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in Oregon State: Legislative Items past and present

Legislative items from year 2015 2015, Legislative items

   House Bill 2546 notes and information House Bill 2546 - Relating to inhalants; Defines (inhalant delivery system), Amends laws concerning sale of tobacco products to, and use of tobacco products by, minors so those laws equally apply to inhalant delivery systems.
   House Bill 2636 notes and information House Bill 2636 - Relating to medical marijuana registration, authorizing physician; Prohibits if physician has provided for 450 or more persons.
   House Bill 2668 notes and information House Bill 2668 - Relating to industrial hemp; Repeals statutes requiring industrial hemp growers and handlers to be licensed by State Department of Agriculture.
   House Bill 2754 notes and information House Bill 2754 - Relating to immunity for persons who seek medical assistance; Exempts person from arrest and prosecution for certain offenses and finding of violation of terms of release or supervision if person contacts emergency medical services or law enforcement agency to obtain necessary medical assistance for other person due to drug-related overdose.
   House Bill 2781 notes and information House Bill 2781 - Relating to prohibition against registry identification card holders at child care facilities; Prohibits Office of Child Care from certifying, registering, recording or providing state funds to child care facility when person with regular presence at facility possesses medical marijuana card.
   House Bill 2980 notes and information House Bill 2980 - Authorizes defendant to request district attorney to approve extension of marijuana possession diversion period.
   Senate Bill 320 notes and information Senate Bill 320 - Allows food establishment located within residential dwelling to produce limited amounts of certain foods for sale to public without being regulated by State Department of Agriculture.
   Senate Bill 364 notes and information Senate Bill 364 - Relating to the classification of marijuana offenses; Requires court to use current classification of marijuana offenses when determining if person is eligible for order setting aside conviction.
   Senate Bill 417 notes and information Senate Bill 417 - Relating to retail sale of products used to deliver substances into a person's respiratory system; Requires premises where person makes retail sales of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems to be licensed by Oregon Liquor Control Commission, exempts medical and adult cannabis use.
   Senate Bill 445 notes and information Senate Bill 445 - Relating to disclosure of information to consumers of marijuana; info on harmful effects of marijuana on pregnant women and potential for marijuana to cause birth defects.
   Senate Bill 460 notes and information Senate Bill 460 - Relating to marijuana facilities and children; Directs Oregon Health Authority to adopt rules providing for relocation of registered medical marijuana facility if school is established.
   Senate Bill 464 notes and information Senate Bill 464 - Relating to extracting cannabinoids from the cannabis plant; Requires specific registration and Authority to adopt rules regulating processing of cannabinoid extracts.
   Senate Bill 479 notes and information Senate Bill 479 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Creates Task Force on Clinical Research of Cannabis and directs task force to study and report on development of medical cannabis industry that provides patients with medical products that meet individual patient needs.
   Senate Bill 480 notes and information Senate Bill 480 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Establishes as semi-independent state agency Clinical Research of Cannabis Board, Directs board to promote use of cannabis as treatment for medical conditions, compile information on medical use of cannabis and identify and support organizations and entities that engage in clinical research of cannabis or that administer cannabis on basis of clinical research.
   Senate Bill 663 notes and information Senate Bill 663 - Requires premises where person makes retail sales of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems to be licensed by Oregon Liquor Control Commission.
   Senate Bill 844 notes and information Senate Bill 844 - Relating to the clinical research of cannabis; Establishes as semi-independent state agency Clinical Research of Cannabis Board, Directs board to promote use of cannabis as treatment for medical conditions, compile information on medical use of cannabis and identify and support organizations and entities that engage in clinical research of cannabis or that administer cannabis on basis of clinical research.
   Senate Bill 964 notes and information Senate Bill 964 - Makes changes to Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, including limiting amount of plants that may be grown at addresses where marijuana grow sites are located and requiring registration of marijuana processing sites. Allows cities and counties to adopt ordinances prohibiting establishment of marijuana processing sites and medical marijuana dispensaries in jurisdiction of city or county.

Legislative items from year 2014 2014, Legislative items

   Senate Bill 1531 notes and information Senate Bill 1531, Medical - Specifies that governing body of city or county may prohibit the establishment or regulate or restrict the operation of medical marijuana facilities.
   Senate Bill 1556 notes and information Senate Bill 1556, Legalization - Declares that person 21 years of age or older legally should be able to possess, transfer or produce marijuana.

Legislative items from year 2013 2013, Legislative items

   Senate Bill 82 notes and information Senate Bill 82, to Remove 6-month Drivers License suspension for Cannabis (Marijuana) possession
   Senate Bill 281 notes and information Senate Bill 281, to add PTSD to the OMMP

Legislative items from year 2012 2012, Legislative items

   Legislative Concept 1749 notes and information Legislative Concept 1749, to add PTSD to the OMMP

   Attorney General Race  notes and information Attorney General Race, the Good and the Bad

   Initiative 9 -- Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA)  notes and information Initiative 9 -- Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA)

   Initiative 24 -- Oregon Marijuana Policy Intiative (OMPI) notes and information Initiative 24 -- Oregon Marijuana Policy Intiative (OMPI)

Legislative items from year 2011 2011, Legislative items

   House Bill 3664 notes and information HB 3664, the "Sum Of All Fears" bill
   Senate Bill 5529 notes and information SB 5529, Increases OMMP Fees

Legislative items from year 2010 2010, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative continues

Legislative items from year 2009 2009, Legislative items

   Initiative 28 notes and information I-28, the Dispensary Initiative
   Senate Bill 388 notes and information SB 388, changes the Program for Law Enforcement; Decreases amount of marijuana that may be possessed by persons responsible for marijuana grow sites to 24 ounces, etc.
   Senate Bill 426 notes and information SB 426, Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace
   Senate Bill 427 notes and information SB 427, Relates to drug-free workplace policies; Requires applicant for medical marijuana registry identification card to notify employer before using marijuana, etc.
   House Bill 2313 notes and information HB 2313, a Land Use bill that could effect Dispensarys
   House Bill 2497 notes and information HB 2497, Relating to employment; Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace
   House Bill 2503 notes and information HB 2503, Relating to medical marijuana in the workplace; Prohibits discrimination in employment under certain circumstances, etc.

Legislative items from year 2007 2007, Legislative items

   House Bill 465 notes and information SB465, a Fire-em-All-and-let-God-sort-out bill

Legislative items from year 2005 2005, Legislative items

   House Bill 1085 notes and information SB1085, needs your attention
   Senate Bill 2693 notes and information HB2693, the "dumb bill gone bad" bill
   Senate Bill 3457 notes and information HB3457, the "Forfeiture" bill
   House Bill 717 notes and information SB717, the anti-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 772 notes and information SB772, the pro-Medical Marijuana bill
   House Bill 2485 notes and information HB2485, the anti-Meth & Marijuana bill
   Senate Bill 294 notes and information SB294, the Hemp bill
   Senate Bill 397 notes and information SB397, Denies Benefits
   Senate Bill 2695 notes and information HB2695, DUI & 2nd-Hand Smoke
   House Bill 717 notes and information HB5077, the "Rob the Sick and Dying Pot-heads" bill

Legislative items from year 2003 2003, Legislative items

   House Bill 2939 notes and information HB2939, a previous bad Medical Marijuana bill

Three Marijuana Legalization Initiatives in Oregon

Three Marijuana Legalization Initiatives in Oregon Read more << about how Oregon marijuana legalization activists are working on three different initiatives aimed at the November 2012 ballot -- but are also offering assurances about unity and working together. Activists in Oregon are serious about legalizing marijuana. There are currently three different marijuana legalization initiative campaigns aimed at the November 2012 ballot underway there and, this year, there are signs the state's fractious marijuana community is going to try to overcome sectarian differences and unify so that the overarching goal -- freeing the weed -- can be attained.

The three initiatives are in varying stages of advancement, with one already engaged in signature-gathering, one just approved for a ballot title, and the third trying to obtain the 1,000 signatures necessary to be granted a ballot title and be approved for signature-gathering. The initiative currently furthest down the path toward the ballot box, is the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act of 2012 [8] (Initiative Petition #9), sponsored by veteran activist and medical marijuana entrepreneur Paul Stanford. It would allow adult Oregonians to possess and grow their own marijuana. It would allow Oregon farmers to grow hemp. And it would license Oregon farmers to grow marijuana to be sold at state-licensed pot stores. An earlier version of OCTA failed to make the ballot last year.   Learn more >>>

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Welcome to MERCYs Legislative Agenda Questionaire, a Medical Cannabis Resource Center Legislative Agenda Info and Action page. 

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This is our page of Legislative Agenda Questionaire Info and Action Items.   The objective is a Questionaire to be utilized by Advocates, Activists and Public to Query folks In and Running For office.

We want to Assemble and Submit a Questionaire on Legislative Agenda Items to current and proposed Legislators and Officials.

A Questionaire is being organized by Anthony Taylor.  Contact him by e-mail at:

1. In 1998, the voters of Oregon passed the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. Â Since that time some changes have been made to the statute but more are needed to increase patient access and resolve other grey areas. Â Under what conditions would you support allowing safe access points for patients to obtain medical marijuana?

2. For many years farmers were allowed, and in some instances required, to grow hemp to be used industrially for items such as rope, fabric, and oils. Hemp is a form of marijuana that contains only negligible amounts of psychoactive substances. Would you support legislation to advance current agricultural technologies being developed around the industrial applications of hemp?

3. Some medical groups and clinics in the State have policies against allowing doctors to prescribe opioid pain medication if a patient is an OMMP card holder. Â This tends to be an insurance/liability issue rather than a medical one. Â Would you support a change to these policies that would allow a broader approach to pain management that includes the use of cannabis?

4. Recently the Veterans Administration relaxed its practices regarding providing health care to veterans who may also hold an OMMP card. Â Many veterans have PTSD, a condition for which medical marijuana has been shown to be effective. In addition, a number of current patients who have other qualifying conditions have found their medical marijuana to be helpful in treating the symptoms of PTSD. Would you support adding PTSD to the list of conditions allowed under statute?

Here are some more questions.

I have also sent them to Cheryl Smith as she had suggested some minor edits to the first four questions which I have included and I have asked her to help me out again in this manner. Please help me out here. I am sure I have not covered everything especially the sentencing questions that Lee and Brian have put forth. You guys are much better at formulating these than I could ever be so help me out with a couple of questions from the trenches.

I am also attaching a spread sheet I am developing as part of our upcoming election strategy with some basic analysis gleaned from voter's pamphlet statements and conversations I have had with others. It is pretty embryonic yet but I will have it fleshed out further in the next week or so.

I really value everyone's input here and I apologize in advance if you feel I have omitted your suggestions that you may have sent me becasue to date, I have not received any input from anyone other than Cheryl. John mentioned Voter Power was putting one together and I would be interested in seeing them.

Again my e-mail address is:

I have not even touched upon initiative law questions, detailed question about mature vs. immature, or as mentioned above, criminal sentencing or Measure 11 issues. We should probably limit questionnairre to 10 or 12 questions and perhaps two or three different questionnairres could be sent under other organizations' letterhead.

I know a candidate questionnairre seems small in light of all the other stuff happening and perhaps a little frivolous or it may appear as an exercise in futility to some, but for those candidates looking to add the numbers of our supporters we can provide, we will get a response. Some of them may even suprise us and be willing to introduce legislation for us. And if we can get a 'friendly', unopposed incumbent on board for instance, we can begin getting stuff into Legislative Counsel for pre-session introduction on our behalf. We also have the opportunity to help place majority control of the house back into the hands of the Democrats. (for what that's worth). In addition, I am willing to pay for printing, mailing, and monitoring responses and keeping all in the loop on this project.

Finally, I am planning on using MPP's (Marijuana Policy Project) research and position papers etc., et al., for candidate informational packets and talking points. I will have that pulled together by end of July. It is really important that 'friendly' candidates are saying what we want them to say about our issues when out on the campaogn trail. This is important to our attempts to begin re-framing the dialogue. This brings me to the point of asking for someone such as Todd (or any volunteer?) to put together a one page, bullet-pointed explanation of OMMA for this packet. I know most candidates are aware of OMMA but few have a working knowledge of the Act and the more knowledgable they are the lest afraid they will be of talking about it. I am also suggesting we include an attention-getting cover letter with info-bites on it such as, "75% of all drug arrests are for simple possession of less than an ounce of marijuana," or, "medical marijuana proven to ease symptoms of PTSD." So packet would consist of:

1). a cover letter with attention grabbing "sound bites,"

2). OMMA summary,

3). two page summary of states with mmj,

and 4). ending with our wish list and why we need proposed changes. Once we have elected candidates, we can follow up with a more detailed "book" of medical marijuana laws. It is also my intention to have the info packet go out to all media sources and outlets here in Oregon.


Anthony Taylor

  the Legis Agenda Questionaire Board  

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Information about Cannabis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Information about Cannabis and Seizures Seizures
Information about Cannabis and Spasms Spasms
Information about Cannabis and Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Information about Cannabis and Tourettes Tourettes Syndrome

Information about CannaButter CannaButter - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Tea Canna-Tea - Tea, a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Cannabis Ticture Ticture - a cannabis-infused medicinal application
Information about Canasol Canasol - a cannabis-based medicine
Information about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) - Rick Simpson Oil
Information about Golden, Honey Oil (GHO) - Golden, Honey Oil
Information about Cannabis and Tar (Resin) Tar (Resin)

Information about Seeds for Medical Cannabis Seeds - for Medical Cannabis and related info
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