a lot of weed or hash with you. Police can bust you even for a joint. Avoid smoking in public.” Marijuana prices: 10-12 euros per gramm. If you connect with a dealer (not on the streets) you can find several buds. There is law quality stuff from Albania for 6 to 8 euros, Greek buds for 15euros per gram (hard to find), skunk for 15euros, hash for 10 to 12euros, charas 16euros atc

    Brands: Albanses, Kalamata (really worth it) Real Greek weed is hard to find over the past years. Kalamata or similar strong Greek buds can be found in villages far away from Athens or you have to be well connected to get the good stuff. Weed from Albania is quite common in Athens. If you connect with a dealer (not on the streets) you can find several buds. There is law quality stuff from Albania for 6 to 8 euros, Greek buds for 15euros per gram (hard to find), skunk for 15euros, hash for 10 to 12euros. More information: The thing with Athens & hash-weed is that you have to know somebody to get the good stuff & be safe. Always be careful with the police, never smoke in clubs & tourists must be very careful smoking in public. >> Learn more >>

Greece - Resource, Status; Biz Greece, Country | Smoking Tolerance Level : 6/10 ( 1 = Highly Prohibited 10 = Legal ) * Average Weed Prices In Greece: Quality - Average ($/Oz.)* =- Sample Size - High Quality $ 177.45 201 / Medium Quality $ 161.58 72 / Low Quality $ 305.75 36 / *Averages are corrected for outliers based on standard deviation from the mean.

Laws and legal news about marijuana in Greece | It is illegal to have marijuana with your possessions, using it, cultivating and growing it as well as selling it. Even if you are not suspected by Greek police of using marijuana or any action related to it, they might still find reason to talk to you and in case you are searched, that’s where trouble starts.

Where to buy weed and marijuana seeds in Greece | You can easily find hashish in Greece. In street corners or city squares, there are always some dealers who can offer you with ganja. Still, people here tend to be very paranoid and this goes the same for street vendors. You are better off on the beach areas of Greece because the summer fever is strong with pot. In case you don’t find a dealer on the streets, try to befriend a local and he might know where you can score. Usually, the dealings for marijuana take place indoors due to the police.

Prices and more information about cannabis in Greece | A gram of marijuana costs about 10 to 12 euros per gram. You can also get some low quality ganja for 6 to 8 euros per gram. Greek buds cost more because they are rare and if you don’t know the dealer, you are not likely to be sold with some local stuff. Greek home grown pot costs 15 euros. Skunks are 15 euros as well while Charas cost 16 euros per gram. You can find some Albanses or Kalamata which are really great tasting weed. They are also very potent. Greek weed is the bomb here and you really have to have very good connections to be able to score some.

In some places around the world, you can smoke in pubs or bars without attracting attention. Here in Greece, don’t attempt any smoking in public because there are police everywhere. Just sit tight in your room, enjoy a joint and that’s the best thing that you can do. >> Source >

Greece - Resource, News, Info; travel A Pothead’s Adventure in Europe - Cannabis Culture (June 29, 2012) | As I sat on the airplane after departing Amsterdam-Schipol airport heading back to Vancouver, I reflected on my three-week European getaway. My girlfriend and I started our adventure in Amsterdam. I always get a feeling of peace when I’m in there. There is such a strange feeling about a place where I do not have to worry about opening my purse and having a big bag of Tangerine Dream fall out onto the floor.

After satisfying the hungry green monster inside of me, I went to bed and woke up to fly to Athens, Greece, then Naxos Island. Knowing I would not have access to Mary Jane until we settled into Naxos, we spent the next couple days in Airports drinking Heineken during our many layovers. Once we arrived in Naxos we decided to rent a Jeep from a place right beside our hotel. After getting everything together with the rental guy, I had come to the conclusion that he probably knew where I could find some green. He was Albanian and spoke ok English, and even better Italian. After spending some time in Italy this past November, I learned the word “araba” means marijuana. So I pulled him and his cousins aside and asked them where to find it.

I’ve always been able to read people by their facial expressions. It doesn’t matter where someone is from or what language they speak: body language speaks much louder than words. The rental guy smiled, and then said no. I knew right away I’d picked the right person to ask. I simply explained that I could tell by his face that I knew he did, in fact know where to find araba, while laughing at his attempted denial. He smiled again, then told me he would see what he could do. By the next night we were emptying a cigarette and stuffing our newly-purchased weed inside the empty smoke because we didn’t have any papers. I paid 10 Euro for about half a gram, and half of that was sticks and stems. Either way, I was one happy girl! After five days on the beach it was time to go to Italy. >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Info; Biz Cannabis in Greece (December 9th 2013) | Greece has long been a cultural bridging point connecting Europe to Asia and Africa, and shares many traditional practices more often associated with North African and Arab culture. Greece has a long history of cannabis cultivation, and although present drug laws are strict, some degree of liberalisation is currently underway.

Cannabis in Ancient Greece | Cannabis in Greece - 1. The lush, fertile Peloponnese region of southern Greece is home to the country's best cannabis varieties (Mehran Khalili) The lush, fertile Peloponnese region of southern Greece is home to the country’s best cannabis varieties (Mehran Khalili) Cannabis use has a long documented history in Greece. Many cannabis enthusiasts will no doubt have read the oft-cited passages from Herodotus, written between 450 and 420 BCE, in which the historian documents cannabis use among the nomadic Scythian tribes that habitually traversed northern Greece and Asia Minor.

Ancient Medical Use of Cannabis | In 70 CE, the physician Dioscorides recorded cannabis in his pharmacopoeia; it is thought that cannabis was extensively used in Greek medicine by this time. Cannabis leaf was commonly prescribed as a cure for nosebleeds, and the seeds were used to treat tapeworms, earache and inflammation. Interestingly, cannabis seed consumed in large quantities was also believed to reduce the ‘nocturnal emissions’ sometimes suffered by teenaged boys and girls going through puberty. Cannabis was also used in veterinary medicine, particularly to treat sores and wounds in horses.

The Modern Cannabis Trade in Greece | Cannabis was made illegal in Greece in 1890, when the Department of the Interior announced the prohibition of cultivation, importation and sale. Despite its illegality, a culture of cannabis cultivation and use has persisted in some rural pockets of the country.

Cannabis Cultivation in Greece | Cannabis in Greece - 2. The remote mountainous areas of Crete are home to numerous cannabis farmers, many of whom are armed. The Peloponnese region, particularly the area around Kalamata, is well-known for the quality of its unique cultivars, which are tall, leggy sativas with long, compact buds and a reddish tint. As well as Kalamata cannabis, there is widespread cultivation in the remote mountain regions of Crete, which has earned the unlikely title of the ‘Colombia of Greece’ due to its violent, heavily-armed gangs—who have engaged in various shootouts with police in recent years.

The Growth of Greek Cannabis Culture | After the Greco-Turkish war of 1919-1922, over a million Anatolian Greeks were forcibly repatriated as part of the population exchange agreed between the two countries. They brought with them the hashish-smoking rituals they had become accustomed to in Turkey, and established bars in Athens and Piraeus in which hashish was openly smoked. Most cannabis imported into Greece now originates in Albania, which produces vast quantities of cannabis every year, mostly intended for distribution to neighbouring countries. As well as this, cannabis from Asia and Africa often arrives in Greece en route to other destinations in Europe.

Purchasing Cannabis in Greece | For Greeks not fortunate enough to live in a cannabis-producing region, what is typically available is low-grade herbal cannabis from Albania, or low to medium grade hashish from Morocco and Turkey; prices range between €8-12 per gram. Imported Dutch cannabis is also occasionally available, and is usually priced at the high end, similarly to high-grade hashish or domestically produced Greek cannabis, at around €15 per gram. >> Source >

International - Resources Treating Yourself | Medical Cannabis reference links. ... Mission: was created in May 2002 to provide medical marijuana users with information to assist them in their responsible use of medical marijuana. At their site they have info and links like -

    International - Resources International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM) | The International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM) was founded in March 2000. It is a scientific society advocating the improvement of the legal situation for the use of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa L.) and its pharmacologically most important active compounds, the cannabinoids, for therapeutic applications through promotion of research and dissemination of information. ...   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base | INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE (IOM) Report, 1999. The medical use of marijuana is surrounded by a cloud of social, political, and religious controversy, which obscures the facts that should be considered in the debate.   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine - by Dr. Grinspoon | Since marijuana is largely a folk medicine, not generally recognized by the medical establishment, the people who know most about it are those who use it on their own. The purpose of our website is to gain access to that body of knowledge so that we can share it with potential patients and physicians.   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Drug War Facts on medical marijuana | "A valuable resource for anyone concerned with drug policy." — Ira Rosen, Senior Producer, ABC News. "A compendium of facts that fly in the face of accepted wisdom." — David F. Duncan, Clinical Associate Professor, Brown University Medical School.   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Health Canada - Information for the Patient - Marihuana (Cannabis) | This leaflet [link] is published by Health Canada for patients who have been authorized by Health Canada to possess dried marihuana.   ...   Visit -

Click here > < to read more Medical Cannabis reference links. For additional links of interest click there to visit Mr. Nice's links page.

International - Resources, Information ASA: Medical Info » Educational Booklets on Medical Cannabis » Multiple Sclerosis and Medical Cannabis | A Note from Americans for Safe Access: We are committed to ensuring safe, legal availability of marijuana for medical uses. This brochure is intended to help doctors, patients and policymakers better understand how marijuana—or "cannabis" as it is more properly called—may be used as a treatment for people with serious medical conditions.   This booklet contains information about using cannabis as medicine. ... and legal access to medical cannabis (medical marijuana) for therapeutic uses ... International, and elsewhere have shown great promise for new medical applications. ...   ...   Visit -

For more information on cannabis (marijuana) as medicine, see the Basics, below.

  LEGISLATION, Action Items and related Resources  

Greece - Resource, Org; local Legislation Greece (Lexadin) | Constitutional law. Administrative / Public Law / Banking law / Civil Law / Commercial Law / Communications and Media Law / Company law / Constitutional law / Criminal Law / Environmental Law / Health law / Labor Law / Law Sources / Tax law / Transport and Maritime Law / Treaties / - visit:

Greece - Resource, Org; local Greece - Summaries of EU legislation | In the fields of security of supply, competitiveness and the internal energy market, no legislative development could be reported. The report recommended a number of additional measures. - visit:

Greece - Resources | is the homesite for the Cannabis Rescheduling Petition ... International Cannabis Alliance of Researchers and Educators (I-CARE) - 1992 ... Marijuana Research: Medical Professional... The 2002 Petition to Reschedule Cannabis (Marijuana) Accepted Medical Use: Medical Professionals

Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community, including the Institute of Medicine. Numerous medical organizations support legal access to cannabis for medicinal purposes. A new medical journal released in 2001 focuses on the medicinal use of cannabis and cannabinoids. National clinical conferences on the medicinal use of cannabis have been held in the United States in 2000 and 2002 and are scheduled to continue on a biennial basis. Most importantly, data on the number of physicians currently recommending therapeutic marijuana use to their patients demonstrate its acceptance by the medical community in the United States.

The most significant evidence of marijuana’s acceptance by the medical community in the United States consists of data on the number of physicians currently recommending marijuana medical use by their patients: "By any reasonable definition, marijuana has "currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States."   ...   Visit -

Organizations and other Resources Any others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Got an Idea? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

  other National and International ORGz Section 

Europe - Resource, Org; continental The European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD), is a pan-European network of currently 140 NGO’s and individual experts involved in the drug issue on a daily base. We are the European section of an International Coalition, which consists of more than 200 NGOs from around the world that have adhered to a Manifesto for Just and Effective Drug Policies (established in 1998). Among our members are organisations of cannabis and other drug users, of health workers, researchers, grassroot activists as well as companies. European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD) Secretariat: Lange Lozanastraat 14 - 2018 Antwerpen - Belgium Tel: +32 (0)3 293 0886, or visit -

Greece - Legal Resources | Marijuana Research Links: Medical Use ... summaries; scientific and legal arguments for medical marijuana; search engine for research reports on ... Organizations. Medical Cannabis and Scientific ... Library: Research Links Research Guide ... Use the links below to research any aspect of marijuana, medical cannabis, drug policy and the public policy process including: Medical Cannabis and Scientific Research; Gettman on the Web; Dependence, Addiction, and Abuse Potential; Criminal Justice and Public Health Data; U.S. Drug Policy; Legal and Legislative Aspects of Drug Policy; International Drug Policy; Non-Profit Organizations   ...   Visit -

Russia - Legal Resources The International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) | The ICRS is a non-political and non-religious organization dedicated to scientific research in all fields of the cannabinoids, ranging from biochemical, chemical and physiological studies of the endogenous cannabinoid system to studies of the abuse potential of recreational cannabis.   ...   Visit -

The 19th Annual Symposium of the International Cannabinoid Research Society Sun, 03/08/2009 | The ICRS is a non-political and non-religious organization dedicated to scientific research in all fields of the cannabinoids, ranging from biochemical, chemical and physiological studies of the endogenous cannabinoid system to studies of the abuse potential of recreational cannabis. In addition to acting as a source for impartial information on cannabis and the cannabinoids, the main role of the ICRS is to provide an open forum for researchers to meet and discuss their results.

The mission of the ICRS is to: foster cannabinoid research, to promote exchange of information and ideas about cannabis and the cannabinoids through the organization of scientific meetings; to encourage financial support from funding agencies and industries; to facilitate liasons between funding agencies, industry and the academic community, and to serve as a source of reliable information on the chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and the behavioral, psychological and social effects of cannabis and the cannabinoids (ICRS By-Laws, adopted June 1992).   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources ASA's Federal Quarterly Newsletter » Medical Cannabis Policy Update: Spring 2009 | Medical Cannabis Developments: Legislative, Legal, State Programs, International and Research ... for California Provider of Medical Cannabis. >> INTERNATIONAL >> CANADA: Restrictions of Medical Cannabis Program Unconstitutional Russia: Autonomous Regions Can Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources A International World Wide Listings Of Marijuana & Cannabis Clinics & Dispensary's | California Medical Marijuana Buyers Club ... A Indepth Roster & Reviews California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries ... National & International Marijuana Dispensary's Clinic Listings. Any Medical Clinics & Or Dispensaries Or Delivery Services Who Would Like To Get Listed Here On This Page Of Our Website.   ...   Visit -

Resources, Organizations - NORML Medical Use by State NORML Home / Medical Use by State. All States and Canada Mexico Europe Other ... See Map: for more.

Resources, Organizations - Patients Out of Time, a patient advocacy organization Patients Out of Time is a patient advocacy organization with a universal constituency. They support the rights of patients to have a legal and safe access to the therapeutic use of cannabis. The mission of their organization, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, is the education of health care professionals and the public about the therapeutic use of cannabis. Their leadership is composed of medical and nursing professionals with expertise in the clinical applications of cannabis and five of the seven patients (two wish to remain anonymous) who receive their medical cannabis from the US government. Patients Out of Time is the only national non-profit in the United States that focuses only on therapeutic cannabis issues. Visit -

Resources, Organizations - Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). Join the Marijuana Policy Project! State officials confirm Supreme Court decision does not impact state medical marijuana laws. Medical Marijuana Briefing Paper - 2005. Until 1937, marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the United States ... Hawaii enacted a medical marijuana law via its state legislature in 2000 and ... Visit:

Resources, Organizations - DrugSense: Drug Law Reform DrugSense: Drug Law Reform ... of Justice Statistics, State Court Organization, 1998 (Washington, DC ... Cannabis in Medical Practice: A Legal, Historical and Pharmacological... Visit:

Organizations and other Resources Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

  FORUMs Section 

Greece - Resource, Org; local How prevalent is marijuana is Greece? | How prevalent is marijuana in Greece? Is it cultivated? Imported? Is it widely used or taboo? Any other information is appreciated. ... go to Crete or read about it 'nough said ... Savannah Cat answered 5 years ago Plentiful. Everybody does it and everybody keeps his/hers trap shut. That is the hell-*** presented to the rest of the world. ... Veziritsa Makradouli answered 5 years ago Police officers are the biggest dealers of it ! Corruption ! >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Forum; travel weed in Rodos (Greece) | I'm going to Rodos in Greece next Wednesday(8.aug) and I was wondering if anyone of you have been there and knows if there are easy to get some weed there? I sure hope so ;) so? any weed in Greece? ;) ...

dunno. but in cyprus it's no problem :) so greeks smoke as well. seeing as rhodos is a major tourist destination, with loadsa hammered youths, i'd take a wild guess and say that getting hold of weed is the last of your concerns. you'll meet dealers outside and inside all the bars and disco's. not to mention the beach. oh, and buy small, so you get to check the wares out before you buy enough for the entire holliday. hope you have fun. remember sun-lotion and loadsa' champagne and beer. and rubbers :D ...

When I went to Greece I couldn't find any ganja. I asked around a lot and no one knew where I could get nuggets. Luckily the drinking age is under 21 there so its easy to get drunk, but thats only an advantage to us 18-20 year old city dwellers. ... >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Forum; travel Forums > Cannabis Cafe > Toke N Talk > Weed in Rhodes, Greece ... | Going away in about 3 weeks to Rhodes. Just wondering if any1 has got experiences of scoring any bud on this island? as much detail as possible please. I have read all the very strict laws but still think it'd be worth giving it ago in the right situation and setting. I have managed to score very small amount (2 joints) in Kos before (by mistake) in my hotel resort!

Maybe going across to Turkey for a day trip as well so maybe some comments on this? same as above with strict drug laws, i know. I have got into Greece before with my joints pre-rolled into a cig packet. i just kept this packet in my pocket going through the airport and didnt have any trouble. Maybe i got lucky, not sure i want to attempt it again even though i had no troubles what so ever.

I am going for 1 week, i was kind of expecting the usual club drug, pills, coke etc but i dont touch any of them. i only wanted maybe 2-4 grams which is why i was contemplating pre rolls but something tells me im not so sure these days. only enough for maybe couple on the beach and maybe one every other night which would probably equal an eigth. no more. ive read stories about Turkey that some locals will sell u some pot but then call police for a reward or something along those lines and i know that both counties laws are strict. I was just seeing if any1 here as had any experience on this island. I.e, if there are any special area's, such as main Rhodes Town (i suspect there will be a higher police presence there) or a rural area. hoping for a rasta walking along the beach

i managed to get hold of some last time in Kos by some dude asking me for papers. i seen he was smoking real cigs and not tobacco roll ups and i asked him what he needed that for and he just smiled. about 30mins later he comes back an drops bud on my table,lol it was great. hoping for that experience again. ...

good question.. travelling is not what it used to be..i suggest blatently taking some in my pocket, kinda like b4 as you said, how long are you going for?? i would budget very conservativly, maybe half a bud at the end of each day x 7/14 days. if caught plead total ignorance, apologise, it shouldnt be enough weed to make them annoyed. (in uk airport that is, at the other end u should have even less probs airport wise).. maybe????? also.. def go on a day trip to turkey..if you cant score there then......... just my thoughts mate, i took weed into jfk 4 months after 911, cos i needed it. getting a little more paranoid nowadays.. afterthought..... edibles...cookies,brownies, all boxed for a relatives birthday/dietery requirment..   p.s. i went to rhodes with my mrs 4 yrs ago and took my own euro-hash....

i've literally just got back from corfu. its like hens fuckin teeth over there, might get luckier in mainland greece but id be wary anywhere other than the main party hotspots like kavos etc. you stand more chance of finding hash in turkey id bet. >> Source >

Greece - Forum; about local Hello from Greece | Hello there, This is my first post in the forums. I'm 21 years old and entered the amazing world of marijuana about a month ago. I always wanted to try it but because i used to live with my parents in a very small community i didn't have that opportunity until i went to a friend of mine to stay for a month in a other larger town a month ago. There we tried a strain of Skunk (don't know exactly which) but it was AMAZING. I can say for sure that it was a experience that i have never felt. It was overwhelming. Now in month or so i will be moving to Sweden for studies and have decided to grow my own stash so i don't have to depend on somebody else for weed and have as much as i want. I decided to order some White widow feminized seeds (heard it's excellent and very strong) when i am at Sweden and grow them either in a closet or a small grow room (grow tent). Well thats enough for now. I hope to have a good time in the forums and educate myself enough until the time i decide to grow my own weed. Cheers. ...

Welcome To 420! and welcome to the wonderful world of marijuana. good luck with the grow. keep us informed. ... what are the marijuana laws in Greece?

I think if you get busted with an amount bigger than 1g (not sure) they take you in. But thats just a formal law and it's not even taken in consideration by police. Generally it's considered an illegal substance and you better not get caught, lol. I don't know the exact law. But i'm sure it's illegal. Do you know what the law is in Sweden and generally in whole Europe? ... >> Source >

Greece - Forum; about local Re: Greece and cannabis - From a FAQ on Greece | You may come from a country where cannabis is legal or at least decriminalized and like to have your "smoke". Don't even think about it here. Greece's cannabis laws are still barbaric and it is not worth the risk of getting caught and thrown into jail. If you must have a joint to enjoy your holiday, it is best to go to a country where you can do this without being branded as a criminal in the law. And if you decide to go elsewhere for this reason, why not send a nice email to the Greek National Tourist Office to tell them why you are not coming to Greece this year? ... do you have their address? there are some mighty fine postcards in the dam:o) ...

Greek National Tourism Organization 7, Tsoha 11521 Athens

Does anyone have any estimates regarding the number of Euros generated annually by cannatourism in NL? ...

just tape it to your inner thigh and you should be aight. ...

If you weren't headed for Greece I'd say "Stick it in your keester." But that's the first place the Greeks will check. Excellent Advice here! ...

Just ask a few of the hipsters in Greece where to score a few doobs. Shouldn't be impossible to score in Greece. ...

I like my freedom. I'd never do it. ...

got on delta plane yesteday flying out of AMS. While waiting at delta to check in baggage, airport security was randomly selecting people, taking them nearby, and searching all luggage. Didn't seem to be delta people but airport security. Picked chick right in front of me, then when done with her, another one about 20 back, and another about 20 back. Don't know how long this went on. Flying to jfk. don't know how thoroughly they checked, each took about five minutes. to me definitely not worth the trouble if caught. They've done that to me pretty frequently too but on the way out of AMS they were looking for explosives and doing swipes for that. They went right through some paraphanelia I had in my luggage and didn't use that as a pretext to look any more thorougly for drugs. I think the last couple of trips, I've been checked three times before getting on my flight. Pulled out of the baggage/check-in line, thorough security search at normal screening station, and again when entering the departure waiting area. ...

Is it a matter that they have dogs upon arrival in Greece? Perhaps you could bring a weed shake from Abraxas? Personally I wouldn't chance it. The downside is way too high. An interesting dilema. On your return is it also through AMS perhaps you could have a day at least there? This would make the inability to get stoned in Greece less intense knowing that soon you would have at least the one day. I also think Greece would be enjoyable enough on its own. Check out some of the smaller islands. U might even see hipsters smoking hash as I have in the past and could likely share a toke. Good luck, report back. ...

I have a 12 hour layover in the dam before moving on to Greece. Any suggestions on how to get a small amount out? Should i risk it? I really dont want to be on the islands without it ...

I have had this discussion many time with people and the consensus is usually to buy some cheap items for a gift bag looking thing. Throw some cheap chocolates, maybe some jam and peanut butter along with a stuffed toy. Preferably something that looks native to the country your sending it from. from here I think there are really two choices. One if its peanut butter, take the jar, use a hair dryer to heat up the sealer under that cap and take it off. you will probably need an other thing of glue. take a toilet paper roll, cut in half. scoop out the peanut butter inside the roll. Save this peanut butter. Fill up whatever goodies you want inside a bag and place inside the roll. Its important to leave some peanut butter on the bottom. Next you want to put some peanut butter back and smooth it around so it looks untouched. This may take a bit of an imagination but somedthing like a playing card or something to make it look natural. Then you seal the protective foil back on the peanut butter. My boy did this and it worked really well. The key I think is to make it look like a gift package. You can opt for trying to put it in the bear and sewing it up. I think Im going to try this peanut butter idea when Im there and aim for about 10 grams of goodies to ge back.

Now I recently spoke to another member on here and we discussed the birthday card idea and he said he was 5 of 5. This might be a better way as not all your product is riding on one package but many different ones. But then you lose some of the qualitys in the weed. I may just try and shoot over the hash. Its way harder to find here and wouldnt complain about not having any weed. Both ideas have there positives and negatives you just have to decided which best fits your needs. Just one quick note. I really like the idea of the peanut butter and will try it regardless. Its a 100 euro crap shoot but thats what Im saving money for and if it works which im sure it will, if its presented correctly, is well worth the money. Peace ...

you can try man, but the greeks don't place nice when you try to smuggle weed in and they catch you. If you get caught, expect to spend the rest of your vacation and some more in a greek jail. Its no different than trying to bring it to any other country. They have customs and a lot of new equipment and personnel have been added due to the olympics having just been held there. Try at your own risk ... >> Source >

Resources, Organizations - Open Directory - Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: Pro-Legalization: Marijuana: Medical Purposes Open Directory - Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: Pro-Legalization: Marijuana: Medical Purposes ... to providing medical cannabis to those in need. Initiative 692 - Medical Marijuana - WCMR of Washington State ... use of medical cannabis in the state of Colorado. Medical Marijuana ... click > here < for more.

Also, here are some other International Forums -

Russia - Resources International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums > Talk About It! > Cannabis Laws & Cannabis Legislation > NJ Medical Marijuana | N.J. Senate approves medical marijuana bill - Monday, December 15, 2008 | TRENTON BUREAU: A Senate committee today cleared a measure that would allow medical use of marijuana in New Jersey. The Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee voted to approve the long-stalled bill by a 6 to 1 margin; two senators abstained. The bill calls for creating “alternative treatment centers” where people with chronic and terminal diseases would be allowed access to marijuana. Supporters say marijuana is a viable treatment option to alleviate pain in many cases.

“It is the definition of basic human decency that we do whatever we can to ease the pain and suffering of people living with severe chronic and terminal diseases,” said bill sponsor Sen. Nicholas Scutari, D-Union. “When all other avenues of currently-approved pain relief have been exhausted, we need to give doctors the freedom to prescribe medical marijuana to give their patients a measure of comfort and dignity in the face of their debilitating diseases. This bill is about the most humane, compassionate option for those state residents who have nowhere else to turn in managing their illnesses.”

If ultimately approved by the full Legislature and signed by Governor Corzine, New Jersey would be the 14th state to allow medical use of marijuana.   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources | Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club directory, Collective, Dispenary Reviews, ... "The International Narcotics Control Board is deeply concerned ... Cannabis Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club, Dispensary, News Cannabis Club / Clubs / Co-Op / Dispensary Directory   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources International | Medical Cannabis: Voices from the Frontlines. Our international counterparts may be surging ahead in their paths to provide safe access for patients who benefit from medical cannabis, but here in the US ... Archive for the ‘International’ Category In Case there was any Doubt… Tuesday, May 12th, 2009 Posted by elizabeth |   A new study entitled Marijuana Effectiveness as an HIV Self-Care Strategy, which was released this past weekend in Clinical Nursing Research, indicates that persons living with HIV/AIDS rate cannabis as more effective in treating the symptoms of anxiety, depression, fatigue, diarrhea, and neuropathy than other prescription and over the counter medications.

The study, which was conducted over a two year period and included 775 patients from the USA, Africa, and Puerto Rico, assessed the use of cannabis as a symptom management approach for anxiety, depression, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, and peripheral neuropathy.  27% of survey participants reported using cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Researchers wrote that cannabis use “was rated slightly more effective than antidepressants for anxiety and depression, Imodium for diarrhea, [over the counter] (OTC) medications for fatigue, and anti-epileptics and OTC medications for neuropathy” while cannabis was rated “slightly less effective for nausea than either prescribed or OTC medications.”   Authors concluded that cannabis “is perceived by users as at least as effective as prescribed medications in symptom management.”   ...   Visit -

Resources - Forums, Ganja Grocer Ganja Grocer | We are your Medical Marijuana Resource Center. Learn How to Become a Legal Medical Marijuana Patient. If you live in a state with Medical Marijuana Laws, Come visit our forums today! Visit - < for more.

Resources  - Forums, Chat Rooms, Message Boards CANNABIS.COM - is based in california and focused on providing the best possible resources for future and current medical marijuana patients, activists, and supporters. MessageBoard Forum. Cannabis FAQs. Image & Picture Gallery. Medical Marijuana. Vaporizer FAQ. Advertising Information ... Visit:

Resources  - Forums, Cannabis Community Coalition Cannabis Community Coalition. Forum for Medical Marijuana & Medicinal Cannabis Patients. ... visit: < for more.

Resources - Forums, Compassionate Coalition The Compassionate Coalition's mission: To defend the rights of medical marijuana patients and care providers through education and community participation. A nonprofit grassroots organization that helps build and support local chapters nation-wide, linking them with other medical marijuana reform organizations and resources. Contact Information - Mailing Address: The Compassionate Coalition * 1500 Oliver Road, Ste-K * P.M.B. #248 * Fairfield, CA 94533-3473 * (NOTE: When sending mail to this address, please be sure to write "The Compassionate Coalition" in the address line. Thanks!) * Fax: (916)266-7455 * or Visit:

Resources - Amsterdam THC Ministry
First Universal Church of Kantheism The Amsterdam THC Ministry, First Universal Church of Kantheism, is based on ancient wisdom, modern science and the enlightening and healing properties of the cannabis sacrament. Their mission includes liberating the sacred cannabis hemp plant and the minds and spirits of those who do and of those who do not revere it. May we all enjoy the rich, abundant, joyful and awakened life that is part of our natural inheritance. Visit:

Resources - Ya-Hooka; Health and Medicinal Buyers Clubs Organizations and Compassion Clubs Ya-Hooka; Health_and_Medicinal/Buyers_Clubs Organizations and Compassion Clubs providing access to medical marijuana  ... Co-op ~ The Alternative Relief Co-op is a patient-oriented medical cannabis dispensary located in San Francisco ... It Report Broken Link. Arizona Medical Marijuana Co-Op ~ Click here for more.

Resources - Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads Welcome to the Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads. To buy cannabis for medical purposes is legal in some areas. Here you will find hundreds of medical doctors, professional growers, and prescription patients in need who want to buy cannabis legally but can't find each other. Visit:

  EVENTs, Calendars and related Resources  

Greece Event - Global Marijuana March Greece Event | Global Marijuana Marches - Greece Event - Global Marijuana March ( 3 ) - cities from Greece have signed up one or more years since 1999. Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos >>   Visit -

Events - Marches Marches | Demonstrations, Rallies and similar Action Items any situation where activists are trying to educate or draw attention to - yet another - victim and people are congregating ... like the Million Marijuana Marches ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

Events - HempFests HempFests | Street Fairs, Festivals and Farmers Markets - Music, Food and Stuff for Sale or Barter - any opportunity for activists to booth, people to gather and businesses to vend ... like any local versions of the Seattle Hempfest ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

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  BIZ, and related Commercial Resources  

Marijuana Seeds: Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, and more Marijuana Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | - The finest quality marijuana seeds available direct from Holland. Our Marijuana seeds ( Cannabis Seeds ) are hand checked so you get the best; We stock the most popular varieties of marijuana seeds e.g. White Widow and Northern Lights; We ship seeds worldwide, discreetly packaged in crush proof envelopes; Seeds are batch tested in Holland & have 90% plus germination rate if germinated correctly; We stock the most awarded marijuana strains such as Cannabis Cup & High Times Cup winners. Almost every variety we stock has won awards! We stock an excellent range of feminized marijuana seeds * to Contact: Visit >>

Sensi Seeds: Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, Sensi Merchandise, Hemp and more Sensi Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | Sensi Seeds, where you can discover the stories behind many different facets of this legendary seed company, from its beginnings as one man’s passion and a small collection of very special seeds to the impact that the Sensi gene bank has had on medicinal marijuana and the culture of cannabis in the Netherlands and beyond. The locations and more information about Sensi Seeds shops can be found in the Shop Locations section. Medicinal users and anyone interested in the medicinal properties of marijuana will find useful and relevant advice and background information in the Medicinal Cannabis section. Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, Sensi Merchandise, Hemp and more * Contact: Sensi Seeds B.V. - P.O. BOX 10952, 1001 EZ Amsterdam, Netherlands * Tel: +31 (0)20 626 29 88 * Fax: +31 (0)20 428 41 10 * or Visit >>

Weed Seed Shop offers regular, feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds, free shipping and secure payment Weed Seed Shop (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | Weed Seed Shop offers regular, feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds, free shipping and secure payment. The Weed Seed Shop collection contains the most cheap cannabis seeds available online. Only with us you can buy 5 feminized cannabis seeds for less than €15! A selection of the most affordable cannabis seeds on the internet * Contact: WSS BV - P.O. box 10952, 1001 EZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands * or Visit >>

Buy Dutch Marijuana Seeds Buy Dutch Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | High Quality Dutch Cannabis Seeds (Marijuana Seeds) delivered stealth packaged World-wide | High Dutch Cannabis Marijuana seeds from the worlds best seed supplier. Superior quality cannabis seeds from Amsterdam. High germination success, hundreds of different varieties from only the best breeders. Top smoking marijuana for our customers is the highest priority! They´ll help you personally to succeed. Note, WARNING - check your countrys laws, some will intercept the package and charge you with a crime.

Buy Dutch Marijuana Seeds They offer you the biggest list of seeds directly from top Dutch Cannabis breeders. Over 30 cannabis strains. Lots of Cannabis Cup winners like White Widow, Durban Poison and Northern Lights. They provide marijuana seeds for every need: Indoor, Outdoor, feminized, and medical. Discretion and SAFE shopping is guaranteed, SSL Secured. Discrete delivery worldwide! All seed-packages contain 10 seeds, they ship all seeds by Priority mail in plain packaging crush proof sealed envelops with no indication to the contents. * Contact: Postbus 938, 5600 AX Eindhoven, The Netherlands * or ... Visit:

Russia - Resource, Org; local Cannabis Books Co UK (BIZ) * Online Cannabis Books on Growing Medical ... Supplier UK EveryOneDoesIt.Com Online Books on Medical Cannabis Growing Books Recipes Magazines ... From the early beginnings of our first shop, customers have always praised our selection, prices, and flair for the imaginative. Ten years ago, our first retail shop opened up, specialising in smoking paraphernalia, piercing jewellery and giftware. The shop still stands in St. Albans although we've moved through four different locations since then, including an outlet in London's busy Leicester Square. Visit:

Russia - Resources, Information Oaksterdam University | Oaksterdam is recognized around the world as a symbol of the over-the-counter cannabis culture that emerged here and has gained acceptance in communities throughout the state. Quality training for the 420 industry. Classes enrolling now.   ...   Visit -

Businesses and other Commercial Resources Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

  NEWs and related Resources  

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  Medical Cannabis NEWs Feed  

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See more at The Media Awareness Project > Drugnews Archive ... visit -

Greece - Resources; News, Information News > Greece Gives The Green Light To Legal Medical Cannabis (26 July, 2016) | In a world full of chaos, cannabis news gives us hope in humanity. The beautiful country of Greece is on its way towards legalizing marijuana for medical use. The Greek Health Ministry made an announcement last week that a team of academics, psychiatrists, and other important members are going to discuss the medical use of cannabis. Their mission is to consider today’s use of the plant and the current laws to offer reasonable adjustments that will make it possible to use for medical reasons. On October 30, 2016, the team will submit their plans to the minister of health.  In 1890, Greece was one of the first countries to ban growing and using cannabis. Therefore, punishment for the herb has been pretty harsh for over a century. Only recently have they began to loosen their grip for possession of tiny amounts as little as 0.5 grams. This year, however, two different suggestions have been made to the Greek government to legalize cannabis for medical use. The residents of Greece are hoping to achieve a more developing national stance on medical cannabis. Back in February, twenty members of a Greek left-wing political party, SYRIZA, proposed a plan that aimed to legalize the cultivation of hemp for medical purposes.

Just last month, SYRIZA put pressure on the Greek government once more. This time, it was for the legalization of medical cannabis for use and possession. Thirty-six members of the leftist team pleaded with Minister of Health Panagiotis Kouroumblis on behalf of all the Greek patients that severely need the plant. SYRIZA used data from other European countries, where medical cannabis is legal, to reveal the potential benefits to Kouroumblis. The country of Greece has been dealing with financial issues for some time now. Hence, taking advice from other European nations on marijuana reform may just be their ticket to escaping hard times. Therefore, SYRIZA members argued the possible financial benefits that could result. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Greece Becomes 7th European Country to Legalize Medical Marijuana, Greece’s Prime Minister announced the country’s change in medical cannabis policy at a recent press conference. (10 July, 2017) | Greece Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Health Minister Andrea Xanthos announced at a June 30 press conference that the country would be changing is Law on Control and Drugs to permit marijuana for medical purposes. “From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal,” Tsipras announced, according to the Greek Government Gazette.

Greece joins six other European Union countries that have legalized medical cannabis, including Finland, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. Germany, the latest EU country to legalize medical cannabis, has finalized its program and is currently establishing its own state-regulated growing operations. Under the policy change, cannabis will be permitted for patients diagnosed with chronic pain, neuropathic pain, nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, some eating disorders, and cancer. It is likely that the country will allow qualified patients, who will need to first obtain the recommendation of a doctor, to use cannabis edibles and extracts but not smokable dried flower.

Under Greece’s regulatory structure, cannabis will be downgraded from Table A, which includes substances like heroin and LSD, to Table B, which features drugs like methadone and opium, signifying that the government recognizes the medical value of cannabis for treating certain conditions. Greece officials have yet to explain how medical marijuana will be grown and cultivated, though Neos Kosmos reports that the government will be a position to award cultivation permits. The downgrade also permits the import of cannabis-derived products from other growers from countries like Canada and the United States. While there was no indication of the announcement in policy change, the move isn’t necessarily surprising. The Greek Ministry of Health had announced in July 2016 that a panel of experts would be discussing and investigating the possibility of legalize medicinal cannabis. Then, in April 2017, the ministry said it was preparing measures that would allow physicians to prescribe medical cannabis. While Greece has had highly restrictive cannabis laws since 1890, over recent years the country has seen a string of moves toward ending prohibition. The cultivation of hemp containing less than 0.3 percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was legalized in 2013. In 2016, the conditions for hemp were announced and implemented. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Greece legalizes marijuana for medical purposes (July 5, 2017) | The Greek government has agreed to make cannabis available for medicinal purposes, joining a growing number of European countries that have legalized medical marijuana. “From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal,” Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said during a news conference, according to the Greek Government Gazette. It’s not yet clear how medical marijuana will be grown and cultivated, Britain’s Independent newspaper reported. According to Neos Kosmos, the government will be in a position to award MMJ cultivation permits. Last week, Tsipras said doctors will soon be able to prescribe MMJ for a variety of medical conditions, the Independent reported. As a result of the government’s move, cannabis will be reclassified from a Table A drug – a category that includes heroin and LSD – to a Table B drug, the same category as methadone, cocaine and opium. Importation of marijuana-based medicines also will be allowed, according to the Independent. The joint ministerial decision reached by Ministers of Health and Justice was published Friday. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Greece Legalizes Medical Marijuana, Greece joins six other European Union countries that have approved some form of medical cannabis. (07/07/17) | Greece is “turning its page” on drug policy—by allowing qualified citizens to access medical cannabis. Greek officials made the announcement at a June 30 press conference, The Independent reported. “Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal,” according to Greece’s Government Gazette. Now that the government has reclassified cannabis from Table A to Table B, it’s now possible for certain patients to legally access cannabis products for medical purposes. This is like moving cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule II under the United States’ Controlled Substances Act. 

Schedule I or Table A is the most restrictive classification of drugs, reserved for substances deemed by the government as the most dangerous, with a high potential for abuse and no medical value. In the U.S., cannabis is still classified under Schedule I, alongside heroin and LSD. Oxycodone (OxyContin), methadone, and methamphetamine are in Schedule II, a less restrictive category though the drugs are still considered dangerous.

Greece can now import cannabis products from other countries, like Canada and the United States. QualThe Greek Health Ministry on Monday announced the formation of a working group consisting of  academics, psychiatrists, and scientific and legal advisers of the prime minister, health ministry and the justice ministry and members of patient associations, to initiate a discussion on the medical use of the cannabis. The group’s mission is to assess the contemporary use of the cannabis and the legislative framework, and to propose feasible regulations that would make the medicinal use of cannabis possible.

It’s findings will be advisory and the working group is to submit its propositions to the minister of health by October 30, 2016.ifying conditions designated by the Ministry of Health so far include chronic or neuropathic pain, nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy, and some eating disorders, among others, according to Leafly. “From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal,” said Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

Greece joins six other European Union countries that have approved medical cannabis in some form: the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and most recently, Germany, whose law went into effect this past March to help “critically ill” citizens.  Another country that approved medical cannabis in June is Mexico, where the new law passed through the legislature with overwhelming support.

Greece has a long history of strict anti-drug laws, but the debt-ridden country is now moving in a different direction. The government legalized the cultivation and processing of hemp in April, “ending 60 years of prohibition of the traditional, non-psychoactive plant,” Leafly reported at the time.  Hemp is known for having low THC levels, which means it doesn’t produce a high. Hemp can be processed into a number of useful products including paper, textiles, clothing, plastics, biofuel, and food. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Greece Legalizes Medical Marijuana (July 5th, 2017) | The number of European Union countries with legal medical marijuana has increased again, with the recent addition of Greece. This once ancient society showed its progressive outlook last week by making medical cannabis available to its citizens in need. At a press conference, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that doctors will soon be able to prescribe the medicine. “From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal,” said Tsipras. With this historic move, Greece joins Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain in allowing one of the world’s oldest medicines for people in need.

The details on distribution methods and how patients will access the medicine have yet to be divulged. As well, cannabis will be rescheduled in Greece from a Table A drug, meaning one with no medicinal value, to a Table B, which has approved medical use. Greece will also soon be able to import cannabis-based medicines from countries like Canada, the world’s major marijuana heavyweight. Greece has had a strict prohibition on cannabis since 1890. This recent landmark decision is a further indication that pot reform is at the forefront of international awareness. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Greece’s prime minister has announced that the country has officially legalized medical cannabis. | At Friday press conference Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced that the Joint Ministerial Decision to legalize cannabis as a medicine has been signed into law. “From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal,” said Tsipras. According to Tsipras, the new law reclassifies cannabis from Table A, the most restrictive drug category, to Table B, which is for drugs that are heavily regulated by allowed for medical use. Although no specifics have been announced, the change allows the state to distribute licenses for the cultivation and distribution of medical cannabis. Tsipras also announced that the state will allow the import of cannabis-based medicines from other countries such as Canada. With the new law in place, Greece now joins but a handful of countries that have legalized the medical use of cannabis. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Greece Will Legalize Medical Cannabis (July 5, 2017) | Last week, shortly after Catalonia legalized cannabis and just before the launch of Nevada’s adult-use market, the medical cannabis community in Europe welcomed another member: Greece. At a press conference June 30, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Health Minister Andreas Xanthos announced the change to the country’s Law on Control of Drugs. Tsipras said the nation is “turning its page.” “Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal,” he said, according to the Greek Government Gazette. The nation joins six other European Union countries—the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Germany—that have legalized the drug for medical use.

While Tsipras’s left-wing Syriza party has yet to define how cannabis would be grown or distributed under the proposal, the prime minister said cannabis would be downgraded from Table A to Table B under Greece’s regulatory structure. The move is akin to moving cannabis from a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States to Schedule II, and it recognizes the plant’s medical value in treating certain conditions. The changes would also allow Greece to import cannabis-derived products from other medical marijuana growers, such as Canada’s licensed producers.

Greece’s Ministry of Health has identified chronic pain, neuropathic pain, nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, some eating disorders, and a number of other conditions as potentially legal to treat with cannabis. Back in April 2017, the ministry said it was preparing measures to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis. Early indications are that the country will allow only cannabis edibles or extracts rather than dried flower, which is often consumed by smoking. The legalization announcement is the latest in Greece’s slow rejection of prohibition, which has been the law of the land for decades. Recent years have seen the legalization and slow reintroduction of hemp—cannabis with less than 0.2% THC, per Greek law—as well as more organized advocacy efforts. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Greece legalises medicinal cannabis, The drug will be reclassified from a Table A drug, where it was listed among heroin and LSD, to Table B (03 July 2017 ) | Greece's parliament has announced that cannabis is effectively legal for medicinal purposes. "From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal," said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. The joint ministerial decision reached by Ministers of Health and Justice was published in Friday's edition of the Government Gazette. It was noted that cannabis will no longer be classified as a Table A drug, where it was listed among the most restricted narcotics including heroin and LSD, to Table B which features methadone, cocaine and opium.

While there has yet to be an announcement regarding licensing, as part of the change it is expected that the state will have the right to give licenses for cultivation of medicinal cannabis. Once the framework for cultivation has been completed, Prime Minister Tsipras said that the importation of cannabis-based medicines will be permitted. The decision follows on from the Greek Ministry of Health announcement in July 2016 that a panel of experts would be discussing and analysing the prospect of legalising the drug for medicinal purposes. The move is a particularly significant one for Greece, given the country's restrictive drug laws which have a long history dating back to 1890. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced this week that Greek doctors will now be allowed to prescribe cannabis medicine for a slew of conditions. (07/1/2017) | Lawmakers in Greece announced this week that the European Union member will become the latest country to accept the medical value of cannabis. After months of speculation, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced on Friday that doctors across the European nation will now be able to prescribe cannabis for a variety of medical conditions. Greece will join the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain as the sixth country in the European Union to legalize medical marijuana.

“From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the delivery of medical cannabis to patients in need is legal.” Prime Minister Tsipras said at a press conference yesterday. According to Dope Magazine, Tsipras also announced that Greece will officially move cannabis from a Table A drug, comparable to America’s “Schedule I,” to a Table B drug, joining other substances with approved medical value like methadone and opium.

Thanks to rule changes that come along with the change in scheduling category, the door is now open for a homegrown legal weed industry to emerge in the cash-strapped country. Once the system is in place, Tsipras told reporters that Greece will also begin importing cannabis-based medicines. Greece already allows the regulated cultivation of cannabis with 0.2% THC or less, but full-strength bud has always been harshly policed. The new law will continue the country’s recent turn towards cannabis liberalization, and potentially set the stage for Greece to join Portugal as the only European country with full-scale cannabis legalization. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resources; News, Information > Greek news > Crime > Cannabis for Medical Use to be Legalized in Greece [ Crime / Health / Politics ] (Jul 21, 2016) | The Greek Health Ministry on Monday announced the formation of a working group consisting of  academics, psychiatrists, and scientific and legal advisers of the prime minister, health ministry and the justice ministry and members of patient associations, to initiate a discussion on the medical use of the cannabis. The group’s mission is to assess the contemporary use of the cannabis and the legislative framework, and to propose feasible regulations that would make the medicinal use of cannabis possible. It’s findings will be advisory and the working group is to submit its propositions to the minister of health by October 30, 2016. > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resource, News; local > English News > U.S. > Greek-Americans Advance Medical Marijuana Legalization (August 14, 2014) | New Greek TV had the opportunity to exclusively interview KannaLife co-founder and Greek-American Thoma Kikis. In our interview, the established intellect offers us an overview on his background, multifaceted successes, the establishment of KannaLife, and ties to Greece. Bloomberg TV recently interviewed Kikis about how they are making headway with legislation (see video below).

NGTV: Can you tell us about your background? TK: My father hails from Northern Epirus and my mother from Epirus, both grew up in Ioannina, a city in the northwestern region of Greece. I would visit Ioannina every summer and have traveled mostly all over Greece. It is a beautiful country and I'm proud to be of Greek decent.

NGTV: How did you get into the medical marijuana field? TK: It started as something very personal to me, in 2006 my first cousin, a well renown cancer researcher Dr. Steven Kazianis was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor and I started researching alternative methods of therapy. I stumbled upon cannabis and recommended it to him, but being a scientist he wanted evidence and proof that it worked; there was also the fact that there was this stigma associated with marijuana. Like many other human beings when you see a family member in need, you try to do anything to help them. Unfortunately Steven passed at the age of 41 in 2008. This ignited a fire in me.

NGTV: How did you establish KannaLife? TK: We founded KannaLife Sciences in 2010 and immediately went after a patent Dean found, we applied for the exclusive license of the '507 patent held by the US Government Health and Human Services and National Institutes of Health. The application process took almost 2 years of rigorous work but we were granted the license. The '507 patent is (US Patent #6630507 "Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants") - Cannabinoids are the chemicals that compose the Cannabis plant. There are over 85 known Cannabinoids in Cannabis. >> Source >

Greece - Resource, News Decriminalization of Drug Use in Greece (September 22, 2011) | Greek Justice Minister Miltiadis PapaioannouGreek Justice Minister Miltiadis PapaioannouThe Greek government made the first big step regarding decriminalization of drug use. Justice Minister Miltiadis Papaioannou presented to the Greek Parliament the basic ideas of a new law concerning drugs. He announced that, for the first time, drug use will be fully decriminalized in Greece, on the condition that the drugs used harm only the behavior and the condition of the user. However, the Minister noted, the possession and supply of drugs and cultivating of cannabis remain punishable actions. >> Source >

Greece - Resource, News; local Greek news > Health > Decriminalization of Drug Use (Aug 2, 2011) | The Minister explained that these actions would be now regarded as misdemeanors, as long as it effects only the user and no others. Minister Papaioannou noted that the law had to be changed because of the minor danger of specific actions. In this way, police will have the ability to deal more quickly and easily with more severe issues. The Minister stressed that the law has a therapeutic approach to the issue and every drug user will be treated as an addicted person who needs help rather than punishment. ... Health, Life, Politics ... >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Org; local Medical Marijuana | Cafe Vale Tudo | Page 4 > The Greek government is proposing to decriminalize the possession of drugs under a bill sent to parliament by Justice Minister Miltadis Papioannou, the British web site Talking Drugs reported this week. Under the bill, drug possession would be decriminalized as long as the drug use does not affect others. The bill is a response to continuing high drug overdose numbers—more than 300 deaths a year in recent years—and high levels of imprisonment. Some 40% of Greek prisoners are doing time for drug or drug-related offenses. Under the proposed bill, drug possession for personal use would qualify only as “misconduct” instead of a more serious criminal offense. The decriminalization provision would also apply to people growing marijuana for their personal use.

The bill would also guarantee the right to drug treatment, including for people currently imprisoned. People deemed “addict offenders” by the courts would be provided treatment instead of being jailed. Under the “treatment not jail” approach, addicts would be admitted to an approved treatment program for detoxification, then granted deferred prosecution and conditional release under a drug monitoring program. It is unclear what would happen to addicts who relapse while in the program. The bill does not legalize the sale of drugs, which would remain a felony offense. Like other decriminalization schemes, the measure would make life easier for drug users, but would do little to reduce the deleterious effects of the black market in proscribed substances. Posts about Medical Marijuana written by valetudocafe. ... drug decriminalization, greece cannabis, greece drugs, greece medical marijuana, greek cannabis, >> Source >

Russia - Resources US Government Says It Will Stop Interfering with Medical Marijuana | According to this article, US Attorney General Eric Holder has said that states will be allowed to make their own rules about medical marijuana, and that the US federal government will stop raiding medical marijuana dispensaries in California. (See article “Can Marijuana Help Rescue California’s Economy?”at this link) In the 1990s, several US states passed referendums which allowed marijuana to be used legally for medical purposes. In a referendum, the registered voters vote directly on the proposed law, as opposed to the law being passed by the state legislature. Thus, when these states passed these referendums, it meant that the citizens of these states really wanted medical marijuana to be made legal.

However, in a blatant disregard for democracy and the people’s will, under the Bush administration, the national government refused to accept this law, and carried out raids of the medical marijuana dispensaries.   ...   Click > here < for more.

Resources, News - The Media Awareness Project Drugnews Archive The Media Awareness Project Drugnews Archive, Visit - to look up specific items - and - for the index.

Resources, News - Marijuana (cannabis) News Feed, by NORML NORML News Feed.  Visit -

Resources, News - MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit:

Resources, News - The American Alliance For Medical Cannabis (AAMC) The American Alliance For Medical Cannabis (AAMC) | Dedicated to bringing patients, caregivers and volunteers the facts they need to make informed decisions about whether Cannabis is the right medicine for them, the laws surrounding Medicinal Marijuana in your area, political activism and even handy recipes and guides to growing your own nontoxic medicine. visit:

Resources, News - Cannabis Times,  Alternative News Service for Cannabis and Hemp Cannabis Times. Alternative News Service for Cannabis and Hemp ... Montana Woman on Hunger Strike for Medical Cannabis. Visit Robin's Site * E-Mail the ... The science of medical cannabis continued its climb in estimation of medical professionals and ... visit:

Resources, News - Common Sense for Drug Policy: Medical Marijuana Facts & News. Common Sense for Drug Policy: Medical Marijuana Facts & News. Tuesday, July 12, 2005. Search using CSDP's own search tool or use. WWW Common Sense. More CSDP News Pages ... card program for medical marijuana patients. The suspension has ... consequences of issuing medical marijuana ID cards that could affect medical marijuana users, their families ...

Resources, News -, by DrugSense, by DrugSense | a News feed page. Visit:

Resources, News - Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) is an international organization working for an end to drug prohibition worldwide and for interim policy reform in US drug laws and criminal justice system. visit -

  some HISTORY  

Greece - Resources; News, Information Historical Timeline | History of Marijuana as Medicine - 2900 BC to Present ... 200 BC - Medical Cannabis Used in Ancient Greece In ancient Greece, cannabis is used as a remedy for earache, edema, and inflammation. ... > SOURCE >>

Greece - Resource, Info; Organization 6 Historical Facts About Medical Marijuana | Although medical marijuana is illegal in many parts of the world, its use as a medicine dates back thousands of years. As the debate over legalizing marijuana heats up, many continue to dispute the value of marijuana as a treatment for various ailments. But, as the following facts show, history tells a much clearer story. Cannabis was used as a veterinary medicine in ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks used cannabis to dress wounds and sores on their horses after battle. The plant was also given to humans for a variety of ailments, including ear pain and inflammation. Interestingly, the practice of medical cannabis is believed to have spread to Arabic countries from ancient Greece. >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Info; History 10,000-year History of Marijuana use in the World | 8,000+ BCE | Use of hemp cord in pottery identified at ancient village site dating back over 10,000 years, located in the area of modern day Taiwan. Finding hemp use and cultivation in this date range puts it as one of the first and oldest known human agriculture crops. As explained by Richard Hamilton in the 2009 Scientific American article on sustainable agriculture "Modern humans emerged some 250,000 years ago, yet agriculture is a fairly recent invention, only about 10,000 years old ... Agriculture is not natural; it is a human invention. It is also the basis of modern civilization." This point was also touched on by Carl Sagan in 1977 when he proposed the possibility that marijuana may have actually been world's first agricultural crop, leading to the development of civilization itself (see 1977, below).

6,000 BCE | Cannabis seeds and oil used for food in China.

4,000 BCE | Textiles made of hemp are used in China and Turkestan. ...

430 BCE | Herodotus reports on both ritual and recreation use of Cannabis by the Scythians (Herodotus The Histories 430 B.C. trans. G. Rawlinson).

200 BCE | Hemp rope appears in Greece. Chinese Book of Rites mentions hemp fabric. ...

130-200 | Greek physician Galen prescribes medical marijuana. ...

1870-1880 | First reports of hashish smoking on the Greek mainland.

1890 | Greek Department of Interior prohibits importance, cultivation and use of hashish. Hashish is made illegal in Turkey. Sir J.R. Reynolds, chief physician to Queen Victoria, prescribes medical marijuana to her. ...

1920s | Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxas cracks down on hashish smoking. Hashish smuggled into Egypt from Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Central Asia. ...

1940s | Greek hashish smoking tradition fades. ...

1945 | Legal hashish consumption continues in India. Hashish use in Greece flourishes again. ... >> Source >

Greece - Resource, Info; History MEDICAL CANNABIS: Cannabis History - and GRECO-ROMAN medicine A SHORT GRAPHICAL HISTORY GREECE & ROME - GRECO-ROMAN MEDICINE; CANNABIS and WESTERN MEDICINE [500-BC - 350-AD] | To begin with, while both the Greeks and Romans were literate people, noted for writing numerous works. Still due to what now has become known as the dark ages, few of these works have come down to us today. As one can see, the original works (those that survived at all) have seen numerous translations from their original language. And that’s if we're lucky, many works have never actually be translated into modern-day English assuming they survived at all. Which therefore forces us to rely on hear-say, or basically on what someone (who may or may not be able to read the original language), claims was once said. Ugh!

Theophrastus | THEOPHRASTUS (287 - 371 B.C.), provides a good example of this problem. According to the Parke-Davis History of Pharmacy (series) [1], “. . . He was a noted Greek naturalist who today is regarded as the 'father of botany,' whose writings are (for the most part) still accurate today.” All fine and well, but what did he write down about Medical Cannabis? Answer: We don’t know. Almost all information that we’ve been able to locate, failed to make any mention on the subject. And while some (pro-Medical Cannabis) websites claim that he did, none seem to be able to provide any actual proof; no direct quotations etc. But even without proof, this museum believes that he most assuredly had to have made references to and use of Cannabis. It would have been all but impossible for him not to have.

HOWEVER, all this brings up the obvious question -- Why didn’t such a valuable medical agent receive more notice and attention from the ancient Greeks or Romans? As will be shown, they wrote much about the medical properties of the Hemp Seeds, but virtually nothing about the much more (medically) useful flowering tops. Why? There are those who point out that (even back then) there was much travel between Roman, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia etc. Therefore, by implication, that there was no excuse to NOT HAVE KNOWN. As Barbara Griggs stated in her book “The Green Pharmacy: ". . The drug inventories of the three great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and India show such remarkable similarities that there was obviously a continual exchange of discovery and information among the professionals”

But maybe we shouldn’t be to fast to judge the ancients. While wishing to side step the centuries old and on-going debate over where there is only one species, or multiple species of the Cannabis plant. It is generally recognized that there are three sub-groups of Cannabis:

Greece - Resource, Info; History Cannabis Sativa, (Europe) which can grow to a height of over 18 Feet. Useful for rope, canvas, cloth etc. Unfortunately, it seems to have only a fraction of the active medical ingredients found in Cannabis Indica.

Greece - Resource, Info; History Cannabis Ruderalis (Central Asia, Siberia) which only grows to a height of 3 feet (if you're lucky). -- While its small flower tops do have some of the medically active ingredient, in general it is considered cattle fodder.

Greece - Resource, Info; History Cannabis Indica (India, China etc.) which grows to a height of about 4 feet. Lots of medical uses. The Greeks simply had the misfortune of living in a geography where only Cannabis Sativa NOT Cannabis Indica was grown. Thus had little chance to learn first hand about its medical uses.

THE EARLIEST KNOWN MEDICAL TRADEMARK: [500-BC] | Although having nothing to do with Medical Cannabis, as this museum deals mostly with Cannabis antiques having brand or trade names. The reader may be interested in knowing that it was the Greeks (500 BC) that invented the concept. Before that all medicines were generic in nature. According to the Parke-Davis Co. (History of Pharmacy Series):

“One of the first therapeutic agents to bear such a mark was Terra Sigillata (Sealed Earth), a clay tablet originating on the Mediterranean island of Lemnos before 500 B.C. One day each year clay was dug from a pit on a Lemnian hillside in the presence of governmental and religious dignitaries. Washed, refined, rolled to a mass of proper thickness, the clay was formed into pastilles and impressed with an official seal by priestesses, then sun-dried. The tablets were then widely distributed commercially.” Dioscorides was supposed to have recommended Lemnos clay as a treatment for wounds and ulcers. [Note, the clay is known to have some kind of microbes which actually do help.]

HERODOTUS [The Greek Historian] 490 - 425-BC | HERODOTUS The Historian >> To our knowledge, Herodotus (the Greek Historian) was the first to make any mention of Cannabis in Western literature. He's said to have been born at Halicarnaffus (490 AD), and traveled throughout much of Greece, Egypt, Babylon, Tyre, Thrace, Scythia, Arabia, Palestine etc. [See Map] And while he probably knew little about medicines, (thus wrote little about the subject), still his are one of the few historical works from that era that have come down to us today. But unfortunately he is also one of the most widely misquoted of Greek historians. With his words being taken out of context, especially during the Reefer Madness Era of the 1930’s. When the narc’s (Americas Narcotics Police) deliberately distorted his writings, with the following quotation targeted for use used, over and over again:

“The Scythians put the Seeds of this HEMP under the bags, upon the burning stones; and immediately a more agreeable vapor is emitted than from the incense burnt in Greece. The Company extremely transported with the scent, howl aloud.“ Again, the above statements were used, over and over again; by the narcotics police as proof that Medical Cannabis (a.k.a. Marihuana, the Weed of Madness), ever since antiquity, had the power to turn its users into cold-blooded murderers, etc. However, if one were to read the paragraphs just before and after the above quotation, a totally different picture begins to appear. [See Actual Wording]:

“The HISTORY of HERODOTUS” | Translated from the Greek by Isaac Littlebury [1737] [2] “ “[PAGE 380] [description of a funeral] . . . And this is the Manner of the King’s Funeral. But when any other Scythian dies, his nearest Relations carry him about in a Chariot among his Friends; who receive and entertain the whole Company, in their Turn, setting the same things before the dead Man as before the rest. In this Manner all private Men are carried about forty Days, before they are buried: And those who have assisted at these Funerals, purify themselves thus. When they have cleansed and washed their heads, they set up three pieces of timber leaning to each other, and laying a good number of Woolen Bags close together, throw burning Stones in to a hollow space left in the midst of the wood and bags.

In this country a sort of HEMP grows, very like to flax; only longer and thicker; and much more excellent than ours, whether sowed or produced by Nature. The Thracians cloth themselves with garments made of the HEMP; so well resembling Flax, that a man must have great experience in those materials to distinguish one from the other: And he who had never seen this HEMP, would think their [PAGE 381] Cloths were wrought out of Flax. The Scythians put the Seeds of this HEMP under the bags, upon the burning stones; and immediately a more agreeable vapor is emitted than from the incense burnt in Greece. The Company extremely transported with the scent, howl aloud; and this Manner of purification serves instead of washing: For they never bath their bodies in water. But their wives grinding the wood of cypress, cedar, and incense upon a rough stone, and infusing the powder in water, compounds a thick substance, which they spread over all the parts of the body and face. . . . . “

Looking at the more complete quotation, these are the facts the way this museum sees them:

  • The Hemp Plant in question, given its size and description as a source of clothing, seems to have been an industrial grade (what we would now term Industrial Hemp) plant and thus would have has little Medicinal or recreational uses. That the incense vapors were used as part of a religious ceremony for the dead, similarly to the use of the use of myrrh and frankincense by the Roman Catholic Church today. Herodotus even talks about other incenses.
  • That Herodotus was writing in the CONTEXT of a funeral. Hey, what do you think the deceases friends are suppose to do at a funeral? In that context Howling, Weeping, Crying all seem normal to me, and in keeping with the situation. Additionally, other translations from the Greek, use the word Yell as oppose to Howl.
  • That the Reefer Madness Era conspirators, obviously and deliberately took Herodotus writings, way out of context, in order to distort the facts and thus get their agenda through. However, getting back to the world of Medical Antiques, other than those who believe in aroma therapy, (hemp seeds taste a little like walnuts, so I’m assuming that they would smell that way too), Herodotus simply makes no mention of any Medical Uses.
  • Once more, he made little mention of any medicines, period. Which doesn’t mean that the Scythians did not utilize Cannabis in that way, only that he simply didn’t write anything one way or the other. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Info; History The Medical Use of Cannabis Among the Greeks and Romans | ABSTRACT. This article, which contains a complete survey of the surviving references to medical cannabis in Greek and Latin literature, updates the last serious treatment of the subject (Brunner 1973). Though it eventually became commonplace, cannabis seems to have been largely unknown to the Greeks in the fifth century BCE, when Herodotus wrote his description of the hemp vapor-baths used by the ancient Scythians, which constitutes the earliest reference in Greek literature. While its use in medicine is not at tested until the first century CE, it was evidently well established by then. The Roman writer Pliny the Elder records several medical uses, but comparison with Greek writers suggests that he is sometimes mistaken, and there is no secure evidence for the medical use of cannabis by the Romans. Greek writers, on the other hand, report the use of cannabis in treating horses–especially for dressing sores and wounds–and in treating humans. Here we find the dried leaves used against nosebleed and the seeds used against tapeworms, but the most frequently mentioned treatment involves steeping the green seeds in a liquid such as water or a variety of wine, then pressing out the liquid, which when warmed was instilled into the ear as a remedy for pains and inflammations associated with blockages. Many sources also observe that the seeds, when eaten in quantity, dry up these men; a passage in Aëtius shows that they could be prescribed as part of the treatment for teenaged boys (and girls) afflicted by nocturnal emissions. A recreational consumption of cannabis seeds is attested first in the comic poet Ephippus in the 4th century BCE and again in Galen in the second century CE.

    Cannabis went by a variety of names. In the first century CE, Dioscorides 1907-1914, Materia medica 3.148 mentions kannabion (a diminutive form, “little cannabis,” “dear cannabis”), skhoenostrophion (“rope-twister”), and asterion (“little star”). An ancient scholarly note on line 181 of Aristophanes’ comedy The Acharnians says that sphendamnos was another name for cannabis because its fibres were used to make slings (sphendonai). Finally, the lexicon of Hesychius, compiled probably in the fifth century CE, adds phalis as another equivalent (phi108); it is unclear whether there is any connection with the fact that phalis is also attested in Pausanias as the title of a priestess of Hera at Argos. Dioscorides notes as well that cannabis was sometimes called “domesticated” or “tame” cannabis (hêmeros) to distinguish it from another medicinal plant now identified as hemp mallow (Althaea kannabina); this was called, in Greek, either hydrastina or “wild” cannabis (agria) and, in Latin, “terminal” (terminalis; this use of terminalis is not attested in any Latin source or recognized by any Latin dictionary, probably because we know it only from the Greek writer Dioscorides; it perhaps reflects a tendency of the plant to grow along paths and hedges and other borders [termini], as noted in the Herbariumofps.-Apuleius,106). >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Info; History Nepenthes and Cannabis in Ancient Greece, Luigi Arata University of Genoa | Substantial evidence supports the perspective that the people of Ancient Greece had a language for and some use for drugs, both for the purpose of medicine and poison; however, the question remains whether Ancient Greek civilization held a concept approximating what we today call drug addiction. This article explores the textual evidence for the use of two drugs, nepenthes and cannabis, in Ancient Greece. While the existence of nepenthes remains in doubt, the use of cannabis is well documented. Either drug or both drugs may have been used in the rites of the Bacchic and Orphic mysteries, which might explain why there are so few references to these drugs in the Ancient Greek literature.

    In Ancient Greece, there was not much use of drugs.1 There is not even a word in Greek to identify the “addicted” nor does Greek contain any concept of drug dependence. However, Greek language did have a word to signify drugs, pharmakon, a vox media, which is understood either as medicine, a positive meaning, or as venom, a negative one. Pharmakon is literally a product of medicine, but, since ancient medicine was related to magic, it could also be the work of a magician, a type of enchantment. In addition, because magic can be used for good or ill, medicine is not always associated with the art of healing; it can also be an art of pain. As a consequence, it is natural that pharmakon has so many different meanings: It is the alter of Medea who killed her children and the future bride of her lover, Iason, but it is also the venom that has nothing to do with magic, which king Mithridates is said to have drunken everyday to become resistant to it; it is Hippocrates’ mixture of herbs to cure illness, but also the herbs that some midwife sorcerers gave their patients to make their delivery faster and more painful, so that they could make them pay more for their intervention. >> Source >

    Greece - Resources, Information Erowid Cannabis Vault : Medical #3 The History of the Medical Use of Marijauna ... In Nepal, it is distributed on certain feast days at the temples of all Shiva ... Cannabis is used in Hindu and Sikh temples and at Mohammedan shrines. Besides using the drug as an aid to meditation, it is also used to overcome hunger and thirst by the religious mendicants. In Nepal, it is distributed on certain feast days at the temples of all Shiva followers (Blum & Associates, 1969, 11: 63).   ...   Visit -

    Greece - Resource, Org; local Greece Cannabis Seeds - Mary Jane's Garden | The Use of Cannabis in Ancient Greece | Marijuana was used not only by humans in Ancient Greece, but the cannabis plant was also used as a medication to dress sores and wounds on horses in veterinary medicine. Nose bleeds that happened in humans were treated with the use of the leaves from pot plants. When a person acquired a tapeworm, it was expelled from the use of marijuana seeds. One of the most common uses of Ancient Greece involved the use of green marijuana seeds. They were steeped in wine or water and used as a treatment remedy when a person was afflicted with an ear ache that was due to an obstruction in the ear that caused the person to suffer from pain and inflammation. A Greek historian by the name of Herodotus of the 5th century BCE told of how Middle Eastern Scythians would use marijuana in the steam baths they would take. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local Ancient Roots of Medical Marijuana - | Medical marijuana has been around since the dawn of time, literally. Before the days of big pharmaceutical companies, healers treated patients with potent herbs ... By this time, cannabis had spread to the Middle East. The ancient Persian text from that time, the Venidad, names cannabis as one of the most important of the 10,000 medicinal plants listed. Cannabis continued its' global trek, reaching Greece by at least 200 BC. Caregivers recommend this medicine to ease symptoms such as earache, swelling, and inflammation. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local Cannabis in Greece - Weed-Ellas | Cannabis use has a long documented history in Greece. Many cannabis enthusiasts will no doubt have read the oft-cited passages from Herodotus, written between 450 and ... Greece has long been a cultural bridging point connecting Europe to Asia and Africa, and shares many traditional practices more often associated with North African and Arab culture. Greece has a long history of cannabis cultivation, and although present drug laws are strict, some degree of liberalisation is currently underway. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local Cannabis Medical World: Cannabis in Ancient Greece | A blog dedicated to the magical plant of cannabis and its properties. Informations, researches, news around the world, product reviews. Cannabis use has a long documented history in Greece. Many cannabis enthusiasts will no doubt have read the oft-cited passages from Herodotus, written between 450 and 420 BCE, in which the historian documents cannabis use among the nomadic Scythian tribes that habitually traversed northern Greece and Asia Minor. Ancient Medical Use of Cannabis | In 70 CE, the physician Dioscorides recorded cannabis in his pharmacopoeia; it is thought that cannabis was extensively used in Greek medicine by this time. Cannabis leaf was commonly prescribed as a cure for nosebleeds, and the seeds were used to treat tapeworms, earache and inflammation. Interestingly, cannabis seed consumed in large quantities was also believed to reduce the ‘nocturnal emissions’ sometimes suffered by teenaged boys and girls going through puberty. Cannabis was also used in veterinary medicine, particularly to treat sores and wounds in horses. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local Medical Marijuana - History of Medical Cannabis | Many civilizations throughout history have had a powerful dependence on hemp, mankind’s most durable fiber resource. While modern-day proponents of industrial hemp often distance these uses of the plant from the drug called marijuana, the two terms—hemp and marijuana—apply to different uses of the same plant species. A history of marijuana as medicine would be incomplete without some reference to the multitude of benefits provided by this extraordinary weed. The ancient Greeks called in kannabis. Greek sailors traded kannabis across the Aegean Sea as early as the sixth century BC, according to written records on hemp trade from that era. Twentieth-century archeologists found hemp fiber bundles in the cargo hold of a Carthaginian trade ship that had sunk near Sicily around 300 BC.

    In 450 BC, Herodotus, the great Greek historian, wrote of the fine quality of hemp clothing produced by the Greek-speaking Thracians. Four hundred years later, Plutarch wrote that the Thracians made a habit of throwing the tops of the kannabis plant onto a fire, thereby becoming intoxicated by the smoke. It was a custom unfamiliar to the wine-loving children of Zeus. A minor reference to the use of kannabis as a remedy for backache is found in Greek literature from about 400 BC. That is the only known reference to the medical use of marijuana in ancient Greece, although it is known that both Arabic and Hebrew medical practices did use kannabis medications during that same period. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years I. The Early Years 1. Cannabis in the Ancient World | Millions of years ago, humanoid creatures descended from the trees in Africa. These first men stood erect, their eyes peering into the beyond, their hands grasping rudimentary weapons and tools, ready to bend nature to their will. The descendants of these first men wandered into almost every corner of the earth and evolved into four main racial groups: the Negroids, Australoids, Mongoloids, and Caucasoids. Each race, living under different climatic conditions and in virtual isolation from one another, developed special physical characteristics to enable them to survive in their particular part of the world. Along with these physical traits there emerged rudimentary cultures as distinct as the colors of their skins. Some communities relied primarily on hunting for survival, refining their skills and weapons through the ages to capture prey and eventually to conquer and enslave rival communities. Others subsequently discovered that the seeds and leaves of certain plants would appease hunger and sustain life. Once they became farmers, men gave up their spears and knives for plowshares and permanent settlements came into being.

    According to Herodotus, a Greek historian who lived in the fifth century B.C., marijuana was an integral part of the Scythian cult of the dead wherin homage was paid to the memory of their departed leaders. Herodotus' passion for detail and devotion to fact has often provided scholars with their only contact with long-forgotten people and their customs. Nowhere was this more true than in the case of the Scythians. Were it not for Herodotus' description of the funerary customs of the Scythians, for example, one of the best known instances of the use of marijuana in the ancient world would never have been recorded. The Scythians eventually disappeared as a distinct national entity, but their descendants spread through Eastern Europe. While remembrances of their ancestors were lost, memories of ancestral customs were still retained, although, of course, these were modified down through the centuries. It is in this regard that anthropologist Sula Benet's comment that "hemp never lost its connection with the cult of the dead"[52] takes on added significance since she has traced the influence of the Scythians and their hemp funerary customs down to the modern era in Eastern Europe and Russia. On Christmas Eve, for instance, Benet notes that the people of Poland and Lithuania serve semieniatka, a soup made from hemp seeds.

    The Birthplace of Democracy | Greece: land of myth and beauty, home to some of the greatest minds the world has ever known - Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - birthplace of democracy; Greece was all of these and more. It gave the world its first great art, literature, theater, political institutions, sporting events, scientific and medical discoveries - the list is endless. Yet despite these monumental achievements, Greece was a turbulent country and war was no stranger to its inhabitants. When they were not fighting among themselves, the Greeks faced the threat of invasion from empires like that of Darius and Xerxes. When Alexander the Great came to power, the Greeks in turn became world conquerors. While the ancient Greeks remained ignorant of the intoxicating properties of the cannabis plant, they were not slow to appreciate the durability and strength of its fiber. As early as the sixth century B.C., Greek merchants whose Milesian colonies served as a middle station between mainland Greece and the eastern coast of Asia Minor, had been carrying on a lucrative business transporting cannabis fiber to the ports along the Aegean.[70] >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local HowStuffWorks "History of Medical Cannabis Use " | The history of medical cannabis is surprisingly long. Learn about the history of medical cannabis from ancient times to the modern day. Ancient Times, High Times? While it's easy to imagine that medical cannabis use got its start in more recent times -- the psychedelic '60s, anyone? -- in reality, people have been using cannabis to help cure what ails them for almost as long as the herb has been in use, period. Ancient Greeks may have been influenced by Indian use of medical cannabis, or vice versa. The first written record comes from Herodotus, who stated in 500 B.C. that Scythians, a group of ancient Iranian nomads, took vapor baths using marijuana. Other Greek writers mentioned using it to get rid of tapeworms, stop nosebleeds and reduce inflammation and pain in the ear. The seeds were even prescribed to "dry up semen" of teenage boys, possibly to reduce nocturnal emissions. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local Brief History of Marijuana - Medical Marijuana Mentor | A (Very) Brief History of Marijuana. The history of marijuana can be traced back to an archeological site in Taiwan dated 10,000 BC with the use of hemp in pottery ... Scythian Death Rituals | The Indo-Euro Aryans who invaded India also set their sights on Persia (Iran), Asia Minor (roughly the Turkish region outward toward Europe and Asia), and Greece around 1500 BC. The Persian word bhanga is almost identical to the Indian term bhang The culture and history of marijuana finds its way into the ritual of mourning. Around 700 BC the Scythians warriors, descendents of the Aryans, knew of the effects of cannabis. The Scythians developed a long handled cutting tool for harvesting the hemp plant and was far superior to any European technology at the time. The scythe is still used today and bears the name of the fierce nomadic horsemen who helped revolutionize agriculture.

    Ancient Greek Veterinary Medicine | The history of marijuana for medical purposes is not limited to humans. Leave it to the innovation of the ancient Greeks to pioneer medical marijuana for humans and animals. The advanced culture that brought the world democracy, the gear, and irrigation also pioneered cannabis in veterinary medicine, using the natural cure to dress wounds and sores on their horses. In humans, marijuana historically was used to treat nose bleeds and the seeds used to expel tapeworms. Fourth century BC literature refers to cannabis as both a delicacy and remedy for backaches. It is commonly believed that Greek poet Homer references cannabis in his epic classic, Odyssey. >> Source >

    Greece - Resource, Org; local The Medical Use of Cannabis Among the Greeks and Romans | This paper is intended to update our knowledge of the medical use of canna- bis in the Classical world, a topic on which the only serious discussion is Brun- ner 1973 for the medical use of cannabis by the Romans. Greek writers, on the other hand, report the use of cannabis in treating horses–especially for ... ABSTRACT. This article, which contains a complete survey of the surviving references to medical cannabis in Greek and Latin literature, updates the last serious treatment of the subject (Brunner 1973). Though it eventually became commonplace, cannabis seems to have been largely unknown to the Greeks in the fifth century BCE, when Herodotus wrote his description of the hemp vapor-baths used by the ancient Scythians, which constitutes the earliest reference in Greek literature.

    Medically, it was used to treat horses as well as humans; the evidence for its veterinary use is summarized in Appendix II. In the treatment of humans, it was part of the physician’s armamentarium, though no more so than a host of other plants. Several parts of the plant could be used. Pliny mentions using the uncooked root on burns, but he may have been thinking of “wild” cannabis here. Another source has cannabis ash used in a poultice, but does not say which part of the plant was burned to produce it. Fresh leaves were used to dress horses’ sores, dried ones against nosebleed. But it is the seeds whose use is attested most often, both “green” and mature, distinguished in Greek as karpos (“fruit”) and sperma (“seed”). Before beginning the survey proper, it is just as well to note where cannabis does not appear in our ancient medical texts. First of all, though the medical use of cannabis is recorded in the encyclopedia of Pliny the Elder (written in the middle of the 1st century CE), it is absent from the medical writings of another contemporary encyclopedist, A. Cornelius Celsus (first half of the 1st century), and it seems to be mentioned elsewhere in Latin only in late authors who for the most part translated directly from Greek, such as Marcellus Empiricus (5th century CE) and pseudo-Theodorus (6th century CE?). >> Source >

    Medical Cannabis, History - Letter: Medical Marijuana Informational Guide on Medical Cannabis | If you have ever heard of the song, “Lets Go Get Stoned,” as sung by Ray Charles or Joe Cocker, you know the lyrics were referring to getting high or using cannabis aka marijuana. This mind altering drug goes by other names as well; names such as weed, pot, joint, blunt, hash and mary jane are quite common among users. Cannabis is a plant that contains a chemical called cannabinoids or cannabinolidic acids. Another substance that is found in cannabis is THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, which gives the users that “high” sensation. When speaking of marijuana, the actual substance used in creating the high feeling comes from the leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is considered to be a schedule 1 controlled substance today, because of the THC, which can be highly potent, depending upon the concentration factor of the THC. Visit > < for more.

    Medical Cannabis History - REEFER MADNESS BOOKS THE REEFER MADNESS ERA, REEFER MADNESS BOOKS (Info, History) By definition, it would be a contradiction in terms to list or classify a Reefer Madness book as a work of "Non-Fiction." Thus both genres are group together here simply as "Hard Cover" books; if only to distinguish them from the "Pulp Fiction" or "Dime Store novels" discussed elsewhere. However where appropriate the terms [Fiction] and [Non-Fiction] are used. Please take note - This Index consists solely of those books that the museum has been able to locate and is in no way shape or form complete. It should be thought of only as a starting point. Visit:

    Medical Cannabis History - Pharmacutical Museum Cannabis medical manufacturer Pharmacutical Museum Cannabis medical manufacturer | [Made post-1937 medical Cannabis products]. Burrough Brothers Mfg Co. - 123 Market Place, Baltimore, ... Korn Pop Remedy Co. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ... visit -

    Medical Cannabis History - Cannabis Quack Medicines Cannabis Quack Medicines | ... contained it as an ingredient, Medical Cannabis was as common as aspirin is ... the Hazeltine Corp., of Warren Pennsylvania, was founded in 1869, and soon ... visit -

    Medical Cannabis History  - Marijuana (cannabis) News Archive, by NORML NORML News Archive.  Visit -

    Medical Cannabis History  - Dr Tod; California doctor braves political pressure to prescribe marijuana for those in need. Dr Tod | California doctor braves political pressure to prescribe marijuana for those in need. ... German mother in a small Pennsylvania town during the Depression and ... California Cannabis Resear... Click > here < for more.

    Medical Cannabis History  - Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization |... Youth," was, in fact, Cannabis Hemp, the most traded commodity in the world ... visit -

      Cannabis as Medicine  

    Medical Cannabis - LESSON PLAN:MEDICAL MARIJUANA - LEGITIMATE USE OR LEGALIZED ABUSE? LESSON PLAN:MEDICAL MARIJUANA - LEGITIMATE USE OR LEGALIZED ABUSE? By Lisa Prososki, a former middle school and high school social studies, English, reading and technology teacher. Estimated Time: Approximately 45 minutes/1 class period Lesson Objectives: (1) Students will use cooperative learning activities to discuss opinions about medical marijuana use and see both sides of the issue, (2) Students will use decision making skills and strategies to render their own decision about the U.S. Supreme Court case related to medical marijuana use. Click > here < for more.

    Medical Cannabis - Pros & cons on medical marijuana Medical Marijuana Pro/Con * Pros & cons on medical marijuana. Science, risks, policies, & laws. Should marijuana be a medical option? This site presents in a simple, nonpartisan pro-con format, responses to the core question "Should marijuana be a medical option?" Divided questions about the topic into the issues and sub-issues listed below. All individuals and organizations quoted on our site are ranked based upon our unique credibility scale. [Note: Although physicians and attorneys are listed on this site, they do not recommend or refer either.] visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana News and Facts Medical Cannabis (marijuana) News, Information, Organizations, Links.  Resources and more. visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Factbook: Medical Marijuana Factbook: Medical Marijuana

    1. Since 1996, twelve states have legalized medical marijuana use: AK, CA, CO, HI, ME, MT, NV, NM, OR, RI, VT, and WA. Eight of the twelve did so through the initiative process. Hawaii's law was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2000, Vermont's was enacted by the legislature and passed into law without the governor's signature in May 2004, Rhode Island's was passed into law over the governor's veto in January 2006, and New Mexico's legislation was signed into law by Governor Bill Richardson on April 2, 2007.

    2. The Institute of Medicine's 1999 report on medical marijuana stated, "The accumulated data indicate a potential therapeutic value for cannabinoid drugs, particularly for symptoms such as pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation." And more. Visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Information, NORML, Medical Use, Introduction NORML / Medical Use / Introduction | Introduction. Select One Send All States Canada Mexico Europe Other Alabama Alaska Am. ... District of Columbia FEDERAL Florida Georgia Guam Oklahoma Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana of individual patients to use medical cannabis under state law, or the ... visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Information, Medical Marijuana Handbook  Medical Marijuana Handbook | This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at the San Francisco Buyers Club. Its patchy, and uncomplete, and acts only as a framework for Dr Todd to store snippets of info on various aspects of medical cannabis. Marijuana as Medicine - A Plea for Reconsideration, is a commentary article written by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar, which appeared in the June 21st 1995 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Medical cannabis web resources. Medical Marijuana Handbook This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at ... visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana Info Medical Marijuana Info Online Resource for Medical Marijuana Information. Partners. Events. Legalization. Doctors. Federal Law(s) Lawyers. Medical/Medicinal. AIDS/HIV. History. Magazines ... Ohio Marijuana Party. Montana. Montana NORML ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana - Master Reference Medical Marijuana - Master Reference | Note: This page was prepared for the November, 1996 election. Some of the external links may be out of date. ... Cannabis Research Library - A collection ... visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Yields and Dosage Cannabis Yields and Dosage | the authoritative study of the science and legalities of calculating medical marijuana. The booklet is available as a PDF by ... visit -

    Info - Medical Marijuana Medical Marijuana ... to Washington's New Medical Marijuana Law" was adopted to ... The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A ... list of professional medical associations. Marijuana as medicine ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Court Decision On Medical Cannabis Expected This Week ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - CCRMG - California Cannabis Research Medical Group CCRMG - California Cannabis Research Medical Group - WWW.CCRMG.ORG | Autumn 2004. O'Shaughnessy's. Journal of the California Cannabis Research Medical Group ... medical effects of cannabis. It is unl... visit -

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A catalog page offering Cannabis sativa extract. Medical cannabis refers to the use of Cannabis as a physician recommended herbal th... visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Medical Professionals Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Medical Professionals by | Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community. visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Proven : Cannabis is Safe Medicine Proven : Cannabis is Safe Medicine by Ian Williams Goddard | In reaction to medical cannabis access referendums on the ballots in Arizona and California, former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George Bush signed a letter stating that they "categorically oppose'' access to cannabis for its many proven therapeutic uses such as the prevention of blindness and epileptic seizures. Their chief concern was that legal medical access would send the message that cannabis is safe. The presidents can, however, lay their safety concerns to rest because the scientific literature overwhelmingly confirms that cannabis is both an effective and safe medicine. The Cannabis Safety Profile. The journal PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS reports that decades of research prove that, "Compared with legal drugs...marijuana does not pose greater risks." Yet based upon mortality statistics, we can safely conclude that cannabis is one of the safest medical drugs known, for, while prescription drugs, defined as safe by the FDA, kill up to 27,000 and aspirin up to 1,000 Americans per year, cannabis kills 0 per year. Click here for more.

    Medical Cannabis - Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis Facts Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis Facts, Cannabis Law, Hemp, Peyote Info, Salvia Divinorum Info   ... therapeutic uses for medical cannabis has been entertained in ... 1990's, medical cannabis ballot initiatives have received a majority of votes in Arizona, Arizona, California, Colorado ... visit:

    Russia - Information Medical Cannabis Strains - Geoffrey Guy, MD (GW Pharmaceuticals, U.K) | Founder and President of G.W. Pharmaceuticals in Russia, Dr. Geoffrey Guy's observations about the mammalian Cannabinoid system (with more receptors throughout the body than any other system) are presented to the Second Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, held in Portland, OR in May, 2002. First discussing CB1 and CB@ receptors; the modulatory effect on dopamine, GABA and glutamate; and cross-talk with other receptors, Dr. Guy then examines Phyto-Cannabinoids (plant based)THC, CBD and others, with GW's success in producing whole extracts from 3 tonnes/year of dried marijuana and years of genetic breeding to feature both high THC and high CBD strains. ... Visit:

    Russia - Resources, Information Cannabis Headquarters - Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) Strains ... articles about specific medical conditoins and how cannabis ... ever heard of PURPLE Nepal ? ...   ...   Visit -

    Russia - Resources, Information Medical Cannabis Menu - Safe 420 Deliver... Purple Russia. Indoor, Indica, very exotic-rare. Purple Nepal.jpg ? SEO by Artio. Medical Cannabis Delivered! 949-334-3065. ...   ...   Visit -

      BOOKs on Medical Cannabis (marijuana) and related 

    Medical Cannabis, Books - Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You? Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You? | A Factual Guide to Medical Uses of Marijuana by Bill Zimmerman, PhD with Rick Bayer, MD and Nancy Crumpacker, MD, ISBN#0-87983-906-6 (Keats 1998). Chapter 3: Why All the Controversy? What Does The Research Actually Show? is online at:

    Medical Cannabis, Books - Cannabis and Cannabinoids; Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential Examine the pros, cons, and controversies of marijuana as medicine! | Cannabis is still sending “signals of misunderstanding.”1-3 The result is an exaggeration of beneficial or deleterious effects as well as occasional intermixture of medical science with other moral categories. This book deals with health aspects of the cannabis plant and the cannabinoids while mainly factoring out societal aspects. Some authors refer to social topics that require discussion even within the bounds of a narrow handling of medicinal aspects. “Cannabis and Cannabinoids; Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential”. Edited by Franjo Grotenhermen, MD; Nova-Institut GmBH, Hürth, Germany and Ethan Russo, MD; Montana Neurobehavioral Specialists, Missoula, Montana. Hard Cover (ISBN-13: 978-0-7890-1507-7, ISBN-10: 0-7890-1507-2) $79.95

    Medical Cannabis, Books - Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot (Book) by Robert Randall & Alice O'Leary * This is a story of government betrayal -- a betrayal that continues today. But it is also a story of human courage and perseverance. Please take the time to read this book. Afterall, none of us are immune from the illnesses that marijuana can treat -- glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis and more. Some day you might need medical access to marijuana. We pray that it will be as simple as a doctor's prescription. Full text articles, news summaries, supporting organizations and states, additional resources, and information on medical marijuana. Visit:

    Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana, research Medical Marijuana Your search on medical marijuana has brought you to Questia, the world's largest online academic library. The Questia online library offers reliable books, journals, and articles that you can trust on medical marijuana.  With Questia you can quickly research, cite, and quote with complete confidence. Save substantial time without sacrificing research quality. Research Medical Marijuana Find quality info at the world's online library. 435,000 books, articles. Search or read full text, highlight, cite and auto-create bibliographies and get a personal bookshelf. Click here for more.

      misc Related LINKs, Web Rings, and such  

    Resources, Organizations - Marijuana links Marijuana links. Popular Searches: Medical Marijuana Links. Marijuana Research Links. ... about marijuana, The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A RCW This is ... an activist for medical marijuana. Chronic Cannabis Use A report on ... Click > here < for more.

    Russia - Resources, Information Cannabis - Medical Wonder Drug or Worldwide Anathema? Cannabis - you'll hear it called wacky backy, marijuana, weed, puff, smoke, pot, ... countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India ... Major producer countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India compete in a bouyant market, with around 40% of the weed coming from the "cannabis farms" in Morocco . Significant amounts are also starting to be produced in North America and Europe .   ...   Visit -

    Rhode Island - Medical 101; Links, Web-Ring Medical 101 (Links, “Web-Ring”) * A potential starting point for Medical Cannabis info. Find what you're looking for! Visit:

    Rhode Island - Marijuana Drug Slang Dictionary Marijuana Drug Slang Dictionary | Drug Slang Dictionary - Marijuana. Click here for more.

    Rhode Island - Rights and Freedoms Our Rights and Freedoms | The U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights bestow our rights and freedoms as Americans. Court interpretations and decisions, like the Supreme Court's Miranda rights ruling define the sco... Click > here < for more.

    Rhode Island - Marijuana Statistics and related Resources Whats yours?   Have an item? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

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