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In this issue:   Legislative Index and Tools   |   SB 294   |   SB 397   |   SB 717   |   SB 772   |   HB 2485   |   HB 2693   |   HB 2695   |
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Oregon State Legislative update for Spring 2005 session
See also: http://mercycenters.org/legsn.html

The List
  SB 294  
  SB 397  
  SB 717  
  SB 772  
  HB 2485  
  HB 2693  
  HB 2695  



Let Us Know!

To check up on bills; here is the link to the search bills page:


click on search for specific measure ...fill in the blanks on the page, hit enter and you will get the text of any bill.  For example, try typing "marijuana" in the search engine for new bills. Also look for “cannabis” and we should not forget to mention “hemp” at some time.

If one wants PDF with changes bolded one can also go here:


click on the directory like HB 2600's and find it in PDF instead of just HTML.

These web links tell you what committee a bill goes to.

For senate bills: http://www.leg.state.or.us/05reg/pubs/senmh.html

for house bills: http://www.leg.state.or.us/05reg/pubs/hsemh.html

AND Let Us KNOW what you find out!

Also, let us know of any LTLs (Letters To the Legislator) to see Sample Letters by Bill, see the The List.

Tips, Tools & Tricks

Tue. March 8 /05, 09:00 p.m. ET (8 p.m Central, 7 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m.

Join Steve Heath and other friends of MAP in a roundtable discussion and instruction on how to write better LTEs and more important - how to get them in print.  


Wed. March 9 /05, 09:00 p.m. ET (8 p.m Central, 7 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m. Pacific)

Join Steve Heath and other friends of MAP in a roundtable discussion and instruction on how to newshawk clippings about drug policy from your area newspapers so they can be added to the MAPnews online archive.  


Thu. March 10 /05, 09:00 p.m. ET (8 p.m Central, 7 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m. Pacific)

Join Steve Heath and other friends of MAP in a roundtable discussion and instruction on how to write press releases that can lead to increased coverage of DPR-topics in your local media - newspapers, radio and television.  


Discussion will also cover other aspects of general media activism.   Go here for instructions on how to participate:


The password for this online conference will be PW: welcome-pal (all lower case)   Questions?  Contact Steve directly.   Steve's email address is at:


Most of the time the MAP Virtual Conference Room is open for you to test your Paltalk software, and chat with anybody who may be in the room.  Note that at some times specific training sessions may be in progress, and at others the open password may not work as closed sessions, with different passwords, may be in progress.  The open password is: welcome-pal


Richard Lake
For the Media Activism Project (MAPinc)

We just wanted to take this opportunity to give a big THANX to volunteers and staff of MAPinc, DRCNet and all the members and participants in the DrugSense activist family group.  Visit:  http://drugsense.org/

Not only do these folks do the hard work but also share information, tools and resources and generally make them available to the community at large.  For example, individuals and groups should check out:


... For your web service needs.

While your at it, consider NewsHawking or Editing for MAPinc.  This is volunteer work at it's finest - set your own hours and pace; work anonymously; know your work is going somewhere and having an effect - see the newsfeeds at:


If your a newshound, have a journalistic bent or just some spare time, check out:


You'll be glad ya did!


ps.  Continue browsing the Mercy Center website for an example of what you can build with their help.  Visit:


... For a more complete list of sites & orgs they support or otherwise associate with.

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S.B. 294

Summary: Permits production and possession of industrial hemp and trade in industrial hemp commodities and products.  Authorizes State Department of Agriculture to administer licensing, permitting and inspection program for growers and handlers of industrial hemp.   Allows department to impose civil penalty not exceeding $2,500 for violation of license or permit requirements.

Details: Senator Floyd Prozanski has introduced a hemp bill in Oregon.  You can view all details at MERCYs Legislative section dedicated to these issues.


01/13 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

01/19 (S) Referred to Environment & Land Use, then Ways and Means.

You should contact Senator Prozanski and offer to help him pass his bill.   Please keep us informed of your efforts.  Also, Vote Hemp is a resource.   Visit: http://www.votehemp.com, where they have a large number of documents that you could provide as testimony in support of SB 294.   They will also help you however we can to help pass this bill.

To take action locally contact:

Dan Koozer
Cannabis Liberation Front
PO Box 10957
Eugene, Oregon 97440-2957

"Fighting For The Re-Legalization of Cannabis"

Upcoming Events - May 4,5,6 UofO Spring Street Faire
May 7 Million Marijuana March

Watch EUGENE CANNABIS TV on Cable Channel 22/29 EVERY WEEK -   Wed 8:30 pm,  Thurs 8:30am,  Monday 11:30pm and  Tues 11:30am.   Visit:  http://eugenecannabistv.home.comcast.net

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As we do stuff we should look at this bill and respond concerning ideas of the propriety of denying benefits.  Write all members please and explain the problem with this bill.  Be sure to lets us know your points and their responses!

Details: You can view all known details at MERCYs Legislative section dedicated to these issues.

Status: now in Senate Commerce committee.

Commerce Membership: Floyd Prozanski, Chair
Roger Beyer, Vice-Chair
Ginny Burdick
Charlie Ringo
Doug Whitsett

01/26 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

02/01 (S) Referred to Commerce.

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Summary: It has no good parts except a little blurb on confidentiality they should be doing anyway and some minor editing.   This bill should not leave its respective committee.

Details: You can view all known details at MERCYs Legislative section dedicated to these issues.


02/17 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

02/22 (S) Referred to Human Services.

SB 717 is off to Sen M's. Human Services committee.   A polite note to the Sen. regarding the relative demerits of the bill would certainly be welcomed.   We can expect that the cops will try all their stuff to get something in.   So if, for example, you feel that multiple patient grow sites are important to protect from attacks like SB 717 prepare good arguments for your view and be ready to state them.   We should all talk to our Senators so this never even gets a hearing.

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Take Action Now!

WHAT: Medical Marijuana Bill To Receive Hearing Thursday!

WHERE: Oregon Senate Human Services Committee 503-986-1485
State Capitol
Hearing Room D
900 Court Street NE
Salem, OR 97301

WHEN: Thursday, March 10, 2005 at 3:00 PM

This Thursday, March 10 at 3:00 PM, the Senate Human Services Committee will hold a hearing regarding Senate Bill 772, which seeks to modify Oregon's medical marijuana act so that bonafide patients have greater access to medicinal cannabis and enjoy expanded legal protections under state law.  Senate Bill 772 would increase the amounts of cannabis that medical marijuana patients may legally possess, and allow for the establishment of licensed, non-profit medical cannabis collectives.  The bill would also allow for the administration of medical marijuana by trained health care professionals in public health facilities such as nursing homes or hospices.

If this bill is to move forward in the state legislature, Senators must hear an overwhelming message of support from Oregon residents.  Please take a moment today to write your Senator and tell him or her to support Senate Bill 772.

In addition, if your Senator serves on the Human Services Committee, it is vital that you call him or her ASAP, and voice your support for medical marijuana and Senate Bill 772.  The committee is expected to vote on this proposal immediately following the hearing.

The following Senators serve on the Human Services Committee Committee:

Senator William E. Morrisette (D-OR 6th), Chair - (503) 986-1706 sen.billmorrisette@state.or.us

Senator Jeff Kruse (R-OR 1st), Vice-Chair - (503) 986-1701 sen.jeffkruse@state.or.us

Senator Rick Metsger (D-OR 26th) - (503) 986-1726 sen.rickmetsgera@state.or.us

Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson (D-OR 25th) - (503) 986-1725 sen.lauriemonnesanderson@state.or.us

Senator Charles Starr (R-OR 13th) - (503) 986-1713 sen.charlesstarr@state.or.us

Since this will be a public hearing, if you reside in the vicinity of the State Capitol in Salem we encourage you to attend this hearing in person.  In order for the bill to be taken seriously, Senators will need to see a large show of support for the bill.

Details: You can view all known details at MERCYs Legislative section dedicated to these issues.

NORML is supporting this effort.  Pre-written letters are available online from NORML at:


You can also help by supporting NORML's state legislative efforts, please donate today at:


Thank you again for your support of legislative efforts in Oregon.

Regards from,

Kris Krane

Associate Director

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Summary: This is especially problematic for cannabis for two reasons.   For medical cannabis patients, the problem is that 'use' in a public place is outside of the protection of the OMMA, and, use includes possession.  If possession includes being under the influence, then being medicated in a public place would be unprotected under the OMMA.

For non-patients, it gives the police a tool to harrass and shake down people based on how they look.   'Appearing stoned' would create probable cause to arrest and search.  Setting aside the civil liberties issue, those who make this determination are often wrong, and the effect of the error can be significant to the person wrongfully detained.

Details: You can view all known details at MERCYs Legislative section dedicated to these issues.

Status: HB 2485 was introduced by Representatives BROWN, JENSON, P SMITH; Representatives ANDERSON, BURLEY (at the request of Rob Bovett and Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Association) -- Relating to controlled substances.

2-2(H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
2-7 Referred to Judiciary with subsequent referral to Ways and Means.
02/08 (H) Assigned to Subcommittee On Criminal Law.

There are no scheduled hearings as of yet.  The Joint Ways and Means is a good committee to address the issue of the fiscal cost of the provision under discussion which is: HB 2485, Section 16, amends ORS 472.992, adds new Section (7) Rep Anderson is from Grants Pass and being a sponsor he has to be approached.   Rep. Greg Macpherson is the vice-chair of the House Judiciary Committee, where HB2485 is now.  He voted "NO" on HB2939 last Session, which tells us (hopefully) he is pretty level-headed about "drug issues".

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Summary: Submitted on behalf of the Stormy Ray Foundation it basically removes the mature plant specification for possessing one ounce.

Details: You can view all known details at MERCYs Legislative section dedicated to these issues.


02/28 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.

03/03 (H) Referred to Judiciary.

03/04 (H) Assigned to Subcommittee On Criminal Law.

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Summary: HB2695 is a HORROR from Rep. Nelson for any medical cannabis user.   The medical cannabis community should make sure it   a) does not pass the house or failing that   b) is buried in the Senate.

Details: You can view all known details at MERCYs Legislative section dedicated to these issues.


02/28 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.

03/03 (H) Referred to Judiciary with subsequent referral to Transportation.

03/04 (H) Assigned to Subcommittee On Criminal Law.

Perhaps a physician more knowlegable about the studies could contact Rep. Nelson or a patient constituent of hers could make contact to clarify how this is not a problem.   We are guessing Rosario had a case involving medical cannabis DUII and a commercial motor vehicle.

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