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Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
Information about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
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Welcome to MERCYs web pages dedicated to information on Cannabis in Brazil and related issues.  

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Medical cannabis resources and more.  We also try to include basic cannabis and related law and policy reform links and orgs for associated areas and functions such as human rights, justice, environment, health and other issues that potentially share resources.  

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Status of Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) in Brazil.

  Info on Brazil and Medical Cannabis 

Brazil does NOT have a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) LAW.

Brazil - status Brazil | Law, Legislation, Action and Activities as we find out. ... Click > here < for current info.

  The Law, LEGAL Resources  

Brazil - status Legal and medical status of cannabis From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | Brazil (South America) Illegal | Possession: Illegal (Depenalized for personal consumption); Sale, Transport: Illegal; Cultivation: Illegal (Depenalized for personal consumption); The possession of any drug in Brazil, for personal consumption, entails a warning, community service and education on the effects of drug use. The same applies for the planting and/or preparation of small amounts of any drug. Selling and transportation of any drugs, as well as the possession or cultivation of larger amounts thereof, caracterize the crime of drug trafficking, punished with 5 to 15 years in prison and a significant fine. Brazil doesn't punish personal drug use, but trafficking or transporting small amounts of controlled substances is a criminal offense, punishable by drug abuse education or community service. Some advocates worry the law isn't clear about how much constitutes personal possession, and that can leave it up to a judge's discretion about whether someone should be punished. In November, former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso joined former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan in calling for the decriminalization of all drugs and allowing countries to experiment with drug regulation. >> source -

. . . and . . .

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Erowid Cannabis Vault : Legal Status - by Erowid | U.S. FEDERAL LEGAL SUMMARY Cannabis REGULATED Yes STATUS Scheduled SCHEDULE Schedule I CLASSIFICATION Hallucinogen Both Cannabis and Tetrahydrocannabinols, the active chemicals contained in Cannabis plants, are Schedule I in the United States. This means they are federally illegal to cultivate, buy, possess, or distribute (sell, trade or give) in all forms (cannabis plants, extracts, hash, hash oil, thc, etc) except synthetic THC (Marinol) which is Schedule III.

Practically, simple possession of small amounts is almost never prosecuted federally. The federal scheduling of Cannabis was disputed in 1988 by Judge Francis Young, an administrative law judge for the DEA, who recommended that marijuana be reclassified as schedule II on the grounds that if a respectable minority of doctors endorse it, then it has a "currently accepted medical use". [Full text of Judge Young's ruling].

Brazil | Cannabis sativa is listed as a controlled substance, making the plant and all of its parts illegal to cultivate, distribute, or possess. Other cannabis species do not appear to be listed, though THC is separately scheduled. Presumably any THC-containing plant is illegal by extension. We have been told that as of 2007 cannabis prohibition is not vigorously enforced. (thanks P) ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Stoners' Guide - Marijuana.Net Marijuana 101. Stoner Stories/Rants. Smokin Hotties. Archives. Contact Us. Shop ... 2008-06-28 04:42:46 - Real Deal Brazil. People Events Videos Photos ... Destination: City of God June 28, 2008 Leaving Rome was rough. Our flight was at 5:30 a.m. and we were out the night before drinking the city dry of authentic Roman Pinot Noir until the wee hours. Stuffing the last bits into our suitcase we did the mad dash to the airport and practically cried when we saw that the check in line for our flight was 300 people deep and moving like molasses. Some how, some way we made it on the plane, barely catching our flight. The duration of flight time from Rome, Italy to Rio de Janeiro was 13 hours and boy it wasn’t easy. With our first connection in Lisbon, Portugal taking three hours to get off the ground it felt as if we would never get to Brasil but we did.

When we landed, (a whole day after we departed) it was already almost midnight and customs was a breeze. The airport officials handed out a few seriously alarming pamphlets about who not to associate with (everyone) because everyone is trying to rip you... ... Our taxi driver was sweet but couldn’t speak a stitch of English and unfortunately Mikes Spanish was not cutting it. Portugese is a hard language to decipher, so in order to convey the simpliest question it takes a lot of work and thought processing.

Finally, we come to realize the term maconha (ma-quena-wa) means marijuana and our taxi driver Raul says “oooooh maconha!! Si Si… oh no no no”. Si, Si, no, no, no? Is it yes… or is it no? Can you get the damn weed or not Raul!? Raul says no. He doesn’t know anyone who can help us out either- yeah right. As soon as he delivers the bad news, we arrive at our hotel. Convenient- now we cant kill him! ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - marijuana prices, and where to buy weed in Brazil | Where to Buy Marijuana in Rio de Janeiro: Weed is not legal in Brazil but you can buy ... Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 2 - Legislation: Import, export, send, make, buy, sell, expose to sell, offer, prescript, keep [...] or deal drugs, even if for free: 5 to 15 years of jail and R$ 500 to R$ 1500 fine. Although pro-Marijuana campaigns are ongoing in Brazil, Marijuana is illegal in all Brazil, and so is any related action: smoking, cultivating, purchasing, etc. However, there is substituting mandatory rehabilitation for users. another reporter added: “illegal- but everyone smokes on the beach, and many hawkers are offering varying qualities of brick. mostly brown and shit- as well as cocaine and xtc..”

Law Enforcement: Police are intolerant, but can be persuaded with a good incentive…. or, as our Brazilian reporter said:” always watch for the police. They’ll want to find you doing something to get some money out of you!”. So, to sum things up – the police are quite eager to put their hands on you and lock you up, but it is nothing a few American dollars cant fix. another reporter added: “all over and looking for gringos smoking”

Where to Buy Marijuana in Rio de Janeiro : Weed is not legal in Brazil but you can buy it almost anywhere. You should also visit the “favelas” – once inside a “favela” you can find weed in almost any street or “viela”. But that’s not a safe place at all to buy or consume, although you’ll see a lot of people doing it…). A safer way to purchase would be asking other tourists who have already been in Brazil for a while. There a few places much cooler to go and enjoy yourself (and even score some good weed) like Santa Teresa and Lapa. another reporter added: “friendly brazilian smokers is best… but everywhere on the beach is available from venders and hippies selling jewelry…..”

Rio de Janeiro Marijuana Prices: Marijuana is very cheap in Brazil, and Rio Marijuana prices reflect it. Weed prices range from USD 0.50 ( in the favelas; low quality weed ), USD 4.00 ( medium quality; not bad; from dealers ), to USD 15.00 ( very good quality; few dealers). another reporter added: “2-5 R$ per gram 1R$= 2 US$”

Brands: Brazilian Marijuana is usually of poor quality and low potency. Finding high quality weed is rare, and costs much more. The hash is plentiful. The best ones come from Colombia and Paraguay. Brazilian weed is in fact of lower quality, although one can find some good surprises now and then. brick-compressed brown to green depending on how lucky you are ... Visit:

International law

Marijuana is in Schedule IV of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, making it subject to special restrictions. Article 2 provides for the following, in reference to Schedule IV drugs:

    A Party shall, if in its opinion the prevailing conditions in its country render it the most appropriate means of protecting the public health and welfare, prohibit the production, manufacture, export and import of, trade in, possession or use of any such drug except for amounts which may be necessary for medical and scientific research only, including clinical trials therewith to be conducted under or subject to the direct supervision and control of the Party.

This provision, while apparently providing for the limitation of marijuana to research purposes only, also seems to allow some latitude for nations to make their own judgments. The official Commentary on the Single Convention indicates that Parties are expected to make that judgment in good faith. Visit - - for more.

  local Organizations, CONTACTs and other Resources  

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: O Coletivo Marcha da Maconha Brasil é um grupo de indivíduos e instituições que trabalham de forma majoritariamente descentralizada, com um núcleo-central que atua na manutenção do site e do fórum de discussões a ele anexado. Apesar de existir tal núcleo, todo o trabalho é realizado de forma horizontal e coletiva entre uma rede de colaboradores, no qual os textos, artigos e todo tipo de trabalhos são compartilhados de acordo com as necessidades, disponibilidades e engajamento de cada um. Ainda atendido esses critérios, todos somos apenas membros. Organizadores Locais, Organizadores Nacionais, Apoiadores, Colaboradores, sejam instituições ou indivíduos todos são membros do que atualmente se mantém existindo justamente graças à existência de uma rede de relacionamento entre instituições, profissionais, pesquisadores, ativistas, redutores de danos e membros da sociedade em geral engajados na questão. Mas todos somos membros desse Coletivo. Não temos líderes, coordenadores, caciques, nem presidentes. Muito menos presidentes honorários.   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: É outubro! Vídeo: TV Senado debate descriminalização do usuário de drogas ... setembro 27, 2012 Debate, Legislação, Vídeos | A TV Senado está exibindo uma série de 5 reportagens sobre a proposta de reforma do código penal. A primeira reportagem abordou uma visão geral da reforma, enquanto a segunda tratou da descriminalização do aborto, que também está prevista no novo código. A terceira reportagem da série, exibida ontem, tratou do debate sobre a descriminalização… ... agosto 27, 2012 Posted by Coletivo CannaCerrado underEventos Nenhum Comentário | Seminário sobre dependência química na Comunhão Espírita de Brasília, no próximo dia 2 de setembro. Confira mais informações no flyer e no site. “O teu sofrer tem como caus álcool cigarro ou outras drogas?” VI Seminário sobre Dependência Química Palestras no período da manhã e tarde 02 de setembro de 2012 Auditório Bezerra de Menezes… Próxima Página » Ache o que procura: Pesquisar por: Canal Cannacerrado ... Fotos Notícias Vídeos Contatos História Quer ajudar? ...   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: Instituto da Cannabis Site do Instituto da Cannabis Pular para o conteúdo Início Camisetas aqui! Contato! Retire aqui seu certificado! Sobre o InCa Atenção Associados ao Instituto da Cannabis!!! A parceria do InCa com os organizadores do FESTIVAL NOSSA BARULHEIRA rendeu um desconto pra você!!! Apresentando sua carteirinha do InCa na entrada você pagará o valor do ingresso antecipado (só R$10,00)!!! Esperamos vocês lá!!!! FESTIVAL NOSSA BARULHEIRA 15/set – SABADO a partir das 22h - Local: Bar Opinião no Morro das Pedras   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: Coletivo criado com o intuito de difundir informações relevantes sobre Maconha, Legalização e a Regulamentação do Cultivo Caseiro de Cannabis. ÁLCOOL E MACONHA! Quem enche a cara de álcool todo dia, ou quase todo dia, é tão drogado quanto quem faz isso com maconha. Ou até mais! Por que maconha não faz o usuário passar vexame, nem ficar falando besteira. O brasileiro tem o vergonhoso costume de achar que álcool não é droga. Sim, o brasileiro. Pois em grande parte do mundo afora é proibido até mesmo beber na rua. Nem mesmo na calçada de casa é permitido. E a ciência já reconhece que os efeitos da maconha são muito mais leves e fáceis de controlar que os da bebida alcoólica. Inclusive os malefícios que ela causa mesmo se consumida em excesso, são muito menores que os do álcool e do tabaco. Não sou eu que digo isso, mas grupos cada vez maiores de médicos. Entre eles neurocientistas, psiquiatras e etc...   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: Blog da ASMA. Social media, Facebook: A.S.M.A.. Face da ASMA - Associação Secreta dos Maconheiros Assumidos, na Luta pela Legalização do barato... “Se uma lei é injusta, o correto é desobedecê-la.” Mahatma Gandhi Não Aceite a opressão ...   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: Coletivo Plante Idéias - Carta de principios O primeiro coletivo pró-legalização da cannabis de Joinville. O coletivo ''Plante Ideias'' foi criado com o intuito de levantar a debate sobre a politica proibicionista em relação a maconha e estimular reformas nas Leis e Políticas Públicas sobre a maconha e seus diversos usos: Ajudar a criar contextos sociais , políticos e culturais onde todos os cidadãos de Joinville (ou não) possam se manifestar de forma livre e democrática a respeito das politicas e leis sobre drogas; Exigir formas de elaboração e aplicação dessas políticas e leis que sejam mais transparente, justas, eficazes e pragmáticas, respeitando a cidadania e os direitos humanos. O coletivo ''Plante Idéias'' não tem a intenção de fazer apologia á maconha ou ao seu uso, nem incentivar qualquer tipo de atividade criminosa. As atividades do Coletivo respeitam não só o direito de manifestação de idéias e opiniões, mas também os limites legais desse e de outros direitos.   Visit - Legalize o boldo. Art. 2? Fica proibido, em todo o território nacional, o Peumus boldus, bem como o plantio, a cultura, a colheita e a exploração do vegetal do qual possam ser extraído ou produzido, ressalvada a hipótese de autorização legal ou regulamentar. (Lei fictícia, mas muito familiar para os autores desse blog)   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: Legaliza Brasil is on Facebook. To connect with Legaliza, sign up for Facebook today.   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: Início Parceiros O Camarão Jogos marijuanartivismo Contato DoE pArA a CaUsA! Antiproibicionismo Paradigma ético que propõe o acolhimento, a educação e a promoção da autonomia, ao invés de criminalização e repressão a práticas sociais que, por envolver pessoas com seus próprios corpos, não podem ser tuteladas pelo Estado. Direitos Humanos Os direitos humanos são os direitos e liberdades básicos de todos os seres humanos. Normalmente o conceito de direitos humanos tem a idéia também de liberdade de pensamento e de expressão, e a igualdade perante a lei. Porto Alegre É um município brasileiro e a capital do estado mais meridional do Brasil, o Rio Grande do Sul. Pertence à mesorregião metropolitana de Porto Alegre e à microrregião de Porto Alegre, e localiza-se junto ao Guaíba, a 2027 quilômetros   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: Tarso Araujo, autor do Almanaque das Drogas, participa nesta terça do ‘Growroom Ao Vivo’ 23 de September de 2012 // Postado por: dzdubem | Almanaque das Drogas é, sem dúvida, a publicação mais importante da literatura brasileira sobre o assunto [São Paulo, tudo normal] – A próxima terça-feira (25/9) será histórica para o Growroom. Faremos finalmente um bate papo que com certeza será muito interessante porque levantará as questões pertinentes aos cultivadores, praticamente ignorados pelas ONG’s e ‘fazedores de lei’ no Brasil. O mais legal é que Tarso Araujo, jornalista, pesquisador dos mais cabulosos e autor do Almanaque das Drogas (editora Leya), vai participar do papo também. Será na terça então, a partir das 22h, no Vamos prestigiar nossa comunidade. [Leia mais...] Últimas do Fórum » | Los Angeles Reverte Decisão De Proibir Venda De Maconha Medicinal Diário De Cultivo Do Mrcls - 2 Super Skunk Auto. Dúvida, Novato, 1º Grow Direitos Humanos E A Guerra Às Drogas Diogo Nogueira Defende Legalização Em Entrevista   Visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; International: - Brazil; Marijuana prices, and where to buy weed in Brazil | Copacabana (Rio), Florianopolis, Goiania, Maceio, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Vitória ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local TBA | As we learn about them. In the meantime ... Visit:

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Brazil - Resource, Org; local Cannabis in Medical Practice; A Legal, Historical, and Pharmacological Overview of the Therapeutic Use of Marijuana - edited by Mary Lynn Mathre, RN Buy this book | This book is the collaborative effort of 17 experts from the countries of Brazil, Jamaica, The Netherlands and the United States who tell the story of medical marijuana in layman's language based on facts, scientific inquiry, common sense and compassion. Included are hundreds of references for those who wish to explore the subject of therapeutic Cannabis to a greater depth. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Medical Marijuana Blog - An unbiased discussion on all aspects of Medical Marijuana. | ... major scientific breakthroughs were made in Israel, Spain, Italy and Brazil. ... 13 states have already legalized medical cannabis. ... Medical Marijuana History Plants have always been used as a source of medicine, so why not use medical marijuana to help patients? If we are honest, most of us think of marijuana or weed, ganja, chillums, cannabis, pot, skunk, and any number of alternative names (see marijuana slang) as a drug that induces feelings of happy tranquillity. The truth is that the most active constituent of marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), has some very useful medicinal effects.

For instance, its ability to inhibit vomiting makes it extremely useful for treating patients receiving chemotherapy, while its tendency to increase appetite bestows great potential in the treatment of eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa. Although cannabis was a medicinal plant for thousands of years, its medical use was suppressed and banned throughout most of the 20th century in the US. During this time, major scientific breakthroughs were made in Israel, Spain, Italy and Brazil. These breakthroughs are propelling the natural plant compounds called cannabinoids into the "wonder drugs of the 21st century". ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Brazil X KC Seeds @ StrainGuide - unbiased information about Brazil X KC Seeds from KC Brains ... money in the multi-billion dollar marijuana industry ... | 'Brazil X KC' from KC Brains Lineage: Not Listed Family: Unknown or mixed family Origin: Not Listed Region: Not Listed Genotype: Mixed, Indica / Sativa Indoor Maturation: 65 to 70 days Outdoor Maturation: Not Listed Sex Possibilities: Standard (M/F) Stature: Not Listed Yield: Not Listed Odor Level: 8 Odor Description: Not Listed Taste Level: 7 Taste Description: fruity accents

Breeder's Description - 'Brazil X KC' This sativa-indica hybrid is a happy producer indoors or out. The taste of these tight, incapacitating buds has fruity accents, yet she's anything but a sweet smoke. A prolific flowerer with strong aroma, she requires a bit of patience, so expect an 9-12 week photoperiod. Her disorienting cerebral effects are also accompanied by a body stone of considerable magnitude. The perfect antidote to leave a hard day's work behind you. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Cannabis, Abuse and Addiction, Anathema ... Cannabis - you'll hear it called wacky backy, marijuana, weed, puff, smoke, pot, ... and Morocco , Argentina , Bolivia and Brazil , have all reported increased usage. ... Cannabis - Medical Wonder Drug or Worldwide Anathema? Cannabis - you'll hear it called wacky backy, marijuana, weed, puff, smoke, pot, herb, dope, resin, skunk, grass. Call it what you will but never has such a small weed caused such a huge worldwide debate. See our new feedback and Addiction update section To some it is a social anathema which should be universally outlawed. Others want it legalised because they see it as both a harmless way to relax and a powerful relief from crippling pain. Abuse and Addiction

Cannabis was once valued for its medicinal qualities and as a useful source of food and fibre. But in the 21 st century preconceptions and misconceptions about the drug abound. So what is cannabis? The drug, thought to originate from India , comes from a plant (related to nettles and hops) which grows wild in many parts of the world. The first written account of cannabis usage can be found in Chinese records dating back to 2800BC. ... The UN estimates that at the start of the millennium around 3.5% of the world's population aged 15 and over were using cannabis - a staggering 147 million people. Asia is the largest user accounting for over 25% of the world's consumption. Countries such as Kenya , Malawi , Ghana and Morocco , Argentina , Bolivia and Brazil , have all reported increased usage. In America , smoking marijuana is more popular than surfing the internet! ... Visit:

International - Resources Treating Yourself | Medical Cannabis reference links. ... Mission: was created in May 2002 to provide medical marijuana users with information to assist them in their responsible use of medical marijuana. At their site they have info and links like -

    International - Resources International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM) | The International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM) was founded in March 2000. It is a scientific society advocating the improvement of the legal situation for the use of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa L.) and its pharmacologically most important active compounds, the cannabinoids, for therapeutic applications through promotion of research and dissemination of information. ...   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base | INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE (IOM) Report, 1999. The medical use of marijuana is surrounded by a cloud of social, political, and religious controversy, which obscures the facts that should be considered in the debate.   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine - by Dr. Grinspoon | Since marijuana is largely a folk medicine, not generally recognized by the medical establishment, the people who know most about it are those who use it on their own. The purpose of our website is to gain access to that body of knowledge so that we can share it with potential patients and physicians.   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Drug War Facts on medical marijuana | "A valuable resource for anyone concerned with drug policy." — Ira Rosen, Senior Producer, ABC News. "A compendium of facts that fly in the face of accepted wisdom." — David F. Duncan, Clinical Associate Professor, Brown University Medical School.   ...   Visit -

    International - Resources Health Canada - Information for the Patient - Marihuana (Cannabis) | This leaflet [link] is published by Health Canada for patients who have been authorized by Health Canada to possess dried marihuana.   ...   Visit -

Click here > < to read more Medical Cannabis reference links. For additional links of interest click there to visit Mr. Nice's links page.

International - Resources, Information ASA: Medical Info » Educational Booklets on Medical Cannabis » Multiple Sclerosis and Medical Cannabis | A Note from Americans for Safe Access: We are committed to ensuring safe, legal availability of marijuana for medical uses. This brochure is intended to help doctors, patients and policymakers better understand how marijuana—or "cannabis" as it is more properly called—may be used as a treatment for people with serious medical conditions.   This booklet contains information about using cannabis as medicine. ... and legal access to medical cannabis (medical marijuana) for therapeutic uses ... International, and elsewhere have shown great promise for new medical applications. ...   ...   Visit -

For more information on cannabis (marijuana) as medicine, see the Basics, below.

  LEGISLATION, Action Items and related Resources  

Brazil - Resources | is the homesite for the Cannabis Rescheduling Petition ... International Cannabis Alliance of Researchers and Educators (I-CARE) - 1992 ... Marijuana Research: Medical Professional... The 2002 Petition to Reschedule Cannabis (Marijuana) Accepted Medical Use: Medical Professionals

Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community, including the Institute of Medicine. Numerous medical organizations support legal access to cannabis for medicinal purposes. A new medical journal released in 2001 focuses on the medicinal use of cannabis and cannabinoids. National clinical conferences on the medicinal use of cannabis have been held in the United States in 2000 and 2002 and are scheduled to continue on a biennial basis. Most importantly, data on the number of physicians currently recommending therapeutic marijuana use to their patients demonstrate its acceptance by the medical community in the United States.

The most significant evidence of marijuana’s acceptance by the medical community in the United States consists of data on the number of physicians currently recommending marijuana medical use by their patients: "By any reasonable definition, marijuana has "currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States."   ...   Visit -

Organizations and other Resources Any others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Got an Idea? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

  other National and International ORGz Section 

Brazil - Resources, Meetings and Meet-Ups Meetings and Meet-Ups > Medical Cannabis Meetup Groups - Medical Cannabis Meetups around the world | Find a Medical Cannabis Meetup Group near you ... grouped by City and Country ... find the ones with the most people interested in Medical Cannabis Meetups in Brazil ... international, national, provincial, municipal levels   ...   Visit -

Brazil - Legal Resources | Marijuana Research Links: Medical Use ... summaries; scientific and legal arguments for medical marijuana; search engine for research reports on ... Organizations. Medical Cannabis and Scientific ... Library: Research Links Research Guide ... Use the links below to research any aspect of marijuana, medical cannabis, drug policy and the public policy process including: Medical Cannabis and Scientific Research; Gettman on the Web; Dependence, Addiction, and Abuse Potential; Criminal Justice and Public Health Data; U.S. Drug Policy; Legal and Legislative Aspects of Drug Policy; International Drug Policy; Non-Profit Organizations   ...   Visit -

Russia - Legal Resources The International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) | The ICRS is a non-political and non-religious organization dedicated to scientific research in all fields of the cannabinoids, ranging from biochemical, chemical and physiological studies of the endogenous cannabinoid system to studies of the abuse potential of recreational cannabis.   ...   Visit -

The 19th Annual Symposium of the International Cannabinoid Research Society Sun, 03/08/2009 | The ICRS is a non-political and non-religious organization dedicated to scientific research in all fields of the cannabinoids, ranging from biochemical, chemical and physiological studies of the endogenous cannabinoid system to studies of the abuse potential of recreational cannabis. In addition to acting as a source for impartial information on cannabis and the cannabinoids, the main role of the ICRS is to provide an open forum for researchers to meet and discuss their results.

The mission of the ICRS is to: foster cannabinoid research, to promote exchange of information and ideas about cannabis and the cannabinoids through the organization of scientific meetings; to encourage financial support from funding agencies and industries; to facilitate liasons between funding agencies, industry and the academic community, and to serve as a source of reliable information on the chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and the behavioral, psychological and social effects of cannabis and the cannabinoids (ICRS By-Laws, adopted June 1992).   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources ASA's Federal Quarterly Newsletter » Medical Cannabis Policy Update: Spring 2009 | Medical Cannabis Developments: Legislative, Legal, State Programs, International and Research ... for California Provider of Medical Cannabis. >> INTERNATIONAL >> CANADA: Restrictions of Medical Cannabis Program Unconstitutional Russia: Autonomous Regions Can Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources A International World Wide Listings Of Marijuana & Cannabis Clinics & Dispensary's | California Medical Marijuana Buyers Club ... A Indepth Roster & Reviews California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries ... National & International Marijuana Dispensary's Clinic Listings. Any Medical Clinics & Or Dispensaries Or Delivery Services Who Would Like To Get Listed Here On This Page Of Our Website.   ...   Visit -

Resources, Organizations - NORML Medical Use by State NORML Home / Medical Use by State. All States and Canada Mexico Europe Other ... See Map: for more.

Resources, Organizations - Patients Out of Time, a patient advocacy organization Patients Out of Time is a patient advocacy organization with a universal constituency. They support the rights of patients to have a legal and safe access to the therapeutic use of cannabis. The mission of their organization, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, is the education of health care professionals and the public about the therapeutic use of cannabis. Their leadership is composed of medical and nursing professionals with expertise in the clinical applications of cannabis and five of the seven patients (two wish to remain anonymous) who receive their medical cannabis from the US government. Patients Out of Time is the only national non-profit in the United States that focuses only on therapeutic cannabis issues. Visit -

Resources, Organizations - Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) Marijuana Policy Project (MPP). Join the Marijuana Policy Project! State officials confirm Supreme Court decision does not impact state medical marijuana laws. Medical Marijuana Briefing Paper - 2005. Until 1937, marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the United States ... Hawaii enacted a medical marijuana law via its state legislature in 2000 and ... Visit:

Resources, Organizations - DrugSense: Drug Law Reform DrugSense: Drug Law Reform ... of Justice Statistics, State Court Organization, 1998 (Washington, DC ... Cannabis in Medical Practice: A Legal, Historical and Pharmacological... Visit:

Organizations and other Resources Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

  FORUMs Section 

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Welcome to Answerbag, a community of people sharing what they know. Sign up now to ask a question or help someone else by giving an answer! Have a question? Ask it! Know an answer? Share it! Home » Categories » Places » South America » Brazil | Where can i get some marijuana in brasilia(brazil)? By scoundrel Asked Feb 3 2008 ... I don't know...but if you don't speak the language well, be stupidly careful. You don't want to end up on the 5o'clock news as some dumb tourist trying to score some weed causing an international incident. But if you do find out, let me know. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Cannabis Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club, Dispensary, News > CANNABIS.COM Community > Introduce Yourself Greetings from Brazil | Hi, I'm an Expat Canuck living in Brazil, I would have chosen Brazil in the drop-down list, as my home country when I joined but it wasn't an option, so I picked my original country, Canada, British Columbia to be more specific. Having read through the rules and warnings I'm not sure if I'm totally welcome here, see I'm not a medical marijuana patient but rather an advocate of change, to abolish the hypocrisy of marijuana laws. So much so that I make my living by promoting (and inventing) Reefer Poker, which is the combination of 2 prohibited activities that people are going to continue to enjoy, whether prohibited or not. I want to help effect change in our world, as it relates to the perception of cannabis. If people saw how restrictive the laws here in Brazil are, they'd get a clue as to how advanced California is and how lucky you are. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Planet Hemp Marcelo D2 - Cannabis Brasil... | Join Date: Mar 2008. Posts: 0. Blog Entries: 1. Medical Marijuana is on a distinguished road ... 420 Magazine > 420 LOUNGE > 420 TV > 420 News & Politics Planet Hemp Marcelo D2 - Cannabis Brasil ... Visit:

Resources, Organizations - Open Directory - Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: Pro-Legalization: Marijuana: Medical Purposes Open Directory - Society: Issues: Health: Drugs: Illegal: Pro-Legalization: Marijuana: Medical Purposes ... to providing medical cannabis to those in need. Initiative 692 - Medical Marijuana - WCMR of Washington State ... use of medical cannabis in the state of Colorado. Medical Marijuana ... click > here < for more.

Also, here are some other International Forums -

Russia - Resources International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums > Talk About It! > Cannabis Laws & Cannabis Legislation > NJ Medical Marijuana | N.J. Senate approves medical marijuana bill - Monday, December 15, 2008 | TRENTON BUREAU: A Senate committee today cleared a measure that would allow medical use of marijuana in New Jersey. The Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee voted to approve the long-stalled bill by a 6 to 1 margin; two senators abstained. The bill calls for creating “alternative treatment centers” where people with chronic and terminal diseases would be allowed access to marijuana. Supporters say marijuana is a viable treatment option to alleviate pain in many cases.

“It is the definition of basic human decency that we do whatever we can to ease the pain and suffering of people living with severe chronic and terminal diseases,” said bill sponsor Sen. Nicholas Scutari, D-Union. “When all other avenues of currently-approved pain relief have been exhausted, we need to give doctors the freedom to prescribe medical marijuana to give their patients a measure of comfort and dignity in the face of their debilitating diseases. This bill is about the most humane, compassionate option for those state residents who have nowhere else to turn in managing their illnesses.”

If ultimately approved by the full Legislature and signed by Governor Corzine, New Jersey would be the 14th state to allow medical use of marijuana.   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources | Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club directory, Collective, Dispenary Reviews, ... "The International Narcotics Control Board is deeply concerned ... Cannabis Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Club, Dispensary, News Cannabis Club / Clubs / Co-Op / Dispensary Directory   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources International | Medical Cannabis: Voices from the Frontlines. Our international counterparts may be surging ahead in their paths to provide safe access for patients who benefit from medical cannabis, but here in the US ... Archive for the ‘International’ Category In Case there was any Doubt… Tuesday, May 12th, 2009 Posted by elizabeth |   A new study entitled Marijuana Effectiveness as an HIV Self-Care Strategy, which was released this past weekend in Clinical Nursing Research, indicates that persons living with HIV/AIDS rate cannabis as more effective in treating the symptoms of anxiety, depression, fatigue, diarrhea, and neuropathy than other prescription and over the counter medications.

The study, which was conducted over a two year period and included 775 patients from the USA, Africa, and Puerto Rico, assessed the use of cannabis as a symptom management approach for anxiety, depression, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, and peripheral neuropathy.  27% of survey participants reported using cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Researchers wrote that cannabis use “was rated slightly more effective than antidepressants for anxiety and depression, Imodium for diarrhea, [over the counter] (OTC) medications for fatigue, and anti-epileptics and OTC medications for neuropathy” while cannabis was rated “slightly less effective for nausea than either prescribed or OTC medications.”   Authors concluded that cannabis “is perceived by users as at least as effective as prescribed medications in symptom management.”   ...   Visit -

Resources - Forums, Ganja Grocer Ganja Grocer | We are your Medical Marijuana Resource Center. Learn How to Become a Legal Medical Marijuana Patient. If you live in a state with Medical Marijuana Laws, Come visit our forums today! Visit - < for more.

Resources  - Forums, Chat Rooms, Message Boards CANNABIS.COM - is based in california and focused on providing the best possible resources for future and current medical marijuana patients, activists, and supporters. MessageBoard Forum. Cannabis FAQs. Image & Picture Gallery. Medical Marijuana. Vaporizer FAQ. Advertising Information ... Visit:

Resources  - Forums, Cannabis Community Coalition Cannabis Community Coalition. Forum for Medical Marijuana & Medicinal Cannabis Patients. ... visit: < for more.

Resources - Forums, Compassionate Coalition The Compassionate Coalition's mission: To defend the rights of medical marijuana patients and care providers through education and community participation. A nonprofit grassroots organization that helps build and support local chapters nation-wide, linking them with other medical marijuana reform organizations and resources. Contact Information - Mailing Address: The Compassionate Coalition * 1500 Oliver Road, Ste-K * P.M.B. #248 * Fairfield, CA 94533-3473 * (NOTE: When sending mail to this address, please be sure to write "The Compassionate Coalition" in the address line. Thanks!) * Fax: (916)266-7455 * or Visit:

Resources - Amsterdam THC Ministry
First Universal Church of Kantheism The Amsterdam THC Ministry, First Universal Church of Kantheism, is based on ancient wisdom, modern science and the enlightening and healing properties of the cannabis sacrament. Their mission includes liberating the sacred cannabis hemp plant and the minds and spirits of those who do and of those who do not revere it. May we all enjoy the rich, abundant, joyful and awakened life that is part of our natural inheritance. Visit:

Resources - Ya-Hooka; Health and Medicinal Buyers Clubs Organizations and Compassion Clubs Ya-Hooka; Health_and_Medicinal/Buyers_Clubs Organizations and Compassion Clubs providing access to medical marijuana  ... Co-op ~ The Alternative Relief Co-op is a patient-oriented medical cannabis dispensary located in San Francisco ... It Report Broken Link. Arizona Medical Marijuana Co-Op ~ Click here for more.

Resources - Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads Welcome to the Cannabis Classifieds Want Ads. To buy cannabis for medical purposes is legal in some areas. Here you will find hundreds of medical doctors, professional growers, and prescription patients in need who want to buy cannabis legally but can't find each other. Visit:

  EVENTs, Calendars and related Resources  

Brazil - Resource, Org; local REPRESSION ON MILLION MARIJUANA MARCH IN BRAZIL, Videos and Facts - published Thursday 12 June 2008 | On past May Brazil revived situations that reminded the period of the Military Dictatorship, when freedom of expression was suspended, social movements were violently repressed and protesters were considered criminals and punished by law. These events reveal the country still has a long way to go to consolidate itself as an effectively democratic nation.

The Marijuana March that was expected to happen in 14 cities was forbidden in Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, João Pessoa, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo and Santos. In these cities hundreds of people attended the manifestation, many not knowing the March had being prohibited. More than 50 protesters were arrested and charged with "crime apology", including some who were victims of police violence. The event took place only in Recife, Porto Alegre, Vitória and Florianópolis, where thousands of people manifested peacefully and the announced "apologetic behavior" did not come about. Still today some activists are being investigated in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, accused with practicing "crime apology", including researchers that are know nationally and internationally, such as Sergio Vidal and Edward MacRae. Both are at risk of being criminally charged with "inducing, stimulating or motivating drug abuse", article 33 of the new drug law that was passed on August 2006. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local BRAZIL-WSF-MARIJUANA-DEMO | A young man smokes a giant marijuana cigar during a march in favour of its legalization during the World Social Forum in Belem, Para, northern Brazil on January 31, ... Publication date: 1/31/2009; 8:15:00 AM GMT. A young man smokes a giant marijuana cigar during a march in favour of its legalization during the World Social Forum in Belem, Para, northern Brazil on January 31, 2009. AFP PHOTO/PAULO AMORIM ... Visit:

Events - Marches Marches | Demonstrations, Rallies and similar Action Items any situation where activists are trying to educate or draw attention to - yet another - victim and people are congregating ... like the Million Marijuana Marches ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

Events - HempFests HempFests | Street Fairs, Festivals and Farmers Markets - Music, Food and Stuff for Sale or Barter - any opportunity for activists to booth, people to gather and businesses to vend ... like any local versions of the Seattle Hempfest ... will be listed here as we find out about them.

Organizations and other Resources Other Types? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Got an Idea? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

  BIZ, and related Commercial Resources  

Brazil - Resources, Information WeedBay.Net - 1000 types of marijuana strains | Medical Marijuana Card | Medical Marijuana NEWS >> medical marijuana coop club dispensary map (Calif.), and more ... to view pictures in the strain guide you need to register or login   ...   Visit -

Marijuana Seeds: Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, and more Marijuana Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | - The finest quality marijuana seeds available direct from Holland. Our Marijuana seeds ( Cannabis Seeds ) are hand checked so you get the best; We stock the most popular varieties of marijuana seeds e.g. White Widow and Northern Lights; We ship seeds worldwide, discreetly packaged in crush proof envelopes; Seeds are batch tested in Holland & have 90% plus germination rate if germinated correctly; We stock the most awarded marijuana strains such as Cannabis Cup & High Times Cup winners. Almost every variety we stock has won awards! We stock an excellent range of feminized marijuana seeds * to Contact: Visit >>

Sensi Seeds: Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, Sensi Merchandise, Hemp and more Sensi Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | Sensi Seeds, where you can discover the stories behind many different facets of this legendary seed company, from its beginnings as one man’s passion and a small collection of very special seeds to the impact that the Sensi gene bank has had on medicinal marijuana and the culture of cannabis in the Netherlands and beyond. The locations and more information about Sensi Seeds shops can be found in the Shop Locations section. Medicinal users and anyone interested in the medicinal properties of marijuana will find useful and relevant advice and background information in the Medicinal Cannabis section. Cannabis Seeds, Medicinal Use, Sensi Merchandise, Hemp and more * Contact: Sensi Seeds B.V. - P.O. BOX 10952, 1001 EZ Amsterdam, Netherlands * Tel: +31 (0)20 626 29 88 * Fax: +31 (0)20 428 41 10 * or Visit >>

Weed Seed Shop offers regular, feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds, free shipping and secure payment Weed Seed Shop (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | Weed Seed Shop offers regular, feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds, free shipping and secure payment. The Weed Seed Shop collection contains the most cheap cannabis seeds available online. Only with us you can buy 5 feminized cannabis seeds for less than €15! A selection of the most affordable cannabis seeds on the internet * Contact: WSS BV - P.O. box 10952, 1001 EZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands * or Visit >>

Buy Dutch Marijuana Seeds Buy Dutch Seeds (Horticulture, Cannabis {medical} ) | High Quality Dutch Cannabis Seeds (Marijuana Seeds) delivered stealth packaged World-wide | High Dutch Cannabis Marijuana seeds from the worlds best seed supplier. Superior quality cannabis seeds from Amsterdam. High germination success, hundreds of different varieties from only the best breeders. Top smoking marijuana for our customers is the highest priority! They´ll help you personally to succeed. Note, WARNING - check your countrys laws, some will intercept the package and charge you with a crime.

Buy Dutch Marijuana Seeds They offer you the biggest list of seeds directly from top Dutch Cannabis breeders. Over 30 cannabis strains. Lots of Cannabis Cup winners like White Widow, Durban Poison and Northern Lights. They provide marijuana seeds for every need: Indoor, Outdoor, feminized, and medical. Discretion and SAFE shopping is guaranteed, SSL Secured. Discrete delivery worldwide! All seed-packages contain 10 seeds, they ship all seeds by Priority mail in plain packaging crush proof sealed envelops with no indication to the contents. * Contact: Postbus 938, 5600 AX Eindhoven, The Netherlands * or ... Visit:

Russia - Resource, Org; local Cannabis Books Co UK (BIZ) * Online Cannabis Books on Growing Medical ... Supplier UK EveryOneDoesIt.Com Online Books on Medical Cannabis Growing Books Recipes Magazines ... From the early beginnings of our first shop, customers have always praised our selection, prices, and flair for the imaginative. Ten years ago, our first retail shop opened up, specialising in smoking paraphernalia, piercing jewellery and giftware. The shop still stands in St. Albans although we've moved through four different locations since then, including an outlet in London's busy Leicester Square. Visit:

Russia - Resources, Information Oaksterdam University | Oaksterdam is recognized around the world as a symbol of the over-the-counter cannabis culture that emerged here and has gained acceptance in communities throughout the state. Quality training for the 420 industry. Classes enrolling now.   ...   Visit -

Businesses and other Commercial Resources Others? Will be listed here.  As we get the info. Know about one yourself? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

  NEWs and related Resources  

Brazil - Resource, Org; local For immediate release – 15 May 2008 BRAZIL: Marijuana March prohibited, demonstrators detained in clear violation of freedom of expression | ARTICLE 19 strongly condemns a series of judicial decisions prohibiting a march for the legalisation of marijuana in nine Brazilian capitals. The marches were scheduled to take place on 4 May 2008 in ten different cities, but state courts issued preliminary injunctions prohibiting the marches in nine of them. ARTICLE 19 is also appalled by the detention of around 20 demonstrators who attended the marches.

The Marijuana March is a global movement for the legalisation of marijuana, with demonstrations carried out in more than 20 countries. In Brazil, a series of judicial decisions prohibited the marches with the argument that they had the intention of disseminating and stimulating drug use – which supposedly configures “apology and instigation to crime”, according to the decisions. In at least four cities, police detained demonstrators or forced protestors to disburse. The decisions prohibiting the marches are based on article 287 of the Brazilian Penal Code, which defines as a crime the act of “publicly making an apology for a criminal act or for the author of a crime”, and article 33 of Law 11.343, which establishes the crime of “inducing, instigating or helping someone to use drugs”. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Mérida Interview: Luiz Paulo Guanabara, ... There are virtually no people seeking treatment for marijuana in Brazil, and the few who are in treatment for marijuana are usually young people sent by ... Mérida Interview: Luiz Paulo Guanabara, Brazil, Executive Director of Psico-Tropicus 2/21/03 Luiz Paulo Guanabara is the founder and director of Psico-Tropicus, a Brazilian harm reduction and anti-prohibitionist organization. A practicing psychologist, Guanabara is a Brazilian pioneer in integrating the principles of harm reduction with psychotherapy for drug users. For Guanabara, unifying the two disciplines implies being non-judgmental with clients and working with drug users who are not ready to seek abstinence. His career as a harm reductionist began in 1996 in Rio de Janeiro, when he was invited to participate in the city's first needle exchange program. DRCNet spoke with Guanabara in Mérida the evening the conference ended.

Week Online: What is Psico-Tropicus and what does it seek to accomplish? Luiz Paulo Guanabara: Psico-Tropicus is an independent agency that is anti-prohibitionist and interested in harm reduction. As a matter of policy, Brazilian harm reduction projects are funded by the federal government, mainly because of the AIDS epidemic. Psico-Tropicus has very few funds rights now, but we have a good chance this year of gaining funding from an American foundation. We are also looking for funds from some Brazilian nonprofit organizations. The group is still being formed and is composed already of academics and professionals in the health field, and we will probably have Federal Deputy Fernando Gabeira as our man in Congress.

Our main objective is to participate in the formulation of a new Brazilian drug policy. We want to take harm reduction and anti-prohibitionism into the meetings with government officials and civil society and to draw attention to the huge damage that drug prohibition causes to Brazilian society and the Brazilian people. Psico-Tropicus only came to life because we have a new government that we believe will be more open to new perspectives on drug policy. The violence associated with prohibition is unbearable, and we think the people are tired of all this violence. We will be like an independent agency that will strive to insinuate itself into the fabric of the new Brazilian drug policy that is now being planned. ... Visit:

The Medical Cannabis and Brazil - News Feeds > Brazil - News Feed, Powered by MAP.  Click here to build yours!< Click here to build yours!

  Medical Cannabis NEWs Feed  

  Drug War in Brazil in general NEWs Feed  

See more at The Media Awareness Project > Drugnews Archive ... visit -

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Ex-presidents of Latin America urge legal marijuana - February 11, 2009 | RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (CNN) -- Former presidents of Mexico, Colombia and Brazil called Wednesday for the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use and a change in tactics on the war on drugs, a Spanish news agency said. People march in support of legalized marijuana in late January in Belem, northern Brazil. Ex-presidents Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico, Cesar Gaviria of Colombia and Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil made their announcement at a meeting in Brazil of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy, the EFE news agency said. "The problem is that current policies are based on prejudices and fears and not on results," Gaviria said at a news conference in which the commission's recommendations were presented. The 17-member panel worked on the report for a year and will forward it to all Latin American governments as well as the United States and the European Union, EFE said. Gaviria said the time is right to start a debate on the subject, particularly with the pragmatic openings provided by the election of President Barack Obama in the United States. "In many states in the United States, as is the case in California, they have begun to change federal policies with regard to tolerating marijuana for therapeutic purposes. And in Washington there's some consensus that the current policy is failing," EFE quotes Gaviria as saying. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Medical Marijuana's Ec... 5 Sep 2008 ... It's estimated that $143 million in medical marijuana sales have netted $11.4 .... By law in Brazil every fuel station must offer alcohol. ... ... Brazil sounds really nice. If I didn't live far away from lots of people I would be a nervous wreck and probably would be an angry person. The country allows me to feel like I'm still free. ... By law in Brazil every fuel station must offer alcohol. They make their alcohol from sugar cane (a close friend of mine owns the second largest sugar mill and plantation in the world) and it is much more efficient in producing fuel than corn. Brazil is far ahead on many issues, they have their problems as well, but the people make it such a wonderful place to be.

They are positive, encouraging people that aren't as judgmental as americans. I'm so tired of Republicans trying to force us to do everything the way they do, I can't take them anymore. Brazil will pass us economically in the next 10 years and they really don't care about anybody else, they just love their country and work together to make it better. I've never seen a more divided america (I'm 36) and I don't have the patience to deal with it anymore. Brazil will be the next major power for sure, and I plan to do everything I can to support that. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Brazil - Brazzil Mag -- Trying to understand Brazil since 1989., Law prevents arrest of drug user. - In Brazil Cocaine and Marijuana Won't Land You in Jail Anymore - Written by José Wilson Miranda, Sunday, 27 August 2006 | The use of marijuana, cocaine and Ecstasy is quite widespread in Brazil mainly in the larger cities where there is plenty of the product coming from the favelas (shantytowns). Thanks to a new law, however, drug users, differently from drug traffickers, will not be sent to jail anymore. The new legislation specify that, although still illegal, Brazilians can "acquire, keep, store, transport or carry drugs for personal consumption," without the fear of being arrested for that. The law establishes that individuals are allowed to carry "small quantities" of drug, but leaves to the discretion of the judge or policeman how much is small. Anyone found by police with drugs for personal use will not be detained only having to sign a paper where he agrees to report for sentencing in a future date. At the same time the law, which was signed by Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, increases from three to five years the minimum prison term for people caught selling drugs. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Brazil - Brazzil Mag -- Trying to understand Brazil since 1989: Marijuana Marchers Stopped and Arrested in Brazil Written by Newsroom Thursday, 15 May 2008 | ã A series of judicial decisions prevented Brazilians from marching for the legalization of marijuana in nine capitals of Brazil's states. The marches were scheduled to take place on May 4, 2008 in ten different cities, but state courts issued preliminary injunctions prohibiting the marches in nine of them. The judges' actions have been condemned by several organizations including the London-based freedom of expression group Article 19, which said it was appalled by the detention of around 20 demonstrators who attended the marches.

The Marijuana March is a global movement for the legalization of marijuana, with demonstrations carried out in more than 20 countries. In Brazil, a series of judicial decisions prohibited the marches with the argument that they had the intention of disseminating and stimulating drug use. The marchers' actions supposedly configure "apology and instigation to crime," according to the decisions. In at least four cities, police detained demonstrators or forced protestors to disperse. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local CANS WITH MARIJUANA WASH TO BRAZIL SHORES - RIO DE JANEIRO - Thousands of ... ( Health)(Boosters launch an initiative asking voters to make medical pot more ... RIO DE JANEIRO - Thousands of unlabeled cans filled with compressed marijuana have been washing up along 400 miles of Brazil's southeastern coast for a week, federal police said yesterday. Police said they suspected a Panamanian-registered yacht cruising from Australia to the United States was ... ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local Newsbrief: Ohio Man Deported for Minor Marijuana Conviction Found Murdered in Brazil 5/28/04 Joao Herbert, adopted by a Wadworth, Ohio, couple from a Brazilian orphanage when he was eight, then deported back to a land he barely remembered after being arrested for a small-time marijuana sale, was found shot to death Tuesday in his native country, the Akron Beacon Journal reported. Herbert's body was found in the slums of Campinas, north of Sao Paulo, where he scraped by teaching English. His adopted mother, Nancy Saunders, told the Beacon Journal she had received reports her son was killed by police.

Herbert was deported after being convicted of selling marijuana to an undercover agent two months after he graduated from high school in 1997. Although he received only a probation sentence from the local court, he was ordered deported under a 1996 amendment to the immigration laws that made all but the most trivial crimes deportable offenses. And while Herbert had been adopted into an American family, US citizenship was not automatic, and he never obtained it. Saunders and her ex-husband Jim Herbert, Joao's adoptive father, spent two years trying to block their son's deportation, ultimately winning a unanimous recommendation for clemency from the Ohio Parole Board. Republican Gov. Bob Taft denied that recommendation, and Herbert was deported in November 2000. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local BRAZZIL - News from Brazil - Drugs (mari... Brazil has become the world's largest corridor for cocaine. ... They are those working in the marijuana fields in the Northeast and the dozens ... Just Saying Yes ... They are those working in the marijuana fields in the Northeast and the dozens of thousands selling drugs in the streets of the big cities. ... Costa's problem with drugs is not that uncommon anymore. The use of cocaine and crack once limited to street kids is now widespread throughout Brazil. In 1995, 12 tons of marijuana were seized in the whole country, while the same amount was reached in July in 1996, according to the Federal Police. In 1995 the police have also seized 5.3 tons of cocaine, 25 lbs. of crack, 15 lbs. of hashish, a half ton of coca paste and destroyed 2.5 million marijuana plants.

A HUGE EMPLOYER Drugs guarantee jobs to at least a quarter of a million people. Around 100,000 workers are employed by the marijuana plantations in Pernambuco in the Brazilian Northeast and another 150,000 sell marijuana, crack and cocaine in the streets of Rio and São Paulo. It's the drug trade that makes the Fourth-World poor and drought-stricken Polígono das Secas (Drought Polygon) in the Brazilian Northeast an island of prosperity encircled by abject poverty. The area comprising some 30 municipalities spreads over 256 small islands in the São Francisco river and includes towns such as Orocó, Ibó, and Cabrobó, which was once known as the Brazilian onion capital, but has now become the cannabis capital of Brazil.

Poverty hasn't disappeared in the area and 50 percent of the active population has no jobs, but there is no mendicancy in the streets and those who received a monthly $50 government check to work in the so-called frentes de combate à seca (drought fighting fronts) can now make $30 for a day's work in a marijuana plantation. For similar work at an onion field he can't make more than $3 a day. For the land owner — even though many pot fields are on government land — the pot culture is also much more lucrative. While he gets $30 for a kg. of marijuana, he can't charge more than 50 cents for a kg. of beans. João Freire, mayor of Cabrobó, says that he understands the problem. Talking to weekly newsmagazine Isto É, he noted: "The government doesn't finance the production of food, neither guarantees a minimum price for the crops. The rural land owner has no choice but to plant marijuana."

The president of Cabrobó's Rural Workers' Union, João Neném, agrees with the mayor: "We are against it, but we cannot deny that marijuana has helped to solve social problems in the region. People here end up working in the maconhais (marijuana fields). The alternative would be to steal so they can feed their families. " Cabrobó's military police seem resigned to their role of passive onlooker. To be able to do anything they would need a helicopter, a powerful boat and personnel. They have nothing of the sort. The little boat they got, has a broken engine and there's no prediction for when it will be fixed. Even with a powerful boat the MP soldiers wouldn't go out in the treacherous São Francisco water. Most of the two dozen soldiers don't know how to swim.

Many of the workers in the plantations live in a regime of semi-slavery, during the five months they spend working the cannabis fields. These men have a silence code and are armed, acting as their own security guard. According to Aécio Francisco Coelho, Cabrobós' police commissioner, every month a worker is murdered after leaving the The Maconha Polygon should produce 1.5 million tons of marijuana in 1996. The Federal Police says that the production will be less than 1 million tons since they have destroyed 2.7 million cannabis plants in recent months. Inspired by the Paraguayan marijuana producers, Pernambuco has been pressing its pot before shipping it. Police has already apprehended 100 pound marijuana "bricks", but normally these packages don't weight more than eight lb. The marijuana leaves the fields for $50 the kg and increases more than 30 times in price when it gets to the final consumer, who pays $1,600 for a kg of the product. ... Visit:

Brazil - Resource, Org; local U.S.-Funded "Expert" Brings Reefer Madness to Brazil; São Paulo Newspaper Claims that Marijuana Causes "Insomnia, Nausea, Muscular Pain," and "Loss of Appetite", By Al Giordano - Special to The Narco News Bulletin | MAY 16, 2003; RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL: As the country of Brazil moves closer to more humane and democratic drug policy, the vested interests – led by the “drug treatment” lobby – are trying desperately to pull it back to the Stone Age. The spear used by these Neanderthals of drug policy comes in the form of knowingly false statements about marijuana users and efforts to corral them into “treatment.” Even as hundreds of drug war critics met in Rio de Janeiro at the event co-sponsored by Narco News last Friday, a U.S. government-funded advocate of “marijuana treatment” had arrived in São Paulo to promote his fledgling industry: “Treatment” for marijuana smokers. Among the demonstrably false claims made the sponsors of the forum titled “Advances in the Treatment of Marijuana Users” at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) were, according to the daily O Estado of São Paulo, that the use of marijuana causes “insomnia, nausea, muscular pain, anxiety, nervousness, sweat, diarrhea, loss of appetite and intense desire to use the drug.”

These bizarre claims about marijuana already don’t fly in the United States, where they were made for years by the snake-oil salesmen of prohibition and later discarded after being thoroughly disproved by medical journals and professionals. In fact, the claims made in Brazil this week of insomnia, loss of appetite, and muscular pain, supposedly caused by marijuana use, are directly opposite to the consensus of doctors, investigators, and public health professionals in the U.S. and elsewhere who prescribe marijuana as an effective medicine to provide relief for those ailments.

The true facts – and the brazenness with which the Drug Treatment Lobby is lying about them in Brazil – makes the presence of professor Robert Stephens of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute as the special invitee of the São Paulo forum (he’s with a group that calls itself the “Marijuana Treatment Project”) a matter that should be scrutinized by U.S. taxpayers and Brazilian Civil Society alike. ... Visit:

Russia - Resources US Government Says It Will Stop Interfering with Medical Marijuana | According to this article, US Attorney General Eric Holder has said that states will be allowed to make their own rules about medical marijuana, and that the US federal government will stop raiding medical marijuana dispensaries in California. (See article “Can Marijuana Help Rescue California’s Economy?”at this link) In the 1990s, several US states passed referendums which allowed marijuana to be used legally for medical purposes. In a referendum, the registered voters vote directly on the proposed law, as opposed to the law being passed by the state legislature. Thus, when these states passed these referendums, it meant that the citizens of these states really wanted medical marijuana to be made legal.

However, in a blatant disregard for democracy and the people’s will, under the Bush administration, the national government refused to accept this law, and carried out raids of the medical marijuana dispensaries.   ...   Click > here < for more.

Resources, News - The Media Awareness Project Drugnews Archive The Media Awareness Project Drugnews Archive, Visit - to look up specific items - and - for the index.

Resources, News - Marijuana (cannabis) News Feed, by NORML NORML News Feed.  Visit -

Resources, News - MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit:

Resources, News - The American Alliance For Medical Cannabis (AAMC) The American Alliance For Medical Cannabis (AAMC) | Dedicated to bringing patients, caregivers and volunteers the facts they need to make informed decisions about whether Cannabis is the right medicine for them, the laws surrounding Medicinal Marijuana in your area, political activism and even handy recipes and guides to growing your own nontoxic medicine. visit:

Resources, News - Cannabis Times,  Alternative News Service for Cannabis and Hemp Cannabis Times. Alternative News Service for Cannabis and Hemp ... Montana Woman on Hunger Strike for Medical Cannabis. Visit Robin's Site * E-Mail the ... The science of medical cannabis continued its climb in estimation of medical professionals and ... visit:

Resources, News - Common Sense for Drug Policy: Medical Marijuana Facts & News. Common Sense for Drug Policy: Medical Marijuana Facts & News. Tuesday, July 12, 2005. Search using CSDP's own search tool or use. WWW Common Sense. More CSDP News Pages ... card program for medical marijuana patients. The suspension has ... consequences of issuing medical marijuana ID cards that could affect medical marijuana users, their families ...

Resources, News -, by DrugSense, by DrugSense | a News feed page. Visit:

Resources, News - Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) is an international organization working for an end to drug prohibition worldwide and for interim policy reform in US drug laws and criminal justice system. visit -

  some HISTORY  

Brazil - Resources, Information Erowid Cannabis Vault : Medical #3 The History of the Medical Use of Marijauna ... In Nepal, it is distributed on certain feast days at the temples of all Shiva ... Cannabis is used in Hindu and Sikh temples and at Mohammedan shrines. Besides using the drug as an aid to meditation, it is also used to overcome hunger and thirst by the religious mendicants. In Nepal, it is distributed on certain feast days at the temples of all Shiva followers (Blum & Associates, 1969, 11: 63).   ...   Visit -

Medical Cannabis, History - Letter: Medical Marijuana Informational Guide on Medical Cannabis | If you have ever heard of the song, “Lets Go Get Stoned,” as sung by Ray Charles or Joe Cocker, you know the lyrics were referring to getting high or using cannabis aka marijuana. This mind altering drug goes by other names as well; names such as weed, pot, joint, blunt, hash and mary jane are quite common among users. Cannabis is a plant that contains a chemical called cannabinoids or cannabinolidic acids. Another substance that is found in cannabis is THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, which gives the users that “high” sensation. When speaking of marijuana, the actual substance used in creating the high feeling comes from the leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is considered to be a schedule 1 controlled substance today, because of the THC, which can be highly potent, depending upon the concentration factor of the THC. Visit > < for more.

Medical Cannabis History - REEFER MADNESS BOOKS THE REEFER MADNESS ERA, REEFER MADNESS BOOKS (Info, History) By definition, it would be a contradiction in terms to list or classify a Reefer Madness book as a work of "Non-Fiction." Thus both genres are group together here simply as "Hard Cover" books; if only to distinguish them from the "Pulp Fiction" or "Dime Store novels" discussed elsewhere. However where appropriate the terms [Fiction] and [Non-Fiction] are used. Please take note - This Index consists solely of those books that the museum has been able to locate and is in no way shape or form complete. It should be thought of only as a starting point. Visit:

Medical Cannabis History - Pharmacutical Museum Cannabis medical manufacturer Pharmacutical Museum Cannabis medical manufacturer | [Made post-1937 medical Cannabis products]. Burrough Brothers Mfg Co. - 123 Market Place, Baltimore, ... Korn Pop Remedy Co. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ... visit -

Medical Cannabis History - Cannabis Quack Medicines Cannabis Quack Medicines | ... contained it as an ingredient, Medical Cannabis was as common as aspirin is ... the Hazeltine Corp., of Warren Pennsylvania, was founded in 1869, and soon ... visit -

Medical Cannabis History  - Marijuana (cannabis) News Archive, by NORML NORML News Archive.  Visit -

Medical Cannabis History  - Dr Tod; California doctor braves political pressure to prescribe marijuana for those in need. Dr Tod | California doctor braves political pressure to prescribe marijuana for those in need. ... German mother in a small Pennsylvania town during the Depression and ... California Cannabis Resear... Click > here < for more.

Medical Cannabis History  - Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization |... Youth," was, in fact, Cannabis Hemp, the most traded commodity in the world ... visit -

  Cannabis as Medicine  

Medical Cannabis - LESSON PLAN:MEDICAL MARIJUANA - LEGITIMATE USE OR LEGALIZED ABUSE? LESSON PLAN:MEDICAL MARIJUANA - LEGITIMATE USE OR LEGALIZED ABUSE? By Lisa Prososki, a former middle school and high school social studies, English, reading and technology teacher. Estimated Time: Approximately 45 minutes/1 class period Lesson Objectives: (1) Students will use cooperative learning activities to discuss opinions about medical marijuana use and see both sides of the issue, (2) Students will use decision making skills and strategies to render their own decision about the U.S. Supreme Court case related to medical marijuana use. Click > here < for more.

Medical Cannabis - Pros & cons on medical marijuana Medical Marijuana Pro/Con * Pros & cons on medical marijuana. Science, risks, policies, & laws. Should marijuana be a medical option? This site presents in a simple, nonpartisan pro-con format, responses to the core question "Should marijuana be a medical option?" Divided questions about the topic into the issues and sub-issues listed below. All individuals and organizations quoted on our site are ranked based upon our unique credibility scale. [Note: Although physicians and attorneys are listed on this site, they do not recommend or refer either.] visit:

Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana News and Facts Medical Cannabis (marijuana) News, Information, Organizations, Links.  Resources and more. visit -

Medical Cannabis - Factbook: Medical Marijuana Factbook: Medical Marijuana

1. Since 1996, twelve states have legalized medical marijuana use: AK, CA, CO, HI, ME, MT, NV, NM, OR, RI, VT, and WA. Eight of the twelve did so through the initiative process. Hawaii's law was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2000, Vermont's was enacted by the legislature and passed into law without the governor's signature in May 2004, Rhode Island's was passed into law over the governor's veto in January 2006, and New Mexico's legislation was signed into law by Governor Bill Richardson on April 2, 2007.

2. The Institute of Medicine's 1999 report on medical marijuana stated, "The accumulated data indicate a potential therapeutic value for cannabinoid drugs, particularly for symptoms such as pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation." And more. Visit -

Medical Cannabis - Information, NORML, Medical Use, Introduction NORML / Medical Use / Introduction | Introduction. Select One Send All States Canada Mexico Europe Other Alabama Alaska Am. ... District of Columbia FEDERAL Florida Georgia Guam Oklahoma Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana of individual patients to use medical cannabis under state law, or the ... visit:

Medical Cannabis - Information, Medical Marijuana Handbook  Medical Marijuana Handbook | This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at the San Francisco Buyers Club. Its patchy, and uncomplete, and acts only as a framework for Dr Todd to store snippets of info on various aspects of medical cannabis. Marijuana as Medicine - A Plea for Reconsideration, is a commentary article written by Lester Grinspoon and James Bakalar, which appeared in the June 21st 1995 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Medical cannabis web resources. Medical Marijuana Handbook This a draft by Todd. H. Mikuriya MD, a long-time advocate of medical cannabis, respected author and one of the medical staff at ... visit:

Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana Info Medical Marijuana Info Online Resource for Medical Marijuana Information. Partners. Events. Legalization. Doctors. Federal Law(s) Lawyers. Medical/Medicinal. AIDS/HIV. History. Magazines ... Ohio Marijuana Party. Montana. Montana NORML ... Visit:

Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana - Master Reference Medical Marijuana - Master Reference | Note: This page was prepared for the November, 1996 election. Some of the external links may be out of date. ... Cannabis Research Library - A collection ... visit -

Medical Cannabis - Yields and Dosage Cannabis Yields and Dosage | the authoritative study of the science and legalities of calculating medical marijuana. The booklet is available as a PDF by ... visit -

Info - Medical Marijuana Medical Marijuana ... to Washington's New Medical Marijuana Law" was adopted to ... The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A ... list of professional medical associations. Marijuana as medicine ... Visit:

Medical Cannabis - MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth MarijuanaNews.Com, Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth ... Court Decision On Medical Cannabis Expected This Week ... Medical Marijuana Co-operative Writes About Value Of Cannabis For MS Patients. Photo-ID Cards For Washington State Medical ... Visit:

Medical Cannabis - CCRMG - California Cannabis Research Medical Group CCRMG - California Cannabis Research Medical Group - WWW.CCRMG.ORG | Autumn 2004. O'Shaughnessy's. Journal of the California Cannabis Research Medical Group ... medical effects of cannabis. It is unl... visit -

Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A catalog page offering Cannabis sativa extract. Medical cannabis refers to the use of Cannabis as a physician recommended herbal th... visit:

Medical Cannabis - Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Medical Professionals Accepted Medical Use of Cannabis: Medical Professionals by | Cannabis's accepted medical use in the United States is increasingly recognized by health care professionals and the medical community. visit:

Medical Cannabis - Proven : Cannabis is Safe Medicine Proven : Cannabis is Safe Medicine by Ian Williams Goddard | In reaction to medical cannabis access referendums on the ballots in Arizona and California, former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George Bush signed a letter stating that they "categorically oppose'' access to cannabis for its many proven therapeutic uses such as the prevention of blindness and epileptic seizures. Their chief concern was that legal medical access would send the message that cannabis is safe. The presidents can, however, lay their safety concerns to rest because the scientific literature overwhelmingly confirms that cannabis is both an effective and safe medicine. The Cannabis Safety Profile. The journal PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS reports that decades of research prove that, "Compared with legal drugs...marijuana does not pose greater risks." Yet based upon mortality statistics, we can safely conclude that cannabis is one of the safest medical drugs known, for, while prescription drugs, defined as safe by the FDA, kill up to 27,000 and aspirin up to 1,000 Americans per year, cannabis kills 0 per year. Click here for more.

Medical Cannabis - Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis Facts Medicinal Cannabis Cannabis Facts, Cannabis Law, Hemp, Peyote Info, Salvia Divinorum Info   ... therapeutic uses for medical cannabis has been entertained in ... 1990's, medical cannabis ballot initiatives have received a majority of votes in Arizona, Arizona, California, Colorado ... visit:

Russia - Information Medical Cannabis Strains - Geoffrey Guy, MD (GW Pharmaceuticals, U.K) | Founder and President of G.W. Pharmaceuticals in Russia, Dr. Geoffrey Guy's observations about the mammalian Cannabinoid system (with more receptors throughout the body than any other system) are presented to the Second Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, held in Portland, OR in May, 2002. First discussing CB1 and CB@ receptors; the modulatory effect on dopamine, GABA and glutamate; and cross-talk with other receptors, Dr. Guy then examines Phyto-Cannabinoids (plant based)THC, CBD and others, with GW's success in producing whole extracts from 3 tonnes/year of dried marijuana and years of genetic breeding to feature both high THC and high CBD strains. ... Visit:

Russia - Resources, Information Cannabis Headquarters - Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) Strains ... articles about specific medical conditoins and how cannabis ... ever heard of PURPLE Nepal ? ...   ...   Visit -

Russia - Resources, Information Medical Cannabis Menu - Safe 420 Deliver... Purple Russia. Indoor, Indica, very exotic-rare. Purple Nepal.jpg ? SEO by Artio. Medical Cannabis Delivered! 949-334-3065. ...   ...   Visit -

  BOOKs on Medical Cannabis (marijuana) and related 

Medical Cannabis, Books - Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You? Is Marijuana the Right Medicine for You? | A Factual Guide to Medical Uses of Marijuana by Bill Zimmerman, PhD with Rick Bayer, MD and Nancy Crumpacker, MD, ISBN#0-87983-906-6 (Keats 1998). Chapter 3: Why All the Controversy? What Does The Research Actually Show? is online at:

Medical Cannabis, Books - Cannabis and Cannabinoids; Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential Examine the pros, cons, and controversies of marijuana as medicine! | Cannabis is still sending “signals of misunderstanding.”1-3 The result is an exaggeration of beneficial or deleterious effects as well as occasional intermixture of medical science with other moral categories. This book deals with health aspects of the cannabis plant and the cannabinoids while mainly factoring out societal aspects. Some authors refer to social topics that require discussion even within the bounds of a narrow handling of medicinal aspects. “Cannabis and Cannabinoids; Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential”. Edited by Franjo Grotenhermen, MD; Nova-Institut GmBH, Hürth, Germany and Ethan Russo, MD; Montana Neurobehavioral Specialists, Missoula, Montana. Hard Cover (ISBN-13: 978-0-7890-1507-7, ISBN-10: 0-7890-1507-2) $79.95

Medical Cannabis, Books - Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot Marijuana Rx: The Patient's Fight for Medicinal Pot (Book) by Robert Randall & Alice O'Leary * This is a story of government betrayal -- a betrayal that continues today. But it is also a story of human courage and perseverance. Please take the time to read this book. Afterall, none of us are immune from the illnesses that marijuana can treat -- glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis and more. Some day you might need medical access to marijuana. We pray that it will be as simple as a doctor's prescription. Full text articles, news summaries, supporting organizations and states, additional resources, and information on medical marijuana. Visit:

Medical Cannabis - Medical Marijuana, research Medical Marijuana Your search on medical marijuana has brought you to Questia, the world's largest online academic library. The Questia online library offers reliable books, journals, and articles that you can trust on medical marijuana.  With Questia you can quickly research, cite, and quote with complete confidence. Save substantial time without sacrificing research quality. Research Medical Marijuana Find quality info at the world's online library. 435,000 books, articles. Search or read full text, highlight, cite and auto-create bibliographies and get a personal bookshelf. Click here for more.

  misc Related LINKs, Web Rings, and such  

Resources, Organizations - Marijuana links Marijuana links. Popular Searches: Medical Marijuana Links. Marijuana Research Links. ... about marijuana, The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act CHAPTER 69.51A RCW This is ... an activist for medical marijuana. Chronic Cannabis Use A report on ... Click > here < for more.

Russia - Resources, Information Cannabis - Medical Wonder Drug or Worldwide Anathema? Cannabis - you'll hear it called wacky backy, marijuana, weed, puff, smoke, pot, ... countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India ... Major producer countries such as Morocco , Lebanon , Pakistan , Nepal , Afghanistan and India compete in a bouyant market, with around 40% of the weed coming from the "cannabis farms" in Morocco . Significant amounts are also starting to be produced in North America and Europe .   ...   Visit -

Rhode Island - Medical 101; Links, Web-Ring Medical 101 (Links, “Web-Ring”) * A potential starting point for Medical Cannabis info. Find what you're looking for! Visit:

Rhode Island - Marijuana Drug Slang Dictionary Marijuana Drug Slang Dictionary | Drug Slang Dictionary - Marijuana. Click here for more.

Rhode Island - Rights and Freedoms Our Rights and Freedoms | The U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights bestow our rights and freedoms as Americans. Court interpretations and decisions, like the Supreme Court's Miranda rights ruling define the sco... Click > here < for more.

Rhode Island - Marijuana Statistics and related Resources Whats yours?   Have an item? Post it on the Bulletin Board, below.

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