ACTION ALERT! - protest David Wu's poor voting record
What: Wu/Ameri Debates
Why: To protest David Wu's poor voting record,
exposing legal medical marijuana patients to
persecution by the federal government.
Friday, October 15, 8:00 am
Where: Hillsboro - Liberty High School, 21945 NW Wagon
Way, off Cornelius Pass Road just north of the Sunset
Highway (U.S. 26)
Monday, October 18, 2004 at 6:00 PM
Where: Roseland Theatre, 10 NW 6th Ave
David Wu has twice opposed amendments
(see Stop the Raids!)
which would have
removed funding for federal raids, arrests,
prosecution, and imprisonment of patients who use
medical marijuana in compliance with state law. The
federal government has already threatened action
against Oregon patients if
passes - this is
precisely the kind of legislative attitude that we
need to change.
We want to call Representative Wu to task for his
position. He needs to be made aware of all of the
individuals, families, and voting constituents that he
is putting in harm's way. We also need to let him know
that we can not be ignored or discounted. The message
Representative Wu is sending is that medical marijuana
patients and their supporters are criminals who belong
in jail. The message we need to send is that we are
normal, functional citizens, who will no longer stand
by and be treated inhumanely.
So please, stop by - what better way to express your
support for medical marijuana patients in Oregon and
Thank you,
Erin Hildebrandt, Executive Director
Bill Hildebrandt, Associate Director
Parents Ending Prohibition
P.O. Box 611
Lafayette, OR 97127
Parents Ending Prohibition
... because there are better ways to protect kids!
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