Employers to Cannabis Patients: “You’re Sick; You’re Fired”
by Edward Glick, RN
Oregonians suffering from disease, who have been
bankrupted by America’s for-profit medical system, now have another problem to
worry about: being fired from their jobs. Patients enrolled in Oregon’s Medical
Marijuana Program now face employment discrimination because they legally use
cannabis for symptom relief- against the wishes of employers who dismiss
cannabis as a drug of abuse and nothing more.
The Oregon Department of Human Services, along with
the Oregon Nurses Foundation- an affiliate of the Oregon Nurses Association
(ONA)- are funding “Workdrugfree” a nonprofit agency dedicated to “...providing
tools and technical assistance to prevention coordinators across Oregon...” In
War on Drugs speak, this means: “...assisting employers to craft workplace
policies depriving employment to medical cannabis patients...” The ONA has long
demonstrated hostility to cannabIs- using patients. Eight years after the
passage of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act ONA has yet to approve a policy of
protection- or compassion- towards cannabis patients. And Oregon’s DHS is, on
the one hand providing legal support to medical cannabis patients through the
medical marijuana program, and on the other, funding groups whose objective is
to terminate cannabis patients’ ability to make a productive living.