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Welcome to the Medical Cannabis Resource Center Oregon reform Organizations
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Liberty and Related. Advocates & Activist Organizations and Links concerning cannabis laws and reform in general. Organizations involved in justice, prison, human rights, political action and the drug war are listed here along with those engaged in ending cannabis prohibition. (OR, LIB, ORGs by NAME}. The contacts listed are a few of the activists and groups dedicated to ending prohibition & the like and welcome inquiries from those with questions or issues. They may be able to assist in legal issues or action items.
Oregon, Cannabis Law Reform
the ORG
Cannabis Liberation Front (CLF)
click here to see their Website
Also refered to as Cannabis Liberation Society, The CLF is a Eugene area cannabis law reform organization seeking to end prohibition.
Cannabis Liberation Front
Write P.O. Box 10957, Eugene, OR 97440-2957
Phone: 541.517-0957
LOCAL, NATL (OR St., Eug), ORG, LIB (overall Can Law Refm)
Douglas County Voter Power (DCVP)
click here to see their Website
Patient advocacy & support.
Douglas County Voter Power (DCVP)
LOCAL (OR St., Ros), ORG (non-profit), LIB (Can. Law Refm.)
Hemp Education Network at the U-of-O (HEN)
click here to see their Website
The HENsters are a student-oriented cannabis law reform organization at the University of Oregon. Starting the fall term they will be meeting at the EMU, Umqua River room every Monday at 7pm.
Hemp Education Network at the U-of-O
Phone: 541-334-2058

LOCAL (OR St., Ros), ORG (non-profit), LIB (Can. Law Refm.)
Medical Cannabis Resource Center (MERCY)
click here to see their Website
Patient advocacy & support.
the MERCY (Me.R.Ce.) Center
1675 Fairgrounds Rd. - contact them for an appointment
call: 503.363-4588
eMail: or visit:
LOCAL & ST (OR St., Sal), ORG (non-profit), MED, Hemp & LIB (Patient Avocacy, Hemp & Cannabis Law Reform in general)
Oregon Cannabis Initiative (OCI)
click here to see their Website
OCI is a full decriminalization (6 plants, 3 dry Oz) that also allows industrial hemp.
Oregon Cannabis Initiative
LOCAL (OR St., Bend), ORG (non-profit), LIB (Can. Law Refm.)
Southern Oregon Voter Power (SOVP)
click here to see their Website
functions as a Patient advocacy and support organization.
Southern Oregon Voter Power (SOVP)
LOCAL (OR St., Jac), ORG (non-profit), LIB (Can. Law Refm.)
The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation (THCf) *
click here to see their Website
advocates & Activists for reform use and Cannabis Law Reform in general.
The Hemp & Cannabis Foundation
4259 NE Broadway St. (Hollywood dist)
Portland, OR 97213
- call for an appointment: 503.235-4606
or visit:
LOCAL & ST (PDX, OR), ORG (non-profit), MED & LIB (Patient Avocacy & CLR in genl)
Voter Power (VP)
click here to see their Website
advocates & Activists for reform Cannabis and Voter Empowerment in general.
Voter Power
333 SW Park Ave, Suite 305
Portland, OR 97205
- call for current hours: 503.224-3051
or visit:
LOCAL & ST (PDX, OR), ORG (non-profit), MED & LIB (Patient Avocacy & Voter Reg)
National, Cannabis Law Reform
Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA)
click here to see their Website
national Drug Policy Reform and local Patient advocacy.
Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse
2255 State Road, Mosier, OR 97040
phone or fax 541-298-1031

Join MAMA today!

LOCAL, NATL (OR St., Mos), ORG (non-profit), LIB (Can. Law Refm.) and DPR
International, reform
GW Pharmaceuticals Inc.
click here to see their Website
a pharmaceutical company developing a portfolio of prescription medicines derived from cannabis to meet patient needs in a wide range of therapeutic indications.
Porton Down Science Park
United Kingdom
Tel: 01980 557000
Fax: 01980 557111
or visit:,
INTL (UK), ORG (Biz), MED (ed, rsch & sales)
Cannabis Medicine Internationale (IACM)
click here to see their Website
a scientific society advocating the improvement of the legal situation for the use of the hemp plant and its pharmacologically most important active compounds, through promotion of research and dissemination of information.
IACM - Cannabis Medicine Intl
Arnimstrasse 1A
50825 Cologne
Phone: +49-221-9543 9229
Fax: +49-221-1300591
or visit:
INTL (Ger), ORG (non-profit), MED (ed & rsch)

We also recommend ... * Their mission is to distribute accurate and unbiased news about marijuana, cannabis, and hemp.   Features: Search Engine, Chat, Forum, News, Commentary.   Visit:

Common Sense For Drug Policy Common Sense For Drug Policy (CSDP) * Common Sense for Drug Policy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to expanding discussion on drug policy by resonating the voices of those raising questions about existing law and educating the public about alternatives to current policies.  Features: Search Engine, Research, Speakers, News, Commentary, Policy, Publications, Press Releases.   Visit:

DanceSafe DanceSafe * DanceSafe is a nonprofit, harm reduction organization promoting health and safety within the rave and nightclub community.   Features: Search Engine, Research, Forum, Commentary, Publications, Press Releases.   Visit:

DRCnet Drug Library DRCnet Drug Library * World's Largest Online Drug Policy Library.   Features: Features: History, Research, Commentary, Policy, Publications.   Visit:

Drug Policy Alliance Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) * This site features full-text articles from the academic and popular press focusing on drug policy from economic, criminal justice, and public health perspectives. They also host an ongoing seminar series.   Features: Merchandise, Membership, Audio/Video, Research, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), News, Commentary, Policy, Publications, Press Releases.   Visit:

Drug Reform Coordination Network Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCnet) * The Drug Reform Coordination Network is the central Internet resource for drug reform activism. Learn why prohibition is a failure, and what you can do to help end the disastrous Drug War.   Features: Membership, Speakers, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), Publications, Press Releases.   Visit:

Drug War Facts Drug War Facts * Read the drug war facts with your web browser, download selected chapters or the whole Factbook in Adobe PDF format, or have the chapters sent to your email.   Features: Search Engine.   Visit:

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) * Current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition.  Features: Publications, Search Engine, Membership, Audio/Video, Speakers, Mailing List(s), News.   Visit:

Marijuana Policy Project Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) * The Marijuana Policy Project's purpose is to develop and promote policies to minimize the harm associated with marijuana use and minimize the harm associated with the prohibition on marijuana consumption.  Features: Search Engine, History, Membership, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), News, Commentary, Policy, Publications, Press Releases.   Visit:

The Media Awareness Project Media Awareness Project, The (MAPinc) * MAP works to ensure more balanced and accurate media coverage of drug policy issues and maintains a comprehensive archive of drug policy news and many free e-mail subscription services.  Features: Commentary, Search Engine, History, Speakers, Mailing List(s), Chat, Forum, News.   isit:

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) * click here to see their Website Since its founding in 1970, NORML has provided a voice in the public policy debate for those Americans who oppose marijuana prohibition and favor an end to the practice of arresting marijuana smokers. A nonprofit public-interest advocacy group, NORML represents the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who smoke marijuana responsibly.  Features: Search Engine, Merchandise, Membership, Speakers, Mailing List(s), News, Publications, Press Releases.   Visit:

The November Coalition November Coalition, The * The November Coalition is a grassroots organization dedicated to educating the public about the destructive increase in prison population in the United States and the steady erosion of our civil rights and freedoms by the federal government. They are dedicated to the preservation of the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights and to the power of the several states. November Coalition seeks to inform the citizenry - particularly those who may be complacent - on the present and impending dangers of an overly powerful federal authority acting far beyond its constitutional constraints.  Features: Search Engine, Merchandise, Membership, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), News, Commentary, Publications, Press Releases.   Visit:

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) * Students for Sensible Drug Policy is committed to providing education on harms caused by the War on Drugs, working to involve youth in the political process, and promoting an open, honest, and rational discussion of alternative solutions to our nation's drug problems.   Features: Press Releases, Search Engine, Merchandise, Membership, Audio/Video, Speakers, Mailing List(s), Forum, News.   Visit:

Artists Helping End Marijuana Prohibition Artists Helping End Marijuana Prohibition (AHEMP) * The International Artists for H.E.M.P. (A HEMP) will be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt foundation, a nonprofit membership organization comprised of people in the all of the arts, writing, performing, musical, visual, and athletics. It will support a change in the current laws on Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana, through the dissemination of information about Hemp and its many medical, environmental and recreational uses, as well as the very negative social impact of the current prohibition.   Visit:

Change the Climate Change the Climate * An educational and participatory site about marijuana, pot, hemp, drug reform, medical marijuana, kids and drugs, war on drugs, freedom and marijuana policy through advertising and community.  Features: Membership, Newsletter, Forum.   Visit:

Drug Action Network Drug Action Network (DAN) * The Drug Action Network is a non profit organization working at the grass roots level, focused on replacing prohibiton with regulation.  Features: Commentary, Policy, Publications, History, Merchandise, Speakers, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), News.   Visit:

Drug Policy Education Group Drug Policy Education Group (DPEG) * Drug Policy Education Group (DPEG) Working to educate the people of Arkansas about the harm caused by the War on Drugs.  Features: Search Engine, History, Research, Speakers, Hosting, Newsletter, News, Commentary, Policy, Press Releases.   Visit:

Human Rights and the Drug War Human Rights and the Drug War (HR95) * Human Rights and the Drug War (aka Human Rights 95, HR 95) highlights the human casualties and costs of the U.S. Drug War. Its public education activity includes photo exhibits, slide shows, and a website, to unveil 'the human face' and tell the stories of non-violent drug offenders serving harsh prison sentences. It discusses sentencing, human rights and Constitutional issues, conspiracy law, the prison/drug war industrial complex, etc., and inspired the book, SHATTERED LIVES: PORTRAITS FROM AMERICA'S DRUG WAR. SHATTERED LIVES covers prison issues and the Drug War Industrial Complex.  Features: History, Merchandise, Speakers, Commentary, Publications.   Visit:

Minnesota Marijuana Party Minnesota Marijuana Party (MnMP) * The MMJP seeks to remove all penalties for adults 21 and over who choose to consume cannabis in a responsible manner and demands an end to the war on productive and otherwise law abiding citizens by the powers that be who claim to protect us.  Features: Policy, Chat, Forum, News.   Visit:

Nebraska Marijuana Party Nebraska Marijuana Party (NeMP) * The NMJP seeks to remove all penalties for adults 21 and over who choose to consume cannabis in a responsible manner, and demand an end to the war on productive and otherwise law abiding citizens by the powers that be who claim to protect us. Chat, Forum, News, Policy.   Visit:

New Age Citizen New Age Citizen (NAC) * New Age Citizen(NAC) existed as a website since 2000 and as a eMagazine since 2003. Articles and activities are directed toward solving Drug, Environmental and Social problems. NAC's current goal is to Re-Legalize Marijuana and uncover objective information on a wide variety of Drug Policy Topics. NAC promotes public awareness of the benefits of ending drug prohibition and the negative constitutional, social and economic consequences of continuing with current Drug Policy. NAC's current primary project is cultivating support for the Marijuana Re-Legalization Policy Proposal (MRP). The more general purpose of NAC is to educate the public as to the futility of criminalizing victimless crimes and to begin the establishment of a Drug Peace by Re-Legalizing Marijuana for all uses.  Features: Commentary, Policy, Publications, Press Releases, Search Engine, Merchandise, Membership, Audio/Video, Speakers, Guestbook, Newsletter, Mailing List(s), News.   Visit:

Peter McWilliams Homepage Peter McWilliams Homepage *  Features: Merchandise.   Visit:

The Seattle Hempfest The Seattle Hempfest (SHf) * Hempfest is a 2 day ralley to draw attention to the absurd cannabis laws in the United States. We are the largest such ralley in the world, annually drawing over 150,000 people. We feature 5 stages, 70+ speakers and 70+ bands, and are free to the public.  Features: Policy, History, Merchandise, Speakers, Mailing List(s), News.   Visit:

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* for more Orgs, click here.(pdx Orgs ix)
* for more MERCY Links, click here (links)
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