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in Oregon State: Legislative Items past and present

Legislative items from year 2015 2015, Legislative items

   House Bill 2546 notes and information House Bill 2546 - Relating to inhalants; Defines (inhalant delivery system), Amends laws concerning sale of tobacco products to, and use of tobacco products by, minors so those laws equally apply to inhalant delivery systems.
   House Bill 2636 notes and information House Bill 2636 - Relating to medical marijuana registration, authorizing physician; Prohibits if physician has provided for 450 or more persons.
   House Bill 2668 notes and information House Bill 2668 - Relating to industrial hemp; Repeals statutes requiring industrial hemp growers and handlers to be licensed by State Department of Agriculture.
   House Bill 2754 notes and information House Bill 2754 - Relating to immunity for persons who seek medical assistance; Exempts person from arrest and prosecution for certain offenses and finding of violation of terms of release or supervision if person contacts emergency medical services or law enforcement agency to obtain necessary medical assistance for other person due to drug-related overdose.
   House Bill 2781 notes and information House Bill 2781 - Relating to prohibition against registry identification card holders at child care facilities; Prohibits Office of Child Care from certifying, registering, recording or providing state funds to child care facility when person with regular presence at facility possesses medical marijuana card.
   House Bill 2980 notes and information House Bill 2980 - Authorizes defendant to request district attorney to approve extension of marijuana possession diversion period.
   Senate Bill 320 notes and information Senate Bill 320 - Allows food establishment located within residential dwelling to produce limited amounts of certain foods for sale to public without being regulated by State Department of Agriculture.
   Senate Bill 364 notes and information Senate Bill 364 - Relating to the classification of marijuana offenses; Requires court to use current classification of marijuana offenses when determining if person is eligible for order setting aside conviction.
   Senate Bill 417 notes and information Senate Bill 417 - Relating to retail sale of products used to deliver substances into a person's respiratory system; Requires premises where person makes retail sales of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems to be licensed by Oregon Liquor Control Commission, exempts medical and adult cannabis use.
   Senate Bill 445 notes and information Senate Bill 445 - Relating to disclosure of information to consumers of marijuana; info on harmful effects of marijuana on pregnant women and potential for marijuana to cause birth defects.
   Senate Bill 460 notes and information Senate Bill 460 - Relating to marijuana facilities and children; Directs Oregon Health Authority to adopt rules providing for relocation of registered medical marijuana facility if school is established.
   Senate Bill 464 notes and information Senate Bill 464 - Relating to extracting cannabinoids from the cannabis plant; Requires specific registration and Authority to adopt rules regulating processing of cannabinoid extracts.
   Senate Bill 479 notes and information Senate Bill 479 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Creates Task Force on Clinical Research of Cannabis and directs task force to study and report on development of medical cannabis industry that provides patients with medical products that meet individual patient needs.
   Senate Bill 480 notes and information Senate Bill 480 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Establishes as semi-independent state agency Clinical Research of Cannabis Board, Directs board to promote use of cannabis as treatment for medical conditions, compile information on medical use of cannabis and identify and support organizations and entities that engage in clinical research of cannabis or that administer cannabis on basis of clinical research.
   Senate Bill 663 notes and information Senate Bill 663 - Requires premises where person makes retail sales of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems to be licensed by Oregon Liquor Control Commission.
   Senate Bill 844 notes and information Senate Bill 844 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Establishes as semi-independent state agency Clinical Research of Cannabis Board, Directs board to promote use of cannabis as treatment for medical conditions, compile information on medical use of cannabis and identify and support organizations and entities that engage in clinical research of cannabis or that administer cannabis on basis of clinical research.
   Senate Bill 964 notes and information Senate Bill 964 - Makes changes to Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, including limiting amount of plants that may be grown at addresses where marijuana grow sites are located and requiring registration of marijuana processing sites. Allows cities and counties to adopt ordinances prohibiting establishment of marijuana processing sites and medical marijuana dispensaries in jurisdiction of city or county.

Legislative items from year 2014 2014, Legislative items

   Senate Bill 1531 notes and information Senate Bill 1531, Medical - Specifies that governing body of city or county may prohibit the establishment or regulate or restrict the operation of medical marijuana facilities.
   Senate Bill 1556 notes and information Senate Bill 1556, Legalization - Declares that person 21 years of age or older legally should be able to possess, transfer or produce marijuana.

Legislative items from year 2013 2013, Legislative items

   Senate Bill 82 notes and information Senate Bill 82, to Remove 6-month Drivers License suspension for Cannabis (Marijuana) possession
   Senate Bill 281 notes and information Senate Bill 281, to add PTSD to the OMMP

Legislative items from year 2012 2012, Legislative items

   Legislative Concept 1749 notes and information Legislative Concept 1749, to add PTSD to the OMMP

   Attorney General Race  notes and information Attorney General Race, the Good and the Bad

   Initiative 9 -- Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA)  notes and information Initiative 9 -- Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA)

   Initiative 24 -- Oregon Marijuana Policy Intiative (OMPI) notes and information Initiative 24 -- Oregon Marijuana Policy Intiative (OMPI)

Legislative items from year 2011 2011, Legislative items

   House Bill 3664 notes and information HB 3664, the "Sum Of All Fears" bill
   Senate Bill 5529 notes and information SB 5529, Increases OMMP Fees

Legislative items from year 2010 2010, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative continues

Legislative items from year 2009 2009, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative
   Senate Bill 388 notes and information SB 388, changes the Program for Law Enforcement; Decreases amount of marijuana that may be possessed by persons responsible for marijuana grow sites to 24 ounces, etc.
   Senate Bill 426 notes and information SB 426, Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace
   Senate Bill 427 notes and information SB 427, Relates to drug-free workplace policies; Requires applicant for medical marijuana registry identification card to notify employer before using marijuana, etc.
   House Bill 2313 notes and information HB 2313, a Land Use bill that could effect Dispensarys
   House Bill 2497 notes and information HB 2497, Relating to employment; Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace
   House Bill 2503 notes and information HB 2503, Relating to medical marijuana in the workplace; Prohibits discrimination in employment under certain circumstances, etc.

Legislative items from year 2007 2007, Legislative items

   House Bill 465 notes and information SB465, a Fire-em-All-and-let-God-sort-out bill

Legislative items from year 2005 2005, Legislative items

   House Bill 1085 notes and information SB1085, needs your attention
   Senate Bill 2693 notes and information HB2693, the "dumb bill gone bad" bill
   Senate Bill 3457 notes and information HB3457, the "Forfeiture" bill
   House Bill 717 notes and information SB717, the anti-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 772 notes and information SB772, the pro-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 2485 notes and information HB2485, the anti-Meth & Marijuana bill
   Senate Bill 294 notes and information SB294, the Hemp bill
   Senate Bill 397 notes and information SB397, Denies Benefits
   Senate Bill 2695 notes and information HB2695, DUI & 2nd-Hand Smoke
   House Bill 717 notes and information HB5077, the "Rob the Sick and Dying Pot-heads" bill

Legislative items from year 2003 2003, Legislative items

   House Bill 2939 notes and information HB2939, a previous bad Medical Marijuana bill

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[ Also this Session >     LC1749   |   AG Race   |   House Dist 1 Race   |   Initiative 9   |   Initiative 24   |   Session index   ]

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Summary: Anti-Marijuana Candidate Dwight Holton Loses Election To Ellen Rosenblum | It wasn’t that long ago that the 2012 Oregon attorney general race was still in it’s infancy. Dwight Holton and Ellen Rosenblum had announced their candidacies for the Democratic Primary, and yet again the Oregon GOP failed to field a candidate. Admittedly, I didn’t know much about Ellen Rosenblum at the time, but I knew exactly who Dwight Holton was. Dwight Holton is one of the biggest anti-medical marijuana crusaders on the planet. During Holton’s two years as a federal prosecutor in Oregon, he lead a series of raids on medical marijuana providers in Southern Oregon Oregon, which deprived hundreds of legal patients of their medicine. Dwight Holton also sent harassing letters to law abiding Oregon collective owners. I personally read several of these letters from multiple collective owners who I know for a fact were following Oregon law. Learn more >>

about the Attorney Generals office

Oregon Attorney General - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | The Oregon Attorney General is a statutory office within the executive branch of the state of Oregon, and serves as the chief legal officer of the state, heading its Department of Justice with its six operating divisions.[1] The Attorney General is chosen by statewide partisan election to serve a term of four years. The Attorney General represents the state of Oregon in all court actions and other legal proceedings in which it is a party or has an interest. They also conduct all legal business of state departments, boards and commissions that require legal counsel. Ballot titles for measures in Oregon elections are written by the Attorney General, who also and appoints the assistant attorneys general who serve as counsel to the various state departments, boards and commissions.[2] Learn more >>

About the Justice Department | The mission of the Oregon Department of Justice is to provide outstanding legal and child support services to Oregonians and their government. The Oregon Department of Justice is responsible for general counsel and supervision of all civil actions and legal proceedings in which the state is a party or has an interest. The Department, through the Attorney General, also has full charge and control of all the state's legal business that requires the services of an attorney or legal counsel. The Department is further responsible for the operation of a number of program areas designated by the legislature, such as child support, district attorney assistance, crime victim compensation, charitable activity enforcement and consumer protection services. The Department has a biennial budget of approximately $280 million and a staffing authorization of approximately 1200 employees, most of whom are located in Salem. Learn more >>


--- Important Dates for 2012 Primary Election ---

* April 24, 2012 - Voter registration deadline
* April 27 - May 1, 2012 - Ballots mailed to voters other than long-term absent and out-of-state voters
* May 15, 2012 - Election Day
* June 14, 2012 - Certification of election results

And don't stop there! Query and Poll every candidate for every office - from Dog-Catcher on up - how they would vote on Medical Cannabis (Marijuana) - then Vote Accordingly. Also Network the info, joining Forums and e-Mail Lists, sharing points and counter-points, as well as LTEs (Letters-to-the-Editor) and the like to let folks know the issue is active and what people and groups - like you - are doing about it. It's important for your potential representative to hear from you and yours, and it only takes one minute of your time.   Thanx!   See you at the polls!   Learn more >>

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> Why We Care ? | PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Of the thousands of laws that Oregon's attorney general enforces or interprets, the one allowing medical marijuana has lit up the campaign for that office more than any other. In a Democratic primary where the candidates agree on many things, their differences over marijuana stand out. It's anyone's guess whether the pot vote will be enough to tip the scales. But no Republicans are seeking the job, so Democrats alone will choose the state's top lawyer in the May 15 primary.

Former federal prosecutor Dwight Holton has called Oregon's marijuana law a "train wreck," and he was the U.S. Attorney for Oregon when federal agents raided marijuana farms that were legal under state law. His rival, retired Court of Appeals judge Ellen Rosenblum, has staked out a mellower view, saying she'll make marijuana enforcement a low priority. You can Read More >> < here.

Ellen Rosenblum
Ellen Rosenblum

Ellen began practicing law in 1975 at a small law firm in Eugene after graduating from the University of Oregon. Five years later she became a U.S. Assistant Attorney for the District of Oregon. As a federal prosecutor she specialized in financial crimes. In 1989, she was appointed to the Multnomah County District Court. Former Governor Barbara Roberts later appointed Ellen to the Circuit Court, and is now endorsing her candidacy for Attorney General.

Most recently, Ellen served as a judge on the Oregon Court of Appeals from 2005-2011. During her time as a judge she presided over thousands of cases involving Oregon citizens—from small claims to more serious crimes. Throughout her career, Ellen has been a strong advocate for the legal profession and for diversity and access to justice—locally and nationally. Her areas of expertise include business and consumer litigation, domestic relations, class actions, misdemeanor and felony crimes, state and federal constitutional law, products liability, and juvenile disputes among others.

Ellen and her husband Richard Meeker have two children Cate and Will.

If you wish to make donations by phone please call: 503-481-6078 * If you wish to make donations by mail please sent to: 2236 SE 10th Avenue | Portland OR 97214 * for more info visit -

Former Appeals Court Judge Ellen Rosenblum will seek Oregon attorney general job Former Appeals Court Judge Ellen Rosenblum will seek Oregon attorney general job | In her 36-year legal career, Ellen Rosenblum has prosecuted foreign corporations on steel-dumping charges, overseen murder trials in Multnomah County and challenged fellow judges on the state's Court of Appeals in deciding cases. Ellen Rosenblum, 60, of Portland, a former Oregon Court of Appeals judge, announced her intention to run for Oregon attorney general.Now, the 60-year-old Portland resident who retired from the appellate bench last May is aiming for the next phase of her career -- to be the state's attorney general. "I believe the attorney general needs to fight for Oregon workers and families," she said Wednesday, adding that she would in particular focus on consumer protection, public safety and child-advocacy issues. "I think I'm ready to roll. I can put on the gloves with just about anyone." Read More >>

Oregon: Vote Ellen Rosenblum - Candidate to Become Oregon's First Female Attorney General Oregon: Vote Ellen Rosenblum - Candidate to Become Oregon's First Female Attorney General | (PORTLAND, OR Hemp News) - As Oregon moves closer toward marijuana legalization in November with the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 (OCTA 2012) and the Oregon Marijuana Policy Initiative 2012 (OMPI 2012) petition drives, the race for Oregon Attorney General on May 15th between Appeals Court Judge Ellen Rosenblum and former acting U.S. Attorney Dwight Holton will be crucial to the implementation of the cannabis legalization initiatives. Earlier this month, in a debate at the Eugene City Club, Rosenblum said she supported the state’s current medical marijuana law as one that "provides vulnerable citizens with the medicine they needed to cope with their diagnoses."

On the other hand, Holton said the law is actually "a train wreck, putting marijuana in the hands of people, kids, who are not using it for pain management purposes. Of 50,000 card holders, 30,000 got them from 10 clinics. We’ve got a broken system." Just last summer, Holton issued a letter to Oregon medical marijuana collectives, co-signed by 34 district attorneys, the head of the Oregon State Sheriffs' Association and the head of the Oregon Chiefs of Police. Read More >>

Rosenblum For Oregon AG: The Cannabis Community's Choice Rosenblum For Oregon AG: The Cannabis Community's Choice | As Oregon moves closer toward marijuana legalization in November with the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2012 (OCTA 2012) and the Oregon Marijuana Policy Initiative 2012 (OMPI 2012) petition drives, the race for Oregon Attorney General on May 15 between Appeals Court Judge Ellen Rosenblum and former acting U.S. Attorney Dwight Holton will be crucial to the implementation of the cannabis legalization initiatives. Earlier this month, in a debate at the Eugene City Club, Rosenblum said she supported the state's current medical marijuana law as one that "provides vulnerable citizens with the medicine they needed to cope with their diagnoses."

On the other hand, Holton said the law is actually "a train wreck, putting marijuana in the hands of people, kids, who are not using it for pain management purposes. Of 50,000 card holders, 30,000 got them from 10 clinics. We've got a broken system." Read More >>

Phil Knight Donates $25,000 to Ellen Rosenblum for Oregon Attorney General Phil Knight Donates $25,000 to Ellen Rosenblum for Oregon Attorney General | Oregon’s richest man doesn’t always donate to 2012 Oregon Attorney General candidates, but when he does, he prefers donating to Ellen Rosenblum. The Oregon Attorney General race in the Democratic Primary seemed to be languishing un-noticed by the local mainstream media until cannabis activists started exposing the differences between Ellen Rosenblum and Dwight Holton regarding cannabis laws. Now, the Oregonian and other media outlets are extensively covering the race, and Ms. Rosenblum just snagged herself her biggest contributor to date from the Oregonian with the biggest pockets, Nike founder Phil Knight. Unfortunately, Ms. Rosenblum still lags behind Mr. Holton in total funds raised, but the gap is certainly closing. According to Oregon election records, Holton had raised $437,249 as of April 14th . Comparatively, Mr. Knight’s contribution will raise Ms. Rosenblum’s total to $375,399.

Cannabis activists are overwhelmingly favoring Ellen Rosenblum – a candidate who has stated that she “will make marijuana enforcement a low priority, and protect the rights of medical marijuana patients.” Conversely, Dwight Holton has a proven anti-cannabis record. He not only helped lead a federal crackdown of Oregon medical marijuana providers but has also called the voter-approved medical marijuana law, “a train wreck.” Read More >>

Dwight Holton
Dwight Holton

Through his work as a prosecutor, attorney, civic leader and head of the United States Attorney’s Oregon Office, Dwight Holton has become one of the most respected legal and public safety leaders in Oregon. Dwight with his wife Mary Ellen Glynn and their children, Terence and Fiona

During his 15 years as a federal prosecutor, Dwight has appeared in court over 1000 times, successfully prosecuting gangs, drug traf?ckers and terrorists. He stood up for consumers by attacking mortgage and ?nancial fraud, put corporate polluters in prison and defended Oregonians’ civil rights. He has unmatched experience in keeping Oregonians safe. As the United States Attorney for Oregon, Dwight also has a successful track record of running an agency of 115 people in of?ces throughout Oregon, with an $11 million annual budget – critical experience for the leader of Oregon’s Department of Justice. He led a team that filed, investigated, prosecuted and litigated 600-700 criminal cases each year. Dwight also managed civil litigation efforts on behalf of the United States in Oregon, with over 800 cases filed annually.

Dwight grew up in Virginia, and his dad was governor of Virginia from 1970-1974. Dwight was a 1996 graduate of the University of Virginia Law School, and went to work for the U.S. Department of Justice as an Assistant United States Attorney in 1997. In February 2010, Dwight was designated to serve as United States Attorney and in this role was selected as first-ever recipient of OHSU Pain Awareness and Investigation Network (PAIN) Award for his efforts to address the prescription drug overdose epidemic in Oregon.

Dwight has volunteered his time for the Oregon Convocation on Equality (2010-2011), the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission (2004-2008), the Oregon Governor’s Fund for the Environment (2005-present) and the Oregon Endangered Species Justice Fund (2007-present). Since 2002, Dwight has taught classes at Lewis and Clark Northwestern School of Law in Portland. Dwight lives in Southeast Portland with his wife, Mary Ellen Glynn. Their children, Terence (7) and Fiona (5), attend Portland Public Schools. Dwight volunteers at their school and for a wide range of civic causes and organizations, including his most challenging position as a K–2nd Grade basketball coach.

Contact: Holton for Oregon, 2236 SE 10th Avenue, Portland OR 97214 * If you would like to schedule an interview with Dwight, please call 503-729-7039 * for more info visit -

AG race stoked by medical marijuana AG race stoked by medical marijuana | PORTLAND — Of the thousands of laws that Oregon’s attorney general enforces or interprets, the one allowing medical marijuana has lit up the campaign for that office more than any other. In a Democratic primary where the candidates agree on many things, their differences over marijuana stand out. It’s anyone’s guess whether the pot vote will be enough to tip the scales. But no Republicans are seeking the job, so Democrats alone will choose the state’s top lawyer the May 15 primary.

Former federal prosecutor Dwight Holton has called Oregon’s marijuana law a “train wreck,” and he was the U.S. Attorney for Oregon when federal agents raided marijuana farms that were legal under state law. His rival, retired Court of Appeals judge Ellen Rosenblum, has staked out a mellower view, saying she’ll make marijuana enforcement a low priority. Read More >>

Dwight Holton, Marijuana Foe or Activist for Big Pharma? Dwight Holton, Marijuana Foe or Activist for Big Pharma? | (SALEM, Ore.) - The top federal attorney in Oregon, Dwight Holton, has written an extensive article carried in the Oregonian complaining at length about Oregon's medical marijuana laws. It relates to the dispensary letter signed by all but one of Oregon's 36 district attorneys, that so many were talking about last week[1]. Holton raises numerous questions about this program and if it weren't for people like him, teamed with the Portland media, the media tools, nobody would ever know there was a problem. The only 'problems' about medical marijuana stem from the idiocy of having any laws against natural healthcare remedies.

This man is a politician, but operating in this way tells me he is working for big pharma; not for the people of this nation and particularly not for Oregonians who have to tolerate his federal presence here. You can't attack pot without benefiting that morally void pill addiction industry that floods our television channels with embarrassing endless advertisements. Read More >>

Oregon Attorney General candidate Dwight Holton stops in Eugene-Springfield Oregon Attorney General candidate Dwight Holton stops in Eugene-Springfield | Holton spent the last 15 years as a federal prosecutor, most recently as Oregon's acting U.S. Attorney. As state attorney general, Holton says one of his biggest focuses would be crime prevention. Holton says 85-percent of the people in Oregon corrections have drug issues, which need to be addressed.

"If we want to get serious about the budget if we want to get serious about getting this right, we need to fund early intervention programs, we need to fund public education, and we need to fund addiction treatment programs,” says Holton. Read More >>

Justice and the Oregon attorney general's race between Dwight Holton and Ellen Rosenblum Justice and the Oregon attorney general's race between Dwight Holton and Ellen Rosenblum | Most of us, I believe, confront the ballot with prism in hand, the imperfect lens through which we measure the quality of the candidates and the relevance of the election. In the Oregon attorney general's race between Ellen Rosenblum and Dwight Holton, your prism may be marijuana, prosecutorial passion or John Kroger. My prism is Ben Alfano.

In the last two months of the veteran's life, which I chronicled in February, Alfano was wrenched from the assisted-living facility he loved and dumped in a Gresham dementia-care unit. Alfano died there on Feb. 26, 2011, an especially bitter turn for four of his children, who had complained about conservator and guardianship issues for years. Those objections were typically met with smug disdain, or worse, by the Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs, and its well-paid bodyguard at the Department of Justice. Read More >>

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Information about Cannabis and Alzheimers Alzheimers
Information about Cannabis and Anxiety Anxiety
Information about Cannabis and Arthritis Arthritis
Information about Cannabis and Asthma Asthma
Information about Cannabis and Autism Autism
Information about Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder Bipolar
Information about Cannabis and Cancer Cancer
Information about Cannabis and Cachexia Cachexia
Information about Cannabis and Crohns Crohns
Information about Cannabis and Dementia Dementia
Information about Cannabis and Depression Depression
Information about Cannabis and Diabetes Diabetes
Information about Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma ( DIPG )  DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma)
Information about Cannabis and Epilepsy Epilepsy
Information about Cannabis and Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia
Information about Cannabis and Glaucoma Glaucoma
Information about Cannabis and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  Information about Cannabis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
Information about Cannabis and Lupus Lupus
Information about Cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis
Information about Cannabis and Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis
Information about Cannabis and Nausea Nausea
Information about Cannabis and Pain Pain
Information about Cannabis and Parkinson's Parkinson's
Information about Cannabis and Pregnancy Pregnancy
Information about Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Information about Cannabis and Seizures Seizures
Information about Cannabis and Spasms Spasms
Information about Cannabis and Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
Information about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
Information about Cannabis and Tar (Resin) Tar (Resin)

Information about Seeds for Medical Cannabis Seeds - for Medical Cannabis and related info
Information about Strains of Medical Cannabis Strains - of Medical Cannabis and related info

  the Attorney General Bulletin Board  

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Wednesday, August 1 at 09:43 PM:
Adam G from Portland Oregon wrote:

Friday, June 1 at 08:20 AM:
me from here wrote:
"Medical Marijuana and Anti- Cannabis, Microcephalic, Contentious Cretins: ARE THEY PSYCHOPATHS AGAINST SICK PEOPLE? *Dr. Phil Leveque Salem-* | Who really believes the reefer madness line anymore? Ask Dwight Holton. (MOLALLA, Ore.) - I cannot get over the television advertisements regarding the Oregon Attorney General election. Dwight Holton, a recent carpetbagger to the State, appeared to have lots of money for his T.V. advertisements and it was acutely interesting to me to discover where all this money was coming from. When I found out, almost by accident, I was truly floored. It turned out that Mr. Holton had his own website, nts, in which 190 organizations and individuals outed themselves as *psychopaths*, trying to kill the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program and condemning some 50,000 Marijuana patients to lives of miserable pain and even death for their egregious ignorance of the great and safe benefits of Cannabis/Marijuana as a highly effective medicine which is even far safer than aspirin or even caffeine or coffee. Visit - "

Saturday, May 19 at 08:05 PM:
nobody special from eh wrote:
"It is pretty easy for anyone to see all campaign activity for any political committee, once you know how. For Dwight Holton, you can go through this list if you like. Inquire away: Visit - cneSearchButtonName=search&cneSearchFilerCommitteeId=15425 "

Thursday, May 17 at 03:57 PM:
somebody from Ore. wrote:
" By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, May 17, 12:43 PM | PORTLAND, Ore. — Medical marijuana advocates have a message for Democratic leaders and federal prosecutors with an eye on political office: Don’t mess with pot. Pushing back against a federal effort to stem the proliferation of medical marijuana operations, one of the nation’s largest drug policy groups claimed credit Wednesday for the defeat of a former federal prosecutor who was the early favorite to win the Democratic primary for Oregon attorney general. As interim U.S. attorney, Dwight Holton called Oregon’s medical marijuana law a “train wreck” and oversaw efforts to crack down on medical marijuana clubs and grow operations that he said were fronts for illegal marijuana sales. Federal prosecutors have led similar crackdowns in other states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal use. Visit -"

Thursday, May 17 at 06:55 AM:
I, also from here wrote:
"Kicking Ass and Taking Names: Another Anti-Medical Marijuana Candidate Bites the Dust | Last night, the medical cannabis advocate community defeated a second anti-medical marijuana candidate in a state Attorney General race. In Oregon, Dwight Holton, a former US attorney, lost in a landslide after medical cannabis became a campaign issue. In 2010, we defeated Steve Cooley in a very close race for California Attorney General. And these are not the only recent victories. Any day now, Connecticut will become the 17th state to adopt medical cannabis laws. Last week, 73% of President Obama's own party in Congress voted against his policy of cracking down on medical marijuana, and the week before, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi stood up to condemn Drug Enforcement Administration raids in medical cannabis states. Visit - marijuana-politicians_b_1522396.html "

Friday, May 11 at 08:27 AM:
plus from here, too wrote:
" Pot Politics: Will Oregon's Attorney General Election Send a Crucial Message to Dispensary- Busting Feds? If the candidate who ordered raids on medical pot growers in Southern Oregon loses the election, the loss may reverberate with US Attorneys around the country.

Medical marijuana has become a major issue in the Democratic primary for attorney general in Oregon. The candidates have staked out starkly different positions on the issue, with former judge Ellen Rosenblum supportive of patients' right to safe and legal access to medical marijuana, and former Interim US Attorney Dwight Holton sharply critical of the program. With no Republican having filed for the office, the winner of the Democratic primary will be the state's next attorney general, and the fate of Oregon's medical marijuana program may hang in the balance. Oregon's voting is done entirely by mail. Ballots went out on April 27 and must be posted by May 15. Visit - 27s_attorney_general_election_send_a_crucial_message_to_dispensary-busting_feds?page=entire "

Tuesday, May 8 at 07:57 AM:
also, I from Ore. wrote:
"Dwight Holton's day job raises questions By John Springer of Portland, Oregon.John is a longtime political activist and retired technology manager active with the Occupy Portland movement.

On May Day, “Solutions” -- a spoke of Occupy Portland -- protested a questionable relationship between Attorney General candidate Dwight Holton and the downtown Portland law firm Lane Powell.

Lane Powell is a major law firm with more than 200 attorneys in offices located throughout Washington, Oregon, Alaska and London, England. According to their website, they engage in a wide range of business litigation, including a “White Collar Criminal Defense” division, which proudly defends dozens of large corporations against charges of price-fixing, tax evasion, water pollution, health care fraud, internet fraud, and other business practices that cheat and harm the 99%. On January 9, two days before he announced his race for AG, Lane Powell issued a press release announcing that Holton had joined Lane Powell as an “addition to our rapidly growing White Collar Criminal Defense Practice”. I wonder why defending corporate criminals while running for office is a great quality in an Attorney General. Visit - "

Monday, May 7 at 07:30 AM:
and from me wrote:
"Re appellate court races:

I have endorsed Sercombe for the Oregon Sup Ct and prefer Volpert for the contested Court of Appeals race, even though he was on the wrong side of the Vernonia School piss case that went to the US Sup Ct.

Lee B., Portland

PS the Oregon State Bar's voting guide for these races (including results of judicial preference polling) is online here: "

Wednesday, May 2 at 08:08 PM:
also from I wrote:
"Holton Rosenblum about 13 min is their first question on MJ > Visit - "

Monday, April 30 at 12:59 PM:
me from here wrote:
"Medical pot lights up attorney general race; Laws and enforcement have become key factors in the campaign > Visit - 90396?pagenumber=2 "

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