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In this issue:

Battlelines Forming Over 2008 Oregon Medical Marijuana Ballot Issues Battlelines Forming Over 2008 Oregon Medical Marijuana Ballot Issues. Email this Article from Drug War Chronicle , Issue #501, 9/14/07 What's The Standard Dosage for Pot? What's The Standard Dosage for Pot?!
WHAT TO DO LTE - EXAMPLE, from a college student no less: Pot's potential RESPOND TO MEDIA CBS 60 minutes show Getting Active - a ToolShed Getting Active - a ToolShed
OMMP News Update, Meeting Notes OMMP/ACMM Quarterly Meeting Held (9/21), next sometime in December.


12-inch Rule Adding PTSD and Secondary Conditions The Feds In Oregon The Feds In Oregon

-NEWS - Articles and Stories

The Federal War on Medical Marijuana Becomes a War on Children Members of Congress Ask DEA to Stop Obstructing Medical Marijuana Research Medical Marijuana From the Patient’s Point of View Medical Marijuana From the Patient’s Point of View
Latest Pot Discovery Could Yield Major Health Benefits -- And Not Just for Hawaii's Ill Hawaii's ranchers may have a new and unlikely ally in their battle against the spread mad cow disease: Pot.


News of the the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program

Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) meetings happen quarterly and as-needed, in Portland, Eugene and Salem Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) meetings happen quarterly and as-needed, in Portland, Eugene and Salem. To discuss or propose changes one can attend these public meetings hosted by the OMMP. Last meeting was held on Friday, September 21st, 10:00 am to 2:30 pm and was the regularly scheduled Quarterly meeting of The Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana (ACMM). It happened this time at McKenzie Center, 2885 Chad Dr, Conference Room 1, in Eugene. The next will probably be in Portland.

Reasonable accommodations are provided as needed for individuals requesting assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters or large-print materials. Individuals needing these types of accommodations should call the DHS Public Health Division, 971-673-1234, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

The ACMM is an 11-member committee appointed by DHS Director Bruce Goldberg. It is charged with advising the director on administrative aspects of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, reviewing current and proposed administrative rules of the program, and providing annual input on the program's fee structure. Committee members are patients who possess registry identification cards, designated primary caregivers and advocates of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.

The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act was approved by voters in the Nov. 3, 1998, general election. The ACMM was created during the 2005 Legislative Session. The statutes governing the OMMP are ORS 475.300 to ORS 475.346.

MERCY will endeavor to get copies of documents and stuff from the meetings - and post in our online library, print out and otherwise Keep you in the loop! - as we can(!) You can also keep up on Public Meeting Notices by visiting the OMMP website at: or Contacting the Program: DHS/OMMP, P.O. Box 14450, Portland, Oregon 97293 - 0450; Phone: (971) 673-1226, Fax: (971) 673-1278


12-Inch Rule Discussed

Currently, if a plant is over 12 inches in height, it is considered mature and counts as one of the six (6) mature (max) that a Patient is allowed under OMMA. This came about as part of Senate Bill 1085, passed in the 2005 Legislative session, and is widely considered illogical from a horticultural standpoint and a mistake.

Suggestions have been made to correct the definition to base the determination on whether or not the plant is in any stage of flowering or budding instead, a much more reasonable and agriculturally realistic standard.

Discussion has begun and continued at the last ACMM Quarterly Meeting held Sept. 21, 2007 in Eugene. No decision at this point and rule remains as is. Next Quarterly meeting will be sometime in December, 2007. We will get what info we can on the points of the discussion and how you can get in the loop and offer input as we can.

If acceptable change cannot be made through the Administrative process then concerned citizens who need to have this issue resolved may consider getting it done through the Legislative or Initiative processes. Stay tuned for more on this issue as it develops.

For more info >> LINKs >
About SB1085 > mercycenters.org/ommp/libry/SB1085_analysis.htm
Current Text, ORS >
About the ACMM >
About OMMP Meetings, making Contact >
How to Initiative >

Request to Add Conditions Made.

MERCY has received a number of contacts concerning adding PTSD to the list of Qualifying Conditions and has determined to join the effort currently in progress. There has always been a number of individuals who have had traumatic experiences as civilians as well as veterans contacting MERCY about their condition and what can be done about it. Now with an upsurge of Iraq war veterans joining the need, the time is here to network folks together and ad our impetus to the effort.

Currently, action is being taken to reconvene a panel to consider adding PTSD and a number of other conditions. A review will - hopefully - be made, approved (again, hopefully) and it will be an Administrative matter to add the condition to the Rules, Forms, etc.

MERCY will follow up as best we can and make sure the panel is convened or the people and reasons why are accounted for and published. What folks can do at this point is help gather Testimony for the Official Review, should it happen. This testimony will also be useful should Legislative and Initiative means become necessary.


Testimony on Cannabis and PTSD and the other Conditions being added is being gathered by Edward “Nurse Ed” Glick of Contigo-Conmingo. Nurse Ed can be reached by phone at: 541.745-3082, or email: nurse_ed@exchangenet.net


Another thing that can be done to help add Conditions is for Patients to be sure to add any Secondary conditions that are also being treated with cannabis. These are typically noted in the Comments section of the ATTENDING PHYSICIAN’S STATEMENT form. So be sure to note any other symptoms / conditions that you utilize cannabis for that are not one of the current official qualifying conditions.

For more info >> LINKs >
Contigo-Conmingo > www.or-coast.net/contigo/
ATTENDING PHYSICIAN’S STATEMENT form > http://oregon.gov/DHS/ph/ommp/docs/newphys.pdf
Current Text, ORS >
About OMMP Meetings, making Contact >
How to Request Review to Add Condition >

OMMA Under Attack
Prohibitionists Threaten to Change Law

Mannix's new Oregon Crimefighting Act, I-131, now has a ballot title. We have until September 28 to comment and challenge the Title. Below are example letters to the Oregon SoS on Mannix's 131. The OMMA repeal should still be separate although at least the ballot title now let's voters know they are repealing the OMMA. Here is a good link to save: egov.sos.state.or.us

Anyone may write the SoS about I-131 until September 28 when public comment will end so please get those ink pens going. The Secretary of State Elections Division - (in Salem) their fax number is: 503-373-7414, 503-986-1518 is voice and a human will answer. The snail mail taken from the SOS stationery is: Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division 141 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310-0722


Thank you for allowing me to comment on IP-131.

IP-131 is a complicated initiative. The topic of Section 2 is "major felony sex crime" while Section 3 is the crime of repeat "driving under the influence of intoxicants".

Sections 4 to 9 indicate ballot title shopping and lead us to section 10. Lumped in with felony crimes is the repeal of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Law, a medical law that requires involvement of physicians to sign patient charts and applications to the Oregon Department of Humans Services. Under Oregon law, medical marijuana is not a crime but a medicine.

Sex crimes and criminal driving habits are not medical care. Sections 2 and 3 do not belong on the same ballot with Section 10. IP-131 creates confusion by forcing voters to give one answer to three different ballot initiatives.

In particular the part about eliminating the Oregon Medical Marijuana Law that voters passed by popular initiative in 1998 - ORS 475.300 - 475.346 are repealed upon passage of this act in Section 10 (h) of IP-131 - should be considered separately. The medical marijuana law passed without all this other baggage attached. It is unfair for Chief Petitioners to fool voters into changing their mind. Make it fair to Oregon voters. Any repeal of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Law of 1998 (Measure 67) should be considered as a separate initiative.



September 15, 2007

To whom it may concern:

As a medical cannabis patient, after being disabled for over 15 years, I’ve had much experience, subjectively speaking, with the many medical uses of medical marijuana. There are several ways of ingesting the cannabinoid:cannabidiol chemical components. I am terribly allergic to Marinol as per a personal trial several years ago in California. Mr. Mannix is trying to force a pharmaceutical drug on vulnerable patients at a huge cost to our taxpayers as per IP-131.

Not only am I a patient, I am also a mother of two, grandmother of four who worked in the mainstream of life and society as a medicolegal transcriptionist and was a healthcare professional some 30 years. I did not engage in drug use all those years during my education and worked for two Medical Examiners’ offices in two different states. I have been using medicinal cannabis for the past four years.

During this time, not only have I had subjective experience but emperic evidence through phsycians, nurses, double-blind studies from the world over There is incredible efficacy in the natural form of this medicine and we need more research in methods of ingestion that include the cannabinoid:cannabidiol natural ratio such as another pharmaceutical named Sativex. This is a very complicated medical issue that the majority of voters have already assented to in the State of Oregon.

We medical marijuana patients are not criminals nor malingerers. We receive our physician recommendations from legitimate and licensed medical practitioners and clinicians. It is a matter best left in the medical arena and not in the harsh light of criminalization of a legal, medical option for the most ill of the ill, the most financially vulnerable patients. IP-131, Section 10, is an inappropriate and misleading addition to a so-called “crimefighting” initiative. Please consider my comments in your perusal of IP-131, Section 10.



On September 14, 2007, draft ballot titles for initiatives #131, #132 and #133 were received by the Secretary of State, Elections Division, from the Attorney General's office. Written comments are due in the Secretary of State's office no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 28, 2007. Electronic comments cannot be accepted. For more information, including the draft ballot title, go to: egov.sos.state.or.us

Kevin Mannix, along with Julia Allison and Wayne Brady, filed this new version of his initiative to repeal OMMA on September 6. The new, simplified, version would impose mandatory minimum 25 year sentences for repeat sex offenders, a 90 day minimum for repeat drunk drivers and would repeal OMMA and replace it with taxpayer subsidized marinol. The repeal OMMA section is the same as in Proposed Initiative 104 with the addition of language that would allow the health department to require patients to get a second opinion from a DHS doctor before they would pay for a patient's Marinol. I-104 is the Oregon Crimefighting Act - version 1.0 - that will also try to overturn the OMMA. It is being challenged by OMMA supporters to receive a more favorable ballot title for us or hopefully to make the OMMA repeal part a separate initiative that Mannix must run through the entire process. Once the appeal process is over, Mannix will decide whether some or all of his initiatives are attractive enough to circulate for signature gathering. As you can see I-40 and I-41 are early and he decided to go for those. We should note how easily Mannix can get on the ballot.

The mechanics are explained at the Oregon Secretary of State's office. Here is a quick link to the initiatives so you can read them for yourself - always recommended so you can find things others miss. Put in 2008 and hit search. egov.sos.state.or.us

We may be waiting on the outcome of I-104 for a while or we could find out next week. The OMMA was tied up in the appeals process by opponents for over two months, which is why we barely got on the ballot in 1998.

Ballot title challenges to 104 were filed on behalf of OCDLA, ACLU, Partnership for Safety and Justice, Stand for Children and Voter Power. Kevin Mannix also filed a challenge. The state's response to the petitions are due tomorrow (9/11).

Since then, Kevin has filed 3 new initiatives, which break 104 into pieces, see below. The one with the OMMA repeal is 131. It includes a change from 104 which would allow DHS an IME (Independent Medical Exam) so that if the DHS doc determined the person didn't need marinol or cesament DHS wouldn't be on the hook for it. The full text of 131 is here: www.sos.state.or.us/elections/

The ballot title is due the 14th and the comment period ends the 28th. Let's try and remember who are real enemies are, and work together to defeat them instead of using our energy to beat each other up.

Just got an email from the Assistant Atty General who represents the Secretary of State in the Ballot Title Challenge to 104, discussed below. He wants an additional week to file a responsive pleading in the Supreme Court.

Once we receive his response, we have 5 days within which to reply, from which we can also seek extensions of time.

What happens after that is a little more complicated. It is governed by Oregon Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 11.30. If you're interested, the complete rules are available online here: www.ojd.state.or.us/web/OJDPublications

The rules have changed considerably since the last time I took on one of these cases. But, from reviewing Mannix' other initiatives, my best guess is that from filing to decision is likely to be about 4 months.

Also, in case you are interested, I've attached the cover and guts of the petition I filed in this case.

Lee Berger, Portland
News Updates

Mannix files new version of Oregon Crimefighting Act

Kevin Mannix, along with Julia Allison and Wayne Brady, filed a new version of his initiative to repeal OMMA on September 6. The new, simplified, version would impose mandatory minimum 25 year sentences for repeat sex offenders, a 90 day minimum for repeat drunk drivers and would repeal OMMA and replace it with taxpayer subsidized marinol. The repeal

OMMA section is the same as in Proposed Initiative 104 with the addition of language that would allow the health department to require patients to get a second opinion from a DHS doctor before they would pay for a patient's Marinol.

The full text of this initiative can be found at www.sos.state.or.us/elections/

Voter Power will challenge and oppose this initiative just as they have challenged Proposed Initiative 104. Anyone wishing to help with this effort please contact them at 503-224-3051 or visit: http://www.VoterPower.org

AG seems to have conceded 'repeal' vs 'replace' issue, even while litigation continues on previous version. The summary seems to fairly and accurately describe the proposal. We are still free (and should) comment on the failure of the initiative to comply with the single subject rule. Best available advice and counsel is that a one subject challenge would have to wait until after the election, however, assuming it passes.

Anyone who comments on a proposed ballot title can petition the Oregon Supreme Court to challenge the title issued after the comment period. The state responds the petition and the petitioner has the right to file a reply. The Court generally no longer hears oral argument on these cases, but, once the briefing is complete, they take the case under advisement and issue an opinion.

The state's response was due this week (9/14). They requested and the Court allowed them an additional week to file their response. Given the title on 131 (which includes 'repeal') they may concede the issue we (Voter Power, the only drug policy advocacy group to have filed a petition) raised on the petition, i.e. to change 'replace' to 'repeal'. In any event, unless Mannix withdraws 104 (which he may do) the whole thing seems academic in light of 131.

Let me know if anyone need further clarification, and I apologize for any confusion.

Lee Berger, Portland =============

The Secretary of State Elections Division - (in Salem) their fax number is: 503-373-7414, 503-986-1518 is voice and a human will answer. The snail mail taken from the SOS stationery is: Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division 141 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310-0722 Hi DPFOR:

Here is my letter to the Oregon SoS on Mannix's 131 that I will mail out this weekend. Yes it looks much like the one for 104 but we the same problem - just slightly less. Many of you write far better than I do and the lawyers know protocol but here is a start from the heart.

I still think the OMMA repeal should still be separate although at least the ballot title now let's voters know they are repealing the OMMA. Here is a good link to save: egov.sos.state.or.us

Anyone may write the SoS about I-131 until September 28 when public comment will end so please get those ink pens going.

On Mannix's 104, Lee said state responses to the appeal were due this week but the website still says the appeal is pending. Anything too new on 1-104 for the SoS website?).

Rick Bayer

More on Mannix in Action; From....... www.oregoncatalyst.com

Kevin Manix: Update on Seven Petitions by Kevin Mannix Monday, September 10. 2007

Petition 40 We filed 149,000 signatures on Initiative Petition 40, which establishes mandatory minimum sentences for drug dealing, identity theft, burglary, auto theft, grand theft, and forgery in the first degree. This is a statutory measure, and we need 82,000 verified signatures to qualify for the ballot. We are certain this will be on the ballot in November 2008 and will make a dramatic difference in fighting drug dealing and other crimes in Oregon.

Petition 41 We have filed 163,000 signatures on Initiative Petition 41, which dedicates 15% of lottery profits to public safety prevention, investigation, and prosecution. This constitutional amendment requires 110,000 verified signatures to get on the ballot, and we are certain we will qualify it for November 2008. This amendment will guarantee full funding to "CSI: Oregon," which consists of the criminal investigation, forensics, and crime lab operations of the Oregon State Police. One half of the funds from this amendment will go to counties for prevention programs for very young children who are at-risk, as well as for sheriff field operations and for additional prosecutors.

Petition 54 Initiative Petition 54 is being circulated by volunteers. It is a constitutional amendment which empowers communities to regulate strip clubs. Because it is a volunteer effort, we will be working hard over the next year to get enough signatures by June 2008, the petition deadline.

Petition 51 and 53 I am also supporting Initiative Petitions 51 and 53, working with Russ Walker and FreedomWorks. These petitions are presently in circulation. They are statutory initiatives, which limit lawyer contingent fees in civil cases (51) and penalize lawyers for frivolous lawsuits (53). Signature gathering is proceeding at a fast pace.

We have initiatives to reform laws relating to immigration at the state level, but these are still tied up in ballot title contests in the Supreme Court.

Petition 118 and 134 The Oregon Initiative Restoration Act which was Initiative Petition 118, has been withdrawn and replaced by a virtually identical initiative still called the Oregon Initiative Restoration Act. This is now Initiative Petition 134. This is designed to again make the Oregon initiative and referendum process citizen-friendly and slash away the political tangles which have been adopted by the political elites to keep the people at bay.

Best regards,
Kevin L. Mannix, p.c.
2009 state st.
salem, or 97301
503.364.1913 ofc.
503.362.0513 fax

Feds In Oregon

On, Wednesday September 12, federal agents landed their helicopter at the legal medical marijuana garden of Sharon Place, an OMMA patient, and grower for other patients. Four agents spent about a half hour on the ground while a second helicopter continued to fly overhead. Ms. Place reports that the agents took numerous photographs of the 60 plant garden but did not remove any plants or make any arrests before flying away. They did prevent another person at the scene from photographing them. Ms. Place recognized at least one of the agents as an Oregon police officer. The other said they didn't care about her paperwork because they were federal agents but did not identify themselves by name. Voter Power has also received reports from several other Oregon patients who claim that federal agents visited their gardens.

Other similar reports have also come in from Lane County. The feds made the medical patients destroy their photographs of them, also. A question, how can the feds make anyone destroy photographs taken either on public property or private property owned by the photographer? Isn't this a bit Orwellian? Is there some law backing the feds on this position?

Another reported "We just experienced the black helicopter (only one) flyover here on our rural property 17 miles SE of Springfield. They circled the area for about five minutes, terrorizing our horses in the process. There is a OMMA patient near but I couldn't really tell where there were looking. 'Our tax dollars at work' ".

And, is it a coincidence that the feds went to Sharons the same day that WW came out with a poor story regarding Hempstalk and selling edibles, a story for which she gave an interview? And Don DuPays being on TV and running for office while critizing these same people?

Don DuPay, caregiver and activist, has also been raided by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration. “They threatened to arrest me if I did not cooperate with their federal investigation,” DuPay, a former Portland police detective, candidate for Multnomah County sheriff and longtime co-host of the cable access show “Cannabis Common Sense,” said, recounting his faceoff with the lead DEA agent during the raid. “I was probably carrying a homicide detective badge before this punk was born,” added DuPay, who is 71. “I said, ‘As far as I’m concerned, you’re a baldheaded punk.’ ”

At press time, DuPay had not been arrested. But he said that on June 14 the feds seized growing equipment, guns and surveillance cameras as well as marijuana that he said he had been growing for 40 patients registered by the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. The clash between the state and the federal governments reflects tensions inherent in Oregon’s medical marijuana law, which was approved by 55 percent of voters in 1998. While state and local law enforcement are required to obey the law, the feds are not.

“From a federal standpoint, there is no such thing as medical marijuana,” said Bernie Hobson, spokesman for the DEA’s Seattle regional office. “I’m aware of the case you’re talking about, yes, sir,” Hobson said when contacted by the Portland Tribune. “Unfortunately, I’m not able to talk about pending investigations.”

The federal government reportedly has issued confidential legal demands, called subpoenas, for patient information from both Oregon’s medical marijuana program and the Hemp and Cannabis Foundation, a group that employs doctors who prescribe marijuana to patients under the Oregon program. Contacted by the Portland Tribune, the foundation’s Portland spokesman, Paul Stanford, said he’d been asked not to comment. But in a blog entry on his MySpace page, he wrote that the foundation received the federal subpoena on April 10. It demanded all medical and other documentation for 17 people in Oregon and Washington state. The subpoena said: “You are required not to disclose the existence of this request. Any such disclosure could impede the investigation being conducted and thereby interfere with the enforcement of the law,” Stanford wrote.

“I believe this requirement violates my right to free speech,” he added. “We shall fight against this subpoena and for patients using medical marijuana until we prevail.” The foundation has retained an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer, Graham Boyd, director of the group’s Drug Law Reform Project, to quash the subpoena. According to knowledgeable sources, attorneys for the state of Oregon have joined the foundation in court to quash the federal government’s demand.

A federal judge reportedly has taken the matter under advisement after a hearing Wednesday afternoon at which attorneys for the state made their arguments by speakerphone. Asked to comment, state spokeswoman Bonnie Widerburg said, “We are conferring with legal counsel, and I can’t say anything at this time.” Thousands hold cards DuPay is perhaps best known for his unsuccessful run last year for Multnomah County sheriff. As incumbent Bernie Giusto’s main opponent, he garnered more than 29,000 votes, more than were cast for then- incumbent county Chairwoman Diane Linn. Now, DuPay said, he believes the Oregon marijuana program should be doing more to protect his patients and help him do battle with the federal government.

“Somebody in state government better do something about this, or I’ll run for governor,” he said.

Proponents of the 1998 ballot measure initially said that several hundred patients needed the program. Today, according to the Web page of the state program, 14,868 patients hold cards issued by the program. Another 7,115 “caregivers” hold cards for those patients, meaning they are authorized to grow marijuana under the state program. While some local cops point to the ballooning figures as evidence that the program is being abused, advocates say they prove that medical marijuana works.

The DEA generally had taken a hands-off stance toward the Oregon program, leaving patients and small-scale growers alone, while reserving the right to enforce federal anti-drug laws as it sees fit. Asked whether the subpoena and raid on DuPay signified a new policy, Hobson declined to comment. But, he said: “What I can tell you in general terms (is that) the DEA’s stance on medical marijuana hasn’t changed any with respect to Oregon. … Marijuana is not viewed as medicine, period.”

DuPay said the feds seized 135 plants at his home in east Portland’s Glenfair neighborhood and also raided four smaller grows that he maintains with a partner elsewhere. The state allows each patient to have six mature plants as well as 18 younger ones. Caregivers can maintain that many plants for each patient they supply. Raid worries patients

Local cops regularly come across grow operations by registered caregivers, said Pat Walsh of the Portland Police Bureau’s Drugs and Vice Division. He said he’d never come across a caregiver who grew for more than six registered patients. Told that DuPay claims to grow for 40 registered patients, Walsh said, “That’s amazing to me.” Three of DuPay’s patients told the Portland Tribune that the federal raid was bad news for them. Two said they donate $35 to DuPay for every eighth of an ounce of marijuana they consume, to defray expenses for electricity and supplies.

Rhonda Thomas, 51, said that she suffers from end-stage liver disease, and that marijuana helps with the insomnia caused by many of her medicines.

“I can’t grow medicine where I’m at because it’s not allowed,” she said. “So it’s good to have a caregiver who’s honest.” Keith Patzer, 38, said he is partly paralyzed in his lower body and suffers from spasms and cramping that the marijuana helps ease.

“Regular conventional medicine doesn’t do all the stuff that it’s supposed to do,” he said. Jon Kappelman, who rents a room from DuPay, said he also suffers from liver disease as well as the aftereffects of car and motorcycle accidents that shattered his pelvis and restricted him to a wheelchair.

“My whole leg is nothing but screws and plates,” he said, adding that he’s “furious” about the federal raid. Kappelman said marijuana eases the nausea from his other medications and allows him to eat. DuPay, who said he has degenerative hip disease and hepatitis C, believes the Yakima DEA office’s interest in him stems from information provided by his own registered caregiver, Vincent Trulson, who maintains residences in Portland and Goldendale, Wash. DuPay and his son, Lee, said the DEA told them that Trulson had fingered him for the raid, claiming DuPay was selling pot to nonpatients.

“That’s a lie,” DuPay said. Read more >>>

Anyone else interested in getting a calling chain going to warn one another and to notify the local media of the federal interference?

Prohibition was introduced as a fraud; it has been nursed as a fraud. It is wrapped in the livery of Heaven, but it comes to serve the devil. It comes to regulate by law our appetites and our daily lives. It comes to tear down liberty and build up fanaticism, hypocrisy, and intolerance. It comes to confiscate by legislative decree the property of many of our fellow citizens. It comes to send spies, detectives, and informers into our homes; to have us arrested and carried before courts and condemned to fines and imprisonments. It comes to dissipate the sunlight of happiness, peace, and prosperity in which we are now living and to fill our land with alienations, estrangements, and bitterness.

(From an 1887 speech by Roger Q. Mills of Texas; quoted more than once during the alcohol prohibition debates in Congress. He proved to be a prophet, as the years 1918-1933 taught us. We're learning the truth of this prophecy again in the so-called "war on drugs".)

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