Welcome to MERCYs 2017 Session Info home page,
the Medical Cannabis Resource Center Oregon State 2017 Legislation index.
2017 Regular Session |
Oregon State Legislative update for 2017 part of session.
This is our page for Oregon State Legislation Items for first half of 2017-2018 Legislative session in Oregon.
It's part of our strategy to get the people involved in
these and all issues.
The objective is the empowerment of the people through their votes and
general activism - write your Rep!
Click >>
There are 35+ Bills concerning Cannabis (marijuana) in the Oregon State Legislature this session.
Click >> HERE << - for Bills, Committees, Schedules and other Session information.
Time for all good NORML people to come to the aid of their cause and, as a Voter - and person who knows other Voters - de-lect, de-fund and otherwise dis-empower those worked against us these last two sessions, as well as prepare for next session as a Lobbyist and an organizer. Update your lists of names, make new friends, meet new groups. Now is the time to bring pressure, and in the future.
this Page:

this Section:
this Site:
Taking Action
So what we're asking everyone to do is:
Find out how your Oregon State Senator and Reps voted and Vote accordingly.
Also -
You can
find a list of those Committee members >>
... and ...
All bills may be viewed at the state web site >> HERE
Then, tell everybody you know about it.
Then tell everybody you don't know. Yet.
Get back to us with names so we can update our Voters Guides and enable everybody else to do the same.
If you want to work in Salem and are interested in helping please give us a call, we will network you with the "Things To Do" work group(s).
Or, If you have ideas also call us and we can discuss and direct you to the appropriate people or group.
You may also get hard copies if you are in Salem by going to the bill room downstairs in the Capitol.
>> See latest >>
NEWS, Information
News Sources, Resources
Find out what is happening and Take Action!
a List; NOTE: There are No Initiatives this session, see - here - for latest on How To yourself.
a List; NOTE: There are 35+ cannabis-related items in this session, so far;
see - here - for how to check up on the latest.
Hearing by the
Joint Committee On Marijuana Regulation |
Oregon State Legislative session Hearing on Implementing Measure 91, legalizing cannabis (marijuana) in Oregon. Thanks for watching please subscribe! All the news you need about Medical Cannabis in Oregon.
SB 1057
List of Bills tba
How to Look them up
>> Learn more >>LTL (Letters-To-yer-Legislator)
Examples -
will go here.
Got one? !PLEASE! Post It!
Click >> here << - for the latest. Got a Question? Comment? Post It, or Give Us FeedBack.
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more Tools
Search for a bill in the Oregon Legislature :: Your ...
gov.oregonlive › bill
Choose the type of bill and enter the bill number to find information about and the status of a bill before the Oregon Legislature. Leave the bill ... Search for a bill.
Click >> HERE <<
Oregon Legislative Information System - olis.leg.state.or.us
olis.leg.state.or.us › liz › ... › list
Oregon State Legislature Oregon Legislative Information. Help | Staff Login. ... Senate Bills. SB 0-99. SB 100-199. SB 200-299. SB 300-399. SB 400-499. SB 500-599. SB ...
Click >> HERE <<
Legislative Bill Tracings
Legislative tracings are produced by the State Archives reference staff when a researcher requests legislative material. Tracings show the committees the bill passed through; the dates and page numbers in the minutes that the bill was discussed; either a listing or summary of the exhibits submitted in the committees during discussion of the bill; and a listing of the audio tapes, which constitute the verbatim record of discussion.
Click >> HERE <<
Oregon Legislature | 2017 | Regular Session | LegiScan
Legiscan › OR
LegiScan state dashboard for Oregon legislative information, ... Oregon Legislature ... Most Viewed Oregon Bills. Bill
Click >> HERE <<
Search for your Oregon legislators :: Your Government ...
gov.oregonlive › legislators
Bills; Legislators; ... Enter an Oregon address to find your districts and the names of your legislative and congressional representatives. ... Oregon Senate.
Click >> HERE <<
library.uoregon.edu › sites › ... › oregon...
Legislative history research can be selectively conducted on the Oregon State Legislature ... Senate and House. To find the bill ... FOR RESEARCHING LEGISLATIVE ...
Click >> HERE <<
View legislative committees, measures, signed bills and more. The 79th Legislative Assembly convened on Wednesday, February 1. In Oregon, regular sessions convene each February and may last 160 days in odd-numbered years and 35 days in even-numbered years.
Click >> HERE <<
Action, Tools
Taking Action!
(1) Contact your Representatives
and get Everybody to do so also.
(2) Spread the Word!
Tell everybody you know,
then everybody you don't know ... yet.
Keep it simple.
The main point is, this is bad for Patients.
Keep it short.
Your call should be under 3 minutes. Don't get bogged down in details. At this point it is a numbers game.
Keep it pleasant and remember to smile.
Even though they can't see it, your smile will come through.
You can find a list of those Committee members click >> HERE << Also, the legislative committee agendas are flowing fast now, so make sure you're subscribed to all the relevant committees! Click >> HERE <<
Phoning Your Legislator. During a legislative session, you may call your legislators by contacting the WATS operator. Within Salem, call 503-986-1187. Outside of Salem, please call 1-800-332-2313.
Find Your Legislator online at -www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/findset.htm. Click >> HERE << - and fill out the form entering your home address. Then click on the "submit" button and you will then be given your state and US legislators.
Write your legislator online. To send a message to your State Senator or State Representative please Click >> HERE << and fill out the form. By entering your information, you will be automatically matched to either your State Senator or your State Representative. Click "submit" when you are ready to send your message.
TESTIFYING | Staff will respectfully request that you submit 15 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Persons making presentations, including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.
ADA accommodation requests should be directed to Karen Hupp, or Juliene Popinga, ADA Coordinators, at employee.services@state.or.us or by telephone at 1-800-332-2313. Requests for accommodation should be made at least 72 hours in advance.
VISITING Your REP | Staff will respectfully request that you submit 15 collated copies of written materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Getting to the Oregon State Capitol: 900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 * Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00 - 5:30 ~ Saturday: Closed ~ Sunday: Closed * Visitor Services Phone: 503-986-1388 * For more information on How to get to the Capitol, including things like Where to Park. Click >> HERE << for Map and more.
Bulletin Board Entry
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