Action Alert: Pre-Trial, Court and Prison Support Needed
Help Kevin
Hello, we are friends of Kevin here at the Mercy Center.
Kevin is -
A Medical Cannabis Patient - everyone knows to qualify in any state for MMJ, you must either
be dying, or very sick and in a lot of pain.
Also, a CareGiver - To be a CareGiver you first must care about your fellow man or woman.
Also, a Grower - to be a grower you must have some knowledge to grow so the patients your helping will have some relief from all their conditions and ailments.
The Mercy Center is patients helping patients. Today Kevin needs your help. All of your help. All of us that use cannabis as our medicine know the risk that we take each day of our lives. This is no joke! People all over are being robbed every day for the cannabis they grow for patients. Or the cannabis they have for their own use. This is very, very serious. We all take the utmost care in who comes and goes to our homes when patient medicine is involved. We do lots of time consuming things to make sure the medicine is all right - just about all the Patients, CareGivers and Growers I know have been robbed at one time or another.
We need the laws to protect us cannabis patients, as well as those who CHOOSE to help the sick and dying of our society. Kevin was put into a bad situation: he had been robbed for his medicine as well as those he was helping 2 or 3 times - now the man was back again to rob - Kevin did the best he could - sometimes things just don't turn out the way you would have
hoped. That’s definitely the case this time - Kevin needs to hire an attorney. We need to raise some funds for his defense. If you would like to know how you can help please, visit his website >
And if you or someone you know who, like Kevin, has been robbed for their medical cannabis and would like to see some laws changed for the protection of patients who use cannabis leave your comments here > here
Please tell all you know about Friends of Kevin, who knows, someday it might be you who needs the help and us cannabis patients are people too. We all need to stick together and support each other. So please keep checking on this website for updates to Kevin’s trial. We'll also keep you abreast of all the support we're aware of be it from the cannabis community, jus concerned citizens.
So show your support for this man who just wanted to help others that were sick like him and used cannabis for their medicine. Thanks for all you have done Kevin, for those who couldn't help themselves.
Yours, truly,
The Folks at MERCY - the Medical Cannabis Resource Center
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