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a GlassWare Party

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Attention patients who use "glass" pipes for medical cannabis delivery devices.

A Smokin' GlassWare Party is happenin'
Sat., Jan. 28th at the Mercy Center
from High Noon to 4:20pm.

SORRY, but this is a cardholders only event.  Click here for directions.


a glass pipe suitable for medical cannabis delivery GlassWare Parties are an opportunity for medical cannabis patients to examine and inquire about this particular means of medicating in privacy and comfort.

A GlassWare Party has been arranged at the MERCY Center Sat., Jan. 28th from High Noon to 4:20pm featuring the very functional glass art of Smokin' Glass of Portland.

a glass pipe suitable for medical cannabis delivery Come preview beautiful, practical "glass" products and accessories in a nice, SAFE, friendly environment where people can discuss the FAQS openly and straightforward.

Y'see, when in the store, conversations must be carefully controlled, even in the age of OMMA.

NOTE: "Smoke Shop" Protocol for Medical Cannabis Patients

Smokin' Glass sells only the finest quality functional glass art and other products.  Sure, WE all know what else they can be used for, but we can't talk openly about it in the store.

BUT!, OMMA didn't fix anything in this area, it's the same old drag.  Anyone heard using words like: Bong, Hash-pipe or any word that implies illegal intent in the store - could be a local yokel on a boon-doggle or even a DEA agent on a fishing expedition - and the owner could be fined or even shut down.  No joke.

SORRY!  But federal law applies, so watch yer terminology!  Yep, it's a silly game we ALL must play til we change the law.

a hookah-style water pipe suitable for medical cannabis delivery Smokin' Glass has supported individuals and groups in the medical cannabis movement since the concept began.  They help as much as they can publicly, mostly by patiently educating consumers on the law when purchasing their functional glass art for use as delivery devices while giving them the best price they can.

a Sherlock-style glass pipe suitable for medical cannabis delivery Now, would like to help more by offering a discount to the patient community.  Mention you read it here and receive 30% off!  Yes, all OMMP Cardholders get a whopping 30 percent savings on your purchase.  So, stop on by their new location in Portland at -

1408 SE 39th, a half block north of Hawthorne up 39th, next to Jiffy Lube

- and ask about their water-pipes (NOT "bongs"!) and other functional glass pieces that OMMA cardholders may be interested in.

For more information please call MERCY, 503.363-4588

SPREAD the WORD! Flyers ! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THESE FLYERS IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE.   Click here for WORD (doc), here for Adobe (PDF).

  GlassWare Party Bulletin Board  

Enter the NotePad! Make a comment, ask a question, see below for examples.   NOTE: Edit yourself before clicking on the [Leave Your Comments] tab, what you type is what you get!  

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Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 12:22 PM:
jimmy from great neck wrote:

Wednesday, August 8 at 04:32 PM:
God from Cannabis fields of Heaven wrote:
"I like the blue pipe, wouldnt mind one, or the big party cone on the water pipe. Only smoke cron out of them, get some good rezin that you'd mix with some nice buds, and be just like smoking hash, sit down and stare at the wall for hours haha"

Tuesday, June 12 at 03:51 PM:
Robby Mackie from Wasilla, ALASAK! wrote:
" what up every body if you want to smoke some chronic sh*t come to the mat-su valley for some matanuska thunder f*ck "

Sunday, June 10, 2007 at 09:26 PM:
Tiffany from Saint Cloud wrote:
"Are those glass pipes on the end of the hoses? "

Thursday, March 29 at 09:38 AM:
Timothy Charles Smith from Newburgh wrote:
" Hey man i like the colors on the first peice Orange is amzing "

Monday, March 19 at 11:33 AM:
Derek L. from Watertown, Wisconsin wrote:
" i wanna marijuana too. why do i have to have a mental illness or be fat to legally somke my weeeid. help mee out guys lets swmoke sum weed."

Friday, February 9 at 02:07 PM:
pot head from Garden of WEED wrote:

Saturday, January 6, 2007 at 07:31 PM:
troe from florida wrote:
" thats bad ass "

Monday, February 27, 2006 at 05:47 AM:
jonathan warren from maine wrote:
" hey guys you lucky people an your nardly to smoke an toke so toke up an smoke up "

Monday, February 6, 2006 at 11:05 PM:
Jerry from Mt. Angel wrote:
"I'm a card holder for three year's. I need some good recipe's for my medicine. please send info "

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