How To Get Your Card in Oregon, USA. How To Get Your Card elsewhere in the USA, and around the World, also.

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  Info for Doctors on Medical Cannabis for Doctors and Medical Marijuana Clinics Why for Doctors and Medical Marijuana Clinics? | is the first online search and booking platform that delivers calendaring, appointments, and booking functionality for physicians or medical marijuana clinics that provide medical cannabis treatment. We are more than just a directory; we are a fully operational booking and trusted patient referral service that allows doctors and medical marijuana clinics to:

  • Acquire new patients who are pre-qualified for medical marijuana in your state
  • Reduce overhead costs with our Automated Calendaring and Payment System, and free validation services.

  • Achieve recognition among the premier network for legitimate, board-certified physicians in the medical marijuana industry.

Book Today! phone - (888) 392-9772 -or- visit -

See the information below about the online education program for cannabis ATTENTION Doctors, Nurses and other Health Care Professionals: See the information below about the online education program for cannabis. Please forward this information to anyone and everyone in your address book who may be interested in this; send it to your physician; and download the pdf flyer to give to MDs and RNs that you know who may be interested. The The Fifth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, held in 2008, is now on the UCSF School of Medicine's Continuing Medical Education for physicians and other health care professionals to view and earn their continuing education units. Visit:, Spread the Word, and Thank you very much!

Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN, CARN, CLNC
President and Co-founder
Patients Out of Time
1472 Fish Pond Rd.
Howardsville, VA 24562
434-263-6753 fax

UCSF School of Medicines Continuing Medical Education

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    Info for Doctors on Medical Cannabis in Oregon    

What are the requirements?   Educating health care professionals and supporting doctors rights and responsibilities in the relationship.   (legal) Analysis and documentation of the proper (BME) procedures and communication of the same.   (Medical) Information to educate your physician about cannabis as medicine.  


A Physicians Guide to OMMA


·        OMMP Rules and Regulations

o       The Process

o       Contacting the OMMP; visit:


·        Other Organizations and Resources for Information and Support – for medical professionals and patients.

o       Cannabis as Medicine

§        Information by Condition, Symptom

§        Patient Contacts and Organizations

§        Professional groups

o        Legal issues –

§         See below



The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA), a ballot initiative approved by voters in 1998, allows patients to possess and grow small amounts of medial marijuana.  The law required DHS to create a registry system for persons authorized to use marijuana for medicinal purposes.  Applicants must provide a statement from their physician that they have a qualifying medical condition and that medical marijuana might alleviate their symptoms or disease.  Once their application is approved they are issued a registration card that is renewable annually.  For those who understand the utilization of cannabis as medicine, this is an invaluable option in therapy.

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act was adopted by voters at the November 3, 1998 general election (Ballot Measure 67).  The Act was amended by House bill 3052, passed during the 1999 legislative session.

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  Info for Doctors on Medical Cannabis 

Basic Facts

  • The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act protects medical marijuana users who comply with its requirements from state criminal prosecution for production, possession or delivery of a controlled substance.
  • "The (state) Act neither protects marijuana plants from seizure nor individuals from prosecution if the federal government chooses to take action against patients or caregivers under the federal Controlled Substances Act."
  • You must be an Oregon resident to be a registered patient in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP).
  • You must have a qualifying debilitating medical condition as listed on the Attending Physician's Statement.
  • Your physician must be a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) licensed to practice medicine in Oregon. You must have an established patient/physician relationship with your "attending physician." Naturopaths, chiropractors, and nurse practitioners cannot sign the documentation.
  • The OMMP cannot refer you to a physician. The OMMP does not have a physician referral list.
  • The application fee cannot be waived. Partial payments cannot be accepted. Credit card payments are not accepted.
  • You must list a grow site address on your application. You, or your designated primary caregiver, may grow your medication. There is no place in the State of Oregon to legally purchase medical marijuana.
  • The OMMP cannot find a designated primary caregiver for you. The OMMP does not keep a referral list of persons who want to be caregivers for patients. (You are not required to list a caregiver unless you are less than 18 years old.) Your caregiver cannot be your physician.
  • If you decide to change your caregiver, it is your responsibility to notify him or her that he or she is no longer protected under the law. The OMMP does not communicate directly with caregivers.
  • The OMMP will only speak directly with the patient. All written requests to release information must be signed and dated by the patient. The OMMP will not accept written or verbal requests for information from your caregiver or any other person without your permission.
  • The OMMP cannot supply you with seeds or starter plants, or give you advice on how to grow medical marijuana.




1)  Can the OMMP refer me to a physician?

No. The names of physicians who have submitted forms, letters, or chart notes for their patients are confidential, and the OMMP does not have a physician referral list.


2)  Why do I need to have a physician sign and date the form or send a chart note to the OMMP? Why can't I just provide my medical records?

According to the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (Section 4 (2)(a)), and OAR 333-008-0020(1)(a), a physician must state in writing that the patient has a qualifying debilitating medical condition and that medical marijuana may mitigate the symptoms or effects of that condition. The OMMP accepts medical records as long as they clearly state the physician is aware that medical marijuana is being used as a treatment and he or she believes the patient may benefit from the use of medical marijuana. The physician must sign and date the relevant portions of medical records you send to the OMMP. The OMMP contacts each physician during the application process to verify the patient is under the physician's care. A signed and dated "Attending Physician's Statement," copies of chart notes or medical records must be current within 3 months of the date of a person's new or renewal application.


3)  Why are only MDs (Medical Doctors) and DOs (Doctors of Osteopathy) qualified to sign the "Attending Physician's Statement" of the application? Why not naturopaths, chiropractors, or nurse practitioners? Does the physician have to be licensed in Oregon?

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act states that an "attending physician" means a physician licensed under ORS chapter 677 (OAR 333-008-0010(1)). MDs and DOs are the physicians licensed under this chapter. The law also specifies that a physician must be licensed in Oregon. The OMMP verifies with the Board of Medical Examiners that each patient's attending physician has a valid license to practice medicine in Oregon and has no disqualifying restrictions.


4)  Is my confidentiality protected?

Yes. The OMMP does not give out lists of patients or physicians. Law enforcement personnel may call the OMMP only to verify a specific name or address of a patient or caregiver. The OMMP will tell law enforcement staff if the patient, caregiver, or address in question is registered, or if an application is in process. The OMMP will disclose patient information to others only at the specific written request of the patient. OMMP computer files are secure and paper files are kept locked when not in use.


5)  It is time to renew my card and my physician's clinic has adopted a policy of not signing "Attending Physician's Statements".

A renewal application does not require a statement from a physician regarding the use of medical marijuana; however, a renewal does require the patient to demonstrate that his or her debilitating medical condition continues. You can submit a copy of relevant portions of your medical records made by your physician within 3 months of your application date. The records must be signed and dated by the physician. The OMMP urges patients to work closely with their attending physicians throughout the application process.


Cannabis is medicine


and has been so since mans ancestors first encountered it.   Archeology tells us more about the history of this fascinating and versatile plant every day.   Educate yourself and others on the issues surrounding it and its utilization.   Visit:


The IOM (Institute of Medicine) Report of 1999 is the most recent proof of this.   Visit:


--- Sources of Information ---

Scientific Articles Online:

The International Association of Cannabis as Medicine (IACM) Database on Clinical Studies and Case Reports

GW Pharmaceuticals Research and Development (Cannabinoid Research Institute)

O'Shaughnessy's Journal of the California Cannabis Research Medical Group (CCRMG)

1999 Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences Report   "Marijuana And Medicine: Assessing The Science Base"   By Janet E. Joy, Stanley J. Watson, Jr. And John Benson Jr., Editors  >

For more Web sites to visit see

Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA) & Oregonians for Medical Rights (OMR) Home Page:

and/or the MERCY Links page  at:

Books to get and read:

Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You?  A Factual Guide to Medical Uses of Marijuana   by Bill Zimmerman, PhD with Rick Bayer, MD and Nancy Crumpacker, MD,  ISBN#0-87983-906-6   (Keats 1998). Chapter 3:  Why All the Controversy?  What Does The Research Actually Show?  is online at:

Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential  edited by Franjo Grotenhermen, MD and Ethan Russo, MD (Haworth Press 2002)

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Guide: A Resource for Patients & Health Care Providers  by Ed Glick, RN   (Contigo-Conmigo 2001).  This is the most comprehensive guide to the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.  It is available online at  and for purchase on CD - ROM or paper.

Marijuana Medical Handbook by Rosenthal, Gieringer and Dr. Mikuriya,   "A Guide to Therapeutic Use".  ISBN#0-932551-16-5   $16.95

The Emperor Wears No Clothes By Jack Herer, The Original Hemp Bible.   ISBN#1-878125-02-8   $24.95

see more at the OMMA1998 website Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) Bibliography page:


Download the administrative rules for printing (PDF format) by clicking here >, or browse through the rules at the Oregon State Archives Website >


The Act intends:

(1) To allow Oregonians with debilitating medical conditions who may benefit from the medical use of marijuana to receive the benefit of their doctor's professional advice regarding the possible risks and benefits of medical marijuana;

(2) To allow Oregonians suffering from debilitating medical conditions to use small amounts of marijuana without fear of civil or criminal penalties when their doctors advise that such use may provide a medical benefit to them; and

(3) To make only those changes to existing Oregon laws that are necessary to protect patients and their doctors from criminal and civil penalties, and are not intended to change current civil and criminal laws governing the use of marijuana for non-medical purposes.

- some important legal References -

Dr. Marcus Conant, et al., v. McCaffrey et al.   This September 7, 2000, US District Court held that the US Government could not punish physicians for voicing their professional opinions based on their best medical judgment.   Go to: or see below.

Dr. Marcus Conant, et. al., v. John P. Walters, et. al.   This October 29, 2002, decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld an earlier decision that the US Government could not punish physicians for voicing their professional opinions based on their best medical judgment (Conant v. McCaffrey, September 7, 2000).   The Court of Appeals decision upholds the First Amendments rights of physicians who recommend the use of medical marijuana for their patients.   Go to: or see below


Legal Resources –


ACLU of Oregon

Executive Director: David Fidanque
P.O. Box 40585
Portland, OR 97240-0585
Phone: 503-227-3186

NORML - and the NORML Foundation

1600 K Street, NW

Suite 501

Washington, DC  20006-2832

Phone: (202) 483-5500

Fax: (202) 483-0057


Dr. Marcus Conant, et al., v. McCaffrey et al.

This information provided by the Office of the State Public Health Officer. Dr. Marcus Conant, et al., v. McCaffrey et al.   Source=>

This September 7, 2000, US District Court held that the US Government could not punish physicians for voicing their professional opinions based on their best medical judgment. According to the Court decision, "the government is permanently enjoined from revoking a physician's DEA registration merely because the doctor recommends medical marijuana based on a sincere medical judgment and from initiating an investigation solely on the ground" that a physician recommends the use of medical marijuana for a patient.

The Human Services Assistant Attorney General for the Oregon Department of Justice, prepared this summary at the request of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. This summary describes highlights of the September 7, 2000 US District Court decision and is intended for information purposes only and is not to be used for legal purposes or reference. For more complete information please check the transcript for the text of this decision.

Dr. Marcus Conant, et al., v. McCaffrey et al.


Dr. Marcus Conant, et al., v. McCaffrey et al.

Nos. C 97-00139 WHA

September 7, 2000 The US District Court held that the US Government could not punish physicians for voicing their professional opinions based on their best medical judgment. According to the Court decision, "the government is permanently enjoined from revoking a physician's DEA registration merely because the doctor recommends medical marijuana based on a sincere medical judgment and from initiating an investigation solely on the ground" that a physician recommends the use of medical marijuana for a patient.

The US District Court for the Northern District of California decided this case on Sept 7, 2000. Plaintiffs (represented by Dr. Conant) were a class of physicians who feared prosecution or loss of Drug Enforcement Administration registration that would affect their licenses to practice medicine. The Defendant was Barry McCaffrey, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

On November 5, 1996, voters in California adopted Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act, also known as the Medical Marijuana Initiative. The Act provides in relevant part that: "...seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person's health would benefit..." The California Health and Safety Code and the Act say "[No] physician in this state shall be punished, or denied any right or privilege, for having recommended marijuana to a patient for medical purposes."

On December 30, 1996, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy issued a response to California's Act, stating "that a practitioner's action of recommending or prescribing Schedule I controlled substances is not consistent with the 'public interest' (as that phrase is used in the federal Controlled Substances Act) and will lead to administrative action by the Drug Enforcement Administration to revoke the practitioner's registration." In addition, the US Inspector General for Health and Human Services was authorized to exclude specified individuals (for example, physicians who recommend marijuana to patients for medical purposes) from participation in Medicare and Medicaid programs.

The US Government later clarified its position, stating that "nothing in federal law prevents a physician, in the context of a legitimate physician-patient relationship, from merely discussing with a patient the risks and benefits of the use of marijuana to relieve pain or alleviate symptoms." At the same time, however, "physicians may not intentionally provide their patients with oral or written statements in order to enable to obtain controlled substances in violation of federal law."


Dr. Marcus Conant, et. al., v. John P. Walters, et. al.

This information provided by the Office of the State Public Health Officer. Dr. Marcus Conant, et. al., v. John P. Walters, et. al.   Source=>

This October 29, 2002, decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld an earlier decision that the US Government could not punish physicians for voicing their professional opinions based on their best medical judgment (Conant v. McCaffrey, September 7, 2000). The Court of Appeals decision upholds the First Amendments rights of physicians who recommend the use of medical marijuana for their patients.

Rhea Kessler, J.D., Assistant Attorney General for the Oregon Department of Justice, approved this summary at the request of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. This summary describes highlights of the October 29, 2002 decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and is intended for information purposes only and is not to be used for legal purposes or reference. For more complete information please check the Internet for the full text of this decision.


Dr. Marcus Conant, et al., v. John P. Walters et al.
No. 00-17222
D.C. No
CV 97-00139 WHA


October 29, 2002 On September 7, 2000, the US District Court for the Northern District of California entered a permanent injunction to protect the First Amendment rights of physicians (Conant v. McCaffrey, 2000 WL 1281174 N.D. Cal.). The September 2000 order prohibited the federal government from either revoking a physician's license to prescribe controlled substances or from conducting an investigation of a physician that might lead to such revocation, where the federal government's action is based solely on the physician's professional "recommendation" of the use of medical marijuana. The federal government appealed this decision and the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a decision in Conant v. Walters (No. 00-17222) on October 29, 2002.

In Conant v. Walters, a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals unanimously agreed that the federal government may not investigate or revoke the licenses of physicians who recommend the use of medical marijuana to their patients. More specifically, the Court of Appeals voted that: (1) a "recommendation" by a physician for a patient's use of medical marijuana is not similar to a "prescription" for a controlled substance; (2) a physician's anticipation that a patient will use his or her recommendation to obtain marijuana does not translate into the physician "aiding and abetting, or conspiracy" to obtain a controlled substance; (3) "physicians must be able to speak frankly and openly to patients," a need recognized through the law of doctor-patient privilege; and (4) doctor-patient privilege reflects the "imperative need for confidence and trust" inherent in the relationship and recognizes that "a physician must know all that a patient can articulate in order to identify and to treat the disease; barriers to full disclosure would impair diagnosis and treatment." One justice cited several studies "that indicate the potential therapeutic value" of medical marijuana for pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation.

In making these, and similar determinations, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the September 2000 decision of Conant v. McCaffrey to: (1) uphold the injunction to protect physicians' First Amendment rights; and (2) prohibit the federal government from either revoking a physician's license to prescribe controlled substances or conducting an investigation of a physician that might lead to such revocation based on a professional recommendation of the use of medical marijuana. The September 2000 and October 2002 decisions apply only to the states within the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit Court-Oregon, Washington, California, Alaska, Hawaii, and Nevada.

  Oregon Administrative Rules (OARS) 

The Oregon Administrative Rules contain OARs filed through August 15, 2005, maintained by DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, PUBLIC HEALTH, covering DIVISION 8 - MEDICAL MARIJUANA


Description of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act was adopted by voters at the November 3, 1998 general election (Ballot Measure 67). The Act was amended by House bill 3052, passed during the 1999 legislative session. The text of the combined Act and HB 3052 is included in ORS 475.300 -- ORS 475.346. The Oregon Health Division was assigned rule-making authority necessary for the implementation and administration of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.

The Act intends:

(1) To allow Oregonians with debilitating medical conditions who may benefit from the medical use of marijuana to receive the benefit of their doctor's professional advice regarding the possible risks and benefits of medical marijuana;

(2) To allow Oregonians suffering from debilitating medical conditions to use small amounts of marijuana without fear of civil or criminal penalties when their doctors advise that such use may provide a medical benefit to them; and

(3) To make only those changes to existing Oregon laws that are necessary to protect patients and their doctors from criminal and civil penalties, and are not intended to change current civil and criminal laws governing the use of marijuana for non-medical purposes.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.300
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01




For the purposes of OAR 333-008-0000 through 333-008-0090, the following definitions apply:

(1) "Attending physician" means a physician who has established a physician/patient relationship with the patient, is licensed under ORS chapter 677, and who, with respect to a patient diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition:

(a) Is primarily responsible for the care and treatment of the patient;

(b) Is primarily responsible for providing medical specialty care and treatment of the patient as recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties;

(c) Has been asked to consult and treat the patient by the patient's primary care physician who is licensed under ORS Chapter 677, a Physician Assistant licensed under ORS Chapter 677, or a Nurse Practitioner licensed under ORS Chapter 678; or

(d) Has reviewed a patient's medical records at the patient's request, has conducted a thorough physical examination of the patient, has provided or planned follow-up care, and has documented these activities in the patient's medical record.

(2) "Debilitating medical condition" means:

(a) Cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, agitation due to Alzheimer's disease, or treatment for these conditions;

(b) A medical condition or treatment for a medical condition that produces, for a specific patient, one or more of the following:

(i) Cachexia;

(ii) Severe pain;

(iii) Severe nausea;

(iv) Seizures, including but not limited to seizures caused by epilepsy; or

(v) Persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to spasms caused by multiple sclerosis; or

(c) Any other medical condition or treatment for a medical condition adopted by the Department by rule or approved by the Department pursuant to a petition submitted under OAR 333-008-0090.

(3) "Delivery" means the actual, constructive or attempted transfer, other than by administering or dispensing, from one person to another of a controlled substance, whether or not there is an agency relationship.

(4) "Department" means the Oregon Department of Human Services.

(5) "Designated primary caregiver" means an individual eighteen years of age or older who has significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a person who has been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition and who is designated as such on that person's application for a registry identification card or in other written notification to the Department. Designated primary caregiver" does not include the person's attending physician. Each patient may have only one designated primary caregiver at any given time.

(6) "Marijuana" means all parts of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae, whether growing or not; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant or its resin. It does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted there from), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination.

(7) "Mature plant" means the following: A marijuana plant shall be considered mature when male or female flower buds are readily observed on the plant by unaided visual examination. Until this sexual differentiation has taken place, a marijuana plant will be considered immature.

(8) "Medical use of marijuana" means the production, possession, delivery, or administration of marijuana, or paraphernalia used to administer marijuana, as necessary for the exclusive benefit of a person to mitigate the symptoms or effects of his or her debilitating medical condition.

(9) "New application" means an application defined under OAR 333-008-0020 signed, dated, and submitted by:

(a) A new applicant to qualify for an initial registry identification card;

(b) A patient after the patient's previous application has been denied or after the patient's registry identification card has been suspended; or

(c) A patient after the expiration date of the patient's previously issued registry identification card.

(10) "Oregon Health Plan" means the medical assistance program administered by the Department under ORS chapter 414.

(11) "Parent or legal guardian" means the custodial parent or legal guardian with responsibility for health care decisions for the person under 18 years of age.

(12) "Production" includes the manufacture, planting, cultivation, growing or harvesting of a controlled substance.

(13) "Registry identification card" means a document issued by the Department that identifies a person authorized to engage in the medical use of marijuana and the person's designated primary caregiver, if any.

(14) "Renewal application" means an application as defined under OAR 333-008-0040, signed, dated, and submitted by a patient within 3 months prior to the expiration date of the patient's current registry identification card and no later than the expiration date of that current card. Applications received after the expiration date of the patient's current registry identification card must meet all criteria for a "new application" under OAR 333-008-0010(9).

(15) "Supplemental Security Income" means the monthly benefit assistance program administered by the federal government for persons who are age 65 or older, or blind, or disabled and who have limited income and financial resources.

(16) "Usable marijuana" means the dried leaves and flowers of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae, and any mixture or preparation thereof, that are appropriate for medical use. "Usable marijuana" does not include the seeds, stalks and roots of the plant.

(17) "Written documentation" means a statement signed and dated by the attending physician of a person diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition or copies of the person's relevant medical records, maintained in accordance with standard medical record practices.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.005, ORS 677.010, ORS 475.302 & ORS 475.309(3)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 - ORS 475.346
Hist.: OHD 15-1998(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 12-24-98 thru 6-22-99; OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 13-2000(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 12-21-00 thru 6-15-01; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01; OHD 19-2001(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-10-01 thru 1-31-02; Administrative correction 3-14-02; OHD 6-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-02; PH 9-2003, f. 6-26-03, cert. ef. 7-1-03



Registration Application and Verification

(1) The Department shall create registration application forms and issue them to requesting physicians, applicants, or designated primary caregivers.

(2) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the Department shall issue a registry identification card to any person who pays a new or renewal application fee as set forth in subsections (2)(a) and (2)(b) of this section and who provides to the Department a completed application as set forth in subsections (2)(c) and (2)(d) of this section.

(a) For the period January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2006, the following fees will be charged: $100 (fifty-five dollars) for a new application; $100 (fifty-five dollars) for a renewal application; or, $20 (twenty dollars) for either a new or renewal application by any patient who can demonstrate current eligibility in the Oregon Health Plan or who can demonstrate being a recipient of current Supplemental Security Income monthly benefits.

(A) Eligibility in the Oregon Health Plan is demonstrated by providing a current, valid eligibility determination statement from the Department's Office of Medical Assistance Programs. To qualify for a reduced fee, a copy of the patient's current eligibility statement must be provided at the time the patient submits an application. The Department will verify the patient's Oregon Health Plan eligibility with the Office of Medical Assistance Programs.

(B) Eligibility for Supplemental Security Income is demonstrated by providing a copy of a receipt of a current monthly benefit. To qualify for a reduced fee, a copy of a receipt of a current Supplemental Security Income monthly benefit must be provided at the time the patient submits an application. The Department will verify the patient's current Supplemental Security Income receipt of monthly benefits through the Department or with the Social Security Administration.

(b) The Department will notify any patient who submits a reduced fee for which the patient is not eligible and will give the patient 14 days from the date of notice to pay the correct fee or to submit a current, valid eligibility determination statement for the Oregon Health Plan, or to submit a copy of a receipt for current Supplemental Security Income monthly benefit, as applicable. The Department will not suspend processing of the patient's application pending receipt of an eligibility statement. The Department will not grant application fee refunds for any eligibility determination made on or after the issue date of the patient's registry identification card.

(c) To supply a completed application, the patient must provide to the Department either:

(A) completed copies of all patient application, attending physician declaration, and parent/legal guardian (if applicable) forms; or

(B) legible written statements that include all information required on the Department's forms. A copy of the relevant portions of the patient's medical record may serve as written documentation from the attending physician as long as it states that the patient has been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition; the medical use of marijuana may mitigate the symptoms or effects of the patient's debilitating medical condition; and contains the physician's signature and the date the medical record was made.

(d) In addition to the information required in ORS 475.309(2), the patient and the designated primary caregiver (if applicable) must provide a copy of current, legible photographic identification (i.e., Oregon driver's license, Oregon identification card, or Voter Registration card plus another current, legible photographic identification). The designated primary caregiver (if applicable) must also supply his or her address and date of birth. The patient must provide the Department with the address of the site where marijuana will be manufactured or produced, and indicate whether the property is under the control of the patient or the designated primary caregiver of the patient.

(3) Optional information may be added to application forms at the discretion of the Department if such information serves the best interest of the patient and assists agencies in the implementation of the Act. Optional information need not be provided by the patient, attending physician, or designated primary caregiver, and failure to provide optional information ill have no bearing on the approval or denial of a registry identification card.

(4) The Department shall issue a registry identification card to a person who is under eighteen years of age if the person submits the materials required under subsection (2) of this section, and one of the person's parents or legal guardians signs and has notarized a written declaration that states:

(a) The person's attending physician has explained to the person and to one of the person's parents or legal guardians the possible risks and benefits of the medical use of marijuana;

(b) The parent or legal guardian consents to the use of marijuana by the person for medical purposes;

(c) The parent or legal guardian agrees to serve as the person's designated primary caregiver; and

(d) The parent or legal guardian agrees to control the acquisition of marijuana and the dosage and frequency of use by the person.

(5) The Department will verify information on all initial registration applications or written documentation.

(a) The Department will contact each patient and designated primary caregiver (if appropriate) by telephone or by mail to confirm that the information provided is accurate. In cases where the patient is less than eighteen years old, the Department will also contact the parent or legal guardian to verify the information. In cases where proof of identity is uncertain, the Department may require a face-to-face meeting with the patient or designated primary caregiver and/or the production of additional identification materials for verification purposes.

(b) The Department will verify with the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners that the attending physician is licensed to practice in the state and is in good standing. The Department will also contact each attending physician to confirm that the information provided is accurate and valid, and that the physician is an "attending physician" as defined by 333-008-0010(1).

(6) Upon annual renewal of a registration application, the Department will verify all new information, but may use its discretion in determining the need to verify information that has not changed.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.309, 475.312 & 475.316
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 - 475.346
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 13-2000(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 12-21-00 thru 6-15-01; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01; OHD 19-2001(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-10-01 thru 1-31-02; Administrative correction 3-14-02; OHD 6-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-02; PH 9-2003, f. 6-26-03, cert. ef. 7-1-03; PH 38-2004, f. 12-22-04, cert. ef. 1-1-05





Registration Approval and Denial

(1) The Department shall verify the information contained in an application submitted pursuant to this section and shall approve or deny an application within 30 days of receiving the fully completed application, including payment of the designated fee.

(2) Once the Department has verified the information in a completed application, the Department shall issue a serially numbered registry identification card within five days. The registry identification card shall state:

(a) The cardholder's name, address and date of birth;

(b) The date of issuance and expiration date of the registry identification card;

(c) The name and address of the person's designated primary caregiver, if any; and

(d) Such other optional information as the Department may specify.

(3) When the person to whom the Department has issued a registry identification card pursuant to this section has specified a designated primary caregiver, the Department shall issue an identification card to the designated primary caregiver. The designated primary caregiver's registry identification card shall contain the information provided in subsection (2)(a), (b), and (d) of this section. The designated primary caregiver's registry identification card shall also contain the patient's name and address.

(4) In accordance with provisions of these rules, the Department has the authority to deny a registration application and to preclude a person from obtaining or using a registry identification card for a period of up to six months.

(5) The Department may deny an application only for the following reasons:

(a) The applicant did not provide the information required as provided in ORS 475.309; or

(b) The Department determines that the information provided was falsified.

(6) When the Department determines that an applicant does not qualify for a registry identification card, the Department shall send the applicant a denial letter within 30 days of receipt of the application or renewal application. The time periods set forth in subsection (9)(a) and (b) of this rule, that provide an applicant an opportunity to supplement an application that does not meet all of the requirements of ORS 475.309, do not count towards the 30-day time limitation for processing an application. The denial letter will be sent by certified, first-class mail to the address listed on the application form. The letter will state the reason for denial and the date at which another application may be submitted.

(7) Denial of a registry identification card shall be considered a final Department action, subject to judicial review. Only the person whose application has been denied, or, in the case of a person under the age of eighteen years of age whose application has been denied, the person's parent or legal guardian shall have standing to contest the Department's action.

(8) Any person whose application has been denied may not reapply for six months from the date of the denial, unless so authorized by the Department or a court of competent jurisdiction.

(9) The Department will deny and return to the applicant a copy of the application including the application fee if either of the conditions below applies to the application:

(a) The applicant did not provide all required information, and following a written request by the Department for the missing information, did not adequately respond within 14 days; or

(b) Following an investigation by the Department, the Department has been unable to verify that the individual signing the application as the attending physician meets the definition under OAR 333-008-0010(1). The applicant will be allowed 30 days to submit written documentation and/or a new attending physician's declaration from a physician meeting the requirements of these rules. After that time, if no adequate response has been received, the application will be denied and returned.

(c) Applicants whose application is denied under (a) or (b) above may re-apply for a registry identification card at any time.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.309 & 475.316
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 - ORS 475.346
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01; OHD 19-2001(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-10-01 thru 1-31-02; OHD 21-2001(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 10-12-01 thru 1-31-02; Administrative correction 3-14-02; OHD 6-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-02; PH 12-2004(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 4-1-04 thru 8-2-04; Administrative correction 8-19-04



Annual Renewal and Interim Changes

(1) A person who possesses a registry identification card shall register on an annual basis to maintain active registration status.

(2) Between 30 and 45 calendar days prior to expiration, the Department shall mail notification to the patient's address of the upcoming expiration date.

(a) The patient must submit, prior to the expiration, the following:

(A) Written documentation to reconfirm the person's debilitating medical condition;

(B) A copy of the patient's current, valid Oregon Health Plan eligibility determination statement or a copy of a receipt of the patient's current Supplemental Security Income monthly benefit, if applicable;

(C) The name of the person's designated primary caregiver, if a primary caregiver has been designated for the upcoming year; and

(D) Confirmation that existing application information has not changed.

(b) If the application is not received by the expiration date, the patient's registry identification card and the designated primary caregiver's card (if applicable) will be deemed expired. The expiration date may be extended, due to personal hardship, at the discretion of the Department.

(c) A patient must notify the Department within 30 working days of any change in his or her name, address, telephone number, attending physician, designated primary caregiver, or grow site.

(d) A person who possesses a registry identification card pursuant to this section and who has been diagnosed by the person's attending physician as no longer having a debilitating medical condition shall return the registry identification card to the Department within seven calendar days of notification of the diagnosis. Any designated primary caregiver shall return his or her registry identification card within the same period of time.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.309 & ORS 475.312
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.309 & ORS 475.312
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; PH 9-2003, f. 6-26-03, cert. ef. 7-1-03




(1) The Department shall create and maintain both paper and computer data files of the persons to whom the Department has issued registry identification cards. The data files will include all information collected on the application forms or equivalent information from other written documentation, plus registry identification card, date of issue and expiration date. Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the names and identifying information of persons to whom the Department has issued registry identification cards pursuant to ORS 475.309 and their designated primary caregivers, and the names and identifying information of pending applicants for such cards and their designated primary caregivers, shall be confidential and not subject to public disclosure.

(2) Names and other identifying information made confidential under subsection (1) of this section may be released to:

(a) Authorized employees of the Department as necessary to perform official duties of the Department, including the production of any reports of aggregate (i.e., non-identifying) data or statistics; and

(b) Authorized employees of state or local law enforcement agencies when they provide a specific name or address. Information will be supplied only as necessary to verify that a person is a lawful possessor of a registry identification card, that a person is the designated primary caregiver of such a person, or to supply optional information provided on the application forms, or as provided in OAR 333-008-0060(2).

(c) Other persons (such as, but not limited to, employers, lawyers, family members, other government officials) upon written request given by the registered patient or designated primary caregiver. Information will be supplied only as necessary to verify that a person is a lawful possessor of a registry identification card, that a person is the designated primary caregiver of such a person, or to supply other specific information provided, as requested in writing by the patient.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.331
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 -- ORS 475.346
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01; OHD 19-2001(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-10-01 thru 1-31-02; Administrative correction 3-14-02; OHD 6-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-02



Monitoring and Investigations

(1) The Department may, at any time, contact a patient, designated primary caregiver, or attending physician by telephone, mail or in person to verify the current accuracy of information provided to the registration system. This authority does not extend to allowing Department staff to routinely search the person or property of a person who possesses a registry identification card or an attending physician.

(2) Notwithstanding (1) above, the Department may, when it has reason to believe a violation of the conditions of registration exists, either conduct investigations to collect evidence of violations of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, or arrange for this responsibility to be assumed by the proper state or local authorities. Such violations include, but are not limited to:

(a) A patient fails to notify the Department of any change in the patient's name, address, attending physician, or designated primary caregiver.

(b) A patient or designated primary caregiver fails to return the registry identification card to the Department within seven calendar days of notification of the diagnosis that he or she no longer has a debilitating medical condition.

(c) A patient, designated primary caregiver, or attending physician falsifies information during the registration or registration renewal process.

(d) A patient or designated primary caregiver is convicted of a marijuana-related offense that occurred after the date of issuance of a registry identification card.

(3) If the Department has reason to believe that an individual signing an application as the attending physician does not meet the definition of attending physician under these rules, the Department may examine the original patient medical record in the physician's possession or a copy provided by the physician. The sole purpose of this examination is to determine whether the physician meets the definition of OAR 333-008-0010(1) and does not include review of any clinical judgments such as adequacy of diagnosis or propriety of treatment. The Department will send written notification allowing the physician 10 days to provide additional information requested by the Department, a copy of the patient's medical record, or the original medical record for Department review.

(4) In determining whether to examine a patient's medical record pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, the Department may consider, but is not limited to, factors such as complaints from patients or family members, complaints from health care providers, total number of applicants for whom the physician provided documentation, and/or number of applicants for whom the physician provided documentation during a specific time period.

(5) In determining whether to examine a patient's medical record pursuant to subsection (3) the Department will notify the patient of the intent to review the medical records and request his or her authorization to conduct the review. A patient's failure to authorize a review of his or her medical records for investigation purposes may result in an incomplete application and the denial of the patient's registry identification card.

(6) At any time, the attending physician may notify the Department that the patient's condition no longer warrants the use of medical marijuana. The Department shall then request that the physician notify the patient of the contact.

(7) The Department shall refer criminal and/or medical practice complaints against patients, designated primary caregivers, or attending physicians to the appropriate state or local authorities.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.309
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 -- ORS 475.346
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 19-2001(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-10-01 thru 1-31-02; Administrative correction 3-14-02; OHD 6-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-02




(1) In accordance with provisions of these rules, the division has the authority to suspend a registration card. The division may preclude a person from using a registry identification card for a period of up to six months, at the discretion of the division.

(2)(a) When the division proposes to suspend a registration card of a patient or a designated primary caregiver, the division shall send a notice of proposed suspension by certified and first class mail to person's address currently listed in the data file.

(b) The notice shall contain the information required under ORS 183.415.

(c) A registrant (patient or designated primary caregiver) may contest the proposed suspension of registration by submitting a request for a hearing in writing. The request for hearing shall be addressed to: State Health Officer, Oregon Health Division, 800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 925, Portland, OR 97232, and must be received within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of notice of the proposed action.

(3)(a) When the Division obtains evidence that establishes that a registrant has committed egregious violations of the Act, including obtaining a registration card by fraud, committing multiple and/or continuing violations, or being convicted of a marijuana related offense, the Division may immediately deem the registration suspended. The Division will immediately attempt to notify the registrant by phone and will send written notification of the action by certified and first class mail within one working day.

(b) The notification of immediate suspension will allow the registrant an opportunity to immediately request a hearing on the suspension.

(c) The hearing will be conducted as soon as practicable and will be conducted under the provisions of ORS 183.

(4) The division may, at its discretion, reinstate a registration card without re-application. However, if the registration card was obtained by fraudulent means, the Division may require the person to re-apply.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.316
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 -- ORS 475.346
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01



Permissible Amounts of Medical Marijuana

(1) A person who possesses a medical marijuana registry identification card issued pursuant to OAR 333-008-0030 may engage in, and a designated primary caregiver of such a person may assist in, the medical use of marijuana only as justified to mitigate the symptoms or effects of the person's debilitating medical condition.

(2) A patient and a designated primary caregiver may not individually or collectively possess more than a total amount of one ounce of usable marijuana, if present at a location at which marijuana is not produced, including any residence associated with that location.

(3) A patient and a designated primary caregiver may not individually or collectively possess more than a total of three mature marijuana plants, four immature marijuana plants, and one ounce of usable marijuana per each mature plant, if present at a location at which marijuana is produced, including any residence associated with that location.

(4) If any individuals described in (1) possess, deliver, or produce marijuana in excess of the amounts allowed in (2) and (3), such individuals are not excepted from the criminal laws of the state but may establish an affirmative defense to such charges, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the greater amount is medically necessary to mitigate the symptoms or effects of the person's debilitating medical condition.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.306 & 475.319(1)(c)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 -- ORS 475.346
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01


Addition of Qualifying Diseases or Medical Conditions

(1) The Department shall accept a written petition from any person requesting that a particular disease or condition be included among the diseases and conditions that qualify as debilitating medical conditions under section 333-008-0010(2) of these rules and be added to the list.

(2) The Department shall, within 14 days of receipt of the petition, send a letter by first-class mail requesting the petitioner to provide if possible:

(a) An explanation for why the condition should be included;

(b) Any literature supporting the addition of the condition to the list;

(c) Letters of support from physicians or other licensed health care professionals knowledgeable about the condition; and

(d) Suggestions for potential expert panel members.

(3) The State Public Health Officer or designee may make a final determination that a petition is frivolous and deny the petition without further review.

(4) If the petition is not denied under (3) above, the Department shall appoint an expert panel of five to seven individuals to review a petition. The members of the panel shall include the State Public Health Officer or designee, other physicians licensed under ORS 677, at least one patient, at least one patient advocate, and other professionals knowledgeable about the condition being considered.

(a) If the petitioner so desires, she or he shall be given the opportunity to address the panel in person or by telephone.

(b) If the petitioner so desires, his or her confidentiality shall be strictly maintained.

(5) The Department shall submit the written petition to the expert panel, which shall make recommendations to the Department regarding approval or denial.

(a) The members of the panel may examine medical research pertaining to the petitioned condition, and may gather information (in person or in writing) from other parties knowledgeable about the condition being considered.

(b) The panel members will submit individual recommendations to the State Public Health Officer, and the meetings of the panel will not be considered to be public hearings.

(6) The Department will make a final determination on a petition within 180 days of receipt of the petition.

(7) Denial of a petition shall be considered a final Department action subject to judicial review.

(8) In cases where the condition in a person's petition is the same as, or is, as determined by the Department's State Public Health Officer, substantially equivalent to a condition that has already been denied in a previous determination, the Department may similarly deny the new petition unless new scientific research supporting the request is brought forward.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 475.334
Stats. Implemented: ORS 475.300 -- ORS 475.346
Hist.: OHD 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-29-99; OHD 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 8-9-01; OHD 6-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-02

The official copy of an Oregon Administrative Rule is contained in the Administrative Order filed at the Archives Division, 800 Summer St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. Any discrepancies with the published version are satisfied in favor of the Administrative Order. The Oregon Administrative Rules and the Oregon Bulletin are copyrighted by the Oregon Secretary of State.

  INFO - Medicine, Nursing and Med Profs in general 

Cannabis is Medicine Cannabis is medicine and has been so since mans ancestors first encountered it.  (INFO) Archeology tells us more about the history of this fascinating and versatile plant every day.   Educate yourself and others on the issues surrounding it and its utilization.

Medical Marijuana Pro/Con Medical Marijuana Pro/Con   (INFO) Pros & cons on medical marijuana. Science, risks, policies, & laws. This site presents in a simple, nonpartisan pro-con format, responses to the core question "Should marijuana be a medical option now?" We have divided questions about the topic into the issues and sub-issues listed below. All individuals and organizations quoted on our site are ranked based upon our unique credibility scale. [Note: Although physicians and attorneys are listed on this site, we do not recommend or refer either.] Visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? Factbook: Medical Marijuana  . Including -

10. Organizations that have endorsed medical access to marijuana include: the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Family Physicians; American Bar Association; American Public Health Association; American Society of Addiction Medicine; AIDS Action Council; British Medical Association; California Academy of Family Physicians; California Legislative Council for Older Americans; California Medical Association; California Pharmacists Association; California Society of Addiction Medicine; California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church; Consumer Reports Magazine; Kaiser Permanente; Lymphoma Foundation of America; Multiple Sclerosis California Action Network; National Association of Attorneys General; National Association of People with AIDS; New England Journal of Medicine; and more, visit >>   Patients Out of Time; visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? and >>  Minnesota chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, visit:

11. A few of the editorial boards that have endorsed medical access to marijuana include: Boston Globe; Chicago Tribune; Miami Herald; New York Times; Orange County Register; and USA Today.

12. Many organizations have favorable positions (e.g., unimpeded research) on medical marijuana. These groups include: The Institute of Medicine, The American Cancer Society; American Medical Association; Australian Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health; California Medical Association; Federation of American Scientists; Florida Medical Association; and the National Academy of Sciences. Visit: for more.

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? - Medical Marijuana News and Facts  , The Coalition for Medical Cannabis. NEWs, INFO, LINKs and More. “Thursday, Feb 16, 2006. Legislation to legalize medical marijuana was tabled by a committee in the NM State House of Representatives, effectively killing the legislation for this session.” Visit:

Medical Professionals

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? “Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community, including the Institute of Medicine.  Several medical organizations support legal access to cannabis for medicinal purposes.  A new medical journal released in 2001 focuses on the medicinal use of cannabis and cannabinoids.  National clinical conferences on the medicinal use of cannabis have been held in the United States in 2000 and 2002 and are scheduled to continue on a bi-annual basis.  Most importantly, data on the number of physicians currently recommending therapeutic marijuana use to their patients demonstrate its acceptance by the medical community in the United States.

The most significant evidence of marijuana’s acceptance by the medical community in the United States consists of data on the number of physicians currently recommending marijuana medical use by their patients:

"By any reasonable definition, marijuana has "currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States."  Eight states have officially legalized its medical use.  A minimum of 35,000 patients are currently using medical marijuana legally in these states.  Over 2,500 different physicians have recommended it for use by their patients.  As many as 5% of all registered physicians have recommended marijuana in Oregon and Northern California.  Usage rates vary greatly among different regions.  The average usage rate in the general population ranges from 80 to 90 per 100,000 in California and Oregon, where there are numerous patient support groups, to fewer than 10 per 100,000 in Colorado and Nevada, where cannabis medicine is still underdeveloped.  As many as 1% of the population in Mendocino County, California, are legal medical marijuana users, while Canadian surveys suggest illegal medical usage as high as 2% - 4% in the general population.  The widespread and growing popularity of medical marijuana and its potential for treating a wide range of conditions indicate a growing role in American medicine.  These facts refute marijuana's current Schedule One misclassification as a drug lacking "currently accepted medical use" ” (Gieringer 2002).

A considerable number of organizations representing health care professionals, the medical community, and the general public support granting greater access to medical cannabis for patients in need and recognizing explicitly marijuana’s medical use both in the United States and in the international community.”  See more at:

Medical Professionals Get Credits for National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? The Fourth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics (NCCCT)  will be held in Santa Barbara, CA on April 6-8, 2006.  This conference will present state of the art cannabis research with faculty from the US, England, Canada, Spain, Israel, and the Netherlands.  Areas to be discussed include the use of cannabis for pain management, multiple sclerosis, mental health problems, cancer, glaucoma; use during pregnancy; an overview of the endogenous cannabinoids and their role in the human body; harm reduction measures and policy updates.  Providing Patients Safe Access to Therapeutic Marijuana/Cannabis, which encourages the education of registered Doctors regarding current, evidence-based therapeutic use of marijuana/cannabis.

Past educational credits for the work of this national group have been granted by The Colleges of Nursing and Medicine of The University of Iowa, The Virginia Doctors Association, The University of Virginia's Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Law, the Oregon Department of Human Services, Health Services and the Oregon Doctors Association, among other conservative professional health care organizations.

Patients' therapeutic cannabis use has always been supported by the academic and medical communities, which have publicly in large numbers called for the immediate access to cannabis under medical supervision," said Doctor Mathre.  A list of such organizations can be found at <>, or see below.

More information on the conference agenda, faculty, registration, and how to obtain Continuing Education credits is available at:


Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? Re: Greenberg on Reefer  

This is one of the better articles on Sativex yet published.  There are two other sparks that are igniting interest in the medical cannabis debate.

"The Petition to Reschedule Cannabis" was submitted to the DEA in October of 2004.  This demand was forwarded with merit to their boss, the Department of Health and Human Services in the fall of 2004 and has been under review by that organization since that time.  This is a 60 plus page document that lists about 50,000 pages of worldwide research on the therapeutic use of cannabis.  The approval of this demand would end the war on cannabis.  In a political sense the Petition is every politicians dream.  The announcement that research on cannabis has progressed to the point that it can be returned to the National Pharmacopeia, will be accomplished by scientists, and rescheduled by bureaucrats and not one elected official has to vote on the finding.  Patients Out of Time is a principal in that filing.

We think that the finding demanded by the Petition, that cannabis is medicine, is inevitable.

As we enter into the final months before our next and "Fourth National Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics" we understand that medical conferences are boring and well off the vision of todays media.  This will be an accredited conference as has all in the series, meaning attendees who will be medical doctors and registered Doctors in the main, will get professional education credits for their attendance.  Credit granted by such far out liberal institutions, such as previous education grantees, the Medical College of the University of Iowa; the Oregon Department of Human Services, Health Services; and the Pain Management Center, Department of Anesthesia, University of Virginia School of Medicine.  This means nothing I suppose to the layman but to the federal offices that are paid to defile those that advocate for patient use of cannabis under medical supervision it is a chilling series of forums.  Conferences that the federals do not want you to know about or write about and therefore never, ever discuss.

Maybe you should come to Santa Barbara next April to find out why.  Please see for details and contact information. Patients Out of Time


Al Byrne, co-founder
Patients Out of Time
1472 Fish Pond Rd.
Howardsville, VA 24562
(434) 263-4484 fax (434) 263-6753

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? Patients Out of Time   is a patient advocacy organization with a universal constituency.  They support the rights of patients to have a legal and safe access to the therapeutic use of cannabis.  The mission of their organization, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, is the education of health care professionals and the public about the therapeutic use of cannabis.  Their leadership is composed of medical and nursing professionals with expertise in the clinical applications of cannabis and five of the seven patients (two wish to remain anonymous) who receive their medical cannabis from the US government.  Working closely since 1990, the Founders formalized their work in 1995 as a VA corporation.

Patients Out of Time is seeking a Registered Doctor willing to defend the federal government’s position that cannabis (marijuana) has no medical value.  After a year of searching, Patients Out of Time has not found a single Doctor who disagrees with the American Doctors Association (and thirteen other state nursing associations) position that cannabis is medicine and who can scientifically disprove that position to an audience of peers.  Visit: for more.

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? INFO (Petition) Accepted medical use in the United States; Medical professionals.  Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community, including the Institute of Medicine.  Several medical organizations support legal access to cannabis for medicinal purposes.  A new medical journal released in 2001 focuses on the medicinal use of cannabis and cannabinoids.  National clinical conferences on the medicinal use of cannabis have been held in the United States in 2000 and 2002 and are scheduled to continue on a bi-annual basis.  Most importantly, data on the number of physicians currently recommending therapeutic marijuana use to their patients demonstrate its acceptance by the medical community in the United States.  The most significant evidence of marijuanaâs acceptance by the medical community in the United States consists of data on the number of physicians currently recommending marijuana medical use by their patients.  See more at:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? Research medical marijuana at the world's largest online library.

  INFO - Links 

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? INFO (Biz) Links and More.  Information and Resources for Doctors Worldwide, is a web site dedication to the provision of quality health care information for the professional development of Doctors and health professionals.  They provide links to a range of educational and vocational information that will meet this outcome.

All research of information for this site has been undertaken by in-house consultants who are registered Doctors. is fully owned and financially sponsored by Australian Nursing Agency.   Visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? INFO (Bro) This brochure is intended to be a starting point for the consideration of applying cannabis therapies to specific conditions.  It is not intended to replace the training and expertise of physicians with regard to medicine or attorneys with regard to the law.  But as patients, doctors and advocates who have been working intimately with these issues for many years, Americans for Safe Access has seen firsthand how helpful cannabis can be for a wide variety of indications.  They know doctors want the freedom to practice medicine and patients the freedom to make decisions about their healthcare.

For more information about ASA and the work they do, please see their website at or call 1-888-929-4367. visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? Medical Cannabis Facts by The nonprofit Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc., an advocate for the civil rights, human rights, and disability rights of medical cannabis patients, their caregivers, and their physicians.  If you would like to make a donation to help combat the unfair persecution of medical cannabis patients, you can make a tax-deductible contribution.  Contact the Plaintiffs and their Attorneys at: Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc., P.O. Box 18767, Oakland, California 94619-8767 * phone: (510) 764-1499, or visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? INFO - Facts on Medical Marijuana: New Mexico,  compiled by Drug Policy Alliance, March 2001.  Marijuana's therapeutic uses are well documented in modern scientific literature for treating patients with illnesses such as AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and chronic pain.

In 1978 New Mexico lawmakers passed the first medical marijuana law, the Lynn Pierson Act, named for a 26-year-old cancer patient.  Currently the law allows marijuana to be used to relieve nausea associated with chemotherapy and to ease eye pressure from glaucoma in connection with a research project.  More than 250 people used marijuana under the law until 1986, when lawmakers ceased funding the program.  Visit:

  INFO - Articles 

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? INF (Art) “Medical Establishment Abandons Patients and Ethics: Is there a doctor (or Doctor) in the house?”;  Author: Ed Glick, RN; Pubdate: Fri, 1 Mar 2002; Source: Alternatives for Cultural Creativity (Salem, OR) - visit:


Nursing is Caring

”Twenty years ago I began to learn what real suffering looks and feels like.  I watched helplessly while beautiful young men would, in three months time, age 50 years, dying from a disease no one knew anything about at the time.

I have watched tobacco-cancer eat the lungs, livers and hearts out of people.  They had no idea, when they began using this legal herb, the consequences in store for them.

I've cared for all of these people because they were suffering, and because I am a Nurse.

Today I sadly witness another widespread - and preventable - tragedy of human suffering.  It is the pain of ill and dying people, legally persecuted for using an illegal herb, and simultaneously denied their appropriate medicine by the medical establishment.  This is the everyday experience of cannabis patients, the "untouchables" of American medicine.

I've listened countless times as patients beg me to give them something I can't - permission to use, grow, smoke, eat, and possess one simple herb.  They ask me to tell a narcotics "task-force" that they couldn't find their registry card, or explain to a doctor that the drug keeps them from vomiting up their protease inhibitors.”  Visit: for more.

Federal Foolishness and Marijuana
Jerome P. Kassirer, M.D., Editor, New England Journal of Medicine; 30 Jan 1997, published by the Massachusetts Medical Society

Federal Foolishness and Marijuana The advanced stages of many illnesses and their treatments are often accompanied by intractable nausea, vomiting, or pain.  Thousands of patients with cancer, AIDS, and other diseases report they have obtained striking relief from these devastating symptoms by smoking marijuana.  The alleviation of distress can be so striking that some patients and their families have been willing to risk a jail term to obtain or grow the marijuana.

Despite the desperation of these patients, within weeks after voters in Arizona and California approved propositions allowing physicians in their states to prescribe marijuana for medical indications, federal officials, including the President, the secretary of Health and Human Services, and the attorney general sprang into action.  At a news conference, Secretary Donna E. Shalala gave an organ recital of the parts of the body that she asserted could be harmed by marijuana and warned of the evils of its spreading use.  Attorney General Janet Reno announced that physicians in any state who prescribed the drug could lose the privilege of writing prescriptions, be excluded from Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, and even be prosecuted for a federal crime.  Visit:

Cannabis in Medical Practice; A Legal, Historical, and Pharmacological Overview of the Therapeutic Use of Marijuana
Edited by Mary Lynn Mathre

Cannabis in Medical Practice; A Legal, Historical, and Pharmacological Overview of the Therapeutic Use of Marijuana This book is the collaborative effort of 17 experts from the countries of Brazil, Jamaica, The Netherlands and the United States who tell the story of medical marijuana in layman's language based on facts, scientific inquiry, common sense and compassion.  Included are hundreds of references for those who wish to explore the subject of therapeutic Cannabis to a greater depth.

The legal dilemmas of the Cannabis prohibition are examined; patients, their pain, and their search for legally provided medicine through the court system are presented; legal procedures and issues related to medical use of marijuana are identified and explained.  Attorneys and patients alike will find the information invaluable.  Visit:

  FORUMs - other Bulletin Boards and On-Line Chat Rooms 

Info on FORUMs, Bulletin Boards and other On-Line Chat Rooms for Doctors on Medical Cannabis and in general Info on FORUMs, Bulletin Boards and other On-Line Chat Rooms for Doctors on Medical Cannabis and in general

  NEWs - Sources 

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? MAP: Cannabis - Medicinal   news from MAP. Such as ... PUB LTE: National Doctors Group Backs Medical Marijuan. Thu, 09 ... Marijuana Party Cannabis Cannabis - California Cannabis - Canada Cannabis - Medicinal Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada ..... visit:

Legal Medical Marijuana Patients, Proponents Speak Before American Nurses Association

Legal Medical Marijuana Patients, Proponents Speak Before American Nurses Association June 17, 1996 - Washington, DC, USA. Activists for medical marijuana, including Barbara Douglas and Irv Rosenfeld -- two of the eight remaining legal marijuana patients -- and Mary Lynn Mathre, RN of the cannabis reform organization Patients Out of Time, recently spoke at the Centennial Conference of the American Nurses Association (ANA) in Washington, D.C.  Their presentation, entitled "Therapeutic Cannabis and the Law: Ethical Dilemma for Nurses," was received "incredibly well" by the numerous health- care professionals in attendance.  Activists note that no members of the ANA mounted any vocal opposition to the theme of the presentation.  Visit:

The MarijuanaNews.Com - Original Marijuana Blog The MarijuanaNews.Com - Original Marijuana Blog  - with Richard Cowan, "Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth" ... No US Jails Allow Medical Cannabis. No Appeals Left ... California Nurses Association -- Representing 30,000 Registered Nurses -- Urges Judge Breyer Not to Wait For Appeals ... visit:

  More ORGs 

Medical Use of Marihuana

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? Health Canada  grants access to marihuana for medical use to those who are suffering from grave and debilitating illnesses.  It is important to note that the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations deal exclusively with the medical use of marihuana.  They do not address the issue of legalizing marihuana for general consumption.  To learn more about the Regulations and any recent changes, please view the page devoted exclusively to Acts and Regulations.  This information is pertinent to applicants and stakeholders, such as health professionals and law enforcement agencies.  Visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? INFO - Fact Sheets On Medical Marijuana, by The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA).  DPA is the leading organization in the United States promoting alternatives to the war on drugs.  On July 1, 2000, The Lindesmith Center merged with the Drug Policy Foundation to form the Alliance.  Created in 1994, The Lindesmith Center was the first U.S. project of the Open Society Institute and the leading independent drug policy reform institute in the United States.  The Drug Policy Foundation, founded in 1987, was the principal membership-based drug policy reform organization in the U.S.  The Drug Policy Alliance now has offices in four states and Washington, D.C., and claims more than 25,000 members.  Visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? SIMM (Stichting Institute of Medical Marijuana)  was launched in The Netherlands in 1993.  SIMM offers the highest quality of organically-grown medical cannabis on the market today.  Since 1993, they have provided superior cannabis to patients, physicians, pharmacists and researchers.  Their Mission is to make medical cannabis a normal herbal medicine, a medicine that is prescribed by doctors and obtained at the pharmacies and paid for by insurance companies.  Just as other herbal remedies are treated in the pharmaceutical field.  Visit:

Doctors - The Reality, what do we need to know? NEWs, INFO, Links - MEDICAL MARIJUANA DOCTORS AND RELATED ORGANIZATIONS - as of 2002  ... psychiatrist and noted proponent of medical cannabis; Dr. Stephen Ellis, who ... Older Americans.  California Medical Association.  California Doctors Association.  California Pharmacists .... visit:

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Thursday, May 17 at 02:13 PM:
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Thursday, January 19 at 04:36 AM:
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Sunday, September 25 at 02:09 PM:
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Thursday, August 4 at 12:26 PM:
Dr. Irving Brown MD from Maui, Hawaii wrote:
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Tuesday, May 17 at 03:49 AM:
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Sunday, May 1 at 04:03 PM:
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 07:30 PM:
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Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 11:40 AM:
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 07:30 AM:
i wrote:
" How a Doctor Came to Believe in Medical Marijuana


I'm an unlikely advocate for marijuana legalization-a graduate from a top medical school with a Stanford M.B.A. I never personally liked marijuana and for much of my career judged it harshly. But my internal-medicine practice had become totally unworkable as a mother with two young kids with severe learning disabilities. Writing pot prescriptions was a job that fit neatly into my life. The medical-marijuana clinic where I worked was an upscale alternative to the rundown pot shops that had sprung up on the Venice boardwalk. The head of the clinic could have been my clone-another midcareer mother who couldn't make the modern practice of medicine work.

Over time, as I heard my patients' histories, I became intrigued by their claims about the miraculous benefits of cannabis. So I read everything I could about medical marijuana. I felt like the discoverer of a new world already fully inhabited and thriving but totally unknown to the rest of us. Visit - "

Friday, May 31, 2013 at 08:34 PM:
AE from MAPinc wrote:
"Most Docs OK With Medical Marijuana: Survey; Majority would give a prescription to an advanced cancer patient in pain. Visit -


Seventy-six percent of the 1,446 doctors who responded said they would give the woman a prescription for medical marijuana.

-snip- "

Sunday, October 16, 2011 at 03:05 PM:
i from here wrote:
"California Medical Assn. calls for legalization of marijuana

The doctor group questions the medical value of pot and acknowledges some health risk from its use but urges it be regulated like alcohol. A law enforcement official harshly criticizes the new stance. visit -,0,179189.story "

Tuesday, July 29, 2009 at 08:43 PM:
"Medical Marijuana Information Medical Doctors, Doctors of Osteopathy and Family Nurse Practitioners who can ... Medical Cannabis Program Participant Application. en Espa ol ... visit - "

Tuesday, July 29 at 08:41 PM:
"Medical Marijuana Doctors - 420 Magazine Medical Marijuana Doctors - Physicians Prescribing Medical Marijuana. visit - "

Tuesday, July 29 at 08:35 PM:
"Medical Marijuana Doctor Gives Straight Answers to ... Jun 4, 2008 ... Each week we receive dozens of letters, comments, stories and questions about medical marijuana and other toxicology/pharmacology issues. visit - "

Tuesday, July 29 at 08:33 PM:
"The Medical Cannabis Caregivers Directory helps locate medical cannabis ... This site provides information on locating medical marijuana dispensaries, medical marijuana doctors and support for those using medical cannabis. visit - "

Tuesday, July 29 at 08:32 PM:
"San Francisco Medical Marijuana Physicians San Francisco Cannabis Clubs maintains an up to date list of medical marijuana physicians. visit - marijuana/doctors/ "

Tuesday, July 29 at 08:30 PM:
"SIMM ... supply patients with high quality medical cannabis, at the lowest possible price; ... for health care professionals (doctors, nurses) who were looking for ... visit - "

Tuesday, July 29 at 08:30 PM:
"MEDICAL MARIJUANA DOCTORS AND ORGANIZATIONS The Following Doctors Have Courageously Spoken Out Against Cannabis Prohibition. Over 1000 CA Docs And 775 In OR Have Given Medical Marijuana Physician ... visit - "

Tuesday, July 29 at 07:57 PM:
check from this out wrote:
"Judge Bans Prosecution of Doctors Who Prescribe Marijuana A California federal judge has ruled that the federal government cannot prosecute doctors who recommend or prescribe marijuana for medically valid treatment of patients. visit - "

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