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"The Future of Medical Marijuana"

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A Conference and Banquet; sponsored by A Life with Dignity Committee

Saturday October 2, 2004

Embassy Suites Hotel * Portland, Oregon

The conference will explore the current status and likely future of medical marijuana through panel discussions with medical, legal, and patient experts.  It will be followed by a Gala Banquet fundraiser for the Yes on 33 campaign where you get the chance to mingle with famous people making history.  PLEASE HELP Promote, see below for flyers.

Where: Embassy Suites Hotel, 3rd and Pine St. South West, in downtown Portland Oregon

Free admission to Conference!

3 - 6pm * Conference; Panel discussions with medical and legal experts. Hear from patients whats wrong with the current law and how Measure 33 will fix it!  Agenda:

Opening remarks 3:00 pm.   Opening remarks.

Panel: Status of marijuana in the medical establishment 3:10 - 4:00pm.   Panel: Status of marijuana in the medical establishment

    Rick Bayer, M.D. Rick Bayer, M.D.,
    Larry Bogart, M.D. Larry Bogart, M.D.,
    Teresa Keene, RN and Green Party candidate for US Senate Teresa Keene, RN (Green Party candidate for US Senate)

Panel: The Law and OMMA - Lawyers who defend patients 4:00 - 4:50pm.   Panel: The Law and OMMA - Lawyers who defend patients, starring:

    Leland Berger, attorney Leland Berger
    Brian Michaels, attorney Brian Michaels

Panel: Meet the patients who are shaping the future 5:00 - 5:50pm.   Panel: Meet the patients who are shaping the future, including patients who actually receive their marijuana from the feds.  Over six pounds/year!

    Valerie and Mike Corral, founders of WAMM Valerie and Mike Corral, founders of WAMM, a Santa Cruz California patient collective that successfully enjoined the federal government from raiding their marijuana farm.

    Give us eMailback or info Elvy Musikka, one of seven surviving patients who receive marijuana from the federal government.  Ms. Musikka receives over six pounds annually from the Department of Human Services.

    Give us eMailback or info Erin Hildebrand, a patient who recently moved to Oregon who asks, "Where do I get my medicine while I am waiting for a garden?"

    Clifford Spencer, hospice caregiver Clifford Spencer, a patient and caregiver whos assists over a dozen patients in residential care in their implementation of OMMA. He describes his problems helping patients under the current law.

Closing Remarks 5:50 - 6:00.   Closing Remarks.

Just say YES to Measure 33!

6:00pm - 9:00pm * Gala Banquet;   Speakers, awards, music, silent auction, dinner, preview our TV commercials.  $60 /plate, $100 /plate at VIP tables with special guests.

A good opportunity to help out and be a part of a historic happening as well.  For more info email or visit:

Keynote Speakers:

Ed Rosenthal, author and activist Ed Rosenthal, noted author prosecuted for supplying plants to California patients.  Come hear about his continued resistance to the federal harassment of him for growing "starts" while protected by city and state law. 

Valerie Corral, founder of WAMM Valerie Corral, founder of WAMM patients collective

John Sajo, chief petitioner Measure 33 John Sajo, chief petitioner Measure 33

Jack Herer, author Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears no Clothes

To reserve your seat visit:


Measure 33 creates regulated dispensaries where patients could obtain medical marijuana and expands the currently successful medical marijuana program.  For more information contact:
 John Sajo, chief petitioner Measure 33 - office: 503-224-3051, Email:, or visiting:


Here are some flyers for this event in WORD and PDF format.   PLEASE print out and distribute far and wide!   This grassroots effort NEEDs YOU!!  

There are several purposes to this event. The Life With Dignity Committee hopes to:

    bring us together Pull together a couple hundred people who care about this issue and inspire them to work to win this election.
    informa and educate Showcase many aspects of medical marijuana and where it is going.
    raise funds Help pay for the media tour leading up to this event and leave the campaign with some needed revenue.

LWD would like to add a forum part to it with some panels prior to the dinner.   Any help they can get with this would be greatly appreciated, contact them.  They need help with the dinner and forums.

LWD would like to have a local patient with them from each community.   If you are interested in being involved -or- for media issues, please contact:

Sandee Burbank, media coordinator Sandee Burbank
by email:
or visiting:

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