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a GlassWare Party

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Attention patients who use "glass" pipes for medical cannabis delivery devices.

A GlassWare Party is happenin'
Sat., Apr. 1st and 15th at the Mercy Center
from High Noon to 4:20pm.
a Sherlock-style glass pipe suitable for medical cannabis delivery


a glass pipe suitable for medical cannabis delivery GlassWare Parties are an opportunity for medical cannabis patients to examine and inquire about this particular means of medicating in privacy and comfort.

A GlassWare Party has been arranged at the MERCY Center Sat., Apr. 1st and 15th from High Noon to 4:20pm.

a glass pipe suitable for medical cannabis delivery Come preview beautiful, practical "glass" products and accessories in a nice, SAFE, friendly environment where people can discuss the FAQS openly and straightforward. See more at our GlassWare Party page for more detail.

  Glass Nosh Bulletin Board  

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Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 04:00 AM:
Micheal Dunn from Somewhere in U.S.A. wrote:
"Well need to make pot legal cause it is a med. for alot of stuff like headaches and backaches and such i could go on but no 1 listen's to us anyway's we dont count. I would leagualize pot but the gov. wont that is the way it is. We need to make a stand to our country and stick to it. We need to get off our couche's and make a damn differance. "

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