MERCY Action Event - the Global Marijuana Marches
This Action page is for the Global Marijuana Marches; aka Million Marijuana Marches, Jay Day, Worldwide Marches for Cannabis Law Reform.
is an annual rally/march held at hundreds of different locations across the planet.
Come join the world-wide fight for fair Cannabis Laws. Act Today!
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Come to Salem first Saturday in May -or- Find a participating City near you. Your City not on the List? Organize and Add It!
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A Cannabis Law Reform Action Network opportunity
Rally, Lobby, Network
MERCY is part of an organized, world-wide action item every year at the Capital Mall in Salem, Oregon.
Come, Gather with others of the Cannabis Community to -
- Rally
* Salem: Sat., May 2, 2020 at High Noon, at the North Side of the Capitol mall (or the March nearest to you)
- March,
Lobby >>
Site Map
Need Help? Want to Get Your Card? Need Medicine Now? Find a Clinic, Dispensary or whatever your need.
Got Help? Are you a Clinic, Dispensary and/or other Resource for those in need? Add it to the List.
Resources in Oregon, USA; Clinics, Forums and Meetings and Meet-Ups, Biz and Orgs.
Conditions, Symptoms; Information about Cannabis and ...
Come Rally for fair Cannabis laws
MERCYs Annual entry in the Global Marijuana Marches Come join the World wide March for Global Cannabis Liberation
In Salem - the first Saturday in May is Jay Day! * Next are: May 1st, 2021; May 7th, 2022 and May 6th, 2023. 11am - Assemble, Rally and March at High Noon as part of the Global Celebration and Education event. Also known as the Global Marijuana Marches, Wordwide Marijuana March, March for Global Cannabis Liberation - we will assemble for this event, starting at 11am, at the far end of the mall across from the steps of the Capital Building, Salem, Oregon on the first Saturday in May. Officially, the corner of W. Summer and Center streets.
the March Route |
Most times we just Rally. If we get enuff people, we'll March also. If we March, at High Noon we proceed down W. Summer thru the Mall to the corner of W. Summer and Court. Then west down Court Street on the north side-walk. We do not have permission ($!) to use the street, so we must stick to the sidewalks and obey pedestrian rules. We will check on being able to have bicylces and pace vehicles on the street beside us. Do not block traffic or impede other citizens attempting to use the walkway.
If/When we March thru the City also, it will be politely and peacefully, down to Liberty Street and turn right. We'll go north up Liberty to Center and turn right. Going east down Center we'll come to W. Summer (the Mall), and return to our original rally point. See directions in WORD or PDF. PLEASE Print Off our flyers in WORD or PDF, Spread About and Post them everywhere two or more of the faith are gathered.
Those unable to go the distance will be holding our rally point and waiting for the Marchers there. Here are our flyers in WORD or PDF that we'll be handing out at the march itself. Here's a 11x17 poster idea in WORD.
Maps and Directions
--- MAP ---
Directions to Salem, Oregon:
from Portland >> Here >>
from Springfield >> Here >>
from Ashland >> Here >>
from Ontario >> Here >>
First Saturday in May is Jay Day
Jay Day in Oregon
Wiki City pages on Cities in Oregon: Bend, Corvallis, Eugene, Medford, Portland, Salem, The Dalles. Visit >> GMM in Oregon, USA
Bend, Oregon, USA |
Wikipedia, Google Maps, WeBeHigh *
>> Wikipedia on Bend, Oregon, USA
See >> GMM in Bend, Oregon, USA
Corvallis, Oregon, USA |
Corvallis Cannabis Movement
Students for Sensible Drug Policy @ OSU
City info;
Google Maps,
City page: Corvallis
See >> GMM in Corvallis, Oregon, USA
The Dalles, Oregon, USA |
Northwest 420 Fest
Media Awareness Project (MAP).
Drug Policy Links: State, province, nation from Area menu.
MAP Source Directory: State, province, nation from Area menu. Or A-Z from Source menu. Google search site for news, links, sources. By city, state, province, nation.
Drug News Index at
Latest news
(choose low, medium, high detail). Latest opinions (low, medium, high details).
Marijuana Travel Database. Marijuana travel reports. Countries and cities. Marijuana and travel, smoking laws and cannabis legality.
Marijuana Dispensaries - Leafly.
Marijuana Dispensary, Smoke Shop and Head Shop Finder.
City info;
Google Maps,
Google Images,
Wikivoyage, - Cities and countries. By U.S. state; - Cities and countries.
See >> GMM in The Dalles, Oregon, USA
Eugene, Oregon, USA |
Contact: - Willamette Valley (Eugene, Oregon) NORML.
Orgs/Links: Mothers of Medical Marijuana Patients- Eugene Oregon
Search for marijuana march videos. And more.
Find GMM graphics and other event graphics for any city.
Category: Cannabis-related links. For nation, state, or province links.
Oregon. Cannabis-related links
Find more Facebook and other links on the above-linked pages.
City info:
Google Maps,
Google images,
Wikivoyage,, Cities by country. Country pages.
See >> GMM in Eugene, Oregon, USA
Medford, Oregon, USA |
Southern Oregon NORML
Oregon. Cannabis-related links
City info:
Google Maps, Google images, Wikipedia, Wikitravel, Wikivoyage,
See >> GMM in Medford, Oregon, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA |
Oregon Cannabis Festival/Global Cannabis March
Saturday, May 5, 2018 at 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT * Pioneer Courthouse Square * Portland
19th Annual Global Cannabis March / Oregon Cannabis Festival
On Saturday, May 5, 2018, nearly 300 cities worldwide, including Portland, Oregon, will participate in the annual Global Cannabis March. Portland participants will gather in Pioneer Courthouse Square for a rally that begins at 12:00pm, with a scheduled cannabis freedom march through downtown at 4pm. The day long event will showcase the Dr. Phillip Leveque Memorial Stage, bands, speakers and vendor booths. This public event has always been free to attend.
Pioneer Courthouse Square -
701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204
>> Oregon Cannabis Festival
Portland (Oregon) NORML *
3608 NE 75th Ave,
Portland, Oregon 97213-5752 *
(971) 803-8512 * Portland NORML
Oregon. Cannabis-related links.
Search for marijuana march videos. And more.
Find GMM graphics and other event graphics for any city.
City info:
Google Maps,
Google images,
Wikivoyage, Portland, Oregon.
See >> GMM in Portland, Oregon, USA
Salem, Oregon, USA
MERCY - the Medical Cannabis Resource Center * Oregon. Cannabis-related links.
City info:
Google Maps,
Google images,
Wikivoyage, - Cities and countries. By U.S. state; Cities by country. Country pages.
* See >> GMM in Salem, Oregon, USA
See >> more on Salem event
More on the Salem Freedom Rally
Our purpose is to rally, register to vote, sign petitions and encourage everybody we know to do so also. The goal is to allow individuals to come out and make a statement in the company of like minded citizens. Share, learn and grow as we promote ending cannabis prohibition - and freedom in general. Talk it up, be there and help make it happen!
This is to raise awareness about cannabis as medicine, the value of industrial hemp and voter empowerment in general. This is about our rights and responsibilities as Americans. This is our opportunity to unite, stand together and be counted! Every city in Oregon should be represented. Talk it up, be there and help make it happen!
NOTICE: To help plan and organize MERCY is hosting Poster Parties, visit our web page for more details!
Strategy issues:
Family Affair; consider No Smoking
Accentuate the positives, 'information stations' at all four corners
Communications, volunteer training
Know our rights and options - can squads of cops just stroll on thru with frothing dobermans and loiter at leisure? (not that we object, heck give them the mike!)
Mission objectives & goals:
the Rally/March (and thru plublicity about & during the March raise awareness and followers)
Registering Voters (thru the Rally) and ...
empowering (tools & tool building 'kits') them thru Literature and Contact info. Thru that we ...
sign up members and generally gain support & We do this for the cause in general and to get the most resources to best insure we ...
fundrai$e. ('cheap, good, on time' paradigm); should be series of funds and awareness-raising events leading up to this action.
and, at the same time, build alliances and an overall activist community.
Jay Day in the USA
GMM cities in the USA | 395 cities from all 50 states (and the District of Columbia) of the United States of America have signed up one or more years since 1999. See by state >> GMM cities in the USA
Global Marijuana March USA. List of GMM cities and states in the USA. Pages in category "Cannabis-related links for the United States" Country, state, and province page layout * United States. Cannabis-related links, see >> GMM in the United States
PUFMM - USA. People Uniting For Medicinal Marihuana. See members. See links to state groups. It also lists links to PUFMM Facebook pages around the world.
Click >> HERE
Facebook: Americans for Safe Access. Click >> HERE
Willie Nelson's Teapot Party. Google search for chapters.
Click >> HERE
Main Facebook pages for GMM organizing.
Click >> HERE - United States of America. Forums by state.
Click >> HERE
Drug War Facts. Table of contents. See links for United States. And see here.
Click >> HERE -The World of MERCY; a Guide to Medical Cannabis around the Globe. See the links by country midway down the right sidebar. The country pages cover more than just medical cannabis.
Click >> HERE
Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). Chapters (by state and nation). Wikipedia.
Click >> HERE
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) - Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research.
ASA chapters (and forums). Both are sorted by state. Wikipedia: Americans for Safe Access.
Click >> HERE
WeedTracker.COM - Cannabis Clubs around the USA, and Patient Community.
Click >> HERE
Marijuana Policy Project - MPP. State Policy (state-by-state links). Wikipedia. Youtube: MPPstaff channel.
Click >> HERE
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Chapters and state info. Media Guide. Local media - ZIP code search. Also, organization search - national media organizations, newspapers, and magazines. Wikipedia: NORML.
Click >> HERE
NORML Women's Alliance.
Click >> HERE
MERCY in America; a Guide to Medical Cannabis in the USA | Click state on map.
Click >> HERE
Medical Marijuana Inc.
Click >> HERE
SOURCE >> United States: Cannabis-related links
About this World Wide Cannabis Law Reform Action Item
Many Thanx! to those who have Organized and Publicized and otherwise Supported and Enabled this Activity.
The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is an annual rally held at different locations across the planet. It refers to cannabis-related events that occur on the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts, and may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals and information tables.
The Global Marijuana March began in 1999 as the Million Marijuana March (MMM) and Jay Day.
See >> Global Marijuana March 1999 *
There are local names for the event too. Such as: World Cannabis Day, Cannabis Liberation Day, Global Space Odyssey, Ganja Day, J-Day, Million Blunts March, etc..
The Global Marijuana March is a world-wide action item embracing cannabis culture as a personal lifestyle choice; a global celebration of the benefits of cannabis and
hemp. Participants unite to discuss, promote, entertain and educate both consumers and non-consumers alike.
Join the Global Cannabis Liberation
Global Marijuana March is, generally, the first Saturday in May; some organizations and individuals
have theirs on 4/20 or other dates as they are able.
As of 2016, hundreds of thousands of people have participated in over 888 different cities from 80 different nations or subnational areas since 1999.
See 4/20 events by year, Global Marijuana March by year, 2017 Facebook event pages, 2017 Global Marijuana March and 420 events, 2016 Global Marijuana March and 420 map, crowd photos; Maps and lists: 2017, 2016, 2015; and GMM on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Visit the >> Global Marijuana March and 4/20 signup page
A peaceful party to celebrate our gains and to re-energize for the next steps. The main purpose is to raise awareness about the issues, to inform and educate thru the publicity involved. Secondly, we want to register every person there and further empower them by providing whatever is needed to getting them to the voting booth at the right time.
Also we want a good show, a nice time for every one - entertaining as well as informative. And, at the same time, we can also raise a little money and fund some projects for the cause - like sponsoring OMMA patients who can't afford a fee or a Hemp Initiative. We pick up steam every day, we gain more sponsor$ and other support each time we talk about it. Also, different groups with related agendas can be represented. We can use this opportunity to stand united as one voice.

LINKs - to Million Marijuana March. Banners, posters, handbills, flyers will be posted here as we learn about them. Adapt for your needs!
Global Marijuana March - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The Global Marijuana March also goes by the name of the Million Marijuana March (MMM). It began in 1999. Around 700 different cities worldwide have signed ...
visit - Global Marijuana March - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Global Marijuana March |
Alphabetical city list table.
888 different cities have signed up from 80 different nations since 1999.
See also: 4/20 events.
>> Visit: Global Marijuana March cities -
Global Marijuana March and 4/20 signup - by |
at the
Global Marijuana March and 4/20 signup page |
wiki > Portal > Global Marijuana March >> Global Marijuana March Portal |
Here is a fun site that is dedicated to the legalization of cannabis, with a focus on listing cannabis events from around the world. >>
Cannabis -
MMM Reports |
Million Marijuana March. Global Cannabis Liberation Day. In May. Since 1999. First Saturday in May. Or that weekend, or some day close to it. Any march, rally, event, meeting, concert, rave, etc..
>> Million Marijuana March - Reports
What yours? Post It! and let everyone know,
Bulletin Board
!> Enter questions, comments and/or link info in the NotePad. Or e-mail us.
Thursday, February 16 at 02:00 AM:
bonesmarky from europe wrote:
"Health, Beauty and Medical weed in vienna weed in paris weed in athens weed in budapest weed in berlin weed in porto weed in istanbul weed in london Welcome to GuideMeHigh cannabis dispensary! Our selection of cannabis products is vast, ranging from beginner strains to unique varieties. We provide both recreational and medical products in a variety of flavors, aromas and potencies, making sure to have something for everyone. Our experienced budtenders are knowledgeable and can answer all your questions, as well as provide expert recommendations. Come visit us today at:"
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 05:12 PM:
Frank Votry from Las Vegas wrote:
hay now let us all get
together. And get this poor
country out of debt. Well am
I right or wrong? I lost a
job even with a medical
Marijuana card. After 14
years how bout that."
Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 04:59 PM:
oscar from Salem, Oregon wrote:
"I had fun this march.
Any links to the videos?"
Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 9:13 PM:
Sergio from Brazil wrote:
Hi people,
Sorry for the english, but the question is important.
In Salvador, and other cities on Brazil some judges undestanding in the Marchs crimes. The problem is the brazilian law punish the ambiguos crime to estimule the drug use. And the Marchs is forced understand has a drug use promotion event.
In Salvador we call for some help to fund Ananda - Association of Users, Activists, Harm Reductors and Recearchers about drugs. We act basically distribute information.
Our blog is in reform, To see pictures about the Manifestation to turn legal the Mariajuan March, in 31 may 2009, see:
To see vídeo:
And we have a campaing to turn public the data abour the casa Brazilian autoritires X Marijuana Prohibition. We discovered some data to explain the controversial participation of brazilian delegates in 1924 and 1961 reunions, when they talk marijuana is too dangeours has cocaine or heroine. But the cientific researches in Brazil do not talk nothing about this risks. In fact, until 1959, almost all books, articles and other cientific production talk about the non pontencial to produce dependence, and the relative potential to make harms.
In fact, the National Concil about Drug Policy - CONAD, in the last reunion in 03 may 2009, when the members of the Concil aprove the brazilian position on Viena, we (I represent the National Union of Students in CONAD), we aprove the position to tell the ONU about brazilian mistakes in 1924 and 1961, but in the final of reunion, someone tell if te possible to don´t turn this CONAD decision publish in the Viena reunion, because is too mutch exposition, and this proposition win.
Now, we give the reconize of the CONAD about this mistakes, and the CONAD decide to recomend the exclusion of Cannabis in List IV of the 1961 Convention. But in Brazil we dont have any atention for the journalists, and the CONAd don´t fell any pression to acelerate the process.
To subscribe see the manifesto, and if you like sign, just send to me the name and form to presentation in the letter:
and to see our letter to explain the peopel in Salvador about the CONAD resolution,
this letter we print 5.000 copies and distribute to Salvador. The Ananda exist since 2007, but until here we produce just $ 1.200, and all this we expend to realize congress, video exibition, produce press information, etc.
If you can help us, with anything, or just sign the manifesto, we thank you, just for the patient too.
Brazilians hugs,
Sergio Vidal
Ativista, Redutor de Danos e Pesquisador
(XX71) 81771488
Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 06:31 PM:
somebody wrote:
"also check out -
i/Global_Marijuana_March "
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 07:53 PM:
Scott Al-Tall wrote:
Hello. I am a hip hop/hippie hop artist who has been making music
preaching the importance of legalizing marijuana for a long time. I
would be honored to be able to perform at ANY of these
marches/events. It doesn't matter how far it is, if you'll let me,
I'LL BE THERE, and I will ROCK the place!! Keep doing what your
doing, we are getting closer everyday!! Much love.
Scott Al-Tall
pka Bilistic
pka Haight Ashbury
316 990 5022
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