June 8, 2005
Colorado Attorney General John Suthers said the ruling would have little practical impact locally. "The state doesn't care about people with cards allowing them to grow 6 ounces or less," Suthers said. "We do cooperate in state-federal investigations, where the feds target large distribution networks. If federal authorities find medical marijuana in the course of such an investigation, they are required by law to destroy it.
"As attorney general, I will uphold \[Colorado's\] medical marijuana law, but everyone who uses for medical purposes has to understand the federal government is not bound by Colorado's constitutional provisions. And if you have more than the 6 ounces allowed by state law, you're at peril in state and federal law."
MAPinc Newz Bookmark/s -
- Cannabis as Medicine: http://www.mapinc.org/mmj.htm (Cannabis - Medicinal)
- the Angel Raich story: http://www.mapinc.org/topics/Raich (Angel Raich)
ALASKA - AG May Suspend MMJ Registration in Alaska (Alaska.htm)
CALIFORNIA - Attorney General Lockyer Issues Statement On US Supreme Court's Medical
Marijuana Ruling - "Today's ruling does not overturn California law permitting the use of
medical marijuana” ( Calif.htm )
COLORADO - High court twists pot ruling; "As attorney general, I will uphold [Colorado's] medical marijuana law” ( Colo.htm )
HAWAII - Hawaii's U.S. Attorney Says Medical Marijuana 'Finished' ( Hawaii.htm )
MONTANA - Montana attorney general says state medical marijuana law is still valid ( Mont.htm )
NEVADA - Medical marijuana arrests not likely in Nevada, officials say ( Nevada.htm )
OREGON - Oregon freezes medical pot program ( Oregon.htm )
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