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  Information on Pain  

Pain - Definition, Causes, incidence, and risk factors Definition.   Causes, incidence, and risk factors.   | Pain - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >> This article is about physical pain. For pain in the broader sense, see Suffering. For other uses, see Pain (disambiguation). ( ICD-10: R52, ICD-9: 338, DiseasesDB: 9503, MedlinePlus: 002164, MeSH: D010146 ) Pain is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, and bumping the "funny bone". The International Association for the Study of Pain's widely used definition states: "Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage." Pain motivates the individual to withdraw from damaging situations, to protect a damaged body part while it heals, and to avoid similar experiences in the future. Most pain resolves promptly once the painful stimulus is removed and the body has healed, but sometimes pain persists despite removal of the stimulus and apparent healing of the body; and sometimes pain arises in the absence of any detectable stimulus, damage or disease. Pain is the most common reason for physician consultation in the United States. It is a major symptom in many medical conditions, and can significantly interfere with a person's quality of life and general functioning. Psychological factors such as social support, hypnotic suggestion, excitement, or distraction can significantly modulate pain's intensity or unpleasantness.

Pain - Definition: xxx Classification: In 1994, responding to the need for a more useful system for describing chronic pain, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) classified pain according to specific characteristics: (1) region of the body involved (e.g. abdomen, lower limbs), (2) system whose dysfunction may be causing the pain (e.g., nervous, gastrointestinal), (3) duration and pattern of occurrence, (4) intensity and time since onset, and (5) etiology.[10] This system has been criticized by Clifford J. Woolf and others as inadequate for guiding research and treatment. According to Woolf, there are three classes of pain : nociceptive pain (see hereunder), inflammatory pain which is associated with tissue damage and the infiltration of immune cells, and pathological pain which is a disease state caused by damage to the nervous system (neuropathic pain, see hereunder) or by its abnormal function (dysfunctional pain, like in fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, tension type headache, etc.).

Pain - Definition: xxx Duration: Chronic pain | Pain is usually transitory, lasting only until the noxious stimulus is removed or the underlying damage or pathology has healed, but some painful conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, cancer and idiopathic pain, may persist for years. Pain that lasts a long time is called chronic, and pain that resolves quickly is called acute. Traditionally, the distinction between acute and chronic pain has relied upon an arbitrary interval of time from onset; the two most commonly used markers being 3 months and 6 months since the onset of pain, though some theorists and researchers have placed the transition from acute to chronic pain at 12 months. Others apply acute to pain that lasts less than 30 days, chronic to pain of more than six months duration, and subacute to pain that lasts from one to six months. A popular alternative definition of chronic pain, involving no arbitrarily fixed durations is "pain that extends beyond the expected period of healing". Chronic pain may be classified as cancer pain or benign.

Pain - Definition: xxx Nociceptive | Nociceptive pain is caused by stimulation of peripheral nerve fibers that respond only to stimuli approaching or exceeding harmful intensity (nociceptors), and may be classified according to the mode of noxious stimulation. The most common categories being "thermal" (e.g. heat or cold), "mechanical" (e.g. crushing, tearing, shearing, etc.) and "chemical" (e.g. iodine in a cut, chili powder in the eyes). Nociceptive pain may also be divided into "visceral", "deep somatic" and "superficial somatic" pain. Visceral structures are highly sensitive to stretch, ischemia and inflammation, but relatively insensitive to other stimuli that normally evoke pain in other structures, such as burning and cutting. Visceral pain is diffuse, difficult to locate and often referred to a distant, usually superficial, structure. It may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting and may be described as sickening, deep, squeezing, and dull. Deep somatic pain is initiated by stimulation of nociceptors in ligaments, tendons, bones, blood vessels, fasciae and muscles, and is dull, aching, poorly localized pain. Examples include sprains and broken bones. Superficial pain is initiated by activation of nociceptors in the skin or other superficial tissue, and is sharp, well-defined and clearly located. Examples of injuries that produce superficial somatic pain include minor wounds and minor (first degree) burns.

Pain - Definition: xxx Neuropathic pain | Neuropathic pain is caused by damage or disease affecting any part of the nervous system involved in bodily feelings (the somatosensory system). Peripheral neuropathic pain is often described as "burning", "tingling", "electrical", "stabbing", or "pins and needles". Bumping the "funny bone" elicits acute peripheral neuropathic pain.

Pain - Definition: xxx Phantom pain | Phantom pain is pain felt in a part of the body that has been lost or from which the brain no longer receives signals. It is a type of neuropathic pain. Phantom limb pain is a common experience of amputees. The prevalence of phantom pain in upper limb amputees is nearly 82%, and in lower limb amputees is 54%. One study found that eight days after amputation, 72 percent of patients had phantom limb pain, and six months later, 65 percent reported it. Some amputees experience continuous pain that varies in intensity or quality; others experience several bouts a day, or it may occur only once every week or two. It is often described as shooting, crushing, burning or cramping. If the pain is continuous for a long period, parts of the intact body may become sensitized, so that touching them evokes pain in the phantom limb, or phantom limb pain may accompany urination or defecation.

Local anesthetic injections into the nerves or sensitive areas of the stump may relieve pain for days, weeks or, sometimes permanently, despite the drug wearing off in a matter of hours; and small injections of hypertonic saline into the soft tissue between vertebrae produces local pain that radiates into the phantom limb for ten minutes or so and may be followed by hours, weeks or even longer of partial or total relief from phantom pain. Vigorous vibration or electrical stimulation of the stump, or current from electrodes surgically implanted onto the spinal cord all produce relief in some patients. Work by Vilayanur S. Ramachandran using mirror box therapy allows for illusions of movement and touch in a phantom limb which in turn cause a reduction in pain.

Paraplegia, the loss of sensation and voluntary motor control after serious spinal cord damage, may be accompanied by girdle pain at the level of the spinal cord damage, visceral pain evoked by a filling bladder or bowel, or, in five to ten per cent of paraplegics, phantom body pain in areas of complete sensory loss. This phantom body pain is initially described as burning or tingling but may evolve into severe crushing or pinching pain, fire running down the legs, or a knife twisting in the flesh. Onset may be immediate or may not occur until years after the disabling injury. Surgical treatment rarely provides lasting relief.

Pain - Definition: xxx Psychogenic pain | Psychogenic pain, also called psychalgia or somatoform pain, is pain caused, increased, or prolonged by mental, emotional, or behavioral factors.[24] Headache, back pain, and stomach pain are sometimes diagnosed as psychogenic.[25] Sufferers are often stigmatized, because both medical professionals and the general public tend to think that pain from a psychological source is not "real". However, specialists consider that it is no less actual or hurtful than pain from any other source. People with long term pain frequently display psychological disturbance, with elevated scores on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory scales of hysteria, depression and hypochondriasis (the "neurotic triad"). Some investigators have argued that it is this neuroticism that causes acute pain to turn chronic, but clinical evidence points the other way, to chronic pain causing neuroticism. When long term pain is relieved by therapeutic intervention, scores on the neurotic triad and anxiety fall, often to normal levels. Self-esteem, often low in chronic pain patients, also shows improvement once pain has resolved.

"The term 'psychogenic' assumes that medical diagnosis is so perfect that all organic causes of pain can be detected; regrettably, we are far from such infallibility... All too often, the diagnosis of neurosis as the cause of pain hides our ignorance of many aspects of pain medicine." — Ronald Melzack, 1996.

Pain - Definition: xxx Breakthrough pain | Breakthrough pain is pain that comes on suddenly for short periods of time[citation needed] and is not alleviated by the patients' normal pain management. It is common in cancer patients who often have a background level of pain controlled by medications, but whose pain periodically "breaks through" the medication. The characteristics of breakthrough cancer pain vary from person to person and according to the cause.

Pain - Definition: xxx Incident pain | Incident pain is pain that arises as a result of activity, such as movement of an arthritic joint, stretching a wound, etc.

Pain - Definition: xxx Pain asymbolia and insensitivity: Pain asymbolia and Congenital insensitivity to pain | The ability to experience pain is essential for protection from injury, and recognition of the presence of injury. Episodic analgesia may occur under special circumstances, such as in the excitement of sport or war: a soldier on the battlefield may feel no pain for many hours from a traumatic amputation or other severe injury. Although unpleasantness is an essential part of the IASP definition of pain, it is possible to induce a state described as intense pain devoid of unpleasantness in some patients, with morphine injection or psychosurgery. Such patients report that they have pain but are not bothered by it; they recognize the sensation of pain but suffer little, or not at all. Indifference to pain can also rarely be present from birth; these people have normal nerves on medical investigations, and find pain unpleasant, but do not avoid repetition of the pain stimulus.

Insensitivity to pain may also result from abnormalities in the nervous system. This is usually the result of acquired damage to the nerves, such as spinal cord injury, diabetes mellitus (diabetic neuropathy), or leprosy in countries where this is prevalent. These individuals are at risk of tissue damage due to undiscovered injury. People with diabetes-related nerve damage, for instance, sustain poorly healing foot ulcers as a result of decreased sensation. A much smaller number of people are insensitive to pain due to an inborn abnormality of the nervous system, known as "congenital insensitivity to pain". Children with this condition incur carelessly repeated damage to their tongue, eyes, joints, skin, and muscles. Some die before adulthood, and others have a reduced life expectancy. Most people with congenital insensitivity to pain have one of five hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (which includes familial dysautonomia and congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis). These conditions feature decreased sensitivity to pain together with other neurological abnormalties, particularly of the autonomic nervous system. A very rare syndrome with isolated congenital insensitivity to pain has been linked with mutations in the SCN9A gene, which codes for a sodium channel (Nav1.7) necessary in conducting pain nerve stimuli.

Pain - Definition: xxx Effect on functioning | Experimental subjects challenged by acute pain and patients in chronic pain experience impairments in attention control, working memory, mental flexibility, problem solving, and information processing speed. Acute and chronic pain are also associated with increased depression, anxiety, fear, and anger. "If I have matters right, the consequences of pain will include direct physical distress, unemployment, financial difficulties, marital disharmony, and difficulties in concentration and attention…" —Harold Merskey 2000 Learn more: SOURCE >>

Pain - Definition: xxx An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder. Suffering or distress. pains The pangs of childbirth. Pain, especially in its acute form, is usually a reflection of a tissue-damaging or potentially tissue-damaging stimulus. There is a transmission system that conveys this information to the central nervous system. This phenomenon is called nociception. Pain is more complex than other sensory systems such as vision or hearing because it not only involves the transfer of sensory information to the nervous system, but produces suffering which then leads to aversive corrective behavior. In certain disease states, defects in the transmission system can of themselves generate false information to the nervous system, as though tissue damage were occurring in the periphery. An example of this is phantom limb pain, in which the individual often has a crushing type of pain in a foot that has been amputated. Physical suffering associated with a bodily disorder (such as a disease or injury) and accompanied by mental or emotional distress. Pain, in its simplest form, is a warning mechanism that helps protect an organism by influencing it to withdraw from harmful stimuli (such as a pinprick). In its more complex form, such as in the case of a chronic condition accompanied by depression or anxiety, it can be difficult to isolate and treat. Pain receptors, found in the skin and other tissues, are nerve fibres that react to mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli. Pain impulses enter the spinal cord and are transmitted to the brain stem and thalamus. The perception of pain is highly variable among individuals; it is influenced by previous experiences, cultural attitudes (including gender stereotypes), and genetic makeup. Medication, rest, and emotional support are the standard treatments. The most potent pain-relieving drugs are opium and morphine, followed by less-addictive substances and non-narcotic analgesics such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Read more: >>

Pain - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis |   Pain is a sensation triggered by the nervous system in response to tissue damage or other damage to the body. Pain can be a dull, achy, stabbing, shooting, burning, or a pins-and-needles sensation. You may feel pain in a specific area of the body, such as your back, or you may feel aches and pains all over, such as when you have the flu (influenza). Pain can be due to a wide variety of diseases, disorders and conditions that range from a mild injury to a debilitating disease. Pain can be categorized as acute, chronic, referred, cancer, neuropathic, and visceral.

SYMPTOMS | What other symptoms might occur with pain? Pain may occur with other symptoms depending on the underlying disease, disorder or condition. For instance, if your pain is due to arthritis, you may experience pain in more than one joint. Pain due to a compressed nerve in the lower back can even lead to loss of bladder control. Pain is often a major symptom of fibromyalgia, which is also characterized by fatigue and sleep problems.... Read more about painsymptoms

CAUSES | What causes pain? Hundreds of diseases, disorders and conditions can cause pain, such as inflammatory syndromes, malignancy, trauma, and infection. In some cases, pain may be a symptom of a serious or life-threatening condition, such as a heart attack or cancer ... Read more about paincauses ... Bones, Joints and Muscles Overview; Osteoporosis; Osteoarthritis; RA; Back Pain; Glossary of Bones, Joints and Muscles Terms; View All on Bones, Joints and Muscles ... Learn more: SOURCE >>

Pain - xxx Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. You may feel pain in one area of your body, such as your back, abdomen or chest or you may feel pain all over, such as when your muscles ache from the flu. Pain can be helpful in diagnosing a problem. Without pain, you might seriously hurt yourself without knowing it, or you might not realize you have a medical problem that needs treatment. Once you take care of the problem, pain usually goes away. However, sometimes pain goes on for weeks, months or even years. This is called chronic pain. Sometimes chronic pain is due to an ongoing cause, such as cancer or arthritis. Sometimes the cause is unknown. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat pain. Treatment varies depending on the cause of pain. Pain relievers, acupuncture and sometimes surgery are helpful. ... Diagnosis/Symptoms: Pain Assessment(Beth Israel Medical Center, Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care); Pain Drawing(American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) - PDF. Treatment: JAMA Patient Page: Acute Pain Treatment(American Medical Association) - PDF; MedlinePlus: Pain Relievers (National Library of Medicine) Also available in Spanish; Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment(American Osteopathic Association) Treatments for Managing Pain(American Society of Anesthesiologists) ... Learn more: SOURCE >>


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Pain - Signs and tests more on Signs and tests.  

Pain - Treatment Treatment.   Pain Management Overview | Pain management is important for ongoing pain control, especially if you suffer with long-term or chronic pain. After getting a pain assessment, your doctor can prescribe pain medicine, other pain treatments, or psychotherapy to help with pain relief. Top Search Terms for Pain Management: 1 - Chronic Pain, 2 - Knee Pain, 3 - Elbow Pain, 4 Muscle Pain, 5 - Abdominal Pain, 6 - Nerve Pain, 7 - Joint Pain, 8 - Foot Pain, 9 - Leg Pain, 10 - Neck and Shoulder Pain, 11 - Pain Medicines, 12 - Sciatica ... Learn more: SOURCE >>

  Treatment, CANNABIS Therapeutics  

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Updated NORML Report Highlights Marijuana's Role In Moderating Disease Progression; 'Emerging Clinical Applications' Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On The Therapeutic Use Of Cannabis Clinical and preclinical research on the therapeutic use of cannabis indicates that cannabinoids may curb the progression of various life-threatening diseases – including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and brain cancer, according to an updated report published by the NORML Foundation. NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano, who authored the report, said: "The conditions profiled in this report were chosen because patients frequently ask me about the use of cannabis to treat these disorders. Ideally, with this report in their hands, patients can now begin talking openly with their physicians about whether cannabis therapy is appropriate for them."  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Use of Cannabis (marijuana) | Here to Help > On this page: How does cannabis work as medicine? What conditions or symptoms is cannabis used to treat? How do people use cannabis for medical purposes? What is pharmaceutical cannabis, and how does it compare to herbal cannabis? What are the side effects and risks of using cannabis to treat symptoms or medical conditions? Drug interactions Quality Is using cannabis for medicinal purposes legal? What are compassion clubs? What are some barriers to using cannabis for medicinal purposes? What to do if you or someone you know needs more information about medical cannabis  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG HowStuffWorks "How Medical Marijuana Works" | So how, exactly, does medical marijuana work to treat these conditions? Why, if this medicine is so effective for some people, does it remain controversial and, in many places, illegal? In this article, we'll take a look at the medical, legal, and practical issues surrounding medical marijuana in the United States. We'll examine why some people, like Burton Aldrich, depend on it to live normally. We'll also examine some of the intriguing intersections between pharmaceutical companies, the government and the medical marijuana industry. Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Marijuana Benefits, Helps These Conditions | You might be surprised to find that it wasn’t just ancient peoples who used the drug; marijuana remained in the United States pharmacopoeia until 1941. Up until that time, cannabis was freely available in shops and, in the UK, Queen Victoria, that most conservative of royals, used cannabis to alleviate her menstrual cramps. ... are predominantly using cannabis to treat symptoms of ... We believe Medical Marijuana will help these conditions: Please let us know your experiences in using medical marijuana to treat various conditions.  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical marijuana (cannabis) - common uses | Common Medical Uses for Cannabis (Marijuana) ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana ... Cannabidiol improves symptoms of generalized social anxiety disorder in… ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Project CBD Cannabinoid Profiles of Cannabis Strains Cannabis Laboratories: The Testing Landscape in America See also: An Overview of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Complete List of Conditions Treatable With Marijuana | Check out the articles below to learn about how medical marijuana can be useful in treating specific medical conditions. We'll help you find the best ways to ingest medical marijuana to treat your condition, what strains will be most beneficial and we'll even help you connect with other folks with the same condition.  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG What symptoms do patients treat with ... , Salt Lake City Medical Marijuana ... representative for the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis ... One question the 2011 Medical Marijuana Survey (sponsored by Legalize Utah) queried which received some of the most detailed responses was” “Do you use Medical Marijuana to treat any physical or psychological conditions and if so, which conditions”.  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength | (INF) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain ... Pain, Narcolepsy, Obsessive Compulsive Diso. ... I use medical marijuana o... Marijuana (also known as Cannabis) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain illnesses such as cancer, AIDS and other diseases. It is used to relieve glaucoma and certain neurological illnesses such as epilepsy, migraine and bipolar disorder. It has also been found to relieve nausea for chemotherapy pa... more at Wikipedia

    Treatment Success Rates ... Top 5 Communities; Condition, Members, Success - Chronic Pain, 684, 86%; Depression, 55 96%; Bipolar Disorder, 44, 95%; Anxiety, 32 94%; Fibromyalgia, 26, 100%; Overall, 90% (1106 Members) - find Marijuana helpful  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Index of Medical Conditions | (INF) Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Index of Medical Conditions Addressed We will soon ... MUSCLE SPASM Pain MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME N NARCOLEPSY ... and more.  Visit - - for more.

    Pain resource - Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | (INF) Tetrahydrocannabinol (tet-ra-hy-dro-ka-nab-i-nol; THC), also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta9-THC), Delta1-THC (using an older chemical nomenclature), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. ... Two studies indicate that THC also has an anticholinesterase action which may implicate it as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's and Pain.  Visit - - for more.

Arthritis - Expectations (prognosis) Expectations (prognosis).  

Arthritis - Complications Complications.  

Arthritis - Calling your health care provider Calling your health care provider.  

Arthritis - Prevention Prevention.  

SOURCE(s): [1] - Pain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Pain is an unpleasant feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, and bumping the ... >> / [3] - WebMD Pain Management Center - Find pain management ... | Chronic pain affects an estimated 86 million American adults to some degree. Here you'll find the latest pain management information including treatments, as ... >> / [5] - Pain: MedlinePlus | Pain can be helpful in diagnosing a problem. Without pain, you might seriously hurt yourself without knowing it, or you might not realize you have a medical ... >> / [6] - pain: Definition, Synonyms from | pain n. An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder >> / [7] - PAIN® - Journal - Elsevier | This journal is the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain and publishes original research on the nature,... >> / [9] - Pain - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments - Better Medicine | Pain Information Including Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Causes, Videos, Forums, and local community support. Find answers to health issues you can trust from ... >> / [10] - Pain - ScienceDirect | The online version of PAIN® at, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals. >> / [11] - Worldwide Congress on Pain | is your number resource for pain management tips. >>

  Info on Pain and Medical Cannabis 

CHRONIC PAIN CHRONIC PAIN | This brochure is intended to help doctors, patients and policymakers better understand how marijuana—or "cannabis" as it is more properly called—may be used as a treatment for people with serious medical conditions.  This booklet contains information about using cannabis as medicine. possess, grow, or consume medical cannabis in medical cannabis states. ..... I am stricken with severe spasms of pain, and medical marijuana is the ... See -

Chronic Pain - Adjunctive Therapy with Medical Cannabis AAMC: Chronic Pain - Adjunctive Therapy with Medical Cannabis | Chronic Pain and Adjunctive Therapy with Medical Cannabis. Medical cannabis - Patients have been utilizing adjunctive therapy with medical cannabis for pain control for thousands of years. Unlike the narcotics, which impact primarily on opiate receptors in the brain, cannabis has a broad range of actions including anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, neuroprotective, anti-oxidant, and direct pain relief. The resin of the flowering tops of the female plant (either Sativa or Indica) contain some 60 Cannabinoids of which the best known is the psychoactive chemical delta nine THC. Science is still categorizing what the various components of cannabis do. Research has demonstrated that the range of Cannabinoids in whole cannabis preparations is more effective and less toxic than the single agent pharmaceutical derivatives like Marinol (delta nine THC). Cannabinoid receptors are present in the brain, immune system, and throughout the body. Due to the large number and distribution of receptors, cannabis acts both locally and centrally to relieve pain, inflammation, and muscle spasm. ... therapy with medical cannabis for pain control for thousands ... Medical cannabis can be an important tool in helping manage chronic pain. Visit -

Medical Marijuana: Whole Plant Better Than Isolated Components Medical Marijuana: Whole Plant Better Than Isolated Components | (7/25/08) Scientists at the University of Milan have published a study finding that whole-plant marijuana extracts provide better relief for neuropathic pain than isolated components of the plant, like THC alone. The research is an intervention in the ongoing debate between medical marijuana supporters and herbal and alternative medicine advocates on one side and the US government, some politicians, and the pharmaceuticalized medicine industry on the other. ... Oral ingestion and vaporization of cannabis/marijuana ... Medical Marijuana: Study Finds It Can Help With Pain ? and yet another letter from ... Click > here for more.

Study Confirms Medical Marijuana Pain Relief Study Confirms Medical Marijuana Pain Relief | April 17, 2008 - DAVIS, CALIFORNIA — A clinical trial conducted at the University of California at Davis and just published online by the Journal of Pain has demonstrated significant relief of neuropathic pain (pain caused by damage to nerves) stemming from a variety of causes. This is the second study in just over a year to show that marijuana relieves neuropathic pain, which is notoriously resistant to treatment with conventional pain drugs, including opioid narcotics. A UC San Francisco study published last year showed relief of HIV/AIDS-related neuropathy. Click > here for more.

  Organizations, Contacts and other Resources  

Pain - Contact, Resource: Worldwide Congress on Pain | is your number resource for pain management tips. Tendinitis and the Wrist ... What's Painful? Welcome to our newest addition. Click on the rotating image below and enter the world of "PIP". You will be able to click on different body parts for articles and tips on pain management. ... Pain Clinics, Pain Management, Archives, Store, Recipes for Pain, News and Info ... Pain & Aging: Treating Pain Through Acupuncture, September 23, 2013 - As Physical Therapists, we are lucky to have such a wide range of methods available to us when it comes to treating pain. One that … Managing Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis, August 27, 2013 - Medial and lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as golfer’s and tennis elbow, respectively, are 2 similar conditions which affect the anatomy surrounding the elbow. Despite their … Physical Therapy after a Traumatic Brain Injury, July 22, 2013 - Physical Therapists working in hospital’s’ Neurology wards treat individuals who are in the acute phase of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Learn more: SOURCE >>

Patients Out of Time for Medical marijuana Patients Out of Time | Medical marijuana, cannabis, Clinical Conference. ... was arrested within days and her arthritic pain became tolerable immediately. Visit -

Chronic Pain and Medical Marijuana ASA : Chronic Pain and Medical Marijuana | A Note from Americans for Safe Access. “We are committed to ensuring safe, legal availability of marijuana for medical uses. This brochure is intended to help doctors, patients and policymakers better understand how marijuana—or "cannabis" as it is more properly called—may be used as a treatment for people with serious medical conditions.” Americans for Safe Access ensures safe access and legal access to medical cannabis (medical marijuana) for therapeutic uses and research. Visit -

  FORUMs Section 

Medical Marijuana Forums Medical Marijuana Forums | Welcome to WeedTRACKER! The largest Medical Marijuana website online. We have everything the Medical Marijuana patient needs to be more educated about whats available at the California Co-Ops. Laws, Dispensaries, Support, Info CA OR WA NM VT RI WA HI NV CO ME AK. Visit -

  NEWs Section 

Pain - xxx Pain - ScienceDirect | The online version of PAIN® at, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals. Commentaries: Inhibition in the dorsal horn - Pages 2577-2578 Ronald G. Wiley Show preview | Purchase PDF - $35.95 | Recommended articles | Related reference work articles; Add-on therapy: When two are not better than one - Pages 2579-2580 Nanna Brix Finnerup Show preview | Purchase PDF - $35.95 | Recommended articles | Related reference work articles; Do 10 million ANOVAs satisfy the quest for pain score meaning? - Pages 2581-2582 Terri Voepel-Lewis Show preview | Purchase PDF - $35.95 | Recommended articles | Related reference work articles; Opioids for chronic musculoskeletal pain: Putting patient safety first - Pages 2583-2585 Michael Von Korff Show preview | Purchase PDF - $35.95 | Recommended articles | Related reference work articles e-Pain article; PainNetworks: A web-based resource for the visualisation of pain-related genes in the context of their network associations ... Original Research Article Read more: SOURCE >>

Pain - xxx PAIN - The Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain | This journal is the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain and publishes original research on the nature, mechanisms and treatment of pain. The journal provides a forum, plus ... Recent Articles; Methylprednisolone prevents nerve injury induced hyperalgesia in neprilysin ko mice Lan He | Nurcan Üçeyler | ... Prostacyclin mediates neuropathic pain through interleukin 1?-expressing resident macrophages Claus Dieter Schuh | Sandra Pierre | ... Placebo analgesia: Clinical applications Regine Klinger | Luana Colloca | ... Most Cited Articles; Central sensitization: Implications for the diagnosis and treatment of pain Woolf, C.J. Prevalence of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics in the general population Bouhassira, D. | Lantéri-Minet, M. | ... The evidence for pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain Finnerup, N.B. | Sindrup, S.H. | ...

Most Downloaded Articles; 1. Central sensitization: Implications for the diagnosis and treatment of pain Clifford J. Woolf 2. Pharmacologic management of neuropathic pain: Evidence-based recommendations Robert H. Dworkin | Alec B. O’Connor | ... 3. Duloxetine and pregabalin: High-dose monotherapy or their combination? The “COMBO-DN study” – a multinational, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain Solomon Tesfaye | Stefan Wilhelm | ... Read more: SOURCE >>

Article - Missoulian: Medical marijuana advocate kills herself Missoulian: Medical marijuana advocate kills herself | Archived Story * Medical marijuana advocate kills herself, By MICHAEL MOORE of the Missoulian (10/27/2007) Robin Prosser, a Missoula woman who struggled for a quarter century to live with the pain of an immunosuppressive disorder, tried years ago to kill herself. Last week, she tried again. This time, she succeeded. After her earlier attempt failed, Prosser wound up in even more trouble after investigating police found marijuana in her home. She used the marijuana to help cope with pain. “I have no safety, no protection, no help just to survive in a little less pain. I can't even get a job due to my medical marijuana use - can't pass a drug ...”. Click > here for more.

Medical Marijuana for Chronic Pain Medical Marijuana for Chronic Pain | Politics is seemingly everywhere, including in the management of chronic pain. Latest Developments: The use of medical marijuana, although legal in 10 states, has now been relegated to the control of the federal government. Medical marijuana for chronic pain, has been dealt a blow. States rights to remove criminal penalties for those who use, cultivate or possess medical ... visit -

Medical News: Too Much Cannabis and Pain Relief Goes Up in Smoke Medical News: Too Much Cannabis and Pain Relief Goes Up in Smoke | LA JOLLA, Calif., Oct. 24 -- Smoking marijuana may relieve pain, but only within a narrow therapeutic window, and higher doses can actually intensify pain, investigators here have found. Click > here for more.

Smoked Cannabis Proven Effective in Treating Neuropathic Pain Smoked Cannabis Proven Effective in Treating Neuropathic Pain | News Release, Date:   October 24, 2007 - Smoked cannabis eased pain induced in healthy volunteers, according to a study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Center for Medical Cannabis Research (CMCR.)  However, the researchers found that less may be more. Visit -

Pot for Pain: Congressman Ron Paul Introduces Medical Marijuana Pot for Pain: Congressman Ron Paul Introduces Medical Marijuana | by Max Lindberg, Published on April 28th, 2008 - Texas Congressman Ron Paul today released a statement urging public support for a House Bill advocating the government stay out of the medical marijuana business and allow state sanctioned clinics the freedom to dispense pot without fear of being raided. Paul has introduced the “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act”, ... If he could continue using cannabis for his pain, Forss believes, according to Rep. ... visit -

Neuropathic Pain Effectively Treated By Smoked Cannabis Neuropathic Pain Effectively Treated By Smoked Cannabis | Smoked cannabis eased pain induced in healthy volunteers, according to a study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Center for Medical Cannabis Research (CMCR.) visit -

Politicizing Pain Politicizing Pain | K.K. Forss does not claim medical marijuana solves all his problems. His pain from a ruptured disc in his neck is debilitating. He is unable to go to work or to the First Baptist Church he used to attend because of the pain and muscle spasms. Taxpayers through Medicare spend over $18,000 a year on his various medications. Half of those drugs are strong narcotics. The other half address the various side-effects brought on by the first half, such as nausea, heartburn, heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping, and muscle spasms. ... finding that cannabis demonstrates significant relief of neuropathic pain. Visit -

Research Supports Medicinal Marijuana Research Supports Medicinal Marijuana -| Research Supports Medicinal Marijuana; AIDS Patients in Controlled Study Had Significant Pain Relief, By Rick Weiss, Washington Post Staff Writer. Tuesday, February 13, 2007; - AIDS patients suffering from debilitating nerve pain got as much or more relief by smoking marijuana as they would typically get from prescription drugs -- and with fewer side effects -- according to a study conducted under rigorously controlled conditions with government-grown pot. The average pain reduction for the real cannabis was 34 percent, ... was probably the best-designed U.S. test of marijuana's medical potential in decades. ... Click > here for more.

Smoked Cannabis Proven Effective in Treating Neuropathic Pain Newswise Medical News | Smoked Cannabis Proven Effective in Treating Neuropathic Pain | Newswise — Smoked cannabis eased pain induced in healthy volunteers, according to a study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Center for Medical Cannabis Research (CMCR.) However, the researchers found that less may be more. In the placebo controlled study of 15 subjects, a low dose of cannabis showed no effect, a medium dose provided moderate pain relief, and a high dose increased the pain response. The results suggest a "therapeutic window" for cannabis analgesia, according to lead researcher Mark Wallace, M.D., professor of anesthesiology at UCSD School of Medicine and Program Director for the UCSD Center for Pain Medicine. ... who inhaled either medical cannabis or a placebo after pain was induced. ... visit -

Brain Produces Drug Similar to Marijuana Brain Produces Drug Similar to Marijuana | Dateline: 10/14/99 - Researchers at Brown University have shown that the brain produces anandamide, a naturally occuring cannabinoid substance that functions as a pain suppressor. Anandamide is similar pharmacologically to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a compound found in marijuana. In the study, researchers electrically stimulated the periaqueductal gray area (PAG) of anesthetized rats. PAG is a part of the brainstem that is involved in pain suppression and is found in mammals. The rats were also injected with a chemical irritant called formalin, a substance that causes prolonged pain. Visit -

Pain - Medical Uses Of Marijuana Medical Marijuana - Medicinal Marijuana - Medical Uses Of Marijuana | Information about medical marijuana, medicinal marijuana, and medical uses of marijuana. The debate over the use of marijuana for medical purposes has been ongoing for years. In June 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against medical use of marijuana, but emphasized the decision was not over whether marijuana is effective for pain relief. Click > here for more.

Marijuana is Not Medicine, Drug Czar Says Marijuana is Not Medicine, Drug Czar Says | Monday April 24, 2006 - Marijuana may make some people suffering the pain of chronic illness "feel better," but it is not and never will be "medicine," says Drug Czar John Walters, Director of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). Commenting on a Food and Drug Administration statement that the FDA had not approved smoked marijuana as a treatment for any condition or disease indication, Walters stated, "Our national medical system relies on proven scientific research, not popular opinion. To date, science and research have not determined that smoking a crude plant is safe or effective." Click > here for more.

  Cannabis as Medicine 

Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Medical cannabis refers to the use of the Cannabis plant as a physician-recommended herbal therapy as well as synthetic THC and cannabinoids. So far, the medical use of cannabis is legal only in a limited number of territories ... used hemp (cannabis) in suppositories for relieving the pain of hemorrhoids.[10] ... visit -

Marijuana as medicine: Consider the pros and cons Marijuana as medicine: Consider the pros and cons - | Whether marijuana will relieve your side effects or symptoms is questionable. But the risks of smoking pot are clear. Examine the facts about marijuana before making your decision. People have used marijuana as a medical treatment for thousands of years. Such uses extend even to modern America. Marijuana was listed by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, the organization that sets quality standards for approved drugs in the United States, until the 1940s, when political pressure against marijuana's recreational use triggered its removal. If you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms or side effects of medical treatment, especially pain and nausea, talk to your doctor about all your options ... visit -

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 These features make our bills to be 100% undetected,100% safe and secure to use in any of these areas: BANKS, CASINO, ATM, MONEY CHANGERS, STORES. They are 100% Undetected. Build trust in yourself when contacting me and don't tell me about your past experience when you were ripped off. I believe that any body who has even been ripped off because of counterfeit money buying went in for small amounts. Shipping is from Morocco. Shipping will take 3 to 5 days maximum. We give you tracking numbers too.

Why would you buy from us?
Our banknotes contain the following security features that make it to be genius and we have the best grade counterfeit in the world. We have USD, Euro, GBP, CAD, AUD and any bills of your choice you want.

Our banknotes are printed on 75 % cotton 25% linen, same as real currency. By using a special printing technique, several picture elements on the front of the banknote are identifiable by touch. The guidelines on detecting counterfeit currency give a comparison of genuine and falsified security features. I take pride in providing OUTSTANDING customer service, fast shipping, and some of the best stealth out there. If you ever have any problems with your order, please be sure to let me know, I will do everything in my power to correct it. I offer LOTS of different products, which will make your shopping experience as a whole, a lot easier! Why buy from five different vendors, when you can get everything you may want, from one!

I am very active on the forums and have no issues answering every message, and assisting in any way possible.

Stealth is one of my top priorities, I have been working on it for multiple years! Some of my products require the use of a decoy for optimal stealth!

Just remember, I am here to make YOU happy, if you're not happy, I'm not happy! Email ; WhatsApp : +44 7459781282 Business Tags: #CounterfeitMoneyForSale, #BuyFakeMoneyOnline, #FakeDollars, #FakePounds, #FakeEuro, #BuyMoneyOnline, #FakeMoneyForSale. #BuyFakeDollars, #BuyFakeBritishPounds, #BuyFakeEuro.
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Thursday, January 18 at 12:35 PM:
Dr kalson from USA wrote:

Monday, April 18, 2016 at 11:32 AM:
Steve cook from Jacksonville Fl. wrote:
"I have 27 surgeries in my lifetime I have had 6 back surgries need. Another one both hips replaced 2 times my left elbow redone and a bar in my. Left wrist been on pain meds for 24 years and beause I smoke a little weed my doctors are refusing to give me pain meds this is not wright it should be illegle for doctors to. Be able to do this. "

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 04:11 AM:
clavineden from wrote:
"well today every individual has some sort of suffering from pain and this post will help them >> "

Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 07:35 AM:
shannon w. from Earth wrote:
"very elaborated post on pain, although useful . almost everyone suffers from pain, they will find this post very useful and beneficial. You can get some pain relief medicines from below link >> "

Sunday, May 24 at 11:46 PM:
charles terry from USA wrote:
"I would like to appreciate your post. Thanks for sharing such informative post.More over I would like to recommend to visit >> << for more details. "

Friday, November 7, 2014 at 08:36 AM:
i wrote:
"Study Suggests Dronabinol Effective for Treating Non- Cardiac Chest Pain - New research suggests that dronabinol, a cannabinoid receptor activator, could serve as a novel approach to treating non-cardiac chest pain due to esophageal hypersensitivity. Not all chest pain comes from the heart. Each year, an estimated 200,000 Americans experience non-cardiac chest pain, which in addition to pain can involve painful swallowing, discomfort and anxiety. Since non-cardiac chest pain can cause painful symptoms that mimic a heart attack, patients often get scared and go to the emergency room. However, non-cardiac chest pain often originates in the esophagus. Dr. Schey and his research team conducted a pilot study involving 13 patients with non-cardiac chest pain. Read more >> "

Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 03:38 PM:
me from here wrote:
"Tramadol Hydrochloride is a well-known centrally acting opioid pain killer. This drug is used as a pharmacologic treatment for moderate to moderately severe pain. It is often used for a huge array of applications which include treatment for acid reflux, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, post-op pain, cancer pain, arthritic pain, injury-related pain, and many more. visit - "

Sunday, October 2, 2011 at 03:17 PM:
Fay from North Carolina wrote:
"Is there a a way to get an rx for medical mariphona A"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 05:53 PM:
Art in Oregon wrote:
"Short TED Video from Elliot Krane on The Mystery of Chronic Pain and also an article about Gliopathic pain.


Article on Gliopathic pain:

Art "

Tuesday, April 7, 2010 at 02:18 PM:
Linde Catlin, chronic pain/disability/state. from Gold Bar, Washington ("Seattle") wrote:
" Needing help finding a Primary Dr/md, who believes and is educated enough to medically treat patients w/legal marijuana. in King or Snohomish County of Washington State. e-mail - thanx "

Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 10:00 PM:
seth curtis from prineville, OR wrote:
" well im wondering if you can get a marijuana card for RLS or some other leg syndrome. please give me a link or something...if you need info to send me a link let me know...thank you."

Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 09:14 PM:
nobody special from here wrote:
"The following states have expressly addressed the issue of palliative care, usually allowing some medicinal uses of marijuana in derogation of controlled substances prohibitions. See Medical Marijuana Commentaries for academic comment. Some of the provisions have been the subject of case law analysis. visit: "

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