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News Items past and present

News items from year 2011 2011, News items

   Largest Doctor Group in Nation Calls for Legalization of Cannabis (marijuana) Largest Doctor Group in Nation Calls for Legalization of Cannabis (marijuana).

   Court Support Wanted; Citizen Needs Support! Make a Difference Just By Showing Up! Court Support Wanted; Citizen Needs Support! Make a Difference Just By Showing Up!

   Federal Cannabis Patient Hassled in Oregon Federal Cannabis Patient Hassled in Oregon

   Bills in Congress to Reform Cannabis Laws Bills in Congress, to Reform Cannabis Laws; check 'em out!

   OMMP Fees to Double OMMP Fees, to Double for basic registration, low-income going up 10 times!

   Your Tax Dollars at Waste, Feds Paper Oregon with Lies and Threats Your Tax Dollars at Waste, Feds Paper Oregon with Lies and Threats.

   A Safe Place For Marijuana Patients To Meet A Safe Place For Marijuana Patients To Meet .

News items from year 2010 2010, News items

   Another Dance Around Marijuana Prohibition, Oregonian Mocks Medical Cannabis Another Dance Around Marijuana Prohibition, Oregonian Mocks Medical Cannabis.

   Going For The Rest Of The Gold, Thiefs Family Sues Victim Going For The Rest Of The Gold, Thiefs Family Sues Victim.

   LAPD Reports Markup LAPD Reports Markup of 250%-265% (retail) at Los Angeles dispensaries.

News items from year 2009 2009, News items

   HHS Takes Bids HHS Takes Bids, the University of Mississippi is Expected to Continue It's 40 year Monopoly.
   DEA Raids Again DEA Raids Again, Federal Medical Marijuana Raids Continue despite Obama Administration Promise for Change.

News items from year 2008 2008, News items

   xxx xxx | yyy

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Directory of information on cannabis and conditions Cannabis and ...

Information about Cannabis and ADHD ADHD Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
Information about Cannabis and AIDS AIDS
Information about Cannabis and Alzheimers Alzheimers
Information about Cannabis and Anxiety Anxiety
Information about Cannabis and Arthritis Arthritis
Information about Cannabis and Asthma Asthma
Information about Cannabis and Autism Autism
Information about Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder Bipolar
Information about Cannabis and Cancer Cancer
Information about Cannabis and Cachexia Cachexia
Information about Cannabis and Crohns Crohns
Information about Cannabis and Dementia Dementia
Information about Cannabis and Depression Depression
Information about Cannabis and Diabetes Diabetes
Information about Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma ( DIPG )  DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)
Information about Cannabis and Epilepsy Epilepsy
Information about Cannabis and Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia
Information about Cannabis and Glaucoma Glaucoma
Information about Cannabis and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  Information about Cannabis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
Information about Cannabis and Lupus Lupus
Information about Cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis
Information about Cannabis and Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis
Information about Cannabis and Nausea Nausea
Information about Cannabis and Pain Pain
Information about Cannabis and Parkinson's Parkinson's
Information about Cannabis and Pregnancy Pregnancy
Information about Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Information about Cannabis and Seizures Seizures
Information about Cannabis and Spasms Spasms
Information about Cannabis and Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
Information about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
Information about Cannabis and Tar (Resin) Tar (Resin)

Information about Seeds for Medical Cannabis Seeds - for Medical Cannabis and related info
Information about Strains of Medical Cannabis Strains - of Medical Cannabis and related info

... plus Information on
Information about Cannabis Cannabis for ...
Information about Cannabis for Doctors Doctors
Information about Cannabis for Nurses Nurses

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700 newslettters were printed and distributed, thanx to donors - all of whom couldn't afford it!, b.t.w - bless you all

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We at the MERCY News Report team have the print costs down to where we get 3 newsletters printed for every $1 we're able to raise (thanx Sir Speedy of Tigard!)


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As Of (Date)
Page (Name)
NOVEMBER - Study: Non-Psychoactive Plant Cannabinoids Possess Synergistic Anti-Cancer Activity In Leukemia Cell Lines; Medical Cannabis may prove Effective in Treating Autism; FDA Approves Investigational Trials Assessing Cannabidiol For Pediatric Epilepsy; "Cannabis and the Brain: A User's Guide; Pharmacy Group Announces Formation Of Medical Marijuana Task Force; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1311.htm (Web)
nl1311.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1311.pdf (Adobe)
OCTOBER - Justice Department Reverses Policy on Cannabis Businesses - New Memo Clears Way for State-Regulated Medical Cannabis Distribution; Sanjay Gupta Sorry for Misleading Public about Medical Cannabis; Massachusetts on Track for Dispensaries by 2014; ACNA Position Statement on Concurrent Cannabis and Opiate Use; "Health Before Happy Hour" Campaign in Washington; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1310.htm (Web)
nl1310.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1310.pdf (Adobe)
SEPTEMBER - Despite Prohibitionists Medical Marijuana Advances; ASA Appeals Rescheduling Denial to US Supreme Court - Argues 200+ scientific studies adequately show medical efficacy of cannabis; DEA Spends Millions on Raids in Washington; 15 Years Later, Access in Washington, D.C.; New Hampshire is 19th Medical Cannabis State; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1309.htm (Web)
nl1309.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1309.pdf (Adobe)
AUGUST - Federal Interference with State Medical Cannabis Programs Costs Millions; Help Free Lori - Medical Cannabis Activist Twists Slowly in the Wind Awaiting Trial; Cultivating Local Medical Cannabis Systems Is the Way Forward; How Safe is Medicinal Cannabis?; Study: Marijuana Smoking Not Associated With Airway Cancers, COPD, Emphysema, Or Other Tobacco-Related Pulmonary Complications; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1308.htm (Web)
nl1308.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1308.pdf (Adobe)
JULY - PTSD Added to OMMP - Oregon Lawmakers Pass Measure To Expand State's Medical Cannabis Program To Include Patients With Post Traumatic Stress; Through the Smokescreen; It's Difficult for the Government to Live with the Truth; Marijuana Dispensaries Becoming Exclusive Domain Of The 1 Percent; Nevada Legislators Approve Measure To Allow For Medical Cannabis Dispensing Operations; Federal Interference with State Medical Cannabis Programs Costs Millions; Feds, Anaheim Try to Seize $1.5M Building . . . With No Charges Against the Owner; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1307.htm (Web)
nl1307.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1307.pdf (Adobe)
JUNE - 70 Drug Warriors Raid MMJ Activists - While 911 Dispatcher Tells Woman About To Be Sexually Assaulted There Are No Cops To Help Her Due To Budget Cuts; Science Over Ideology? And Yet The War On Pot Continues; Illinois House Passes Medical Cannabis Bill; ASA Takes Cannabis Classification Challenge to Supreme Court; Maryland Legislature Approves Limited Bill; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1306.htm (Web)
nl1306.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1306.pdf (Adobe)
MAY - Global Medical Cannabis Liberation - International Marches Happen Annually in Salem, Oregon and more than 200 Cities Around the World; Does the Drug War Protect Our Kids?; Help to Add PTSD to the OMMP; Massachusetts Issues Draft Regulations; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1305.htm (Web)
nl1305.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1305.pdf (Adobe)
APRIL - Bill to Add PTSD to OMMP Needs Support, Help Allow Medical Cannabis for PTSD for Veterans, Police, Firefighters and Other American Citizens in Oregon; Medical Marijuana: A Perspective; Study: At Home Marijuana Gardens Not Associated With Adverse Health Effects Among Children; Clinical Trial Data Yet Again Affirms Cannabis' Efficacy; Oregon House Committee Hears Dispensary Bill; and other Medical Cannabis News.
news1304.htm (Web)
nl1304.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1304.pdf (Adobe)
FEBRUARY - S.B.281 to Add PTSD to OMMP Introduced, Will Allow Medical Cannabis for PTSD for Veterans, Police, Firefighters and Other American Citizens in Oregon; Experts, Activists, Citizens Rally for PTSD at Oregon State Capital; PTSD and Cannabis: A Clinician Ponders Mechanism of Action; Israel Soothes Terrorist Trauma With Marijuana ; Are Veterans Being Given Deadly Cocktails to Treat PTSD?; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
news1302.htm (Web)
nl1302.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1302.pdf (Adobe)
NOVEMBER - Cannabis Legalization Wins Big On Election Day - Neither Measure Amends The States' Existing Medical Marijuana Laws; Science & Medicine Are Moving Reform Forward; DC Court Hears Rescheduling Appeal, Requests More Info ASA Submits Brief on Patients' Right to Sue in Landmark Federal Case; Case Report: Inhaled Cannabis Controls Convulsions In Epileptics; Kids and Cannabis, Kids on Cannabis; Debate Follows Media Coverage of 7-year old Patient; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
news1211.htm (Web)
nl1211.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1211.pdf (Adobe)
SEPTEMBER - House Bill Proposes to Stop Federal Forfeiture Actions, Nine Co-Sponsors Introduce HR 6335 To Protect State-Authorized Businesses; Study: Synthetic THC Analogue Mitigates Diabetic Neuropathy, Is 'Well Tolerated' In Patients; Montana: Supreme Court Says Patients Possess No Fundamental Right To Cannabis; Most Statewide Marijuana Initiatives Leading In Polls, Former DEA Heads Urge Justice Department To Oppose the Will Of The People; First New Jersey Distribution Center to Open in September; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
news1209.htm (Web)
nl1209.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1209.pdf (Adobe)
AUGUST - Study: "There Is Now Clear Evidence That Cannabinoids Are Useful For The Treatment Of Various Medical Conditions"; Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act Introduced In Congress; Drug Tests For Cannabis Exposure Not Advisable For Infants, Study Says; Increased Access To Therapeutic Cannabis Likely To Reduce Patients' Use Of Opiates, Other Addictive Drugs; Arkansas: Medical Marijuana Act Qualifies For November Ballot; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
news1208.htm (Web)
nl1208.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1208.pdf (Adobe)
JULY - Justice Department Files Civil Asset Forfeiture Actions Against Harborside California State's Largest Medical Cannabis Dispensary - Attorney General Denies Reality of Raids; Schedule I Prohibitive Status For Pot is "Untenable," Scientists Say; Oregon Kills Medical Marijuana Deduction for Food Stamp Applicants; Massachusetts: Measure To Legalize State-Sanctioned Distribution Of Medical Cannabis Approved For November Ballot; Study: Cannabis Use Has "No Lasting Residual Effects On Neurocognitive Performance; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
news1207.htm (Web)
nl1207.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1207.pdf (Adobe)
JUNE - Endocannabinoids Emerge Out of the Shadows at the 7th NCCCT: A Report on the Seventh National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics; California Supreme Court Affirms Legality of Dispensaries; Denies Review of Ruling on Participation, Transport, Extracts; AN OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA; Study: Medical Marijuana Legalization Is Not Accompanied By Increases In Teen Cannabis Use; Connecticut: Medicinal Marijuana Legalization Measure Signed Into Law; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
news1206.htm (Web)
nl1206.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1206.pdf (Adobe)
MAY - Oregon Medical Cannabis Community Rallies, Prohibitionist Candidate Crushed in AG Primary Race: Activists Now Focus on Current and Potential Representatives and Initiatives to be on Ballot in November; Three Out Of Four Americans Believe Obama Administration Should "Respect" States' Medical Marijuana Laws; Connecticut To Become 17th State To Allow For The Legal Use Of Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes - "Today is a day of hope, compassion and dignity," says Connecticut NORML; Administration Of Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Mitigates Psychotic Symptoms In Schizophrenics; Study: Non-Psychotropic Plant Cannabinoids Counteract Prostate Cancer Growth; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
news1205.htm (Web)
nl1205.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1205.pdf (Adobe)
APRIL - Six National Drug Policy Organizations Call on President Obama to End Unnecessary Assault on Medical Marijuana Providers; Also ... Obama Not Going "To Turn The Other Way" Regarding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; THC Seldom Detected In Injured Dutch Drivers; Drug Czar Reiterates Government's Opposition To Domestic Hemp Production; Rasmussen Poll: Plurality Of Americans Support Legalizing And Taxing Cannabis; ... plus more.
news1204.htm (Web)
nl1204.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1204.pdf (Adobe)
MARCH - Forty Years And Still Waiting: National Commission On Marihuana Recommends Decriminalizing Cannabis - Also ... White Paper: Drug Testing Results Often Inaccurate, Unreliable; Many Cannabis Users Substitute Booze For Pot After Age 21, Study Says; Mayo Clinic Proceedings: "Bureaucratic Hurdles ... Interfere With Legitimate Cannabis Research"; Government's Crackdown On Medicinal Cannabis Not Unconstitutional, Federal Judge Rules; ... plus more.
news1203.htm (Web)
nl1203.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1203.pdf (Adobe)
FEBRUARY - US Drug Enforcement Administration Targets Montana State Lawmaker Over Her Advocacy For Medical Marijuana - Also ... Salem Police Ransack Medical Marijuana Dispensary, “Smokey's Lounge” A Private Club For Legal Medical Marijuana Patients is Raided; Delaware: Federal Threats Halt Efforts To Implement State's Medicinal Cannabis Law; Medical Marijuana Laws Have No Discernible Adverse Impact On Adolescents' Use, Study Says; Study: Passage Of Medical Marijuana Laws Correlated With Fewer Suicides; Cannabis Is "An Effective Treatment" For Cancer Patients, Israeli Study Concludes ... plus more.
news1202.htm (Web)
nl1202.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1202.pdf (Adobe)
JANUARY, 2012 - Activists Prep For Legislative Session; Marijuana Super PAC Anticipates Repeat Of Last Year - Also ... U. S. Federal Government Continues Crackdown On Medical Cannabis Providers; Wider Use Of Cannabis Therapy Could Reduce Prescription Pain Drug Deaths; Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Inhibits Colon Cancer Cell Proliferation; Marijuana Use Not Associated With Residual Cognitive Decline Later In Life; ... plus more.
news1201.htm (Web)
nl1201.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1201.pdf (Adobe)
DECEMBER, 2011 - Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Is "Safe," "Well Tolerated" In Humans, Study Says - "CBD is non-toxic ... and does not alter psychomotor or psychological functions" - Also ... Bi-Partisan Group of Governors Call on President Obama to Re-Schedule Marijuana; Hospice Health Professionals Support Legalization Of Cannabis For Therapeutic Use; California: State Lawmaker Meets With US Attorney Regarding Federal Crackdown On Cannabis Providers; NORMLs Top Ten Stories for 2011 ... plus more.
news1112.htm (Web)
nl1112.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1112.pdf (Adobe)
NOVEMBER, 2011 - Medical Marijuana Legalization Not Associated With Increases In Youth Pot Use, Study Says; Also ... Members Of Congress Condemn Obama Administration's Crackdown On Medicinal Cannabis Providers; Federal Lawsuit Seeks To Halt Obama Administration's Crackdown On California's Medical Cannabis Patients And Providers; Survey: Cannabis Use Associated With Reduced Intake Of Prescription Drugs; California Society Of Addiction Medicine Calls For The 'Constructive Regulation' Of Marijuana ... plus more.
news1111.htm (Web)
nl1111.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1111.pdf (Adobe)

also Information on
Directory of information on cannabis by region Cannabis by ...

Information about Medical Cannabis in the United States of America MERCY in America; Medical Cannabis in the USA
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Alabama Alabama
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Alaska Alaska
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Arkansas Arkansas
  Information about Medical Cannabis in California California
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Colorado Colorado
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Connecticut Connecticut
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Delaware Delaware
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Florida Florida
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Georgia Georgia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Hawaii Hawaii
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Idaho Idaho
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Illinois Illinois
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Indiana Indiana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Iowa Iowa
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Kansas Kansas
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Kentucky Kentucky
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Louisiana Louisiana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Maine Maine
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Maryland Maryland
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Massachusetts Massachusetts
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Michigan Michigan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Minnesota Minnesota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Mississippi Mississippi
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Missouri Missouri
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Montana Montana
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nebraska Nebraska
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nevada Nevada
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Hampshire New Hampshire
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Jersey New Jersey
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Mexico New Mexico
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New York New York
  Information about Medical Cannabis in North Carolina North Carolina
  Information about Medical Cannabis in North Dakota North Dakota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Ohio Ohio
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma Oklahoma
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Oregon Oregon
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Rhode Island Rhode Island
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Carolina South Carolina
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Dakota South Dakota
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Tennessee Tennessee
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Texas Texas
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Utah Utah
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Vermont Vermont
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Virginia Virginia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington State Washington State
  Information about Medical Cannabis in West Virginia West Virginia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Wisconsin Wisconsin
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Wyoming Wyoming
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Washington DC, District of Columbia Washington DC (District of Columbia)

Information about Medical Cannabis around the World The World of MERCY; Medical Cannabis around the Globe

Information about Medical Cannabis in Africa Africa
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Angola Angola
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Cameroon Cameroon
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Cape Verde Cape Verde
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Egypt Egypt
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Morocco Morocco
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Mozambique Mozambique
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Senegal Senegal
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South Africa South Africa

Information about Medical Cannabis in Asia Asia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Cambodia Cambodia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in China China
  Information about Medical Cannabis in India India
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Indonesia Indonesia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Israel Israel
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Japan Japan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Malaysia Malaysia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Nepal Nepal
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Pakistan Pakistan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Philippines Philippines
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Russia Russia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Taiwan Taiwan
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Thailand Thailand
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Turkey Turkey
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Vietnam Vietnam

Information about Medical Cannabis in Caribbean Caribbean
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Bermuda Bermuda
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Jamaica Jamaica
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
  Information about Medical Cannabis in US Virgin Islands Virgin Islands (US)

Information about Medical Cannabis in Europe Europe
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Albania Albania
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Belgium Belgium
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Cyprus Cyprus
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Czech Republic Czech Republic
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Denmark Denmark
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in France France
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Germany Germany
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Greece Greece
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Italy Italy
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Lithuania Lithuania
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Luxembourg Luxembourg
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Macedonia Macedonia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Netherlands Netherlands
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  Information about Medical Cannabis in Poland Poland
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Portugal Portugal
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Romania Romania
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Serbia Serbia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Spain Spain
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Sweden Sweden
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Switzerland Switzerland
  Information about Medical Cannabis in  the United Kingdom (UK) United Kingdom (UK)
    Information about Medical Cannabis in England England
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Northern Ireland Northern Ireland
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Scotland Scotland
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Wales Wales

Information about Medical Cannabis in Latin America Latin America
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Mexico Mexico
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Central America Central America
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Costa Rica Costa Rica
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Guatemala Guatemala
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Honduras Honduras
  Information about Medical Cannabis in South America South America
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Argentina Argentina
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Brazil Brazil
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Chile Chile
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Ecuador Ecuador
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Peru Peru
    Information about Medical Cannabis in Uruguay Uruguay

Information about Medical Cannabis in North America North America
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Canada Canada
  Information about Medical Cannabis in the United States the United States

Information about Medical Cannabis in the Pacific (Oceania, Rim) the Pacific (Oceania, Rim)
  Information about Medical Cannabis in Australia Australia
  Information about Medical Cannabis in New Zealand New Zealand

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As Of (Date)
Page (Name)
OCTOBER, 2011 - Fee Hike Means Agony for Oregon; Individuals Will Suffer and We, the People, thru the State, will Pay for it All Also ... ATF Seeks Piece Of Medi-Pot-War Pie; Bureau Targets Sick and Dying for the Porkbarrelled Boondoggle; Forced Closure Of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries Associated With Localized Increases In Crime ... plus more.
news1110.htm (Web)
nl1110.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1110.pdf (Adobe)
SEPTEMBER, 2011 - Busy As Beavers; Three Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Active in Oregon Also ... President Balks At Responding To Medical Marijuana Question At Town Hall; Israeli Government Officially Recognizes Therapeutic Value Of Cannabis -- Codifies Regulations For Producing, Providing It To Patients ... plus more.
news1109.htm (Web)
nl1109.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1109.pdf (Adobe)
AUGUST, 2011 - White House Report Acknowledges Few Scientists Permitted To Assess Cannabis Use In Humans; Only 14 researchers approved to study 'smoked marijuana on human subjects' Also ... DEA Responds To Nine-Year-Old Marijuana Rescheduling Petition: Maintains That Cannabis Lacks Medical Utility, ASA Appeals Cannabis Rescheduling Denial - Federal Action Creates Opportunity to Air Scientific Research; New Jersey's Medical Cannabis Program Moves Forward Governor Takes Action despite Federal Threats to Officials ... plus more.
news1108.htm (Web)
nl1108.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1108.pdf (Adobe)
JULY, 2011 - CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE! Congressional House Members Have Introduced Multiple Medical Marijuana Reform Measures Also ... Oregon Medical Cannabis Patients Brace for Fee Hike; US Attorneys Frighten Oregon Landlords; Cannabis Compound Induces Death Of Cells Associated With Liver Fibrosis; Vermont Legalizes Establishment Of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries ... plus more.
news1107.htm (Web)
nl1107.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1107.pdf (Adobe)
JUNE, 2011 - Medical Cannabis Bills Introduced in U.S. Congress; Contact Your Rep Today! Also ... Delaware Becomes 16th State To Legalize Limited Medical Use Of Marijuana; Inhaled Cannabis Beneficial For Fibromyalgia Patients, Study Says; plus more.
news1106.htm (Web)
nl1106.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1106.pdf (Adobe)
MAY, 2011 - Marijuana Use Associated With 'Superior' Cognitive Performance In Schizophrenic Patients, Study Says Also ... Boy, Two, With Brain Cancer Is 'Cured' After Secretly Being Fed Medical Marijuana By His Father; FDA Approves Study of Cannabis for PTSD; plus more.
news1105.htm (Web)
nl1105.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1105.pdf (Adobe)
MARCH, 2011 - March Madness for Medical Cannabis Community, Also ... Rally For MMJ There will be a Rally (11am) about and Hearing (1pm) on HB 2982 on Wednesday, February 23, 2011; State lawmakers propose sobriety checkpoints; plus more.
news1103.htm (Web)
nl1103.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1103.pdf (Adobe)
AUGUST, 2010 - The DEA Raids Again; Marijuana Advocates Protest DEA Raids In Michigan & California Also ... V.A. EASING RULES FOR USERS OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA; Washington, DC: Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Not Likely Until Mid-2011; plus more.
news1008.htm (Web)
nl1008.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1008.pdf (Adobe)
JULY, 2010 - Suffer The Little Children, Medical Cannabis For Kids Too - Joey's Journey: Medical Marijuana Saves Child's Life; Also ... Crime Of The Century, Man Punished For Helping 6-Year Old Girl with Brain Cancer - Medical Marijuana Advocates Protest Latest DEA Raids in Michigan and California; Medical Marijuana For Children: New Trend In Alternative Medicine - Medical Marijuana Touted as Viable Option For Treating OCD, Autism and Other Ailments In Kids; plus more.
news1007.htm (Web)
nl1007.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1007.pdf (Adobe)
JUNE, 2010 - Oregon Dispensary Initiative Supporters Hit The Streets - I-28 Proponents Make Final Push to Gather Signatures; Also ... United Kingdom Approves Marijuana Spray As Medicine -- Prescription Oral Spray, Sativex, Now Available To Patients; Age Of Onset Of Schizophrenia Not Associated With Marijuana Use, Study Says; plus more.
news1006.htm (Web)
nl1006.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1006.pdf (Adobe)
FEBRUARY, 2010 - Federal Agency In Charge Of Marijuana Research Admits Stifling Studies On Medicinal Cannabis - NIDA does "not fund research focused on the potential medical benefits of marijuana"; Also New Jersey Becomes Fourteenth State To Legalize Medical Marijuana Use; And Marijuana Compounds Possess Synergistic Anti-Cancer Effects, Study Says; plus more.
news1002.htm (Web)
nl1002.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1002.pdf (Adobe)
JANUARY (Winter), 2010 - Oregon Medical Cannabis Dispensary Initiative Progresses, I-28 Petitioners Submit First 61,000 Signatures; Also SUPPORT HR3939, the Truth in Trails Act, Currently in U.S. Congress by calling - 202-224-3121 – or visiting; And Join The Campaign! Medical Cannabis for PTSD for Veterans, Police, Firefighters and other Oregon-American Citizens; plus more.
news1001.htm (Web)
nl1001.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl1001.pdf (Adobe)
Summer, 2009 - US Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To State Medical Marijuana Laws; Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act Reintroduced In Congress; U.S. Physicians Announce Founding Of American Academy Of Cannabinoid Medicine; and more.
news0907.htm (Web)
nl0907.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0907.pdf (Adobe)
Spring, 2009 - Community Reacts To Protect Medical Marijuana Program, Activists Just Say NO To Senate Bill 388; MERCY Expands On The Gatherings; Campaign Continues To Add Medical Cannabis For PTSD To OMMP; and more.
news0904.htm (Web)
nl0904.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0904.pdf (Adobe)
Winter (January), 2009 - National Bill For Medical Cannabis Is Still In The House; Oregon Business Leaders Seek Termination of Medical Marijuana Patients' Right to Work, Yet Data Contradicts Workplace Safety Claims; and more.
news0901.htm (Web)
nl0901.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0901.pdf (Adobe)
September, 2008 - Bill For Federal Medical Cannabis Is In The House, Legislation Introduced by Representative Ron Paul; Join The Campaign Medical Cannabis For PTSD For Veterans; and more.
news0809.htm (Web)
nl0809.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0809.pdf (Adobe)
May, 2008 - Million Marijuana March for Global Cannabis Liberation, Salem, Oregon and around the World! ; and more.
news0805.htm (Web)
nl0805.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0805.pdf (Adobe)
March, 2008 ; News; Action!, Legislation and more.
news0803.htm (Web)
nl0803.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0803.pdf (Adobe)
September, 2007 ; News; Action!, Legislation and more.
news0709.htm (Web)
nl0709.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0709.pdf (Adobe)
Medical Cannabis Needs You Act Today! Don’t Delay! ; Urge U.S. Congress to Support Medical Marijuana Patients' Rights; OMMA Under Attack; L.A. DEA Threatens Landlords of Medical Cannabis Coops With Forfeiture and more.
news070717.htm (Web)
nl0707.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0707.pdf (Adobe)
GET WRITING MAD! Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Fee Hike Proposed, Poorest Patients Hit Hardest ; Teen cancer patient battles to choose own treatment. 16-year-old wants alternative therapy, not ordered chemo; OMMP Meetings and other News.
news060715.htm (Web)
nl0607.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0607.pdf (Adobe)
Medical Professionals Get Credits for National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, Nurses Stand Up For Patients and Support MEDICAL MARIJUANA, Activist and Advocate ORGs and People in Action.
news060215.htm (Web)
nl0602.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0602.pdf (Adobe)
OMMP Changes, MERCYs Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Status Report. SB1085 AMENDs OREGON MEDICAL MARIJUANA ACT; Limits increased, some affirmative defenses repealed, other changes enacted. Mercy Center Hosts GlassWare Parties for Patients
news060101.htm (Web)
nl0601.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0601.pdf (Adobe)
Oregon’s Employers to Cannabis Patients: “You’re Sick; You’re Fired”, Federal Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced In Congress, and more!
news051115.htm (Web)
nl0511.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0511.pdf (Adobe)
The MERCY Report on Senate Bill 1085; Legislature Amends Oregon Medical Cannabis Law
SB1085.htm (Web)
SB1085.doc (WORD v8.0)
SB1085.pdf (Adobe)
Life of Pain or Life of Crime?; SUPPORT HR2087, ILL AMERICANS NEED IT; Representatives Should LISTEN TO the DOCTORS AND PATIENTS on MEDICAL MARIJUANA; Legislators, Meet a Cancer Victim
news050615.htm (Web)
nl0506.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0506.pdf (Adobe)
Take Action Today for Global Cannabis Liberation; Marches and Rallies for Freedom in Salem and Around the World. ONA Leaves Patients in the Cold; Oregon's Nursing Leadership Needs Education on the Medical Cannabis Issue, Come and welcome the Oregon Nurses Association to Corvallis! Time to Ed Your Rep; Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA) invites you to "Education Day" at the State Capitol in Salem
news050401.htm (Web)
nl0504.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0504.pdf (Adobe)
Changes To Medical Marijuana Law Proposed - Oregon State Legislative report; Proposal Would Regulate Growing S.F. Industry; Another Kind of OMMA - Medical Marijuana Comes To Ohio ... and more!
news050301.htm (Web)
nl0503.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0503.pdf (Adobe)
10,000 Patients in Oregon; The AARP Report; The Miracle Weed; Fed Raids Continue; Medical Cannabis around the World; and more!
news050201.htm (Web)
nl0502.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0502.pdf (Adobe)
XS+Med*Fest A Success; Over 100 Patients Had Opportunity to Access Excess Medicine - and more!
news050115.htm (Web)
nl0501.doc (WORD v8.0)
nl0501.pdf (Adobe)
National Day for Start of Actions for Medical Cannabis Patients and CareGivers - STOP the RAIDs!
Bad Laws Alert! Save the Music, Save the Watchdogs, Stop the Bad Drugged Driving Bill.
Censorship, Propaganda and the Super Bowl
News & Action items - Veto Oregon's SB-916/921 "No Pot-heads on Unemployment, sick or otherwise" bill; RAVE II, the "anti-Hempfest" Acts, on the way; CherylHeart - The CMM Project - Is My Medicine Legal YET?
ALERT! Allow Release of Cannabis for Research.
Medical Cannabis Advocacy on Trial in Oregon; Salem Man Arrested In 2002 After Plants Found
Winter 2003
WORD version >nbyte4.doc<
Nearly Half Of MS Patients Using Medicinal Pot, Study Says. Three Out Of Four Say Marijuana Alleviates Their Spasms
Fall 2002
WORD version >nbyte2.doc<

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As Of (Date)
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MERCY in Alaska; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Alaska
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_AK.doc<
MERCY in California; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in California
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_CA.doc<
MERCY in Colorado; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Colorado
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_CO.doc<
MERCY in Hawaii; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Hawaii
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_HI.doc<
MERCY in Maryland; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Maryland
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_MD.doc<
MERCY in Maine; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Maine
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_ME.doc<
MERCY in Montana; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Montana
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_MT.doc<
MERCY in New Mexico; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in New Mexico
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_NM.doc<
MERCY in Nevada; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Nevada
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_NV.doc<
MERCY in Oregon; a Guide to the State Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) Program
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_OR.doc<
MERCY in Rhode Island; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Rhode Island
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_RI.doc<
MERCY in Vermont; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Vermont
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_VT.doc<
MERCY in Washington; a Guide to the Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) in Washington State
Summer 2008
WORD version >GuideBook_WA.doc<

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