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  Information on Fibromyalgia  

Fibromyalgia - Definition Definition. Fibromyalgia is a complex, chronic, and debilitating condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal stiffness and pain, in conjunction with specific tender points, generalized fatigue, and sleep disturbance. People with this syndrome may also experience gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, trouble concentrating, or psychological symptoms, such as anxiety or depression.   Definition Fibromyalgia is a common syndrome in which people experience long-term, body-wide pain and tender points in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Fibromyalgia has also been linked to fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms. Alternative Names Fibromyositis; Fibrositis more on Fibromyalgia | Fibromyalgia is a syndrome – that is, it is a group of signs and symptoms which when experienced in combination suggest that the patient is suffering from a specific medical condition. As with many syndromes, the symptoms of fibromyalgia come and go and vary between patients. Causes, incidence, and risk factors The cause of this disorder is unknown. Although none have been well proven, possible causes or triggers of fibromyalgia include: Physical or emotional trauma An abnormal pain response. Areas in the brain that are responsible for pain may react differently in fibromyalgia patients. Sleep disturbances, which are common in fibromyalgia patients. An infectious microbe, such as a virus. At this point, no such virus or microbe has been identified. Men and women of all ages get fibromyalgia, but the disorder is most common among women aged 20 to 50. The following conditions may be seen with fibromyalgia or mimic its symptoms: Chronic neck or back pain Chronic fatigue syndrome Depression Hypothyroidism Lyme disease Sleep disorders

Fibromyalgia - Symptoms Symptoms The primary symptom of fibromyalgia is pain. The exact locations of the pain are called tender points. Tender points are found in the soft tissue on the back of the neck, shoulders, sternum, lower back, hips, shins, elbows, and knees. The pain then spreads out from these areas. The pain is described as deep-aching, radiating, gnawing, shooting or burning, and ranges from mild to severe. The joints are not affected, although the pain may feel like it is coming from the joints. People with fibromyalgia tend to wake up with body aches and stiffness. For some patients, pain improves during the day and increases again during the evening, though many patients have day-long, non-stop pain. Pain can increase with activity, cold or damp weather, anxiety, and stress. Fatigue and problems with sleep are seen in almost all patients with fibromyalgia. Many complain that they can't get to sleep or stay asleep, and they feel tired when they wake up. Other symptoms may include: Irritable bowel syndrome with gas, and alternating diarrhea and constipation Memory difficulties and problems thinking clearly Numbness and tingling in hands and feet Palpitations Reduced exercise tolerance Sad or depressed mood Tension or migraine headaches

Fibromyalgia - Symptoms Signs and tests Diagnosis of fibromyalgia requires a history of a least 3 months of widespread pain, and pain and tenderness in at least 11 of 18 tender-point sites. These tender-point sites include fibrous tissue or muscles of the: Arms (elbows) Buttocks Chest Knees Lower back Neck Rib cage Shoulders Thighs Sometimes, laboratory and x-ray tests are done to help confirm the diagnosis by ruling out other conditions that may have similar symptoms.

Fibromyalgia - Symptoms Treatment Treatment should focus on not only relieving symptoms, but also on helping patients learn how to cope with their symptoms. Treatments usually involve trial and error: Patients may start with physical therapy, exercise, and methods for reducing stress. If these methods fail to improve symptoms, an antidepressant or muscle relaxant may be added to the treatment. Patient education programs called cognitive-behavioral therapy, which help with coping skills, are an important part of the treatment plan. Many fibromyalgia sufferers have found support groups helpful. Eating a well-balanced diet and avoiding caffeine may help with problems sleeping, and may help reduce the severity of the symptoms. Lifestyle measures to improve the quality of sleep can be effective for fibromyalgia. See: Sleeping difficulty Reducing stress and improving coping skills may also help reduce painful symptoms. Improved fitness through exercise is recommended. The best way to begin a fitness program is to start with short sessions of just a few minutes of gentle, low-impact exercises such as walking and swimming. Increase the length of each session slowly, as tolerated. Starting out slowly and gently can help ease you into an effective program you can stick with. Starting slowly helps stretch and mobilize tight, sore muscles, which may be relieved by gentle stretching and light massage, as well as acupressure, acupuncture, and relaxation techniques. Cognitive therapy usually lasts for 6 to 20 1-hour sessions. During this therapy, people with fibromyalgia learn to: Deal with negative thoughts Keep a diary of their pain and symptoms Recognize what makes their symptoms worse Seek out enjoyable activities Set limits The goal of using medication is to improve sleep and pain tolerance. Patients should receive drug treatments along with exercise, patient education, and behavioral therapies. Duloxetine (Cymbalta), pregabalin (Lyrica), and milnacipran (Savella) are medications that are approved specifically for treating fibromyalgia. However, many other drugs are also used to treat the condition, including: Anti-seizure drugs Other antidepressants Muscle relaxants Pain relievers Sleeping aids Severe cases of fibromyalgia may require a referral to a pain clinic.

Fibromyalgia - Causes, incidence, and risk factors Causes, incidence, and risk factors.   Some life factors can bring on symptoms or make existing ones worse, for instance:

  • Changes in the weather Stress levels Physical activity

Although fibromyalgia has only been classified as a syndrome within the last few decades, there are historical indications that a fibromyalgia-like condition was described by Hippocrates, thus making it one of the oldest medical mysteries. It is estimated that approximately three to six million Americans have fibromyalgia. The majority of the people with fibromyalgia are women, but the condition can occur in men and children as well. Most cases occur between the ages of 20 to 40, although fibromyalgia can develop at any age.

Fibromyalgia - Symptoms Symptoms.   The main symptoms of Fibromyalgia: Symptoms of fibromyalgia may vary in severity from person to person, ranging from mild to very debilitating. In addition, the symptoms vary from day-to-day or from month-to-month. Although symptoms may be extremely uncomfortable and often cause psychological stress, they rarely cause permanent physical damage. The symptoms most commonly associated with fibromyalgia include: Pain — Pain is the most prominent symptom, occurring for at least three months and taking many different forms. It has been described by patients as aching, burning, throbbing, shooting, tingling, or stabbing. Pain is felt on both sides of the body, both below and above the waistline. It is generally located in the neck, shoulders, back, and hips, although many people experience migratory pain (pain that moves from one part of the body to another). Pain is often worse in the morning and may be most prevalent in muscle groups that are used frequently. Factors such as weather changes, stress, exercise, or menstrual cycles may cause the pain to increase. Fatigue — Although some people may experience only mild fatigue, in others it is so debilitating that they are unable to work. This fatigue is not improved by sleep, which itself is not normal or restful. Sleep Disorder — Sleep studies have shown that people with fibromyalgia who suffer from fatigue generally have increased brain arousal at the time when the deepest sleep cycle (stage IV, delta) should be occurring. This prevents the body from getting the normally restorative benefits of sleep and may be the cause of fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. Difficulty Thinking ("Fibrofog") — Many fibromyalgia patients report an inability to concentrate, as well as memory impairment. Concurrent Symptoms and Conditions — Certain symptoms and medical conditions are more prevalent in fibromyalgia patients, such as: Digestive problems that may cause cramping, heartburn, or alternating constipation and diarrhea ("spastic colon" and irritable bowel syndrome) Chronic headaches and jaw pain Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) Psychiatric conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and nervousness Vision problems, such as dry eyes or difficulty focusing on nearby objects Balance problems, such as dizziness or impaired coordination Pelvic/urinary discomfort, which may be experienced as pelvic pain, frequent urination , painful menstrual periods, or painful sexual intercourse Restless leg syndrome Skin problems, such as itchy, dry, or blotchy skin Heightened Sensitivities — People with fibromyalgia often report an increased sensitivity to: Odors Noise Bright lights Medications Certain foods

  • Pain, and Extreme sensitivity to pain, so that just the slightest touch is experienced as being painful Stiffness Muscle spasms Extreme fatigue Poor quality sleep Brain fog (cognitive problems) Headaches nausea Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Inability to regulate body temperature Restless legs syndrome Tinnitus Anxiety Depression

Causes The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, and there has been significant controversy in the medical community about its origin. Currently, there are several theories regarding possible causes of fibromyalgia, including the following: Sleep Disorders — Sleep researchers have noted that fibromyalgia patients consistently show a disturbance during the stage IV (delta) cycle of sleep, which is considered the deepest and most restorative phase of sleep. Lack of restful sleep may be the cause of the overwhelming fatigue experienced by many fibromyalgia patients. Infectious Trigger — Some researchers believe that there may be a viral or infectious agent that triggers the onset of fibromyalgia. Preceding Incidence of Trauma — A high percentage of patients have reported traumatic emotional or physical events, such as an automobile accident or divorce, shortly before the onset of fibromyalgia symptoms. Although it is not believed that the events themselves cause fibromyalgia, they may serve as triggers in people who are genetically or otherwise susceptible to developing this syndrome. Biochemical Abnormalities in the Nervous System — Studies have shown that people with fibromyalgia often have highly elevated levels of Substance P, a pain neurotransmitter, in their spinal fluid. Levels of other neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, or hormones, such as cortisol and growth hormone, may play a role in fibromyalgia patients. Researchers continue to explore these and other explanations for the possible causes of fibromyalgia. Currently there is no cure, but symptoms can be diminished by a combination of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments. Overlapping syndromes Physicians have noted that many people with fibromyalgia are also likely to have other syndromes, such as: Chronic fatigue syndrome Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome Myofascial pain syndrome Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) Tension headaches or migraines Skin complaints Restless leg syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome Dysmenorrhea There has been some speculation that fibromyalgia may not be a separate condition, but instead represents a constellations of symptoms that overlaps with other illnesses, all of which may have the same cause or causes, which are still unknown.

Fibromyalgia - Symptoms Diagnosis | Fibromyalgia can be difficult to diagnose, as many of the symptoms are similar to other disorders. Your doctor will do a complete physical exam, discuss your symptoms, and then check for tender (trigger) points, areas of pain throughout your body, to confirm the diagnosis. Symptoms of chronic and widespread pain must be present for over three months before a doctor can make a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Testing for Tender (Trigger) Points — According to criteria established by the American College of Rheumatology, there are 18 specific tender (or pressure) points around the body that are potentially painful when palpated in people with fibromyalgia. Most healthy people have only three tender points. These points are located around the neck, shoulder, chest, hip, knee, and elbow regions. A diagnosis of fibromyalgia is usually made if 11 of these 18 points result in pain when palpated. Blood Tests — Although blood tests cannot identify fibromyalgia, your doctor may order these tests to rule out other illnesses that exhibit similar symptoms, such as lupus, Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other musculoskeletal disorders.

Fibromyalgia - Symptoms Stages of Fibromyalgia How you’ll feel, getting diagnosed, treatments, medication and self-care suggestions. Your body aches and you feel exhausted, yet you’re unable to sleep. “Basically, you blew a fuse,” says internist Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers and author of From Fatigued to Fantastic (Avery Trade). “Fibromyalgia represents an energy crisis,” says Teitelbaum, who suffers from the condition. “You’re spending more energy than you can make.” Emotionally, you may be feeling confused, afraid and angry when neither you nor your doctor knows what’s happening to your body. In fact, your physician may even tell you there’s no medical problem and refer you to a psychotherapist. Making matters more confusing, fibromyalgia sufferers may also be diagnosed with other conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome , a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by either constipation or diarrhea; headaches; and/or temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), which is inflammation of the jaw joint.

Fibromyalgia - Symptoms Risk and Prevention Risk A risk factor is something that increases your likelihood of getting a disease or condition. It is possible to develop fibromyalgia with or without the risk factors listed below. However, the more risk factors you have, the greater your likelihood of developing fibromyalgia. If you have a number of risk factors, ask your doctor what you can do to reduce your risk. There are still many questions regarding the exact cause(s) of fibromyalgia, so risk factors are still being identified. Currently, risk factors include: Gender Although fibromyalgia may develop in men or women, statistics show that women are seven times more likely to develop fibromyalgia than men. Age People between the ages of 20-60 are at the highest risk of developing the onset of fibromyalgia, although it may occur at any age. Genetic Factors There is some indication that genetic factors may be involved in the development of fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that people with family members who have fibromyalgia are at a higher risk of developing it themselves. Specific Lifestyle Factors People who have recently experienced a traumatic physical or emotional event (such as divorce, car accident, etc) may be at a higher risk of developing fibromyalgia. Psychiatric Illness While the majority of individuals with fibromyalgia report a history of psychiatric symptoms, many patients do not, and there is no clear evidence that psychiatric illness causes fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia - Signs and tests more on Signs and tests.  

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  Info on Fibromyalgia and Medical Cannabis 

Fibromyalgia resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Support Groups

Fibromyalgia resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Expectations (prognosis) Fibromyalgia is a common and chronic problem. The symptoms sometimes improve. At other times, the symptoms may worsen and continue for months or years. The key is seeking professional help which includes a multi-faceted approach to the management and treatment of the disease. There is no proof that fibromyalgia syndrome results in an increased death rate.

Fibromyalgia resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Complications Calling your health care provider Call your health-care provider if you have symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Prevention There is no proven prevention for this disorder. However, over the years, the treatment and management of the disease have improved.

Fibromyalgia - Treatment Treatment of Fibromyalgia.   Treatments Drugs Antidepressants can ease chronic pain and may be effective in reducing symptoms. Anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills, and anti-anxiety medications may also be recommended. Contact your doctor before starting a medication or if you have questions about usage or side effects. Learn More Alternative Therapies Massage, acupuncture and physical therapy are a few natural treatment options that can alleviate fibromyalgia pain and symptoms. Also, various forms of exercise have been shown to be helpful for fibromyalgia symptoms. Find out which one is right for you. LEARN MORE Lifestyle Changes There is no surgery to treat fibromyalgia, but different types of psychological therapies may help. Relaxation-based therapy teaches strategies such as meditation to reduce stress and ease the severity of symptoms.

  Treatment, CANNABIS Therapeutics  

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Updated NORML Report Highlights Marijuana's Role In Moderating Disease Progression; 'Emerging Clinical Applications' Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On The Therapeutic Use Of Cannabis Clinical and preclinical research on the therapeutic use of cannabis indicates that cannabinoids may curb the progression of various life-threatening diseases – including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and brain cancer, according to an updated report published by the NORML Foundation. NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano, who authored the report, said: "The conditions profiled in this report were chosen because patients frequently ask me about the use of cannabis to treat these disorders. Ideally, with this report in their hands, patients can now begin talking openly with their physicians about whether cannabis therapy is appropriate for them."  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Use of Cannabis (marijuana) | Here to Help > On this page: How does cannabis work as medicine? What conditions or symptoms is cannabis used to treat? How do people use cannabis for medical purposes? What is pharmaceutical cannabis, and how does it compare to herbal cannabis? What are the side effects and risks of using cannabis to treat symptoms or medical conditions? Drug interactions Quality Is using cannabis for medicinal purposes legal? What are compassion clubs? What are some barriers to using cannabis for medicinal purposes? What to do if you or someone you know needs more information about medical cannabis  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG HowStuffWorks "How Medical Marijuana Works" | So how, exactly, does medical marijuana work to treat these conditions? Why, if this medicine is so effective for some people, does it remain controversial and, in many places, illegal? In this article, we'll take a look at the medical, legal, and practical issues surrounding medical marijuana in the United States. We'll examine why some people, like Burton Aldrich, depend on it to live normally. We'll also examine some of the intriguing intersections between pharmaceutical companies, the government and the medical marijuana industry. Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical Marijuana Benefits, Helps These Conditions | You might be surprised to find that it wasn’t just ancient peoples who used the drug; marijuana remained in the United States pharmacopoeia until 1941. Up until that time, cannabis was freely available in shops and, in the UK, Queen Victoria, that most conservative of royals, used cannabis to alleviate her menstrual cramps. ... are predominantly using cannabis to treat symptoms of ... We believe Medical Marijuana will help these conditions: Please let us know your experiences in using medical marijuana to treat various conditions.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Medical marijuana (cannabis) - common uses | Common Medical Uses for Cannabis (Marijuana) ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana ... Cannabidiol improves symptoms of generalized social anxiety disorder in… ... Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Directory of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Project CBD Cannabinoid Profiles of Cannabis Strains Cannabis Laboratories: The Testing Landscape in America See also: An Overview of the Endogenous Cannabinoid System  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Complete List of Conditions Treatable With Marijuana | Check out the articles below to learn about how medical marijuana can be useful in treating specific medical conditions. We'll help you find the best ways to ingest medical marijuana to treat your condition, what strains will be most beneficial and we'll even help you connect with other folks with the same condition.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG What symptoms do patients treat with ... , Salt Lake City Medical Marijuana ... representative for the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis ... One question the 2011 Medical Marijuana Survey (sponsored by Legalize Utah) queried which received some of the most detailed responses was” “Do you use Medical Marijuana to treat any physical or psychological conditions and if so, which conditions”.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength | (INF) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain ... Myasthenia Gravis, Narcolepsy, Obsessive Compulsive Diso. ... I use medical marijuana o... Marijuana (also known as Cannabis) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain illnesses such as cancer, AIDS and other diseases. It is used to relieve glaucoma and certain neurological illnesses such as epilepsy, migraine and bipolar disorder. It has also been found to relieve nausea for chemotherapy pa... more at Wikipedia

    Treatment Success Rates ... Top 5 Communities; Condition, Members, Success - Chronic Pain, 684, 86%; Depression, 55 96%; Bipolar Disorder, 44, 95%; Anxiety, 32 94%; Fibromyalgia, 26, 100%; Overall, 90% (1106 Members) - find Marijuana helpful  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Index of Medical Conditions | (INF) Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Index of Medical Conditions Addressed We will soon ... MUSCLE SPASM MYASTHENIA GRAVIS MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME N NARCOLEPSY ... and more.  Visit - - for more.

    Myasthenia Gravis resource - Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | (INF) Tetrahydrocannabinol (tet-ra-hy-dro-ka-nab-i-nol; THC), also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta9-THC), Delta1-THC (using an older chemical nomenclature), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. ... Two studies indicate that THC also has an anticholinesterase action which may implicate it as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's and Myasthenia Gravis.  Visit - - for more.

Fibromyalgia - Expectations (prognosis) Expectations (prognosis) for Fibromyalgia.  

Fibromyalgia - Calling your health care provider Calling your health care provider.   and Support Groups for Fibromyalgia | The stress of illness can often be helped by joining support groups where members share common experiences and problems. See Fibromyalgia -> support groups, et al.

Call your health care provider if you develop symptoms of Fibromyalgia or side effects from medicaition - such as recurrent thoughts, irritability, and problems with sleep. Go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number (such as 911) if you have breathing difficulty or swallowing problems.

Fibromyalgia - Prevention Prevention of Fibromyalgia? |  

SOURCEs: (1) Fibromyalgia 101 (INF) Information On Fibromyalgia Causes, Signs, Risks & Treatment; click -> here <- for more. (2) Fibromyalgia - Health Information | (INF) Get accurate, detailed information about Fibromyalgia; click -> here <- for more. (3) Fibromyalgia - Health Information | (INF) Get accurate, detailed information about Fibromyalgia; click -> here <- for more.

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Cannabis and Fibromyalgia - Medical Marijuana Cards, Dispensaries ... | In order to find out if marijuana reduces symptoms in fibromyalgia patients, an open clinical study with 56 patients was carried out in Spain. The study group were comprised of 28 regular cannabis users and 28 patients who didn’t use marijuana. All patients completed a total of three questionnaires relating to their fibromyalgia symptoms and their quality of life. Study Results: Cannabis and Fibromyalgia | After 2 hours of cannabis use, visual analogue scales showed a statistically significant reduction of pain and stiffness, enhancement of relaxation, and an increase in somnolence and feeling of well being. Mental health scores in a questionnaire were higher in cannabis users than in non-users.   The Researchers concluded that “the use of cannabis was associated with beneficial effects on some Fibromyalgia symptoms.” They recommend that further studies on the usefulness of cannabinoids in Fibromyalgia patients as well as cannabinoid system involvement in the pathophysiology of this condition are warranted.”   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Medical Marijuana: Nothing is New | The use of cannabis as medicine is not new, in fact, there are references to the use of marijuana as a medicine that date back to 2,000 years BC. Marijuana use hasn’t been confined to just one geographical area either – there are global records of its use. In China, it was used to treat conditions such as malaria, constipation and rheumatism.   You might be surprised to find that it wasn’t just ancient peoples who used the drug; marijuana remained in the United States pharmacopoeia until 1941. Up until that time, cannabis was freely available in shops and, in the UK, Queen Victoria, that most conservative of royals, used cannabis to alleviate her menstrual cramps. Watch US Medical Cannabis History in Educational & How-To ...   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Medical Marijuana Fibromyalgia Treatments > Cannabis Symptom Relief > Fibromyalgia and Medical Marijuana, Published by Jan | Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome, is hard to treat and impossible to cure. With pain so debilitating, patients may wonder about trying medical marijuana to ease their discomfort. The American Chronic Pain Society says in ACPA Medications & Chronic Pain, Supplement 2007: "Some states allow the legal use of marijuana for health purposes including pain, while the federal government continues to threaten physicians with prosecution for prescribing it." Scientific studies have shown that THC may help to decrease chronic pain in patients with Fibromyalgia. In addition, most Fibromyalgia patients who have tried medicinal marijuana for symptoms including: pain, depression, and insomnia report that medical marijuana is effective and has few side effects.   Six million Americans suffer from this chronic condition. There is no known cure and no known cause. However there are many factors involved. It may be triggered by an emotional or traumatic event. The condition is a neuro-chemical process. There is no inflammation associated. Diagnosis criteria: diffuse pain in 3 or more quadrants of body, and tender points in body (18 total tender points – patient must have 11 present). Researchers think it may be related to a disordered sleep pattern and poor exercise.   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Why Medical Marijuana Can Help to Treat Fibromyalgia | Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome which is characterized by diffuse muscle and joint pain. Fibromyalgia may also be referred to as Fibromyositis or Fibrositis. In addition to the chronic pain common to most or all Fibromyalgia patients, Fibromyalgia symptoms may include insomnia, depression, skin conditions, hypoglycemia, a loss of mental acuity, fatigue, gentiurinary complications, and more. Many of these symptoms can be reduced or alleviated by using medical marijuana . Medical marijuana for Fibromyalgia patients works well due to the natural pain relieving properties of THC and other cannabinoids found in cannabis. A 2006 study found that THC, a primary substance found in medical marijuana, reduced both chronic pain and experimentally induced pain by at least 50 percent in all patients who completed the THC therapy trial. In addition, clinical trials found that Nabilone, a synthetic medical marijuana pill, reduced pain and anxiety significantly in Fibromyalgia patients.   While Nabilone is an option for people with Fibromyalgia who live in states where medical marijuana is not yet legal, patients in states with legal medical marijuana may well find medicinal marijuana to be more cost-effective than Nabilone, as well as more effective in relieving Fibromyalgia symptoms. Medical marijuana is also all-natural and usually distributed by locally owned small businesses, rather than pharmaceutical corporations. ... Fibromyalgia treatments with medical marijuana and cannabis, research information. Connect with other people with the same symptoms as you.   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Medical marijuana may help fibromyalgia pain - Published by: on July 16, 2011 | “There are more places to purchase medical marijuana than banks or Mexican restaurants now,” medical assistant says. STORY HIGHLIGHTS >> Fibromyalgia patients typically experience bodywide pain Fibromyalgia patients often take multiple drugs for other symptoms Marijuana may treat multiple symptoms, and some patients are seeing results.   Concerns: Cannabis contains different compounds with potentially medicinal effects and amount varies by batch ... Medical marijuana may help fibromyalgia pain . ... Medical Marijuana News & Legal Medical Cannabis News.   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Medical marijuana may help fibromyalgia pain - > Why marijuana sometimes helps | Our bodies naturally make pain relievers called endorphins, but they also make other substances that can trigger pain relief in the so-called endocannabinoid system. This system seems to play a key role in many processes in the body, including modulating how we feel pain. Marijuana contains cannabinoids very similar to those that occur in the body naturally.   Fibromyalgia patients typically experience bodywide pain, but they must often take multiple drugs for other symptoms, which can include difficulty sleeping, restless legs syndrome, depression, and anxiety. However, marijuana may treat multiple symptoms, and some patients are seeing results. Medical marijuana may help fibromyalgia ... individual compounds in cannabis may one day help fibromyalgia ... to use medical marijuana with a ...   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Cannabis for Fibro? | Study into the effectiveness of medical marijuana on treating fibromyalgia has been limited, but there are some that suggest that cannabis works to help relieve the chronic pain associated with the condition, as well as make patients feel psychologically better. Dr. Stuart Silverman, a clinical professor of medicine and rheumatology at the Cedars-Sinai University of California in Los Angles agrees with the effectiveness of marijuana to treat fibro. He says that the unconventional drug has been used "historically and anecdotally" as a painkiller.   The studies that have been done on the effectiveness of cannabis for fibro show that the drug releases cannabinoids. These cannabinoids seem to trigger the release of more endorphins, a natural pain reliever produced by the body. Marijuana appears to treat multiple symptoms in some fibromyalgia patients including anxiety, restless legs syndrome and difficulty sleeping.   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia Support Group >> A community of patients, family members and friends dedicated to dealing with Fibromyalgia, together. | Medical Marijuana (page 55) - POSTED BY sasnspice, 08/10/2012 06:55 AM - Personally I have actually told my husband that the time may come when we are going to be moving to a state that allows medical marijuana. I grew up in a home with parents who were hippies, and I can say they always did it. I never thought of using it, the curiosity just was not there. Now with the pain I just want to feel better, but I also want to do it legally so I do not have to worry about drug testing for jobs or getting stopped by the cops when I have some on me. ... The thing is, I'm not interested in the high, only the pain relief, sleep aid, appetite increase, reduction in nausea, and several other potential benefits I've been apprised to. Partially this is because I tend to feel depressed, not euphoric, on medications that commonly have euphoria as a side effect, but it's moreso because I am a novice elementary school teacher and I don't think it's appropriate to be in charge of the safety of children while not in a lucid state of mind. ...   Dear amethyst, there are strains of marijuana that has higher content of cannabinoids, CBN(cannabinoid) increases some of the effects of THC and decreases other effects of THC. High levels of THC and low levels of CBD contribute to a strong, clear headed, more energetic high. Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong head-stone that feels almost dreamlike. Cannabis that has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD produces more of a stoned feeling. The mind feels dull and the body feels tired. Started smoking MJ before being diagnosed with fibro, it helped me sleep among other things...   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? The following chart shows fibromyalgia-patient reported benefits marked out of ten. Symptom and Score out of 10: Fibromyalgia Tender Point Pain Relief 7.53 Myofasical Trigger Point Pain Relief 7.54 More Energy / Mental Clarity ... Recommended Marijuana Strains for Treating Fibromyalgia |   Because fibromyalgia is a syndrome – that is a condition with a whole variety of symptoms – it is very difficult to be specific about the best strains to use. However, the marijuana strain that seems to receive more plaudits than any other when used to treat this condition is Sour Diesel, a sativa dominant cross of Mexican Sativa with Chemo.   Visit - See more Strain info > here <

Information about Why Medical Marijuana Can Help to Treat Fibromyalgia Why Medical Marijuana Can Help to Treat Fibromyalgia | Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome which is characterized by diffuse muscle and joint pain. Fibromyalgia may also be referred to as Fibromyositis or Fibrositis. In addition to the chronic pain common to most or all Fibromyalgia patients, Fibromyalgia symptoms may include insomnia, depression, skin conditions, hypoglycemia, a loss of mental acuity, fatigue, gentiurinary complications, and more. Many of these symptoms can be reduced or alleviated by using medical marijuana.   Medical marijuana for Fibromyalgia patients works well due to the natural pain relieving properties of THC and other cannabinoids found in cannabis. A 2006 study found that THC, a primary substance found in medical marijuana, reduced both chronic pain and experimentally induced pain by at least 50 percent in all patients who completed the THC therapy trial. In addition, clinical trials found that Nabilone, a synthetic medical marijuana pill, reduced pain and anxiety significantly in Fibromyalgia patients.   Visit -

Information about Medical Marijuana May Help Fibromyalgia Pain Medical Marijuana May Help Fibromyalgia Pain | Cannabis Culture > Some patients are trying marijuana - legally or illegally - and finding it can help fibromyalgia pain. By Anne Harding, | Lynda, a 48-year-old mother of three who lives in upstate New York, got a diagnosis of fibromyalgia in 2000. While there are prescription medications for fibromyalgia, she's found one unconventional drug -- marijuana -- that really does the trick. Why marijuana sometimes helps | Our bodies naturally make pain relievers called endorphins, but they also make other substances that can trigger pain relief in the so-called endocannabinoid system. This system seems to play a key role in many processes in the body, including modulating how we feel pain. Marijuana contains cannabinoids very similar to those that occur in the body naturally.   Fibromyalgia patients typically experience bodywide pain, but they must often take multiple drugs for other symptoms, which can include difficulty sleeping, restless legs syndrome, depression, and anxiety. However, marijuana may treat multiple symptoms, and some patients are seeing results. ... a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that eases inflammation and pain and ... Indica strains are the best ...   Visit -

Information about Fibromyalgia and Medical Marijuana Fibromyalgia and Medical Marijuana | Women and Fibromyalgia > I’m not very humble when I say that I believe my book will one day be a steppingstone toward a greater understanding about why certain types of people are more prone to fibromyalgia. Furthermore, I haven’t read any books which outline all of the various theories regarding the cause of this condition such as mine has. Hearing the voices of others who suffer daily can help the reader know that s/he is not alone in the day- to- day struggles. I give details of various treatment modalities and I believe the book to be a valuable source of information about not only cause but what can be helpful in living with the daily challenges of this dis-ease. Yet, surprisingly, in spite of this comprehensive review and analysis I had never explored whether or not marijuana (Cannibas Sativa) as prescribed by a physician could be useful for pain control.   In fact, even now I have mixed feelings about the issues surrounding fibromyalgia and marijuana use even though I believe that cannibas is very helpful for several other medical conditions, in particular following chemotherapy. In the February,2008 issue of Journal of Pain it was reported that 40 patients were part of a study at the University of Manitoba in which a control and an experimental group were given either a placebo or Nabilone, (brand name Cesamet) a pain drug based on marijuana’s active ingredient. The results indicated that after one month there was significantly less pain and a better quality of life for those who took Nabilone.   Visit -

Fibromyalgia resource - Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength, INFO from ORG Marijuana: 1276 user reviews - DailyStrength | (INF) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain ... Fibromyalgia, Narcolepsy, Obsessive Compulsive Diso. ... I use medical marijuana o... Marijuana (also known as Cannabis) Medically, cannabis is most often used as an appetite stimulant and pain reliever for certain illnesses such as cancer, Fibromyalgia and other diseases. It is used to relieve glaucoma and certain neurological illnesses such as epilepsy, migraine and bipolar disorder. It has also been found to relieve nausea for chemotherapy pa... more at Wikipedia

Treatment Success Rates ... Top 5 Communities; Condition, Members, Success - Chronic Pain, 684, 86%; Depression, 55 96%; Bipolar Disorder, 44, 95%; Anxiety, 32 94%; Fibromyalgia, 26, 100%; Overall, 90% (1106 Members) - find Marijuana helpful  Visit - - for more.

Fibromyalgia resource - Index of Medical Conditions Treated by Cannabis, INFO from ORG Index of Medical Conditions | (INF) Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Index of Medical Conditions Addressed We will soon ... MUSCLE SPASM Fibromyalgia MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME, NARCOLEPSY ... and more.  Visit - - for more.

Fibromyalgia resource - Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tetrahydrocannabinol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | (INF) THC, also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta9-THC), Delta1-THC (using an older chemical nomenclature), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. ... Two studies indicate that THC also has an anticholinesterase action which may implicate it as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's and Fibromyalgia.  Visit - - for more.

Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV/Fibromyalgia book "Cannabis Therapeutics in HIV/Fibromyalgia" (Book)   Haworth Integrative Healing Press, 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 13904-1580. 230p., index. (Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, v. 1, nos. 3-4, 2001).  ISBN 0-7890-1698-2, 0-7890-1699-0pbk.  $44.95, $24.95pbk.   Edited by Ethan Russo. 2001.   "The therapeutic use of cannabis or marijuana has been debated over and over.  Laws are on the books banning its use and making it illegal to possess.  However, there are increasingly more studies where HIV/Fibromyalgia sufferers are seen to benefit from using this drug.  This collection of articles in the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics provides a closer examination of the issues surrounding the use of cannabis as a therapeutic drug."  This is a recommended book for all academic and health science libraries.  Available online at: (1)
… or (2)
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  Organizations, Contacts and other Resources  

Fibromyalgia resource - Medicinal Marijuana Uses, INFO from an ORG

Fibromyalgia - Resources: Organizations all other Organizations, Non-Profits, NGO's and other such Resources   will be listed here as we learn about them. Got one? Post It! and let everybody know ...

  FORUMs Section 

Information about best strain 4 fibromyalgia and sleeping best strain 4 fibromyalgia and sleeping - | please recommend the best strain 4 fibromyalgia symptoms and the best for just sleeping purposes only? >> Cronic isn't good for sleeping to many bad dreams etc. thanks alot ... I'd go with an indica, helps me get to sleep every night. Many choices in strains ... chronic" is such a broad term. You need an indica, that will couchlock you and aid you in your sleep, a sativa is more of an energetic head high, that will not help you relax your body and sleep. ... Cannabis Seeds. Medical Marijuana Dispensary Finder.   Visit -

Fibromyalgia - Forums all viable Forums, Bulletin Boards, Chat rooms and other such online resources   will be listed here as we learn about them. Got one? Post It! and let everybody know ...

  NEWs Section 

Fibromyalgia - Article (NEWS) No-High Marijuana: Future Treatment for Fibromyalgia Pain? No-High Marijuana: Future Treatment for Fibromyalgia Pain? | In a new study, researchers say they've found a way to remove the "high" from marijuana while leaving the pain-relieving effects intact. This discovery could help remove the stigma and controversy from marijuana-based treatments. Would a no-high version of marijuana appeal more to you? How do you feel about medical marijuana in general? See the poll and lengthy discussion about it here: Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia Pain. For Fibromyalgia pain, we need a strain with a higher CBD level instead ... No High Marijuana / Cannabis . ... Distraction is the best form of pain relief for ...   Visit - Also, In the U.S., medical marijuana is currently legal in 15 states and the District of Columbia. Some studies show that marijuana can reducing pain and improve sleep in fibromyalgia. It hasn't been studied as a chronic fatigue syndrome treatment -- I suspect for a couple of reasons (beyond severe underfunding): 1) the pain of chronic fatigue syndrome is often ignored; 2) it can increase drowsiness and reduce energy, which seems counterproductive.   Visit -

Fibromyalgia - Article (NEWS) xxx Cannabis Users In Public Protest Posted by CN Staff on May 06, 2002 at 16:28:32 PT Commentary Source: Hull Daily Mail UK | Hundreds of pot-smoking protesters took to the streets of Hull yesterday to campaign for the legalisation of cannabis. Police officers kept a close eye on proceeding, using cameras to film users but making no arrests at the time. The marchers were calling for the legalisation of the drug, both for medicinal and recreational purposes. The protest passed off peacefully and only one person was arrested, for a public order offence after allegedly making an obscene gesture at a police officer. Organiser Carl Wagner, who stood as a member of the Legalise Cannabis Alliance in the last General Election and who is planning to open a cannabis cafe in Hull, said he was disappointed not to see more people on the march. Marion Bean, 45, joined the march in a wheelchair, pushed by husband-to-be Roger Martin. She ate 'hash cake' for the first time last Sunday, and found it relieved her pain. She suffers with what is believed to be fibromyalgia, which attacks the central nervous system. She said: "I have three kinds of medicines prescribed by the doctors and none of them help for more than 20 minutes. "Cannabis, however, gives me a full night's sleep."   Visit -

  Cannabis as Medicine - Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine | Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine.   (ORG, inf, Book) Featured Medical Marijuana Patient Accounts * to share website visitors' medical marijuana histories to provide insight into uses for this medicine which are not widely known. … If you wish to send us a personal account of your medical marijuana experiences, ... Cannabis and Fibromyalgia by Michael McKenna ... visit:   (web-ring / link-list) * Your starting point for the best medical info. Free Medical Cannabis info Find what you're looking for! Visit:

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Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Apologies for being quiet this past few months. New material will begin being posted on the website. What has been holding things back has been a very considerable dynamic in figuring out how clinical trials in chronic pain should be interpreted. The evidence is accumulating that using average pain score values is just plain wrong, and a new approach based on responder analyses will be needed. But it's a tad more complicated than that, and itb will probably be a little while yet before all the finer points are teased out. ... Duloxetine: painful diabetic neuropathy and fibromyalgia (2010 update)   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Whether you've just discovered you have ME/CFS or have been living with it for years, this is the place you want to be. It's a 'patient-powered' site, which means folks just like you keep it going, with information, conversations and support. ProHealth keeps you up-to-date with current news on research and treatment, and input from leading experts. ... CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME/ME Home Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME 101 Symptoms Treatment Library ... PRODUCT CATEGORIES; Fibromyalgia Support, AILMENT; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Support, HEALTH TOPICS; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Fibromyalgia ...   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Act (ORG) * Cannabis Consumers Unite! - The Cannabis Consumers Campaign Stand up for your equal rights. Quote: "[Cannabis] gives relief and gains energy to my tired body. [It has] opened up my soul, my spirit, and allows me to live." Visit: Tired of hiding in the closet ... or garage? It's time to come out now! 2,969 Cannabis Consumers have filled out our survey! Who Are Cannabis Consumers? Take Our Survey, Our Case For Equal Rights, Take Action, How to Use Cannabis Responsibly and Safely, The Experience of Getting High, Debating Marijuana Policy, Talk to Your Kids About Pot, Marijuana Drug War Facts, Drug Testing, Take our survey and participate in the Cannabis Consumers Campaign. Join our mailing list! / Download our banner! / Contact Us!   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Act (ORG) * NORML Home - “A Page Just For You Drug Testing Activists, Webmasters, Students” Elected Officials, Media, Lawyers, Recently Busted Medical Marijuana Patients. Criminal marijuana prohibition is a failure. Over 20 million Americans have been arrested for marijuana offenses since 1965. NORML believes that the time has come to amend criminal prohibition and replace it with a system of legalization, taxation, regulation, and education.   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Act (ORG) * The Drug Reform Coordination Network - The Drug Reform Coordination Network is the central Internet resource for drug reform activism. Learn why prohibition is a failure, and what you can do to help end the disastrous Drug War. ... Colorado US Representatives Move to Support Legal Marijuana (by Phillip Smith, Nov 20) Colorado's congressional delegation is demonstrating that it heard the voice of the voters loudly and clearly on the topic of marijuana legalization. Letters are going out, bills are being filed. ON THE SPEAKEASY BLOG ... Marijuana Legalization Victories Are Already Ripping the Drug War Apart (by Scott Morgan, Nov 14) Of all the fascinating reactions I've seen to Colorado and Washington's successful marijuana legalization initiatives, this is by far the most extraordinary.   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Info (Article) * FaMily Magazine - FaMily Magazine Sample Article Medicinal Cannabis Research (Following last months article I asked GW Pharmaceuticals to make a statement regarding the likelihood of a product for fibromyalgia sufferers.Editor.) Welcome to UK Fibromyalgia, the site for fibromyalgia sufferers. The independent voice of UK Fibromyalgia For years you have been hurting all over and are constantly feeling exhausted but your doctor has been unable to help. Your friends and family have started suggesting that it may be all in your mind. The good news is that you have finally been diagnosed with something called fibromyalgia but the bad news is that your doctor says there is very little he or she can do about it. Without a magic cure you need to take personal control over the management of your illness. This site aims to help you in that endeavour. Start with the blue "FM Support" button in the top left hand corner. Visit:   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Links (INFo, Org?) * Marijuana Grow guide Comparing Cannabis Sativa to Indica pot - Marijuana Grow guides!! Grow guide Comparing sativa to Indica pot Learn how to grow your own medicine!! Your guide to Medical marijuana,& Online buying of medical pot … visit:   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? News (ORG) * Cannabis, Weed Or Wonder Drug? Subj: UK: Cannabis, Weed Or Wonder Drug? See:   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Surviving Fibromyalgia ! Sharing FREE TIPS & RESOURCES Helping Men & Women with FMS! Surviving Fibromyalgia... This Site is Dedicated to Helping Both Men & Women Fibromyalgia Sufferers Uncover Some Positive Ways and Resources to Manage Their Fibromyalgia Symptoms... Taking Time To Read Through This Site Could Likely Be Important To Your Feeling Better! "A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses." Hippocrates(460 BC - 377 BC), Regimen in Health   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Forums ... Epilepsy Fibromyalgia GERD - Heartburn Links (INFo, Biz?) * - Guide to Diseases, Disorders and Chronic Il... - Medical news, information, community message boards and chat rooms, free email, free homepages, books, newsletter, directory of related web sites and more on diseases, disorders and chronic... visit:   Visit -

Information about What are the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia? Links (INFo, Biz?) * healthfinderr - your guide to reliable health information - healthfinderr is a free guide to reliable health information, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ... Fibromyalgia   Visit -


Fibromyalgia - Business (BIZ) xxx Links (INFo, BIZ) * Medical Marijuana Information - Marijuana Seeds (Cannabis Seeds) from the world's top breeders. All excellent for growing marijuana, many Cannabis Cup winners. Free discreet world wide delivery. Order online today.   Visit -

Fibromyalgia - Business (BIZ) xxx Links (INFo, BIZ) * Cannabis Seeds .com - The Worlds Leading Legal E-Commerce Can... - Cannabis is the worlds No.1 name for top quality, guaranteed cannabis seeds. We offer FREE express delivery on all orderds, secure ecommerce, descretion, and free seeds on our ...   Visit -

Fibromyalgia - Business (BIZ) xxx Links (INFo, BIZ) * Dr Bongs Cannabis Emporium - Bongs, Pipes and Cannabis accessories from Dr Bongs.   Visit -

Fibromyalgia - Resources: Businesses all viable Businesses (For-Profit) and other such Resources   will be listed here as we learn about them. Got one? Post It! and let everybody know ...

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Thursday, July 9 at 02:28 PM:
"Hello, I am Monalisa. After being in relationship with my husband for years, he broke up with me. I did everything within my reach to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so badly because of the love I had for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back , I had no choice than to try it. I messaged the spell caster, and he assured me there was no problem and that everything will be okay before three days. He cast the spell and surprisingly on the second day, my husband called me. I was so surprised, I answered the call all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that had happened He wanted me to return to him. He also said he loved me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. The spell casters email is : []. You can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case. DR. EDES SPELL CASTER could help you with the following: 1) Love Spells 2) Lost Love Spells 3) Divorce Spells 4) Marriage Spells 5) Binding Spell. 6) Breakup Spells 7) Banish a past Lover 8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell 9) want to satisfy your lover He also cure the below listed sickness; (1) HERPES, (2) DIABETES, (3) HIV&AIDS, (4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION, (5) HEPATITIS B, (6) IMPOTENCE, (7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY (8) DIARRHEA (9) ASTHMA... Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution EMAIL Whatsapp him now ; +2348151937428 "

Friday, May 29 at 11:47 PM:
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Thursday, May 17 at 01:56 PM:
Matthew Kingery from United State wrote:
" We are medical and recreational marijuana supplying cooperation and got the best of high graded products and outstanding services. We aim at the provision of high graded product to all our clients that are in need and also the establishment of a long term and trust worthy business relationship with all our clients. We are top legit and liable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. .Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting, Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states,anxiety, nausea etc visit our website at Website: m or http://www.denversmokeshop.or g Phone (CALL/TEXT) : +1 (720) 440-2463 "

Thursday, May 17 at 01:56 PM:
Matthew Kingery from United State wrote:
" We are medical and recreational marijuana supplying cooperation and got the best of high graded products and outstanding services. We aim at the provision of high graded product to all our clients that are in need and also the establishment of a long term and trust worthy business relationship with all our clients. We are top legit and liable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. .Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting, Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states,anxiety, nausea etc visit our website at Website: m or http://www.denversmokeshop.or g Phone (CALL/TEXT) : +1 (720) 440-2463 "

Thursday, January 18 at 12:55 PM:
Dr kalson +1424 260-6438 from CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELOS wrote:

Wednesday, May 10 at 05:04 PM:
Denver Smoke BUds from Colorado wrote:
" We are top legit and reliable supplier of quality KUSH,SEEDS, WAX, and OIL. Top Medical Buds for cancer, pains, Eye problem, appetite,sleeping problem, Nausea/vomiting,Relaxing, hunger,stress,Daytime use, mild sports (e.g. Golf or PS3) and social activities,insomnia, brain problem, body- alleviates depressed states, anxiety, nausea etc. visit our website at http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Website: http://www.denversmokebuds.c om Phone: +1 (720) 440-2463 E-Mail: "

Thursday, January 19 at 03:48 AM:
Cannabis Oil from N/A wrote:
"Many Patients suffering from chronic or neuropathic pain & many other medical conditions gain relief from prescription drugs which have great side effects. One of the most common uses of Cannabis Oil (RSO) is for the treatment of chronic pain and other diseases such as Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes,Bipolar,PTSD,Leukemia, Insomnia, Migraines, Depression, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Burns, Chronic pain, High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Nausea,just to name a few. Cannabinoids (CBD) & Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the medical compounds found in Cannabis Oil & marijuana have powerful pain relieving (analgesic) properties. Cannabinoids exert their analgesic properties through their interaction with the cannabinoid receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system. ***If you need quality Cannabis Oil, Marijuana & Canasol send your Enquiry to: (*** "

Saturday, January 7 at 12:21 PM:
Lisa mcdonnell from Long island ny wrote:
"Do you know if it is a legal medicine in yet? It is my only relief. "

Wednesday, October 26 at 09:37 PM:
Kelly from Austin, texas wrote:
"I have fibromyalgia and I take care of my 3 year old and 10 month old grandson every day. I'm looking for a pain management dr who will overlook the use of marijuana. I did have a dr who did but she had to close her business because she didn't have enough patients. So I feel like there are other Drs out there that will turn there head and allow me to smoke. Does anyone know a pain management dr who will be willing to do this for me? Thank you because I'm desperate. It helps with my nerves and my pain"

Sunday, September 25 at 01:57 PM:
Palmer from UK wrote:
"""My dad has been diagnosed with brain tumour 3 weeks ago , had an operation to remove it 1,5 weeks ago . It all went well,there's no neurological changes , 3 days ago we found out the histopathology results and it turns out to be glioblastoma multiforma WHO grade IV . We know that radio or chemotherapy will only extend his life by a little so we'd like to try as many alternative ways as we can and a Family friend Recommended us to (marijuana.network420@gmail. com) who supplied us with Good Cannabis Oil which is really helping my dad with his current condition" Thanks for the help!!!"

Wednesday, August 10 at 02:07 PM:
Joleen from Corning, Iowa wrote:
" I have Fibro and a few other conditions. Ive been using marijuana to treat my condition without my doctor knowing. I want to do it legally but i don't know how or where start "

Tuesday, May 17 at 03:39 AM:
420 NETWORK from U.S.A wrote:
"Top Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis, Wax, Canasol,Cannabis Oil ,Variety of Quality Strain like:-*Green Crack:::: Grade: AA *Sour Diesel:::Grade: A+ Top Shelf *Grand Daddy Purple :::Grade: A *Sensi Star x ak47 :Grade: AAA *Afghan Kush ::::Grade: A *Northern Lights #5 Grade: A+ *Lemon drop::::Grade: A+ *Purple Kush::::Grade:A+ Top Shelf *OG Kush ::::Grade:A++ Top Shelf *Lemon drop *Purple-urkle *white widow *Haze *blue dream *headband *blueberry, Hash/Wax Oil and MANY MORE.. These Quality Strains helps people ILLNESSES LIKE: **Insomnia,HIV/AIDS,Anxiety Disorders,PTSD, Major Depression,Back Pain,Back Sprain,Bipolar Disorder(Nightmares),Cancer Chronic Pain,Seizures,Diabetes,Epilepsy,Fibromyalgia,Glaucoma E.T.C **SERIOUS INTERESTED BUYERS SHOULD**E-MAIL: (, CALL/TEXT: (303) 578-7712 OR **SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) "

Wednesday, May 4 at 12:55 PM:
Brend from EU wrote:
"High Quality Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Delivery will be 100% Discrete and Safe. **SKYPE: medical fourtwenty OR **E-MAIL: ( This connection we made has truly done so much for our family already.” You can also get Canasol for those suffering with Glaucoma. "Canasol is the only Medication that Treats Glaucoma Effectively""

Tuesday, April 26 at 08:38 AM:
Cynthler from U.K wrote:
"I Purchased Quality Cannabis Oil from E-mail:( OR SKYPE: (medical fourtwenty) which I used to cure my Husband's Prostrate Cancer in less than 6 months, without using chemo AT ALL!! I've seen the side effects of chemo on others and decided completely against it. My husband's cancer markers where 875 and in just less than 6 full months they are below 30. Our oncologist couldn't believe it when he told her how we did it. Yes, I was careful to keep his diet alkaline but he took the cannabis oil 3 x daily and Now he's cancer FREE. "GOOGLE IT" Cannabis Oil is a Real Cure for Cancer. Don't Run from the cure!!"

Wednesday, April 20 at 08:05 PM:
Legit Supplier~!!! from U.S wrote:
"Top Shelf Medical Marijuana strains,Cannabis Oil and Canasol for Glaucoma Patients!! Your Packaging will be 100% Discrete and A Safe & Confidential Delivery is Guaranteed.(SKYPE: medical fourtwenty) OR (E-MAIL:"

Thursday, April 14 at 11:46 PM:
CANNABIS OIL Cures Cancer**E-MAIL:( from U.S.A wrote:
"After his first 3 months of Cannabis Oil use, My Father's Tumors decreased up to 60%! his oncologist was shocked.I am so happy with how the Cannabis oil have changed the life of my father.Not only do I truly believe it has been the reason his tumors are decreasing, but also he is off his anxiety and sleeping meds! Something that he had relied on so much before, now replaced with a natural cure (Cannabis Oil). We Bought high quality Cannabis Oil from E-MAIL:( / WICKR: (mmjsupplier15) and Our Delivery was 100% Safe. This connection we made has truly done so much for our family already.” You can also get Canasol for those suffering with Glaucoma. "Canasol is the only Medication (eyedrop) that Treats Glaucoma Effectively" "

Monday, March 7 at 08:00 AM:

Thursday, March 3 at 10:18 PM:
"If you are looking for a Reliable Website to securely Order High Quality Medical Marijuana/Cannabis OR Oil, I will Recommend you to E-mail: *(* OR Skype: *(marijuana network420)* where I got some quality stuff for myself. They offer the best marijuana online services!! "

Wednesday, February 10 at 11:50 PM:
Angela from U.S.A wrote:
"We are New to this Website and after a long search for Quality Stuff Online, We have finally found a Reliable Source: ( OR *Wickr ID:(mmjsupplier15) who supplied us with some High Grade Marijuana, Hash, Shatters & Cannabis Oil. Thanks for the professional service Bro!!"

Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 12:51 AM:
Sheila G. from Hillsboro, OR wrote:
"I have had fibro for over 20 yrs. I keep getting worse, and now Kaiser is using Rxs that helped me for only cancer patients. I have more trouble than ever moving & sleeping. Marijuana not an option for Kaiser patients. Do any providers allow marij.? "

Saturday, March 30, 2013 at 01:23 PM:
Jonas Johansson from Sweden wrote:
"Hello doctors! I have a problem that I would more than happy to be helped with, my mom is 45 years old right now and she has been suffering from hard fibromyaligi for more than 20 years now. She has been eating all kinds of anti-depressive medicins and she's feeling like crap everytime, and now she's trying to relief the pain with alcohol.. My mom is raised and has allways been living in sweden, and been that kind of person that litsens and believes everything that media says, one thing is that marijuana is dangerous. Im not that stupid. I know that marijuana would help her, it would remove almost all of her pain, dizzines and sleeping problems and all of the other bad effects fibro has. My mom refuses to use cannabis for medical use, because it's illegal in sweden and she thinks it's dangerous. I have shown her all kinds of documentaries and all kinds of websites that qoutes that marijuana is good for your body. I hate to see my mom in pain and not be able to work everyday, its terrible. I dont know what to do anymore, i just want my mom to realize that testing one time for a medical cause is not a bad thing, even if its illegal or not. I dont really know what kind of answer im looking for, maybe something that can help me persuade my mom or make the politicans and doctors in sweden be smarter so they can name it medical marijuana instead of "dangerous drug"

Please help.

Best regards from sweden.

Contact me at - "

Monday, January 23, 2012 at 3:06 PM:
Perry from MERCY wrote:

Try making tea from it, that's the simple method. You can also make tictures, and canna-butter - which you can then use in baking. Also, mix into cream - like noxzema - let sit for a spell (the longer, the better) and try applying it topically where it hurts.

best wishes,


Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 01:01 AM:
Michele Morrison from Scotland wrote:
" hi, please please help me with some info. i suffer extremme fibromyalgia & no meds have worked i am intolerant to them all, so want to try medical marjuana only thing is i dont smoke, so my questin is can you eat it and what kind should i get, sorry i have no info im desperate here, i look forward to your reply.

best wishes,

Michele "

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 09:50 AM:
Jelle Schaegen from Amsterdam and Maastricht, The Netherlands and Marbella, Spain, wrote:
"My website is all over the internet and even often on the very first pages. Believe me or not, so many just ignore the information I and others put out. Cognitive dissonance that is what it is called. Or maybe the internet is not at all that much used to find useful information, on several subjects, as we are supposed to believe. It looks as if people rather remain stupid and prefer to be butchered and/or slowly poisoned with pharmaceutical drugs than sort some good things out for themselves. Anyway, I know how to help you when you suffer from fibromyalgia! Of course there will be a difference in how long the treatment will take depending on whether you got the disease two years or ten years ago for that matter.

But if you live nearby, I can help you in big steps and in a very safe way. Beware, there are so many treatment officers around, from all layers, who just pretend they can help you and they will feel no shame about that. Anybody who thinks he/she has a feeble mind, or is psychiatric, better not use marihuana without proper guidance. However I think, marihuana is beautiful and very inspiring stuff and it has fantastic healing qualities. Every intelligent person knows that. :)It has been widely used for ages.

Jelle Schaegen
Bodywork, Myofascial Release. "

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 08:55 PM:
sharebear from oregon wrote:
" i just got diganosed with fibro. i had my daughter and shortly after that wham u have fibro. well i have only had it for a year and man how things u normally did u find them so hard to do. and shocker is im only 26, and i cant do the things i could do before. "

Tuesday, August 25, 2010 at 05:45 PM:
Kathleen from Lincoln City Oregon wrote:
"I've had fybromyalgia for years and been treated with different drugs with horrible side effects, to help me sleep, to relax me. They no longer work. I am in so much pain, (I'm 68) that I am having to give up hobbies and activities that kept me preoccupied while enduring the pain. I smoked pot in the 70's to sleep that was all and I didn't need all that other medicine. I wish I could find a doctor that would prescribe cannabis so I could get to sleep and sleep restfully. Pain medication makes me itch and nauseated and sick, so all I can do is cut a sliver off at a time to avoid the side efffects and that's not mentioning the constipation etc. What's an old woman to do.? It took me 40 mins to write this my hands hurt so bad. "

Friday, March 27, 2009 at 05:41 AM:
lorraine south from illnious wrote:
"I have fibromyagia, plus severe knee pain from an accident bulging disc L4-5 & L5-s1 I need to get medical marajauna I dont believe in drugs or alcahole buy I take alot of pain pills can you help? thank you "

Monday, July 21, 2008 at 08:07 PM:
"Marijuana Ingredient May Cut Fibromyalgia Pain Preliminary Study Shows Less Pain, Better Quality of Life in Fibromyalgia Patients Taking Nabilone By Miranda Hitti WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MDFeb. 19, 2008 -- Nabilone, a pain drug based on marijuana's active ingredient, may ease fibromyalgia pain.

So say Canadian researchers, based on a preliminary, short-term study. The study included 40 fibromyalgia patients. visit - may-cut-fibromyalgia-pain"

Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 06:40 PM:
dawn bailey from ohio wrote:
" i am a sufferer from this deasies, and it,s so painfull, this is what helps me and i can go to jail for it, not right is it ? we need it here in ohio "

Monday, October 8, 2007 at 09:30 PM:
Val from Seattle wrote:
"I need help finding a medical marijuana friendly dr. I have been diagnosed with fibro for well over 10 yrs ago and I am currently only 42. I need to get my life back. Can anyone help me -please? "

Sunday, October 7 at 10:07 AM:
Wes from Los Angeles wrote:
" Addition to my last post. If anyone has any info that may help me, my email is

Wes "

Sunday, October 7 at 10:04 AM:
Wes W from Los Angeles wrote:
" One plant Vs. another? I dont get it, why can we extract the opiates from poppys to make pain medicines (which are addictrive) but when we mention using another plant drived analgesic we are scorned? I cant take it anymore, unsympathetic after another..yes I believe you are in, I wont treat you with narcotics even if thats the only thing that helps. I give up, I am going to try medical marijuana the "legal" way..which is still questionable in california. While being legal under state law, its is illegal under federal law, so our dispensaries out here keep getting raided...enough is enough people!!!! What is it going to take for them to realize that the only difference between a pot dealer and a bartender, is one has a license and is taxed by the government, but isnt it ironic that they legalized the more dangerous one? Didnt prohibition teach us anything???? When we the last time you heard on the news about cops raiding an illegal gin facotry or a still? THEY DONT! Because alcohol is legal and no one has any reason to manufature it. If marijuana was legal, no one would need to grow it...WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!! Thanks for letting me rant...I'm in a lot of pain with my fibromyalgia right now.

Wes "

Monday, August 13 at 12:27 AM:
D. McKinney from Vanvouver WA wrote:
" I have had Fibromyalgia for almost 10 years now and it is running me into the ground. The Vicodine and Oxycodone that I take give me longer side effects then relief. I have and HMO/KP and seriously doubt that they would recommend or prescribe cannabis for my pain (for leagal and obtaining purposes.) So what do I do? I would like to know of a Dr. in the area that I could go to that could help me. I am hoping someone on the site will be able to guide me in the right direction...Dr. Whatever I need to do. Thanks for listening

D~ "

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 02:17 PM:
persecuted mom from georgia wrote:
"I have fibro and was smoking half a joint before bed to help me sleep. In fight to keep my kids due to school's bs accusation and they want a drug test done without any probably cause. Marijuana has helped more than anything else and without the hangover. "

Friday, November 17 at 02:14 AM:
Lawrence E. Seward Jr. from Washington wrote:
"I recieved an injury when I was in the military, It was at that point that I believe I began to suffer from fibromyalgia. So many doctors, So many drugs, so many different treatments. I am now currently see the only Doctor available to me and he is a chiroproacter, The results for me are great indead. It does suck that since the VA medical system has turned there back on me, but what does not suck is that on the day that they politely and correctly turned me away was the day that a friend came up to me and was like 'Dude read this' She gave me a pamplet on fibromyalgia, and for almost verbatium even down to the medicines I was prescribe previously was on the papers. I have also Smoked Marijuana for quite some time. after the injury do remeber say that it makes me feel better but I chalked that up to just being a stoner. It was when I stopped Smoking for a while and then started up that I noticed that it did truely help.

First I need to get myself profesional diagnosed with fibromyaligia, then I was wondering how do I obtain medical marijuana.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, Lawrence E. Seward Jr "

Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 05:05 PM:
Carol from Portland, OR wrote:
"After suffering from the various symptoms for almost a decade, my Dr. finally diagnosed my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. The pain got so bad, I couldn't leave bed, and lost my well-paying job, lost my home, and my disabled husband and I had to move clear across the country to live with our son. Before I left North Carolina, a friend recommended that I try marijuana to alleviate some of the symptoms. So for about two months before I left, I just smoked a small amount each night around bedtime. It made a huge difference in how I slept and how I felt the next day. I need to abstain in order to find another job out here, but frankly I tried for about two weeks, and got in such bad shape that my son insisted that I start using a small amount again at bedtime. I am a creative person, and am trying to figure out some way to make a living without having to submit to what I consider a ridiculous drug test. I would never go to work stoned and I feel what I do on my own time for my health is my business. When are these corporate people who I happen to know DO smoke at times, going to figure out that cannabis is much better than the after-affects of sleeping pills, pain pills, etc.?"

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 12:23 PM:
Vanessa from Indiana wrote:
"I have suffered with chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, severe depression, chronic fatigue, panic attacks and anxiety, along with social disoders. Marijuana helped to control the panic attacks and anxiety, the shakes, stimulated my desire to get out of the bed when I couldn't, to sleep when I could not. I was a very creative person, floral design & now beaded jewelry, marijuana would let me do those things

Vanessa "

Monday, April 17, 2006 at 01:21 PM:

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