Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 10:15 PM:
Betty Buck from Brookings Oregon wrote:
" I am co-ordinating clinics
here in Brookings. We had our
first here in over 5 years
with more planned. My email
is Chanterkyo@yahoo.com,
I will be happy to help
anyone get a DR to
Monday, September 8 at 12:42 PM:
deb from sweet home oregon was here.
Thursday, August 14 at 09:49 PM:
citizen from US wrote:
"Medical Marijuana Buyers
Clubs & International
Clinics ...
... California Medical
Marijuana Dispensaries. & A
International World Wide
Listings Of Marijuana &
Cannabis Clinics ... For
Washington State & Oregon
State Patients ...
www.onlinepot.org/medical/medicalclinics.htm "
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 06:42 AM:
Linda from Brookings wrote:
""I also can not find a
doctor in my area that is
able to help me renew my
Medical Marajuana card,
please help!
Thank you in advance for
Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 01:33 PM:
Anthony from Brookings wrote:
Just like everyone else Iam
in need of a Dr. in my area
that is able to help.
thank you so much"
Monday, June 9 at 09:50 AM:
Julia from Florence, Oregon wrote:
" My diagnosis is
"severe degeneratic disk
disease, scoliosis and a
reversed spine". Am unable to
find a doctor here in
Florence, Oregon, as it is
difficult for me to travel. My
nurse practioner refuses to
recommend! Please email info
to: flotownwoman@yahoo.com
Thanks a bunch! "
Monday, May 5, 2008 at 06:09 AM:
angie from riverside, ca wrote:
" locations
Friday, April 25 at 11:07 PM:
kim from st helens, or wrote:
"I have been diagnoised with
arthritis in the cervical
portion of my neck and lower
back. I have been through
Pt, pain pills, and muscle
relaxers. I also have used
marijuana for the pain and it
does help relieve the pain. I
would like to find a doctor
for this that will let me use
the medical card as my doctor
will only let me use the pain
killers and muscle relaxers
for so long then I'm on my own
with nothing to help me. The
marijuana does help alot but
it is not legal so I really
would like to find a doctor
who can help me if that is
possible. thank you
Friday, April 18 at 07:18 PM:
ramona thompson from spokane, washington wrote:
" I have breast cancer.Found
out in april of 2007. Have had
2 surgerys since. I am about to
go throgh another biopcy on
the same breast. I have severe
sweeling in breast and horible
pain. I cant take the pain, I
feel like telling the doctor
to just cut it off. I hate
taking pain meds they make me
feel terrible. The medical
weed I feel would help
me. Thanks for listening to me.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 12:19 AM:
Randy from Newport, OR. wrote:
" My wife has MS and is in a
lot of pain, is there a Dr.
in the area since we are new
to Oregon that can give us
the info about the medical
marijuana cards and help us
get started.
Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 01:04 PM:
Mom from Oregon wrote:
" Need help finding a Dr in Eugene Oregon for my daughter. Her Med Marijuana Card expires in Dec 2007 "
Friday, September 28 at 02:59 PM:
lionel kirk regon from Bend, Ore. wrote:
" i need your fax no. too
comeplete my doc's papper
work 4-u
kirkregan@rock.com p.vs s.
Friday, September 21 at 02:45 PM:
Joshua T. from Eugene, OR wrote:
I have chronic back pain from
working construction, though
I've never had it diagnosed
formally by a doctor. Please
email me a referral to a
doctor who can formally
diagnose me and give me a
recommendation for medical
marijuana. My email is
Joshua T.
Thursday, September 6 at 04:39 PM:
Tami C. from Oakley, California wrote:
" Me and my son who is
eighteen are moving to
Silverton, Oregon. My son has
had a cannabis card since
2/13/05. I would like to find
a physician that will approve
him. He is also on other
medications and is on SSI and
has a number of medical
conditions. We are moving in
about a month and we will be
living 14 miles north of salem
and 40 miles south of portland
any advise on making this a
easy transition! please e-mail
me at tjhcole1967@yahoo.com
Sunday, April 8, 2007 at 07:05 AM:
kaelin from long island wrote:
" what is THCF? I know what
THC is but i keep hearing
about THCF. is it another
scientific word to
tetrahydracannibinol or an
e mail me @
Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 08:13 AM:
Gregg Roth from Lake Oswego wrote:
"I would like to find a
referral to a doctor who can
diagnose my chronic nausea
and give me a recommendation
for medical marijuana. Please
email me with this
Monday, February 7, 2006 at 04:50 PM:
Bernie Peoples from Eugene, OR wrote:
" Could you direct me to
physicians in my area, OR.,
etc., that authorize Marinol
for medicinal purposes?
Thank You!