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in Oregon State: Legislative Items past and present

Legislative items from year 2015 2015, Legislative items

   House Bill 2546 notes and information House Bill 2546 - Relating to inhalants; Defines (inhalant delivery system), Amends laws concerning sale of tobacco products to, and use of tobacco products by, minors so those laws equally apply to inhalant delivery systems.
   House Bill 2636 notes and information House Bill 2636 - Relating to medical marijuana registration, authorizing physician; Prohibits if physician has provided for 450 or more persons.
   House Bill 2668 notes and information House Bill 2668 - Relating to industrial hemp; Repeals statutes requiring industrial hemp growers and handlers to be licensed by State Department of Agriculture.
   House Bill 2754 notes and information House Bill 2754 - Relating to immunity for persons who seek medical assistance; Exempts person from arrest and prosecution for certain offenses and finding of violation of terms of release or supervision if person contacts emergency medical services or law enforcement agency to obtain necessary medical assistance for other person due to drug-related overdose.
   House Bill 2781 notes and information House Bill 2781 - Relating to prohibition against registry identification card holders at child care facilities; Prohibits Office of Child Care from certifying, registering, recording or providing state funds to child care facility when person with regular presence at facility possesses medical marijuana card.
   House Bill 2980 notes and information House Bill 2980 - Authorizes defendant to request district attorney to approve extension of marijuana possession diversion period.
   Senate Bill 320 notes and information Senate Bill 320 - Allows food establishment located within residential dwelling to produce limited amounts of certain foods for sale to public without being regulated by State Department of Agriculture.
   Senate Bill 364 notes and information Senate Bill 364 - Relating to the classification of marijuana offenses; Requires court to use current classification of marijuana offenses when determining if person is eligible for order setting aside conviction.
   Senate Bill 417 notes and information Senate Bill 417 - Relating to retail sale of products used to deliver substances into a person's respiratory system; Requires premises where person makes retail sales of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems to be licensed by Oregon Liquor Control Commission, exempts medical and adult cannabis use.
   Senate Bill 445 notes and information Senate Bill 445 - Relating to disclosure of information to consumers of marijuana; info on harmful effects of marijuana on pregnant women and potential for marijuana to cause birth defects.
   Senate Bill 460 notes and information Senate Bill 460 - Relating to marijuana facilities and children; Directs Oregon Health Authority to adopt rules providing for relocation of registered medical marijuana facility if school is established.
   Senate Bill 464 notes and information Senate Bill 464 - Relating to extracting cannabinoids from the cannabis plant; Requires specific registration and Authority to adopt rules regulating processing of cannabinoid extracts.
   Senate Bill 479 notes and information Senate Bill 479 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Creates Task Force on Clinical Research of Cannabis and directs task force to study and report on development of medical cannabis industry that provides patients with medical products that meet individual patient needs.
   Senate Bill 480 notes and information Senate Bill 480 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Establishes as semi-independent state agency Clinical Research of Cannabis Board, Directs board to promote use of cannabis as treatment for medical conditions, compile information on medical use of cannabis and identify and support organizations and entities that engage in clinical research of cannabis or that administer cannabis on basis of clinical research.
   Senate Bill 663 notes and information Senate Bill 663 - Requires premises where person makes retail sales of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems to be licensed by Oregon Liquor Control Commission.
   Senate Bill 844 notes and information Senate Bill 844 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Establishes as semi-independent state agency Clinical Research of Cannabis Board, Directs board to promote use of cannabis as treatment for medical conditions, compile information on medical use of cannabis and identify and support organizations and entities that engage in clinical research of cannabis or that administer cannabis on basis of clinical research.
   Senate Bill 964 notes and information Senate Bill 964 - Makes changes to Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, including limiting amount of plants that may be grown at addresses where marijuana grow sites are located and requiring registration of marijuana processing sites. Allows cities and counties to adopt ordinances prohibiting establishment of marijuana processing sites and medical marijuana dispensaries in jurisdiction of city or county.

Legislative items from year 2014 2014, Legislative items

   Senate Bill 1531 notes and information Senate Bill 1531, Medical - Specifies that governing body of city or county may prohibit the establishment or regulate or restrict the operation of medical marijuana facilities.
   Senate Bill 1556 notes and information Senate Bill 1556, Legalization - Declares that person 21 years of age or older legally should be able to possess, transfer or produce marijuana.

Legislative items from year 2013 2013, Legislative items

   Senate Bill 82 notes and information Senate Bill 82, to Remove 6-month Drivers License suspension for Cannabis (Marijuana) possession
   Senate Bill 281 notes and information Senate Bill 281, to add PTSD to the OMMP

Legislative items from year 2012 2012, Legislative items

   Legislative Concept 1749 notes and information Legislative Concept 1749, to add PTSD to the OMMP

   Attorney General Race  notes and information Attorney General Race, the Good and the Bad

   Initiative 9 -- Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA)  notes and information Initiative 9 -- Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA)

   Initiative 24 -- Oregon Marijuana Policy Intiative (OMPI) notes and information Initiative 24 -- Oregon Marijuana Policy Intiative (OMPI)

Legislative items from year 2011 2011, Legislative items

   House Bill 3664 notes and information HB 3664, the "Sum Of All Fears" bill
   Senate Bill 5529 notes and information SB 5529, Increases OMMP Fees

Legislative items from year 2010 2010, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative continues

Legislative items from year 2009 2009, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative
   Senate Bill 388 notes and information SB 388, changes the Program for Law Enforcement; Decreases amount of marijuana that may be possessed by persons responsible for marijuana grow sites to 24 ounces, etc.
   Senate Bill 426 notes and information SB 426, Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace
   Senate Bill 427 notes and information SB 427, Relates to drug-free workplace policies; Requires applicant for medical marijuana registry identification card to notify employer before using marijuana, etc.
   House Bill 2313 notes and information HB 2313, a Land Use bill that could effect Dispensarys
   House Bill 2497 notes and information HB 2497, Relating to employment; Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace
   House Bill 2503 notes and information HB 2503, Relating to medical marijuana in the workplace; Prohibits discrimination in employment under certain circumstances, etc.

Legislative items from year 2007 2007, Legislative items

   House Bill 465 notes and information SB465, a Fire-em-All-and-let-God-sort-out bill

Legislative items from year 2005 2005, Legislative items

   House Bill 1085 notes and information SB1085, needs your attention
   Senate Bill 2693 notes and information HB2693, the "dumb bill gone bad" bill
   Senate Bill 3457 notes and information HB3457, the "Forfeiture" bill
   House Bill 717 notes and information SB717, the anti-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 772 notes and information SB772, the pro-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 2485 notes and information HB2485, the anti-Meth & Marijuana bill
   Senate Bill 294 notes and information SB294, the Hemp bill
   Senate Bill 397 notes and information SB397, Denies Benefits
   Senate Bill 2695 notes and information HB2695, DUI & 2nd-Hand Smoke
   House Bill 717 notes and information HB5077, the "Rob the Sick and Dying Pot-heads" bill

Legislative items from year 2003 2003, Legislative items

   House Bill 2939 notes and information HB2939, a previous bad Medical Marijuana bill

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MERCYs H.B. 5529 page

MERCYs' public info on Senate Bill 5529 as well as any related Issues.
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Senate Bill 5529 - Printed pursuant to Senate Interim Rule 213.28 by order of the President of the Senate in conformance with presession filing rules, indicating neither advocacy nor opposition on the part of the President. (at the request of Budget and Management Division, Oregon Department of Administrative Services) (at the request of Budget and Management Division, Oregon Department of Administrative Services) -- Relating to the financial administration of the Oregon Health Authority; appropriating money; declaring an emergency.

Summary: Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Health Authority for certain biennial ex- penses.

> Limits biennial expenditures from fees, moneys or other revenues, including Miscellaneous Re- ceipts, tobacco tax receipts and certain federal funds, but excluding lottery funds and other federal funds, collected or received by authority for certain purposes.

> Limits biennial expenditures by authority from certain lottery moneys for certain purposes.

> Limits biennial expenditures by authority from certain federal funds for certain purposes.

> Authorizes specified nonlimited expenditures.

> Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2011.

The following comes from the OMMP program manager explaining what's up with the OMMP fee increase bill. The on-line draft of the bill (SB 5529 A-Engrossed - not SB 5530) makes no mention of any OMMP budgets. Rep. Buckley's staff identified the bill as SB 5530 last week. Also note the additional $200 fee for growers who aren't patients:

"On June 8 the Joint Committee on Ways and Means sent to the House and Senate floors a budget for the Oregon Health Authority that requires the OMMP to increase certain fees, effective July 1, 2011. The direction to the Public Health Division during the work session on SB5529 included the following:

. The fee for an application for a registry identification card will increase from $100 to $200.

. The same fee for registry identification cards will apply to growers who are not otherwise the patients.

. Fees charged for replacement cards will also be increased.

. The opportunity for fee reduction of $20 will be limited solely to people receiving Supplemental Security Income benefits."

You can read the full measure here: See the > News story < here. See Action Items here.

Status: After Ph calls this AM to: Sen Whitsett, Rep Cowan (voted Yes), Sen Verger (Vote Yes) and the Gov's ofc, here is what I was able to learn and understand.

SB5530 is NOT a "Done Deal". It was passed out of Ways and Means yesterday (6/8). Sometime next week (w/in 5 days) it will go to the Sen Pres who will take it to a floor vote, from there it goes Back to the House, to the Co-Speakers of the House, Hanna and Roblan. Both Senate and House may choose more hearings/work sessions. If SB 5530 passes both the Senate and House, it will then go to the Gov's Desk For Signature OR Veto. At that point, unless it fails the House or Senate first, then it will be a "done deal".

Call, Call, Call......And Remember---The Corporate Welfare Program got a $93,000,000.00 Tax CUT in the face of these fees increases to the Poor to help Cover it. Toll Free to the Capitol: 800-332-2313

SB5530 passed with 22 aye votes and 3 noes. Noes: Whitsett, Nolan and Girod. These 3 deserve a call of appreciation. Whitsett voted no because of procedural shenanigans which failed to allow ample time to read the bill before he voted on it, Nolan voted no because she did not feel increasing financial burdens upon her constituents was the right thing to do in an effort to help resolve budget shortfalls and I was not able to find out why Girod voted against it--yet.

For those of you who are represented by Sen Verger and Rep Cowan, they Both voted Yes, to deepen hardships for their constituents who depend the services of many OHA did many others on the cmte.   Also write your own legislator, even if a sponsor of this bill and let them know you will not support this bill!


02/01 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

02/01 (S) Referred to Ways and Means.

02/02 (S) Assigned to Subcommittee On Human Services.

02/09 (S) Public Hearing held.

02/14 (S) Public Hearing held.

02/15 (S) Public Hearing held.

02/16 (S) Public Hearing held.

02/21 (S) Public Hearing held.

02/22 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/14 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/15 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/15 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/16 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/17 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/28 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/29 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/29 (S) Public Hearing held.

03/31 (S) Public Hearing held.

04/12 (S) Public Hearing held.

04/18 (S) Public Hearing held.

04/19 (S) Public Hearing held.

04/25 (S) Public Hearing held.

05/24 (S) Work Session held.

05/25 (S) Work Session held.

06/01 (S) Work Session held.

06/02 (S) Work Session held.

06/02 (S) Returned to Full Committee.

06/08 (S) Work Session held.

06/10 (S) Recommendation: Do pass with amendments. (Printed A-Eng.)

Here is a link to SB 5529:

  LTL (Letters-To-yer-Legislator)  

Examples -

LTL Example #1 -

Is there any way to peal off the increase in the fee (from $100 to $200) for registering with OHA as a medical marijuana patient? Although the program allows a reduced rate for indigents, this increase will prevent many from enrolling and expose legitimate patients to potential felony arrests and conviction for their medicinal use.



Senators Bates, Prozanski, and Kruse and Representative Buckley,

I recently learned that SB5529 which increases patient fees to the OMMP from $100 to $200 was just passed out of ways and means.

This is terrible! This, to me, is a 100% TAX INCREASE, even though they call the increase a "fee." I have breast cancer, and the medical treatments and medications are already beyond my means to pay for. I was just given anti-biotics that cost me $345 even though I am on the Oregon Prescription Drug Program.

I am further sickened by the predominate attitude in the legislature that government should continue to lower taxes for corporations ($93,000,000 for corporate welfare) while increasing burdens on the sick and disabled.

Further, I am completely opposed to increasing any MONIES related to the OMMP until they can get caught up on all the outstanding applications not yet processed. They have been behind up to 5 months and 12,000 application, and never have enough staff. As a member of the ACMM, it is obvious that their system of accounting is flawed.

If other government accounting programs and finances are guestimated as poorly as the OMMP, then our state's budget is flawed.

The OMMP patient application fees are currently such a hardship, that many people who have been on the program have not reapplied because they can't afford $100 - exposing sick and disabled to potential felony arrests and conviction for their medical use.

Please oppose any action on this bill.

thank you,


LTL Example #2 -

Dear Senator,

I am a patient under the OMMP program and I live in your district in Medford. I must let you know of my disappointment in the Ways and Means Committee's passage of the budget containing the severe increases to the OMMP fees, and I hope you plan on opposingthe bill due to the unreasonable increase.

Many Oregonians are no able to afford the current fee to register with the state, and as we have learned, law enforcement has been abusing the system as it exists, making inquiries to the system at an alarming rate. Furthermore, as I understand it, the increase of revenue will be cannibalized AWAY from the OMMP program anyway, placing the cost of balancing the Oregon budget squarely on the backs of a few, Sick, people.

Please do not support this budget as it stands, it is entirely unfair.



LTL Example #3 -

In Nov., 1998, "We the People" (of Oregon) voted on a medical marijuana program to be funded by application fees...fees ONLY to fund the program, NOT additional taxes for the State of Oregon General Fund. My understanding is that in Oregon a 2/3 majority of the Oregon Legislature is necessary to increase taxes.


LTL Example #4 -

We should oppose the fee increase because it is an unfair regressive tax on a vulnerable poor population. Despite our efforts it may pass anyway and legislators will get a bit more accustomed to having marijuana money, regardless of our message.

We did propose a "tax" on patients indirectly with M 74. But the revenue raised would have funded medicine for indigents, research and the OMMP. It would have allowed the registration fee to be reduced or eliminated. The richer patients would have spent the most money and paid the most taxes but it would have helped the poor. M 74 would have been fairer and would have raised the revenue increasing safe access for patients. And M74 would raise closer to $50 million over two years.


LTL Example #4 -

Representative Frederick,

I sincerely appreciate the difficult decisions plaguing legislators this session as you work to fill huge budget gaps that have resulted from our current economic crisis. I certainly support funding for emergency medical services, the safe drinking water program, school-based health centers and family planning programs. However, Senate Bill 5529 makes two huge mistakes. First of all, it attempts to fund programs on the backs of sick and disabled medical cannabis patients who are not only battling illness and disease, but also severe poverty. Under SB 5529, more than 21,000 patients who qualify for food stamps and OHP who currently pay $20 to apply for or renew their medical marijuana card, will have to pay $200, a 1000% increase and a very difficult amount to pay for patients on limited fixed incomes.

To make matters worse, if the patient doesn't grow for themselves, they are forced to pay an additional $200 fee, a whopping 2000% increase. Second of all, the amount of revenue these fee increases are expected to generate are based upon speculation and very well may not materialize. Many patients won't be able to afford the fees and many others are thinking about not renewing as a sign of protest. Our state could even lose money overall as we spend more on law enforcement costs, incarceration and more medical expenses as many patients have managed to decrease their prescription drug use and medical visits due to the benefits of medical cannabis.

I hope that you will join Senators Chip Shields and Floyd Prozanski in voting "NO" on this budget bill as it unfairly harms the poorest and sickest among us. Your Democratic House colleague, Mitch Greenlick has stated his opposition to the budget stating, “The Public Health budget is significantly underfunded and that has long term consequences.” He also questioned the reliance on the medical marijuana card fee increase saying, “This is not the best way to manage things that are basic functions for the state.”

SB 5529 is bad for patients, bad for the state and bad politically for the Democratic Party as many marijuana law reformers who have been loyal to the Democratic Party have noticed that, so far, more Republicans are opposing this bill than Democrats. Please make the vote that is right for patients, your party and the state and vote "NO" on Senate Bill 5529.



LTL Example #5 -

Here is the response I received from Rep. Buckley's office ( I am his constituent).


Thank you for sharing your concerns. Unfortunately, this fee increase is necessary to balance the Oregon Health Authority budget. The state is facing a $3.4 billion budget shortfall for the coming biennium, and Rep. Buckley and his colleagues have had to make extremely difficult choices to plug this gaping hole in the state budget. While he has worked tirelessly to avoid the most harmful of options, the Legislature has had to cut services and raise fees in every sector of state government to balance the budget.

That said, I believe Rep. Buckley is working with his colleagues on a plan to reinstate a discount for patients on OHP or food stamps in response to the concerns expressed by his constituents. I do not know the details or whether he can secure the support necessary to get it passed, but he is committed to protecting the most vulnerable Oregonians and will do his best.

Thank you again for your email.


Andrew Ainsworth
Legislative Aide
Rep. Peter Buckley

I'm not his constituent but here is my reply, emailed to his address......

To the Honorable Representative Peter Buckley:

I am disheartened to learn that you will be voting in favor of SB 5529-A.

This bill goes against the findings of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act which states that :

475.300 Findings. The people of the state of Oregon hereby find that:

(1) Patients and doctors have found marijuana to be an effective treatment for suffering caused by debilitating medical conditions, and therefore, marijuana should be treated like other medicines;

Do you know of any other medicine that requires users to register and pay exorbitant fees? Furthermore, it is illegal to buy this medicine anywhere in Oregon. The OMMA is becoming more unworkable every day.

This new outrageous tax on our sick and dying citizens is unconscionable and will have political repercussions.

I just do not understand why getting medicine, without using expensive and dangerous pharmaceuticals drugs, has to be made nearly impossible. I sincerely hope none of your loved ones ever get so sick that they need cannabis to survive or ease their suffering.

It seems to me that Oregonians must now follow the lead of the Maine legislature and make the registration of medical marijuana patients voluntary, to protect the safety, security, privacy, and pocket books from the State of Oregon. Law enforcement has shown us during legislative hearing this year how they have abused the registration checks.



LTL Example #6 -

Governor Kitzhaber,

You may remember that we were classmates in medical school. At that time we were told that marijuana was just a "drug of abuse". All information about the medical uses of marijuana had been removed from the medical library. We didn't even know that tetra-hydro-cannabinol was the most active ingredient in marijuana.

Since then, much has been learned about the medical value of marijuana. We now know that there is a complex cannabinoid receptor system in the body. We also know that many cannabinoids other than THC have medical value. We now have analytical labs in Oregon that test samples of marijuana for THC, CBN, CBD and other medically useful compounds.

Many Oregonians now use marijuana on the recommendation of their doctor. We have limited the list of diseases that may be treated with marijuana. This is unfortunate because there is strong evidence that marijuana effectively treats Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Autism, and that it has tumor-shrinking as well as anti-nausea effects in cancer patients.

The current finance bill contains fee increases for Oregon Medical Marijuana Program patients and growers which would essentially prevent our poorest people from being legal medical marijuana patients.

I understand the need to increase revenue for the State, but this approach is wrong. Our medical marijuana program can contribute to the budget if we allow doctors to recommend marijuana for any disease that they think may be helped by marijuana. And we can license growers who are honest and caring to provide the medicine patients need.

Please send the current finance bill back to the legislature. We can do much better.

Best wishes,

Arthur Livermore
National Director
American Alliance for Medical Cannabis

LTL Example #7 -

Dear Co-Speaker Roblan,

When my husband and I attended the gathering at Siuslaw Library to hear you speak, we were impressed with you and delighted to learn of your background in education. One of my 4 daughters is a school teacher.

We were pleased we had voted for you.

Both of us are OMMA patients . Neither of us would be around to vote for you were it not for the efficacy of cannabis medicine. Our stories are duplicated throughout the OMMA patient registry.

When OMMA passed in '98, the patient fund was set up so that the program was financially self-sustaining. It seems to be one of the few programs in the state that is. When the OMMP patient fund had grown to around a million dollars, all of us patients expected that patient fees would be reduced. It is, after all, the only medicine that requires patients to pay a fee to use.

Instead, the patient funds went to help bail the state of OR out of budgetary shortfalls created by programs not financially self-sustaining. I believe we became the first state in the US to benefit directly from cannabis as medicine.

It was my hope that the benefit to the OR budget would wake up our elected officials to the concept that the safest therapeutic substance available should be legalized, taxed and regulated for the highest good of all concerned.

Instead, we have SB 5529 which will double fees for those of us who currently pay $100 per year to renew our permits to $200 a year. Even worse, for those on food stamps and public assistance, the fee will increase from $20 annually to $200 annually. I know folks in this income level who struggle to get the $20. What are you people thinking?

In my opinion, SB 5529 will not double revenues available from the OMMP fund. It will decrease revenues as you are pricing permits way out of the pocket book of many of the patient registry.

And it does not address giving patients safe access to safe medicine which should be the primary concern of our elected officials.

Do not place such a financial burden on the sickest and poorest among us.

Re-legalize cannabis, tax and regulate it.

It gives a much broader base for collecting money for the state.

It also gives all Oregon citizens access to a safer medicine and a safer recreational choice than those presently legal.

License growers and create a Green Market instead of forcing a Black Market.

Free LEO to deal with real criminals. Rapists, murderers, thieves, for example.

Since the Tea Party folks are heavily invested in the 10th Amendment, you should be able to put together a Coalition of the Practical and Compassionate.

Pass legislation that keeps OR solvent .

And keeps compassion as one of our most important attributes here in the Pioneer State.

If you need any facts and figures to use to convince your compadres to apply the smartest solution, please let me know.

Even the International Drug Policy folks are calling for an end to Nixon's failed War on Drugs.

I urge you to make Oregon the first state to restore Cannabis to its historical and necessary place in our economy and our environment.

Blessed Be,


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Friday, June 24 at 06:01 AM:
Bob from OMPI wrote:
"Staff did tell me that the Joint Ways and Means Committee Healthcare Subcommittee (Kotek, Freeman, Bates) sent a memo to the OMMP staff, directing that the fee increases be modified so that OHP and SNAP(?) receipients who are patients will have their fee raised from $20 to just $100, not the previously discussed $200. This change, like the other fee changes, are administrative not legislative. SB 5529 only authorizes the budget, and does not provide specifics. "

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Let's be realistic and analytical. It is all about money and politics. big pharma knows if thousands of mmj patients are not given access, they will be consuming MUCH more pharmaseuticals (in this case paid for by the Oregon Health Plan, mostly, offsetting any/all new revenues from the fee increases). Big pharma has donated to legislators' campaigns, lobbying them to make it so. Big pharma has more paid lobbyists in D.C. than LAA other lobbyists put together! THIS is what the anti mmj sentiment in the legislature is all about. LE and their paid lobbyists hate the mmj program. They realize what we know: patients who use cannabis medicine get better symptom control with far fewer pharmaseuticals.

Remember when the City of Portland has a Marijuana task Force (before the OMMA), and those LEOs made more money from "cuff time" (paid time off for a successful forfieture, often time and a half)? The police agency making the forfieture kept the money/assets. Do tweakers or junkies have assets to forfiet? Not usually, but frequently mmj patients do...LE's "cash cow". LE wants their "cash cow" back! Legislators, for the most part (there are a few exceptions) couldn't care less what "We the People" think/want; they're MUCH more cognisant of where their campaign contributions come from.

I realize the state is in a budget crunch. Like many others, I am, too! I am now making less than half of what I made 3 years ago, doing the same job, and working the same hours. BUT, I have cut back on any unnecessary things. I don't see our legislature cutting back...they voted themselves a raise, and are now getting more clerks! LE only understands "more", and when they are asked to cut back, they threaten less "crime fighting", but are able to prioritize medical marijuana patients. Personally, I know they could be spending my tax dollars MUCH more wisely. I have to make due with what I have coming in...economize and be more efficient, as well as prioritize. How about taxing big pharma, or big business, many of whom do not pay taxes, or pay very little taxes? Why not tax LOBBYISTS? I view this "fee increase" as bullying the most vunderable of Oreginians.

I favor legalizing cannabis. I don't have a problem with taxing "social or recreational" cannabis, but NOT people's medicine. I am also NOT comfortable with giving the government a monopoly on cannabis production or distribution...I think it should be simply removed from the criminal code..that easy!

my perspectives,

... Clifford

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