A Mission of MERCY; Next Public Meeting Place sought.
One of the missions of MERCY is to establish regular get-togethers in each community where the are
(or will be!) medical cannabis patients.
The purpose is to get patients networking and self-sufficient within their neighborhoods, assist
those seeking information about the OMMP - but - especially to establish consistent, independent and
free lines of communication for patients, caregivers and activists.
The goal is to get reps from other meeting groups coming to exchange action items of interest to
individuals, the group or other visiting reps, as well as sending our rep to their meetings.
A network - a chain - of meetings up and down I-5 and across the state working in conjunction with
e-mail lists and bulliten boards.
Traditionally held on the Last Thurday of the Month,
the last official one was Thu., August 31st, 2006
at 7 PM.
The building hosting MERCYs Center is on the market to be sold.
Our last official availability will be the end of August.
After 8/31/2006 we will be open as we can. The place could sell tomorrow or
not for some time. We have to be prepared to move - which also makes the
place presentable for showing - in either case.
We can use it til then, just can't promise or really schedule to be there.
It is doubtful the new owner will let us stay, much less as is, but we'll
keep praying. Interested in a good-sized, multi-partitioned building on a
high-traffic street in a prime location in Salem? contact -> Robby
When the center becomes unavailable we'll have to meet someplace public to
assist non-cardholders get with the program as well as some place to privately
exchange patient resources. Places such as parking lots and state parks - like in
the bad old days.
To satisfy all the needs MERCYs Center used to fuilfill, we need Places -
- to generally Meet. Public, non-medicating, non-resource-exchanging.
From Meet-Ups to Town Halls.
- to Exchange. With facilities for cardholders to be out of public view.
- to Medicate. Sufficient environmental, health and safety (fire) control -
as well as legal (OMMP protocol) - to allow smoking,
vaporizing, etc.
- to Event. Space and/or ability to make Noise, plus Other -
restrooms, wheelchair access, etc.
- Exchange/Event. Large area with enclosed areas to accomidate both
Card-holders and Non.
- to Post. Bulletin Boards, Posters.
- to Literature. Places to drop/p-u Newsletters, Flyers, etc.
Have your own, and let us know!
Check our Calendar for others we're aware of.
Click here for MS-Word (doc) version,
here for Adobe (pdf) version.
Distribution of Medicine. First, Is always SUBJECT to AVAILABILITY!
We try to accomidate the public and cardholders with their
issues without consideration so that no one suffers or goes away empty-handed, if we can help
and, especially NOTE: No Consideration Allowed.
We distribute and facilitate environments for medicating.
- XSMf.
- Meetings and Meet Ups
- Office. (someday)
- other Events
XSMf. Quarterly.
-c/h only
-no charge
Specifically for people of limited-to-No income.
Monthly Meetings. Last Thu. of each month.
-Pub & c/h
-public room free (no medicating)
-$20 day use fee suggested to support the facilitys for medicating.
This is for public (non-c/h) to come in and meet c/h,
get forms, ques ans, etc., news & info xchgs, nets est'd,
as well as distr of meds, as avail. This will apply to
Office hours as well, once they are established.
Medication Stations at Events. As we can.
-c/h only w/ info for pub avail.
-fees depend on situation
This is where we basically take the Monthly Meeting on the road.
We deal with the public out front (booth) and try to maintain
facilities for patients to medicate (ie- tent, etc.).
Other potential sources for medicine > ie- OGF
and OOMPAH, BB and Toolshed
objv: to link the BB's - and other lines of comm for those concerned with med can in
Oregon - together. We do this in a manner that empowers people to establish their
own, like within their neighborhood, and link up with the appropriate relative networks.
Other items on the Agenda:
2005 Legislative Session, Wake and WAKE UP call.
Activists plan next steps.
For more for details visit:
We will be updating our members and attending public with current status, and actions
items surrounding the issues effecting the medical cannabis community.
We will be registering voters,
distributing literature and networking ideas.
Need to keep up LTE's and generally promoting the needs expressed in the law.
Also communicate to legislator in anticipation of upcoming action by prohibitionists and/or
their lackey tools.
The goal of the meetings is also to service:
People seeking to join the OMMP or public wanting general info, usually for a friend or family
Patients and CareGivers wanting to network. This is being planned in conjunction with other meetings
and other lines of communication for the OOMPAH. (add link to meeting network and bulliten boards)
Activists exchanging information and resources.
Click here for directions,
See our Events
pages for other happenings.
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modified on: Sunday, 26-Nov-2006 14:12:22 PST