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ATTENTION!  NURSEs and other Medical Professionals

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Come and Get Your Credits for The National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics

Thu. - Sat., April 6 - 8, 2006.
Santa Barbara, California

Action Idea

For the sake of the medical cannabis community - both current cardholders and future potentials - we should get every Nurse and other medical professional in the world to the NCCCT.

To that end MERCY has put together a flyer and will be distributing it to places like hospitals, nursing colleges and ONA HQ in Tualatin.


Flyers to SPREAD the WORD! PRINT and DISTRIBUTE THESE IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. Click here for MS-Word (doc) version, here for Adobe (pdf) version.

You can also leave a note asking questions, giving feedback or suggesting another place to flyer in the Bulletin Board, below.

Re: MINDER! To tell EVERY Nurse and other medical professional you know to Get their Credits at ...

The Fourth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, which will be held in Santa Barbara, CA on April 6-8, 2006, is an accredited conference, so attendees are eligible for Continuing Medical Education credits, among others. NURSES and other Medical Professionals can obtain professional education credits for learning about the scientific evidence supporting the therapeutic use of cannabis from researchers from across the U.S. and around the world. CMEs from USCF; also CEUs for RNs, LVNs, MFTs and Reg. P. / pharm. D. available.

Past educational credits for the work of this national group have been granted by the Oregon Department of Human Services, Health Services and the Oregon Nurses Association, The Colleges of Nursing and Medicine of The University of Iowa, The Virginia Nurses Association, The University of Virginia's Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Law among other conservative professional health care organizations.

This conference will present state of the art cannabis research with faculty from the US, England, Canada, Spain, Israel, and the Netherlands. Areas to be discussed include the use of cannabis for pain management, multiple sclerosis, mental health problems, cancer, glaucoma; use during pregnancy; an overview of the endogenous cannabinoids and their role in the human body; harm reduction measures and policy updates. Providing Patients Safe Access to Therapeutic Marijuana / Cannabis, which encourages the education of registered nurses regarding current, evidence-based therapeutic use of marijuana/cannabis.

Patients' therapeutic cannabis use has always been supported by the academic and medical communities, which have publicly in large numbers called for the immediate access to cannabis under medical supervision," said Nurse Mathre. A list of such organizations can be found at <>.

More information on the conference agenda, faculty, registration, and how to obtain Continuing Education credits is available at:

There are other sparks that are igniting interest in the medical cannabis debate.

For example, "The Petition to Reschedule Cannabis" was submitted to the DEA in October of 2004. This demand was forwarded with merit to their boss, the Department of Health and Human Services in the fall of 2004 and has been under review by that organization since that time. This is a 60 plus page document that lists about 50,000 pages of worldwide research on the therapeutic use of cannabis. The approval of this demand would end the war on cannabis. In a political sense the Petition is every politicians dream. The announcement that research on cannabis has progressed to the point that it can be returned to the National Pharmacopeia, will be accomplished by scientists, and rescheduled by bureaucrats and not one elected official has to vote on the finding. Patients Out of Time is a principal in that filing.

Many think that the finding demanded by the Petition, that cannabis is medicine, is inevitable.

Also, there will be a documentary filming. The filming by Warner Bros. / Star Price Productions being done in conjunction with PoT about medical cannabis patients has been going well for the past several weeks. The film crews will be at the SB conference to continue interviews and to film the entire conference.

Josh, the producer, has asked Patients Out of Time to identify, if possible, additional interview subjects. Listed below are the type of patient that they are looking for to fill out the film.

- They are seeking a young (2-16) child/adolescent being treated presently for any ADD, ADHD type disorder. The idea here is to try to establish a visual reference of how the child acts before cannabis use as compared to behavior after use.

- They are seeking a patient of any age that lives in a state that has no medical marijuana law but is in close proximity to a state line with a state that does allow cannabis treatment. The idea here is to demonstrate the inequality of treatment based solely on geographic location rather than medical need.

- They are seeking an adult who has never used cannabis for any purpose to use cannabis for the first time on film. The idea is to demonstrate that the idea of use bringing on "reefer madness" is absurd.

Any advice or contacts will be appreciated, see below for contact info.

REMEMBER to Spread the Word, Every Nurse and Medical Professional You Know! The Fourth National Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics (NCCCT) will be an accredited conference as has all in the series, meaning attendees who will be medical doctors and registered nurses in the main, will get professional education credits for their attendance. This means nothing we suppose to the layman but to those that advocate for patient use of cannabis under medical supervision it is a enlightening and uplifting series of forums. Conferences that the federals do not want you to know about or write about and therefore never, ever discuss.

Maybe you should come to Santa Barbara next April to find out why. Please see for more details.

Patients Out of Time

Patients Out of Time is a patient advocacy organization with a universal constituency. They support the rights of patients to have a legal and safe access to the therapeutic use of cannabis.

The mission of their organization, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, is the education of health care professionals and the public about the therapeutic use of cannabis. Their leadership is composed of medical and nursing professionals with expertise in the clinical applications of cannabis and five of the seven patients (two wish to remain anonymous) who receive their medical cannabis from the US government. Working closely since 1990, the Founders formalized their work in 1995 as a VA corporation.

Patients Out of Time is seeking a Registered Nurse willing to defend the federal government’s position that cannabis (marijuana) has no medical value. After a year of searching, Patients Out of Time has not found a single nurse who disagrees with the American Nurses Association (and thirteen other state nursing associations) position that cannabis is medicine and who can scientifically disprove that position to an audience of peers. For more, Visit:

For more info on this, the Petition to Reschedule Cannabis, The NCCCT, Patients Out of Time (PoT), their Documentary -or- cannabis as medicine in general you can Contact:

Al Byrne, co-founder
Patients Out of Time
1472 Fish Pond Rd.
Howardsville, VA 24562
(434) 263-4484
fax (434) 263-6753

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