Federal Medical Cannabis Patient Hassled by Local Yokel in Oregon
As Russ reports: "Early Thursday morning (9/15/11), Oregon State Police detained Elvy Musikka, one of
four remaining federal medical marijuana patients, along with other state
medical marijuana registry cardholders following a town hall meeting on
medical marijuana in the eastern Oregon / Idaho border town of Ontario.
According to Joey Nieves, clinic manager at 45th Parallel, a medical
marijuana cardholders co-operative, a state trooper had staked out the co-op
to harass cardholders as they left the building. Members of the co-op were
detained by the trooper who issued citations, including a $1,000 ticket for
"residue" to a grower whose patient had left behind an empty pipe.
Musikka was in town as part of the 45th Parallel's Town Hall Meeting, which
took place at the Clarion Hotel earlier Wednesday evening." The meeting was designed to discuss the benefits of medical marijuana, and supporters of medical marijuana use in both Oregon and Idaho outweighed those opposed to the idea. (learn more about the Meeting) *(Full
disclosure: the story reporter was a speaker at the event. He is also a registered Oregon cardholder and can verify that 45th Parallel vigorously checked his credentials before he was even allowed inside. He had to give a copy of his OMMP card and Oregon ID and initial numerous statements indicating his understanding of Oregon law.)* "At the hotel, an Oregon State Trooper sat parked just down the street from the public's entrance to the
Clarion's parking lot and the reporter strongly suspects, though he has not yet verified, it was
the same trooper that stopped Elvy and the others." [Eds NOTE: Heck, he could've called for back-up; it was a bunch of those "Reefer Mad" pot-heads, after all] "Nieves reports Musikka was detained for over an hour in a squad car, and then her federal paperwork and medicine was confiscated, as the trooper did not believe her story and papers entitling her to possess and use her federally-produced medical marijuana
anywhere in the United States.
Patients on the scene recorded the encounter on video, which has been seized
by the state police. Nieves, a former Army counter-narcotics specialist,
told Russ Belville of the NORML Stash Blog that the trooper "got much more polite" once Nieves
identified himself as a former soldier, but stonewalled when Nieves pointed
to the actual law allowing the grower to be in possession of that pipe.
Nieves reports that the trooper also denied requests for the video and the
state police are giving him the runaround regarding the paperwork needed to
recover the video."
You can hear more from Joey Nieves (and possibly Elvy
Musikka) as guest/s on Russ's NORML SHOW LIVE, part of The NORML Network, on Ustream at - http://live.norml.org/.
UPDATE: Elvy Musikka reports that she has her stuff back - the police took
her ID and her prescription and summoned her to court on October 5th, but now case dismissed. Still, she had to find medicine that nite, had to get a ride there to get it back when she shouldn't have AND there's the other victims. An AP
reporter was already working on a story about Elvy and in the process of
getting the return of Elvy's prescription and ID, they learned that the
state troopers were being ordered by the federal Department of Justice to
engage in these seizures from state-legal patients.
Lets help make this story viral! See below.
--- some LINKage ---
Continue reading and comment on Examiner.com concerning Oregon State Police harassment of Federal medical
marijuana patient Elvy Musikka here: http://www.examiner.com/medical-marijuana-dispensaries-in-portland/oregon-state-police-harass-federal-medical-marijuana-patient-elvy-musikka-outsid#ixzz1Y4hxEVCU
This video was shot by Sam Chapman, founder of the Students for Sensible Drug Policy Chapter at the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR.
The event Elvy is describing was held in Ontario Oregon, put on by the 45th Parallel, a patient collective there.
The federal policy she talks about (directing state police officers to seize and not return medical marijuana) was relayed to her by the Oregon State Police troopers who stopped and harassed her.
NORML's outreach co-ordinator, Russ Bellville, blogs on about this subject here: http://stash.norml.org/oregon-state-police-harass-federal-medical-marijuana-patient-elvy-musikka-outside-ontario-co-op
Here is an article with a bit more information about the incident, here - http://www.theweedblog.com/oregon-police-harass-federal-medical-marijuana-patient-elvy-musikka/
Federal Medical-Marijuana Patient Elvy Musikka Hassled by Oregon |
1 day ago ... Elvy Musikka, one of the four remaining federal medical marijuana ...
visit - http://www.celebstoner.com/201109198387/news/marijuana-news/federal-mmj-patient-hassled-in-oregon.html
AN INCIDENT IN KANSAS - An interview ...
On 21 June 1994 around 7:30pm, RICHARD DAVIS and ELVY MUSIKKA, a legal marijuana user ... with my picture on the cover, so Officer Patrick and the rest of them knew from the ...
visit - http://www.zoklet.net/totse/en/drugs/legal_issues_of_drug_use/hempmuse.html
Showing selected medical testimony - The UK Cannabis Internet |
Elvy Musikka. Glaucoma. Sunday 29 Jul 2001. In late February 1975 I went to see Dr. Rosenfeld ... I spoke without giving my name or picture, because I feared losing my job and ...
visit - http://www.ukcia.org/medical/showmedicaltestimony.php?articleid=11
Elvy Musikka: Glaucoma patient |
Photo: Elvy holds her can that she gets every month containing 300 IND issued joints. Living in Florida, Elvy Musikka bought the Reefer Madness story, hook, ...
visit - http://www.hr95.org/musikka.htm
Elvy Musikka - Bio | Pics | Fans | Wiki | Quotes -
Flixster members are collaborating to create the definitive resource for Elvy Musikka ...
viait - http://www.flixster.com/actor/elvy-musikka
--- more about Elvy and her situation ---
Elvy is one of 4 remaining federal medical cannabis (marijuana) patients from the Compassionate Investigational New Drug (CIND) program that was begun in 1976. Due to the growing number of AIDS patients throughout the late 1980s and the resulting numbers who joined the Compassionate IND program, the Special Interests That Be panicked and directed their tool - 'King' George H. W. Bush (I) - to have his administration close the program down in 1992. At its peak, the program had thirty active patients and hundreds of applicantions pending. (Learn more >> about the CIND).
Originally from Florida - where her case established the right to a medical necessity defense there - Elvy now lives in Eugene, Oregon and is available for interviews, lectures and whatever activism helps the cause.
(Make Contact >>)
Sadly, harrassment of the CIND folks by local, pot-head-hating yokels is not new and Elvy's is not the first case of state officials hassling federal medical cannabis patients because they can - but by our efforts should be the last. Irvin Rosenfeld, another CIND Program participant, was messed with for testifying in Illinois in 2005. ("The two cops took it upon themselves to detain this person," said state state Rep. Larry McKeon, D-Chicago, sponsor of House Bill 407. "It is a clear example why we need this legislation." ... Learn more >>). And these are just the cases we know about, the ones that got press.
Unfortunately, their strategy appears to have worked and Illinois still struggles for some form of medical cannabis law / sanity. So, it needs to be pointed out that this is purely 'political action' by this officer and those who gave him his orders and has less than nothing to do with 'criminals' and 'justice'. That it is really about maintaining the status quo and serving special interests, at the peoples expense.
--- Taking Action ---
Talking Points and Action Items - Protest! Don't let them get clean away with this wasteful, stupidly mean little piece of bullying. Lets turn this around and use it as a poster-child as to why the law needs reforming, needs change. Blog, Letter-the-editor, Call-in to talk shows, ALL of IT and then some to -
- De-cry state officials violating civil rights with politically motivated stops ands seisures. Point to the pattern of abuse by Oregon LE:
* Un-warranted and possibly un-lawful access of OMMP database by LE,
* Along with Reports of stop-n-fish expeditions in Southern Oregon.
* and officials fined for - and still bragging about - political activity while on the job;
... for starters, we're sure there are others.
Got One? Let everybody know!
Also contact the head of the state police, the governor, your state rep and senator and any other officials you can think of about, and Protest! -
> Local officials doing the fed's (dirty) work, they get paycheck from us here in the state after all.
> The stalking of people in the Program, etc. See above. Note this 'prioritizing' is happening at the same time as burglaries, etc. go unanswered due to 'budget cuts'. Yes, we read not long ago where the Oregon State Police were so budget constrained, they leave parts of the state uncovered at night. No officers to respond to wrecks, robberies, burglaries, and god-knows-what other actual, real crimes upon citizens. It becomes obvious the problem is their priorities, not lack of funding, or resources. Incompetent management such as this - and the harm from it - must be pointed out and this is the perfect time to do so.
- Protest federal 'policy' and activities contrary to campaign promises and will of the people.
* Protest to US attorney, current admin / Obama campaign and Democratic party in general.
... as well as any other points that can be made.
- and, Support Elvy and the Others (and the cause in general by doing so) in their resistance (court and hearing appearances) and continued activism, IE- ones to come. (Make Contact >>)
> Publish and Publicize; get Publicity ...
> ... Fundraise! and more.
... as well as any other ideas that folks may have.
Got One? Let everybody know!
Example - There is some internal discussion within the Oregon Students for Sensible
Drug Policy chapters about organizing a protest around this issue. As of
now, the current action item at hand is asking our legislators to sign onto
HR1983: The States' Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act which would
reschedule cannabis.
Thoughts, ideas, questions and concerns are encouraged.
(See more)
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