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  Info on Strains of Medical Cannabis 

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    Info on Strains of Medical Cannabis in Oregon    

Strains - Question, legal status of cannabis Strains in Oregon. One must network to obtain Strains in Oregon. There is no provision for buying/selling. Attempting to mail them in - whether seeds ro clones - runs the risk of Federal attention.

    Info on Strains of Medical Cannabis    

Strains - info, Medical Marijuana Cannabis Strains | Medical marijuana has three different strains; indica, sativa, and ruderalis. Cannabis Indica Plant Characteristics Indica medical marijuana strains are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis indica plants have higher CBD and lower THC counts therefore a pure indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 6 to 8 weeks. Plant Origins Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet. List of known Indica strains

Cannabis Sativa | Plant Characteristics The sativa strain of marijuana is the complete opposite of the indica strain. Sativa medical marijuana pants are tall, thin plants, with narrow leaves, and generally are a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts which produces a more clear headed, energetic type of high. The flowering stage lasts between 10 to 16 weeks. Plant Origins Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia. List of known Sativa strains

Cannabis Ruderalis Plant Characteristics Ruderalis is the lesser known strain of marijuana. Ruderalis is described as a wild or feral sub-species of cannabis. This type of marijuana strain flowers regardless of photogenic periods, but instead flowers based on the age of the plant. Ruderalis strains are typically not known for their medincinal values, but when this strain is interbreed with other strains, the outcome can be a pleasant smoke. Plant Origins Russia, Poland, and Czech Republic.

Cannabis Hybrids Plant Characteristics Cannabis hydrids are medical marijuana strains that have been cross bred. You can cross an indica and a sativa and get an indica/sativa mix. Breeders try to select the best attributes of each strain and create a new strain that is the best of both worlds. Plant Origins Worldwide List of known Indica / Sativa strains (strains with more indica characteristics than sativa). List of known Sativa / Indica strains (strains with more sativa characteristics than indica).   Visit:

Strains - info, Cannabis indica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | The effects of sativa are well known for its cerebral high, hence used daytime as medical cannabis, ... Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act; Cannabis indica is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. A putative species of the genus Cannabis, it is typically distinguished from Cannabis sativa.[1][2] In 1785, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck published a description of a second species of Cannabis, which he named Cannabis indica. Lamarck based his description of the newly named species on plant specimens collected in India. Richard Evans Schultes described C. indica as relatively short, conical, and densely branched, whereas C. sativa was described as tall and laxly branched.   Visit:

Strains - info, Home > Health and Wellness > Alternative Therapies > Medical Marijuana Strains: Which is Right for You? Marijuana plants are not the same; a variety of medical marijuana strains serve different medicinal purposes. But how do you know whether to spend your healthcare dollars on Purple Haze or Skull Candy when you arrive at your local medical marijuana dispensary? Cannabis Indica Cannabis Indica has wide leaves and tends to be shorter and bushier than most other medical marijuana strains. This medical marijuana strain of plants are fast growers and reproduce quickly. More marijuana can be obtained from these plants because of this reason.

Cannabis Sativa Cannabis Sativa grows very tall and stalk-like. Its leavers are much narrower than the Indica medical marijuana strain. The Sativa pot plant typically needs more light to grow than the Indica, and will take longer to mature, up to 16 weeks to flower. These medicinal marijuana plants tend to be lighter in color, as well.

Cannabis Hybrids Cannabis Hybrids are cross-bred medical marijuana strains. Growers combine strains like Indica and Sativa to produce a new medical marijuana strain. The desired effect is to produce a plant that has the best of both strains. Hybrid strains are grown worldwide.   Visit:

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  more Info on Strains of Medical Cannabis 

Strains - info, Original Strains - Morocco - Indica - :: Marijuana | Here you find info and hybrids of "Morocco - Indica" in the SeedFinder Cannabis Strain Database. ... Upload Medical Info; Compare this Strain; Connect a Thread;   Visit:

Strains - info, Strain Hunters Morocco Expedition by Green House Seed Co | Sep 29, 2011 >> The large majority of the hashish produced worldwide (up to 70% of the total annual world production) comes from a relatively small mountain region in the North of Morocco, called Rif. In Dutch coffeeshops the sales of Moroccan hashish are one of the backbones of the industry, already since the 1970s. And from London to Rome to Madrid to Cape Town, Moroccan hashish is consumed daily by huge numbers of people. Moroccan hashish was first produced after Asian and Arab merchants introduced the cannabis plant to the region, between 1000 and 1200 years ago. But it wasn’t until recently (1960s) that hashish production reached export-levels, becoming the number one commercial output in the region of the Rif, and representing a significant proportion of Morocco’s GDP (unofficial sources estimate it at roughly 30%).

There are social and historical reasons to this: the Berbers, inhabitants of the Rif, always maintained their independence from the Arab dynasties ruling the Country. But they were crucial in fighting European colonial powers for the formation of modern Morocco. In exchange for the help offered fighting French and Spanish troops, king Mohammed V granted the Berbers freedom to administer their land. This freedom allowed them to rapidly convert the local agricultural production (olives, figs) into cannabis production, and to produce hashish. To this day, the document granting the Berbers freedom over the Rif region is exposed in the National Museum in Marrakech. ... Strain Hunters Morocco Expedition by Green House Seed Co ... of material to be covered, and because in Morocco the cannabis harvest ...   Visit:

Strains - The 16 Top Medical Marijuana Strains - CNBC The 16 Top Medical Marijuana Strains - CNBC | In November, California voted against ending cannabis prohibition all together, ... What are the top medical marijuana strains today? Click ahead to find out!   >> Visit: >>

Strains - BEST MARIJUANA | The World's Best Marijuana Strains BEST MARIJUANA | The World's Best Marijuana Strains | Best Marijuana is proud to show you the safest place to buy the best marijuana cannabis seeds and a site that offers a large assortment of quality cannabis seeds.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Smell the Truth » Best Buds: The Top Ten Strains of 2012 Smell the Truth » Best Buds: The Top Ten Strains of 2012 | Cannabis strain reference site StickyGuide lists more than 500 validated strains and climbing. Marijuana is a multi-billion dollar, globalized industry, with the market providing strong incentives for international breeders from the Netherlands to South Africa to come up with their own stable of “brands”. ... Below we pick the top ten cannabis strains ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Marijuana Strains Pictures and Descriptions Marijuana Strains Pictures and Descriptions | Welcome to the best marijuana strains in the world. Marijuana strains proven year after year to be the best favorites of marijuana breeders. Welcome to the best marijuana strains in the world. Marijuana strains proven year after year to be the best favorites of marijuana breeders. Help in choosing what's good for you from the best collection of marijuana strains referenced in the world using photographs and descriptions. Our information data base will grow over time, return often for updates. Enjoy the best cannabis proven year after year to be the original favorites of the world. Grow the same high quality pot strains grown by the top breeders. The most effective potent strains of marijuana will grow different in other parts of the world, so you should find types of pot for your geographical area. See the outdoor marijuana strains and indoor marijuana strains you consider the best.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Top 10 Best Cannabis Seeds (Strains) | The Daily Smoker Top 10 Best Cannabis Seeds (Strains) | The Daily Smoker | Cannabis Strains with exotic names are showing up everywhere and you may get overwhelmed by those hundreds and hundreds of different cannabis seeds. A lot of them are simply copycats from existing strains with only a different 'cool' name. So what to choose? Which ones are the best? Which cannabis strains are the Real Deal?   >> Visit: >>

Strains - ADHD strains - ADHD strains | | Medical Seeds Best-selling medical seeds; Cannabis Cup Winners Best-selling cannabis cup winners; ... best strain ADHD 2013, ADHD marijuana strains;

I have found that less is better too much especially if I smoke it will result in me being too "clouded" to get things down also I end up having a "couch-lock" thing. Im thinking this is from mainly indicas. I have read and heard sativas may be better and I think that I may have had some good success with sativas. My friend has some medical strains he is willing to let me try. He has some purple urkle, blueburry kush, sour diesel, and snow cap. I know what the markings on the bags say...but the information I find on the internet points some of the strains that were marked sativa as indica or even a hybrid. ...

sour diesel is a sativa. stimulant type of buzz. I am not a doctor so I cant recomend of course ... but do stimulant based drugs help you such as ritalin or adderal ?? If they do... then do stimulant style sativas help? ...

thanks all yes it has been my experience that sativa strains have helped like ritelin except Im not a pill popping fave is sour diesel and frosty would love to try snowcap I almost got that once ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - - Marijuana Strains, News ADHD medicine ADHD medicine | - Marijuana Strains, News | Medical Seeds Best-selling medical seeds; Cannabis Cup Winners Best-selling cannabis cup winners; Vaporizers. What is a Vaporizer? ... Best medical marijuana for ADHD;

Like others here I have been diagnosed with adhd. I currently see a doctor for it along with other ways of dealing with the disorder I have to make in my life. Here is my question I know it is not recognized as a treatment for the disorder however it does help me...That being said it isnt legal in my state as of now but it should happen soon. I was just wondering how you guys went about getting medical status since it isnt officially recognized for that. I know for me it helps me best in dealing with my anxiety which I think I developed from use of my meds..being on all those stimulants since first grade does have negative long term effects...Also it helps me concentrate when I cant ...

ADHD / Cannabis PAtient Association in Europe Hi Duckmn, I am a french ADHD late diagnose. I am medicated with Dutch cannabis, I get legaly in Netherland with german prescription, but I don't have the right to get it back in France... have trial on court .... With a number of patients, we decided to act and form an un-official association group under the web site : Medicinal Cannabis for ADHD / Cannabis Medicinal pour les troubles d'hyperactivite You can find there a lot od scientic information :) hope it can help. We are very few ADHD to group so we need support and help from US. We will probably take part of the ADHD intern congress. All info on the web site. ...

I'm waiting for my GP to fille the form for legal use in Canada. I suufer from MS spasms, cyclothymia, ADHD and tourettes tics. I've tried Legal junk from the pharmacy and I'm no pleased. I was prescribed sativex but wonder if it would be good other than MS like depression or ADHD or calming tics.. Sativex costed $295.00 for one month (insured) but if I could use it while I get the license it wouls suite me.. Any advive is welcomed ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Looking for strains to aid ADHD Anxiety & Depression Looking for strains to aid ADHD Anxiety & Depression | Cannabis Seeds Delivered World Wide, Top Free Seeds with ALL orders. Medical Marijuana ... I've done a lot of smoking around to find what works best for my ADHD and ... Looking for strains to aid ADHD Anxiety & Depression Hello. I am a middle age male, adhd (inhereted from father side), I have anxiety and sometimes depression. I get high with a couple of hits, I do not like to smoke a lot because it gets me stupid and I do not enjoy that state of mind. Getting a couple of medium hits gets me on a very connected with my body and feelings state and I experience a much more fluid conversations, its like the weed connects some gears in my brain to make everything more connected. I want to know about other persons who can identify themselves with the symptoms I described and if you are using a particular strain to aid yourself. From a quick search on the web I selected "Jack Herer" to put on my wish list to purchase some seeds as it was listed as aid for ADHD and Derp/Anxt. Please talk about your experiences. Thanks. ...

I've done a lot of smoking around to find what works best for my ADHD and anxiety. For ADHD, I have had success with low-THC sativas. They keep me functional and focused. You may want to check out "Green Spirit." For serious stress/anxiety, I'd go for a heavy-hitting high-CBD strain, maybe something like White Rhino. But, don't expect to get much done! Good luck. ...

granny storm crow's MMJ reference list... take a gander here.. hope this is of help to ya ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Medical Marijuana Strains Good For ADD Good For ADD | Medical Marijuana Strains | ... Bi-Polar Disorder, Headaches, Mild Pain, ADD/ADHD, and Anxiety. Strain ... Daily Top 10. Blueberry ... Medical Marijuana Strains is a user submitted medical ... Strain Name: Bubba Kush, Grade: B, Type: Indica dominant hybrid, Looks: Medium green buds with orange and amber hairs. Good crystallization. Medium density. Smell: Sweet with a perfume-like hint. Taste: A tangy, light smoke with a bit of an edge. Slightly sweet. Effects: Good head buzz with moderate body effects but not very long lasting. Seems a little mild compared to other kush strains. Not a sleepy medicine, but not overly euphoric or energetic, either. Good for daytime use, although patients with high tolerances may require larger dosages. Potency: Medium High Reviewed by: brokensun Good Strain For: ADD. Depression. Minor pain relief. ...

Strain Name: Purple Haze, Grade: A, Type: Sativa dominant hybrid. Looks: Pale, light green buds that sparkle. An abundance of orange hairs. Compact and very dense nuggets. There’s not much purple, but this medicine wasn’t exposed to cooler temperatures. Smell: Slightly sour fruit…a little bit like sweet red grapefruit. Taste: Expansive and tangy. Sativa smooth. Tickles in the nose and tangy on the exhale. More of a “purple” taste than smell. Effects: Quick and long-lasting head buzz. Uplifting – lots of energy and good vibes with a little bit of an increase in heart rate, but no jittery feeling. Slightly psychedelic effect. Put on some good music and clean the house. Potency: High Reviewed by: brokensun Good Strain For: Depression. ADD. House cleaning. ...

Strain Name: Shiva X, Genetics: Shiva crossed with an unknown sativa, Grade: A, Type: Indica dominant hybrid, Looks: Big, slightly lumpy, light green buds. Loads of orange hairs and trichomes. Smell: Strong, clean fruit smell. The slightest hint of pine and spice. Taste: Very mild smoke in the throat and lungs, with a slightly spicy taste and heavy tingles in the nose that lasted for some time after exhaling. Effects: Fast-acting and strong medicine. First, a big head rush with strong euphoric sensations and a distinct increase in heart-rate that some users may find uncomfortable. This is the “kick” that initially caused the growers to want to call this strain “Chuck Norris.” But someone got a little paranoid (an understandable side-effect) and was afraid of being sued by Chuck’s lawyer’s, or of getting their ass kicked by Chuck, or something like that, so it doesn’t really have a name. Anyhow, it’s excellent medicine that will leave even high-tolerance patients energetic and up for a couple of hours. It eventually mellows out into a lazy and thoughtful buzz, but never leaves you feeling drowsy – even after heavy consumption. Potency: High potency. Not recommended for new patients or those with heart or blood pressure issues. Reviewed by: brokensun

Good Strain For: Depression. ADD. Narcolepsy. Notes: Shiva, the indica parent of this strain, is supposedly known for it’s pronounced drowsy effects. This medicine is the polar opposite. In fact, the only trait that seems to have been passed along from the Shiva parent is the incredible potency. This seems rather appropriate given the dual nature of this strain’s namesake, the Hindu god Shiva, both the destroyer and the giver of life. ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Medical Marijuana FAQs - Answers to medical marijuana questions and information Medical Marijuana FAQs - Answers to medical marijuana questions and information | Medical Marijuana For treating ADD and ADHD Discussing the use of non-smoked medical marijuana as a safe alternative to pharmaceuticals, for treating children suffering from ADD and ADHD. ... Medical Marijuana for ADD and ADHD. Safe alternative treatment for children with ADD. With more and more research, people are realizing there are many ways to use marijuana safely, effectively, and for many uses that do not involve using marijuana ...   >> Visit: >>

What is your favorite Strain for ADHD? Post it! and Let everybody know ...

Strains - Marijuana Strain for Hepatitis | Cannabis Strain  Marijuana Strain for Hepatitis | Cannabis Strain | Find out what marijuana strain is best to treat hepatitis. A 2006 study found some interesting results. Marijuana Strain for HEP B and C One of our users asked us to write a piece on which marijuana strain would be best for hepatitis B and C. In aims to provide unique care and attention to detail we set out to investigate just that. We will also be covering best consumption methods and which phenotype will do you justice. If you know someone or you yourself suffers from HEP B and C keep on reading. Marijuana and Hepatitis – Hepatitis is a disease that affects nearly 4 million Americans every single year and is a viral disease that effects the liver. People who suffer from Hepatitis C generally feel fatigue, joint pain, depression and cirrhosis in the liver and even liver cancer. Whether there have been no clinical trials done on humans with hepatitis there have been plenty of pathological evidence that suggests that cannabis can at least minimize the symptoms of hepatitis.

Marijuana Strain for Hepatitis – In most cases to find the right marijuana strain for your disease you need to look at the symptoms. In Hep C we know that pain is an issue, inflammation, depression, nausea and so forth (especially due to current “approved” treatment. For these symptoms indica is the recommended marijuana strain since it will help the patient deal with pain and inflammation. Doctors have found that the benefits of cannabis outweigh the potential risks in patients and deem that using cannabis to treat the symptoms of hepatitis is definitely a worthy approach. Which specific marijuana strain do you recommend? – We believe that for Hepatitis the best strains would be heavy indicas. Something like Northern Lights or Northern Lights-Bubblegum should do the trick since it has a high THC content and a very powerful sedative.

Best Methods to consume – Specifically for this disease we recommend a combination of methods. In order to stimulate the immune system essential hemp oil should be taken orally two to three times a day. When the patient feels sudden pain he/she should vaporize and if the pain continues then making an eatable would be the best approach; brownies, cookies etc. For Hepatitis the best marijuana strain is a heavy indica. If you don’t want to feel too sedated then a hybrid 70-30 Indica dominant should do the trick.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Marijuana And Hepatitis C - 420 MAGAZINE Marijuana And Hepatitis C - 420 MAGAZINE | in response to a letter from an individual with Hepatitis C using marijuana, ... Your Best Choice For Cannabis ... so I need any help on whats a good strain to use ... Forum MEDICAL MARIJUANA Medical Marijuana Facts and Information Marijuana And Hepatitis C Marijuana And Hepatitis C Diana L. Sylvestre, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, et al. stated in their October 2006 article "Cannabis Use Improves Retention and Virological Outcomes in Patients Treated for Hepatitis C," published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (18(10):1057-1063): "Our results suggest that modest cannabis use may offer symptomatic and virological benefit to some patients undergoing HCV treatment by helping them maintain adherence to the challenging medication regimen." October 2006 Diana L. Sylvestre

Treatment for hepatitis C involves months of therapy with two powerful drugs, interferon and ribavirin, that have severe side effects, including extreme fatigue, nausea, muscle aches, loss of appetite and depression. Because of those side effects, many patients do not finish treatment and the virus ends up destroying their livers. While it is possible that the marijuana had a specific, positive biomedical effect, it is more likely that it helped patients by reducing depression, improving appetite and offering psychological benefits that helped the patients tolerate the treatment's side effects, the team reports in the current issue of the European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology." Sept. 13, 2006 Rick Weiss   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Which strain works best? - Cannabis Research A to Z Which strain works best? - Cannabis Research A to Z | This large medical cannabis strain list is matched to symptoms scientifically studied, and proven to aid in the treatment, and relief of the following ailments ... (Cripple Creek) for Ankylosing Spondilitis, Hepatitis C, Degenerative Disc Disease, plus ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx Good For MS | Medical Marijuana Strains | Kali Mist >> traits: bright green, Good For Chronic Pain, good for day time activities, good for fatigue, Good For MS, Piney Smell, sweet smell ... Strain Name: Kali Mist Grade: A Type: 2 sativa dominant hybrids Looks: Bright Green Smell: Sweet and piney Taste: With Kali Mist you get both sides of the taste range accompanied by a sweet and spicy taste Effects: True Sativa. Kali Mist’s effects have proven beneficial for medical users with multiple sclerosis, fatigue, and chronic pain. The high from Kali Mist is a great floating cerebral high that doesn’t bog down your mind and lets you focus. Kali Mist has been well-known for its very beneficial medical effects and is a great marijuana strain that you can smoke all day without fail. ... Strain Name: Cali Gold’s Cherry Cough Syrup. Grade: A. Type: Nigerian(DPG pheno) x (Nigerian Lemon x OG Kush) Looks: they look killer, some of the very best outddor ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx Good For Multiple Sclerosis | Medical Marijuana Strains | Snoop’s Church >> traits: anti-depressant, Arthritis, bright orange hairs, Cancer, depression, earthy, earthy smell, Gastrointestinal Issues, gets rid of back pain, Glaucoma, Good an an Anti-Inflammatory, Good For Body Pain, Good For Cramps, good for depression, Good For Headache, Good For Insomnia, Good For Joint Pain, Good For Multiple Sclerosis, Good For Muscle Aches, Good For Nausea, Good For Neck Pain, Good For Relaxing, good for seizure-related illnesses, increased appetite, Indica, kush, kush taste, lots of crystals, Migraines, Muscle spasms, musty, musty smell, Nausea, nausea reduction, orange, smooth, smooth taste, stops nausea ... Strain Name: Snoop’s Church Grade: A Type: Indica 100% Looks: Long beautiful crystal covered nugs, really orange hairs. Smell: Very Earthy, a little musty Taste: Smooth, definitely a kush taste in there. Effects: Chest expansion and very spacey, very relaxing and makes you hungry. Potency: Heavy Reviewed by: bluemangrewp Good Strain For: Appetite, Arthritis, Back Pain, Bipolar Disorder, Body Pain, Cachexia, Cancer, Cramps, Crohns Disease, Depression, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Gastrointestinal Disorder, Glaucoma, Headaches, Hepatitis C, HIV/Aids, IBS, Inflammation, Insomnia, Joint Pain, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle Pain, Muscle Spasms, Nausea, PMS/PMDD, RLS, Neck Pain, Seizures ... sweet taste, Top Shelf ... Multiple sclerosis, insomnia, ... Medical Marijuana Strains is a user submitted medical marijuana strain review encyclopedia.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx http://ccs.infospace | Forum > Medical Marijuana > Medicinal Cannabis and Health > Multiple Sclerosis symptoms and strains >> Hello, I am very new to MMJ (rookie status) and wondered how others out there are managing Multiple Sclerosis pain and spasticity. I've only found Indica (Purple Urkle) strain to be helpful for my symptoms so far. I'm curious to see what strains others are using specifically. I have really bad ribcage girdle-banding from a lesion on my spine ("MS hug") and neuropathic pain that wakes me up at night. I'm very hopeful about this, as in the past I've tried dozens of prescription drugs and they all gave me horrible side effects. Thank you for any feedback. ... I think you have to be more specific about your MS symptoms, in order to get real recommendations for strains. MS can vary SO much from person to person. Brick weed is ok, but there are better traits to go after. Most of the folks who use MJ are after pain relief, which most indicas will do quite well, but at what cost? It seems like you have to take the stupidity with the pain relief. I've used Baclofen, Valium, Neurontin and Zanaflex for pain, but MJ does more than any of these - and way better! I have really, really bad spasticity (prevents me from walking even close to normal). I have found Jack Herer to be helpful in allowing me to walk better (and think at the same time!) I am able to walk without my forearm crutches for 1/2 mile when I use it. Normally, this distance would be impossible even with 2 forearm crutches. I also use Northern Lights when I have a great deal of pain. I have terrible neck and hip joint pain (mostly from spasticity) that responds very well to the heavier indica of NL. It does make me stupider than Jack however, so I use it sparingly. Northern Lights has a fairly high CBD level, too, which is neuro-protective. ...

I have been using medicinal MJ for over a year, and some of my longest-lasting symptoms are starting to go away. Like curling toes (that make it hard to walk or put shoes on)that have been there for many years, are now an occasional rather than a constant problem. Also, the needle jabbing pain in my left knee is gone, and my mood is so much better (already on Wellbutrin and Effexor for many years for that, but this is great in addition to those). My balance and flexibility are much better, too, though it's hard to say if that's the yoga or the MS (or both) at work. My word retrieval is better (especially good under the influence of Jack Herer) and I have viable, solid ideas while using Jack. Problem solving is great! I use my High Times to do yoga (which is tremendously helpful for MS) and take a walk. I also use it to get housework done. (Cleaning is so much easier when you can SEE what you're doing and you have some coordination to work with) ...

I vaporize and use tinctures that I make (ETOH based) in my coffee when I travel - it's more discreet) Best wishes to you. MS is lifelong, but growing and tending and creating solutions to your own problems that medicine can't offer, is also a lifelong pursuit. And, so worthwhile! ... I have tried 4 different Indica strains, and they seem to help more than the Sativa. Being able to try this for pain has been a comfort, because I say to myself, "bring it on, MS, and I'm going to fight you now!" because now I know I have something that actually helps. I could no longer take the Neurontin, Lyrica, or Baclofen because I would wake up with a hangover, and it made me very depressed and very hungry. Vicodin made me feel awful. I was on Effexor for 2 years, and gained 25 pounds, and the withdrawals/hallucinations from that lasted almost a year.

The MJ does not make me hungry. I have tried Purple Urkle, Purple Kush, Grand Daddy Purps, and recently got Hollywood Kush (haven't tried that yet.) It boggles my mind that I have access to the spooky pills that make me feel weird and they don't really work, and the MJ is the only thing that has worked, and is so controversial, and now we are learning that it can actually slow the progression of MS somewhat. I have since splurged and got the little Iolite vaporizer. I love it. I can medicate inside the house. Plus, it's much easier to measure how much you are taking.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx Marijuana Strain | Treat MS | Medical Marijuana Strain | Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that occurs when there is damage to the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. Medical marijuana has shown great benefits in relieving symptoms and thus we will discuss which marijuana strain is best for MS. People who have smoked marijuana to treat this horrific disease can almost return back to normality as marijuana actually helps repair damage nerve cells.

    What marijuana strain works for MS? – Having asked plenty of patients with MS which strains work best for them, almost everyone claimed that a heavy indica is the best for this condition. You could definitely try any of the kushes and even Querkle is said to have phenomenal effects. If you want to not be knocked down then an Indica dominant hybrid would be the marijuana strain of choice.

    How to use Medical Marijuana for MS – Obviously you can smoke it, which most people do, however vaporizing is also good if you need a quick effect. For a more intense effect it is recommended to smoke hash or consume essential hemp oils. But if you need to be out and about smoking or vaporizing might be difficult. In this case it is recommended that you make cookies, brownies or any other eatable you can take with you.

As we said the perfect marijuana strain would be primarily Indica, but if you require some mobility try Indica dominant hybrids. If you’re suffering from MS be sure to ask the dispensary or caregiver for these types of strains.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx Medical Marijuana Strains multiple sclerosis - Sensible Seeds | Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a condition that affects the central nervous system. This is comprised of the brain, the spinal cord, and a complex network of neurons that send and receive information to all parts of the body. This system is vitally important because it monitors and synchronises internal organ function by responding to changes outside the body. Nobody knows exactly what causes MS but what appears to happen is that the body has an abnormal immune activity (perhaps to a cough, cold, flu or other infection) that causes inflammation of the nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord. This destroys the nerves’ protective covering (known as myelin). If you think of exposed wiring, this is similar to what happens to the nerve fibres. The nerve fibres are stripped, either partially or completely, leaving scars known as lesions or plaques. Once the coating is destroyed, the patient suffers a range of symptoms. ... Spliff - Nevilles Haze, Dutch Passion - Blueberry, Humboldt - Bubba Kush, Rokerij - Sour Diesel ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx Best MS Strains? - 420 Magazine | Forum > MEDICAL MARIJUANA > Medical Marijuana Treatment > Multiple Sclerosis > I'm sure the answer depends on what your symptoms are - my worst symptom that I'm looking to Marijuana to ease is my spasticity, which I think means Sativa - But I don't mind a little Indica worked in there too. I'm looking to grow for myself, so I'd really like to pick strains that will have the best result for what I consume. Any wisdom from folks would be greatly appreciated! I believe you are on the right track with the SATIVA. YOu are going to be looking for more of a body relaxation than a mental one. Of course, a really good hybrid would be great for you so I will recommend either an 80/20, 50/50 SATIVA/INDICA blend, or a 100% SATIVA for your ailment. Check out some strains like AK-47, White Rhino, and Strawberry Cough from various seed depots on the web or local. ...

i thought sativas were for mental relief and indicas were for body relief? ... I thought the same thing. I'm new to the MMJ thing, but I would hate to try a sativa and make the pain and spasticity that I deal with worse. A little clarification please? ... Northern lights, afghani, white rhino. Look for strains high in CBD's and low in CBN's unless you want it for sleep because CBN's can make you tired. Best for ms is to make butter and food products. They last longer and you can find the right dose. I have dystonia which have similar effects. ...

I have been struggling with MS for fifteen years now and only recently discovered marijuana helps with muscle spasm's. I went from 2-3 hours of sleep every night for seven month's, to eight hours every night. Sativa is WRONG!!! You really need to think Indica for relief for MS symptoms.Sativa= anxiety, Indica=relaxed. ... I agree that Indica is Best for pain and spasms as I have been battling MS for over 18 yearS. good strains are harlequin, Cannitonic and there is a new one that would be the answer....AC/DC, 21% CBD and less than 1% THC. This is miracle answer for A lot of health issues! ...

for me, Indica is the only choice. I developed anxiety from Sativa's. No logic to it, only that I cannot smoke Sativa anymore. I smoked for years and then one day started having a real problem with Sativa's. I had to quit smoking for ten years and then heard about indica not having the same effects, but still helping with spasm's. Now I take one puff at night (Afghan) about an hour before bedtime and things are very good compared to without it. Biggest relief for symptoms of MS that I have found yet ( fifteen years). A true game changer for me. ... Okay, excuse my ignorance as well but I do have a family member with MS. I am finding numerous lists which simply highlight the strains based on popularity. However, I am looking for specifics on certain strains based on a medical condition. Any suggestions? ...

Well, I can speak about Afghan. It has a nice smooth, relaxed, groove. I often feel the spasms subside before I exhale. Sometimes it takes about five minutes, but it always seems to work for me. I don't seem to notice any pain relief from smoking ever. It helps me get to sleep at night and it helps with appetite also. I would also like to hear about other strains that could work for me with MS. ... A friend of mine with MS has been using oil made from unknown strains up to now, but we are going to be using Silver Surfer Haze (mostly Sativa) for work hours and Kosher Kush (mostly Indica) for evening. Should be making the oil in a couple weeks or slightly less, I'll report back with our findings.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx Best strain for MS - - Cannabis Growing Forum | Hello everyone. I was talking to my mom today and we were wondering what would be the best strain for her MS. I want something that is going to let her enjoy life more with less stress with energetic feel. She can not walk anymore so during the days things can get difficult and frustrating and she needs bud. Can anyone help me with this? ... There are lots of different symptom goes with Ms, but if its just something to take away the stresses of life in the livliest way would be a sativa. ... Thanks algie but how about one for spasms that are involved with ms? ...

Ok cool thanks a lot algie. Imma try Kali mist and maybe some 501st OG. Lets see ... Do some more research. If I remember right, MS is one of those diseases that responds very well to CBD. So a high-CBD strain may be the best place to start. ...

hi a cbd strain would be best cbd skunk/haze is 5% cbd and 5%thc so gives a nice balance without making you realy stoned and is a nice easy plant to grow i have friends who use for ms and cbd seems to be the key more so than thc for sure,good luck and keep us posted,peace ... I was planning on getting the cannatonic or deseltonic. I hear they both have great CBD levels the thing is my mom wants to get stoned as well lolWell cannatonic should do that, it looks to be about 6-7% in both THC and CBD. That is plenty for new smokers. Dieseltonic is a bit uncertain. The seed bank writeup says only half the plants are going to have high CBD content. So unless you are going to send your plant for lab testing, you won't really know what you are getting.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - MS strains - xxx Which strain best for MS? - posted in Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications | In short, my mum suffers from MS and today she agreed with me to try cannabis for her condition. I'm unsure as to whether Indica and Sativa will work the same way though. Most of the stuff round here is indica (because of high yields obvio the drug dealers prefer it) and I think sativa is better for medicinal purposes, given the type of high. I don't want to get indica and have it not work and then she'd lose all faith in the idea. Do they both work the same on a MS sufferer? NB. Drug dealers around here are complete idiots. I asked one for a good sativa once and I got the most confused expression... you'd think people would know the product they're selling. Mind you, cannabis sells itself I suppose... If you love your mother you'll find her the dankest 100% indica around! Indica is the more physically medicinal cannabinoid, offering great pain relief depending on the quality of the herb and how it was flowered! ...

Hon, unfortunately, medical science has NOT caught up with potheads yet! Scientists use "cannabis" in their studies- no strains are named in 99.9% of the studies! They have yet to realize the difference between indica and sativa. It will have to be trial and error for your mom. The good news is that the effect of cannabis on MS is well documented (click the link in my sig and scroll down to "MS"- there's a whole mess of studies). I found the one on tea to be very interesting- "Cuppa Gives A Better 'ooh'". THC isn't water soluble, but tea still gives some relief! So other chemicals in cannabis besides THC can give relief from MS. "Cannabis May Halt Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis" is even more interesting! My friend Emma grew her own "Northern Lights" for her MS and was happy with it. Granny's advice- get Mom whatever you can for now; brew up the stems and a pinch of bud for tea. Tell her that there is a difference in strains, so there may be variation in how well a strain works! Get a vaporizer (Vapor Brothers are nice). Grow your own organically, if possible. And show Mom's doctors "Granny Storm Crow's list"!   >> Visit: >>

What is your favorite Strain for Multiple sclerosis (MS)? Post it! and Let everybody know ...

Strains - Best Cannabis Strains, High CBD Archives, What is CBD? Best CannabisBest Cannabis Strains High CBD Archives » What is CBD? | Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound in the best cannabis medicinal patients seek for its therapeutic properties, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-anxiety, and/or anti-spasm, all without the psychoactivity normally associated with cannabis use as a medicine. You won’t feel “stoned” but you will instead feel “well”. CBD may help ease the symptoms of a long list of conditions such as alcoholism, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, neurological disorders, antibiotic-resistant infections, PTSD and diabetes. Harlequin is a great strain as well as a few more: Sour Tsunami, Omrita Rx3, Jamaican Lion, Cannatonic, Juanita la Lagrimosa, Misty, Good Medicine ... and more.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - Best Seed Bank, CBD and Marijuana Strains Best Seed Bank | CBD and Marijuana Strains >> Many of the recent studies are now indicating that cannabinol, the scientific name used to describe the CBD cannabinoid compound is cultivating tremendous hopes in the treatment of cancer, pain, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and a host of other diseases. The interesting thing noted throughout the scientific studies is that the CBD cannabinoid tends to tone down the overall high which is sought when people consume marijuana that is high in THC. Here are just a few strains that are high in CBD Cannabinoids: Cannatonic, Misty, OG Afghani, Jamaican Skunk, Bubblegum Kush, Intensive Care OG Kush, Purple Diesel ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - cbd | Medical Marijuana Strains cbd | Medical Marijuana Strains >> Strain Name: LA Confidential; Grade: A- / Type: Indica. Looks: Like any insanely bushy, crystal-filled kush… Smell: Has a scent all its own. Close to Bubba or Louis XIII, or even a Master Kush or Diamond Kush…it stinks in that good way. Taste: Very sticky and sweet. Thats another part of the signature taste. Stinks, yet sweet…like Grandschool. Effects: Great for appetite, lots of THC and high CBD. OG/Bubba genetics really give it euphoria along with uplifiting qualities for an Indica; Potency: Depending on the strain, medium to very high; Reviewed by: S.TripleX; Good Strain For: Nausea, Insomnia, Sex.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - best cbd strains | Marijuana Smoke Blog: Which cannabis/marijuana strains are best for anxiety? best cbd strains | Marijuana Smoke Blog | Question by Brent : Which cannabis/marijuana strains are best for anxiety? > First I want to say that I am a California resident with my medical cannabis card, so it is legal for me to use cannabis. Also, please don’t tell me it’s bad for me; I will just ignore you as you are incorrect and not my doctor. Anyways, I have had anxiety issues for years now as well as panic attacks (though the panic attacks have significantly reduced). I was wondering if anyone has any experience with particular strains that help them with anxiety. Most likely (though I am open to hear any suggestions), a strain with high CBD levels will be best. There are different strains of marijuana that will help with different types of medical conditions. Strains of marijuana used to help medical conditions are known as medicinal marijuana. A few of the extra chemical components found in marijuana are: cannabinol (CBN), cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabigerol (CBG), cannabichromene (CBC), cannabitriol (CBT), delta-8-THC, cannabicyclol (CBL), and cannabavarin (THCU). Plants with high CBD levels are known to induce sleep when used medically. THC levels are normally higher in most Cannabis sativa plants as compared to CBD levels. The Indica plants are best used for pain relief.   >> Visit: >>

Strains - My Top 5 Marijuana Strains High In CBD Cannabinoids My Top 5 Marijuana Strains High In CBD Cannabinoids | As the scientific data continues to pile up, indicating marijuana’s “unknown soldier,” the CBD cannabinoid is a game changer in the healthcare world. The long forgotten non-psychoactive cannabinoid is slowly beginning to get the acknowledgement and credit it deserves. Helping many chronically ill people around the world, finding relief from one of nature’s most powerful plants. Weed with a higher proportion of CBD cannabinoids to THC, tends to have a greater medicinal effect, minus the sometimes unwanted [though not in my case] sensation of being “high.” - Green Queen, Jack Herer, LSD, Jack Frost, Blueberry Kush ...   >> Visit: >>

Strains - CBD Crew - High CBD cannabis strains - Cannabis & Marijuana CBD Crew - High CBD cannabis strains - Cannabis & Marijuana | CBD Crew was formed in the summer of 2009 by Shantibaba (Mr Nice Seeds), and Jaime (Resin Seeds) who experimented with bringing the high CBD content of Cannatonic to some of the legendary old school genetics of the Mr Nice Seed Bank. The CBD Crew’s target was to achieve an optimum ratio of 1:1 THC:CBD, which they have now done with all the strains they offer. CBD Crew offers high CBD cannabis strains seeds, perfect for medicinal   >> Visit: >>

What is your favorite Strain for CBDs? Post it! and Let everybody know ...

  More ORGs 

Strains - The Reality, what do we need to know? SIMM (Stichting Institute of Medical Marijuana)  was launched in The Netherlands in 1993.  SIMM offers the highest quality of organically-grown medical cannabis on the market today.  Since 1993, they have provided superior cannabis to patients, physicians, pharmacists and researchers.  Their Mission is to make medical cannabis a normal herbal medicine, a medicine that is prescribed by doctors and obtained at the pharmacies and paid for by insurance companies.  Just as other herbal remedies are treated in the pharmaceutical field.   >> Visit: >>

  NEWs - Sources 

Strains - The Reality, what do we need to know? MAP: Cannabis - Medicinal   news from MAP. Such as ... PUB LTE: National Strains Group Backs Medical Marijuan. Thu, 09 ... Marijuana Party Cannabis Cannabis - California Cannabis - Canada Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada ..... visit:

The MarijuanaNews.Com - Original Marijuana Blog The MarijuanaNews.Com - Original Marijuana Blog  - with Richard Cowan, "Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth" ... No US Jails Allow Medical Cannabis. No Appeals Left ... California Nurses Association -- Representing 30,000 Registered Nurses -- Urges Judge Breyer Not to Wait For Appeals ... visit:

  BUSINESS - Sources 

Seeds Resource, Business: Sensi Seeds Sensi Seeds' recommended medicinal strains | Medicinal Cannabis Indica strains have high proportions of both CBD and THC. Cannabidiol (CBD) creates a more sedative, 'stoned' feeling centred in the body, which helps patients relax as muscle tension is reduced. Indicas are most effective in treating muscle spasms and tremors (including those caused by multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease), chronic pain, arthritic and rheumatic stiffness and inflammation, insomnia, anxiety and related conditions. Medicinal Cannabis Sativa varieties tend to be high in THC, with a lower proportion of CBD, giving them a more energetic 'high' effect which is experienced in the mind and body. These medicinal strains are most effective for the treatment of nausea (resulting from chemotherapy or HIV/AIDS medications, for example), appetite stimulation, migraine headaches, depression, chronic pain and similar symptoms. >> visit:

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Thursday, May 17 at 02:12 PM:
Matthew Kingery from United State wrote:
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Thursday, January 18 at 01:15 PM:
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Monday, September 25 at 03:49 PM:
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Monday, September 25 at 03:48 PM:
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Wednesday, May 10 at 05:13 PM:
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Thursday, January 19 at 04:13 AM:
Cannabis Oil from N/A wrote:
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Sunday, September 25 at 02:08 PM:
Palmer from UK wrote:
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Sunday, September 18 at 11:48 AM: from Monroe,Michigan wrote:
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Sunday, September 18 at 11:47 AM: from Monroe,Michigan wrote:
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Sunday, September 18 at 11:47 AM: from Monroe,Michigan wrote:
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Tuesday, May 17 at 03:48 AM:
420 NETWORK from U.S.A wrote:
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Wednesday, May 4 at 01:07 PM:
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Tuesday, April 26 at 08:48 AM:
Cynthler from U.K wrote:
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Wednesday, April 20 at 09:05 PM:
Legit Supplier~!!! from U.S wrote:
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Monday, March 7 at 08:06 AM:

Thursday, March 3 at 10:30 PM:
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Thursday, February 18 at 11:12 PM:
Anthikatt Nandan from UK wrote:
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Thursday, February 18 at 11:09 PM:
Anthikatt Nandan from UK wrote:
" HIV, HERPES, CANCER, HEPATITIS B. is real, but more real is our faith that GOD can handle all our problems only if we can BELIEVE! Dr JOHN is real, He cured me from Herpes Virus. Thanks to Gleidyz Carlos for the post. As for me, am a living testimony of Dr. JOHN prowess in herbal medicine.You can contact Dr John for cure on any ailment on is website or Email: testimony@spiritualhealingho if you also have Relationship problem like getting pregnant or want your ex back contact him now. For assistant email me or call +447087664132 "

Thursday, February 11 at 12:02 AM:
Angela from U.S.A wrote:
"We are New to this Website and after a long search for Quality Stuff Online, We have finally found a Reliable Source: ( OR *Wickr ID:(mmjsupplier15) who supplied us with some High Grade Marijuana, Hash, Shatters & Cannabis Oil. Thanks for the professional service Bro!!"

Friday, December 12, 2014 at 11:41 AM:
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"BreedIT Submits Applications for Registration of Two Proprietary Medical Cannabis Strains - Today, BreedIT Corp. announced the submission of its first two proprietary medical cannabis strains for registration with Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture. The company said that through its Israeli subsidiary, BreedIT Ltd., the exclusive worldwide license holder and distributor of highly sophisticated agro-breeding solutions software for plant breeders and researchers, announced that its joint venture, KanaboSeed Ltd., has submitted applications for the registration of two new cannabis strains to the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Plant Breeders’ Rights Council. KanaboSeed Ltd. is a 50/50 joint venture between BreedIT Ltd. and Seach Ltd., formed to research and develop new breeds of medical cannabis to meet the requests of physicians and other medical practitioners. Read more >> "

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