What's a LAC?

About the LAC (Legislative Advisory Committee) page

Our View

In the aftermath of HB 2939, Oregon State Senator Morrisette initiated the Interim Legislative Advisory Committee (LAC).   This committee was a mix of representatives from DHS, Law Enforcement, and patient advocates - generally the leaders of activist organizations or well respected leaders in the field.

The LAC met several times over the course of the last year, and faced resistance from the Law Enforcement representatives from the start.  In spite of the efforts by Law Enforcement, negotiations went on and on, with the primary point of contention (insofar as Law Enforcement was concerned) being the ‘affirmative defense’ clause of the current OMMA.

In the end, the patient activists were willing to let Law Enforcement prevail on this point - the removal of the affirmative defense - in exchange for more reasonable plant number limits, amount possessed limits, and several other pleasing concessions.

However, the representatives from Law Enforcement (county prosecutors and sheriffs) decided to boycott the final meeting of the LAC - on the grounds that the patient advocates were ‘about legalization’.  Interesting claim, when all the notes and minutes of these meetings show that the patient advocates deliberately avoided confusing the issues of medical cannabis vs. legalization.   The issue was phony, and by boycotting the final meeting law enforcement illuminated their own biased agenda.  Thus plans for OMMA-2 / M33 were continued, even as potential suggested changes were pushed forward.

We'll try yo keep you posted on the status of this change group and individual issues as they spin off.   Some issues may progress on their own and be resolved in due course.   NOTE: These are just some of the changes currently happening or being proposed that we know about, click here to see more.  

If you have any more information about the LAC, please communicate!   Post your item, question or comment in the NotePad or e-Mail us.

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