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xxx | Information pages Welcome to the Medical Cannabis Resource Center (MERCY) xxx Info page. Index to MERCYs web pages dedicated to information on Cannabis & xxx and related issues. These are Orgs, Links and other Resources for Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) & xxx as well as Condition in general. This section dedicated to information on Cannabis & xxx and related issues.  

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Information on Cannabis and xxx
Definition; what is xxx? Definition
Causes of xxx Causes, incidence, and risk factors.
xxx xxx xxx Symptoms.
xxx xxx xxx Diagnosis
xxx xxx xxx Signs and Tests.
xxx   xxx xxx Diagnostic tests
xxx xxx xxx Treatments Other Cannabis; see Cannabis and Cond below
xxx xxx xxx Expectations (prognosis)
xxx xxx xxx Complications
xxx   xxx xxx of Cond
xxx   xxx xxx of Cannabis (marijuana).
xxx xxx xxx Calling your health care provider.
xxx xxx xxx Support Groups for Cond; see Contacts, below
xxx xxx xxx Prevention
xxx xxx xxx Cannabis and Cond; Strains, Applications Basic Information on cannabis (link) as medicine in general; pros & cons, myths & facts
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Medical Cannabis and xxx

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Status; Medical

Status of Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in xxx Info on xxx and Medical Cannabis  xxx has a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) Program (LAW).

xxx - status xxx | yyy ... Click > here < for more.

xxx - Resource, Org; local Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia >> Visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_cannabis

xxx - Resource, info; Medical Cannabis New South Wales Government (NSW-AU) Health > Druginfo > Medical Cannabis >> xxx | yyy yyy  Visit - http://www.druginfo.nsw.gov.au/medicinal_use_of_cannabis/medicinal_cannabis_xxx

Status; Cannabis

Status of Cannabis (Marijuana) Prohibition in xxx yyy  

LAW, Legal Resources

The Law, LEGAL Resources in xxx

xxx - status; Illegal (Decriminalized) xxx - status; Illegal (Decriminalized) | Cannabis is an illegal, but Decriminalized drug in xxx. yyy yyy ... source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_country

xxx - status; Marijuana Laws in xxx. Got information?  Post it! Got info? Post a Note, Send a Message, and/or Spread the Word!  

Europe - status Medical Marijuana in Europe - Medical Marijuana | Where in Europe is medical marijuana legal or decriminalized? Legality Medical marijuana is currently legal or decriminalized in the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Possession of (small amounts of) marijuana is generally tolerated or not penalized in Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, and Switzerland. While Germany has theoretically decriminalized medical marijuana, the rules are applied so stringently that it is effectively impossible to get approved as a medical marijuana patient. Read more >> http://medicalmarijuana.org/content/20-medical-marijuana-in-europe

Europe - status Legalisieren.eu | This is the first Hemp-Charity-Project in Europe. Our aim is the Europe - Resource: Legalisieren.eu Legalisation of Cannabis. Here you can find more information about the campagne. Please support us. > contact here >> Visit - legalisieren.eu

International law

Marijuana is in Schedule IV of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, making it subject to special restrictions. Article 2 provides for the following, in reference to Schedule IV drugs:

    A Party shall, if in its opinion the prevailing conditions in its country render it the most appropriate means of protecting the public health and welfare, prohibit the production, manufacture, export and import of, trade in, possession or use of any such drug except for amounts which may be necessary for medical and scientific research only, including clinical trials therewith to be conducted under or subject to the direct supervision and control of the Party.

This provision, while apparently providing for the limitation of marijuana to research purposes only, also seems to allow some latitude for nations to make their own judgments. The official Commentary on the Single Convention indicates that Parties are expected to make that judgment in good faith. Visit - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_and_medical_status_of_cannabis - for more.


Legislation, the Legislature and related information and resources, in xxx

Europe - status xxx | yyy >>

xxx - status; Marijuana Legislation in xxx. Got information?  Post it! Got info? Post a Note, Send a Message, and Spread the Word!  

Action Activities and Items

Taking Action in xxx

xxx - Resources, Meetings and Meet-Ups Meetings and Meet-Ups > Medical Cannabis Meetup Groups - Medical Cannabis Meetups around the world | Find a Medical Cannabis Meetup Group near you ... grouped by City and Country ... find the ones with the most people interested in Medical Cannabis Meetups in xxx ... international, national, provincial, municipal levels. Not one in your area? Start one!   Click >>   HERE.

xxx Event - Global Marijuana March xxx Event | Global Marijuana Marches - xxx Event - Global Marijuana March ## - cities from xxx have signed up one or more years since 1999: Alicante, Barcelona, *   or Visit >> http://cannabis.wikia.com/wiki/Category:xxx.

    xxx - Event; Action - Global Marijuana Marches, Alicante Global Marijuana March > Alicante: contact- yyy * or visit - zzz

 See also >> Global Marijuana Marches, below.

xxx - Resource, Org; local yyy yyy * Click >> here

More | As we learn about them. In the meantime ... Also visit: http://norml.org/about/item/international-chapters for the latest NORML info.

Also more International resources > here < and Forums > here < or just page down and Learn more >>> Local Organizations, CONTACTs and other Activist Resources  

xxx - Resource, Business; International (US) Weedmaps.com is the most reliable online resource to find cannabis storefronts, doctors and deals. Doctors in xxx >> weedmaps.com/doctors/in/xxx * Dispensaries in xxx >> weedmaps.com/dispensaries/in/xxx

xxx - Resource, Org; local Cannabis-xxx.com | yyy * Click >> here >>

xxx - Resource, Org; local Maps.NUGGETRY.com | NUGGETRY Dispensary Map. Detailed map of every dispensary in the entire country

xxx - status; Marijuana Legislation in xxx. Got information?  Post it! Got info? Post a Note, Send a Message, and/or Spread the Word!  


Resources in xxx; Local Organizations, Businesses and other Cannabist Resources  

xxx - Resources; Cannabist Resources in xxx. Got information?  Post it! Got info? Post a Note, Send a Message, and/or Spread the Word!  

More Information

more Info; The Underground, Traveling, History, general info on the situation; plus ...

xxx - Resource, Org; local Availability in xxx. In xxx, since the late 1990s and early 2000s, medical cannabis underwent a process of progressive decriminalization and legalization. The parliament of the region of Catalonia is the first in xxx have voted unanimously in 2001 legalizing medical marijuana, it is quickly followed by parliaments of Aragon and the Balearic Islands. The Spanish Penal Code prohibits the sale of cannabis but it does not prohibit consumption. Until early 2000, the Penal Code did not distinguish between therapeutic use of cannabis and recreational use, however, several court decisions show that this distinction is increasingly taken into account by the judges. From 2006, the sale of seed is legalized, possession or consumption is still forbidden in public places but permitted in private premises. Moreover, the cultivation of cannabis plants is now authorized in a private place. Several studies have been conducted to study the effects of cannabis on patients suffering from diseases like cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, seizures or asthma. This research was conducted by various Spanish agencies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid headed by Dr. Manuel Guzman, the hospital of La Laguna in Tenerife led neurosurgeon Luis González Feria or the University of Barcelona. After legislation, several cannabis clubs have been established including the Basque Country and Catalonia. These clubs, the first of its kind in Europe, are non-profit associations who grow cannabis and sell it at cost to its members. In 2006, members of these clubs were acquitted in trial for possession and sale of cannabis. Click >> HERE

xxx - status; WeBeHigh.com | Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide, Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status. WeBeHigh.com | Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide, Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status. Curently covering 1128 cities. New cities and cities updates every day! >> xxx; Barcelona, Canary Islands, Formentera, Gandia, Valencia, Granada, Jerez de la Frontera, Madrid, Malaga, Marbella, San Sebastian, Seville, Tenerife, Torremolinos ... visit - www.WeBeHigh.org/

    xxx - local Contacts and Resources: Barcelona Barcelona | Smoking Tolerance Level[1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 5 --- Barcelona Marijuana Laws & Legislation: xxx’s constitution gives considerable protection to what people do in the privacy of their homes. “The Spanish law says that personal behavior in a private place, and this includes private land and outbuildings, is protected by the constitution,” “The controversial issues are that police are allowed to determine if what you are doing is personal or if it is meant for distribution, which is illegal, and they are also allowed to arrest you if your cannabis activities or possession are outside of your private domain.” Law Enforcement in Barcelona: The cops in Barca are a joke… Drug use and possession for personal use do not constitute a criminal offense under Spanish law. However, public consumption can be penalized with administrative fines. Public possession of less than two ounces of cannabis is not a criminal offense, although heavy administrative fines can be levied. Possession of more than two ounces, growing for sale, or selling are considered criminal offenses, but prison terms are not as severe as those levied in the US. Where to Buy Marijuana in Barcelona: There are plenty of “coffee shops” all over the place. Albeit they are all “social clubs” with membership required. You can take a tour and become a member instantly. if you go stand outside one, don’t look totally sketchy, and ask nicely, a member will get you some very good quality bud. Do -not- get the brick hash the Pakistanis are selling in the south of el Gotic, it is crap and insanely over-priced. Should you attempt to get weed from the black guys in the same area, make sure you look at the quality and assure that it’s good -before handing them any money, if they refuse, tell them to fuck off and stop wasting your time. Then ask one of the other guys in the vicinity, they are often competitors, and not friends. To schedule a coffee shop tour: contact Nancy Botwin BCN at: E-Mail: weedinxxx@gmail.com * Telephone: (+34) 632727781 * Facebook: Nancy Botwin Network, Twitter: @NancyBotwinBCN, Instagram: NancyBotwinBCN *  >> Learn more >>

    xxx - local Contacts and Resources: Canary Islands Canary Islands | Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4 --- Legislation: xxx’s constitution gives considerable protection to what people do in the privacy of their homes. “The Spanish law says that personal behavior in a private place, and this includes private land and outbuildings, is protected by the constitution,” “The controversial issues are that police are allowed to determine if what you are doing is personal or if it is meant for distribution, which is illegal, and they are also allowed to arrest you if your cannabis activities or possession are outside of your private domain.” ARSEC – the country’s premier marijuana legalization organization Law Enforcement: Drug use and possession for personal use do not constitute a criminal offence under Spanish law. However, public consumption is penalized with administrative fines. Marijuana Prices: Really poor quality was 20€/10g, better quality hash from resorts was 5-10€/g. Marijuana Brands: Moroccan hashes are everywhere, quality ranges from the poorest I’ve seen to very good 0-0 quality. You just need to find a good person. *  >> Learn more >>

    xxx - local Contacts and Resources: Granada Granada | Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4.5 --- Legislation: Cannabis is illegal in xxx but it is not a major concern if the police catches you with some pot as they will most likely just confiscate the gear and then leave. Law Enforcement: xxx is a lot more worried about hard drugs (which are also easy to come by here) Where to buy marijuana: The street Calle Elvira, is the pot capital of Granada. Avoid getting hit by stoned drivers in this narrow street, but just wait a few moments and someone will offer you some. Also, the Plaza Nueva region is home to some wonderfully friendly English speaking homeless hippies who have loads of it. Finally, along Gran Via, in front of CajaGranada lives a guitar playing hippie who has some. Marijuana Prices: As long as you look like you know what you are doing, you can get it for 6-8 euros a gram. Otherwise, you may end up paying 12 euros or more. *  >> Learn more >>

    xxx - local Contacts and Resources: Madrid Madrid | Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4.5 --- Legislation: xxx’s constitution gives considerable protection to what people do in the privacy of their homes.” “The Spanish law says that personal behavior in a private place, and this includes private land and outbuildings, is protected by the constitution,” “The controversial issues are that police are allowed to determine if what you are doing is personal or if it is meant for distribution, which is illegal, and they are also allowed to arrest you if your cannabis activities or possession are outside of your private domain.” ARSEC – the country’s premier marijuana legalization organization Law Enforcement: Madrid police do not have a single coordination set-up to attend foreign visitors either as victims or as detainees. The city police (“Guardia Urbana”) say they will, in such cases, contact the respective embassies. The “Policia Nacional”, charged with public order, have the habit of bringing all foreigners they pick up, to their “comisaría” on Madrazos street in the city centre. Where to Buy Marijuana in Madrid: Here is the latest info: “just outside of the metro stop in Retrio Park. Make eye contact with any black dudes posted up, they are friendly and speak more English than most of the local, he’ll tell you to go sit on the park bench and from there you can haggle. The dudeman i dealt with was there every day 1 to 2. ” another recent report is: ” I went to Parque del Retiro, entering by Calle de Alcala. After being in the park for about ten seconds I made eye contact with a guy who was standing with two others. He and I walked down the path…I asked him for twenty, and he said forty. I said twenty, and again he said forty. I said no, twenty. Then he said thirty and I said okay. I couldn’t get a good sniff as it was wrapped so tight, but I took my chances, and I’m glad to say: Damn good hash…probably about four grams.” *  >> Learn more >>

    xxx - local Contacts and Resources: Seville Seville | Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 5 --- Legislation: it is legal to grow in your home. because Spanish drug laws are limited to public space, you only have to worry about the law if you’re toking up on a street, museum or in a park. If you do get caught, possession of up to 50 grams of cannabis is considered for personal use and there are no criminal penalties. If you have large stashes and they must be quite large divvied up into smaller portions you will probably be tagged a dealer and hit with an “attempt against public health” charge, which can carry a prison sentence. Law Enforcement: Not in Seville. I barely ever saw cops when I lived in Sevilla. I had no problem walking down a side street and taking a couple puffs on a pipe or porro(joint). Many Spaniards do it themselves. Where to buy marijuana: The best thing to do when you want to buy is to ask around at bars and clubs. Look for people smoking themselves or people you think smoke. You will generally pay more, the quality is poor, and you get less. But, you can also get lucky and meet someone who grows their own pot. WeBeHigh City Tale: You can sit in a couple of parks at Placa Encarnacion or near Placa de Espana and smoke there, no one ever approached us. Take enough to drink with you, so the heat will not kill you. Smoke your day away in the sun in Seville, xxx, where locals and the law are so accepting of bud and hash that it is legal to grow in your home. Keep in mind xxx is the European country closest to Morocco and boasts more than 1500 years of cannabis and hash smoking history. Swing by the Barrio de Santa Cruz for a taste of the local life. The atmosphere at Casa Roman bar, located in Plaza de los Venerables, lies in the ranks of cured hams hung from the ceiling, while the Plaza Dona Elvira is a good area to try and score from the young guitar-playing locals. *  >> Learn more >>

 See also >> Global Marijuana Marches, below.

xxx - Resource, Org; local ASA : Medical Cannabis Policy Update: xxx: Autonomous Regions Can Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis | The parliament of xxx's Baleares region voted in April by a large majority to allow doctors on Mallorca to prescribe cannabis for therapeutic purposes. The decision comes after responsibility for the health system was passed on to the regional government by the central government. The vote means that 60 pharmacies and four hospitals in Catalonia will start prescribing cannabis to patients for whom other treatments have failed. Doctors in Catalonia will be able to prescribe cannabis in capsules or as an infusion for four specific groups of patients: those suffering from AIDS, cancer, chronic pain, or multiple sclerosis. The new policy affects roughly 150,000 patients.

xxx's Health Minister, who must approve such decisions, said she accepted that cannabis "has some therapeutic value" and approves of "the controlled use of tablets in specific cases and under medical supervision." The pilot project, which will operate for a year, was proposed by Barcelona's College of Pharmacists, following a similar program in the Netherlands with 8,000 patients. ... Visit: http://www.safeaccessnow.org/article.php?id=5730#6

xxx - Resource, Org; local Erowid Cannabis Vault : Medical Use - medical marijuana sites and select media articles about medical ... xxx's Health Ministry to Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis, Feb 6, 2005 (Espanol) ... | Medical Marijuana. Marijuana has many possible medical uses. Positive effects are claimed for ailments such as cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. AIDS can cause a loss of appetite known as "wasting syndrome", which can lead to drastic weight loss and weakness. Chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer causes nausea resulting in an inability to keep down food. Marijuana's healing nature for these two illnesses is a result of its ability to increase a person's appetite as well as relieving nausea, allowing a patient to regain weight. Marijuana reportedly helps glaucoma patients by reducing intraocular pressure that can cause damage to the eye. ... xxx's Health Ministry to Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis, Feb 6, 2005 (Espanol) ... Visit: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_medical.shtml

xxx - Resource, Org; local ASA : History of Medical Cannabis - Cannabis was a part of the American pharmacopoeia until 1942 and is currently available by prescription in the Netherlands, Canada, xxx, and Italy in its whole ... | History of Medical Cannabis. Cannabis was a part of the American pharmacopoeia until 1942 and is currently available by prescription in the Netherlands, Canada, xxx, and Italy in its whole plant form. In 1937, the U.S. passed the first federal law against cannabis, despite the objections of the American Medical Association (AMA). Dr. William C. Woodward, testifying on behalf of the AMA, told Congress that, "The American Medical Association knows of no evidence that marijuana is a dangerous drug" and warned that a prohibition "loses sight of the fact that future investigation may show that there are substantial medical uses for Cannabis." Ironically, the U.S. federal government currently grows and provides cannabis for a small number of patients. In 1976 the federal government created the Investigational New Drug (IND) compassionate access research program to allow patients to receive up to nine pounds of cannabis from the government each year. Today, five surviving patients still receive medical cannabis from the federal government, paid for by federal tax dollars. ... Visit: http://www.safeaccessnow.org/section.php?id=175

xxx - Resource, Org; local Medical Cannabis: xxx - Druginfo - New South Wales, Australia (NSW) | Druginfo is the official NSW Government website on drug issues. It outlines Government policies on drugs including factsheets on illicit drugs | Medical Cannabis: xxx - Media Reports - Guardian: xxx to test cannabis as aid for patients (6 Feb 2005); Independent: xxx's Health Ministry to Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis (6 Feb 2005); DPNA: xxx's Health Ministry to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis. 6 Feb 2005; Sunday Times: xxx says 'yes' to medicinal marijuana (1 Feb 2005); EuroResidentes: Legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes in xxx (1 Feb 2005) ... Visit: http://www.druginfo.nsw.gov.au/medicinal_use_of_cannabis/medicinal_cannabis_xxx

xxx - Resource, Org; local A Guide to Medical Cannabis Uses of Cannabis and Links to Medical Marijuana Web sites ... xxx: Cannabis Hope For Tumour Victims: Daily Record and Sunday Mail, 29 February 2000 ... | MEDICINAL USES OF CANNABIS Between 1840 and 1900 over 1000 major medical articles recommending cannabis as a therapeutic agent were published. It is still puzzling that no serious modern survey of the therapeutic value in cannabis has been conducted. This is because it is illegal, and may well be due to pressures from the pharmaceutical and drug companies who fear loss of profits if cannabis is accepted medicinally. Just imagine all those people growing their own remedy! ..."xxx: Cannabis Hope For Tumour Victims: Daily Record and Sunday Mail, 29 February 2000 ... Visit: http://www.ccguide.org/medical.php [an error occurred while processing this directive]

For more information on cannabis (marijuana) as medicine, see the Basics, below.

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About Capital Community Television (CCTV) Capital Community Television (CCTV) | Their mission is to provide community information through television and to teach people how to make their own television messages. Towards those ends CCTV provides: Community Billboard for local groups and non-profit organizations to publicize meetings and events; Classes in Camcorder/Editing and Studio production; Equipment and facilities for certified producers; Channels 21, 22 and 23 to air television messages. Capital Community Television - Building Community Through Television ... Capital Community TV is located at 575 Trade St SE, Salem, Oregon, 97301-3720. You can contact them by writing to P.O. Box 2342 : Salem, Oregon 97308, by phone at - (503) 588-2288 -or- by visiting - http://www.cctvsalem.org/

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